Reflective Journal
Reflective Journal
Reflective Journal
My experiences with community health nursing duty was great even though it was
virtual. I have met my new class instructor and learn a lot from her like the different
principles of bag technique, home and clinic visit and family case study. And I hope that
I will be able to apply it soon as I become a registered nurse.
With regards to my class instructor, she was so kind, considerate and approachable.
She always attends our class and always make sure that everyone is present. She
delivers her lessons clearly and understandable and always make sure that everyone
understands it.
With regards to my duty mates, they are so friendly and thoughtful. They are very
approachable whenever I ask for help. They always update everyone when there is an
announcement from our class instructor. And also, we help one another and we didn’t
leave one behind.
I hope that soon we will be able to put ourselves in an actual setting so that we can
work effectively and efficiently and be able to apply the concepts and principles that we
have learned during our virtual community health nursing duty.