Analysis of Road Safetyrafik

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Analysis Of Road Safety On The Secondary Road Network In Albania

Luiza Lluri
“ Aleksandër Moisiu ” University, Professional Studies Faculty, Department of Engineering Sciences &
Marine , Durrës, Albania
Alma Golgota
“ Aleksandër Moisiu ” University, Professional Studies Faculty, Department of Engineering Sciences &
Marine , Durrës, Albania

Fatal and injury accidents increase as traffic congestion increases. Congestion is a well-known
traffic problem, in particular on motorways. On the secondary road network, the same problem
arises when traffic volume increases. To evaluate the effect of congestion on road accidents, it is
of importance to measure traffic congestion correctly. Overall traffic congestion has a negative
impact on road safety. Increased traffic congestion reduces road safety on major roads.
Congestion has an impact on both the speed of travel and on the reliability of travel conditions.
This study is limited to the relationship of road congestion and road safety on 80 km / h roads
that are part of the secondary road network.. These roads have different types of intersections,
namely signalized or priority intersections and roundabouts. Road accident data analysis as a
perspective of engineers revolves around the two major factors: geometric design and traffic
characteristics. Because of that reason, hotspot identification of accident-prone locations remains
a focal point of interests for transportation engineers. Many researches are involved in
relationship analysis of accidents in context of volume/capacity (V/C) , vehicles miles travelled
(VMT), vehicles hours travelled (VHT) , speed , flow and geometric design.
Considering that the effect of traffic congestion on accident severity is limited and not uniform
over accidents, the effect of traffic congestion on accident frequency is argued to be more
significant and important than accident severity. The two most common types of intersections,
roundabouts and signalized intersections are discussed in the present study. From the perspective
of the sustainable safety vision, roundabouts are the preferred control since they reduce conflicts
and conflicting speeds. Traffic signals, although essential from a capacity point of view, are not a
preferable alternative from a safety perspective since they result in high speeds and red light
violations, and lead to relatively high crash rates. From a road safety point of view, a roundabout
is safer than a traditional 3 or 4 arm intersection as there are fewer conflict locations.

Keywords: traffic congestion, accident data, secondary road network, road safety.

Roads with a speed limit of 80 km/h are part of the secondary road network and generally they
are single carriageway two-lane roads outside the built-up area. Our road network has different
types of intersections between two 80 km/h roads where two common types are: roundabouts and
signalized intersections. Since traffic congestion increases accident frequency increases too, but
decreases accident severity. It can be concluded that traffic congestion has a mixed effect on road
safety. Congestion has an impact on both average travel speed and travel time reliability. The
most obvious consequence of congestion is the increase in travel time, especially at peak periods,
which has reached levels well above those considered acceptable in some cities. In addition, the
slow pace of circulation is a source of exasperation and triggers aggressive behavior in drivers.
Road network in Albania cannot keep up with the growing volume of traffic. At certain times of
day, traffic volumes increase, the driven speed decreases and roads get congested. Furthermore,
the number of interactions between road users increases. In general, higher traffic volumes and
congestion affect road safety. Limited road safety constitutes a major problem for Albania, as the
number of accidents with either fatal casualties, serious or light injuries have increased
significantly over the last 10 years. The number of road traffic victims and the severity of the
injuries are the most direct measure of road safety. However, it is also useful to monitor road
user behavior or characteristics of the road that have been proven to relate to the road safety
level. Such safety performance indicators help in giving a more complete picture of the level of
transport safety and in understanding road crash trends. Other tools such as public surveys or
online knowledge portals can also help to increase general road safety awareness. Making road
safety a priority means placing a higher value on life and respecting others in the community we
This report focuses on the effects of traffic volume on road safety. The aim is to gain more
insight into the relationship between traffic volume and road safety and is limited to road
sections and intersections on road network in Albania. The two most common types of
intersections, roundabouts and signalized intersections are discussed in the present study. During
the last five years fatalities have remained within a band ranging between 300 and 390 per year
or equivalent to a rate of between 10 and 12 fatalities per 100,000 persons. This is a very high
range in terms of European standards and the country is aiming to halving it by 2020. The traffic
congestion has a mixed effect on road safety: increased traffic congestion has a negative impact
on road safety in terms of increased accident frequency; it however has a positive impact on road
safety in terms of decreased accident severity. Since the effect of traffic congestion on accident
severity is marginal, it was argued that overall traffic congestion has a negative impact on road
safety. As such it is desirable for transport policy makers to reduce traffic congestion so as to
improve road safety. Road crashes often result from a series of root causes: the vehicle (a factor
up to 10 per cent of crashes), road infrastructure (to which 10 to 20 per cent of crashes may be
attributed) and road user behavior (which is responsible at least in part for some 80 to 90 per cent
of road crashes). The most important traffic flow characteristics are:
flow (q): the number of vehicles passing a specific point or short section in a give period of time
in a single lane,
density (k): the number of vehicles occupying a section of roadway in a single lane,

speed (u)the average rate of motion. Figure 1 shows the road accidents by months, January 2015
– January 2019. At table 1 are described main factors involved in a road accident.







January -2015 January -2016 January -2017 January -2018 Januar 2019

Fig. 1 Road accidents by months, January 2015 – January 2019

Table 1 Factors involved in a road accident

Category Factors
Traffic characteristics Speed / Density / Flow / Congestion
Road infrastructure and Street/road layout Road geometry (e.g. number of lanes and road
geometry, vehicle curvature) / Infrastructure quality / Vehicle design
Demographic, driving Age, gender, population and employment densities / Seat belt,
behavior, and land use helmet usage / Shopping ,commercial activities; urban scale.
Environment Lighting/ Road surface conditions / Weather (e.g., rain, snow).

Figure 2 shows the basic traffic flow correlations in three diagrams. These correlations are rather
theoretical. The actual field conditions need to be described while distinguishing more
sophisticated correlations.

Figure 2. Traffic flow diagrams

However, for the purpose of this study, a description of the theoretical correlations suffices.
When there are hardly any vehicles and therefore density approaches zero, speed will approach
free-flow speed, meaning that a driver’s speed is not influenced by that of other drivers. Speed
will decrease to an optimum speed when density increases to the optimal value. As there are
more vehicles on the roadway, there is more interaction of vehicles. At the same time, traffic
flow will increase to the maximum flow called capacity. A further increase of density to the
maximum value or jam density will result in a further reduction of speed until speed approaches
zero. Flow will also decrease and approach zero. In such a case, vehicles are queuing in a traffic
jam. The flow-speed and the density-flow diagrams are used to characterize the operational
conditions of the traffic flow. These conditions are called the level of service (LOS), which is a
qualitative measure. The level of service is based on measures such as speed and freedom to
maneuver. In the Highway Capacity Manual, six levels are defined from A to F, describing the
best operating conditions. Table 2 shows the six levels of service 1.
Table 2. The six levels of service
Symbol Level of service
A Free flow
B Reasonably free flow
C Stable flow
D Approaching unstable flow
E Unstable flow
F Forced or breakdown flow

To study the relationship between road safety and traffic volume on the national roads network,
it is necessary to make a distinction between road sections and intersections as these have
different characteristics. An example of an uninterrupted traffic application is a motorway-type
facility such as a road section. A signalized intersection is an example of an interrupted traffic
application. Uninterrupted flow facilities do not have external fixed elements which might
disrupt traffic flow, such as traffic signals. At interrupted flow facilities, there are controlled
access points such as traffic signals and uncontrolled access points such as stop signs which may
interrupt the traffic flow. These access points cause the traffic to stop periodically or slow down
significantly, irrespective of the volume of traffic. The traffic process of road sections and
intersections is described in the next paragraphs. On the basis of those traffic processes,
expectations about how traffic volume affects road safety are formulated and presented in the
next paragraphs.
Road network
When considering the combined road sections and intersections in the road network, a growing
volume of traffic affects road safety negatively as vehicles take shortcuts to avoid the congested
roads. Vehicles take short cuts on the secondary road network (80 km/h roads) when the
motorway becomes congested. Similar to this, shortcuts on the 60 km/h roads will be taken when
the secondary road network becomes congested. This is not a desirable situation since the
shortcuts are usually over roads that are not designed for large volumes of motorized traffic and

defined by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials AASHTO
generally also have bicyclists and pedestrians using them. The issue of shortcuts is not part of the
present study. Studying the effects on road safety, the various crash types and crash severity
levels will be considered. Road sections are uninterrupted flow facilities where ‘traffic flow
conditions result from the interactions among vehicles in the traffic flow, and between vehicles
and the geometric and environmental characteristics of the roadway. When there is not much
traffic, speed will be high, as there is low interaction between vehicles. If allowed, vehicles can
overtake each other. It is known that crash severity is higher when speeds are high. It is expected
that when there is not much traffic, more single vehicle crashes will occur. Overall length of road
network in Albania 18,300 Km, included: 19 main axes of our National Road Network. (figure
 National roads
 Local road
 Urban or municipal roads
 Private access roads

Figure 3 Road network in Albania

As density and flow increase, speed decreases which results in lower crash severity of single
vehicle crashes. This situation is also expected to result in a change of crash type, as speed of
vehicles is now limited by the vehicle in front. Since it becomes more difficult to overtake other
vehicles, the number of single vehicle crashes will decrease, but the amount of head-on crashes
will increase. It is also expected that an increase in density and flow will result in an increase of
the number of risky overtaking maneuver and in a higher crash severity of head-on crashes.
When the road is oversaturated (high density, low speed), overtaking maneuvers are no longer
possible, resulting in a decreasing number of head-on crashes.

Table 3 Road accidents
Period Total Killed persons Injured persons
Accidents Female Accidents Female

January -2018 134 1 12 51 111

January- 2019 104 5 10 49 89

The annual -22.4 400.0 -16.7 -3.9 -19.8

progressive change

Table 4 Road accidents by users of road

Period Accidents by Klled persons by
Behavior Behavior Behavior Behavior
of the pedestrain of the pedestrain
driver driver
January -2018 100 34 9 4

January- 2019 90 14 14 1

The annual progressive -10.0 -58.8 55.6 -75.0

change (%)

Table. 5 Road accidents by driver’s age

Period 0- 25 25- 35 35- 45 45-60 60+ Left the

year old year old year old year old year old accident

January -2018 26 23 28 33 10 14

January- 2019 23 30 23 18 4 6

The annual progressive change -11.5 30.4 -17.9 -45.5 -60.0 -57.1

According to INSTAT, in May 2019, 115 road accidents were recorded, out of 155 accidents in
May 2018, down 25.8% compared to the same period of the previous year. The number of
accidents in the first five months of 2019 is 583, from 659, down 11.5% compared to the same
period of 2018. The number of casualties (killed and injured) is 143, from 201 that was a year
ago, falling by 28.9%. The number of casualties in the first five months of 2019 is 773 people,
out of 852 people, falling by 9.3% compared to the same period of 2018.Road accidents, in
87.0% of cases, occurred as a result of the driver's behavior. The highest number of accidents in
this period was performed by the age group 25-35 years, accounting for 27.0% of the total
number of accidents. Accidents in this age group have decreased by 24.4% compared to the same
period a year earlier. However, there will be more rear-end crashes. But since speeds are low,
crash severity is expected to be low. There are developing crash prediction models in order to
estimate the road safety performance of certain road types or intersection types. Crash prediction
models are mathematical models that express the safety performance of road types or
intersection types or a road network, based on traffic and road characteristics.

The following equation of a crash prediction model is the basic form of almost all models
E(ʎ)=a QβeƩ yi xi ( 1)
where E(λ) is the estimated number of crashes, Q is traffic volume, xi is a risk factor (i = 1, 2, 3,
…, n), γi is the corresponding coefficient and β is the effect of traffic volume on crashes. The
aim of crash prediction models is to provide insight into the safety level of types of roads and
intersections. Crash prediction models can also be used to monitor the safety performance of a
road network and give road authorities the opportunity to enhance it in case it is necessary.
As can be seen in equation 1, traffic volume is a variable in crash prediction models. In general,
the annual average daily traffic (AADT) is used to represent traffic volume. To develop such
models, a considerable amount of data is required, in particular data related to the length of and
annual average daily traffic (AADT) on these roads. A crash prediction model can also be
represented by a graph, see figure 4. On the x-axis, the AADT is plotted, and on the y-axis the
number of road crashes per kilometer. On the x-axis the annual traffic volume (AADT) of
different intersections is displayed, which means that it does not represent an increasing traffic
volume of a single intersection.

Figure 4. Graph of crash prediction model

Another comment concerns the variable AADT itself. The AADT is the average number of
vehicles in one year, which means that variations in traffic volume are averaged out. These
variations in traffic volume occur depending on both the hour of the day and the day of the week.
Differences in traffic volume over the months, for example during holidays and as a consequence
of seasonal conditions (rain, snow), are not considered either. Studies on crash prediction models
do not always focus on how traffic volumes affect road safety. They usually do focus on the
Figure 2. Graph of crash prediction model
influence of infrastructural characteristics on road safety. In fact, road safety is without doubt an
(adapted from Reurings & Janssen (2007)).
area where action by the public authorities can be profitable. Investing in road safety leads to
economic savings while protecting both a country’s current population and its future generations.
Making road safety a priority should not be equated with creating added burdens for road users,
as is sometimes associated with the implementation of new or more stringent traffic laws such as
speed limits or seat-belt laws.
Road sections
The number of crashes increases with an increasing traffic volume. This increase is not a
proportional one, however. This means that the crash rate, which is here defined as ‘the number

of crashes per motor vehicle kilometer, decreases with increasing traffic volume. It is however
unknown whether this is due to the higher traffic volumes or to a safer design of roads with
higher traffic volumes. Some relationships are investigated, namely the relationship between (1)
crash frequency and congestion level, (2) crash rate (which is defined as ‘the ratio between the
number of crashes and associated volumes’) and congestion level and (3) crash severity and
congestion level. The volume per lane is taken as the surrogate variable for congestion. Peak
(7:00-9:00 and 16:00-18:00) and off-peak periods at five arterials are investigated. For the
relationship between crash frequency and congestion level, there is an increase in crash
frequency on arterials with increases in traffic volume. If the number of intersections per unit
length (intersection density) on arterials increases, the crash frequency seems to increase as well.
For the relationship between crash rate and congestion level on arterials, the crash rate declines if
the traffic volume increases. In general, the crash rate increases as intersection density increases.
The analysis of the relationship between crash severity and congestion level on arterials leads to
the conclusion that crashes with a lower severity level are more likely to occur at arterials,
whereas at intersections crashes with a higher severity level are more likely to occur when
compared to road sections. In general, the collision rate decreases as the traffic flow increases,
but it may be that the collision rate does not increase significantly. An increasing traffic flow
consisting of both cars and trucks is shown to lead to a decrease in crash rate. However, the crash
rate is constant or even increases when only cars.
Conflicts at an intersection are different for different types of intersection. The essence of the
intersection control is to resolve these conflicts at the intersection for the safe and efficient
movement of both vehicular traffic and pedestrians. Two methods of intersection controls are
there: time sharing and space sharing. The type of intersection control that has to be adopted
depends on the traffic volume, road geometry, cost involved, importance of the road etc. Crash
prediction models have also been developed for intersections. Increasing minor road traffic
volumes lead to higher crash rates (number of crashes per million vehicle kilometers). When the
volume of traffic on the minor road is high, crashes with a left-turning vehicle are in general
more frequent while single vehicle crashes are less frequent. The volume of traffic on the minor
road is more important at four-arm than at three-arm intersections.
As traffic volume increases, the percentage of crossing and rear-end crashes increases while the
number of single vehicle crashes decreases. According to the author, many multiple vehicle
crashes ‘have originated as potential single vehicle’ crashes where the vehicles concerned
crashed into another vehicle instead of running off the road or crashing into an obstacle. In these
situations, the presence of other vehicles seems to be naturally correlated with traffic volume. It
also appears that with increasing volumes, the risk of rear-end crashes increases as a result of the
traffic driving in platoons with short headways. In conclusion, it appears that the number of
crashes and their victims is proportional to the total number of vehicles entering the intersection
and that the risk of crashes increases with an increasing traffic volume on the minor road.
Three volume levels are investigated: low (1,500 vehicles per hour), medium (2,000 vehicles per
hour) and high (2,500 vehicles per hour). From the results it appears that, with an increasing
volume, the percentage of vehicles in conflict increases for both roundabouts and signalized
intersections. When analyzing rear-end conflicts, signalized intersections have a significantly

higher proportion of vehicles being in conflict than roundabouts have. According to the authors,
roundabouts ‘result in a reduced exposure to rear-end traffic compared with signalized traffic
control at intersections.
The previous sections describe different studies on the relationship between traffic volume and
road safety. Many studies state that the subject matter of the study is the relation between road
characteristics (e.g. median treatment, number of lanes), traffic volume and crash
rate/severity/frequency, the studies do in fact not focus on the relation between traffic volume
and road safety. Especially studies in which crash prediction models are developed do not
explicitly investigate how traffic volume affects road safety. This does not mean that data on
traffic volume are not collected or used. In fact, traffic volume is the requisite variable in order to
be able to develop crash prediction models. In other studies, traffic volume is not used as an
explanatory variable, but the effect of traffic volume is cancelled out by normalizing crash rates
for traffic volume. Since the primary road network is burdened with increasing congestion, there
is a possibility that the secondary road network will consequently experience increasing traffic
volumes. It is therefore important to understand the relationship between traffic volume and road
safety on this network as well. A four-branch intersection with a roundabout contains only 8
potential conflict points (32 without). It simplifies conflict situations: vehicles weave in and out,
without crossing paths. It reduces speed at conflict points: all vehicles have to follow a curved
path, and slow down when entering the roundabout and weaving. It reduces waiting time, since
they have a large capacity and a relatively quick traffic flow.
 In general, as traffic volumes increase, the number of crashes seems to increase but the
crash rate seems to decrease. With an increase in traffic volumes, the number of multiple
vehicle crashes seems to increase in contrast to single vehicle crashes..
 As traffic volumes increase the percentage of crossing and rear-end crashes seems to
increase as well. The number of crashes and victims is proportional to the number of
vehicles entering the intersection, and the risk of crashes increases when the traffic
volume on the minor road increases.
 Red light running is affected by traffic volume, as most of the red light running cases
occur during peak periods. The platoons of vehicles are approaching the intersection at
the end of the yellow phase and some following drivers do not anticipate that leading
drivers will stop, resulting in a relatively high incidence of rear-end crashes.
 Traffic intersections are problem spots on any highway, which contribute to a large share
of accidents. For safe operation, these locations should be kept under some level of
control depending upon the traffic quantity and behavior.
 Roundabout is the safest of all intersection types. It avoids encounters between vehicles
driving in opposite directions.
 Keeping congestion under control is an ongoing, never-ending task. Tools exist for this
purpose, but a set of measures which has the support of the local population is needed in
order not to run the risk of succumbing in the face of the modern scourge of traffic
 Rapid action needs to be taken to address the major risk factors, despite the disadvantages
and inadequacy of the accident data collection system, the quality of the road network
and the condition of the country's vehicles.


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