Legends Lesson Plan
Legends Lesson Plan
Legends Lesson Plan
Expectations Addressed:
Reading Expectations:
1.1, 1.3-1.5, 2.1. 2.4
Oral Expectations:
Resources: Differentiation:
Turtle Island Story - choosing books that are at their - audiobook
grade level in order for them to - picture books for them to
not be left behind in the reading connect the words
- taking a break when they need - pointing to the words to make
to the words match
- projecting something onto a
screen for students to see better
Planning for Student Learning © 2016 ETFO/FEEO CHAPTER SIX | LESSON PLANNING – TEMPLATE 3
Beginning/Engagement: Introduce the lecture by explaining what a legend is to the class. A legend is:
1) a legend has a beginning, middle and an end
2) it has a specific setting: time period and place with real people
3) they are passed down from generation to generation, and they evolve
over the years
4) it has some historical truth in it (give an example of King Arthur and
5) There can be miracles that happen within the legend
*note: ask them first if they can tell you what a legend is and what the
characteristics are.
Middle: We will be creating a shape go map with the class on the smartboard.
Setting: an ocean
Characters: Nanabush, Muskrat, Turtle, Loon, Helldiver, Mink, Earth, Great Spirit
Problem: there was no land for Nanabush to stay on, and all of the land was
underwater—Protagonist: Muskrat
4 Events:
1) Nanabush had an idea to get land from the bottom of the ocean, but
2) Loon and Helldiver tried to get the earth, but failed
3) Mink and Turtle tried to get the earth, but failed
4) Muskrat went down and grabbed the earth, but died in the process
This one will be trickier because Raven is actually the protagonist in this. The
Antagonist is the man keeping the sun.
Setting: In darkness
Characters: Raven, Father, Daughter; Protagonist: Raven, Antagonist: Father
and daughter
4 Events:
1) Raven finds out about the treasure
2) Raven transforms into hemlock needle
3) Raven transforms into Ravenchild and begs to see the box
4) Old man shows Raven the treasure
Planning for Student Learning © 2016 ETFO/FEEO CHAPTER SIX | LESSON PLANNING – TEMPLATE 3