Lit Analysis Chart and Graphic Organizer 2
Lit Analysis Chart and Graphic Organizer 2
Lit Analysis Chart and Graphic Organizer 2
THEME: (What theme will I be writing about? Write it here. It should be a full sentence,
short and clear.)
Ex. 2
Ex. 3
Please use the following outline to structure your literary analysis. Remember, in an analysis, most of the
points come from the ANALYZING you do as a writer once you give your examples. Note: your examples
should appear in CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER. This will help you trace how they contribute to the theme
from beginning to end.
Body paragraphs, to really have a chance to analyze properly, need to be approximately 10 sentences.
1. Introductory sentence that leads into your literary device/element and first example. ___
2. Define the literary element or device you will be using. ___
3. Provide 1-2 sentences introducing your first example. Where does it appear in the text? What is
going on in the text that makes this relevant? ___
4. Cite specific quote. ___
5. Explain why your quote is an example of your literary element /device. ___
6. Analyze how this example of your literary element/device helps to convey the theme in the novel.
(this is really the heart of your essay – connecting your analysis back to the theme.) This should
take several sentences. ____
1. Transition sentence that leads into your literary device/element and second example. ___
2. Provide 1-2 sentences introducing your second example. Where does it appear in the text? What is
going on in the text that makes this relevant? ___
3. Cite specific quote. ____
4. Explain why your quote is an example of your literary element /device. ___
5. Analyze how this example of your literary element/device helps to convey the theme in the novel.
(this is really the heart of your essay – connecting your analysis back to the theme.) This should
take several sentences. ___
1. Transition sentence that leads into your literary device/element and third example. ___
2. Provide 1-2 sentences introducing your second example. Where does it appear in the text? What is
going on in the text that makes this relevant? ___
3. Cite specific quote. ___
4. Explain why your quote is an example of your literary element /device. ___
5. Analyze how this example of your literary element/device helps to convey the theme in the novel.
(this is really the heart of your essay – connecting your analysis back to the theme.) This should
take several sentences. ____