New Values For A New Era

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New Values for
a New Era
By Peter Fritz Walter
The Value of Systemic Thinking 3
The Value of Individuality 7
The Value of Social Diversity 10
The Value of Permissiveness 15
The Value of Boundless Self-Expression 17
The Value of Global Cooperation 27
The Value of Self-Regulation 33
The Value of Political Transparence 43
The Value of Vision 53
Points to Ponder 60

The Value of Systemic Thinking
The Aquarius Age has been defined as a new era
the onset of which would date around the year 2000,
some astrologers date it around the year 2020.
Hence we are not yet really within the Aquarian
cosmic cycle, properly speaking; it has to be under-
stood, however, that cosmic cycles that extent over
millennia (the Pisces Age reigned for 2000 years) will
never make a sudden transition. Instead, there is a
long prelude and an equally long afterlude for each
of those cycles.
Currently we are in an interesting state of am-
bivalence, a time of transition where we feel the ef-
fects of the new age beginning to manifest, but
where, at the same time, the values of the old par-

adigm are still in place, and are even defended with
quite some emphasis.
The present trend for fundamentalist solutions in
social and legal matters are an example for how the
old paradigm defends its existence with quite some
drama. But fact is that the social and collective regard
upon these phenomena, be they something very
much present in our daily news, will shift over time.
Astrologers have been especially proficient with
contributing to the public discussion information
about the specific new paradigms the Aquarius Age
will inaugurate in the world. This is rightly so since
the very notion of Aquarius is derived from the Zodi-
But this is not the only reason why astrology
plays today a predominant role in modern society. In

my view, the main reason why astrology is today a se-
rious discipline of social and political research and
even prediction is its cyclic way of thinking.
The Zodiac teaches us the truth that nothing in
life is a single isolated event but that all is intercon-
nected and cyclic, and therefore subject to repetition.
Astrologers have during all times emphasized the
high importance of cyclical thinking as opposed to
linear thinking.
The Aquarius Age will be an era in which human-
ity is going to reconsider and reformulate all of its
fundamental life paradigms. Already now it can be
seen that in progressive scientific circles the emphasis
is a movement away from linear and toward cyclic or
nonlinear thinking.

The Pisces Age, which we are currently leaving
behind, is associated with the 12th House of the Zodiac
and thus with the collective, as opposed to the indi-
vidual, with mass obsessions, and focus on illness in-
stead of health, with secrecy and taboo instead of free
speech, segregation instead of integration. It is asso-
ciated with Neptune as the ruler of Pisces and thus
with water and emotions in their raw, non-integrated
The Aquarius Age is associated with the 11th
House of the Zodiac and thus with friendship, com-
munication beyond borders, and sharing ideas with-
out regard to cultural or political limitations. It is as-
sociated with Uranus and with the element Air em-
phasizing electronic communication as one of the
most central issues in the Aquarius Age.

The Value of Individuality
Let us have a look now at the essential differ-
ences in the social and political paradigms that are
associated with Pisces Age, and the Aquarius Age.
As already mentioned, the trend under the
Aquarius Age will be away from collectivism and to-
ward individualism, away from standard doctrines
‘for all’ toward more freedom for setting and living
our own personalized standards and ways of life. The
regard of the state upon the citizen will largely shift.
While for the authoritarian state the citizen was a
subject, for the new Aquarian state, the citizen is a
The Aquarius Age will provide the individual
with a greater sphere of self-expression and more op-
tions for associating with peers and groupings that

pursue similar goals, even if those goals largely differ
from the opinions or the lifestyle of the average indi-
There will definitely be more space and recogni-
tion for alternative life styles. The influence of social
and political bodies over the individual will decrease
and become smoother and more subtle. Political
rulership will adopt more of a caretaking nature and
a kind of creative partnership with the people under
the rule. The leadership paradigm will change from
leadership to stewardship or servant-leadership.
The fact that the 11th House is opposite the 4th
House shows that tradition will play an important
role in the Aquarius Age, however in a form of assimi-
lation into existing lifestyles or in the form of acquir-
ing wisdom from the past, and not directly through

the attempt to restore old and outdated ways of liv-
ing, and not by the imposition of traditional values.
It’s not an overlay pattern, but an integrative pattern
that the Aquarius Age fosters.
In the Pisces Age we see tradition often as a way
to justify repression or even tyranny; typically, tradi-
tion-holders and tradition-seekers are politically
right-wing and do all they can to sabotage the up-
surge of a truly pluralistic society.
The Aquarian thinker is deeply concerned about
this distorted way of looking at tradition. In Aquari-
an culture, tradition will be valued as a useful school
of human behavior, and for acquiring insights from
this source for bringing about more wistful solutions
in the future.

The Value of Social Diversity
Socially, the Aquarius Age brings us a society that
is highly complex and highly parceled but in which
every individual has a higher chance to find a viable
space and protection as well as social contact in in-
terest circles of the most various kinds.
Global structural changes will force traditionally
oriented business people to change and be more flex-
ible for implementing new and integrated solutions.
Economies are likely to crash if they are unable
to do the structural changes needed that globaliza-
tion requires.
New ways for financing projects of global dimen-
sions will be found. It is highly doubtful that the
world economy is going to be maintained on the sole
basis of a paper currency such as the dollar. There

will be challenges that question the existing system
to make it safer and more adapted to our networked
international business world.
Speculation in rewarding new business models
and novel technologies will bring further challenges
to the system since those endeavors, when carried
out over longer periods of time and large-scale bring
the money flow all over the world into previously
unheard-of streams. Various experts have alerted us
that financial conglomerates located mainly in the
United States have reached the size of major state
budgets. If these large amounts of capital are not
used wisely, they could bring the world economy in a
chaos point situation of real danger.
These dangers are a result of the irresponsibility
that has been systematically bred by the authoritarian

and monopolistic social and economic policies of the
Pisces Age. Organizations such as the Christian
Church, founded under the sign and the symbolism
of Pisces, have through their power games manipu-
lated, unresponsibilized, and even infantilized the
masses to such an extent that the common man is
currently not in state to really discern right from
wrong or good from bad as far as global policies in
economy, justice and social welfare are concerned.
This is also so because the information flow today
has assumed such gigantic proportions that only pro-
fessional media experts can channel it and provide
information that is even remotely accurate. Yet, it is a
fact that media multinationals have shown to use
their expertise mainly for manipulating information
rather than presenting raw information.

As a result, the individual, while believing to
know more with every coming year, knows actually
less of what’s really going on in the world. In addi-
tion, organized religion and ideologies have all
shown their destructiveness breeding among human
beings separation, segregation, antagonism, arro-
gance, hatred, jealousy and war.
However, the transparence so typical for the
Aquarius Age will gradually disempower the world-
wide truth-holder conglomerates and emasculate
their imperialistic monopolies and multi-vectorial fa-
voritism that enriches a tiny worldwide oligarchy be-
yond all measure, while leaving hundreds of millions
of people mentally, materially and spiritually impov-

On the other hand, new global business oppor-
tunities will arise for those who build on freedom
and democracy and who listen to the true needs of
the masses. Companies that build on privileges or
outmoded traditions, a blown-up self-image or that
adhere to undemocratic or even tyrannical forms of
leadership will be surprised how quickly and effec-
tively the new era will literally wipe them off the sur-
face of international business.
The highest reward will be for those who ulti-
mately serve the customer and who have built a ser-
vice-oriented business model that empowers the con-
sumer, that is transparent, that gives options and that
is constant over time.
Personal relationships will go new ways in the
Aquarius Age. The house axis 11—4 can also be seen

as the axis young-old which means in social terms
that there will be more communication between the
different age segments of society. Relationships and
even marriage will be more easily considered okay
when partners differ in age.

The Value of Permissiveness

There will be more rights for children and the
youth, also in terms of social engagements. Young
people will more easily be allowed to move to other
places on their own or to engage in relationships
with partners of their choice.
The Aquarius Age will bring the real changes be-
cause the present new generation needs to be grown
up to implement them.
There will be more rights for elders, too, and a
larger consciousness about how important the wis-
dom is that we receive from smart elders and how
important it is that children and old people join for
spending time together.
Many projects to enhance the communication
between the different age groups have been imple-
mented in the last years, in the United States, Cana-
da, Europe and Australia.
In France, for example, the courageous projects
of the late child psychoanalyst Françoise Dolto (1908-
1988) have transformed suburban flat areas into
places of exchange and communication between
children and the elder, and those projects were ac-
The Aquarian man or woman will refuse social
collaboration when personal freedom is not granted

by society. This new citizen will more easily than be-
fore become a social reformer or even revolutionary.
This also means that many of the existing forms
of social police and denunciation that are undermin-
ing personal freedom and trust between people will
be abandoned for allowing humanity to develop into
a more trustful state of togetherness.
It will be seen that peace can only be based upon
freedom, trust and the self-power of the individual,
and not upon ruthless competition, tyranny and per-

The Value of Boundless

All great inventions, throughout human history,
have been motivated and initiated by frustration, the
frustration about something lacking in our life, the

dissatisfaction that an obvious need of many people
at a specific point of time was not met. This is true
not only for the invention of the light bulb, but for a
whole lot of other inventions that belong to our sur-
roundings and make out our daily life.
The interesting thing about inventions is their
revealing us lots about the human nature. When one
human being invents, millions of others, who have
the same unfulfilled need, just accept that faulty real-
ity, and remain uncreative. It is the one person or a
handful of people who sense the need and bring
about what so many not even dream of. We can in-
deed observe historically that human progress was
pretty much the merit of individuals, and much less
of groups. This is interesting because it goes along
with another phenomenon. If you observe a group of

people confronted with the same need, you will see
that always the majority is either content with what
is, the status quo, or although not content with it,
unable or anxious to change it. It’s always one indi-
vidual or a handful who dare to be dissatisfied and
take action towards change. Therefore we have pi-
oneers. And therefore dissatisfaction is the very seed,
and the bliss of progress.
All of you who were at the point to publish a
book, audiobook or music and encountered the deep
frustrations every writer or musician is confronted
with will understand me when I say that publishing,
today more than ever before, is a channeling in the
wrong sense. Of course, I am talking about the tradi-
tional form of publishing, the one which is done by
large worldwide publishing houses, companies

whose business is the commercial exploitation of
sharing. Publishing is basically sharing, sharing of in-
formation or of an aesthetic feeling, sharing of a life-
style, of experiences.
What is often overlooked today is that there is a
deep ethical foundation in publishing. Democracy is
only thinkable with a continuous flow of information
reaching potentially everybody.
Publishing also involves the risk to being criti-
cized for one’s opinions. This in turn means that
publishing requires from the publisher a certain
amount of courage.
When Gutenberg printed the Bible, his motiva-
tion was one of sharing, and not one of making mon-
ey or a business with publishing.

I contend that publishing is a direct outflow of
democracy and at the same time important for the
functioning of a democratic society.
The Internet began as a computer experiment for
some military folks and then developed into a gigan-
tic publishing company. The funny thing about this
company is that it has no director and no manage-
ment team and is self-organized and auto-regulated.
Some cynics said the Web was like a horde of
monkeys yelling at each other, and that it therefore
had no or very little chance to survive as a serious
communication highway. However, the negativists
were, as so often, not heading right with their pes-
simistic outlook; today the Internet is prospering as
an alternative publishing network.

There are reasons why people want to change
certain things, or why they want to change a whole
business, a whole industry, and even an entire histo-
ry. There are manifest reasons, but these reasons are
not materialistic, not greed-related in the first place.
This is perhaps not always so, but with the Internet,
it’s surely the case. The reasons are related to person-
al power and to the ideal of total communication be-
tween human beings. And that is new. It’s new because
formerly we were thinking more locally and less
globally, we were much more tightly held by our
leaders and our militaries, by our flags and our na-
tional myths and identities, and we were much more
tightly held within the borders and boundaries of our
national universes. While now the world has become
a village. We still have national borders, we still have

flags, we still have militaries, of course, but we are
going to change the thinker behind those things, those
institutions, and those daily realities. And this
thinker, somewhere somehow, has found out that he
or she is more than a thinker, and that there is more
than thinking. We have found out that it’s nicer to
share thoughts than to think more. We have found
that it’s even nicer to share thoughts and art, and mu-
sic beyond our national borders and our national
mentalities. We found that all this has somewhere
somehow something to do with love, and that it’s
love that is the ultimate motivation of this crazy net-
work that we call the Internet. And with that new vi-
sion, we look at traditional publishing. And we see
the traditional publishing situation is such that cre-
ative new ways of publishing are most of the time

obstructed by the fact that the publisher is profit-ori-
ented and wants to make sure that the book is sold,
instead of making sure that the book is shared. This
situation makes it sometimes very hard or even im-
possible for gifted writers to ‘get through’ and find
the way to their audience.
There are many books that were refused again
and again and finally ended up for weeks or months
on bestseller lists. One famous example is the book
Zen or the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert M.
Pirsig, one of the most important philosophical
books of our times, and which yet was refused by
one hundred twenty publishers!
One can only admire the persistence of the au-
thor who approached the 121st publisher who, how-
ever reluctantly, accepted publishing. This book

rapidly sold as a world bestseller and was translated
in I don’t know how many languages.
My point is that electronic publishing is a new
form of information distribution, and follows differ-
ent principles than the traditional publishing indus-
To publish on the Internet has several major ad-
vantages. The Web is free of the profit filter built in
traditional publishing. A natural selection is made
through the interest publications find among users.
The Web is a living system which grows natural-
ly and is ruled by more subtle laws and customs than
the traditional publishing landscape. These generally
unwritten laws are similar to the very foundations of
life. This is not astonishing since the Web grew out-
side the boundaries of century-old conventions. The

Web is a landscape where everybody gets a chance to
move in and where everybody who pursues literary
or musical interests can learn and grow, and where
everybody can build and revise publishing strategies,
provided they channel their stuff, find the right out-
lets and do their online marketing.
And when you fail in one of these tasks you
probably will not sell your book or audio CD. But
that is a different pair of shoes compared to the often
senseless rejection encountered time and again with
publishing multinationals that follow established
success strategies and are much more biased by hid-
den prejudice than they would ever admit. It’s differ-
ent to fail with your own web publishing, because it
feels different. There is no shame connected to it.

The Value of Global
It seems to me that human intelligence which
created the Internet is fundamentally different from
all what we had before in human history. The inter-
esting fact about it is that not one man or woman has
created it, but many, often simultaneously cooperat-
ing from different points of the globe. The Web was
thus perhaps the first really effective global institu-
tion we have created.
And that is why, among other reasons, that I be-
lieve the Internet will grow beyond an information
highway to become a political highway as well.
When we compare the Internet with another global
institution, the United Nations, there are at least two
striking differences.

The United Nations was a creation of states, at a
government level, and not something growing from
the base layer of societies. The privileges or advan-
tages that the UN provides were primarily intended
for the principi, the former kings or rulers, and later
for the nation states. Let us not forget the fact that for
the protection of the individual, international law
still provides only a minimum standard.
Human rights and the rights of minority popula-
tions are protected only within the range of special
pacts or agreements, such as the international con-
ventions against torture, yet the nation states are free
to join these international agreements or not.
The second, perhaps more important point of
difference is that the United Nations, after their cre-
ation, have pretty much split into regional power

groups. It’s not a coincidence that the European
Community (EU) was another branch of the same
tree, coming out of vision that people like Woodrow
Wilson and, much earlier, even philosophers like
Rousseau and Kant had about the future of a united
world. At the same time, European Integration was
pouring wine into the water of the original idea of a
Community of Nations that is truly global.
This may sound provocative. Yet we touch here a
mystery that goes beyond all what we have observed
hitherto on the globe, something that is like a new
gospel, a new power, and a new global village for all.
So, to put it clearly, the Internet is the first in-
ternational organization that really works in the sense
of res publica, as the old Romans called political mat-

ters. And in that sense, as a forum for the public
cause, the Internet really is functional.
Minorities, for example, be they racial, political
or sexual, are effectively propagated through the
Web. The police laws of most countries can prohibit
minorities from gathering as long as gatherings take
place within local boundaries. But the police cannot
legally control them when these gatherings are held
online. Since Web meetings are virtual, they do not
fall within those laws. As a result it can be said that
the Web created more democracy and freedom of
However, this freedom also means that we have
to use it responsibly. If we allow people to abuse of it,
we jeopardize our newly gained privilege. In-
ternational fundamentalism, secret services, right-

wing movements, misguided groupings and a large
mass of frustrated and negative individuals only wait
for the chance to exert a tight control over the Web
so as to install new and hitherto unknown forms of
totalitarian government and rulership. The only ef-
fective way to prevent this from happening is that we
exert responsible self-control in all forms of online
publishing and virtual communication. This implies
that we have to become conscious of the value that is
linked to freedom and to simple and unprejudiced
human communication.
Instead, people seem to ask for more regulation
and strict guidelines for conduct on the virtual space.
This is however within the old paradigm. It means to
restrict freedom once again because a certain amount
of frivolous people are unable to use it responsibly. If

we want to avoid this result, we have only one
choice, either to provide organizations with set regu-
lations inviting people to become members for set
purposes and to limit communication to set purposes
and for set interests or topics, or to change the par-
What is presently taking place on the Web is the
first alternative. It means basically to create cages for
people who have not learned to conduct themselves
properly outside of those cages, and in full freedom.
Human history was an up and down of times of
more and less freedom. But at all times people have
searched for cages because they were afraid of free-
dom or abused of it to the detriment of all. But it’s
not that difficult to live in wild life; nature basically
regulates itself automatically, by a process called self-

regulation. I believe that self-regulation, which has
been found by systems research to be one of the most
basic and most functional ingredients of living sys-
tems, will become a social and even a political value.

The Value of Self-Regulation

If we respect ourselves and others from a basic
inner attitude that forms part of a new paradigm in
human togetherness, we do not need organizations
that restrict our freedom, nor rules of conduct, for
we will innately engage in the right and appropriate
forms of behavior for our largely enhanced ways and
forms of communication.
Sounds like Utopia? Let’s see now together what
implications both paradigms, the old and the new,
have for our further human evolution in general, and
the evolution of the Web, in particular.
The Old Paradigm
The old paradigm represents a system of beliefs
that starts from the premise that humans are basically
hostile to one another and therefore use deceiving
means and strategies in order to communicate. Most
governments, still today, adhere to this belief system,
which may be called the belief in ‘the negative hu-
Typical for the old paradigm is a range of preju-
dice and phantom beliefs among people belonging to
an in-group regarding those belonging to an out-
group. All these beliefs render communication inef-
fective and, in extreme cases, impossible. We should
always keep in mind that war among humans is only
possible from the moment communication has halted

or has been undermined by phantom beliefs and su-
The old paradigm is deeply conditioned by the
scarcity mentality, the belief that nature provides only
for a certain number of individuals leaving deprived
all others, and this despite the fact that everybody
who has observed nature clearly sees that one of the
basic patterns of nature is abundance, and not scarci-
ty. However, the adepts of the scarcity mentality con-
tinue to plague the rest of humanity with their nega-
tivism, their endless skepticism, their Cartesian re-
ductionism and their total lack of natural spirituality,
thus being responsible for the perpetuation of the old
These people are typically advocating protection,
guidance and security when asked for engaging in

communication with others, be it in virtual space or
in real life. They consider people as ‘strangers’ who
have not qualified to be friends, associates or at least
acquaintances. The qualification of a person as a
stranger means that the person is potentially danger-
The underlying belief these people share is that
the world was a hostile battlefield of conflicting in-
terests and desires, probably simply because their
own inner life represents such a battlefield of con-
flicting interests and desires and that they have never
found a way to experience inner peace.
Second, these people tend to believe in Darwin-
ism, seeing in all human competition an element of
the survival of the fittest. As a result of their domi-
nant belief system, the adepts of the old paradigm

maintain virtual and real borders and frontiers in the
world, intelligence services, armies and other de-
struction devices because their main defense mecha-
nism is aggression.
In order to communicate, the adepts of the old
paradigm gather within set organizations for set pur-
poses, subscribing to set rules of behavior that fun-
damentally restrict their freedom. They justify their
sacrifice of freedom with any supposed gain in social
and political security through the big brothers and
insane weaponry reservoirs they have created. Un-
aware of the illusion they are victim of, they strive to
give more and more power to those big brothers,
thus jeopardizing in the long run the human condi-
tion and human survival.

The New Paradigm
The new paradigm represents a set of beliefs
which basically admits that humans are made to be
friends and brothers to each other. It is shared by a
minority of enlightened spiritual teachers, healers,
artists and a tiny group of systems researchers, and it
may be called the belief in ‘the positive human.’
The new paradigm posits that as nature is based
upon basic self-regulation, all human organization
should integrate self-regulation, in all areas of life.
Adepts of the new paradigm question that hu-
mans react aggressively or with hostility to every-
thing new or unknown, and tend to be more open
and communicative in situations that provide doors
to the unknown.

Typical for the new paradigm in communication
is the attitude to potentially welcome every possible
new encounter, be it with representatives or forces
opposite to one’s own culture or conditioning, thus
considering unforeseen experiences as challenges and
chances for growth and evolution.
Adepts of the new paradigm can be recognized
by integrity, their courage, curiosity, openness and a
generally adventurous spirit which considers every
human interaction at its root as a great potential
chance for love, harmony, understanding and mutual
It is the adepts of the new paradigm who have
created the wonderful new jungle that we call the In-
ternet, although at the present moment the represen-

tatives of the old paradigm seem to dominate and
control its general landscape.
Adepts of the new paradigm equally question the
necessity to join large organizations for maintaining
power within the collective. They rather value the
individual to such extent that they tend to generally
question the institution of organizations that regulate
and channel human encounters thus demonstrating a
basic trust in spontaneous human relations within an
unorganized gray area of human interaction.
Adepts of the new paradigm therefore are more
open to unusual or unforeseen aspects of human re-
lations, be they on an intellectual, psychological,
artistic or sexual level. In my opinion, the most im-
portant trait of adherents of the new paradigm is
their general openness to restructure human relations

in accordance with all lessons we have collectively
learned from the past, with the ultimate goal to en-
hance human happiness and welfare, personal and
societal prosperity and quality of life in the future.
Adherents of the new paradigm are generally
grateful for new possibilities of human interaction
and they tend to value the Web as a precious new
tool and adventure that has its major advantage not
on a commercial or economical, but on a purely hu-
man level. For these reasons the adepts of the new
paradigm are usually very busy learning, using and
teaching all the features the Web offers us for creating
new forms of human interaction and exchange.
Among them are the geniuses who treasure the
Holy Grail of the Web, the highest vision about the
Web as one of the most important features of life in

future centuries. Although constantly exposed to crit-
icism and typical modern-day skepticism, these peo-
ple build on the positive image they maintain about
life, themselves, others and humankind and thus
help us all to create the foundations of a better
On the Web, presently, the adherents of the new
paradigm represent a small minority of intellectuals
who are, unfortunately, not yet really organized. They
tend to fight single and isolated wars within the fields
of their specific interests and occupations.
One of the reasons they actively engage in pro-
viding publishing opportunities to others on the
Web, on a non-profit basis, is that they set out to
practically realize their high humanitarian vision of the

Without a doubt it is and will be the adepts of
the new paradigm who are actively involved in the
further evolution of the Web and new forms of media
such as interactive TV, and developing high-level
edutainment for a growing amount of humans who
seek their personal evolution outside of set organiza-
tions and ideologies.

The Value of Political

Now, let’s shift our perspective from the econom-
ical to the political and have a closer look at that dar-
ing idea of the Web becoming, perhaps not too far in
the future, a real international organization and polit-
ical forum of all peoples in the world.
We know from the development of the European
Union (EU) that the political union is very difficult to

realize, and in fact the EU is far from being a political
union with all what this would incur for its member
The reason is probably that so much trustbuild-
ing is required for a large number of people agreeing
on implementing new systems of government or
conceding national powers to a supranational organ-
The United Nations is a striking example for how
not to do it correctly. They were from the beginning
set to implement a political unification with, in the
future, ideally, a world government. However, the
anxieties were and are so high that the courageous
goals were pursued less than half-heartedly. The end
result was that bad compromises were made, com-
promises that really were compromising the whole

idea and led to an absurd reality which counts as its
major fact the largest bureaucracy in the world, en-
gendering an irresponsible waste of resources.
But let me ask, where is the Web heading? You
may object that it is too far-fetched to admit that the
Web could eventually bring about what both the Eu-
ropean Union and the United Nations did not achieve:
a world community, a union of nations, of peoples.
How can?
If we take a closer look at this seemingly Utopian
idea, we see that there is a fundamental difference be-
tween the European Union and the United Nations, on
one hand, and the Web, on the other, in their respec-
tive ways to realize this global union of peoples. The
difference is the fact that the Web begins at the basis

whereas all other present international organizations
began at the top. Let me explain.
On the Web, masses of people from different cul-
tures get into communicating with each other, first
for research or academic purposes, then for business,
the exchange of goods and services, and eventually
for simply getting to know each other, looking at one
another’s blog, learning from each other, communi-
cating basic needs, feelings and opinions. The trend
is that the Web becomes every day more a meeting
place for a large variety of people communicating for
a large variety of purposes. While in the beginning
the user had to write out every single command, with
the graphic interface of the World Wide Web things
became really simple and intuitive. In the meantime,

also nonliterate people are able to write: they’ll just
talk and the computer will write for them.
I already pointed out that existing international
organizations, despite the fact that they were institut-
ed to unify peoples, have begun their work with the
top classes of society, the rulers, kings and later the
sovereign states, and not really seven billion individ-
If we build a house from the roof, forgetting
about its foundation, its basis, the house will crash
before it is ready. This is the true reason why neither
the European Union nor the United Nations accom-
plish in reality what they have been created for: it’s
simply because they were established as roof struc-
tures with a pitiful lack of foundation. They came
about through governmental collaboration and

agreements, and not as a result of the will and the
work of the peoples who have set these governments
in place. They have not grown from the base layer of
society, but from its top range.
That is why I am convinced that the Web will be
the foundation for the true union of peoples in not
too distant a future. The Web grew without any gov-
ernmental control, although it was, paradoxically,
created for governmental purposes. Yet from the
moment it was given to the public by the military
agencies that had created it, it was a free landscape
for new discoveries. And it quickly grew beyond na-
tional borders and cultures.
My idea may seem uncanny. Consider that also
on the national level, stability was reached only from

the moment that the peoples themselves chose their
This is not so much a function of the constitu-
tional system which can be monarchical or republi-
can. As long as a king or ruler is firmly based upon
the trust of his people, his government will bring
about effective solutions and bear fruits.
Some of the old Chinese kings who based their
rulership upon the true interest of their people and
universal laws have given abundant evidence to this
historical and political fact. On the other hand, the
best republican government that is corrupt and has
lost the trust of a majority of citizens will disappear
sooner or later and leave a vacuum of frustration and
a bad taste in the mouth of the populace.

What only counts is that the system is truly de-
mocratic, which means not democratic on paper. On
both the national and the international level, democ-
racy brings about stability. Governments who do not
enjoy the backup of their peoples reign in unstable
conditions and can be thrown over by social unrest
and upheaval.
Present international organizations are for the
great majority established ‘from above,’ without the
necessary democratic elections from the side of the
peoples, in a process that is not transparent to the
citizen. This is one of the reasons why the ‘man in
the street,’ be it in the West or the East, when asked
about the United Nations or similar organizations, ei-
ther admits ignorance or gives a negative or indiffer-
ent judgment. This is simply so, and understandable

because they have not been directly involved in the
creation of the organization or the election of its staff.
How can these organizations then seriously at-
tempt to build a future world government? They
would reign over people who do not even know
them. Therefore, if these organizations, as it seems
now, are unable to allow reforms, they will disappear.
This is in part also valid for the European Union.
That is why a few years ago the European Parliament
was fundamentally reformed and direct elections for
the European parliamentarians have been institution-
alized. In the public opinion all over Europe this step
was considered as a progress of the unification
progress, although skepticism prevailed as to how
the European Union will practically carry out the will

of the peoples at its basis, and not only the will of
their governments or top-class industrials.
The Web has grown from the root up, and not
from the branches down, as all our present political
international organizations did. Therefore, the
chance that my prediction will come true is, I think,
higher than the chance that it will not. For it is much
easier and much more effective to learn a healthy
body perform more functions than to teach a sick
and dysfunctional body to perform even very few ba-
sic functions.
And the present international organizations are
not only sick and dysfunctional, they waste human
and financial resources to an extent that their main-
tenance equals ruin for all those who, willingly or

unwillingly, have to finance them. And that is all of

The Value of Vision

Just as the book, after the invention of the print-
ing press, revolutionized the world and our lifestyle,
the e-book gave us another revolution.
Not only because the e-book is read onscreen,
but because this kind of book is a multimedia book.
The fantasy of the reader will not be left on its own,
as before, but actively stimulated by embedded mul-
timedia such as photos, videos and interactive func-
For anybody who today doubts the success of
the e-book, while Adobe® Corporation initially was at
pains with turning their huge investments in the e-
book market profitable, now it’s notorious that, for
example, Amazon® Kindle® is a resounding success.
This market continues to grow, and the amazing
thing is that the book market grows simultaneously,
while still some years ago, predictions were dim as to
the book being able to compete with the e-book.
The obvious advantage of the electronic book is
that it can combine authoring with embedding virtu-
al reality to create the photorealistic picture of an ar-
tistically created world. Visions are reality in the
imaginary realm. Not only that they create virtual re-
ality and are necessary predecessors of any creation,
vision is by itself a form of reality. A vision is not a
tool only, it is a form of being, not a seed only, but a
fully grown tree.

Visions form an invisible reality behind the visi-
ble one. They directly tap into what Plato called ei-
dos (ideas).
You could imagine this world of vision which is
universal, as a second reality, another virtual reality
that is hidden for our senses yet real for our mind,
our nonsensory perception and our imagination.
The visualization of new reality is not only a cre-
ative game, but creation in itself. This is a subtle dif-
ference. Many people grasp that imagination has cre-
ative power, yet only a few will admit that imagina-
tion represents a world in itself, another reality which
is already existent, or existential, and not only a po-
tentiality for the creation of future existential reality.
Human creation is basically built upon visions.
Visions are at the origin of all human progress. The

word vision originally means ‘sight.’ We see into the
future, or into a better reality, with our inner eye.
And we foresee events or things before the time is
ripe for them or the technological standard is existent
to produce them in tangible reality.
Our inner visions are situated outside the time-
space continuum. They are part of universal intelli-
gence which precedes the time-bound and earth-
bound continuum and which is eternal.
Our children grow into the information age
without hurt; many, before they touch the keyboard
of a PC, know to manage their game boys and video
games. Since the logic and often also the handling of
electronic devices are similar, our children often are
our masters and teachers, and more, our consultants

in all what concerns the essential bones of the global
information network.
Common sense and practical reasons speak for a
much stronger implication of the next generation
into the actual growth process of the Internet. If our
governments do not care about a transformation of
the educational systems, private institutions will and
a growing number of parents shall send their chil-
dren to alternative schooling.
Children sitting through their most learn-inten-
sive age on 19th century school benches with no ac-
cess to technology are educated towards being either
slaves or cultural cripples in the near future. Those
children will have to learn later on, with more effort
and perhaps less pleasure what they could have
learned by playing in their early age. We are con-

fronted with the fact daily. People loose their jobs be-
cause of the restructuring of the global industrial
network, the different use and availability of re-
sources, changing technologies and lifestyles, and a
rapidly growing turn from a nation-centered econo-
my to an international one.
This makes for a large number of people world-
wide who are in transition from job to job, and from
place to place. Some never understand that in our
times, we have to learn constantly. Those remain job-
Others learn to learn and to re-learn; they are
flexible or have learned to be flexible. They will find
new, and perhaps more fulfilling jobs or realization

Some of them become outstanding examples of
entrepreneurship, simply because they took a passion
for one or the other of the new technologies and put
all their energy in a project that changed not only
their life, but also their social standard.
But for all of us, the new values impact upon our
career choices and the way we live our professional
lives. While in the past, one usually had one career
covering one’s entire professional life cycle, this
process, as the new values take hold, becomes more
short-lived and people are thus forced to be as versa-
tile as possible for keeping afloat in the global job

Points to Ponder
—This book was about the new values, the val-
ues that are valid for the information age, New Age or
Aquarius Age. It has to be seen that we are currently
undergoing a millenary transformation if not revolu-
tion in both social and natural sciences, in psycholo-
gy, medicine and healing, as well as in matters of re-
ligious belonging and spirituality.
—The change of values is so fundamental that it
grabs at all paradigms at once, not just at our science
paradigm; no paradigm shall remain untouched from
this fundamental change. The nature of the transition
from the Pisces Age to the Aquarius Age, we are cur-
rently undergoing globally is so drastic that all para-
digms will change accordingly, in their integrality, not
one by one.

However, as Fritjof Capra showed clearly in The
Tao of Physics (1975) and The Turning Point (1987),
there are certain paradigms, such as the science par-
adigm, that are leading the pace, at least in the be-
ginning of the transformation process.
—The first fundamental value, which was un-
heard of in the Pisces Age yet is basic to the Aquarius
Age is the Value of Systemic Thinking. It is for this rea-
son that systems research, a branch of science created
during the 20th century, is around today, and was not
before, while the idea is well part of perennial sci-
ence. (In this sense, the old Hermetic science was
truly systemic, as Manly P. Hall affirms in The Secret
Teachings of All Ages (1928/2003).
—The second fundamental value for the Aquar-
ius Age is the Value of Individuality, while under the

Pisces Age, the group was valued higher than the per-
son in the group. Accordingly, the trend currently is
away from herd thinking and toward individualized
expression; this is why originality, not imitation, is
what will be rewarded in the future. This also means
that the societal tolerance level for individual opin-
ions and lifestyles is on the rise.
—Next, the Value of Social Diversity is character-
istic for the Aquarius Age, which is really the opposite
of the social and religious uniformity that was the so-
cial ideal under the Pisces Age.
—Another value to be emphasized for the
decades and centuries to come is Permissiveness, es-
pecially in the form of permissive education.
—A value that can be felt already now is the Val-
ue of Boundless Self-Expression. Computers, the Inter-

net, the new self-publishing opportunities for text
and media, all this expands the range of self-expres-
sion for the modern citizen beyond what has ever ex-
isted previously in human history. And most impor-
tantly, within self-publishing, a realm of personal
freedom has been achieved that was not achieved in
online publishing. I am speaking about publishing
that is not censored.
—In a networked international business culture,
the importance of the Value of Global Cooperation will
be increasing with each year.
—The same is true for the Value of Self-Regula-
tion, inherent in the functioning of all living systems.
More the culture gets back on the side of love and
away from the side of moralism, the more it will be
grounded in self-regulatory control, which is natural

and non-coercive, contrary to the coercive brutal
persecutory social and legal control systems built in
Pisces culture.
—Finally, the Values of Political Transparence and
Vision will not only be important, but crucial for the
very survival of the human race and its growth be-
yond the boundaries of the Pisces Age.


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