Immolean Wizard: Burned by Desire Cursed Treasure
Immolean Wizard: Burned by Desire Cursed Treasure
Immolean Wizard: Burned by Desire Cursed Treasure
Burned by Desire
Ensconced in obsidian towers and volcanic sanctuaries,
covens of ash-marked mages rehearse an esoteric language
of shadow, flame, and desire. Immolean is one of the five
true tongues of magic, and anyone versed in its perfumed Cursed Treasure
poetry has absorbed a philosophy of calculation and Starting at 6th level, you can use an action to charm a
deception. Wizards of this tradition can bend flame to sear creature within 30 feet, making it crave a small bauble in
their foes, but their greatest strength is in divining and your hand for one minute, or until they are attacked. If the
exploiting the passions of others; all creatures stumble creature fails a Wisdom save against your wizard spell save
towards the candlelight of their desires, blinded by the DC, they will do or say almost anything to get the bauble; if
smoke of ignorance, and it is the art of the Immolean they acquire it, they become totally transfixed. You must
Wizard to shape these forces. take a short or long rest to use this feature again.
This class is a variant of the base Wizard, and uses Additionally, you may prepare a cursed treasure as
those rules and features except where noted below. The an hour-long ritual, enchanting an item worth at least 100
following features replace the Arcane Tradition feature. gold with a curse from the list below. Whenever a creature
other than you comes into possession of an unattuned
Immolean Training cursed treasure, they must make a Wisdom save against
Instead of casting spells from the wizard spell list, you cast your wizard spell save DC or become attuned to it. The
spells from the Immolean spell list. You may cast other attuned creature must repeat that saving throw in situations
wizard spells from scrolls, but you cannot copy them to specified by the curse, and on a failure the creature is
your spellbook. Add Ignan and Infernal to your known compelled to commit a vice. Attunement can be broken by
The Sadist’s Knife. If the victim perceives a vulnerability in create magically binding contracts
another person, they must make a Wisdom saving throw or between two creatures. Once you
exploit that person’s vulnerability to cause them pain. have agreed upon all the conditions
and requirements of a deal, you
The Sword of Wrath. Whenever circumstances disappoint may conjure a scroll as an action, which appears in a burst
the victim, they must make a Wisdom saving throw to resist of flame and contains the text of the agreement written out
flying into a rage, in which they attempt to destroy any in any language you know. Once both parties sign the scroll,
object or person who symbolizes (however tenuously) their they are each subjected to a geas spell compelling them to
disappointment. fulfil their end of the bargain.
The Ring of Envy. The victim becomes extremely desirous While creating the contract, you may replace the
of others’ possessions. Once a day, the victim must make a default geas punishment by casting one spell you know
Wisdom saving throw to resist seizing, stealing, or from the following list: bestow curse, banishment, magic jar,
demanding an object prized by another. teleport, feeblemind, power word kill, imprisonment. You
The Crown of Pride. Whenever the victim perceives a must make all possible decisions for the punishment spell
slight, real or imagined, they must make a Wisdom saving before the contract will form. Whenever a creature violates
throw to resist viewing the transgressor as a mortal enemy; their geas, they are subjected to the punishment spell and
if the insult threatens the victim’s reputation, they will automatically fail any resulting saving throws.
immediately challenge the offender. The victim will do The geas cannot be ended early except by mutual
everything in their power to undermine or eradicate this agreement or by the wish spell – destroying the physical
new foe. scroll has no effect.