Shear Transfer - Calculation Note - 2
Shear Transfer - Calculation Note - 2
Shear Transfer - Calculation Note - 2
FX Fy Fz
Dead Load 0.00 kN/ Block 6.68 kN/ Block 0.00 kN/ Block
kN/ kN/ kN/
Live Load 0.00 85.00 0.00
Wheel Wheel Wheel
Lurching & kN/ kN/ kN/
4.12 10.20 0.00
Racking Force Wheel Wheel Wheel
Centrifugal kN/ kN/ kN/
25.23 32.17 0.00
Force wheel Wheel wheel
Braking &
0.00 kN/ Block 0.00 kN/ Block 2.16 kN/ Block
SIDL 0.00 kN/ Block 0.62 kN/ Block 0.00 kN/ Block
Radial Force
2.30 kN/ Block 0.00 kN/ Block 0.00 kN/ Block
due to Temp.
kN/ kN/ kN/
Earthquake 27.69 35.31 0.00
wheel wheel wheel
LWR 0.00 kN/ Block 0.00 kN/ Block 21.00 kN/ Block
47.60 kN/ Block 0.00 kN/ Block 0.00 kN/ Block
kN/ kN/ kN/
wind Load 0.00 0.00 0.00
Wheel Wheel Wheel
Max Fy Case:
ULS 51.35 44.31 55.15 0.00 83.30
SLS 32.28 27.69 42.36 31.64 47.60
ULS 306.87 66.10 172.65 0.00 9.59
SLS 194.29 42.74 127.68 177.30 7.43
ULS 3.78 0.00 1.51 0.00 0.00
SLS 2.38 0.00 1.08 23.16 0.00
i) It is assumed that all wheel/axel loads are transferred directly to the single fastener.
ii) As the forces like dead load, SIDL etc are uniformly distributed over the length of
rail/plinth, hence these forces are calculated as per fastener loads. Other forces like live
load and wind load acting over live load are transferred to the track plinth through
wheel/axel, hence these loads are calculated as per axel/wheel loads. Hence forces per
wheel/axel are added directly to the per fastener forces.
A) As per Cl 6.2.5, EN-1992-1-1:2000, the shear stress at the interface between concrete cast at
different times shouls satisfy the following:
Firstly, we will check if design shear stress is lesser than design shear resistance at the interface without
shear connectors. If the above is true then there is no need for shear connectors, else shear connectors
shall be provided.
Fv Shear force in the interface.
bi is the width of the interface.
∆x1 length of load transfer area (longitudinal section)
= 30+284+30
= 344 mm 344 584
∆x2 length of load transfer area (longitudinal section)
= 150+284+150
= 584 mm 715
bi width of load transfer area (transverse section)
= 30+535+150
= 715 mm
c & μ are factors which depend on the roughness of the interface.
c = 0.2 (For a slipformed or extruded surface, or a free surface left
μ = 0.6 without further treatment.)
fctd the design tensile strength
(ref: Cl 3.1.6, EN 1992-1-1:2000)
αct = 1
Grade of First stage concrete = M35 or C28.57/35
fck,cube = 35 Mpa
Grade of Track concrete = M35 or C28.57/35
fck,cube = 35 Mpa
αcc = 0.8
fcd = 18.67 Mpa (for M35)
stress per unit area caused by the minimum external normal force across the interface that can
act simultaneously with the shear force, positive for compression, such that σ n < 0,6 fcd, and
negative for tension. When σn is tensile c*fctd should be taken as 0.
B) As per Cl 5.8.4 of AASHTO, the shear transfer between two concrete surfaces cast
at different times (F.S.C. and track).
At the F.S.C. / track interface (full spread section), minimum steel area required is :
Avf ≥ 0.35 Acv / fy
Shear resistance is provided as
Vni = c Acv +µ Avf fy
Acv = 2
Area of concrete considered to be engaged in interface shear transfer (mm )
Area of interface shear reinforcement crossing the shear plane within the area Acv
Avf =
We need to check that this minimum area always resists the factored external shear in the
case concerned :
i.e. Vri = ø V ni
≥ Vui
(Refer AASHTO cl no., eq. no &
Detail calculations:
Block Base 535 mm x 284 mm
W2 = 584
Area, Acv = 3317.6 cm
fck = 35
fy = 500
As shear resistance due to concrete interface, is much greater than the factored interface
shear force, hence only Concrete surface is sufficient to transfer the shear force from track
slab to first stage concrete. However, since the code dictates to use minimum reinforcement Avf, So
only minimum shear reinforcement shall be provided within shear interface area.
The slab dimension considered for the load distribution form single booted block:
Length = length of load transfer area (longitudinal section)
= 344 mm
Width = width of load transfer area (transverse section)
= 715 mm
Load Dispersion Area (A)
= 344 x 715
= 245960 mm
Maximum Vertical Load "Fy"
Fy = 306.87 kN
Pressure transferred to First Stage Concrete
P = 306.87 x 1000 / 245960
= 1.25 Mpa
Bearing capacity of First Stage Concrete
= 0.45 fck (ref: Cl 34.4, IS 456:2000)
= 15.75 Mpa
Since, Design Pressure < Bearing Capacity
As per Cl (b) of IS 456:2000, Punching Shear is calculated at d/2 depth, from the base
of Booted block.
Punching Shear, Vd
Vd = 306.87 x 1000 / ( 2013 x 150 )
= 1.02 Mpa