Traffic Signs
Traffic Signs
Traffic Signs
3 August 2009
Traffic control device is the medium used for communicating between traffic
engineer and road users. Unlike other modes of transportation, there is no
control on the drivers using the road. Here traffic control devices comes to
the help of the traffic engineer. The major types of traffic control devices
used are- traffic signs, road markings , traffic signals and parking control. This
chapter discusses traffic control signs. Different types of traffic signs are
regulatory signs, warning signs and informatory signs.
1. The control device should fulfill a need : Each device must have a
specific purpose for the safe and efficient operation of traffic flow. The
superfluous devices should not be used.
2. It should command attention from the road users: This affects the
design of signs. For commanding attention, proper visibility should be
there. Also the sign should be distinctive and clear. The sign should be
placed in such a way that the driver requires no extra effort to see the
3. It should convey a clear, simple meaning: Clarity and simplicity of
message is essential for the driver to properly understand the meaning
in short time. The use of color, shape and legend as codes becomes
important in this regard. The legend should be kept short and simple so
that even a less educated driver could understand the message in less
4. Road users must respect the signs: Respect is commanded only when
the drivers are conditioned to expect that all devices carry meaningful
and important messages. Overuse, misuse and confusing messages of
devices tends the drivers to ignore them.
5. The control device should provide adequate time for proper response
from the road users: This is again related to the design aspect of traffic
control devices. The sign boards should be placed at a distance such
that the driver could see it and gets sufficient time to respond to the
situation. For example, the STOP sign which is always placed at the stop
line of the intersection should be visible for atleast one safe stopping
sight distance away from the stop line.
Communication tools
A number of mechanisms are used by the traffic engineer to communicate
with the road user. These mechanisms recognize certain human limitations,
particularly eyesight. Messages are conveyed through the following
1. Regulatory signs: These signs require the driver to obey the signs for the
safety of other road users.
2. Warning signs:These signs are for the safety of oneself who is driving
and advice the drivers to obey these signs.
3. Informative signs: These signs provide information to the driver about
the facilities available ahead, and the route and distance to reach the
specific destinations
In addition special type of traffic sign namely work zone signs are also
available. These type of signs are used to give warning to the road users
when some construction work is going on the road. They are placed only for
short duration and will be removed soon after the work is over and when the
road is brought back to its normal condition. The first three signs will be
discussed in detail below.
Regulatory signs
These signs are also called mandatory signs because it is mandatory that
the drivers must obey these signs. If the driver fails to obey them, the control
agency has the right to take legal action against the driver. These signs are
primarily meant for the safety of other road users. These signs have
generally black legend on a white background. They are circular in shape with
red borders. The regulatory signs can be further classified into :
1. Right of way series: These include two unique signs that assign the
right of way to the selected approaches of an intersection. They are the
STOP sign and GIVE WAY sign For example, when one minor road and
major road meets at an intersection, preference should be given to the
vehicles passing through the major road. Hence the give way sign board
will be placed on the minor road to inform the driver on the minor road
that he should give way for the vehicles on the major road. In case two
major roads are meeting, then the traffic engineer decides based on the
traffic on which approach the sign board has to be placed. Stop sign is
another example of regulatory signs that comes in right of way series
which requires the driver to stop the vehicle at the stop line.
2. Speed series: Number of speed signs may be used to limit the speed of
the vehicle on the road. They include typical speed limit signs, truck
speed, minimum speed signs etc. Speed limit signs are placed to limit
the speed of the vehicle to a particular speed for many reasons.
Separate truck speed limits are applied on high speed roadways where
heavy commercial vehicles must be limited to slower speeds than
passenger cars for safety reasons. Minimum speed limits are applied on
high speed roads like expressways, freeways etc. where safety is again
a predominant reason. Very slow vehicles may present hazard to
themselves and other vehicles also.
3. Movement series: They contain a number of signs that affect specific
vehicle maneuvers. These include turn signs, alignment signs, exclusion
signs, one way signs etc. Turn signs include turn prohibitions and lane
use control signs. Lane use signs make use of arrows to specify the
movements which all vehicles in the lane must take. Turn signs are used
to safely accommodate turns in unsignalized intersections.
4. Parking series: They include parking signs which indicate not only
parking prohibitions or restrictions, but also indicate places where
parking is permitted, the type of vehicle to be parked, duration for parking
5. Pedestrian series: They include both legend and symbol signs. These
signs are meant for the safety of pedestrians and include signs
indicating pedestrian only roads, pedestrian crossing sites etc.
6. Miscellaneous: Wide variety of signs that are included in this category
are: a "KEEP OF MEDIAN" sign, signs indicating road closures, signs
restricting vehicles carrying hazardous cargo or substances, signs
indicating vehicle weight limitations etc.
Some examples of the regulatory signs are shown in figure 1. They include a
stop sign, give way sign, signs for no entry, sign indicating prohibition for right
turn, vehicle width limit sign, speed limit sign etc.
Warning signs
Warning signs or cautionary signs give information to the driver about the
impending road condition. They advice the driver to obey the rules. These
signs are meant for the own safety of drivers. They call for extra vigilance
from the part of drivers. The color convention used for this type of signs is
that the legend will be black in color with a white background. The shape used
is upward triangular or diamond shape with red borders. Some of the
examples for this type of signs are given in fig 2 and includes right hand curve
sign board, signs for narrow road, sign indicating railway track ahead etc.
Figure 2: Examples of caut ionary signs ( right hand
curve sign board, signs for narrow road, sign
indicat ing railway t rack ahead)
Informative signs
Informative signs also called guide signs, are provided to assist the drivers to
reach their desired destinations. These are predominantly meant for the
drivers who are unfamiliar to the place. The guide signs are redundant for the
users who are accustomed to the location.
Some of the examples for these type of signs are route markers, destination
signs, mile posts, service information, recreational and cultural interest area
signing etc. Route markers are used to identify numbered highways. They
have designs that are distinctive and unique. They are written black letters
on yellow background. Destination signs are used to indicate the direction to
the critical destination points, and to mark important intersections. Distance
in kilometers are sometimes marked to the right side of the destination. They
are, in general, rectangular with the long dimension in the horizontal direction.
They are color coded as white letters with green background.
Mile posts are provided to inform the driver about the progress along a route
to reach his destination. Service guide signs give information to the driver
regarding various services such as food, fuel, medical assistance etc. They
are written with white letters on blue background. Information on historic,
recreational and other cultural area is given on white letters with brown
background. In the figure 3 we can see some examples for informative signs
which include route markers, destination signs, mile posts, service centre
information etc..
Figure 3: Examples of informat ive signs (rout e
markers, dest inat ion signs, mile post s, service
cent re informat ion et c)
Traffic signs are means for exercising control on or passing information to
the road users. They may be regulatory, warning, or informative. Among the
design aspects of the signs, the size, shape, color and location matters.
Some of the signs along with examples were discussed in this chapter. A few
web sites discussing on traffic signs are giben below:,
1. Regulatory signs are also called
1. Mandatory signs
2. Cautionary signs
3. Informative signs
4. Warning signs
2. Stop sign comes under
1. Regulatory signs
2. Cautionary signs
3. Informative signs
4. none of these