Stationary Batteries - Lead-Acid Type - With Pasted Positive Plates - Specification
Stationary Batteries - Lead-Acid Type - With Pasted Positive Plates - Specification
Stationary Batteries - Lead-Acid Type - With Pasted Positive Plates - Specification
(Reaffirmed 2002)
Edition 3.1
Indian Standard
( Second Revision )
(Incorporating Amendment No. 1)
UDC 621.355.2
© BIS 2003
Price Group 3
Secondary Cells and Batteries Sectional Committee, ETD 11
This Indian Standard (Second Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the
draft finalized by the Secondary Cells and Batteries Sectional Committee had been approved by
the Electrotechnical Division Council.
This revision is to up-date the standard and bring it in line with latest practices and includes some
more capacity ratings of the batteries.
This standard was first published in 1980. In the first revision the standard was updated to bring
in line with the latest practices, and the stationary cell capacities were rationalized to 19 standard
capacities used by the Indian Posts and Telegraphs Department.
The cells covered by this specification may have pasted positive plates using either pure lead low
antimonial lead-alloy or lead-calcium positive grids. The modern practice in the construction of
stationary cells using pasted positive plates is to employ double separation with a glass-wool
retainer mat or any other suitable material placed against the surface of the positive plates, for
good service life.
The endurance test specified in the standard may not be suitable for lead-calcium cells should
these be introduced at a later date. The reason is that at a current of I = 0.1 × C10A, the voltage of
such cells is likely to rise to around 2.9 V, which would be very severe and may yield unrealistic
results on this system which is very durable on float duty.
The standard gives the overall dimensions, capacities and performance requirements of stationary
cells and batteries of lead-acid type with pasted plates. The tests for performance specified in this
standard are to be carried out in ambient conditions. The result of such tests should be corrected to
the standard atmospheric conditions, if required.
This edition 3.1 incorporates Amendment No. 1 (August 2003). Side bar indicates modification of
the text as the result of incorporation of the amendment.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with,
the final value, observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded
off in accordance with IS 2 : 1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values ( revised )’. The number
of significant places retained in the rounded off value should be same as that of the specified value
in this standard.
IS 6304 : 1992
Indian Standard
( Second Revision )
1 SCOPE 4.2 Containers
This standard specifies overall dimensions, Containers shall be made of rubber, suitable
capacities and performance requirements of plastics material, fibre glass reinforced plastics
stationary cells and batteries using pasted type or lead-lined wood.
positive and negative plates.
4.2.1 Containers made of rubber, fibre
2 REFERENCES reinforced plastic ( ERP ) or plastics shall
conform to IS 1146 : 1981.
The Indian Standards listed in Annex A are
necessary adjunct to this standard. NOTE — The requirements for lead-lined wood
containers shall be subject to agreement between the
user and the manufacturer.
3.0 For the purpose of the standard, this 4.3 Cell Lids
definitions given in IS 1885 (Part 8) : 1986 in Lids used with sealed or closed type cells shall
addition to the following shall apply. be of rubber, plastics, glass or fibre-glass
reinforced plastics and shall be provided with a
3.1 Type Tests
vent plug. If containers are opaque, there shall
Tests carried out to prove conformity with the be provision for an electrolyte level indicating
requirements of this standard. These are device on closed or sealed cells.
intended to prove the general quality and
designs of a given type of batteries. 4.4 Venting Device
IS 6304 : 1992
IS 6304 : 1992
7.1.1 The following additional information shall Type tests shall be carried out on three
be given on the instruction cards supplied with cells. Two cells shall undergo all tests except
the cell or the battery: endurance test while the other would undergo
endurance test preceded by a capacity test.
a) Ampere-hours capacity,
b) Manufacturer’s instructions for filling and If any of the samples fails in the
first charging of the cell/battery together relevant type test, the testing or inspecting
with normal charging instructions, authority may call for fresh samples not
exceeding twice the original number and
c) Maintenance instruction, and subject them again to all the tests or test in
d) Designation of the cell/battery in which the failure has occurred as agreed to
accordance with this standard. between the manufacturer and the buyer. If
there is any failure in any of the retests, the
7.1.2 The cells and batteries may also be
type shall be considered as not having passed
marked with the Standard Mark.
the requirements of this standard.
8 TESTS 8.4.2 Acceptance
8.1 Temperature for Tests The following shall constitute the
The temperature of electrolyte during the test acceptance tests:
discharge shall be within 16°C and 38°C.
a) Visual examination (4.3, 4.4, 4.6, 4.8, 4.9,
8.2 Specific Gravity 4.10 and 7);
For the purpose of test requirements, the b) Checking of dimensions (6);
specific gravity or electrolyte of fully charged c) Test for capacity (8.6); and
cell shall be 1.200 ± 0.005 corrected to 27°C.
Temperature correction for hydrometer d) Test for voltages during discharge (8.10).
readings of specific gravity shall be made as
follows: A recommended sampling plan and
criteria for the acceptance of a lot is given
a) For each 1°C above 27°C, 0.000 7 to be under 11.1.4 of IS 8320 : 2000.
added to the observed readings; and
b) For each 1°C below 27°C, 0.000 7 to be 8.5 First Charge
subtracted from the observed readings. The cell or battery, if received in the dry
8.3 Test Equipment uncharged condition, shall be filled with the
electrolyte and charged in accordance with the
The voltmeters, ammeters, thermometers and manufacturer’s instructions.
hydrometers used for the tests shall comply
with the requirements of 5.2 of IS 8320 : 1982. 8.6 Test for Capacity
NOTE — Digital/Analog meters may be used.
After, standing on open circuit for not less than
8.4 Classification of Tests 12 h and not more than 18 h (this open circuit
stand may be reduced by agreement between
8.4.1 Type Tests the purchaser and the manufacturer) from The following shall constitute type completion of a full charge, the battery or cell
tests: shall be discharged as given under 8.6.1
and 8.6.2.
a) Visual examination (4.3, 4.4, 4.6, 4.8, 4.9,
4.10 and 7); 8.6.1 The battery shall be discharged through a
suitable variable resistance at constant current
b) Tests for materials and components (4.1, of I = 0.1 C10 A. The discharge shall be stopped
4.2, 4.5, 4.7 and 4.11); when the closed circuit voltage across the
c) Checking of dimensions (6); battery falls to 1.85 × nV.
d) Test for capacity (8.6); NOTE — If however, a test discharge cannot be
conductored within the specified rest period due to any
e) Test for retention of charge (8.7); exigencies, a freshening charge may be given to the
f) Ampere-hour and watt-hour efficiency cell/battery at the finishing rate of charge recommended
by the manufacturer for a period of 1 hour after every
tests (8.8); 24 h or part thereof, of extended rest period. The
g) Endurance test (8.9); and capacity test, however, can be started after a minimum
period of two hours elapsing after this freshening
h) Test for voltages during discharge (8.10) charge.
IS 6304 : 1992 The cell shall give not less than 85 Table 2 Capacities and Final Cell Voltages at
percent of its rated capacity after the first cycle. Various Rates of Discharge at 27°C
The rated capacity should be obtained within 5 ( Clauses 8.6.3 and 8.6.5 )
cycles. The cell shall not be subjected to further
cycles once the rated capacity has been Discharge Ah-Capacity as Cell and Variation of
Rate Percentage of Voltage Capacity per
reached. Standard 10-H °C
8.6.2 During the discharge, voltage, tempera-
(1) (2) (3) (4)
ture and specific gravity readings shall be
taken at hourly intervals. The battery shall be h percent V percent
charged at the normal charging rate 1 50 1.75 1.1
immediately after discharge. 2 63.3 1.78 0.98
3 71.7 1.80 0.91
8.6.3 The capacity in ampere-hours obtained on 4 78.2 1.81 0.87
the discharge shall be corrected to 27°C by 5 83.3 1.82 0.84
applying the temperature correction given in 6 87.9 1.83 0.82
Table 2. 7 91.7 1.83 0.81
8 95 1.84 0.81
8.6.4 Requirement 9 98 1.84 0.80
10 100 1.85 0.80
The period of discharge shall be not less than
10 + 0.08 (t – 27). The actual capacity shall be 8.7.6 The loss of capacity S expressed as a
not more than 12 + 0.08 (t – 27), t being the test percentage is calculated from the following
temperature. formula:
8.6.5 Alternative Rates of Test Discharge
C – C´
S = ---------------- × 100
Test for capacity, by agreement between the C
purchaser and the supplier, may be carried out
at any rate other than 10-h rate. In such cases, 8.7.7 Requirement
the 3-h rate is recommended. Capacities at The loss of capacity shall not exceed 10 percent.
various rates of discharge and corresponding
final voltages are given in Table 2.
8.8 Ampere-Hour and Watt-Hour Efficiency
8.7 Test for Retention of Charge
8.8.1 Ampere-Hour Efficiency Test
8.7.1 A cell or battery which has successfully
passed the tests mentioned in 8.6 shall be A fully charged cell or battery shall be dis-
tested for the loss of capacity on open circuit. charged at I = 0.1 × C10 A to an end voltage of
1.8 × nV, careful measurements being made of
8.7.2 The cell or battery shall be fully the exact number of ampere-hours delivered.
recharged at the current specified by the On recharge the same number of ampere-hours
manufacturer and shall then be submitted to are put back at the same current. A second
two consecutive capacity tests in accordance discharge shall then be made to the same
with 8.6, the value of the initial capacity C, cut-off voltage as before. The efficiency of the
being calculated as the mean of the two results cell or battery is then calculated as the ratio of
thus obtained. the ampere-hour delivered during the second
discharge to the ampere-hour put in on the
8.7.3 After a complete recharge and the charge.
cleaning of electrolyte from its surface, the cell
or battery shall be left on open circuit for a The ampere-hour efficiency when calcu-
period of 21 days without disturbance, at a lated as described in 8.8.1 shall be not less than
temperature of 27°C ± 2°C. 90 percent.
8.7.4 After the storage period of 21 days, the 8.8.2 Watt-Hour Efficiency
cell or battery shall be discharged in accordance
with 8.6. The value of capacity measured after The watt-hour efficiency shall be calculated by
storage is denoted by C´. multiplying the ampere-hour efficiency by the
ratio of average discharge and recharge
8.7.5 After the discharge, the cell or battery voltage. The values of discharge and recharge
shall be fully charged at the rate recommended voltages shall be calculated from the log sheets
by the manufacturer. for ampere-hour efficiency test.
IS 6304 : 1992
( Clause 2 )
IS 6304 : 1992
( Clause 9.1 )
B-1 When enquiring about or ordering for f) The proposed method of working, that is
stationary cells and batteries lead-acid type charge-discharge, float working for stand
with pasted plates, the following information by with or without trickle charging. In
should be furnished by the purchaser: case of float working, the floating voltage
a) Number of identical batteries required; and the limits of regulation are to be
b) Number of cells per battery;
g) Whether stands are required and if so,
c) Details, if it is proposed to use any of the details of layout or space available;
cells of a battery at different rates of
charge and discharge; h) The proposed location of installation and
the expected dates of tests to be
d) Capacity (in ampere-hours at the 10 h conducted;
rate) and discharge duty of batteries;
j) Accessories and spares required, if any;
e) Cell designation in accordance with this
k) Special conditions, if any.
( Clause 9.1 )
C-1 When supplying stationary cells or k) Type and material of the separators;
batteries lead-acid type with pasted plates, the m) Type and materials of retainers;
following particulars should be furnished by
the supplier: n) Material of container;
p) Amount and specific gravity of electrolyte
a) Capacity of cell or battery at the 10 h rate;
per cell required for first filling;
b) Manufacturer’s name;
q) Recommended specific gravity of
c) Cell designation in accordance with the electrolyte at the end of a full charge;
r) Expected specific gravity of electrolyte at
d) Type of plates; the end of discharge at 10-h rate;
e) Method of connection between cells, that s) Overall dimensions of each cell;
is, whether bolted or burnt;
t) Distance between the centres of cells when
f) Material of lid and lid terminals, if used; erected;
g) Recommended starting and finishing u) Weight of cell complete with acid;
rates of charge;
v) Recommended maximum storage period
h) Voltage per cell at the end of charge; before the first charge; and
j) Recommended trickle charging rate; w) Internal resistance of the cell.
Standard Mark
The use of the Standard Mark is governed by the provisions of the Bureau of Indian
Standards Act, 1986 and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder. The Standard Mark on
products covered by an Indian Standard conveys the assurance that they have been produced
to comply with the requirements of that standard under a well defined system of inspection,
testing and quality control which is devised and supervised by BIS and operated by the
producer. Standard marked products are also continuously checked by BIS for conformity to
that standard as a further safeguard. Details of conditions under which a licence for the use of
the Standard Mark may be granted to manufacturers or producers may be obtained from the
Bureau of Indian Standards.
Bureau of Indian Standards
BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods and
attending to connected matters in the country.
BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form
without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of
implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations.
Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.