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Module 1

Version 03
Sections 1–3

Math 7
Module 1
Numbers and Operations


–10 –5 0 +5 +10
© 2008 by Open School BC

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International
License. To view a copy of this license, visit

Course History
New, September 2008

Project Manager: Jennifer Riddel

Project Coordinator: Eleanor Liddy, Jennifer Riddel
Planning Team: Renee Gallant (South Island Distance Education School), Eleanor Liddy (Open
School BC), Steve Lott (Vancouver Learning Network), Jennifer Riddel (Open School BC), Mike
Sherman, Alan Taylor (Raven Research), Angela Voll (School District 79), Anne Williams (Fraser
Valley Distance Education School)
Writers: Meghan Canil (Little Flower Academy), Shelley Moore (School District 38), Laurie Petrucci
(School District 60), Angela Voll (School District 79)
Reviewers: Daniel Laidlaw, Steve Lott (Vancouver Learning Network), Angela Voll (School
District 79)
Editor: Shannon Mitchell, Leanne Baugh-Peterson
Production Technician: Beverly Carstensen, Caitlin Flanders, Sean Owen
Media Coordinator: Christine Ramkeesoon
Graphics: Cal Jones
Module 1 Table of Contents
Course Overview 3
Module Overview 9
Section 1: Integers 11
Pretest 13
Lesson A: Integers 19
Thinking Space Strategy #1: Just Think It 21
Lesson B: Adding Integers 33
Thinking Space Strategy #2: Sketch It Out 35
Lesson C: Subtracting Integers 57

Section 2: Operations on Decimals 71

Pretest 73
Lesson A: Estimating Decimals 79
Thinking Space Strategy #3: Word Attack 81
Lesson B: Adding and Subtracting Decimals in Word Problems 95
Thinking Space Strategy #4: Making Connections 97
Lesson C: Multiplying and Dividing Decimals in Word Problems 113
Lesson D: Multi-step Problems 129
Lesson E: Really Big and Really Small Numbers 139

Section 3: Divisibility 155

Pretest 157
Lesson A: Factors and Dividing 163
Lesson B: Kangaroos in Denmark! 177

Answer Key 199

Glossary 221

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Module 1
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Module 1
Course Overview
Welcome to Mathematics 7!
In this course you will continue your exploration of mathematics. You’ll have a
chance to practise and review the math skills you already have as you learn new
concepts and skills. This course will focus on math in the world around you and help
you to increase your ability to think mathematically.

Organization of the Course

The Mathematics 7 course is made up of seven modules. These modules are:
Module 1: Numbers and Operations
Module 2: Fractions, Decimals, and Percents
Module 3: Lines and Shapes
Module 4: Cartesian Plane
Module 5: Patterns
Module 6: Equations
Module 7: Statistics and Probability

Organization of the Modules

Each module has either two or three sections. The sections have the
following features:
Pretest This is for students who feel they already know the
concepts in the section. It is divided by lesson, so you can
get an idea of where you need to focus your attention
within the section.

Section Challenge This is a real-world application of the concepts and skills

to be learned in the section. You may want to try the
problem at the beginning of the section if you’re feeling
confident. If you’re not sure how to solve the problem
right away, don’t worry—you’ll learn all the skills you
need as you complete the lessons. We’ll return to the
problem at the end of the section.

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 3

Module 1
Each section is divided into lessons. Each lesson is made up of the following parts:
Student Inquiry Inquiry questions are based on the concepts in
each lesson. This activity will help you organize
information and reflect on your learning.

Warm-up This is a brief drill or review to get ready for

the lesson.

Explore This is the main teaching part of the lesson.

Here you will explore new concepts and learn
new skills.

Practice These are activities for you to complete to solidify

your new skills. Mark these activities using the
answer key at the end of the module.

At the end of each module you will find:

Resources Templates to pull out, cut, colour, or fold in order
to complete specific activities. You will be directed
to these as needed.

Glossary This is a list of key terms and their definitions for

the module.

Answer Key This contains all of the solutions to the Pretests,

Warm-ups and Practice activities.

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Module 1
Thinking Space
The column on the right hand side of the lesson pages is called the Thinking Space.
Use this space to interact with the text using the strategies that are outlined in
Module 1. Special icons in the Thinking Space will cue you to use specific strategies
(see the table below). Remember, you don’t have to wait for the cues—you can use
this space whenever you want!

Just Think It: Write down questions you

? Questions have or things you want to
come back to.

Just Think It: Write down general

Comments comments about patterns or
things you notice.

Just Think It: Record your thoughts and

Responses ideas or respond to a
question in the text.

Sketch It Out Draw a picture to help you

understand the concept or

Word Attack Identify important words or

! words that you don’t

Making Connections Connect what you are

learning to things you
already know.

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Module 1
More About the Pretest
There is a pretest at the beginning of each section. This pretest has questions for
each lesson in the sections. Complete this pretest if you think that you already have
a strong grasp of the topics and concepts covered in the section. Mark your answers
using the key found at the end of the module.
If you get all the answers correct (100%), you may decide that you can omit the
lesson activities.
If you get all the answers correct for one or more lessons, but not for the whole
pretest, you can decide whether you can omit the activities for those lessons.

Materials and Resources

There is no textbook required for this course. All of the necessary materials and
exercises are found in the modules.
In some cases, you will be referred to templates to pull out, cut, colour, or fold.
These templates will always be found near the end of the module, just in front of the
answer key.
You will need a calculator for some of the activities and a geometry set for Module 3
and Module 7.
If you have Internet access, you might want to do some exploring online. The
Math 7 Course Website will be a good starting point. Go to:
and find the lesson that you’re working on. You’ll find relevant links to websites
with games, activities, and extra practice. Note: access to the course website is not
required to complete the course.

6 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC

Module 1
In addition to the thinking space icons, you will see a few icons used on the left-
hand side of the page. These icons are used to signal a change in activity or to bring
your attention to important instructions.

Explore Online




Answer Key

Use a Calculator

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Module 1
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Module 1
Module 1 Overview
Module 1 consists of three sections on numbers and number operations. You’ll
learn all about adding and subtracting integers, you’ll work with decimals and you’ll
explore some patterns related to divisibility. You will have plenty of opportunities to
review what you already know about numbers and operations and to practise the
new skills you learn. You’ll try some hands-on activities and practice questions.
Module 1 is a special module. In this module you will be introduced to the Thinking
Space strategies that you will use throughout Math 7. It may seem like a lot of
information at first, but don’t worry – you’ll see these strategies in action and before
long you’ll be filling up the Thinking Space with all of your thoughts and ideas!

Section Overviews
Section 1.1: Integers
This first section builds on your knowledge of integers. You will use number lines
and concrete materials to compare, add and subtract integers. Once you have some
practice with integers, you’ll explore some strategies to solve word problems.
There are two Thinking Space strategies introduced in this section. Just Think It
is introduced in Lesson 1.1A and Sketch It Out is introduced in Lesson 1.1B. Read
through the information carefully and then watch how the Thinking Space is used
throughout these lessons. Start using the Thinking Space to interact with the text as
soon as you feel comfortable with it.

Section 1.2: Operations on Decimals

In the second section, you’ll perform operations on decimal numbers. You will
have a chance to practise your addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and
estimation skills with decimals, but the focus of this section is on solving problems.
You’ll use your knowledge of decimals to work through a variety of word problems.
A number of problem solving strategies will be presented along the way.
There are two Thinking Space strategies introduced in this section. Word Attack is
introduced in Lesson 1.2A and Making Connections is introduced in Lesson 1.2B.
Continue to use the Thinking Space strategies you already know, and pay close
attention to how the new strategies are used in these lessons. Start using the new
strategies as soon as you’re comfortable with them.

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Module 1
Section 1.3: Divisibility
How can you tell if a number is divisible by another number? This section is all about
divisibility rules. You’ll explore patterns in sets of numbers and create some rules for
figuring out if a number is divisible by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10. Learning these rules
will help you sharpen your mental math skills and enable you to create and solve
number games and puzzles!

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Module 1
Section 1.1: Integers

Contents at a Glance
Pretest 13
Section Challenge 17
Lesson A: Integers 19
Lesson B: Adding Integers 33
Lesson C: Subtracting Integers 57
Section Summary 67

Learning Outcomes
By the end of this section you will be better able to:
• compare integers
• use a number line
• add and subtract integers
• solve problems that involve integers

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Module 1, Section 1
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Module 1, Section 1

Pretest 1.1
Complete this pretest if you think that you already have a strong grasp of the topics
and concepts covered in this section. Mark your answers using the key found at the
end of the module.
If you get all the answers correct (100%), you may decide that you can omit the
lesson activities.
If you get all the answers correct for one or more lessons, but not for the whole
pretest, you can decide whether you can omit the activities for those lessons.

Lesson 1.1A
1. Write an integer to represent each quantity.
a. A temperature of 17 degrees above zero.

b. A debt of $300.

c. A depth of 75 m below sea level.

2. Circle the least integer.

a. –3 or –2
b. –27 or +4
c. +21 or 0

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Module 1, Section 1
Lesson 1.1B
1. Calculate.
a. (–4) + (–2) =
b. (+6) + (–9) =
c. (+10) + (–4) =
d. (–1) + (–8) =

2. Solve.
a. (+29) + (–3) =
b. (–150) + (+72) =
c. (+127) + (–6) =
d. (–397) + (–50) =

3. James owes his mom $25. He paid back $15. Then he borrowed another $7.
a. Write an expression describing James’ transactions.

b. Use your expression to figure out how much James owes his mom now.

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Module 1, Section 1

Lesson 1.1C
1. Solve.
a. (+3) – (+7) =
b. (+20) – (–8) =
c. (–16) – (+10) =
d. (+3) – (+7) =

2. Complete.
a. ( ) – (+2) = (–8)
b. (+12) – ( ) = (+24)

Turn to the Answer Key at the end of the Module and mark your answers.

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Module 1, Section 1
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Module 1, Section 1

Section Challenge


Double Bogey +2
Bogey +1
Par 0
Birdie –1
Eagle –2

David and Paul are taking their mom, Jane, golfing for Mother’s Day.
• David made 12 pars, 3 birdies and 3 bogeys.
• Jane made 10 pars and 8 birdies.
• Paul made 7 pars, 2 birdies and 6 bogeys.

1. If the best score is the lowest under par, which golfer won?

2. If par for the course is 72, how many strokes did each golfer take?

If you’re not sure how to solve the problem now, don’t worry. You’ll learn all the
skills you need to solve the problem in this section. Give it a try now, or wait until
the end of the section – it’s up to you!

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Module 1, Section 1
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Module 1, Section 1

Lesson 1.1A: Integers
Student Inquiry

Where do I
find integers in
the world?

This activity will help you get ready for, learn, and review the information in the
upcoming lesson.
When you turn this page over, you will find a chart containing the inquiry outcomes
for this lesson. You may be able to answer some of these questions already! Start by
writing down your thoughts before the lesson.
When you finish the lesson, answer each question and give an example.

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Module 1, Section 1
Student Inquiries What I already know about this What I thought at the end: My final
question: answer, and examples:
What is an integer? answer

MATH 7 eText
Module 1, Section 1

What words will help me decide if an answer

integer is positive or negative?


How do I order integers from least to answer

greatest and/or greatest to least?


How can I use a number line to help answer

me order, compare and measure

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Thinking Space Strategy #1
Just Think It

The Thinking Space is the column on the right-hand side of the lessons. It’s there to
help you interact with the text - kind of like a conversation.
Throughout Module 1 you’ll be introduced to four strategies to use in the Thinking
Space. Here’s the first one.

How do I just think it?

Record your questions, thoughts, and responses to questions in the thinking space
to help you interact with the text to make it a conversation.

Questions Comments Responses

Remember, only you know when you have questions and comments. Don’t wait
for the Questions and Comments icons to use these strategies—you can use them
Throughout this lesson, take a look and see how a student used Just Think It to help
understand the math content. You can use the space as well when you want to
make comments, ask questions, and respond to questions in the text.

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Module 1, Section 1
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Module 1, Section 1

Lesson 1.1A: Integers
Thinking Space
We all know how to count forward. Think about your birthday; every
year you get 1 year older. If this was written as an integer, it would
be +1.
But what do we do when we count backwards? It seems simple
enough, until we get to zero. Then what do we do?
Take a look at the number line to see what integers include.

This looks like a

Integers are a set
–6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 of numbers that
• zero
Now that you know what integers look like, think about all the • all the natural
different ways integers are used in the world. Any time that we express numbers (1, 2, 3...)
• the opposite
a value as either a positive number or a negative number, we use of each natural
integers. Try using your thinking space to answer these questions. number (-1, -2,
What do I already know about integers?
Where do I find integers in the world?
Great job! So many things in our world rely on integers to help us
understand, compare, and order information in our heads. Sports
depend on integers when comparing teams, players and stats. For
example, have you ever golfed? The best scores are when players
shoot under par. Or how about hockey statistics? Wayne Gretzky won
the plus/minus score award in the NHL 4 times. Plus/minus is an ice
hockey statistic that measures a player’s goal difference when he is on
the ice. Players’ plus/minus stat goes up by one every time their team
scores and down by one when the team is scored against, but only
while the player is on the ice playing. How do you think this statistic
helps coaches?
Without integers it would be hard to compare things like time zones, ?
temperatures, and sport statistics.
Integers are all around us, and in this lesson you will learn about
clue words to help you determine integer signs, and how to use a
number line to compare, measure and order information which
uses integers. Those words are in
bold, that must mean
they’re important.
They might be clues
for things I will see
later on.

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Module 1, Section 1
Let’s get our brains ready by practicing some common integer questions that we
already know how to do.
1. Temperature is an example of using integers. Temperature is recorded using a
scale that includes positive and negative numbers.
Mark the following temperatures on the thermometer.
a. +7°C
b. –13°C
c. +18°C
d. –19°C
e. –3°C
f. +1°C




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Module 1, Section 1

2. Number lines are great tools for organizing integers. Place these integers on the
number line below., just like you recorded the temperatures on the thermometer.
a. +5
b. +7
c. –4
d. +2
e. –8

–10 –5 0 +5 +10

3. Write 3 integers less than zero.

a. __________
b. __________
c. __________

Turn to the Answer Key at the end of the Module and mark your answers.

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Module 1, Section 1
Introduction to Integers - Using Clue Words
Thinking Space
When we read questions about integers, there are words that we can
use as clues to help us know whether an integer is positive or negative.
When you see a negative sign, what does it mean to you?
It is used to represent anything that is taken away, subtracted, or lost.
A positive sign represents things being added together, or increasing
in value.
Look at this example:

10 degrees below zero.

When I read this, the clue word that stands out to me is

“below.” I use this clue to help me decide what sign to attach
to the number. I know “below” means negative, so:

10 degrees below zero = –10°

Read the following statements and find the clue word that will help
you understand if the integer is positive or negative. Fill in the chart
with other thinking that helps you determine if the integer is positive
or negative. The first one is done for you.


10 below zero below negative –10
25 meters above
sea level Other clue words...
a gain of 5
Positive (+):
kilograms • above
a debt of 11 dollars • gain

a loss of 6 dollars

“Above” and “gain” are clue words that mean positive. “Debt” and Negative (–):
“loss” are clue words that mean negative. Keep thinking about this • below
• loss
idea until your answers match these: –10, +25, +5, –11, –6. • debt

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Module 1, Section 1

Practice 1
(b) 50m

0 Sea Level
(d) Dolphin
50m Below

(e) 100m Below


150m Below

1. Write an integer for the level at which each animal flies or swims.
a. __________

b. __________

c. __________

d. __________

e. __________

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Module 1, Section 1
2. Write an integer to represent each quantity.
a. A temperature of 50 degrees below zero __________
b. A temperature of 10 degrees above zero __________
c. A depth of two hundred meters below sea level __________
d. A library fine of three dollars __________
e. A gain of five kilograms __________
f. A loss of six dollars __________

Turn to the Answer Key at the end of the Module and mark your answers.

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Module 1, Section 1

Introduction to Integers - Using a Number Line
Thinking Space
Number lines are useful tools to help us “see” integers. Just like a
thermometer, we can see both positive and negative numbers on the
number line.
Number lines can help us put integers in order. You have lots of
experience with positive integers. But how do we put negative integers
in order?

–10 –5 0 +5 +10

Look at the number line above. Write 3 numbers that are GREATER
than zero.

Look at the number line and write 3 numbers that are LESS than zero.

What do you notice about each? Is there a rule that you can come up
with to help you determine how to put positive and negative integers
in order?

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Module 1, Section 1
Compare your answers and the things you noticed with the example
below. Notice how the thinking space has been used in this example.
Thinking Space

An integer is GREATER THAN another integer the FURTHER RIGHT it is

on the number line.
Numbers greater than
1. 3 zero are to the right
of zero.
2. 9
3. 11
An integer is LESS THAN another integer the FURTHER LEFT it is on the
number line.
Numbers less than
1. –1 zero are to the left
of zero. Also, they’re
2. –4
3. –17
Now that we know the rules, we can use them to solve integer
questions involving value.

Example: Comparing Integers

Circle the LEAST integer in the pair, and write down your thinking as
you go. Okay, so –3 is on
the left side of the
number line. +5 is
on the right. I know
–3 or +5 that the further right
I go, the greater the
number is. This must
mean +5 is GREATER
THAN –3. And –3 is
Now you try one. LESS THAN +5.

Circle the LEAST integer in the pair, and write down your thinking as
you go.

–7 or –2

Did you circle –7? You are ready to practice some on your own.

Remember: If you are having trouble, your thinking space is a great

place to ask questions and make comments which might help you ?
understand it better.

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Module 1, Section 1

Practice 2
1. Circle the greatest integer.
a. –3 or +5
b. +9 or –3
c. –7 or –2

1. Circle the least integer.

a. +3 or +8
b. –7 or –11
c. –21 or –3

3. Put these integers in order from least to greatest.

+5, –2, +12, 0, –8

Turn to the Answer Key at the end of the Module and mark your answers.

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Module 1, Section 1
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Module 1, Section 1

Lesson 1.1B: Adding Integers
Student Inquiry

(+4) + (–8) = ?

This activity will help you get ready for, learn, and review the information in the
upcoming lesson.
When you turn this page over, you will find a chart containing the inquiry outcomes
for this lesson. You may be able to answer some of these questions already! Start by
writing down your thoughts before the lesson.
When you finish the lesson, answer each question and give an example.

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 33

Module 1, Section 1
Student Inquiries What I already know about this What I thought at the end: My final
question: answer, and examples:
How do I add Integers? answer

MATH 7 eText
Module 1, Section 1

What is the sum of opposite pairs, answer

and how can I use this concept to help
me add?

How can I use a number line to help answer

me add integers?


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Thinking Space Strategy #2
Sketch It Out

How do I sketch it out?

Authors use clues when they write to help us readers make movies in our minds.
There are certain words that help us “see” all around us. It is just a matter of paying
attention to those words, and making them come to life. This can be especially
helpful when we are reading something that we need to learn. Many students learn
better when they can “see” what they are learning. This strategy is another way to
interact with the text.

Sketch It Out

Throughout this lesson, take a look and see how a student used Sketch It Out to help
them understand the math content they were working through. Use the Thinking
Space when you want to Sketch It Out.

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Module 1, Section 1
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Module 1, Section 1

Lesson 1.1B: Adding Integers
Thinking Space
In this lesson we’re going to explore how to add integers. We’ll look at
a variety of methods you can use to help make adding integers as easy
as possible! As you go through the lesson, think about which methods
work best for you.
The key to adding integers is to know about a few little hints. There are
some basic rules that we follow when working with integers that will
help us when we need to add them. These rules are slightly different
from the rules we normally follow when adding, so let’s look at these
helpful hints before we go further.

I need to remember
these hints!

Hint #1: The sign leads the way!

You might notice when adding integers, that there seems to be signs
everywhere! It helps to keep them organized. First, figure out which
signs are stuck to which number. If you can remember that the sign
leads the way, it helps make the questions and equations seem a little
less crazy!

–2 + –3

In this example, the + sign is in front of the 2. We know that it is stuck

to the 2 because the sign leads the way.
In this example the 3 has “+” and “–“ signs in front of it. The sign
leads the way: we know that the sign that sticks to the 3 is the one
right in front. The value of the 3 is (–3). The + sign in the
middle means add.

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Module 1, Section 1
Hint #2: Brackets keep it all together!
The second important hint to remember when working with integers is Thinking Space
knowing how to keep the signs organized.


Integer signs Integer signs are (+2)
the signs that tell us
whether an integer is (–3)
negative or positive. Think of your own
example here:
Think of a number
line; the sign tells us
which direction to go.
Right for positive, or
left for negative.

Operation signs Operation signs tell us 2 + 5 =

what to do. Addition
and Subtraction are 10 – 8=
both operations signs. Think of your own
example here:

This is confusing,
I think I will read it

Once we know which sign is attached to which number, the brackets

keep it all together. The brackets keep the numbers and signs
together, just like the drawer in your dresser is a place to keep all your Hey! brackets are
socks together. kind of like hamburger
buns, they keep all
the filling inside! OK,
it makes more sense
the second time!

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Module 1, Section 1

+2 + –3 = Thinking Space

We need to figure out which signs are integer signs and which are
operation signs. Remember the hints?
1. The sign leads the way
2. Brackets keep it all together. Put the brackets around each integer.
This includes the sign directly in front of the number. The number
and the sign are stuck together.
If we follow these hints, we can rewrite the equation to look like this:

(+2) + (–3) =

Hint #3: Be positive that it’s positive!

The last thing to remember about integers is that sometimes questions
look like they’re missing signs. You might see questions that look
like this:

2 + (–3) =

At first glance it looks like the 2 doesn’t have a sign because there’s no
sign in front leading the way. When there is no sign, it means that the
integer is positive. So another way to write this equation would be:

(+2) + (–3) =
If it looks like there
is no sign, then it’s
automatically positive.

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Module 1, Section 1
These concepts become extra helpful when there are several integers.
For example:
Thinking Space

7 + –3 + 2 =
(+7) + (–3) + (+2) =

It can be helpful to add brackets and positive signs when they are
missing to keep things organized when you are working.

Take a look at all 3 hints. Remember, you can always come back and
check on them if you are stuck or feel like you need a hint.
These are all the
1. The sign leads the way—the sign immediately in front of a number hints; I am going to
is the sign that is stuck to it. remember where they
are so I can come
2. Brackets keep it all together—brackets go around a number and back if I need them.

the sign in front of it.

3. Be positive that its positive—when a number has no sign leading it,
it means that the number is (+).

Explore Online
Looking for more practice or just want to play some fun games?
If you have internet access, go to the Math 7 website at:
Look for Lesson 1.1B: Adding Integers and check out some of the links!

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Module 1, Section 1

1. Answer the following questions by using a number line. First, mark your starting
point, then mark the change. The first one is done for you.
a. 5 + 3 = 8

–1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
b. 6 – 2 =

c. 10 – 4 =

d. 5 + 7 =

2. Practice writing brackets around the integers in these sums.

a. –6 + – 2 =
b. 7 + –3 =
c. 9 + –6 =
d. –12 + 3 + –7 =
e. –64 + 32 + 11 =

Turn to the Answer Key at the end of the Module and mark your answers.

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Module 1, Section 1
Adding Integers - Using the Zero Principle
Thinking Space
There are lots of ways that we can add integers. One is by following
the zero principle: the sum of two opposite integers will always
be zero. What does that mean? Let’s break it apart.


Sum This means “to add.”
Opposite integers Opposite integers have opposite
signs. Also, they are the same
distance from zero on the
number line, but in opposite
Examples: (+1) (-1)
(+1) and (–1) are opposite
(–4) and (+4) are opposite
Always be zero I know that “always” means it’s a
rule. And “be zero” means that it
will equal zero.

For example, look at the following equation:

(1) + (–1) = 0

The opposite integers are (+1) and (–1). And when we add them
together, it will equal zero. This pair of opposite integers is sometimes
called a zero pair.
Write the zero principle in your own words. If it helps, draw a picture
in your thinking space.

42 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC

Module 1, Section 1

Drawing pictures is a great way to understand the zero principle. Let’s

sketch it out!
Thinking Space
We can use coloured chips to represent positive and negative numbers.
Here we’ll use grey chips to represent positive numbers and white
chips to represent negative numbers. (You could choose other colours
if you want.) Grey = (+)
White = (–)

–1 +1 –1 +1 –1 +1 –1

The zero principle says that every zero pair equals zero.
Look at the chips above. Let’s add them together following the
zero principle.

Step 1: Line the chips up into zero pairs

This reminds me of
mixing ingredients...
+1 +1 +1 +1 Example:
–3 + +4
Once you mix it all
–1 –1 –1 together there is +1
left over.

Step 2: Now let’s draw lines between all the zero pairs

+1 +1 +1 +1

–1 –1 –1

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 43

Module 1, Section 1
Step 3: Now see what’s left over
We have 1 positive chip left over. Thinking Space


If we were to write this example as an equation, it would be:

(+4) + (–3) = (+1)

Summary of Steps
(Zero Principle):

Step 1: Line the chips

up into zero pairs

Step 2: Draw lines

between all the zero

Step 3: See what’s

left over

44 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC

Module 1, Section 1

Practice 1
1. Use the zero principle to find the sums.
a. (+5) + (–3) =

b. (–2) + (+3) =

c. (–3) + (+2) =

d. (–2) + (–1) =

e. (–4) + (+3) =

f. (+1) + (–3) + (+4) =

2. Find the sums. Remember to put in brackets first.

a. –4 + 5 =

b. 2 + –3 =

c. +4 + –2 =

d. –3 + –1 =

Turn to the Answer Key at the end of the Module and mark your answers.

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 45

Module 1, Section 1
Adding Integers - Using a Number Line
Thinking Space
Look at this example again:

(+4) + (–3) =

This time we will use a number line to solve it.

Step 1: Draw the number line ?

What things should
I think about when I
draw a number line?
• where would the
–5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 zero sit?
• what interval
should I use?
• make sure the
numbers increase
Step 2: Mark the starting point on the number line (this from left to right
is the first integer)
Look at the first integer, +4, and mark that with a dot on a
number line.

–5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5

Step 3: Now mark the change. How does the next

integer affect the first one?
Okay, now let’s add –3. Usually when we add, we move to the right
on the number line. With integers, we have to be careful. The integer
sign is a hint: the sign is negative, so we move the other way, in the
negative direction. Start at the starting point, +4 and move 3 units left.

46 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC

Module 1, Section 1

Remember: When we are deciding which way to draw the
arrow, (+) means in the positive direction or right. When an
Thinking Space
integer is (–), we go in the negative direction, or left on the
number line.

–5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5

Step 4: See where we end up

On the number line we can see that after adding the second integer,
we end up at (+1). Just like when we used the chips! Which method do
you like? Have a look at the next example and decide which method Summary of Steps
works for you. (Number Line):

Step 1: Draw the

number line

Example: Adding Integers Step 2: Mark the first

integer on the number

(+3) + (–2) = Step 3: Now mark

the change

Step 4: See where we

end up
Zero Principle: Number Line:

(+1) (+1) (+1) (+3)

(–1) (–1) (–2)

–2 –1 0 1 2 3

+1 left over +1

Excellent job! Which method did you like best? Why did you choose it?
Thinking about why you do things is a good way to learn.

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 47

Module 1, Section 1
Practice 2
1. a. (–4) + (–1) =

b. (+2) + (+6) =

c. (+8) + (–3) =

d. (–7) + (+4) =

e. (+6) + (–3) =

f. (–9) + (+4) =

2. a. (–2) + (–3) + (–2) =

b. (+2) + (–4) + (+3) =

3. a. ( ) + (–5) = +5

b. ( ) + (–8) = –6

4. The sum of two integers is –7. Give four possible equations.

Turn to the Answer Key at the end of the Module and mark your answers.

48 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC

Module 1, Section 1

Adding Integers - Far From Zero
Thinking Space
The same methods can be used when adding integers with larger
values. We can use the zero pair principle or a number line to solve
these equations just as we did before. Take a look at this example; we
will use the zero pair principle to solve it.

Using the Zero Pair Principle

Let’s use this example: The steps for this
method are:

Step 1: Line the chips

(+40) + (–30) = up into zero pairs

Step 2: Draw lines

between all the zero
Step 1: Line up integer chips into zero pairs
Step 3: See what’s
We don’t need to draw 40 positive chips and 30 negative chips. left over
We need 30 positive chips to cancel out all the negative chips. Break
up the (+40) into (+30) and (+10).


+30 +10

Step 2: Draw a line to each zero pair


+30 +10

Every zero pair equals zero.

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 49

Module 1, Section 1
Step 3: See what is left over

Thinking Space

(+10) is left over after cancelling out the zero pairs.

(+40) + (–30) = (+10)

We didn’t need to draw every chip for the zero pairs method, and we
don’t need to mark every number on the number line. Make a number
line with +10, +20, etc.

Now let’s try the same question using a number line. The steps for this
method are:

Step 1: Draw the

number line
Using a Number Line
Step 2: Mark the first
Step 1: Draw the number line integer on the number

Step 3: Now mark

the change
(+40) + (–30) =
Step 4: See where we
end up

–10 0 +10 +20 +30 +40 +50

Step 2: Mark the first integer on the number line as the

starting point
Mark +40 with a dot on a number line.

–10 0 +10 +20 +30 +40 +50

50 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC

Module 1, Section 1

Step 3: Now mark the change

OK, now let’s add –30. Remember: the integer sign is a hint. Thinking Space
Which direction should we move?

–10 0 +10 +20 +30 +40 +50

Step 4: Where do we end up?

On the number line we can see that after adding the second integer,
we end up on (+10).
Just like smaller integers, we can add larger numbers on a number line.
We just have to create a number line that includes the larger values in
the question.

Adding Integers Far From Zero - The Scoreboard Method

Here is another method to try. It is called the scoreboard method. You

have seen scoreboards before. They are used in football games, hockey
games, and other sports. Imagine there are two teams playing against
each other:



An integer addition question is just like a scoreboard for a game. First

you draw a score board, then record what happens in the game.

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 51

Module 1, Section 1
Let’s try one:

Thinking Space
+14 + (–22) =

The Positive Team gets 14 points. The Negative Team gets 22 points.


14 22

Who won? By how much did they win? In this example the Negative
Team won by 8 points. So our answer would be -8.

Try this one:

(–15) + (–10) =

For this example, we have to record two integers in the Negatives.

Imagine they had to play two periods and those were the scores. It
would look like this:


0 15
0 10

The Negatives won again, but this time they got a shut out! Add up all
the scores from the periods, and you will get the answer (–25).

52 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC

Module 1, Section 1

Now you give these a try:

Thinking Space
(–4) + (7) =



(–25) + 45 =



Check your answers using one of the other methods.

Did you get these answers?

(–4) + (+7) = +3

(–25) + (+45) = +20

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 53

Module 1, Section 1
Example: Adding Integers

Thinking Space
(–60) + (+15) =

1. Choose a method.
Zero Principle: Number Line: The Scoreboard:
1. Line up integer 1. Make the number 1. Draw the
chips into zero pairs. line. scoreboard
Colour the positive -where is the zero?
chips red and the -what is the 2. Report the scores
negative chips blue, if interval? for each team game
it helps. 3. Find out which
2. Mark the first
2. Draw a line integer on the team won and by
between each zero number line. how much
3. Mark the change
3. See what is left using an arrow.
4. See where you
end up.
2. Solve.
Once you have chosen a method, solve the equation here. Compare
your answer to the solutions below.
3. Compare your solution.
Zero Principle: Number Line: The Scoreboard:

– +
(–15) (–45) (–60)
–60 +15
(+15) (+15)
–60 –55 –50 –45 –40 –35

–45 left over The Negative Team

–45 left over won by 45 points.

How did you do? Which method works best for you?
Are you ready to try some on your own? Look back at these examples
if you are stuck or need a hint.

54 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC

Module 1, Section 1

Practice 3
1. Predict whether the sum will be positive or negative.
a. (–50) + (–20) will be
b. (–50) + (+20) will be

2. Calculate.
a. (+5) + (+3) =
b. (–5) + (–3) =
c. (–60) + (+20) =
d. (–10) + (–15) =

3. Calculate.
a. (–25) + (+35) =
b. (–15) + (+38) =

4. Arrange the temperatures in order from coldest to warmest.

–17°C, 27°C, –6°C, 0°C, 16°C, 2°C, 22°C

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 55

Module 1, Section 1
5. If the temperature is –15°C, what will the temperature be if it:
a. increases 20°C

b. increases 15°C

c. increases 5°C

6. Ryan walks up and down a staircase. He starts on the 5th step and walks:
• up 2 steps
• down 3 steps
• up 4 steps
• down 5 steps
What step does he finish on?

Turn to the Answer Key at the end of the Module and mark your answers.

56 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC

Module 1, Section 1

Lesson 1.1C: Subtracting Integers
Student Inquiry

(–5) – (+7) = ?

This activity will help you get ready for, learn, and review the information in the
upcoming lesson.
When you turn this page over, you will find a chart containing the inquiry outcomes
for this lesson. You may be able to answer some of these questions already! Start by
writing down your thoughts before the lesson.
When you finish the lesson, answer each question and give an example.

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 57

Module 1, Section 1
Student Inquiries What I already know about this What I thought at the end: My final
question: answer, and examples:
How do I subtract integers? answer

MATH 7 eText
Module 1, Section 1

How can I use skills I learned about answer

adding integers to help me with
subtracting integers?

© Open School BC

Lesson 1.1C: Subtracting Integers
Thinking Space
The great news about this lesson is that you will learn about how we
can make subtraction disappear! Well, it still exists, but we’re going to
look at it in a new way.
In this lesson you will learn about how to use integers to turn all
subtraction questions into addition questions.

Explore Online
Looking for more practice or just want to play some fun games?
If you have internet access, go to the Math 7 website at:
Look for Lesson 1.1C: Subtracting Integers and check out some of
the links!

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 59

Module 1, Section 1
1. Use the number line to subtract. Look closely at the intervals on the number
lines. The first one is done for you.
a. 30 – 10 = 20

+10 +15 +20 +25 +30

b. 25 – 5 =

+10 +15 +20 +25 +30

c. 120 – 115 =

–50 0 +50 +100 +150

2. Subtract.
a. 37 – 24 =
b. 54 – 8 =
c. 317 – 97 =
d. 1072 – 67 =
e. 47 – 39 =
f. 515 – 11 =

Turn to the Answer Key at the end of the Module and mark your answers.

60 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC

Module 1, Section 1

Subtracting Integers
Thinking Space
Have you ever received a gift card for a birthday present? Gift cards are
a perfect example of how subtracting integers works.
Imagine that you could spend the balance, and more than the
balance, as long as you reloaded your gift card back to zero.
Take a look at this example.
• Gift card balance is $10.00
• You buy a CD for $15.00
• Your new gift card balance is –$5.00 because you spent more than
the original balance.
If you bought another CD for $15.00, you would be subtracting
$15.00 from an already negative balance. In other words, we are
subtracting $15.00 from the balance of the card. Do you have any
questions about this

(–5) – (+15) =
a 5 dollar debt minus 15 dollars

You can look at it another way:

(–5) + (–15) =
a 5 dollar debt plus another 15 dollar debt

There is already a negative balance and we are adding more debt.

(+15) and (–15) are
opposite integers.
(–5) – (+15) = (–5) + (–15) = –20

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 61

Module 1, Section 1
Let’s try some more examples:

Thinking Space
(4) – (–6) =

For this example, the integer following the subtraction sign is (–6).
When we change the operation sign from subtraction to addition, the
sign of the integer must also change. So to subtract a
negative integer, we
just add its opposite!
(4) + (+6) =
(4) + (+6) = +10

62 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC

Module 1, Section 1

Practice turning these equations into addition questions.

STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 Thinking Space
Add brackets Do the switch Solve using
and integer (add the addition. (Use
signs, if opposite). any method
necessary. you like: zero
pairs, number
lines, or the
(5) – (+8) = (+5) - (+8) = (+5) + (–8) = Which method is
+ – win by 3 your favourite?

5 8 –3

(–7) – (–2) =

(6) – (3) =

7 – (+4) =


© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 63

Module 1, Section 1
Great job, now compare your answers to the solutions below.

STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 Thinking Space

Add brackets Do the switch Solve using
and integer (add the addition. (Use
signs, if opposite). any method
necessary. you like: zero
pairs, number
lines, or the
(5) – (+8) = (+5) – (+8) = (+5) + (–8) = + – win by 3
5 8 –3

(–7) – (–2) = (–7) – (–2) = (–7) + (+2) = –2 –5 left over

+2 –5

(6) – (3) = (+6) – (+3) = (+6) + (–3) = End Start

0 +3 +6

7 – (+4) = (+7) – (+4) = (+7) + (–4) =

+ – win by 3
7 4 +3

–3 – 2 = (–3) – (+2) = (-3) + (2) = + – win by 5

3 0
2 0 +5

64 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC

Module 1, Section 1

1. Solve.
a. (+3) – (–2) =
b. (–7) – (–3) =
c. (–2) – (+6) =
d. (–1) – (+4) =

2. Solve.
a. (+9) – (+2) – (+4) =
b. (–6) – (–4) – (–3) =
c. (+3) – (–1) – (+4) =
d. (–4) – (–2) – (+3) =

3. A valley is 200 metres below sea level and the top of a mountain is 2000 metres
above sea level. Cullen says the difference is 2200 metres. Ann says the
difference is 1800 metres. Who is right?

Turn to the Answer Key at the end of the Module and mark your answers.

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 65

Module 1, Section 1
66 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC
Module 1, Section 1

Section Summary
Now that you have completed this section, try solving the Section Challenge that
you saw at the beginning. When you are finished, compare your answer to the
solution on the next page.

Section Challenge


Double Bogey +2
Bogey +1
Par 0
Birdie –1
Eagle –2

David and Paul are taking their mom, Jane, golfing for Mother’s Day.
• David made 12 pars, 3 birdies and 3 bogeys.
• Jane made 10 pars and 8 birdies.
• Paul made 7 pars, 2 birdies and 6 bogeys.

1. If the best score is the lowest under par, which golfer won?

2. If par for the course is 72, how many strokes did each golfer take?

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 67

Module 1, Section 1
Section Challenge Solution
I understand by: My way to understand:
• drawing • drawing
• highlighting clue words
• underlining the question
• rewording the question D 12 Pars = 0
3 Birdies = -1
3 Bogeys = +1

J 10 Pars = 0
8 Birdies = -1

P 7 Pars = 0
2 Birdies = -1
6 Bogeys = +1


• Find the information I need
• Make an estimate
Information I need: Information I don’t need:
• David made 12 pars, • David and Paul are taking their mom,
3 birdies, and 3 bogeys Jane, golfing for Mother’s Day.
• Jane made 10 pars and 8 birdies
• Paul made 7 pars,
2 birdies, and 6 bogeys

Clue words:
• Double bogey = +2
• Bogey = +1
• Par = 0
• Birdie = –1
• Eagle = –2

My Estimate: I estimate that Jane won because she got no scores above par.

68 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC

Module 1, Section 1




David made 12 pars, 3 birdies and 3 bogeys.

12 pars: 12 x 0 = 0
3 birdies: 3 x (–1) = –3
3 bogeys: 3 x (+1) = +3
Total: 0 + (–3) + (+3) = 0

Jane made 10 pars and 8 birdies.

10 pars: 10 x 0 = 0
8 birdies: 8 x (–1) = –8
Total: 0 + (–8) = –8

Paul made 7 pars, 2 birdies and 6 bogeys.

7 pars: 7 x 0 = 0
2 birdies: 2 x (–1) = –2
6 bogeys: 6 x (+1) = +6
Total: 0 + (–2) + 6 = +4

Check: My estimate is correct.

If the best score is the lowest under par, which golfer won?

Jane with –8.

If par for the course is 72, how many strokes did each golfer take?

David: 72 + 0 = 72
Jane: 72 – 8 = 64
Paul: 72 + 4 = 76
Does the answer make sense?: Yes.

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 69

Module 1, Section 1
70 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC
Module 1, Section 1
Section 1.2: Operations on Decimals 2
Contents at a Glance
Pretest 71
Section Challenge 77
Lesson A: Estimating Decimals 79
Lesson B: Adding and Subtracting Decimals in Word Problems 95
Lesson C: Multiplying and Dividing Decimals in Word Problems 113
Lesson D: Multi-step Problems 129
Lesson E: Really Big and Really Small Numbers 139
Section Summary 151

Learning Outcomes
By the end of this section you will be better able to:
• add, subtract, multiply and divide a variety of decimal numbers
• apply the correct order of operations to problems that involve more than one
operation on decimal numbers
• estimate solutions in problems that involve decimals
• determine if your estimation is reasonable
• solve a variety of problems that involve decimals

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 71

Module 1, Section 2
72 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC
Module 1, Section 2

Pretest 1.2
Complete this pretest if you think that you already have a strong grasp of the topics
and concepts covered in this section. Mark your answers using the key found at the
end of the module.
If you get all the answers correct (100%), you may decide that you can omit the
lesson activities.
If you get all the answers correct for one or more lessons, but not for the whole
pretest, you can decide whether you can omit the activities for those lessons.

Lesson 1.2A
1. Estimate.

a. 2.67 + 6.24 =

b. 65.331 + 21.951 =

c. 55.213 + 26.543 + 38.222 =

d. 0.236 + 1.897 =

e. 22.65 – 11.20 =

f. 258.688 – 23.126 =

g. 159.32 – 62.15 =

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 73

Module 1, Section 2
Lesson 1.2B
1. Dilraj and Manny have $95. They want to buy a video game for $75.50, a
controller for $16.99 and a memory card for $20.15. All prices include tax.
a. Estimate the total cost. Do they have enough to buy all three items?

b. Calculate how much they are short or the amount they would have left over.

Lesson 1.2C
1. Calculate.
a. 0.2 × 0.9 =
b. 0.6 × 0.4 =

2. Gas costs $1.25 per litre. Your car holds 40.5 L. How much do you pay for gas?
Round your answer to the nearest cent.

74 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC

Module 1, Section 2

Lesson 1.2D
1. Estimate then calculate.
a. (26.6 × 6) + 25 – (3.2 × 2.1) =

b. (6.9 ÷ 3) + (4.6 × 0.23) =

Lesson 1.2E
1. A single bus fare costs $3.25. A monthly pass costs $45.75.
a. You plan to ride the bus 25 times this month.
Should you buy a monthly pass?

b. How many times would you have to ride the bus for it to be worth buying
a monthly pass?

Turn to the Answer Key at the end of the Module and mark your answers.

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 75

Module 1, Section 2
76 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC
Module 1, Section 2

Section Challenge

It’s Friday night and you are out with your friends. You have $10 in your wallet.
Although these days that doesn’t seem to get you much, it will have to do. You stop
at your favourite fast food joint. A sandwich is $5.59, and chips are another $1.99.
But you are really hungry, so maybe you want a salad which is $3.45. Throw in a
drink for $1.87. Wow, it adds up! We have all been in these situations. It’s times like
these when we need some good estimating skills!

1. Do you have enough for the salad?

2. If you get change, how much will it be?

If you’re not sure how to solve the problem now, don’t worry. You’ll learn all the
skills you need to solve the problem in this section. Give it a try now, or wait until
the end of the section – it’s up to you!

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 77

Module 1, Section 2
78 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC
Module 1, Section 2

Lesson 1.2A: Estimating Decimals
Student Inquiry

What is estimation?
Is that like guessing?

This activity will help you get ready for, learn, and review the information in the
upcoming lesson.
When you turn this page over, you will find a chart containing the inquiry outcomes
for this lesson. You may be able to answer some of these questions already! Start by
writing down your thoughts before the lesson.

When you finish the lesson, answer each question and give an example.

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 79

Module 1, Section 2
Student Inquiries What I already know about this What I thought at the end: My final
question: answer, and examples:
What is estimation? answer

MATH 7 eText
Module 1, Section 2

How do I estimate using Front End answer



How do I estimate using relative size? answer


How can estimation help me know answer

where to put a decimal in an answer?


© Open School BC

Thinking Space Strategy #3
Word Attack

How do I word attack?

Word Attack

There are different kinds of words to attack. The goal in all cases, however, is to
understand what the words mean. The three kinds of words we are going to focus
on are:

Vocabulary words - There are some words that are used throughout the lesson
that are important terms to know. In other words, these words are crucial to
understanding the content and working through the lesson. The words will often be
in bold type or have definitions attached to them.

Math clue words - Words are often used to spread clues about what kind of
mathematical operations to use, especially in word problems. For example, words
like “around” could mean “perimeter,” or a word like ”together” could mean “to
add.” It is helpful to create a list of these words to help you so when you come
across these math clue words, you know what to do to solve the problem. Take a
look at some of these math clue word examples:


Give to... Subtract
Combine Add
Around Perimeter
Left over Remaining Total

Can you think of any others? Write them in the chart above.

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 81

Module 1, Section 2
Unknown words - Everyone encounters unknown words at some time or another.
Sometimes we come across words that we either can’t pronounce, or just don’t
know what they mean. When this happens, there are some strategies you can use to
attack the words, so you can make sense of what you are reading.


Sound it out: We all know this one; we have been doing it our whole lives.
Saying words out loud will often help us know what words are
because we may find that they are words we have heard before. It
is used a lot because it is a good strategy, but it isn’t the only one.
Skip it: The first time you come across the word, try skipping it; you may
not even need to know it. But don’t forget to ask yourself if it
makes sense after skipping the word!
Chunk it: If you chunk the word into sections, sometimes you may find
words that look like other words you know. For example, let’s look
at the word extraordinary:

extra / ordinary

Let’s chunk it into 2 sections extra and ordinary. We know

ordinary means normal, everyday. And we know extra means
more. So we could say that extraordinary means more or better
than normal.
Substitute it: Words around the unknown word are very good clues to figuring
out what a word means. Very often you can use those words to
put in another word that you know. Look at this example; say we
were stuck on the word spectacular in this sentence:

The painting was spectacular; I couldn’t stop looking at it.

By using the words around the unknown word, we could use a

word such as amazing or incredible instead.

It doesn’t matter what strategy you choose to use to attack the words, it won’t work
unless you stop after you use it and ask yourself:

Does this make sense? If so, just keep on reading. If not, try a different strategy!

Throughout this lesson, take a look and see how a student used Word Attack to help
understand the math content to be worked through. You can use the space as well
when you want to identify and attack vocabulary words, clue words or words you
don’t know.

82 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC

Module 1, Section 2

Lesson 1.2A: Estimating Decimals
Thinking Space
Estimating is a skill we all need. How many times have you been sent
you to the store with a list of things to pick up, and you secretly hope
to have enough change to get a treat at the end? Estimating helps us
do mental math, or math in our head. We don’t always have access to
a calculator or a pen and paper to scratch out problems. Estimating
skills are what we need to get through situations like these.

Explore Online
Looking for more practice or just want to play some fun games?
If you have internet access, go to the Math 7 website at:
Look for Lesson 1.2A: Estimating Decimals and check out some of
the links!

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 83

Module 1, Section 2
Thousands, Hundreds, Tens, Ones . Tenths, Hundredths, Thousandths

1. Circle the digit in the place value given, using the place value system above.
a. 218.1 Ones

b. 24.19 Tenths

c. 3007.01 Thousands

d. 0.89 Ones

e. 3942.91 Tens

f. 411.02 Hundreds

2. Round the place value given. Use the poem below to help you. The first one is
done for you.

Find your target, look right next door

4 or lower, just ignore
5 or higher, add one more!

a. 318.47 Hundreds
The answer is 300.

84 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC

Module 1, Section 2

b. 14.062 Tenths

c. 62.17 Ones

d. 461.78 Tenths

e. 2104.96 Tens

f. 1496.73 Hundreds

3. Estimate by rounding. The first one has been done for you.
a. 46 × 3 ≈ 50 × 3 = 150

b. 77 + 6 ≈

c. 18 ÷ 5 ≈

d. 6 × 21 ≈

e. 103 – 14 ≈

f. 664 + 17 ≈

Turn to the Answer Key at the end of the Module and mark your answers.

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 85

Module 1, Section 2
Front End Estimation
Thinking Space
You have $150, and you want to buy a video game that costs $107.73.
There is also a sale on controllers AND it’s tax-free shopping this
weekend only! You see that the controller is $33.21. Do you think you
have enough money to buy both?
Add together!
This is one of many examples of how estimation could help you out. It
would be great to be able to have a calculator available whenever you
need it, but instead we must rely on ways of doing math in our heads.
This is estimation. !
Estimation = a smart
There are many ways to estimate or make a best guess of what the guess!
answer could be. We will try two different kinds of estimation in this
lesson. Once you become familiar with both, you can choose which
method works best for you.
The first method is called front end estimation. Let’s use the example
above to practice using front end estimation. We call it front end
because we look at the front of the number to help us.

33.21 + 107.73 =

Step 1: Rounding
When front end estimating, the first step is to round the number to the
place value of its first digit. For example:


The first digit is 3, and the 3 is in the tens column. This

tells me to round it to the nearest ten. If I round 33.21
to the nearest ten, the number I get is 30.
Let’s try it now with 107.73. What is the place value of the first digit? If
you aren’t sure, try making a place value chart like this to help you out.

Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones . Tenths Hundredths

1 0 7 . 7 3

86 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC

Module 1, Section 2

After putting the number in the chart, can you see that the place
value of the first digit is in the hundreds column? Something to keep
in mind, however, is that as the numbers get bigger, our estimates Thinking Space
get less precise. When we round 107.73 to the nearest hundred, we
get 100. We can easily fix this problem. With larger numbers, use the
first two digits as the “front end”. Rounding 107.73 to the nearest ten
gives 110. Can you see how including two digits is a more
accurate estimate?

Step 2: Estimate
The question is asking us to add, so we do the same with our
estimated numbers.

30 + 110 = 140

We know our answer will be around 140. Using this estimation, we

could predict that you would have enough money to buy both the
game and the controller.
Let’s try another one together.

Example: Front End Estimation

41.30 – 14.17 =

41.30 41 is the front, round to 40
14.15 14 is the front, round to 15
40 – 15 = 25

Great job! Try a few more until you are comfortable with front
end estimation.

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 87

Module 1, Section 2
Practice 1
1. Estimate using Front End Estimation.
a. 107.11 + 14.97

b. 321.06 + 111.12

2. Place a decimal point in each sum without calculating.

a. 62.57 + 28.41 = 9098

b. 75.83 + 37.9 + 28 = 14173

3. Estimate.
a. 1.458 + 1.319 + 1.2

b. $9.14 + $6.99 + $0.49

Turn to the Answer Key at the end of the Module and mark your answers.

88 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC

Module 1, Section 2

Relative Size Estimation
Thinking Space
We have learned how to estimate using front end, now let’s try
another way. This second method is called “estimating using relative
size.” We call it this because we are comparing or relating our
numbers to a standard, which in this case is a number line. Let’s use
the same question as in our first example. This time, estimate using !
relative size.
I see the word
‘relative’ like we are
33.21 + 107.73 = relating/comparing
this number in
relation to
something else.

Step 1: Build a number line

Remember to keep in mind the hints for building number lines from
the previous section:
• Where is the zero?
• What is the interval?
Interval... I’m not
• Are the units increasing from left to right? sure what that is.

Now ask yourself, “what would this number fit between?”

33.21 would fit between 30 and 40. We use the front value to help us,
just like we did in front end estimation. Our number line starts at 30
and ends at 40, using intervals of 1. Oh yeah!
It’s the space
between the units on
a number line.

+30 +35 +40

<– Closer to 30

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 89

Module 1, Section 2
107.73 is between 100 and 110. The number line for this number
starts at 100 and ends at 110 and uses intervals of 1.
Thinking Space

+100 +105 +110

Closer to 110 ->

Step 2: What is it closest to?

This is where we ask ourselves, if I were to now put my number on the
number line, which end would it be closest to?
33.21 is closest to 30 on our number line
107.73 is closet to 110 on our number line

Step 3: Estimate
Look back at our question. What operation are we using? It doesn’t
change. In this question we are adding, so we are going to add our
estimates as well.

30 + 110 = 140

Our estimate is that 33.21 + 107.73 will be around 140.

Both types of estimates are considered good methods for finding the
“best guesses” in problems involving decimals.
Are you ready to try some?

Example: Relative Size Estimation

41.30 – 14.17

90 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC

Module 1, Section 2

Step 1: Build the number line

41.30 Thinking Space

+40 +45 +50



+10 +15 +20


Step 2: What is it closest to?

Place the numbers on the number line and the end they are closest to.

41.30 is closest to 40 on our number line

14.17 is closet to 15 on our number line

Step 3: Estimate

40 – 15 = 25

Great job! Try a few more so you become really confident using this
method of estimation.

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 91

Module 1, Section 2
Practice 2
1. Estimate using Relative Size Estimation.
a. 60.14 + 11.22 =

b. 124.08 – 15.64 =

c. 247.0 + 83.14 =

d. 11 + 90.12 =

2. Place a decimal point in each sum without calculating.

a. 68.4 + 26.8 = 952

b. $335.61 – $240 = $9561

c. 4.831 + 2.765 = 7596

3. Estimate.
a. 28.3 – 5.19 =

b. $3402.50 + $4102.05 =

c. 627 metres – 580.9 metres =

Turn to the Answer Key at the end of the Module and mark your answers.

92 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC

Module 1, Section 2

Estimating Your Way

It doesn’t matter which way you choose to estimate. You can pick Thinking Space
which method works best for you.
Estimate using either relative size or front end estimation.

Why did you choose the

method you did?
$485.20 + $35.19 + $11.16 =

Compare your estimates with the ones below.

485.20 is close to 500

35.19 is close to 40
11.16 is close to 10
500 + 40 + 10 = 550

Remember: It is okay that the estimates are different depending

on the method you choose to use. Estimates are our smart
guesses. In the next lesson, we’ll look at how estimates help us ?
when we’re finding exact answers.

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 93

Module 1, Section 2
Practice 3
1. One bicycle costs $248.90. The other costs $399.99.
a. Estimate how much more the second bicycle costs.

b. Estimate how much it would cost to buy both.

2. Estimate.
a. 12.03 + 15.13 =

b. $117.68 + $120.70 =

Turn to the Answer Key at the end of the Module and mark your answers.

94 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC

Module 1, Section 2

Lesson 1.2B: Adding and Subtracting
Decimals in Word Problems
Student Inquiry

Can my new
estimating skills
help me with this?

This activity will help you get ready for, learn, and review the information in the
upcoming lesson.
When you turn this page over, you will find a chart containing the inquiry outcomes
for this lesson. You may be able to answer some of these questions already! Start by
writing down your thoughts before the lesson.
When you finish the lesson, answer each question and give an example.

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 95

Module 1, Section 2
Student Inquiries What I already know about this What I thought at the end: My final
question: answer, and examples:
What strategies can I use to solve word answer

MATH 7 eText
problems involving decimals?

Module 1, Section 2

What do I need to know in order to answer

add or subtract decimals?


How can estimating help me solve a answer

word problem?


© Open School BC

Thinking Space Strategy #4
Making Connections

How do I use connections?

Making Connections

There are three kind of connections we make make while we are reading:

Connecting the text to ourselves - When you have a direct experience related to what
you’re reading, this is a text-to-self connection. Maybe you lived through a situation
similar to the one you’re reading about. Or maybe you’ve seen something similar, or
learned the concept in another course. Whatever connection you have to the text,
recognizing the connection will help you understand and learn what
you’re reading.

Connecting the text to the world - Sometimes there are things that you might not
experience directly, but know about through someone or something else. You can
connect to something you learned from someone else, or learned through the news,
or even something you remember from movies you’ve watched. These types of
connections are text-to-world connections.

Connecting the text to another text - When you connect the text you’re reading to
other texts you‘ve read, this is a text-to-text connection. You may already know part
of what you’re reading from previous grades or from other books you’ve
read. Combining old knowledge and new knowledge together helps you learn
new things.

An important part about Making Connections is knowing when the connections are
strong. Strong connections help us understand something new. A good question to
ask yourself after you make a connection is:


In other words, “what about this connection helped me learn something new, or
helped me understand this new information I’m learning about now?”

Congratulations, you have made it through all of the thinking strategies. Your job
now is to use them! Good luck with the rest of your course. And happy thinking!

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 97

Module 1, Section 2
98 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC
Module 1, Section 2

Lesson 1.2B: Adding and Subtracting
Decimals in Word Problems Thinking Space
Just like estimating helps us solve math problems throughout our
day, estimating and problem solving will help us work through word
problems on paper. Math is filled with all types of word problems.
Our job is to understand the problem and use all the math skills we’ve
learned together to solve them. In this lesson we’ll be solving word
problems involving adding and subtracting decimals.

Explore Online
Looking for more practice or just want to play some fun games?
If you have internet access, go to the Math 7 website at:
Look for Lesson 1.2B: Adding and Subtracting Decimals in Word Problems
and check out some of the links!

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 99

Module 1, Section 2
1. Estimate. Solve. Check.
Complete these questions without using a calculator.
a. 16.2 + 4.6 =

b. 4.7 + 3.2 =

c. 20.5 – 16.2 =

d. 120.6 – 18.3 =

e. 21 – 4.7 =

f. 137 + 14.3 =

g. 43.21 + 16.24 =

h. 137 + 14.3 =

100 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC

Module 1, Section 2

i. 27.22 – 10.6 =

j. 621.03 + 7 =

k. 1210 + 16.7 =

l. 88.8 + 7.2 =

m. 14.72 – 4.2 =

n. 99 + 0.9 =

Turn to the Answer Key at the end of the Module and mark your answers.

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 101

Module 1, Section 2
Adding and Subtracting Decimals in Word Problems
Thinking Space
We reviewed how to add and subtract decimals in our warm up;
now we’ll practice solving word problems involving addition and
subtraction of decimals. We’ll include the estimating skills we learned
in the last lesson.
We practiced estimating decimals in two ways: We learned these
estimating techniques
1. Front end estimation in the last lesson.

2. The zero pair principle

Now we can include these skills in our word problem steps.

Step 1: Understand the problem

Here are some example strategies we can use to understand
a problem.
1. Highlight clue words
Remember when we highlight, we are looking for words that help
us see and trying to find all the numbers for our number sentence.
Using clue words is one of the best ways to understand math word
problems. It’s helpful to make a chart of clue words, or words that
help us “see,” and explain why they are clue words.
2. Drawing a picture
Draw a picture of what is going on in the problem.
See if you can figure out which operations we are going to use: I love drawing! I
hope that it will help
addition, or subtraction, or both. me understand

3. Underline the question(s)

When we underline the question, it helps us make sure we’ve
answered it. We wouldn’t want to rush and get an answer only to
realize later that we answered the wrong question!
Can you think of some other strategies?

102 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC

Module 1, Section 2

Step 2: Make a plan

Once you understand the problem, you need to figure out what Thinking Space
mathematical operations you should use. It can be helpful to separate
the information you need from the information you don’t. Reread the
question and pull out all the important information you need.
Another part of the plan is to include the estimating that we learned I know there is
usually way more
from the previous lesson. You can choose what method works for you. info than I need...I
Which do you prefer? feel like I’m getting
tricked sometimes.
Front end estimation
Number line estimation

Step 3: Carry out the plan

Now that I understand the problem, I have to figure out what
mathematical operations I am working with.
1. Calculate the answer.
2. Check with your estimate (does your answer make sense?).

Step 4: Answer the question

Remember that we underlined the questions in the problem. Go back
and make sure your calculated answer addresses the question. Also,
make sure you’ve answered all the questions (sometimes there are Summary of Steps
(Problem Solving):
more than one) and that your answer makes sense.
Step 1: Understand the
Following these steps will help you solve word problems. We will problem
use these steps together to work out some word problems involving
adding and subtracting decimals. Then you can try one on your own. Step 2: Make a plan

Step 3: Carry out the


Step 4: Answer the


© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 103

Module 1, Section 2
Robbie is training for a race by riding his bike around his block 3 times every day.
He measured the distance of his route (see the map below). What distance does he
ride each day?
27.4 m

14.09 m


I understand by: My way to understand:
• drawing • drawing
• highlighting clue words 27.4 m
• underlining the question
• rewording the question 14.09 m x3 14.09 m

27.4 m


• Find the information I need
• Make an estimate
Information I need: Information I don’t need:
• Riding his bike around his block 3 • Robbie is training for a race
times every day

The distance of his route:

• Length = 27.4 metres
• Width = 14.09 metres

Clue words:
• Around = its perimeter
• 3 times = multiply by 3

My Estimate: Using the clue words and info chart I understand the problem. I
know that I need to add up all the sides of Robbie’s bike route, then multiply by
3 because he rides around the perimeter of his block 3 times. First, I will make an

Perimeter of 1 block =
27.4 + 27.4 + 14.09 + 14.09
25 + 25 + 15 + 15 = 80
80 × 3 = 240 metres

104 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC

Module 1, Section 2


27.4 + 27.4 = 54.8

14.09 + 14.09 = 28.18
54.8 + 2818 = 82.98 m

82.98 m × 3 times around = 248.94 m

Robbie rides 248.94 metres each day.

Check: My estimate is correct.

What distance does he ride each day?

Robbie rides 248.94 metres each day.

Does the answer make sense?: Yes.

Once we put all the skills together, our estimating skills, our decimal skills and our
word problem skills, solving word problems is easy! Let’s try a few more.

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 105

Module 1, Section 2
Sonny made a punch for his birthday party on Saturday. He combined 1.43 L of
soda with 0.88 L of orange juice and 0.64 L of grape juice. On the way to the
table, Sonny tripped and spilled some punch. When it finally got to the table,
there was 2.03 L left. How much did he spill?
I understand by: My way to understand:
• drawing • drawing
• highlighting clue words ADD:
• underlining the question 1.43 L Soda
0.88 L OJ
• rewording the question 0.64 L GJ

SPILL (Subtract):
Left over = 2.03 L
How much was spilled?


• Find the information I need
• Make an estimate
Information I need: Information I don’t need:
• Combined 1.43 L of soda with 0.88 L • Sonny made a punch for his birthday
of orange juice and 0.64 L of party on Saturday
grape juice • On the way to the table, Sonny
• Spilled tripped
• There was 2.03 L left • When it finally go to the table

Clue words:
• combined/with/and = adding
• spilled = subtract
• left = remaining total

My Estimate:

1.43 round down to 1 L

0.88 round up to 1 L
0.64 round up to 1L
1 L + 1 L + 1L = 3 L

2.03 round down to 2 L

3 L – 2 L = 1 L left over

106 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC

Module 1, Section 2


Soda + OJ + GJ = Total Punch

1.43 + 0.88 + 0.64 = 2.95 L

Total Punch – Left = Spill

2.95 – 2.03 = Spill
Spill = 0.92 L

Check: My estimate is correct.

How much did he spill?

Sonny spilled 0.92 L of punch.

Does the answer make sense?: Yes.

Take your time, focus on clue words, and follow your plan one step at a time, word
problems will get easier every time you do them.
Now it’s your turn. Try this one out, following the steps.

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 107

Module 1, Section 2
Justin is putting up a fence around his skate park, so his neighbours don’t come
in and break their body parts doing flips. He needs 17.9 m of wire fence. His dad
gave him some left over pieces to use but they came as 3 separate pieces. One was
6.6 m long, the second was 7.3 m long and the third piece was 3.4 m long. Does
Justin have enough wire fences to put around his park?
I understand by: My way to understand:
• drawing
• highlighting clue words
• underlining the question
• rewording the question


• Find the information I need
• Make an estimate
Information I need: Information I don’t need:

Clue words:

My Estimate:

108 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC

Module 1, Section 2




Does Justin have enough wire fences to put around his park?

Does the answer make sense?:

What is your answer? Did Justin have enough fencing? If you said no, you solved the
problem correctly. Well done!
If you said yes, take a look at the solution and see where you can go back and make
corrections. Compare your answer to the solution on the next page.

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 109

Module 1, Section 2
Justin is putting up a fence around his skate park, so his neighbours don’t come
in and break their body parts doing flips. He needs 17.9 m of wire fence. His dad
gave him some left over pieces to use but they came as 3 separate pieces. One
was 6.6 m long, the second was 7.3 m long and the third piece was 3.4 m long.
Does Justin have enough wire fences to put around his park?
I understand by: My way to understand:
• drawing • drawing
17.9 m around
• highlighting clue words
• underlining the question
• rewording the question Park

7.3 6.6 3.4


• Find the information I need
• Make an estimate
Information I need: Information I don’t need:
• 17.9 m = perimeter • Neighbours don’t come in and break
• Piece 1 = 6.6 m their body parts
• Piece 2 = 7.3 m
• Piece 3 = 3.4 m

Clue words:
• Around = perimeter
• Needs 17.9 m = this is the perimeter
• 3 separate pieces = add together

My Estimate:

3 pieces together = perimeter?

6.6 round up to 7
7.3 round down to 7
3.4 round down to 3

7 + 7 + 3 = 17 m

He will not have enough wire.

110 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC

Module 1, Section 2


6.6 + 7.3 + 3.4 = 17.3 m

Justin does not have enough wire, because he needs 17.9 m.

Check: My estimate is correct.

Does Justin have enough wire fences to put around his park?

Justin does not have enough wire.

Does the answer make sense?: Yes

You have done a great job so far. Keep practicing with the following questions.
Solutions are in the Answer Key if you are stuck or need a hint.

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 111

Module 1, Section 2
1. Scott bought 3 sport balls for $4.45, $5.99 and $9.60. He has $20 to pay the
bill. Does Scott have enough money?

2. Box A is heavier than Box B by 1.5 kg. Box C is lighter than Box B by 2.65 kg.
How heavy is Box A if Box C is 3.75 kg?

Turn to the Answer Key at the end of the Module and mark your answers.

112 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC

Module 1, Section 2

Lesson 1.2C: Multiplying and Dividing Decimals
in Word Problems
Student Inquiry

124 × 7.3 = ?
14.4 ÷ 2 = ?

This activity will help you get ready for, learn, and review the information in the
upcoming lesson.
When you turn this page over, you will find a chart containing the inquiry outcomes
for this lesson. You may be able to answer some of these questions already! Start by
writing down your thoughts before the lesson.
When you finish the lesson, answer each question and give an example.

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 113

Module 1, Section 2
Student Inquiries What I already know about this What I thought at the end: My final
question: answer, and examples:
How do I divide decimals? answer

MATH 7 eText
Module 1, Section 2

How do I multiply decimals? answer


What strategies can I use to help me answer

solve questions without a calculator?


© Open School BC

Lesson 1.2C: Multiplying and Dividing
Decimals in Word Problems Thinking Space
Word problems can include more than just adding and subtracting.
We can follow similar steps to solve different types of word problems,
but we need to be the decision makers about which operations to use,
and what strategies we need to understand the problem. The focus of
this lesson is multiplying and dividing decimals. See if you can point
out similar strategies and steps from other lessons we have worked
in so far.

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 115

Module 1, Section 2
1. Estimate. Solve. Check.
a. 6 × 0.4 =

b. 12 × 4.2 =

c. 8 × 6.2 =

d. 8.6 × 2 =

e. 3 × 1.7 =

f. 1.8 × 4 =

g. 9 × 7.6 =

h. 20 × 8.7 =

116 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC

Module 1, Section 2

i. 33 × 4.6 =

j. 14.4 ÷ 2 =

k. 24 × 0.4 =

l. 124 × 7.3 =

Turn to the Answer Key at the end of the Module and mark your answers.

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 117

Module 1, Section 2
Before we start solving word problems, let’s review some strategies
Thinking Space
we can use in solving multiplication and division equations involving
If you can multiply or divide whole numbers, you can multiply or
divide with decimals! You just need to know where to put the decimal
in the answer. How do we know where it goes?
Estimating! All the practice we did in the first two lessons is really
going to pay off. Estimating gives us an idea of where the final
decimal is placed. Take a look at this example following the same steps
as before:

3.4 × 2 =

Step 1: Estimate
Front end estimation
Relative size estimation

3.4 rounds down to 3


Step 2: Solve
Multiply the digits together without the decimal. A quick way to know
where a decimal goes in the product is to count the decimal places in
the question.
3.4 has one decimal place
2 has none
Your answer will have one decimal place.
3.4 × 2 = 6.8

118 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC

Module 1, Section 2

Step 3: Check
Look at your estimate.
Thinking Space

If you multiplied these numbers together without the decimal places,

what would the answer be?

34 x 2 = 68

Look at the digits 68 with the decimal in different places.

68.0, 6.8, 0.68, 0.068

Which answer seems the most reasonable? 6.8 is closest to the

estimate. That is the right answer.

3.4 x 2 = 6.8


1.2 × 8 =

1.2 rounds down to 1

1.2 has one decimal place
8 has none
1.2 × 8 = 9.6

Answer = 9.6 (one decimal place)

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 119

Module 1, Section 2
Let’s try a division question now.

Thinking Space
80.44 ÷ 4 =

80.44 rounds down to 80 When I divide
decimals, I have to
80 ÷ 4 = 20 make sure I line up
the decimal in the
quotient with the
decimal in the dividend.
80.44 has two decimal places
4 has none
80.44 ÷ 4 = 20.11

20.11 × 4 = 80.44

Great job!

120 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC

Module 1, Section 2

Now we can include these multiplying and dividing skills in our word
Thinking Space
problem steps, just like we did in the lesson before:

Step 1: Understand the problem

1. Highlight clue words
2. Draw a picture
3. Underline the question(s)

Step 2: Make a plan

1. Find the information I need
2. Estimate the answer

Step 3: Carry out the plan

1. Solve
2. Check

Step 4: Answer the question

1. Does the answer make sense?

Let’s look at an example on the next page.

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 121

Module 1, Section 2
You have gone to the store to buy hockey cards and you see them on sale for
$1.89 a pack including tax. You want to buy 5 packs and have $12.00. You
estimate the total cost to be $10.00.

a) How did you figure out the estimate?

b) Is the estimate over or under the actual price?
c) Could you buy more packs, or less? How many can you buy all together?
I understand by: My way to understand:
• drawing • drawing
• highlighting clue words

• underlining the question
• rewording the question

$1.89 5 packs




• Find the information I need
• Make an estimate
Information I need: Information I don’t need:
• $1.89 a pack including tax • You have gone to the store to buy
• Want to buy 5 hockey cards and you see them
• Have $12.00 on sale.

Clue words:
• $1.89 a pack = cost
• Buy 5 = multiply by 5
• Have $12.00 = amount to
subtract from

My Estimate:

1.89 rounds up to 2
5 packs × $2 each = $10

Yes, I have enough money!

122 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC

Module 1, Section 2


1.89 has two decimal places

1.89 × 5 = $9.45
9.45 + 1.89 = $11.34

Yes, I can buy 1 more pack.

Check: My estimate is correct.

a) How did you figure out the estimate?

Front end estimation

b) Is the estimate over or under the actual price?


c) Could you buy more packs, or less? How many can you buy altogether?

I can buy 6 packs altogether.

Does the answer make sense?: Yes

Now, let’s try one together.

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 123

Module 1, Section 2
A fundraiser dinner raised $2056.80 from an event. A total of 30 tickets were sold.
How much was each ticket?
I understand by: My way to understand:
• drawing
• highlighting clue words
• underlining the question
• rewording the question


• Find the information I need
• Make an estimate
Information I need: Information I don’t need:

Clue words:

My Estimate:

124 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC

Module 1, Section 2




How much was each ticket?

Does the answer make sense?:

Compare your answer to the solution on the next page.

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 125

Module 1, Section 2
A fundraiser dinner raised $2056.80 from an event. A total of 30 tickets were sold.
How much was each ticket?
I understand by: My way to understand:
• drawing • highlight clue words
• highlighting clue words
• underlining the question Raised $2056.80
• rewording the question 30 tickets
Each = divide (÷)


• Find the information I need
• Make an estimate
Information I need: Information I don’t need:
• Raised $2056.80 • A fundraiser dinner
• 30 tickets were sold • From an event

My Estimate:

2056.80 rounds down to 2000

2000 ÷ 30 = 60

Approximately 60 tickets were sold.



2056.80 ÷ 30 = $68.56

Each ticket was $68.56.

Check: My estimate is correct.

How much was each ticket?


Does the answer make sense?: Yes

Great job! Practice solving the rest of these word problems using multiplication and
division of decimal skills along with your problem solving steps.

126 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC

Module 1, Section 2

1. Tickets at a concert cost $16.75. The number of tickets sold is 697.
How much money was collected on ticket sales?

2. Theo runs 5.7 km a day. How far will he run in the month of January?

3. A kitten weighs 1.5 kg. An adult cat weighs 3 times more. What is the mass of
an adult cat?

Turn to the Answer Key at the end of the Module and mark your answers.

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 127

Module 1, Section 2
128 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC
Module 1, Section 2

Lesson 1.2D: Multi-step Problems
Student Inquiry

What is the
order of operations?

This activity will help you get ready for, learn, and review the information in the
upcoming lesson.
When you turn this page over, you will find a chart containing the inquiry outcomes
for this lesson. You may be able to answer some of these questions already! Start by
writing down your thoughts before the lesson.
When you finish the lesson, answer each question and give an example.

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 129

Module 1, Section 2
Student Inquiries What I already know about this What I thought at the end: My final
question: answer, and examples:
What is order of operations and why is answer

MATH 7 eText
it important?

Module 1, Section 2

What is the difference between answer

thousand and thousandths?


What are some strategies I can use answer

to help me solve multi step word

How will I know what operations answer

(adding, subtracting, multiplying,
dividing) to use when solving a word

© Open School BC

Lesson 1.2D: Multi-step Problems
Thinking Space
You have probably worked with order of operations before. In this
lesson you will use your knowledge of order of operations and your
decimals skills together. Using order of operations and decimals
together is just a matter of taking one step at a time.
You may remember using the Order of Operations from previous
grades. When working through operations with multiple steps, the
order to which we do them makes a difference. Let’s review the order
of operations.


Do you remember what each letter stands for?

The first operation we look for is Brackets. Anything with brackets
around it is what we do first.
Next we look for operations involving Division and Multiplication.
Lastly, we do any operations with Addition and Subtraction. When you
get to the dividing and multiplying step, or the adding and
subtracting step, it is important to do these operations in the order
that they appear.
Go back and fill in the letters of BDMAS above.

Explore Online
Looking for more practice or just want to play some fun games?
If you have internet access, go to the Math 7 website at:
Look for Lesson 1.2D: Multi-step Problems and check out some of
the links!

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 131

Module 1, Section 2
Let’s try an example.

Thinking Space
(4 + 5) – 8 × 1 =

Step 1: Brackets
If we look at our BDMAS list, we know that the brackets are first, so
that’s step one.

(4 + 5) – 8 × 1 =
(9) – 8 × 1 =

Step 2: Division and Multiplication

It’s important to do the multiplication and division in order from left
to right.
Why do you have to do
× and ÷ in order?

Try the following

9–8×1= question from left
to right:
24 ÷ 12 × 2 =

Step 3: Addition and Subtraction

Now try doing the
Just like above, do the addition and subtraction operations in order x first:
from left to right.
24 ÷ 12 × 12 =

Were your answers
the same?

Ready to try some?

132 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC

Module 1, Section 2

1. Solve the following using the order of operations.
a. (5 + 3) – 1 × 6 =

b. (5 + 3) – 1 × 8 =

c. 5 – (2 + 1) + 6 =

d. (10 – 4) + 6 × 3 =

e. 4 + 7 × 2 – 6 =

f. 10 + 8 ÷ 2 + 4 – 2 =

Turn to the Answer Key at the end of the Module and mark your answers.

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 133

Module 1, Section 2
Multi-step Word Problems
Thinking Space
Let’s use an example to help us see the importance of order of
operations. Remember to use our problem solving steps.

Step 1: Understand the problem

1. Highlight clue words
2. Drawing a picture
3. Underline the question(s)

Step 2: Make a plan

1. Find the information
2. Estimate

Step 3: Carry out the plan

1. Solve
2. Check

Step 4: Answer the question

1. Does the answer make sense?

134 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC

Module 1, Section 2

For your birthday your parents are letting you redecorate your bedroom. You have
found wall paper of the New York City Skyline, a city you love and can’t wait to
visit. The diagram of the wall you are wall papering is below. There is a window
in the wall. How much wallpaper do you need?

7.4 m

2.3 m
5.8 m
2.3 m


I understand by: My way to understand:
• drawing • drawing
• highlighting clue words
• underlining the question See above!
• rewording the question


• Find the information I need
• Make an estimate
Information I need: Information I don’t need:
• Wallpapering your bedroom wall • For your birthday your parents
• There is a window in the wall are letting you redecorate your
Clue words: • You have found wall paper of the
• Wallpapering a wall = I need to find New York City Skyline, a city you
the area. The wall is rectangular. love and can’t wait to visit.
Area = length x width
• Window in the wall = I need to
subtract this amount because I do
not want to wallpaper over it

My Estimate: Window:
2.3 rounds down to 2
7.4 rounds down to 7 Area = 2 × 2 = 4 m2
5.8 rounds up to 6
Wallpaper needed:
Area = 7 × 6 = 42 m2 42 m2 – 4 m2 = 38 m2

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 135

Module 1, Section 2

To determine the area of the wall we needed to calculate:

7.4 × 5.8

But we need to subtract the area for the window:

2.3 × 2.3

Our final equation to calculate is:

7.4 × 5.8 – 2.3 × 2.3 =

How do we know which operation to do first? This is where Order of Operations

can help us. Using words might help us see what to do first.

(Area of the wall) – (Area of the window) = Amount of wallpaper

Now just fill in the brackets.

(7.4 × 5.8) – ( 2.3 × 2.3) =

42.9 – 5.29 = 37.63 m2 (two decimal places)

Check: My estimate is correct.

How much wallpaper do you need?

You need 37.63 m2 of wallpaper.

Does the answer make sense?: Yes

This tells us the final area of the wallpaper. Without order of operations however, our
final answer may not be so accurate.
Why do you think we need to follow order of operation when solving equations?
Can you see how the order makes a difference? If we had not followed the BDMAS
order, our answer would have been different.
Let’s do one together.

136 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC

Module 1, Section 2

Solve this question following the order of operations

Thinking Space
(4.6 + 7) + 11.3 × 2 =

Step 1: Look for brackets first

(4.6 + 7) + 11.3 × 2
= 11.6 + 11.3 × 2

Step 2: There is definitely some division/multiplication

Sometimes is helps to make a box around the operations you are
going to do. Find the operation sign, and make a box around the
numbers being worked on around it.

11.6 + 11.3 × 2 =
11.6 + 22.6

All of the multiplication and division operations are completed, so

we can move on to the next operations. If you are having difficulty
multiplying and dividing decimals, use a calculator to check
your work.

Step 3: Now show the same process with the operations

of addition and subtraction
Continue until you have no operations left.

11.6 + 22. 6 = 34.2

Great job! Now you have the answer.

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 137

Module 1, Section 2
1. Solve using the order of operations.
a. 15 – 12.6 ÷ 3 × 2 – 1.5 =

b. 12 × 0.8 + 3 =

c. 12 – 0.8 × 3 =

d. 5.6 × 5.6 + 5 – 4.2 ÷ 2 =

e. 6.3 + 5 × 5 – 4.2 × 3 =

f. 4.2 × 7 – 10.4 ÷ 2 + 2.9 × 3 =

Turn to the Answer Key at the end of the Module and mark your answers.

138 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC

Module 1, Section 2

Lesson 1.2E: Really Big and Really Small Numbers
Student Inquiry

Can technology help

me with this?

This activity will help you get ready for, learn, and review the information in the
upcoming lesson.
When you turn this page over, you will find a chart containing the inquiry outcomes
for this lesson. You may be able to answer some of these questions already! Start by
writing down your thoughts before the lesson.
When you finish the lesson, answer each question and give an example.

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 139

Module 1, Section 2
Student Inquiries What I already know about this What I thought at the end: My final
question: answer, and examples:
How can technology help me in solving answer

MATH 7 eText
equations involving decimals?

Module 1, Section 2

What strategies can I use to solve answer

questions involving really small or really
big numbers?

How can I use estimation to help me answer

solve equations involving really small
and really big numbers?

© Open School BC

Lesson 1.2E: Really Big and Really
Small Numbers Thinking Space
So far we have covered addition, subtraction, multiplication, and
division of equations involving decimals. In this lesson we’ll look at
questions involving multiple decimals, or decimals multiplied and
divided with each other. We have been working with decimals being
operated on with whole numbers; see how strategies differ when we
work with two decimals, or really big and really small numbers!

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 141

Module 1, Section 2
1. Estimate. Solve. Check.
a. 4.2 × 1.1 =

b. 3.1 × 2.5 =

c. 4.5 ÷ 5 =

d. 3.7 × 2.3 =

e. 10 ÷ 2.5 =

f. 6.2 × 1.2 =

g. 2.2 × 2.3 =

h. 3.1 × 6.7 =

i. 3.7 × 1.2 =

142 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC

Module 1, Section 2

2. Estimate. Calculate using a calculator.

Round to the nearest hundredth.
a. 6.6 ÷ 2.1 =

b. 4.7 ÷ 3.6 =

c. 11.7 ÷ 3.2 =

d. 9.7 ÷ 21 =

e. 30 ÷ 10.2 =

f. 6.1 ÷ 3 =

Turn to the Answer Key at the end of the Module and mark your answers.

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 143

Module 1, Section 2
Addition and Subtraction
Thinking Space
Knowing where to place the decimal in the solution is still the tricky
part in operations with decimals. Regardless of whether a number is
big or small, we follow the same steps:
1. Estimate
2. Solve
3. Check
And, just like we learned before, when adding and subtracting
decimals, the number one most important rule is: lining up
the decimal.
It doesn’t matter how big or small a number is, as long as the decimals
are lined up, we just add or subtract as we would with whole numbers.
Take a look at this example of really small numbers with decimals:

0.007 + 8.3 =

Step 1: Estimate
0.007 rounds up to 0.01
8.3 rounds down to 8
0.01 + 8 = 8.01

Step 2: Solve
8.3 + 0.007 = 8.307

Step 3: Check
Estimate = 8.01
Actual = 8.307

144 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC

Module 1, Section 2

Here is a subtraction question involving really big numbers with

Thinking Space

567.912 – 100.3 =

Step 1: Estimate
567.912 rounds up to 568
100.3 rounds down to 100
568 - 100 = 468

Step 2: Solve
567.912 - 100.3 = 467.612

Step 3: Check
Estimate = 468
Actual = 467.612

Do you think you are ready to try some on your own?

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 145

Module 1, Section 2
Practice 1
1. Estimate. Solve.
a. 2.321 + 5.309 + 2.100 =

b. 9.623 – 5.061 =

c. 3.05 + 4.26 + 0.63 =

d. 4.563 – 2.937 =

Turn to the Answer Key at the end of the Module and mark your answers.

146 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC

Module 1, Section 2

Multiplying and Dividing Really Big and
Thinking Space
Really Small Numbers

As always, estimation plays a big role. Let’s follow the same steps
as before:

0.067 × 0.12 =

Step 1: Estimate
A quick way to know where a decimal goes when multiplying is to
count the decimal places in the question.
0.067 = 3 decimal

I know my answer will have 5 decimal places. 0.12 = 2 decimal places

Step 2: Solve
67 × 12 = 804

Step 3: Check
Estimate = 5 decimal places
Actual = 0.00804

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 147

Module 1, Section 2
Look at how we solve a division problem:

Thinking Space
2004.5 ÷ 103.1 =

Step 1: Estimate
2004.5 rounds down to 2000
103.1 rounds down to 100
2000 ÷ 100 = 20

Step 2: Solve
Once you have estimated, check your answer with a calculator to see if
it is reasonable.

2004.5 ÷ 103.1 = 19.44

Step 3: Check
Estimate = 20
Actual = 19.44

Try practicing some questions involving multiplication and division of

really big numbers.

148 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC

Module 1, Section 2

Practice 2
1. Solve.
a. 3.4 × 0.2 =

b. 7.6 × 0.8 =

c. 4.5 × 3.6 =

d. 12.23 × 2.9 =

2. Place the decimal in each question.

a. 3.4 × 2 = 680

b. 26.50 × 2.2 = 5830

Turn to the Answer Key at the end of the Module and mark your answers.

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 149

Module 1, Section 2
150 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC
Module 1, Section 2

Section Summary
Now that you have completed this section, try solving the Section Challenge that
you saw at the beginning. When you are finished, compare your answer to the
solution on the next page.

Section Challenge

It’s Friday night and you are out with your friends. You have $10 in your wallet.
Although these days that doesn’t seem to get you much, it will have to do. You stop
at your favourite fast food joint. A sandwich is $5.59, and chips are another $1.99.
But you are really hungry, so maybe you want a salad which is $3.45. Throw in a
drink for $1.87. Wow, it adds up! We have all been in these situations. It’s times like
these when we need some good estimating skills!

1. Do you have enough for the salad?

2. How much will your change be?

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 151

Module 1, Section 2
Section Challenge Solution
I understand by: My way to understand:
• drawing • drawing
• highlighting clue words
• underlining the question Sandwich $5.59
• rewording the question Chips $1.99
Drink $1.87

Salad $3.45???


• Find the information I need
• Make an estimate
Information I need: Information I don’t need:
• You have $10 in your wallet • It’s Friday night and you are out with
• A sandwich is $5.59 and chips are your friends
another $1.99 • Although these days that doesn’t
• You want a salad which is $3.45 seem to get you much, it will have
• Throw in a drink for $1.87 to do
• You stop at your favourite fast
food joint
• But you are really hungry so maybe
• Wow it adds up

My Estimate: You have $10 to start. Round up the sandwich, chips, and drink, and
it will cost about $10. I estimate you won’t have enough for the salad.


5.59 + 1.99 = 7.58
7.58 + 1.87 = 9.45
10.00 – 9.45 = 0.55

$0.55 left over

Check: My estimate is correct.

152 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC

Module 1, Section 2

Do you have enough for the salad too?


How much will your change be?

Does the answer make sense?: Yes.

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 153

Module 1, Section 2
154 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC
Module 1, Section 2
Section 1.3: Divisibility 3
Contents at a Glance
Pretest 157
Section Challenge 161
Lesson A: Factors and Dividing 163
Lesson B: Kangaroos in Denmark! 177
Section Summary 195

Learning Outcomes
By the end of this section you will be better able to:
• explain why numbers cannot be divided by 0
• sort a set of numbers based on their divisibility
• determine if a number is divisible by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10
• explain why a number is divisible by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 155

Module 1, Section 3
156 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC
Module 1, Section 3

Pretest 1.3
Complete this pretest if you think that you already have a strong grasp of the topics
and concepts covered in this section. Mark your answers using the key found at the
end of the module.
If you get all the answers correct (100%), you may decide that you can omit the
lesson activities.
If you get all the answers correct for one or more lessons, but not for the whole
pretest, you can decide whether you can omit the activities for those lessons.

Lesson 1.3A
1. Circle all the expressions that equal 0.

4÷4 0÷5 7÷0

2. Choose the best answer.


a. 0
b. 2
c. Undefined

3. List the factors of 18.

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 157

Module 1, Section 3
4. For the equation 28 ÷ 4 = 7

a. the divisor is __________.

b. the dividend is __________.

c. the quotient is __________.

5. a. Is 12 divisible by 3?

b. Is 18 divisible by 7?

Lesson 1.3B
1. Use divisibility rules to determine if 36 090 has 10, 5 or 2 as factors.

2. If you use 1035 wheels to build tricycles, will you have any wheels left over?

158 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC

Module 1, Section 3

3. Can 1230 people sit in 9 equal rows in a theatre?


4. Is 6 a factor of 21 648?

5. The number 617 8 is divisible by 4. Fill in the missing digit.

6. Can 232 cans be packaged into groups of 8, without any left over?

Turn to the Answer Key at the end of the Module and mark your answers.

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 159

Module 1, Section 3
160 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC
Module 1, Section 3

Section Challenge

Three hockey teams each had a fund raiser for new uniforms. One team sold gift
cards for chocolates ($5), another team sold gift cards for cookies ($4), and the third
team sold gift cards for t-shirts ($8). You have received the summary sheet of all the
money that was raised and want to find out how many cards each team sold.


Vipers $3624
Storm $1116
Magicians $2530

1. How can we determine which gift card each team sold?

2. How many gift cards did each team sell?

If you’re not sure how to solve the problem now, don’t worry. You’ll learn all the
skills you need to solve the problem in this section. Give it a try now, or wait until
the end of the section – it’s up to you!

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 161

Module 1, Section 3
162 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC
Module 1, Section 3

Lesson 1.3A: Factors and Dividing
Student Inquiry

If 8 is divisible by 4,
then 4 is a factor of 8!

This activity will help you get ready for, learn, and review the information in the
upcoming lesson.
When you turn this page over, you will find a chart containing the inquiry outcomes
for this lesson. You may be able to answer some of these questions already! Start by
writing down your thoughts before the lesson.
When you finish the lesson, answer each question and give an example.

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 163

Module 1, Section 3
Student Inquiries What I already know about this What I thought at the end: My final
question: answer, and examples:
What is a factor? answer

MATH 7 eText
Module 1, Section 3

What are divisor, dividend and answer

quotient? Give an example of each.


What does 0 ÷ 4 mean? Does zero answer

divided by a number always have
an answer?

What does 4 ÷ 0 mean? Can a number answer

be divided by zero?


© Open School BC

Lesson 1.3A: Factors and Dividing
Thinking Space
What is a dividend? What is a divisor?
In this lesson you will review, and build on, some of the things that you
already know about division.
Try typing this into your calculator:


What did you get? What about 10 divided by zero? Seventy-five

divided by zero? What does that weird error message mean?
If a calculator can’t do it, we should probably know why. Let’s explore
factors and division, and then see if we can figure it out!

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 165

Module 1, Section 3
Get ready for this section about dividing by practicing some division facts.
Remember: Multiplication facts can help you with division facts. How? Well,
Multiplication and division are closely related.
These two expressions describe the same relationship among the numbers
2, 3, and 6.


Complete the following division questions.

1. a. 30 ÷ 5 =
b. 16 ÷ 4 =
c. 24 ÷ 6 =
d. 18 ÷ 6 =
e. 8 ÷ 2 =
f. 20 ÷ 4 =
g. 21 ÷ 7 =
h. 18 ÷ 3 =
i. 12 ÷ 4 =
j. 28 ÷ 7 =
k. 15 ÷ 3 =
l. 20 ÷ 5 =
m. 32 ÷ 4 =

166 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC

Module 1, Section 3

2. Write a division fact to go with each multiplication fact.

a. 5 × 2 = 10

b. 3 × 4 = 12

c. 4 × 7 = 28

3. Write a multiplication fact to go with each division fact.

a. 24 ÷ 8 = 3

b. 14 ÷ 7 = 2

c. 30 ÷ 6 = 5

Turn to the Answer Key at the end of the Module and mark your answers.

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 167

Module 1, Section 3
Divided, Divisor, Quotient
Thinking Space
Each number that is in a division problem has a name. Look at these
two problems that have their parts labelled.


9 Dividend 48 ÷ 6 = 8
7 63


Can you write a definition for each word? !




Check your answers in the Glossary at the end of the Module.

• 8 is divisible by 4.
• 9 is not divisible by 4.
• 6, 9 and 12 are divisible by 3.
• 5, 8, and 20 are not divisible by 3.
What does divisible mean?

Check your answer in the Glossary at the end of the Module.

168 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC

Module 1, Section 3

• 3 and 5 are factors of 15.
Thinking Space
• 2 and 7 are not factors of 9.
Write a definition for factor: !

Check your answer in the Glossary at the end of the Module.

Can you list all of the factors of 15?

Is 3 in your list? Is 15? How do you know that you have them all?
It can be helpful to make a table when you’re thinking about factors.
If you do them in order, you can always be sure that you haven’t
missed any.
Let’s find all of the factors of 15.

Make a table like this. 15

Start at the beginning. Put 1 in the table. 15

1 × 15 = 15 1 15
Put 15 in the table, too.

Put 2 in your table. 2 is NOT a factor of 15. 15

Cross it out. 1 15
This might seems silly, but this is how we 2
will know that we haven’t missed any numbers.

Keep going. Put 3 in your table. 15

3 × 5 = 15 1 15
Put 5 in the table. 2 5

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 169

Module 1, Section 3
After 3 is 4. Put 4 in your table 15
Is 4 a factor of 15? Nope. Cross it out. 1 15
2 5 Thinking Space

After 4 is 5. But wait! 5 is already in the table. 15

You’re done! 1 15
2 5

You’re done AND you know for sure that you haven’t missed any. The
factors of 15 are 1, 3, 5, and 15.

Use this technique to find all of the factors 18

of 18. 1 18
2 9
3 6
The factors of 18 are 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, and 18. 5

170 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC

Module 1, Section 3

Practice 1
1. Circle the divisor.
a. 26 ÷ 13 = 2

2 40)

2. Circle the dividend.

a. 48 )

b. 100 ÷ 10 = 10

3. Circle the quotient.

a. 32 ÷ 4 = 8

b. 6 42)

4. Circle True or False.

a. 63 is divisible by 7.

True False

b. 48 is divisible by 9.

True False

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 171

Module 1, Section 3
5. List the factors of 30.

Turn to the Answer Key at the end of the Module and mark your answers.

172 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC

Module 1, Section 3

It can be helpful to write out the related multiplication fact when Thinking Space
you’re faced with a division problem that you can’t solve.
Let’s say you were having trouble with 15 ÷ 3. Write it out and put a
symbol or a letter where the answer should be.

15 ÷ 3 = #

Now write the related multiplication fact.

# × 3 = 15

Something times 3 is 15. What could the something be? Five!

You know that 5 × 3 = 15. If we put a 5 where the # is, everything
makes sense.

5 × 3 = 15
15 ÷ 3 = 5

Let’s try that same technique with 0 ÷ 7. Write out the question and
put a symbol or letter where the answer should be.


Write the related multiplication fact.


© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 173

Module 1, Section 3
What number could you put in place of the # to make this
multiplication statement true? Zero would work. In fact, zero is the
only number that would work. If we put a 0 where the # is, everything Thinking Space
makes sense.

Have you noticed that there is nothing special about the 7 in this
example? We could have used any other number.

0 ÷ 12 = 0
0 ÷ 87 = 0
0 ÷ 1329.6 = 0

We’re going to try this one more time. Let’s do 7 ÷ 0. Write out the
question and put a symbol or letter where the answer should be.


Write the related multiplication fact.


What number could you put in place of the # to make this

multiplication statement true? Nothing would work. No matter what
number we put in place of the #, the answer would be 0. We want the
answer to be 7. It can’t be done!
We say that 7 ÷ 0 is undefined. !
There is nothing special about the 7 in this example either. We could
have used any other number.

31 ÷ 0 = undefined
267 ÷ 0 = undefined
834.95 ÷ 0 = undefined

174 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC

Module 1, Section 3

Practice 2
1. Answer these division questions.
a. 0 ÷ 6 =
b. 0 ÷ 18 =
c. 2 ÷ 0 =
d. 0 ÷ 74 =
e. 53 ÷ 0 =
f. 118 ÷ 0 =
g. 0 ÷ 297 =
h. 92 ÷ 0 =
i. 6.17 ÷ 0 =
j. 0 ÷ 23 =

Turn to the Answer Key at the end of the Module and mark your answers.

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 175

Module 1, Section 3
176 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC
Module 1, Section 3

Lesson 1.3B: Kangaroos in Denmark!
Student Inquiry

What are
divisibility rules?

This activity will help you get ready for, learn, and review the information in the
upcoming lesson.
When you turn this page over, you will find a chart containing the inquiry outcomes
for this lesson. You may be able to answer some of these questions already! Start by
writing down your thoughts before the lesson.
When you finish the lesson, answer each question and give an example.

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 177

Module 1, Section 3
Student Inquiries What I already know about this What I thought at the end: My final
question: answer, and examples:
How do I know if a number is divisible answer

MATH 7 eText
by 3 or 9?

Module 1, Section 3

How do I know if a number is divisible answer

by 6?


How do I know if a number is divisible answer

by 2, 5, or 10?


How do I know if a number is divisible answer

by 4 or 8?


© Open School BC

Lesson 1.3B: Kangaroos in Denmark!
Thinking Space
All those multiplication drills you did in math class all those years are
really going to pay off in this lesson! This lesson is all about divisibly
rules, or rules that help us break big numbers down. Rules like these
will help you know, sometimes by just looking at them, whether a
number can be divided by a certain factor. Knowing rules like these
will help build your mental math skills and assist you in further math
modules when working with division, factors, and fractions.

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 179

Module 1, Section 3
1. Solve.
a. 2 × 8 = n. 7 × 0 =
b. 3 × 6 = o. 8 × 3 =
c. 4 × 7 = p. 9 × 4 =
d. 5 × 3 = q. 2 × 1 =
e. 6 × 7 = r. 3 × 3 =
f. 2 × 6 = s 4×5=
g. 8 × 2 = t. 5 × 6 =
h. 7 × 9 = u. 6 × 6 =
i. 2 × 6 = v. 0 × 4 =
j. 3 × 7 = w. 8 × 9 =
k. 4 × 4 = x. 9 × 5 =
l. 5 × 7 = y. 0 × 4 =
m. 6 × 9 = z. 2 × 4 =

Turn to the Answer Key at the end of the Module and mark your answers.

180 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC

Module 1, Section 3

Divisibility Rules
Thinking Space
Try out this number trick. (Go one step at a time, and don’t peek at
the answer!)

Pick a number between 1-10.

Now multiply that number by 9.
Add the two digits of your number together.
(For example, if your number was 25, you would
add 2 + 5 = 7)
Subtract 5 from the number.
If the letters of the alphabet were paired with
a number, what letter would your number be
attached to? (For example: A-1, B-2, C-3, D-4,
E-5, and so on.)
Now, think of a country that starts with that letter.
What is the last letter of the country’s name?
Think of an animal that starts with that letter.
What is the last letter of the animal? Think of a
fruit that starts with that letter.

Are you thinking about a kangaroo eating an orange in Denmark?

(No? A Koala eating an apple in Denmark?)
That’s weird!
This is an example of how divisibility rules work. If you followed the
steps carefully, you would have been tricked by the divisibility
rule of 9s.
Adding the digits of a multiple of nine will always give you nine.
Try this trick on people in your family and see if it works on them;
tell them you can read minds!
Let’s look at other divisibility rules. They will help us in determining
factors of whole numbers.

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 181

Module 1, Section 3
Divisibility Rules: 2,5,10
Thinking Space
Knowing a number’s factors helps us break down larger numbers.
This makes them easier to work with. This is especially helpful when
working with fractions (you’ll be doing this in Module 2). There are
rules that can help us for most numbers from 2 to 10. These rules will
tell us whether a number is divisible by a factor. Let’s start with 2, 5, ?
and 10.
How will this help
me with fractions?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100

1. Colour the multiples of 2 red.

2. Colour the multiples of 5 blue.
3. Colour the multiples of 10 yellow.
After you have coloured the multiples, look at the ones digit of the
coloured boxes. Can you see any pattern for each?
The patterns for multiples of 2 that I see are:

The patterns for multiples of 5 that I see are:

The patterns for multiples of 10 that I see are:

182 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC

Module 1, Section 3

Once we identify patterns, we can make rules that will help us later.
Let’s look at the multiples of 2.
Thinking Space
• The pattern for multiples of 2 is that the ones digit is always 0, 2, 4,
6 or 8.
• Now, just by looking at a number, you’ll be able to tell if it’s
divisible by 2.
Multiples of 2 are
• Is 56 742 divisible by 2? Yes! We know it is because its ones digit is always even numbers.
divisible by 2.
The divisibility rule for 2 is given below. Write divisibility rules for 5
and 10.


2 Ones digit is with A number is 56 742
0, 2, 4, 6, or 8. divisible by 2 if
They are all even the ones digit is
numbers. divisible by 2.


All even numbers

are divisible by 2.


© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 183

Module 1, Section 3
Practice 1
Remember: A number is divisible by 10 if its last digit is 0. All of these numbers are
divisible by 10: 30, 430, 6970, 4 293 740.
A number is divisible by 5 if its last digit is 0 or 5. All of these numbers are divisible
by 5: 25, 95, 430, 715, 3920, 264 955.
A number is divisible by 2 if its last digit is even: 0, 2, 4, 6, 8. All of these numbers
are divisible by 2: 74, 92, 496, 7260, 23 608.

1. Determine if 10, 5 or 2 are factors of:

a. 375
b. 1987
c. 12456

2. Fill in possible missing digits.

a. 136 is divisible by 10, 5 or 2

b. 456 is divisible by 2 but not 10 and 5

c. 943 is divisible by 5 but not 10 or 2

3. Write a 4-digit number divisible by 5 but not 10.

Turn to the Answer Key at the end of the Module and mark your answers.

184 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC

Module 1, Section 3

Divisibility Rules: 3 and 9
Thinking Space
We already know a divisibility rule for 9 from the kangaroos in
Denmark trick. We know a number is divisible by 9 if its digits add up
to 9. Let’s use the hundreds chart to look for a pattern for 3s.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100

1. Colour the multiples of 3 red.

2. Colour the multiples of 9 blue.
After you have coloured the multiples look at the ones column of the
coloured boxes. Can you see any pattern for each?
The patterns for multiples of 3 that I see are:

The patterns for multiples of 9 that I see are:

Is 450 divisible by 9? Yes! We know it is because 4 + 5 + 0 = 9

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 185

Module 1, Section 3
Write the rules of divisibility for 3 and 9.



Compare your answers with the divisibility rules at the end of

this lesson. Your mental math skills are being put to the test. You’re
doing great! Are you starting to see how these rules can help you?

186 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC

Module 1, Section 3

Practice 2
1. Is 3 or 9 a factor of:
a. 657
b. 3278
c. 402

2. Each number below is divisible by 9. Find the missing digit.

a. 533

b. 678

c. 30 6

3. 1117 trees are planted in 3 rows. Is it possible for each row to have an equal
amount of trees?

Turn to the Answer Key at the end of the Module and mark your answers.

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 187

Module 1, Section 3
Divisibility Rules: 6
Thinking Space
Keep going, you are doing a great job! Now find the patterns for
multiples of 6.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100

1. Colour the multiples of 6 red.

After you have coloured the multiples, look at the ones column of the
coloured boxes. Can you see any patterns?
The patterns for multiples of 6 that I see are:

Write the rules of divisibility for 6.



Compare your answers with the divisibility rules at the end of

this lesson.

188 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC

Module 1, Section 3

Practice 3
1. Decide if each number is divisible by 6.
a. 758
b. 4908
c. 75 084

2. Solve.
a. 6 litre containers are being filled from a tank that contains 3258 L of
detergent. Will any detergent be left over?

b. A 9355 cm length of wire is cut into six equal parts. Will each part be cut as a
whole number length?

Turn to the Answer Key at the end of the Module and mark your answers.

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 189

Module 1, Section 3
Divisibility Rules: 4 and 8
Thinking Space
We have almost figured them all out. Now find patterns for 4 and 8.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100

1. Colour the multiples of 4 red.

2. Colour the multiples of 8 blue.
After you have coloured the multiples, look at the ones column of the
coloured boxes. Can you see any pattern for each?
The patterns for multiples of 4 that I see are:

The patterns for multiples of 8 that I see are:

190 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC

Module 1, Section 3

Write the rules of divisibility for 4 and 8.


Compare your answers with the divisibility rules at the end of

this lesson.

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 191

Module 1, Section 3
Practice 4
1. Determine if 4 or 8 is a factor of:
a. 3466
b. 1288
c. 39 804
d. 64 684

2. Each of these 4-digit numbers is divisible by 4.

Identify the possible missing digits.
a. 533

b. 167

c. 306

3. A nursery planted 3448 seeds in 8 rows. Can each row have an equal number
of seeds?

Turn to the Answer Key at the end of the Module and mark your answers.

192 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC

Module 1, Section 3

Divisibility Rules
Thinking Space
One doesn't have divisibility rules like the other numbers; can you
figure out why? Use this hundreds chart to help you.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100

If you coloured the multiples of 1, you would have to colour every

number. Every number’s first factor is 1.
Look back on the patterns and rules you have created; compare them
to the list of divisibility rules for numbers 2-6 and numbers 8-10, on
the next page.

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 193

Module 1, Section 3
1 All numbers are divisible by 1. 72 169 ÷ 1 = 72 169 Thinking Space
34 ÷ 1 = 34
2 A number is divisible by 2 if it 45 678 is divisible by 2
is even, or its ones digit is 0, 2, because the ones digit
4, 6 or 8. is 8.
3 A number is divisible by 3 if 345 is divisible by 3.
the sum of its digits is divisible 3 + 4 + 5 = 12
by 3. 12 can be divided by 3
4 A number is divisible by 4 if its 512 is divisible by 4.
last 2 digits are divisible by 4. 12 can be divided by 4
5 A number is divisible by 5 if 56 745 is divisible by 5
the ones digit ends with 0 because its ones digit is 5.
or 5.
6 A number is divisible by 6 if it 4734 is divisible by 6.
is divisible by 2 and 3. The last digit is 4. That’s
an even number. So,
4734 is divisible by 2.
4 + 7 + 3 + 4 = 18
18 is divisible by 3. So,
4734 is divisible by 3.
8 A number is divisible by 8 if 84 024 is divisible by 8.
the last 3 digits are divisible 24 can be divided by 8
by 8. evenly.
9 A number is divisible by 9 if 45 981 is divisible by 9.
the sum of its digits is divisible 4 + 5 + 9 + 8 + 1= 27
by 9. 27 can be divided by 3
10 A number is divisible by 10 if 345 670 is divisible by 10.
the ones digit is 0. 0 is the ones digit.

194 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC

Module 1, Section 3

Section Summary
Now that you have completed this section, try solving the Section Challenge that
you saw at the beginning. When you are finished, compare your answer to the
solution on the next page.

Section Challenge

Three hockey teams each had a fund raiser for new uniforms. One team sold gift
cards for chocolates ($5), another team sold gift cards for cookies ($4), and the third
team sold gift cards for t-shirts ($8). You have received the summary sheet of all the
money that was raised and want to find out how many cards each team sold.


Vipers $3624
Storm $1116
Magicians $2530

1. How can we determine which gift card each team sold?

2. How many gift cards did each team sell?

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 195

Module 1, Section 3
Section Challenge Solution
I understand by: My way to understand:
• drawing • my own words
• highlighting clue words
• underlining the question Hockey teams sold cookies,
• rewording the question chocolates and t-shirts for $4, $5
or $10.


• Find the information I need
• Make a plan
Information I need: Information I don’t need:
• One team sold gift cards for • Three Hockey teams each had a fund
chocolates ($5), another team sold raiser for new uniforms
gift cards for cookies ($4), and the • They sold gift cards to raise the
third team sold gift cards for money
t-shirts ($8) • You have received the summary
• Vipers raised $3624 sheet of all the money that was
• Storm raised $1116 raised and want to find out how
• Magicians raised $2530 many cards each team sold
• Want to find out how many cards
each team sold

My Plan: If I use divisibility rules for 4, 5 and 8, I will be able to determine which
team sold which cards.


$3624 $1116 $2530
4 Last 2 digits Yes Yes No
divisible by 4
5 Last digit is 0 No No Yes
or 5
8 Last 3 digits Yes No No
divisible by 8

196 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC

Module 1, Section 3

How can we determine which gift card each team sold?

Check the divisibility rules.

• $3624 is the only number that is divisible by 8.

The Vipers must have sold the t-shirts.
• $2430 is the only number that is divisible by 5.
The Magicians must have sold the chocolates.
• $1116 is divisible by 4, and not divisible by 5 or 8.
The Storm must have sold the cookies.

How many gift cards did each team sell?

Vipers 3624 ÷ 8 = 453 cards

Storm 1116 ÷ 4 = 279 cards
Magicians 2530 ÷ 5 = 506 cards
Does the answer make sense?: Yes.

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 197

Module 1, Section 3
198 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC
Module 1, Section 3
Answer Key

Answer Key Table of Contents
Pretest 1.1 201
Lesson 1.1A Warm-up 202
Lesson 1.1A Practice 1 202
Lesson 1.1A Practice 2 203
Lesson 1.1B Warm-up 203
Lesson 1.1B Practice 1 204
Lesson 1.1B Practice 2 205
Lesson 1.1B Practice 3 205
Lesson 1.1C Warm-up 206
Lesson 1.1C Practice 207

Pretest 1.2 207

Lesson 1.2A Warm-up 209
Lesson 1.2A Practice 1 209
Lesson 1.2A Practice 2 210
Lesson 1.2A Practice 3 210
Lesson 1.2B Warm-up 211
Lesson 1.2B Practice 211
Lesson 1.2C Warm-up 212
Lesson 1.2C Practice 212
Lesson 1.2D Warm-up 212
Lesson 1.2D Practice 213
Lesson 1.2E Warm-up 213
Lesson 1.2E Practice 1 214
Lesson 1.2E Practice 2 214

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 199

Module 1, Answer Key
Pretest 1.3 214
Lesson 1.3A Warm-up 215
Lesson 1.3A Practice 1 216
Lesson 1.3A Practice 2 217
Lesson 1.3B Warm-up 217
Lesson 1.3B Practice 1 218
Lesson 1.3B Practice 2 218
Lesson 1.3B Practice 3 218
Lesson 1.3B Practice 4 219

200 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC

Module 1, Answer Key
Answer Key

Answer to Pretest 1.1

Lesson 1.1A
1. a. +17 degrees
b. –$300
c. –75 m

2. a. –3
b. –27
c. 0

Lesson 1.1B
1. a. –6
b. –3
c. +6
d. –9

2. a. +26
b. –78
c. +121
d. –447

3. a. (–25) + (+15) + (–7)

b. (–25) + (+15) + (–7)
= (–10) + (–7)
= –17
James owes $17

Lesson 1.1C
1. a. –4
b. +28
c. –26
d. –4

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 201

Module 1, Answer Key
2. a. –6
b. –12

Answer to Lesson 1.1A Warm-up




0ºC f


–20ºC d


–10 –5 0 +5 +10

3. Any integer that is negative. For example: –1, –5, –7

Answer to Lesson 1.1A Practice 1

1. a. +60 m
b. +25 m
c. –40 m
d. –50 m
e. –125 m

202 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC

Module 1, Answer Key
Answer Key

2. a. –50
b. +10
c. –200
d. –3
e. +5
f. –6

Answer to Lesson 1.1A Practice 2

1. a. +5
b. +9
c. –2

2. a. +3
b. –11
c. –21

3. –8, –2, 0, +5, +12

Answer to Lesson 1.1B Warm-up

1. b. 6 – 2 = 4

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

c. 10 – 4 = 6

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 203

Module 1, Answer Key
d. 5 + 7 = 12

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

2. a. (–6) + (– 2) =
b. (+7) + (–3) =
c. (+9) + (–6) =
d. (–12) + (+3) + (–7) =
e. (–64) + (+32) +(+11) =

Answer to Lesson 1.1B Practice 1

1. a. +2
b. +1
c. –1
d. –3
e. –1
f. +2

2. a. (–4) + (+5) = +1
b. (+2) + (–3) = –1
c. (+4) + (–2) = +2
d. (–3) + (–1) = –4

204 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC

Module 1, Answer Key
Answer Key

Answer to Lesson 1.1B Practice 2

1. a. –5
b. +8
c. +5
d. –3
e. +3
f. –5

2. a. –7
b. +1

3. a. +10
b. +2

4. Some answers may include:

(+1) + (–8) = –7
(–6) + (–1) = –7
(–3) + (–4) = –7
(–10) + (+3) = –7

Answer to Lesson 1.1B Practice 3

1. a. Negative
b. Negative

2. a. +8
b. –8
c. –40
d. –25

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 205

Module 1, Answer Key
3. a. +15
b. +23

4. –17, –6, 0, 2, 16, 22, 27

5. a. +5
b. 0
c. –10

6. The 3rd step

Answer to Lesson 1.1C Warm-up

1. b. 25 – 5 = 20

+10 +15 +20 +25 +30

c. 120 – 115 = 5

–50 0 +50 +100 +150

2. a. 13
b. 46
c. 220
d. 1005
e. 8
f. 504

206 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC

Module 1, Answer Key
Answer Key

Answer to Lesson 1.1C Practice

1. a. +5
b. –4
c. –8
d. –5

2. a. +3
b. +1
c. 0
d. –5

3. (+2000) – (–200) = +2200

Cullen is right

Answer to Pretest 1.2

Lesson 1.2A
Note: Estimating is about being close to the right answer. If your answer is close,
mark it right!
1. a. 9
b. 87
c. 120
d. 2
e. 11
f. 230
g. 90

Lesson 1.2B
1. a. No, they don’t have enough to buy all three items
b. Short $17.64

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 207

Module 1, Answer Key
Lesson 1.2C
1. a. 0.18
b. 0.24

2. $50.63

Lesson 1.2D
1. a. Estimate: (30 × 5) + 25 – (3 × 2)
= 150 + 25 – 6
= 175 – 6
= 169

Actual: (26.6 × 6) + 25 – (3.2 × 2.1)

= 159.6 + 25 – 6.72
= 184.6 – 6.72
= 177.88

b. Estimate: (6 ÷ 3) + (4 × 0.25)

Actual: (6.9 ÷ 3) + (4.6 × 0.23)

= 2.3 + 1.058
= 3.358

Lesson 1.2 E
1. a. Yes
b. 14 times

208 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC

Module 1, Answer Key
Answer Key

Answer to Lesson 1.2A Warm-up

1. a. 8
b. 1
c. 3
d. 0
e. 4
f. 4

2. b. 14.1
c. 62
d. 461.8
e. 2100
f. 1500

3. b. 80 + 6 = 86
c. 20 ÷ 5 = 4
d. 6 × 20 = 120
e. 100 – 10 = 90
f. 660 + 20 = 680

Answer to Lesson 1.2A Practice 1

1. a. 110 + 15 = 125
b. 320 + 110 = 430

2. a. 90.98
b. 141.73

3. a. 1 + 1 + 1 = 3
b. $9 + $6 + $0 = $15

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 209

Module 1, Answer Key
Answer to Lesson 1.2A Practice 2
1. a. 70
b. 110
c. 330
d. 100

2. a. 95.2
b. $95.61
c. 7.596

3. a. 25
b. $7500
c. 50

Answer to Lesson 1.2A Practice 3

1. a. 150
b. 650

2. a. 25
b. 240

210 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC

Module 1, Answer Key
Answer Key

Answer to Lesson 1.2B Warm-up

1. a. 20.8
b. 7.9
c. 4.3
d. 102.3
e. 16.3
f. 151.3
g. 59.45
h. 151.3
i. 16.62
j. 628.03
k. 1226.7
l. 96
m. 10.52
n. 99.9

Answer to Lesson 1.2B Practice

1. No

2. 7.9 kg

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 211

Module 1, Answer Key
Answer to Lesson 1.2C Warm-up
1. a. 2.4
b. 50.4
c. 49.6
d. 17.2
e. 5.1
f. 7.2
g. 68.4
h. 174
i. 151.8
j. 7.2
k. 9.6
l. 905.2

Answer to Lesson 1.2C Practice

1. $11 647.75

2. 176.7 km

3. 4.5 kg

Answer to Lesson 1.2D Warm-up

1. a. 2
b. 0
c. 8
d. 24
e. 12
f. 16

212 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC

Module 1, Answer Key
Answer Key

Answer to Lesson 1.2D Practice

1. a. 5.1
b. 12.6
c. 9.6
d. 34.26
e. 18.7
f. 32.9

Answer to Lesson 1.2E Warm-up

1. a. 4.62
b. 7.75
c. 0.9
d. 8.51
e. 4
f. 7.44
g. 5.06
h. 20.77
i. 4.44

2. a. 3.14
b. 1.31
c. 3.66
d. 0.46
e. 2.94
f. 2.03

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 213

Module 1, Answer Key
Answer to Lesson 1.2E Practice 1
1. a. 9.73
b. 4.562
c. 7.94
d. 1.626

Answer to Lesson 1.2E Practice 2

1. a. 0.68
b. 6.08
c. 16.2
d. 35.467

2. a. 6.8
b. 5.830

Answer to Pretest 1.3

Lesson 1.3A
1. 0 ÷ 5

2. Undefined

3. 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 18

4. a. 4
b. 28
c. 7

5. a. Yes, 12 is divisible by 3
b. No, 18 is not divisible by 7

214 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC

Module 1, Answer Key
Answer Key

Lesson 1.3B
1. 10, 5 and 2 are all factors of 36 090

2. 1035 is divisible by 3 so there will not be any wheels left over

3. No, because 1 + 2 + 3 = 6 and 6 is not divisible by 9

4. Yes, 21 648 is even which means it is divisible by 2

5. The missing digit could be 2, 4, 6, 8 or 0

6. Yes, there will be 29 groups of cans without any left over

Answer to Lesson 1.3A Warm-up

1. a. 6
b. 4
c. 4
d. 3
e. 4
f. 5
g. 3
h. 6
i. 3
j. 4
k. 5
l. 4
m. 8

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 215

Module 1, Answer Key
2. a. 10 ÷ 2 = 5, or 10 ÷ 5 = 2
b. 12 ÷ 3 = 4, or 12 ÷ 4 = 3
c. 28 ÷ 4 = 7, or 28 ÷ 7 = 4

3. a. 3 × 8 = 24, or 8 × 3 = 24
b. 2 × 7 = 14, or 7 × 2 = 14
c. 5 × 6 = 30, or 6 × 5 = 30

Answer to Lesson 1.3A Practice 1

1. a. 13
b. 2

2. a. 8
b. 100

3. a. 8
b. 7

4. a. True
b. False

5. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 15, 30

216 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC

Module 1, Answer Key
Answer Key

Answer to Lesson 1.3A Practice 2

1. a. 0
b. 0
c. Undefined
d. 0
e. Undefined
f. Undefined
g. 0
h. Undefined
i. Undefined
j. 0

Answer to Lesson 1.3B Warm-up

a. 16 n. 0
b. 18 o. 24
c. 28 p. 36
d. 15 q. 2
e. 42 r. 9
f. 12 s 20
g. 16 t. 30
h. 63 u. 36
i. 12 v. 0
j. 21 w. 72
k. 16 x. 45
l. 35 y. 0
m. 54 z. 8

© Open School BC MATH 7 eText 217

Module 1, Answer Key
Answer to Lesson 1.3B Practice 1
1. a. 5
b. None
c. 2

2. a. 0, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8
b. 2, 4, 6, 8
c. 5

3. Any number ending in 5

Answer to Lesson 1.3B Practice 2

1. a. 3 and 9 are factors
b. Neither 3 nor 9 is a factor
c. 3 is a factor

2. a. 7
b. 6
c. 0 or 9

3. No

Answer to Lesson 1.3B Practice 3

1. a. No
b. Yes
c. Yes

2. a. Yes
b. No

218 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC

Module 1, Answer Key
Answer Key

Answer to Lesson 1.3B Practice 4

1. a. 4 - No, 8 - No
b. 4 - Yes, 8 - Yes
c. 4 - Yes, 8 - No
d. 4 - Yes, 8 - No

2. a. 2, 6
b. 2, 6
c. 0, 4, 8

3. Yes, there will be 431 seeds in each row

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Module 1, Answer Key
220 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC
Module 1

Module 1 Glossary
Clue Words
Words which give you hints about what mathematical operation to do, or
help you understand the problem better.
The number in a division problem being divided or shared.
For example, 6 ÷ 2 = 3. The dividend is 6.
Divisibility Rules
Formulas for determining whether or not a number is a factor of another
When a number can be divided by another number evenly,
with no remainder.
For example, 8 is divisible by 4. 9 is not divisible by 4.
In a division problem, the number being divided into another number.
For example, 6 ÷ 2 = 3. The divisor is 2.
To make an approximate answer.
A mathematical number sentence.
A number that divides another number evenly.
2 and 3 are factors of 6; 5 is not a factor of 6.
Front End Estimation
Estimating by using the place value of the front end of the number and
rounding to make an estimate.
{…, –3, –2, –1, 0, 1, 2, 3,…}
A set of numbers that includes:
– zero
– all the counting numbers {1, 2, 3,…}
– all of their opposites {–1, –2, –3,…}
Integer Signs
The sign in an equation which tells you if an integer is positive or negative.

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Module 1, Glossary
The even spaces between points on a number line.
Number Line
A straight line with points and a set of numbers.

–10 –5 0 +5 +10

Operations Signs
The signs in an equation that tell you what mathematical operations to
Opposite Integers
Two integers with the same numeral, but different signs. Opposite
integers are represented by points that are the same distance in opposite
directions from zero on a number line.
For example, –2 and +2 are opposite integers.
Order of Operations
The correct sequence of steps for a calculation. Brackets first, then
multiply and divide in order from left to right, and then add and subtract
in order from left to right.
The result from dividing one number by another.
For example, 6 ÷ 2 = 3. The quotient is 3.
Relative Size Estimation
Estimating by comparing a number to benchmark numbers close to it on
a number line.
The total when numbers are added together.
For example, the sum of 2 and 3 is 5. The sum of 7 and –3 is 4.

Zero Pair
A pair of integers that equal zero when added together.
Zero Principle
The idea that the sum of two opposite integers will always be zero.

222 MATH 7 eText © Open School BC

Module 1, Glossary

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