Occultist Revision
Occultist Revision
Occultist Revision
No student of the occult lasts long if they do not take certain precautions before they set out
on their studies. As well as understanding on how to hide from the prying eyes of inquisitors
that may find your particular research upsetting.
At 2nd level, you add protection from evil and good to your spellbook, if it not already there.
You can cast protection from evil and good on yourself without expending a spell slot. When
you do so, you do not treat it as a concentration spell. You can cast protection from evil and
good in this way a number of times equal to your proficiency modifier, you regain this ability
after a long rest.
Gain proficiency in deception and use your intelligence modifier instead of charisma,
and you have advantage when contesting willpower (insight) checks.
Profane Ritual
At 6th level, you can enact a dark ritual with an aberration, fey, fiend, or undead power and gain
blessings in return.
The ritual requires something that is strongly associated with the type of dark power you want to
bind. This could be bodily like blood, flesh, or teeth, or it could be something like a symbol of its
power that contains a mote of its power like a gem or cultic dagger. A ritual takes one uninterrupted
hour to complete. If the ritual is undertaken again, you can change the type of the dark power when
When bound you change your type to the associated dark power and gain certain benefits and a
weakness fitting the type of power:
6th level – You can speak telepathically with a creature within 60 ft. Both creatures must speak in a
language they both understand.
10th level Arms of the Abyss – You sprout tentacles. This could be actual tentacles, or something like
your hair. You gain the ability to move up, down, and across vertical surfaces and ceilings, while
leaving the hands free. You also gain a climbing speed equal to your walking speed. You may make a
grapple as an action using your spell attack modifier instead of an athletics check.
Weakness – Never ending whispers of eldritch secrets in your mind, giving disadvantage on Wisdom
&Intelligence Saving Throws.
6th level – You gain advantage on saving throws against being charmed or put to sleep.
10th level Winters Glamour – When you cast an enchantment or illusion spell, you can spend a level
1 spell slot or higher and a number of hit die equal the spells level. When you do, any creature within
30’ that makes a saving throw against the spell, or ability check to discern it must roll an additional
1d6 and subtract that from their roll. This can be done a number of times equal to your proficiency
modifier and resets on a long rest.
Weakness – When near fire you need to make a wisdom (DC 15) saving throw or be frightened of the
fire. Or if it is a spell, you are frightened of the caster.
6th level – You see in darkness and magical darkness, and you also always know a fiend when you
see one.
10th level Devils Luck - When a dice roll is made within 60’ of you, you can spend two of your hit die
and roll them. Choose of the dice rolled and add or subtract them to the prior dice roll. you take the
total rolled as damage; this damage cannot be reduced in anyway. This can be done a number of
times equal to your proficiency modifier and resets on a long rest.
Weakness – You have disadvantage saving against banishment spells, and you tend to end up in
Avernus when you’re banished.
10th level Shadow form – You have resistance to non-magical slashing, piercing, or blunt damage.
You can squeeze through small gaps an inch wide. You gain advantage when making stealth rolls in
Weakness – While in direct sunlight, you have disadvantage on attack rolls, ability checks, and saving
From 10th level, you have a developing knowledge of aberrations, fey, fiends, and undead. If
you spend at least 1 minute observing or interacting with one of these creatures out of
combat, you can learn about its capabilities. The DM tells you the creatures Armor Class, its
strongest Saving Throw and its weakest Saving Throw, as well as any resistances and
immunities it possesses. You can spend an hour to copy this information into your spellbook,
granting you instant access to this information in the future, this must be done before the end
of the next long rest.
Eldritch Brand
The pinnacle of the occultist’s studies. You have created an arcane mark that you apply to
aberrations, fey, fiends, or undead.
Starting at 14th level, once a long rest you may target a creature within 60 feet you have previously
learnt about through your Demonology ability or is recorded in your spellbook. That creature must
make a Charisma saving throw against your wizard spell save DC. If it succeeds, you can’t use this
feature on it again until after the next full moon. If it fails the saving throw and has an INT of 3 or
higher, it can repeat the saving throw at the end of every hour until it succeeds and breaks free. If
the target shares a type to your Dark Ritual, you may add your proficiency bonus to the DC.
Bind You always know where they are and what plane they are in. You also can perceive through its
senses and read its thoughts. As long as it is marked you may take your reaction to stop it from
teleporting, plane shifting or similar ability, or moving more than 60 feet from you.
Banish You may force a creature that is not from the current plane to be banished back to its home
plane. The target cannot approach within 30 feet of you and has disadvantage on any direct attacks
made against you and you have advantage on all saving throws against it.
Bend Choose to remove one damage resistance or reduce an immunity to resistance. You may also
remove one condition it is immune to. You can spend one level 6 spell slot or higher to use this
ability again. You can use your reaction on their turn to take control of their turn, when you do, they
may re-roll their save.