Apollo 12 Preliminary Science Report
Apollo 12 Preliminary Science Report
Apollo 12 Preliminary Science Report
I Apollo 12 astronaut drives a core tube into lunar surface for scientific exploration of the Moon.
For sale by the Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information, Springfield, Virginia 22151
OUR SECOND JOURNEY to the Moon opened the new age of extraterrestrial scientific
exploration by man. Going beyond Apollo 11, which demonstrated to an eager
world that astronauts can set foot on a celestial body and return safely to Earth,
Apollo 12 concentrated on a systematic scientific sampling designed to help
unlock some of the secrets of the solar system's origin and early history.
At Apollo 12's destination we had in the spring of 1967 landed Surveyor 3,
a spiderlike mechanical creature with three legs, a clawlike arm, and a roving
TV eye. Less than 3 years later, Pete Conrad and Alan Bean landed their lunar
module Intrepid with precision a few thousand feet from Surveyor 3, enabling
them to disassemble parts exposed to the lunar environment for a known time
for later analysis back on Earth. This was but a single task in a long series of
tasks the astronauts had to perform, but to me this precise landing so close to
a preselected site a quarter of a million miles from Earth points up the marvelous
inseparability of mechanical and scientific capabilities in space exploration.
This document, like the initial report of the first manned landing, relates
the preliminary scientific observations resulting from the mission of Apollo 12.
Further study and more detailed analysis will undoubtedly produce additional
significant results, just as additional manned landings will undoubtedly reveal
new mechanical and scientific marvels.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
JUNE 1, 1970
A. I. Calio
W. K. Stephenson
Alan L. Bean, Charles Conrad, It., and Richard F. Gordon
ThE APOLLO 11 MISSION, primarily designed to land men on the Moon and return
them safely to Earth, signaled a new phase of the manned space program. Based
on the success of Apollo 11, the first of a series of missions designed for the
systematic exploration of the Moon was successfully accomplished on Apollo 12.
The fact that the Apollo 12 astronauts were able to achieve a pinpoint landing
at a preselected site, and then spend an extended time on the lunar surface,
graphically illustrates the rapid progress of the Apollo program.
The Apollo 12 mission added significantly to man's knowledge of the Moon.
The precise landing capability allowed the crew to accomplish a wide variety
of preplanned tasks and paved the way for planning future missions to smaller,
more selected landing areas with the possibility of significant scientific returns.
The Apollo 12 mission also benefited lunar orbital science. By changing the
orbital plane of the command and service module (CSM) twice, once for rendez-
vous and once to accomplish photographic tasks, the crew demonstrated the
capability to explore new areas of the lunar surface during orbital operations.
Future flights will take advantage of this capability to photograph additional
potential landing sites and to make scientific observations of the surface, both
visually and photographically. The success of the Apollo 12 crew in lunar orbit
allowed an increase in the planned orbital activities for the Apollo 13 mission.
The large quantity of lunar soil and rocks brought back by the Apollo 12 astro-
nauts will add to the detailed scientific information already obtained from the
Apollo 11 samples. The emplaced scientific experiments have yielded consider-
able geophysical data that were unavailable prior to the Apollo 12 mission. With
the landing of future missions, a network of scientific instruments will be created
that will greatly enhance the gathering of data. This report is preliminary and
covers only the initial scientific results of the Apollo 12 mission. A great deal of
work remains for the scientists involved to interpret and understand the returned
lunar material and the data being constantly transmitted from the Apollo 12
scientific experiments on the Moon.
NASA Manned Spacecraft Center
Mission Description
W. K. Stephenson a
The Apollo 12 mission was the second manned The first of the two planned extravehicular
lunar landing mission. Its objective was to per- activity periods began at 115 hr g.e.t. A color
form detailed scientific lunar exploration. television camera mounted on the descent stage
The space vehicle with a crew of Charles Con- provided live television coverage of the descent
rad, Jr., the commander; Richard F. Gordon, the of both astronauts to the lunar surface. A con-
command module pilot; and Alan L. Bean, the tingency sample of lunar soil was collected by
lunar module pilot, was launched from Kennedy the commander and p_aced aboard the lunar mod-
Space Center, Fla., at 11:22:00 a.m.e.s.t. (16: ule prior to the descent of the lunar module pilot.
22:00 G.m.t.) on November 14, 1969. The activi- Live television coverage was subsequently lost
ties during Earth-orbital checkout, translunar because of the inadvertent pointing of the cam-
injection, and translunar coast were similar to era at the Sun. The crew emplaced the U.S. flag
those of Apollo 11, except for the special atten- and the solar-wind composition experiment.
tion given to verifying all spacecraft systems as a Then, the Apollo lunar surface experiments were
result of the electrostatic discharges shortly after deployed at a safe distance away from the lunar
launch at 36.5 and 52 sec ground elapsed time module. Additional lunar surface samples, in-
(g.e.t.). All equipment checked perfectly, so cluding core-tube specimens, were collected. The
permission to proceed was given. Only one mid- first extravehicular activity period, lasting ap-
course correction, applied at 31 hr g.e.t, to place proximately 4 hr, was recorded with the color
the spacecraft on the planned non-free-return still cameras and the sequence camera and by
trajectory, was required prior to lunar orbit stereoscopic and panoramic views taken with the
insertion. still cameras. Upon return to the lunar module,
The spacecraft was inserted into an elliptical the crew replenished the portable life-support
lunar orbit at 83.5 hr g.e.t., and the orbit was systems and, after a planned 7-hr rest period,
circularized two revolutions later. Following un- prepared for the second extravehicular activity
docking of the command and service module period.
and the lunar module, the descent orbit began at The second extravehicular activity period be-
109.5 hr g.e.t. One hour later, a precision land- gan at 131.5 hr g.e.t, with the descent of the
ing was made using automatic guidance, with commander to the lunar surface. The lunar mod-
only small manual corrections required in the ule pilot followed shortly thereafter, and the two
final phases of descent. The touchdown occurred astronauts started the geology traverse. The trav-
at 110.5 hr g.e.t, at a point only 600 ft from the erse covered a distance of approximately 4300
target point, the Surveyor 3 spacecraft. The ft and lasted 3 hr 50 min. During the traverse,
landing coordinates were 3.2 ° south latitude and documented samples, core-tube samples, trench
23.4 ° west longitude in the Ocean of Storms. site samples, and gas analysis samples were col-
This precision landing is of great significance to lected. The crew photographed Surveyor 3,
the future lunar exploration program, because which landed on the lunar surface in April 1967.
landing points in rough terrain of great scientific Also, for scientific and engineering evaluation of
interest may now be targeted. the long-term effects of the lunar environment
on Earth-made materials, the crew retrieved a
"NASA Manned Spacecraft Center. painted tube, an unpainted tube, the television
The Apollo 12 mission provided the first op- craters and on deposits of ejecta from them.
portunity in the scientific exploration of the Therefore, the samples returned to Earth contain
Moon to sample extensively the rocks within a a variety of material ejected from local craters.
radius of _/z km of the landing site, to obtain Some of the fine-grained material was derived
geologic data from firsthand observations made locally, and some probably from distant sources.
on the Moon, to measure on the surface of the The Apollo 12 results obtained to date are
Moon the vector components of the lunar mag- summarized in this section. The reader should
netic field, to measure the pressure of the lunar understand that these results are preliminary and
atmosphere, and to collect seismic data on the that the interpretation, especially, is Iikely to
interior of the Moon from the impact of the change in the future.
lunar module (LM) ascent stage. During the
two extravehicular activity (EVA) periods, a Surface Experiments
total duration of 7.5 hr, the astronauts collected Geology
three core tubes of lunar soil and additional sur-
Igneous rocks, breccias, and soils were col-
face samples along a geologic traverse. They ob- lected from a variety of local geologic features
tained material from the bottom of a shallow
that included a mound and several craters. Along
trench and brought back several items from the
several parts of the traverse made during the
Surveyor 3 spacecraft. The astronauts caught second EVA period, the astronauts found fine-
some of the solar wind in an aluminum foil, and
grained material of relatively high albedo that,
they obtained extensive photographs of the lunar at some places, was buried in the shallow sub-
surface and of crew activities by using 70-mm
surface and, at other places, was situated on the
Hasselblad cameras and a closeup stereoscopic surface. This light-gray material was specifically
reported to be at the surface near Sharp Crater
The Apollo 12 LM landed on the northwest and a few centimeters below the surface near
rim of the 200-m-diameter Surveyor Crater in
Head, Bench, and Block Craters. It is possible
the Ocean of Storms. The landing site was at
that some of this light-gray material may consti-
23.4 ° west longitude and 3.2 ° south latitude, ap- tute a discontinuous deposit that is observed
proximately 120 km southeast of the crater Lans-
telescopically as a Copernican ray.
berg and due north of the center of Mare Cogni- Small linear patterns similar to those at the
tum. The landing site is near a ray associated Apollo 11 site were noted in the surface. These
with the crater Copernicus, which is situated
patterns are probably caused by drainage of fine-
approximately 370 km to the north. The landing
grained material into fractures in the underlying
site is characterized by a distinctive cluster of
bedrock. This interpretation implies northeast-
craters that range in diameter from 50 to 400 m.
and northwest-trending joint sets in the bedrock
The traverses during the two EVA periods were
of the Apollo 11 site and north- and east-trending
generally made on or near the rims of these
joint sets in bedrock of the Apollo 12 site. The
lineated strips of ground reported by the crew
a NASA Manned Spacecraft Center and Massachusetts
Institute of Technology. probably reflect joint sets within larger fracture
b NASA Manned Spacecraft Center. zones in the bedrock.
The scientific, geologic, and photographic graphs of particular interest was that series of
objectives of the Apollo 12 mission were designed the Fra Mauro area taken during revolution 10.
to achieve the maximum return of lunar data. These photographs of the Apollo 13 landing site
The staytime on the lunar surface was increased showed the site at a 7 ° Sun elevation angle and
to accommodate two extravehicular activity will be used to train the Apollo 13 crew for
(EVA) periods. The photography accomplished their pinpoint landing, which will occur at
during the Apollo 12 mission was designed to approximately that Sun angle.
document and augment the experimental, obser- The lunar multispectral photography experi-
vational, and geologic data obtained from the ment was performed by Astronaut Gordon, the
extended lunar surface activities and from the command module (CM) pilot, while the lunar
scientific instruments placed on the lunar sur- module (LM) was on the lunar surface. Astro-
face. A further photographic objective was to naut Gordon took a series of stereoscopic strip
obtain, from lunar orbit, photographs of future photographs with the four-camera array dur-
landing sites. Orbital photographs will aid in ing two orbital revolutions and photographed
the planning of pinpoint landings in lunar terrain selected target areas on a third revolution.
more rugged and of even greater scientific inter- On revolution 39, the command and service
est than the mare-type terrain at the Apollo 11 module (CSM) accomplished an orbital plane
and 12 landing sites. change to prepare for extensive photography of
This chapter is a brief description of the future landing sites. The plane change opened up
Apollo 12 mission and is illustrated with a small a considerable amount of new area on the lunar
sample of the hundreds of photographs taken by
surface to both photographic and visual observa-
the astronauts during the mission. These photo-
tion and placed the orbital trace of the CSM
graphs will require years to analyze completely
over the three potential landing sites to be
and, thus, will be a continuing contribution to
photographed-the crater Lalande, an area north
the improvement of man's knowledge of the
of the crater Descartes, and the Apollo 13 land-
Moon. The lunar multispectral photography ex-
periment may aid in the determination of subtle ing site in the Fra Mauro region.
color or tone changes on the lunar surface. The On revolution 40, a terminator-to-terminator
photographs taken during the EVA periods will strip of photographs was taken with the bracket-
aid in identifying the original locations and posi- mounted Hasselblad camera using the 80-mm
tions of many of the returned lunar samples. lens. An intervalometer was used to trigger one
Photographs of Surveyor 3, when examined in frame every 20 sec with sufficient overlap to
conjunction with the parts of the spacecraft that provide stereoscopic photography. By using this
were returned to Earth, will provide engineering strip of stereoscopic photographs, the approach
data on the effects of Earth-made materials of terrain into the landing sites can be better de-
long-duration exposure to the lunar environment. fined, which will be important in designing the
During the early part of the lunar orbital profiles for the three sites.
phase of the mission, the crew took many photo- On revolution 41, high-resolution photographs
graphs of the lunar surface. A series of photo- of two potential landing site areas were taken
" NASA Manned Spacecraft Center. using the 500-mm lens on the Hasselblad camera.
Unfortunately,a film magazinemalfunctioned, visualrecordof their lunar surfaceactivities.
andthesephotographs werepartiallylost.The The16-mmdataacquisitioncamerawasused
photographs of the two areasweresuccessfully by AstronautBeanto recordAstronautConrad's
retakenonrevolution43,with anotherfilm mag- descentdownthe ladderandhis earlyactivities
azine;however,this resultedin the inabilityto on the lunar surface.Photographs of Astronaut
completea secondterminator-to-terminator ster- Conradpickingup the contingency samplepro-
eoscopicstrip of photographsthat had been videda recordof the samplelocationandillus-
plannedfor revolution44.The craterLalande trated AstronautConrad'smovements in the
wassuccessfully photographed onre#olution45. 1/6genvironment on the lunarsurface.
In additionto thesephotographs, the crewtook Both crewmentookhundredsof photographs
severalphotographs of variousareasusingthe whileonthesurface,includingmanypanoramas.
250-mmlens on the Hasselbladcamera.The Theyphotographed the unloadingof the Apollo
Davy Rille was one suchareaphotographed. lunar surfaceexperimentspackage(ALSEP)
The Apollo 12 photographs,combinedwith andits deploymenton the lunar surface.Some
earlierLunarOrbiterphotographs, havekindled unusualfeatures,whichthecrewcalledmounds,
scientificinterestin the DavyRille area,andit wereseenand photographed on the surface.
is plannedto rephotographthis areaon the Thesefeaturescan be locatedon the Lunar
Apollo 13 missionto determineif it may be Orbiterphotography of the areasand,thus,can
selectedas a futurelandingsite. be used as a key to interpretingthe Lunar
After separation, the LM begana seriesof Orbiterphotography. Aftercompletion of ALSEP
maneuvers that resultedin the successful lunar deployment, andat therequestof geologists on
landing.UnliketheApollo11LM, the Apollo12 Earth,the crewmadea traverseto a largesub-
LM flewthe entiredescentphaseof themission dued craterapproximately 300m in diameter.
in theheads-up position;therefore,photographic Duringthesecond EVAperiod,thefirstphoto-
documentation of the Apollo 12 LM descent graphicactivityafterdeparturefromtheLM was
phasestartedwith the pitchovermaneuver.At to takeblack-and-white photographs, with polar-
this point,the 16-mmdataacquisitioncamera izing filters on the Hasselbladcameras.After
vividlyrecorded thesceneasdescribed by Astro- taking thesephotographs, the filters weredis-
naut Conradduring the actual landing.The carded, andtheastronauts beganthedocumented
"Snowman" formation,for which the crewtar- geologicaltraverse.During the courseof the
geted,is clearly visible during most of the traverse,thecrewphotographed therocksamples
descentfilm. AstronautConrad'slanding ma- collected,thecoresamples taken,andthecraters
neuversarealsoevident,asis the actualmoment visited.
of touchdown, whichoccurswithin an extensive The final leg of the traverseon the second
dustcloud.This film hasbeencorrelatedwith EVAperiodtookthecrewto thecraterin which
thetelemetered datato document the finalland- Surveyor3 landed in April 1967.The crew
ing maneuvers performedby the LM crew. recordedphotographically their activitiesin the
Followingtouchdown, photographs of theim- vicinity of Surveyor3; photographed the Sur-
mediatevicinityof the LM weretakenthrough veyor3 spacecraft; andwith their cameras, du-
the LM windows.Panoramicmosaicsof these
plicatedmanyof thescenes firstrecorded by the
photographs arepresented in chapter10of this
documentand showthe lunar surfacebefore Surveyortelevisioncamera.
andafterbothEVAperiods.Initial activitieson Near the completionof the secondEVA
the firstEVAperiodwererecordedby tile Has- period,AstronautBeantookseveralstereoscopic
selbladcameras andby a colortelevision camera. pairsof photographs with the Apollolunarsur-
However,shortly after both astronautshad facecloseupcamera.Thesephotographs show,
egressed theLM, the-television camerawasinad- in exceptional detail,the fine grainstructureof
vertentlypointeddirectlyat the Sun,andtele- the lunar surfacematerial.
visioncoverage of the missionwaslost.Thus, On their return from the Moon,the crew
the photographs takenby the crewarethe only followedthe practiceof previousApollocrews
and took a series of photographs of the Moon Reentry of the Apollo 12 spacecraft over the
after transearth injection. Several of these photo- Pacific Ocean occurred later in the day than had
graphs were planned to provide slightly different previous Apollo flights, and the crew recorded
lunar aerial coverage as an aid in solving sele- an excellent sequence of reentry data on 16-mm
nodetic problems of the Moon. film. The film data cover the period from the
As the spacecraft neared the Earth, the crew first evidence of heat-shield burning to the
reported and photographed the impressive sight deployment of the three main parachutes.
of the Sun being eclipsed by the Earth. This Overall, the crew of Apollo 12 took many
unusual sighting was reported to be one of the excellent photographs of scientific interest, pro-
most spectacular views observed during the vided extremely valuable photographic informa-
entire mission. The eclipse was photographed tion concerning possible future landing sites, and
using color film in the 16-mm data acquisition photographically recorded many items of engi-
camera and black-and-white film in the Hassel- neering and scientific interest. Cameras, film
blad camera. types, and usage are listed in tables 1-I and 1-II.
Hasselblad Electric; with 70-mm, type SO-368 Ektachrome MS color- Used in lunar orbit to
80-ram lens, reversal film, with a normal ASA of 64; and make stereoscopic strip
250-mm lens, 70-mm, type SO-3400 Panatomic X black-and- photographs of potential
and 500-mm lens white film, with a normal ASA of 80 landing sites
Data acquisition With 5-mm lens, 16-ram, type SO-368 film; and 16-mm, type Type SO-168 film exposed
camera 18-mm lens, SO-164 Panatomic X black-and-white film, with and developed with an
and 75-mm lens a normal ASA of 80. Also, 16-ram, type SO-168 ASA of 1000
Ektachrome EF color-reversal film, with a
normal ASA of 160
TABLE 1-II. Apollo 12 Photographic Equipment Used in LM and During EVA Periods
Hasselblad (2) Electric with 70-mm, type SO-168 film (first EVA period) and
60-mm lens and 70-mm, type SO-267 plus XX black-and-white
reseau plate film, with a normal ASA of 278
Data acquisition With 10-mm lens 16-mm, type SO-368 film Mounted behind right
camera window LM; recorded
LM descent (from
approximately 6 km )
and lunar surface
FIGURE1-1. - O n November 14, 1969, a t 11:22. a.m. e.s.t., the srcond U.S. lunar landing mis-
sion, Apollo 12, lifted ofT from Capc Kcnncdy, FIa. On board wcrc Astronauts
Charles Conrad, Jr., Richard F. Cordan, and Alan I,. Bean. (NASA photograph
1-16. - After collecting the contingency sample, Astronaut Conrad took several pano-
ramas in the vicinity of the LM. In this panorama, the LM, Surveyor Crater,
the television camera, and the S-band antenna are visible. The Surveyor 3 space-
craft can barely be distinguished in the shadow of the crater, (NASA photograph
1-17. - The crew erected the American flag after landing and collecting the contingency
sample. The long shadow of the LM and the blcnk lunar surface serve as n fitting
background. ( NASA photograph AS12-47-6897 )
__ ~ ~~
1-24. - Two panoramas of the large subdued crater visited during the first EVA period.
The crater is more than 300 m across and was visited near the end of the EVA
period. ( NASA photograph S-70-22361)
1-26. - A panorama looking southwest across Head Crater. Astronaut Conrad rolled a
rock down the side of this crater. Head Crater was visited during the early part
of the second EVA period. (NASA photograph S-70-24309)
1-27. - A panorama of Bench Crater. This crater was selected by the geologists as a
key crater to visit during the second EVA period. (NASA photograph
1-2-. - A Danorama o Sharp ,.ater. This crater was at the outermost point of the
crew’s traverse during the second EVA period. (NASA photograph S-70-22363)
Apollo 12 was the first in a series of missions It was a strange feeling; the Earth just seemed
designed to take advantage of the unique capa- to hang in black space. The subsolar point was
bilities of the trained observer in combination over the water and caused the surface to glint,
with a carefully designed instrument package to somewhat like a light on a billiard ball. One spot
insure the maximum possible return of scientific in particular showed a specular reflection with a
data about the Moon. Apollo 11 proved the capa- bright halo. The red Earth colors were easy to
bilities for a manned lunar landing, for working distinguish, but the greens and grays were diffi-
in the lunar environment on the lunar surface, cult to distinguish from the blues.
for successfully deploying an instrument pack- After about 32 hr into the mission, the Earth
age for long-term data retrieval, and for a safe appeared to be about the size of a golfball held
return to Earth. The operational use of these ca- at arm's length. Even though landmasses seemed
pabilities on Apollo 12 has been an important first to be brown, it was difficult to distinguish land-
step in the scientific exploration of the Moon. masses from water. Later in the mission, it was
This section is a summary of the scientific noted that the vegetation on Earth made a kind
observations of the Apollo 12 crew from lunar of gray-green color area that tended to blend into
orbit and from the lunar surface. Included in the ocean.
the section are comments on the appearance of As we got farther away from Earth, only areas
the Earth and Moon from orbit, observations that contrasted strongly with the blue-gray and
from the lunar surface on the appearance of blue-green areas of Earth were noticeable. Over-
lunar terrain and features, descriptions of crew all, the Earth seemed to be a pretty blue and
adaptability to the lunar environment, and geo- white, and our planet looked like an oasis.
logic and soil mechanics observations made dur-
ing the two extravehicular activity periods. The
Lunar Surface Features
section is concluded with a short discussion of
as Seen From Lunar Orbit
the solar eclipse witnessed by the crew during
transearth coast.
We began to get our first good look at the
lunar surface when the spacecraft went into
Observations of Earth From Space
lunar orbit. The mare areas were generally
During Translunar Flight smooth, but there were several long ridges run-
After about 8 hr into the mission, the Earth ning through these areas, and several isolated
appeared to l_e about volleyball size, and nothing hills were scattered throughout the smooth
was readily discernible but clouds and water. maria. At first glance, these hills resembled cu-
There appeared to be a glare point on Earth mulus clouds because the low sun angle caused
similar to the zero-phase point. On the dark side them to be extremely bright on top. By using the
of the Earth, it was difficult to tell where the monocular, though, it was possible to see that
Earth stopped and space began. the hills were high and isolated. While using
There was no noticeable rotation or movement the monocular, we also noticed three or four
of the Earth after about 11 hr into the mission. bright craters that had very dark-gray material
streaking down the crater sides, like landslides.,
a NASA Manned Spacecraft Center. The gray streaks had the appearance of some-
thing like a liquid spill; the streaks were com- We also got a look at the back side of the
pletely different from anything else we saw. The Moon during lunar orbit. The command module
Ocean of Storms looked much like a desert area, pilot commented that he was more impressed
but we could not think of a place on Earth that by the lunar back side.
is similar to it. One especially impressive sight was the Moon
In contrast to the smooth maria, the surface in earthshine. The Moon is fairly easy to see
in the terra was covered with rounded knolls in earthshine; it is quite beautiful and very
and seemed to be quite a bit rougher. We also soft looking, and the earthshine gives the Moon
saw several areas that seemed to indicate that a greenish tinge, making it look gray-green.
the lunar surface has been involved in some
volcanic action. Landing and Observations
Most of the lunar craters that we observed From the Lunar Module
from lunar orbit appeared to be caused by im-
pacts on the lunar surface. One flesh-looking Landing
crater had a collapsed side; another crater had As soon as the pitchover started, the computer
a fantastic ejecta blanket that must have gone was used to enable the landing point designator
out to a distance of 50 to 60 times the crater (LPD), and we immediately looked out the
diameter. Two young craters in the mare area window. For the first couple of seconds none of
were particularly startling because of their per- the lunar surface features were recognizable,
fectly circular ray patterns. although the visibility was excellent. The field
In the crater Humboldt, we saw great frac- of view and the lunar surface detail were also
ture marks that looked like crisscrossed roads in excellent, but photographs do not provide ade-
the desert. Big, black boulders appeared to dot quate preparation for the first look out the
the surface of the central peak of the crater window. However, when we looked down the
Langrenus. Boulders were also observed on the 40 ° line on the LPD, our five-crater chain and
central peak of Theophilus, and on this central the "Snowman" became very obvious. No early
peak there were some rather well-defined ridge landing site redesignations were required. We
lines. Upon looking closely, we saw what ap- were targeted in the middle of Surveyor Crater.
peared to be a mild terracing effect that ran We made a steeper-than-planned descent. At
parallel to the ridge lines and also some rilles approximately 700 ft, we went to manual control
that ran perpendicular to the ridge lines. and reduced our descent rate to enable us to
We also saw rilles as we passed over the Sea of get a better look around. As we passed over
Serenity. In this sea, there were two parallel Surveyor Crater, at approximately 500 ft, a suit-
rilles (long narrow valleys) and two parallel able landing area was apparent between Sur-
grabens (depressed segments of the lunar crust veyor and Head Graters. It was necessary to
bounded on two sides by faults) with associated fly around Surveyor Crater to get to this area,
crater chains.
which appeared to be perfectly smooth. The
As for the color of the Moon, we noticed very
vertical descent was begun at approximately
little change as we orbited. At first, the surface
300 ft, and the descent rate was relatively low.
had a very light gray-white concrete appear-
At 175 ft, we began to pick up dust. The dust
ance. On later orbits, we began to notice a touch
went out as far as we could see in any direction
of brown in the surface features. One interesting
and continued to build up until the lunar surface
contrast was that of the Moon to the black sky.
was completely obscured during the last 40 ft
In comparison to the coal blackness of the sky,
of descent. The reduced visibility forced us to get
the Moon appeared to be a very light concrete
our attitude references from the instruments.
color. The terra was a gray color, and as we
passed over the Sea of Fertility, the sea appeared Then, the lunar contact light came on, and the
to be a slightly darker gray than the terra. We descent engine was shut down. We dropped
commented at the time that the Sea of Fertility approximately 2 or 3 ft to a gentle touchdown
resembled wet beach sand. on a slight slope.
Color and Contact were on the ground, things that were far away
At first glance out of the spacecraft window, looked closer than they really were. After egress
there was absolutely no distinguishable color to the lunar surface, however, it was possible to
difference. About the only difference we noticed get an accurate position for the LM because it
was apparent that we were close to the edge of
was in looking cross-Sun versus looking down-
Surveyor Crater, approximately 600 ft from the
Sun. Looking down-Sun, the surface material
Surveyor spacecraft.
looks the same, but it appears to be of different
Lunar surface visibility was not too unlike
colors. Some of the rocks must definitely have
had different colors and different textures, but Earth visibility, with the exception that the Sun
viewed from the spacecraft, they did not appear was extremely bright. Cross-Sun and down-Sun
to be different. All the materials on the horizon viewing were not hindered to any great degree,
except that shadows were visible only when
and the blocks on the horizon appeared to be
of the same material, and when using the mo- viewing cross-Sun. It was difficult to view down-
Sun exactly along the zero-phase direction, but
nocular with the low Sun angle, they all ap-
this deficiency did nob hinder normal lunar
peared to be white.
From the lunar module (LM), there did not surface operations because the eyes could be
scanned back and forth across these bright zones
seem to be any possibility of seeing a contact
for visual assimilation. Objects in shadows could
between different colored surfaces. We hoped
that we could discern the contacts or different be seen with only a slight amount of dark
adaptation. The only difficulty in seeing in a
materials by looking at the textures during the
shadow occurred when some object was reflecb
extravehicular activity (EVA) periods. For ex-
ing sunlight into the helmet visor while we were
ample, the area that was described as being
trying to see into the shadow. Once we entered
directly in front of the LM had north-south lines
the shadow, it was possible to see well.
running through it. Other than those lines, the
area looked like one uniform surface with many
craters in it. There were no immediately appar-
ent white rim craters near us. Most of the craters Our mobility and stability were generally the
we saw from the LM window did not have a same as reported by the Apollo 11 crew. Run-
raised rim, and neither did they have any partic- ning on the lunar surface, moving from side to
ular elongation. The craters seemed to be the side, hopping, and so forth, felt almost exactly
same texture as the areas surrounding them. This as it had during simulations on Earth. There
lack of contact was verified during the EVA. was no noticeable tendency for our boots to
We found that all the material looked the same slip on the lunar surface.
until we were very close to the individual rocks. Moving around on the lunar surface proved to
be no special problem, although, at first, we
First EVA Period moved slowly because of the required adjust-
ment to a different center of gravity. It was
Lunar Surface Visibility difficult for us to walk "heel-toe, heel-toe" as
We were positive of where we were, but it we would have in a normal walk on Earth. There
was difficult to pinpoint our exact location be- is really no such thing as walking on the lunar
cause of the limited field of view out the LM surface; it takes more energy to move slowly
windows, because of the general tendency to and take a normal Earth step than it does to
underestimate distances (sometimes by as much move at a lope. Because of the reduced gravity,
as 100 percent), and because of the difficulty of there is a brief period when both feet are off the
seeing even large craters beyond a distance of ground at the same time. This condition gave
about 100 ft. None of the shadows that were us the impression that we were moving rapidly,
visible in flight, the ones in the bottoms of although in reality, we were moving at about a
craters, were visible after touchdown. The bright normal Earth walking pace. Loping actually
part of the landscape could always be seen, but seemed to be the most natural way to move
it was difficult to find the craters. When we around.
The fall experienced by the commander difference in softness is not great, but it is
proved to be no problem. When a fall begins, noticeable. The sides of the craters did not
you first lose your balance rather quickly, partic- appear to be particularly slippery. When deploy-
ularly if you try to back up, because the ground ing the experiments, we noticed that tamping of
is uneven and there is a possibility of stepping the lunar surface material seemed to do little
in holes or on rocks. The fall progresses so good in emplacing an experiment. The core tube
slowly, though, that there is plenty of time to was a little difficult to drive in, but if it were
almost turn around or to catch your footing augered first, it could be pounded in to full
before you actually fall to the surface. Because length.
a fall begins so slowly on the Moon, it is usually Upon inspection of the LM, we found that
possible to spin around, bend the knees, and re- the Intrepid footpads sank in a little farther than
cover. Several times, in trying to bend over to did the Apollo 11 LM footpads. Our estimated
get something, we would start to fall over, but depth of penetration was la/2 to 2 in. As observed
the fall progressed so slowly that we could start on the Apollo 11 mission, the LM descent pro-
moving our feet and keep moving until they pulsion system (DPS) engine did not dig a
came back under us again. crater, but the surface under the engine was
Working on the lunar surface was not exces- clean. There were no loose dust particles, but
sively strenuous. The metabolic rate was 900 a number of small, dirtlike clods seemed to be
Btu/hr for the commander and 1000 Btu/hr for strewn out radially from the skirt of the engine.
the lunar module pilot. We did not feel too tired, We did notice one unusual .thing, though: there
even wearing the pressurized suit that tends to was an angular rock that was sitting approxi-
tire the wearer even during simulations. On the mately 6 in. from the engine exhaust skirt. It was
Moon, in the same light gravity as experienced approximately 3% by 31/z in., and it was not
in the simulations, with the same suit, and with stuck in the ground-it was just sitting there
the same weight, the wearer's legs never seem loosely. The ground around it was glassy clean,
to get tired. The problem with the suit is that yet the DPS engine exhaust did not blow the
it does not always bend as the wearer wants to rock away.
bend. For example, the suit bends fairly well While sampling some of the lunar rocks and
in the knees and in the ankles, but it does not soil, we frequently noticed linear patterns that
want to bend near the top of the thigh. This extended from north to south. These patterns
one area of inflexibility results in loping in a seemed to indicate that an impact had occurred
stiff-legged fashion- running with straight legs, not long ago at the particular location.
landing flatfooted, and then pushing off with the
Experiment Deployment
toes. We expected to become tired loping in this
manner, but apparently it takes much less force Several minor problems arose during deploy-
to walk this way on the Moon than on Earth, ment of the experiments. The Apollo lunar sur-
and as a result, the legs do not seem to tire. face experiments package (ALSEP) fuel ele-
ment would not come out of its cask easily, arid
Soil Mechanics
several minutes were spent working with the
Our first impression of the lunar soil was that delicate element before it was removed satis-
it was soft and queasy; however, we did not factorily. We also noticed that while carrying
sink in too far. Our boot prints left a very shiny, the ALSEP in the _g environment, the whole
compacted surface. We guessed that the particles pallet tended to rotate, especially the pallet con-
were small and cohesive, because the prints taining the radioisotope thermoelectric generator.
were so extremely well defined and because no During deployment of the passive seismic ex-
grains could be detected in the boot prints. Also, periment, the Mylar skirt on the experiment
when walking in the bottoms of small craters, would not lie fiat. We believe that the skirt had
we seemed to sink in deeper. We believe that been folded for so long that it had an "elastic
the bottoms of those small craters contain a memory," and it wanted to go back to its orig-
softer dust than is found on the crater rim. The inal folded shape because of this memory. To
makethe skirt lie fiat,we hadto put lunar soil to be any difference in color among either the
andboltsalongthe skirtedges. rocks or the soils; they all looked about the same.
Therewas alsoa problemwith the deploy- The first day, everything appeared to be dull
mentof thecoldcathodeion gage(CCIG). The gray. If we looked very closely, of course, now
gagetendedto undeployitself,but we finally and then it was possible to observe a white
got it to lie down while pointingupwardat rock or, in an area where we had disturbed the
abouta 60° angle.The problemwith the CCIG soil, perhaps a slightly different shade of gray.
was causedby the cable,which kept _ulling Between the first and second days, definite color
backon theinstrumentandcausingthe gageto change accompanied the Sun-angle change. On
tip over. the second day, everything that had appeared to
Generally,deployment of theexperiments was be gray on the first day started looking either a
accomplished with no major problems.How- dark or a tannish brown.
ever,thereseemsto be no wayto avoidgetting One of the most interesting aspects of the
dust on the experimentsduring unloading, lunar surface operations was how much color
transport,anddeployment. The experiments got change resulted from only about a 7 ° Sun-angle
dustyfromdustsplatteredoff the lunar surface change. Because the Sun angle and the angle
by our boots,andthey got dustywhenwe put of viewing had such a pronounced effect on
themdownon the lunarsurface.Because there color, minerals in the rocks were very difficult
seemsto be no operationallysimplemeansof to identify, even when we held the rocks in our
alleviatingthis dust condition,the presence of hand to get the best lighting. Geological opera-
dustshouldbe considered duringthe designof tions on the Moon are probably going to be more
future lunar surfaceexperiments. Of all the difficult than on Earth, because the color cues
experiments deployedonthis mission,the solar- are not going to be there. The lunar geologist is
wind composition experimentwasthe cleanest, going to have to look for texture, fracture, and
andthepassiveseismicexperiment wasthe next luster, among other things, to aid in determining
cleanest. differences in rocks and minerals.
After lunar liftoff, whenwe wereagainin a There might be a subtle enough distinction in
0genvironment, a greatquantityof dustfloated colors from a distance, perhaps sufficient to dis-
free within the cabin.This dust madebreath- tinguish the ray patterns around a crater; but
ing without the helmetdifficult, and enough up close, there was not sufficient apparent dif-
particleswerepresentin the cabinatmosphere ference in color to distinguish ray material from
to affectour vision.Theuseof a whiskbroom the surrounding surface material. At one point
prior to ingresswould probablynot be satis- on the lunar surface, we talked about seeing
factoryin solvingthe dustproblem,because the large white boulders in the distance and, on
dusttendsto rub deeperintothe garmentrather other occasions, about seeing other white-appear-
than to brushoff. ing objects. We talked about this again when
Duringthetransearth coastphase,we noticed we were back in orbit. At the high-Sun angles,
thatmuchof the dustthathad adheredto the the ground looked white; we concluded that
cameramagazines andotherequipmenton the because the Sun, almost directly behind the
lunarsurfacehadfloatedfreein the 0g condi- spacecraft, is so bright at high-Suri angles, every-
tion,leavingthe equipment relativelyclean.This thing viewed at a distance appears to be almost
factwasalsotrue of the spacesuits, whichwere chalk white.
not as dustyafter flight as they wereon the The one place where we found a fairly definite
surfaceafterfinalingress. color difference in the soils was out on the north-
west rim of Head Crater. About 50 ft inside the
Second EVA Period upper rim of the crater, our boots scraped away
tlle surface layer (about an eighth of an inch
Color Observations
thick) to reveal a much lighter cement-colored
One of the more difficult aspects of the trav- soil right underneath. We trenched down about
erses was the fact that there did not appear 6 in., and the soil remained that light-gray color.
In movingawayfromthe area,we turnedover in Surveyor Crater than anywhere else on the
one rock that had a much whiter bottom than traverse, both on the way to the Surveyor space-
that of any other rocks on the traverse, and we craft and on the way toward the LM through
think this lighter color was caused by contact Block Crater on the other side of Surveyor
of the rock with the lighter gray material be- Crater.
neath the surface. The soil in this area around This blocky crater inside Surveyor Crater was
Head Crater was different from the soil around another interesting feature. Our impression was
the LM. We kicked up quite a bit of soil around that Surveyor Crater was a very old crater that,
the LM, and it was all the same dark-gray color. in being formed, had exposed the bedrock. Then,
We are almost sure that the light-gray color after the crater had become rather smooth
observed in the area around Head Crater was through weathering, another object impacted
true soil color and not just due to the Sun angle. directly into the lightly covered bedrock in Sur-
veyor Crater and really banged it out to form
Observations on the Geological Traverse Block Crater. The blocks around this small
We collected a sample of anything that was blocky crater were the most angular and, we
different in texture, differently weathered, inter- think, the most recently exposed blocks observed.
esting in its location, or in any way unusual. On One thing that impressed us about the geologi-
the geological traverse, the first significant thing cal traverse was the fact that we went so far
observed was at Head Crater, where there was and found it as easy going as we did. The only
a difference in soil color just under the lunar thing that kept us from moving faster was that
surface. The next thing of significance we noted there was so much to see, and the only thing
was the difference in the textures of the rocks that kept us from studying more details at each
in the bottom of Bench Crater. We were fairly site was the need to keep moving. We were not
certain that there were big fragments of bedrock able to stay as long as we would have liked at
visible, but we also noted the fact that some of any one site. The whole EVA period could have
the rocks were rounded on top and not as been spent in any one of the craters- trenching
jagged, almost as though they had been melted around, collecting different types and sizes of
on top. The melted material had a lavalike rocks, and examining the ejecta blanket to see if
appearance, but that is not to imply that we there were any apparent differences in texture,
believe that it was volcanic in origin. The melted etc.- but there just was not enough time.
material looked .more like the effects of some One contrast between what we were seeing
high-speed impact; it had a volcanic appearance as opposed to what the Apollo 11 crew had ob-
only in that it resembled the melted knobby- served was that we never saw any vesicular
looking mounds of basalt frequently associated material or any rocks with a vesicular type of
with zones of weakness around volcanic-type structure. At one point, it was believed that we
craters on Earth. had found such a rock, but when we picked it
Somewhere between Bench Crater and Sharp up, we found that its pits were not vesicles. In
Crater, we obviously ran over what must have moving across the lunar surface, we saw every-
been a contact, in that the ground very definitely thing from fine- to coarse-grained basalts and
changed to a softer, finer dust. We sank in even some reddish-gray colored rocks with a
deeper not only at Sharp Crater but also in the crystalline structure almost like granite.
surrounding area. It was not possible at the The main objectives of the geological traverse
time to be certain that we had actually reached were not just to grab samples and take photo-
Halo Crater, which was the next stop on our graphs but to try to understand the morphology
traverse, but if not, we were close to it. As we and stratigraphy of the area being investigated.
came up to Halo Crater, it was apparent that However, except for deciding which craters were
we were on still another type of soil texture. The newer than others, we were not able to discern
ground seemed to be very firm and was similar any of the little morphological clues that had
to the firmest ground we had traversed, which been observed in training on Earth. The whole
was around Surveyor Crater. We sank in less area on the Moon seemed to have been acted on
by meteoroidsor something,so that all the there were no positive color differences to con-
featuresthat might haveprovidedmorphologi- firm the distinctions. It appeared from the way
cal clueswereobscured.Whenwe walkedup that we sank that some soil was firmer than
to a crater,it wasneverpossibleto determine other soil. The finer soil was generally softer.
wherethe normallunar surfaceendedandthe This type of soil was encountered near Sharp
ejectablanketbegan.The only clueswere a Crater, at the farthest point from the LM. The
differencein slopeor the fact that the ground soil around the LM could be described to be
becamea little morepowderyunderfoot, and of medium texture. The firmest texture we en-
thesecluesare a poorindex. countered was in Surveyor Crater, where the
Because we sawwhatwasbelievedto bebed- soil seemed to have the greatest bearing
rock on the outsideof someof the craters,we strength.
thoughtthat whenwe got to them andlooked We traversed several areas of patterned
in, a deep contactbetweenregolith and the ground that were covered with radial streaks.
bedrockwouldbe visible.However,the insides The streaks seemed to be about perpendicular
of the craterslookedjust aboutlike the surface to the direction of any _uch streaks that could
exceptfor a few rocksrestingon the wallsand have been caused by the LM exhaust plume. The
bottom and, occasionally,someexposedbed- streak pattern in Surveyor Crater seemed to run
rock.Justas treesand grassand suchthings from the north or northeast to the southwest,
hide morphologicalclueson Earth, the mor- and the streaks around the area of the LM
phologyof the Moonis hiddenfrom the lunar appeared to run from the north or northwest
geologist.We did not seeanyplaces,regardless toward the south. The patterns were made up
of the slope,that did not havea coatingof the of little hilly streaks that were about a sixteenth
dust-typematerialon the lunarsurface. to an eighth of an inch wide; about a sixteenth
Twoveryinteresting formations
observed were of an inch, or less, high; and about three-eighths
in the formof moundsof materialonthe lunar of an inch apart. One place in particular where
surface.They were fairly small(4 ft high by we did not see any radial patterning was at
about5 ft acrosson abouta 20-ftcircularbase Sharp Crater, where the ground was very soft.
asthe contactwith the surface),wereoriented It may be a pertinent point that the firmer the
in an east-west direction,andwereroughlytri- ground, the more we saw the radial patterning.
angularin shape.The moundsdid not appear The firm ground was also the ground that had
to be volcanicin origin;they appearedto be a little blobs in it similar to a smooth, level dirt
big chunkof materialthathadbeentossedinto field after rain. The patterned ground seemed
the areafromoneof the nearbycratersor from to extend in the direction of the grooves as far
something fartheraway.Welookedaroundthe as the eye could see. We never saw any kind of
moundsfor vent holesor ejectedpyroclastics contact along the transverse direction of the
thatmighthavecomefromthe mounds, but we grooves in the vicinity of the LM, in Surveyor
did not find anyof thiskind of evidence. Crater, or in any of the other places where we
Generallyspeaking, theglassymaterialseemed found the streaks.
to be aboutevenlydistributedoverthe entire In the area of Halo Crater, we came upon a
surfaceandin the bottomsof eventhe smallest clear contact between two apparently different
craters.Glassbeadswereall overthe surface, soils. The area was not so smooth and had a
and we found both beadsand glass-covered completely different texture. The surface ma-
rocksin the bottomsof craters3 or 4 ft in terial appeared to be finer in texture and more
diameter.The glass-covered rockswe sawand cohesive. At Sharp Crater, the soil around the
sampledwerevery similarto thosereturnedby sharp, white raised rim appeared to be very
Apollo11. soft and had a color similar to the soil uncov-
ered by our boots at Head Crater. There ap-
Soil Mechanics and Characteristics
peared to be blast-effect material in a radial
Our observation that there were three distinct spray pattern all around Sharp Crater. Although
types of soil was more or less subjective in that we looked for Copernican ray material around
this area, we could discern only a very few vertical. The same was true of the trenches.
distinct rays. For craters older than Sharp When we dug a trench, the sides would be
Crater, there did not seem to be any discernible almost 90 ° . As long as we did not touch the
differentiation or contact between surface ma- trench accidentally with the shovel or a boot,
terial and ejected material or rays. the angle of repose stayed about 85 ° to 90 ° . In
We made some interesting observations on the fact, there seemed to be some angles greater
lunar surface by rolling rocks down the side of than 90 ° that might imply layering or that the
a crater. We had the idea that it would be material had been built up over different time
quite easy to get a rock started, but it was not. periods.
Once we got one going, however, it went along Surveyor Observations
in a sort of animated slow motion and kept During the first EVA period, the slope at the
going for a very long time. The rock bounced Surveyor location was in the shadow and ap-
and slid as it would have done on Earth, but peared to have an inclination of approximately
the whole process was very much prolonged. 35 ° . The next day, however, when the Sun had
Without walking down into the crater, which risen sufficiently to place the Surveyor slope in
we could not do, there was no way to determine sunlight, the inclination appeared to be only 10 °
what kind of track the rock made rolling down. or 15 °, as had been determined from the Surveyor
Also, we did not notice any tracks in the craters data. When we walked around the crater and
that might have been made by rocks other than got to Surveyor, it was sitting on about a 12 °
the ones we rolled down. If there were a lot slope and was situated firmly enough so that
of rock rolling that might have been causing there was no possibility of it sliding down the
some of the signals received by the passive slope on us. On the first day, while it was in the
seismic experiment, it was not obvious to us on shadow, the Surveyor spacecraft looked white,
the lunar surface. The majority of the rocks on but when we got close to it, the spacecraft was
the sides and in the bottoms of the craters were covered with a tenacious covering of tan-colored
partially buried or had dust fillets around the dust. The dust was not in a very thick layer, but
bottom. None of these looked as if they had it was very hard to rub off. The dust was on all
moved for a very long time or were likely to sides of the Surveyor but was not uniform around
move in the near future. There were other rocks any specific part. Generally, the dust was thickest
in the craters, however, that were positioned on the areas that were most easily viewed when
such that some thermal or seismic mechanism walking around the spacecraft. For example, the
could possibly cause them to roll. A few of these, side of a tube or strut that faced the interior of
if they had been dislodged, would have had a the Surveyor was relatively clean as compared
drop of 2 or 3 ft to the surface of the crater slope to a side facing out. The color of the surface
and might have been given a sufficient impetus around the Surveyor also had a brown appear-
to have rolled. It is not possible to completely ance, but we are fairly sure that the dust on the
discount rock rolling as a possible seismic source. Surveyor was not blown there by the LM ex-
We had no trouble driving the single-core haust. If the dust had been blown onto the Sur-
tubes, and we did not have to auger them as was veyor, we would have noticed a directional pat-
required for the double-core tubes. Friction tern to the dust, and there was no directional
steadily built up as the tube went into the pattern. Except for the fact that it had changed
surface, but there was never a significant in- color, the Surveyor spacecraft appeared to be in
crease in friction with depth. Driving the double- very good condition. The wafiqe imprint of the
core tube required that we use harder hammer pads was still visible in the lunar surface.
blows but not more blows. The holes made by Using the cutting tool to collect the television
the core tubes stayed pretty much uncollapsed (TV) camera from the Surveyor spacecraft was
except for the top inch or so. When the tubes not difficult. The aluminum tubing appeared to
were withdrawn from the holes, this top inch be more brittle and easier to cut than the tubes
would fall in, but the sides were still relatively used in training. It was as though some process
of crystallization
had affectedthe tubesduring would crinkle rather than roll. Using great care,
their long exposureto the lunar environment. we tried to roll up the foil, but on about the fifth
Theinsulationon the wirebundleshadbecome attempt to roll it up, a longitudinal crack ap-
very hard and dry and appearedto havethe peared in the crinkle area. We finally had to use
textureof old asbestos.Themirrorson the sur- our hands to roll the foil up, and as a result, the
facesof the electronicspackagesweregenerally foil was soiled by the lunar material adhering to
in goodcondition,with a few cracksbut no our gloves. After the foil was rolled up, we dis-
seriousdebondings. The only mirrorsthat had covered that the roll was too big to fit into the
becomeunbondedwere thoseon the flight- container that was to be used to return the foil
controlelectronicspackage.The glasson the to Earth. To make the foil fit into the container,
Surveyorthermalswitchplatewas bondedto we had to crush it with our hands. Perhaps one
metal,whichwedid not know,andthebonding reason for these problems with the foil was the
wasin suchperfectconditionthattherewasno "setting" we had observed. On the second day,
wayto get a sampleof the glass.Whenwetried as we looked out the LM window, it appeared
to get a sample,the glassshatteredinto tiny that the foil had wrapped itself around the pole
fragments,sowe left it alone. on which it was mounted. Upon inspection dur-
As a bonus,we retrievedthe Surveyorscoop. ing the second EVA period, we decided that the
Although the steel tape was too thick to cut, the foil tended to set and that it did not want to roll
end attached to the scoop became debonded up because the set was stronger than the spring
when we twisted the tape with the cutting tool. tension of the roller.
We collected several rock samples in the field of
view of the TV camera for comparison with Ascent From the Lunar Surface
original Surveyor photography, but the only soil
Ascent from the lunar surface was smooth, and
sample from that area was a small amount that
everything went as our training had conditioned
was in the bottom of the Surveyor scoop. The
us to expect. The ascent engine performed beau-
added weight of the Surveyor componehts and
tifully. The spacecraft pitched over, and we
samples did not appear to affect either our sta-
bility or our mobility on the return traverse. could look down directly at the landing site. The
ALSEP did not appear to be affected by the
Apollo Lunar Surface Closeup Camera (ALSCC) liftoff, but a considerable amount of silver and
The ALSCC photographic activity suffered gold Kapton insulation could be seen flying off
somewhat from the lack of time remaining to do the descent stage and traveling radially outward
it at the end of the EVA period. The areas photo- for considerable distance parallel to the lunar
graphed were mostly around the LM. We were surface, as had been reported by the Apollo 11
able to get a few shots of some areas that we had crew.
not been in, but most of the photographs were of Solar Eclipse
the bottoms of small craters, dust patterns on the
An event of significance that took place during
lunar surface, rocks, and footprints in the lunar
transearth coast was the observation and pho-
soil. Two photographs were taken in the vicinity
tography of a solar eclipse that occurred when
near the LM descent engine. The entire sequence
of ALSCC photographs was completed in about the Earth came between the spacecraft and the
5 min; this did not allow enough time to orient Sun. This was one of the most spectacular things
the camera properly and to document photo- we saw throughout the entire flight. The Earth
graphs by describing what was being taken. was completely invisible except through the
smoked glass, even when we used one hand to
Experiment Retrieval shade our eyes to block out the Sun. When the
During retrieval of the solar-wind composition eclipse was almost total, the atmosphere of the
experiment, the foil on the experiment rolled up Earth was completely illuminated, and the Earth
approximately ll/z ft. After that point, the foil was as black as space.
The coloring of the illuminated atmosphere eclipse cycle, and from our vantage point of
was very interesting. The atmosphere was seg- approximately 25 750 n. m., we could also see
mented in alternating color shades of blue and thunderstorms and lightning flashes over part of
pink. Pinkish-gray clouds were visible over the the Earth. We were not, however, able to dis-
darkened part of the Earth during part of the tinguish landmasses.
3. Passive Seismic Experiment
Gary V. Latham, at Maurice Ewing, a Frank Press, b George Sutton, c lames Dorman, _
Yosio Nakamura, d Nafi Toksoz, b Ralph Wiggins, b and Robert Kovach e
The purpose of the passive seismic experiment ing LM ascent. Of these signals, 10 are thought
(PSE) is to detect vibrations of the lunar surface to be produced by noise sources within the LM
and to use these data to determine the internal descent stage. The remaining 30 signals, classi-
structure, physical state, and tectonic activity of fied as type L, are prolonged, with gradual
the Moon. Sources of seismic energy may be buildup and decrease in signal amplitude. This
internal (moonquakes) or external (meteoroid signal character may imply transmission with
impacts and manmade impacts). A secondary very low attenuation and intense wave scatter-
objective of the experiment is the determination ing- conditions that are mutually exclusive on
of the number and the mass of meteoroids that Earth. Because of the similarity with the signal
strike the lunar surface. The instrument is also from the impact of the LM ascent stage, L-sig-
capable of measuring tilts of the lunar surface nals are thought to be produced by meteoroid
and changes in gravity that occur at the instru- impacts or shallow moonquakes. Most of the
ment location. Detailed investigation of lunar L-events appear to have originated within 100
structure must await the establishment of a net- km of the ALSEP. The occurrence of similar
work of seismic stations; however, a single, large, L-events during both the Apollo 11 and Apollo
well-recorded seismic event can provide informa- 12 missions greatly strengthens the present belief
tion of fundamental importance that could not that, of the various types of signals observed,
be gained by any other method. L-events are the most likely to be of natural
Since deployment and activation of the PSE origin.
on November 19, 1969, the instrument has oper- The fact that no natural seismic signals with
ated as planned, except as noted in the para- characteristics similar to those typically recorded
graphs entitled "Instrument Description and Per- on the Earth were observed during the combined
formance." The sensor was installed west-north- recording period for Apollo 11 and 12 (63 days
west from the lunar module (LM) at a distance at this writing) is a major scientific result. The
of 130 m from the nearest LM footpad. With high sensitivity at which the lunar instruments
the successful installation and operation of the were operated would have resulted in the detec-
first Apollo lunar surface experiments package tion of many such signals if the Moon were as
(ALSEP), the feasibility of using long-lived geo- seismically active as the Earth and had the same
transmission characteristics as the Earth. Thus,
physical stations to study the Moon has been
demonstrated. the data obtained indicate that seismic energy
release is either far less for the Moon than for
Signals of 40 seismic events have been identi-
the Earth or that the interior of the Moon is
fied on the records for the 42-day period follow-
highly attenuating for seismic waves. Although
• Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory. the material of the outer region of the Moon (to
b Massachusetts Institute of Technology. depths of at least 20 km) appears to exhibit very
c University of Hawaii.
low attenuation in the regions studied, the pos-
d General Dynamics, Fort Worth, Tex.
"Stanford University. sibility of the existence of high attenuation at
t Principal investigator. greater depths cannot presently be excluded. The
absence of significant seismic activity within the tively large and delicate for use on lunar mis-
Moon, if verified by future data, would imply sions. For example, a typical single-axis low-
the absence of tectonic processes similar to those frequency seismometer designed for use on Earth
associated with major crustal movements on the weighs approximately 30 kg and occupies 1 X 105
Earth and would imply lower specific thermal cm 3 .
energy in the lunar interior than is present in The Apollo 12 PSE (ref. 3-1) consists of two
the interior of the Earth. main subsystems: the sensor unit and the elec-
However, it is important to remember that tronics module. The sensor, shown schematically
all results obtained thus far pertain to mare in figure 3-1, contains three matched long-period
regions. Quite different results may be obtained (LP) seismometers (with resonant periods of 15
for nonmare regions in which the lunar structure sec) alined orthogonally to measure one vertical
may differ radically from that in the mare. and two horizontal components of surface mo-
tion. The sensor also includes a single-axis short-
period (SP) seismometer (with a resonant period
Instrument Description and Performance
of 1 sec) sensitive to vertical motion at higher
A seismometer consists simply of a mass, free frequencies.
to move in one direction, that is suspended by The instrument is constructed principally of
means of a spring (or a combination of springs beryllium and weighs 11.5 kg, including the elec-
and hinges) from a framework. The suspended tronics module and thermal insulation. Without
mass is provided with damping to suppress vibra- insulation, the sensor is 23 cm in diameter and
tions at the natural frequency of the system. The 29 cm high. Total power drain varies between
framework rests on the surface whose motions 4.3 and 7.4 W.
are to be studied and moves with the surface. Instrument temperature control is provided by
The suspended mass tends to remain fixed in a 2.5-W heater, a proportional controller, and an
space because of its own inertia while the frame insulating wrapping of aluminized Mylar. The
moves around the mass. The resulting relative insulating shroud is spread over the local surface
motion between the mass and the frame can be to reduce temperature variations of tile surface
recorded and used to calculate original ground material. In this way, it is expected that ther-
motion if the instrumental constants are known. mally induced tilts of thc local surface will be
Conventional seismic instruments are prohibi- reduced to acceptable levels.
r_ Level sensor
Insulation: "_\\\\\\\\\\\i\\\\_\_
/ 'e'sm°me'ers
I .... SPZ seism0meter
J t ...... "L_ heater and controller
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / "_\\\\\\\'.\-.\\\\\\_
/ / / //_"_\ / / /-
F 5. "1
The LP seismometers will detect vibrations of in crisscross fashion to reduce the required
the lunar surface in the frequency range from volume.
0.004 to 2 Hz. The SP seismometer covers the Calibration of the complete system is accom-
band from 0.05 to 20 Hz. The LP seismometers plished by applying an accurate increment or
can detect ground motions as small as 0.3 nm at step of current to the coil of each of the four
maximum sensitivity; the SP seismometer can seismometers by transmission of a command from
detect ground motions of 0.3 nm at 1 Hz. Earth. The current step is equivalent to a known
The LP horizontal-component ( LPX and LPY) step of ground acceleration.
seismometers are very sensitive to tilt and must A caging system is provided to secure all crit-
be leveled to high accuracy. In the Apollo sys- ical elements of the instrument against damage
tem, the seismometers are leveled by means of a during the transport and deployment phases of
two-axis motor-driven gimbal. A third motor the Apollo mission. In the present design, a
adjusts the LP vertical-component (LPZ) seis- pneumatic system is used in which pressurized
mometer in the vertical direction. Motor opera- bellows expand to clamp fragile parts in place.
tion is controlled by command. These elements Uncaging is performed on command by piercing
are shown schematically in figure 3-2. As shown the connecting line by means of a small explo-
in figure 3-2, the LP seismometers are mounted sive device.
The seismometer system is controlled from
Earth by a set of 15 commands that govern func-
tions such as speed and direction of leveling
motors, instrument gain, and calibration. The
seismometer is shown fully deployed on the
lunar surface in figure 3-3.
The PSE instrumentation has operated suc-
cessfully throughout the first 42 days of the
experiment, the time period discussed in this
report. The instrument difficulties that have been
observed are described in the following para-
LP graphs.
(Zl sensor
' spring
Capacitor plate - -
Inertial m a s s - - - - - - - '
r boom
Damping magnet----
'Caging bellows
(retract for uncagel
LP horizontal
Sensor ( X Y I sensors
m a s s - - - - -..
Bellows (retract
FIGURE3-2. - Schematic diagram of the elements of L FIGURE3-3. - Photograph of the seismometer after de-
seismometers. ployment on the lunar surface.
The SPZ seismometer appears to be operating The response of the LPZ seismometer to a
at reduced gain. The first evidence of this prob- calibration pulse was observed to be oscillatory
lem appeared when the instrument failed to re- soon after activation. This effect gradually in-
spond to calibration pulses. (No calibration creased to the point of instability. In the presence
pulses have been detected to date on the SPZ of feedback, this tendency toward instability can
component•) Detailed comparison between sig- be produced if the natural period of the seis-
nals observed on both LPZ and SPZ seismometers mometer is lengthened (or if the feedback-filter
has led to the tentative conclusion that the iner- corner period is shortened) beyond the design
tial mass of the SP seismometer is rubbing slightly value. It is considered most likely, at this point
on the frame. Response, which is apparently nor- in the analysis, that vibration effects lengthened
mal, is observed for large signals, presumably the natural period of the seismometer from 15
because such signals produce forces large enough sec to approximately 60 sec. Acceptable seis-
to exceed the static frictional restraining forces. mometer operation has been achieved by remov-
Restraining forces introduced by sliding friction ing the feedback filters from all three seismom-
are apparently less important. The threshold eters by command. In this configuration, the seis-
ground-motion acceleration required to produce mometers have responses equal to underdamped
an observable signal cannot be determined accu- pendulums with natural periods of 2.2 sec. The
rately; however, the smallest signals observed instrument response curve corresponding to this
correspond to a surface acceleration of 8X10 -4 mode of operation is shown in figure 3-4.
cm/sec 2 (peak-to-peak surface motion amplitude
of 2 nm at a frequency of 10 Hz). Lunar surface
5 -
accelerations less than this approximate thresh-
old are apparently not detected by the SPZ seis-
A series of square-wave pulses observed on
the SPZ seismometer trace began at 11:00
G.m.t. on December 2, 1969, and lasted approxi-
mately 13 hr. A similar "storm" commenced at
approximately 08:00 G.m.t. on December 28, •50
1969, and ended some time between 01:00 and
23:00 G.m.t. on January 1, 1970. The pulse
amplitude was constant and was approximately .20
equal to a shift in the third least-significant bit
of the 10-bit binary ALSEP data word. These
• 10
pulses are also observable on the records from eo
the LP seismometers, but the pulses have reduced on
LM ascent
i t I I 1 I I 1
10 20 30 40 50 60 10 80
Flcvm_ 3-5.- Signals recorded during test fire of the RCS thrustors on the lunar surface and
during LM ascension.
the main coil of the SPZ component by varia- It is expected that these phases, although indis-
tions in magnetic flux. These signals will be tinct, can be identified by use of more sophisti-
studied with a view toward the possibility of cated analysis techniques and can be used to
extending the measurement of magnetic-field determine the velocity structure of the outer
variations to higher frequencies than can be regions of the Moon.
recorded with the magnetometer because of its Another interesting feature of L-signals is that
lower data rate. the peak amplitudes recorded on all three LP
The two largest events recorded to date are seismometers are nearly the same in every case.
shown on a compressed time scale in figure 3-6 The spectrum of the largest event (December
along with the signal from the LM impact, which 10, 1969) is shown in figure 3-7. The spectrum
is to be discussed subsequently. The signals are of the signal is broad, with maximum energy
prolonged (total durations are between 30 min near 1.6 Hz. The very-low-frequency peak in
and I hr), with the gradual increase and de- the spectrum is produced by an oscillation pres-
crease in signal strength that is characteristic of ent on the LPZ seismometer at tile time of the
all signals, thus far recorded by the LP seismom- event and is not related to the seismic signal.
eters. These signals are classified as L-signals A very significant event was recorded when
according to the nomenclature adopted in the the LM ascent stage impacted at a distance of
"Apollo 11 Preliminary Science Report" (ref. 75.9 km from the ALSEP (azimuth from ALSEP,
3-2). It should be noted that this designation E 24 ° S). The angle between the LM trajectory
does not refer to a particular type of seismic and the mean lunar surface was 3.7 ° at the point
wave; the designation is simply a shorthand of impact. The azimuth of the trajectory was
means of referring to the class of signals de- 305.85 ° . Signal from the impact was recorded
scribed. In general, L-signals are complex, with well on all three LP seismometers. The signal
little correlation between the three LP seismom- amplitude built up gradually to a maximum of
eter channels. The familiar pattern of signals 10 nm, peak to peak (all components), over a
corresponding to the various body waves and period of approximately 7 min and thereafter
surface waves typically observed from earth- decreased gradually into the background. The
quakes is not observed in any of the recorded total signal duration was approximately 55 rain.
signals. However, there is some indication of the The signal is shown with a compressed time
arrival of body waves (compressional (P) waves scale in figures 3-6 and 3-8. Except for the very
and shear (S) waves) in the early parts of the beginning of the wave train, distinct signals
larger L-signals and in the LM impact signal. corresponding to various types of seismic waves
LM impact
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Iime. min
FIcvm_ 3-6.- The two largest seismic events recorded to date, in compressed time scale,
compared with the signal received from the LM impact. Only LPZ components
are shown.
HI Im IN • • ii ml I HI Imlil I ImlllH _l I I iI •m ill Imill i II HIH Illll I l IIInll_ IllJ mU Immll Ililli_ I IIII lill II im _1 mm_mll ilm WIN _i _1 mini'Ira m ill II I_1 illlm I Wi imlr_t_Ut_
i0 nm[
i0 nm[
1 l f I I I I l 1 k
0 10 20 ! 30 40 50 60 70 80 gO
22:20 G.m.t., Time. min
November 20, 1969
Fzcum_ 3-8. -- Three LP components of the LM impact signal in compressed tLrne scale.
_ ..........^.....:;. I, , ^..AA,A,A,IAAmAAkA,
............... V'' 'vl'vv
22:17:41.2 22:17:58.
FxcuB_ 3-9.- Signals from the LM Lmpact in expanded t_ne scale. The data from the two LP.
horizontal-components seismometers are rotated to give transverse (T) and
radial (R) components with respect to the Lrnpact pohat.
In general, the spectra for the LPX, LPY, and LPZ components, although shorter time samples
LPZ components are broadly centered at 1 Hz, of data do not show this correlation. By using
with peaks at 0.95 and 1.2 Hz. The phases of the the real parts of power spectra and cospectra,
cospectra between the LPX-LPY and the LPX- the coherence between signal components was
LPZ components do not reveal consistent phase computed, using the definition
relationships between these components. Inter-
estingly, there is some indica_on of a possible /'Sxr Svx_ '/_
consistent phase relation between the LPY and Cx_--\Sx__ s_,]
Phase of cospectrum of LPX and LPY LPY Cospectrum of LPY and LPZ
- I I 0
Phase of cospectrum of LPX and LPZ Phase of cospectrum of LPY and LPZ LPZ
E o_
3 l 2 3 4 0 l 2 3 4
Frequency, Hz Frequency, Hz Frequency, Hz
FxcuaE 3-10.- Power spectra, eospectra, and phases of cospectra of the three LP components
of the LM signal for the first 20 rain. The spectral amplitudes are normalized
to the LPX spectrum.
where C is coherence, Sxy and Svx are cospectra, impact wave train (1) the coherent motion was
and Sxx and Syy are spectra of X and Y compo- primarily P, SV, or Rayleigh type and (2) the
nents. In the frequency band of peak power primary direction of propagation was from the
(/=0.5 to 1.5 Hz), the coherence between the source (impact site) toward the instrument. The
LPX-LPY and LPX-LPZ seismometer pairs is lack of strong coherence between any of the
quite low (C<0.5). The coherence between components indicates the presence of interfer-
LPY and LPZ components is somewhat higher ence either between different wave types or
(C -_ 0.6), indicating a better correlation. These between arrivals from different directions owing
results suggest that during the first 20 min of the to reflections or to scattering. No signal was
detectable on the SPZ component. This is attrib- by meteoroid impacts or by shallow moonquakes.
uted to the reduced sensitivity of the SPZ seis- By comparing the various L-phases with the LM
mometer. impact signal, it may be concluded that few, if
The seismic wave velocity corresponding to any, L-events originated significantly farther
the first arrival ranges between 3.1 and 3.5 km/ from the seismometer than the LM impact. The
sec. The range in velocities is due to the uncer- LM impact occurred at a distance of 75.9 km.
tainty in the exact location of the emergent Many, however, appear to have come from
beginning of the wave. smaller distances.
To explain the unexpectedly long duration of
the wave train, it must be assumed either that
Feedback (Tidal) Outputs and
the effective source mechanism was prolonged
Instrument Temperature
in some manner or that the long duration of the
The PSE LP seismometers are sensitive to tilt
wave is a propagation effect. An extended source
(horizontal components) and changes in gravity from an impact might result from (1) triggering
(vertical component). These data are trans- of rockslides within a crater located near the
mitted through separate data channels referred point of impact, (2) distribution of secondary
to as "feedback" or "tidal" outputs. Large tilts impacts of ejecta that would presumably rain
(0.5 to 1 minute of arc) have been observed downrange (toward ALSEP) from the primary
during passage of the terminator over the PSE impact point, (3) disturbance by an expanding
site, when thermal changes are most rapid. gas cloud consisting of residual LM fuel (180
When the change is from day to night, tilting kg) and volatilized ejecta, and (4) collapse of
begins several hours before local terminator "fairy castle" or other fragile structures triggered
crossing and lasts for several days. When the by seismic waves. None of these mechanisms is
change is from night to day, tilting begins ab- considered likely, although the possible effects
ruptly at the time of terminator passage and of secondary impacts deserve closer considera-
continues for several days. The close correla- tion. Since the signal maximum occurred approx-
tion between the time of terminator passage and imately 7 min after impact, it is assumed that
the onset of tilting suggests that such tilts result the main contribution from secondary impacts
from thermal effects on the instrument. Rapid would correspond to a time of flight to 7 rain for
heating and cooling of the Mylar thermal shroud the ejeeta. The range from the primary impact
is thought to be a major source of these dis- point to the secondary impact point can then be
computed as a function of the velocity of the
ejected particle. The results of this calculation are
given in table 3-I. It can be seen from table 3-I
The background seismic noise at the Apollo 12 that ejeeta velocities would have to be less than
site is frequently not detectable by the PSE; that 0.4 km/sec and the corresponding ejection angle
is, it is below 0.3 nm at 1 Hz. Thus, seismometers greater than 54 ° to account for the arrival of
can be used on the Moon at much higher sensi-
tivities than could be achieved on Earth. This TAnLE 3-I. Distance From Primary Impact
result was also obtained for the Apollo 11 record- Point to Secondary Impact Point as a Function
ing site (refs. 3-2 and 3-3). of Ejecta Velocity for a 7-Min Time of Flight
The occurrence of similar L-events during both
Ejecta Ejection angle
the Apollo 11 and 12 missions greatly strengthens velocity, (]rom horizontal), Range,
km/sec deg km
the present belief that, of the various types of
signals observed, L-events are most likely to be 1.6 1.1 493
of natural origin. Equally important, the inclu- 1.4 4.4 555
sion of the LM impact signal in this family 1.2 8.0 460
1.0 12.7 381
shows that L-type signals can be generated by
.8 19.4 299
impulsive sources on the Moon. This observation
.4 54.0 93
suggests that all L-events were produced either
secondaryimpactsin the vicinity of the PSE it will provide important evidence on the origin
(range=76km) 7 min afterthe impact.These and evolution of the lunar interior.
valuesare well outsidethe expectedrangefor If the outer region of the Moon is composed of
the shallowimpactangleof the LM. (The LM blocks of varying dimensions, seismic waves trav-
struckthe lunarsurfacetravelingat 1.67km/sec eling through this material would be intensely
at an angleof 3.7° from the horizontal.)Since scattered. In the case of extreme scattering, the
the signalproducedby the LM impact.began seismic wave energy may be considered to dif-
approximately 23.5secafterimpact,not all of fuse through the medium in a manner analogous
the signalcan be attributedto ejectalanding to the flow of heat through a solid or the move-
nearthe seismometers. The minimumtime of ment of gas molecules through a gaseous me-
flight at near-orbitalvelocitywouldbe approxi- dium. Such propagation is governed by the laws
mately45sec.The sameremarkappliesto pro- of diffusion in which, as applied to the present
pellantgasesreleasedupon impact.Only seis- case, the seismic energy "flow" is proportional to
mic wavepropagationpermitssignalvelocities the gradient of energy density. The applicable
highenoughto accountfor the beginningof the equations are given by Latham et al. (ref. 3-3).
disturbance,regardlessof the details of the This hypothesis can be tested by comparing the
mechanism postulated.In addition,the factthat observed variation of seismic signal energy from
the samesignalcharacter is observedfor events the LM impact with the signal predicted from
of naturaloriginsuggests thatthesignalcharac- diffusion theory.
ter is producedprimarilyby propagation effects. Figure 3-11 is the smoothed envelope of the
If the signaldurationis a propagationeffect, observed seismic signal from the LM impact
the attenuationof seismicwavesin the lunar plotted on an arbitrary decibel scale. Two theo-
materialthrough which thesewavestraveled retical curves based upon diffusion theory are
mustbe extremelylow. Attenuationof elastic also shown. One curve assumes that the outward
energyin a vibratingsystemis frequentlyspeci-
fied by the quantityQ (quality factor) for the
system; or 1/Q, the dissipation function, where 25
1/Q is the fractional loss of elastic energy per
•... _ Observed
cycle of vibration of the system. Thus, a high Q Q_ _. - _ _ -Two-dimensional
implies low attenuation. The value of Q for the
/( "% _- 5 km2/sec,Q= 3600
lunar material in the region of the Apollo 12 site |E _ ....... Three-dimensional
ranges between 3000 and 5000. This range is in r_ _. _ =7 km21sec,Q • 3600
contrast with values
for most crustal materials
One hypothesis
of Q between
that could
on Earth.
10 and 300
..._" i
of L-phases
by surface
is that
radiatingenergyis confinedto a near-surface the evidence for low attenuation is hard to deny,
zone(two-dimensional spreading),andtheother this phenomenon raises some difficult questions
curve assumesspherical (three-dimensional) as to its mechanism. Regardless of the explana-
spreading.The parameter_ is the productof a tion of signal duration, the similarity between
the distance the impact signal and other prolonged signals
over which one-halfof the outwardradiating suggests that the latter were produced by mete-
energyis reflectedbacktowardthe source,and oroid impacts or by near-surface moonquakes at
the averagevelocityof propagationv. The sym- ranges mostly within 100 km of the seismometer.
bol Q is the quality factor of the lunar material, The seismic energy generated at the point of
as defined previously. impact can be calculated from the observed sig-
It can be seen from the graph (fig. 3-11) that nal amplitude. The calculated energy is on the
the diffusion theory accurately predicts the ob- order of 10 l° ergs if two-dimensional spreading
served signal envelope except for the first few is assumed and on the order of 1011 ergs if three-
minutes, where the theory predicts somewhat dimensional spreading is assumed. These values
smaller amplitude than is observed. It may be are 10 -0 and 10 -5 , respectively, of the kinetic
that conventional ray theory provides the best energy of the LM at impact. For these calcula-
explanation for the early part of the signal. tions, the signal amplitude at 10 rain into the
Although this result does not verify the scattering wave train is taken to be 4.2 nm. Simple har-
hypothesis, it is sufficiently encouraging to war- monic motion at a frequency of 1 Hz is assumed.
rant further consideration. The density of the lunar material is assumed to
As shown in figure 3-11, the value of _ that be 3 g/cm 3, and the effective thickness of the
gives the best fit between the theoretical and waveguide for the two-dimensional case is taken
experimental curves ranges between 5 and 7 to be 4 km.
km2/sec. By assuming an average velocity of Although the nature of the signals from the
3 km/sec and _=6, the characteristic distance x LM impact and other L-type events indicates
is 2 km. This value of X means that one-half of that a considerable amount of scattering of seis-
the propagating seismic energy is reflected back mic energy has occurred, it is possible that much
over a distance of 2 km. What this reflection of the character of the signal can be explained
means in terms of the average distribution of as resulting from propagation through a near-
discontinuities in the medium is not precisely surface waveguide. As mentioned previously, the
known. However, it can be assumed that the compressional wave velocity in the regolith near
linear dimension between scattering surfaces the lunar surface is approximately 100 m/sec.
must be a fraction of 1 wavelength. The pre- Based upon laboratory measurements on returned
dominant signal frequency is approximately 1 lunar rock samples, as discussed in the following
Hz; thus, 1 wavelength is approximately 3 paragraphs, this velocity should increase to ap-
km. Taking 1/10 wavelength to 1 wavelength as proximately 6 km/sec at depths of 15 to 20 km,
limiting values, the inferred separation between thus forming the lower boundary of the wave-
discontinuities, or dimensions of blocks, ranges guide. Preliminary calculations using ray optics,
between 300 m and several kilometers. Of course, on simple models consistent with this velocity-
heterogeneity may exist on a scale outside the depth structure, indicate that the first several
range, but would not contribute appreciably to minutes of the seismogram can be explained in
scattering for the observed wavelengths. this manner. Work is continuing on this approach,
The seismic signal detected from the Apollo 12 and at this writing it appears that a reasonable
LM impact (fig. 3-8) demonstrated that pro- velocity model can be found that will match the
longed wave trains can be produced on the major aspects of the records throughout the wave
Moon by relatively small impulsive sources. This train. Most of the seismic energy from a near-
result is extremely important to interpretation of surface source would be trapped in this wave-
the long reverberation as a propagation effect guide. Detailed comparisons between the LM
and could be explained by postulating extremely impact signal and other L-signals should allow
low attenuation (high Q) for the Moon. While determination of which of these two possibilities
elastic wave velocity increases strongly with is necessary to estimate quantitatively the rates
depth would perhaps be 20 km thick. The large of crater formation and erosion. The lunar seismic
increase in velocity with depth results in a sur- experiments will provide data that will be
face sound channel that may carry the seismic uniquely suited to the study of this problem.
energy of these events. The impact of the Saturn
IVB ( SIVB ) stage in April 1970, at a range of References
200 km from the Apollo 12 ALSEP, should enable
3-1. LATHAM, G.; EWlNG, M.; PRESS, F.; and StrrTorL
extension of present interpretation to depths G.: The Apollo Passive Seismic Experiment.
approaching 50 km into the Moon. Science, vol. 165, no. 3890, July 18, 1969, pp.
It is also important to remember that all results
3-2. LATHAM, G. V.; EWING, MAVRICE; et al.: Passive
obtained thus far pertain to mare regions. Quite
Seismic Experiment. Sec. 6 of Apollo 11 Pre-
different results may be obtained for nonmare
liminary Science Report, NASA SP-214, 1969,
regions in which the structure may differ radically pp. 143-161.
from that of the mare. 3-3. LATHAM, G. V.; et al.: Apollo 11 Passive Seismic
With data from one or two lunar seismic sta- Experiment. Science, vol. 167, no. 3918, Jan. 30,
1970, pp. 455-457.
tions, construction of a picture of the lunar
3-4. CHnlSTENSEN, E. M.; BATTEnsoN, S. A.; et al.:
interior with detail approaching that of Earth
Lunar Surface Mechanical Properties at the land-
models cannot be expected. Seismic experiments ing Site of Surveyor 3. J. Geophys. Res., vol. 73,
have, nevertheless, already revealed some unex- no. 12, June 15, 1968, pp. 4081-4094.
pected phenomena, the understanding of which 3-5. CHOATE, R.; BATTERSON, S. A.; et al.: Lunar Surface
Mechanical Properties. Sec. 4 of Surveyor Pro-
will eventually answer some important questions
gram Results, NASA SP-184, 1969, pp. 129-169.
concerning the structure and dynamics of the
3-6. SCHREmER, E.; et al.: Sound Velocity and Com-
Moon with significant implications for lunar his- pressibility for Lunar Rocks 17 and 46 and for
tory. As a result of the reduced level of detectable Glass Spheres From the Lunar Soil. Science,
lunar seismic activity relative to Earth, results vol. 167, no. 3918, Jan. 30, 1970, pp. 732-734.
3-7. LAsTEn, S. J.; and PRESS, F.: A New Estimate of
will come more slowly than had been hoped,
Lunar Seismicity Due to Meteorite Impact. Phys.
and there will be greater dependence upon the
Earth and Planet Interiors, vol. 1, 1968, pp.
establishment of a network of stations and upon 151-154.
use of artificial sources such as impacts of the 3-8. McGann, A.; LATHAM, G. V.; and GAULT, D. E.:
S IVB stage and the LM ascent stage. Meteoroid Impacts as Sources of Seismicity on the
Moon. J. Geophys. Res., vol. 74, no. 25, Nov. 15,
Meteoroid impacts are a major factor in shap-
1969, pp. 5981-5994.
ing the lunar surface. Determination of the size
3-9. HAWKINS, GERALD S.: The Meteor Population, Re-
and frequency distribution of meteoroid impacts search Report No. 3. NASA CR-51365, Aug. 1963.
4. Lunar Sur[ace Magnetometer Experiment
P. Dyal, a C. W. Parkin, a and C. P. Sonett at
mine the lunar response to fluctuations in the The relative permeability _ of the lunar surface
interplanetary magnetic field and to measure the material can be estimated from the magnet
time-invariant field associated with the whole experiment results of J. N. deWys (ref. 4-4) from
Moon and with local sources. Measurements of Surveyors 5 and 6. She reported the presence of
the induced lunar magnetic field permit the elec- less than 1 percent by volume of magnetic iron
trical conductivity of the lunar interior to be cal- material. By assuming this material to be mag-
culated. Because electrical conductivity is a func- netite and by using the dependence of perme-
ability upon the magnetite content of rocks as
• NASA Ames Research Center. given by Keller and Frischkneeht (ref. 4-5), a
t Principal investigator. relative permeability t* of 1.04 may be derived
for lunar surface material. Behannon (ref. 4-6) mit calculation of the size, location in the Moon,
placed an upper limit of 1.8 on the bulk relative and magnetic moment of the source. The orbit-
permeability by studying the Explorer 35 mag- ing magnetometer (ref. 4-2) has a perilune of
netometer measurements as the Moon traversed 1.48 lunar radii (RM), an apolune of 5.4 RM, and
the neutral sheet in the geomagnetic tail. an orbital period of approximately 11 hr.
The relative dielectric constant c of the surface The short-period measurements involve tran-
material has been measured by Earth- and satel- sient induction of fields in the Moon by the solar
lite-based radar experiments. Hagfors (ref. 4-7), field, and by the Earth field, at different loca-
in his review of Earth-based observation of the tions in the orbit of the Moon. The properties of
Moon, showed a relative dielectric constant of the driving medium, that is, of the solar plasma,
2.6 to be consistent with backscattered measure- must also be considered in detail to understand
ments at 108 Hz. Brown et al. (ref. 4-8) esti- the steady-state and transient magnetic fields on
mated a value for c of 3.5±0.7 at 10 TM Hz by the lunar surface. The solar plasma or solar wind
using data from the radar altimeter and the emanates from the solar atmosphere and passes
Doppler velocity sensor of the Surveyor 3 space- the Moon at a velocity _f approximately 400 km/
craft. The conductivity a of the lunar surface sec. The high electrical conductivity of the solar
material was calculated by Kopal ( ref. 4-9) from wind allows the solar magnetic fields to be
radiometer and radar data to be a _ 10 -4 mhos/m "frozen in" and carried along at the character-
at 3X10 s Hz. More recently, Strangway (ref. istic speed of the plasma. Such fields, which
4-10) estimated the dc conductivity to be 10-. is have been measured as a regular feature of the
to 10 -16 mhos/m, based upon investigations of solar wind, originate with the plasma in the
radar scattering from the lunar surface. Prelimi- atmosphere of the Sun. Because of the rotation
nary examination of the lunar samples from of the Sun, the solar magnetic field spirals out
Apollo 11 (ref. 4-11) indicates that the intensity from the solar atmosphere in a pattern that
of remanent magnetization varies from 10 -5 to makes an angle of approximately 45 ° with the
10 -2 emu/g from the various samples. direction of solar-wind flow near the orbit of
the Earth. The magnitude of this interplanetary
Theory of the Experiment field at the Earth is normally 5 gammas, and
Theoretical analysis of the time-series mag- the density of the plasma is approximately 5
netic-field measurements on the lunar surface particles/cm 3.
can be conveniently divided into two parts. The The interplanetary magnetic field carries waves
first part covers field fluctuations with periods of various types that are associated with the dif-
longer than 10 days, and the second part covers ferent plasma modes in the solar wind. These
higher frequency phenomena with periods be- magnetic-field waves intercept and electromag-
tween 10 days and 0.3 see. netically excite the Moon in a manner similar to
The long-period measurements are associated magnetotelluric excitation on Earth. McDonald
either with remanent sources localized near the (ref. 4-12) has applied this method to the Earth
Apollo 12 landing site or with the entire Moon. by using the secular variations in the geomag-
The magnetic field measured on the lunar sur- netic field to determine the electrical conductiv-
face is a vector sum of the lunar, terrestrial, and ity of the Earth mantle.
solar magnetic fields. The selenomagnetic field In his analysis of the interaction of the Moon
associated with the whole Moon or with a local- with the solar wind, Gold (ref. 4-13) assumed
ized portion of the Moon should have small am- that the electrodynamic interaction could be
plitude variations for time periods less than 10 characterized by a Cowling time constant. Gold
days and can, therefore, be separated from the postulated that the time constant would be long
higher frequency fluctuations by measurements compared to the rotation period and that a
obtained through one complete revolution of the magnetosphere and accompanying shock wave
Moon around the Earth. Simultaneous measure- would be produced. Magnetometers on Explorer
ments from the Apollo 12 magnetometer and the 35 (refs. 4-2 and 4--3) did not detect a bow
Explorer 35 magnetometer (in lunar orbit) per- shock.
e _/2-////)/__ _//
";X_o (b)
ing induced lunar fields. The’eddy currents in- based upon thermal models from Phinney and
duced by the rotating sector structure in the Anderson (ref. 4-21) for a young, cold, poorly
solar wind produce a poloidal field that opposes conducting Moon and for an old, hot, highly con-
the driving field (fig. 4-1 ( b ) ). A conductivity u ducting Moon. The hot lunar model has a factor
can be determined as a function of depth in the of lo3 greater interior electrical conductivity than
lunar interior if it is assumed that displacement the cold model; therefore, determination of the
currents are negligible. After the radial conduc- lunar interior temperature profile should allow
tivity distribution has been calculated, a material differentiation between hot and cold models of
distribution can be assumed, and the internal the Moon.
temperature T can be calculated by using the
Experimental Technique
method of Rikitake (ref. 4-19); that is,
Instrument Requirements
The magnetometer, designed and built to
measure the magnetic fields at the Apollo 12 site,
is one of the five instruments of the Apollo lunar
where Ei is the activation energy of the material, surface experiments package ( ALSEP) . Astro-
ai is the conductivity at infinite temperature, and nauts Conrad and Bean deployed the instrument
k is Boltzmann’s constant. The three summation at 14:OO G.m.t. on November 19, 1969. Figure
terms of equation ( 4 2 ) denote impurity, in- 4-2 shows the magnetometer immediately fol-
trinsic, and ion semiconduction that dominate, lowing deployment and just prior to instrument
respectively, at increasing temperatures. Eng- activation at 14:39 G.m.t.
land, Simmons, and Strangway (ref. 4-20) have In conducting a surface magnetometer experi-
calculated an internal conductivity distribution ment, it is important that the geographic site,
4-2. - Apollo 12 magnetometer deployed on the Moon.
Sensor '
Power, signals
and commands,
FXCVRE'4-4. -- Magnetometer
functional diagram.
sensor electronics to provide to the analog-to- measurements utilizes the major portion of the
digital (A/D) converter an output voltage that magnetometer electronics. The analog data are
is proportional to the field. This signal is proc- converted to digital form by the A/D converter,
essed through a low-pass three-pole Butterworth filtered by the digital filter, and transferred to
filter required to reduce aliasing errors at the the output data buffer. The digital filter has a
A/D converter sample rate of 26.5 samples per bandwidth of 0 to 0.36 Hz and will allow mag-
second. This filter has 3-dB attenuation at 2 Hz netic-field measurements to be made over an
and 64-dB attenuation at the sample rate of entire lunar cycle without alias errors being in-
26.5 Hz. The sensor electronics has three ranges, corporated into the data. The filter is a hard-
±100 gammas, ±200 gammas, or ±400 gammas, wired digital computer that accepts the 10-bit
that can be selected by ground command. Cali- word from the A/D converter, stores it in a
bration and dc offset fields are generated by 3300-bit core-storage memory unit, performs the
causing precisely known current to flow through arithmetic operations for the filter routine, and
the sensor feedback winding. transfers the data to the output data buffer. The
Internal data processing of the magnetic-field filter can be bypassed by ground command in
order to pass higher frequency information. Fre- sensors in three mutually orthogonal directions
quency response for the entire system is shown and to reorient these sensors automatically for
in figure 4-7. calibration and site-survey operations. The sen-
sors are spread approximately 150 cm apart and
Mechanical and Thermal Subsystems are 70 cm above the lunar surface. A functional
The main function of the mechanical subsys- schematic of the motor and cables necessary to
tem on the magnetometer is to orient the fluxgate flip and gimbal the fluxgate sensor is shown in
figure 4--8.
I Magneticsensor X I Cornmand W From
andoffset =
generator 1
Sensor logic J"--" ALSEP
MagneticsensorY II electronics
I Magnetic
sensorZ J
1 data To
I Motors ] -- Output
buffer F ALSEP
_-[ Multiplexer
I Tempsensors I
1 1
converter filter
Levelsensors ] Engineering I AID
electronics /
I Positionsensors II Timer and L From
Site survey
control F ALSEP
and flip
L Heaters J_- calibrated
dcldc k ALSEP
L Voltage ]
Sensor arm.__.:_
I s
s I
i s
.01 •1 1 10 j,,
Frequency. Hz
array (PRA)
Flip rotation _'[lectronics box
90° and 180°, ..'" 120mil aluminum)
Multilayer insulation blanket.
40 alternate layers of aluminized
Mylar (114-mil thick)and
Dexiglas (3-rail thick)
approximately )12-in. thick
FICURE 4-8. -- Mechanical gimbal and sensor flip unit. to Ames Research Center for detailed scientific
postmission analysis.
In addition to being recorded on magnetic
Mission Operation and Data Flaw
tape for later use, the data are sent directly to
The Apollo 12 magnetometer experiment is
controlled from the NASA Manned Spacecraft TABLE 4--II. Command List
Center (MSC), Houston, Tex., by commands
transmitted to the ALSEP site from remote track- Command Function
042 Operational power ON
ing stations. These commands are chosen on the
045 Power standby
basis of the analysis of data received in real 123 Range select
time at MSC and are transmitted to the ALSEP 124 Field offset
by the Manned Space Flight Network (MSFN). 125 Offset address
127 Flip-calibrate inhibit
Figure 4-10 is a simplified block diagram of the
131 Flip-calibrate initiate ( Also
telemetry command and data flow. Ten ground
initiated every 12 hr by
commands and one ALSEP-timer-initiated com-
the ALSEP timer.)
mand control the magnetometer. Table 4--II is 132 Digital filter bypass
a list of these commands. 133 Site survey
134 Thermal control
Science and engineering data are transmitted
MSC for real-time analysis to allow proper con- features on panoramic surface photographs with
trol of the experiment. Real-time control is neces- the corresponding Lunar Orbiter photographs on
sary to establish the proper range, offset, fre- a Mercator projection prepared by the Army
quency response, thermal control, etc. One of Map Service, Corps of Engineers, for NASA.
the most important requirements for real-time The experiment is deployed so that each sen-
operation is to control the one time-irreversible sor is directed at an angle approximately 35 °
sequence of events that performs the gradient
measurements during a site survey. It is neces- TABLE 4-IV. Apollo 12 Magnetometer
sary to assess both the magnetic-field amplitude Experiment Operations
stability and the instrument performance before
Date Timehr:min
{G.m.t.), Operation
sending the command to start the site-survey
Nov. 14, 1969 16:22 Lfftoff from Kennedy Space
internal sequences. Data analysis for the real-
time operations is presented continuously on a
Nov. 18, 1969 14:32 Lunar landing
brush recorder and is presented intermittently 12:55 ALSEP removed from lunar
Nov. 19, 1969
upon command on a high-speed printer. module
Nov. 19, 1969 13:41 Magnetometer removed from
Results ALSEP
Nov. 19, 1969 14:01 Magnetometer deployed by
The Apollo 12 mission provided the first mag- Conrad and Bean
netic-field measurements from the hmar surface. Nov. 19, 1969 14:02 Magnetometer photographed
Nov. 19, 1969 14:39 Magnetometer turned ON
The sequence of operations during the first part
Nov. 19, 1969 14:45 Magnetometer range
of the mission is given in table 4-IV. selected
The magnetometer location on the lunar sur- Nov. 20, 1969 11:09 First flip-calibrate
face is 03.35 ° W longitude and 2.97 ° S latitude. sequence completed
Robert Sutton of the U.S. Geological Survey Nov. 20, 1969 14:26 Lunar module ascent
Nov. 22, 1969 22:50 Site-survey sequence started
determined these coordinates by matching lunar
above the horizontal. The 2-sensor is pointed to- During each orbit around the Earth, the Moon
ward the east and the X-sensor toward the north- is embedded in each of the different magnetic-
west. The Y-sensor completes a right-handed field regions shown schematically in figures 4-13
orthogonal system. A photograph of the deployed and 4-14. The magnetic-field environment is
instrument taken by Astronaut Bean is shown in dominated by the solar wind in interplanetary
figure 4-2. This photograph was taken after he space, by the interaction of the solar wind and
had leveled and azimuthally alined the instru- the Earth magnetic field in the bow shock and
ment along the ALSEP-to-Sun line by moving transition region, and by the Earth intrinsic field
the instrument around until the bubble level and in the geomagnetic-tail region. A detailed meas-
shadowgraph read within marked preset values. urement of the magnetic field as a function of
A subsequent photograph (fig. 4-11), also taken time on the lunar surface and in the immediate
by Astronaut Bean, shows the shadowgraph and vicinity of the Moon will permit the electrical
visual bubble level after instrument alinement. conductivity U, permeability p, and dielectric
The shadowgraph reading was transmitted over constant e to be calculated. These electrical pa-
the voice telemetry link and indicated that the rameters that are calculated for field measure-
instrument was alined azimuthally to within 0 . 5 O ments at one point on the lunar surface may be
of the instrument shadowgraph-to-Sun line. Two associated with either the whole Moon or with
orthogonal electronic level sensors are monitored that part of the lunar body in the vicinity of the
every 5 sec as part of the magnetometer engi- Apollo 12 landing site. A magnetometer network
neering data. The angular readings are shown in is required to measure unambiguously the whole-
figure 4-12 and indicate that the instrument body inductive response of the Moon to time-
changed its orientation by about 2 O during the varying magnetic fields.
first lunar day. Magnetic-field data were received immediately
after instrument turn-on, and ground commands examination indicates that the average field mag-
were sent to establish the proper range, field nitude is 36-+-5 gammas and that the field is
offset, and operational mode for the instrument. directed downward and toward the southeast,
Low-frequency magnetic-field data were aver- as shown in figure 4-15. A more detailed analysis
aged over the first 20-day period. A preliminary over a period of several lunations will be re-
quired to reduce the uncertainty in this measure-
A site survey was performed during a 2-hr
.6 period starting at 22:50 G.m.t. on November
22, 1969. The magnitudes for the vector measure-
.2 ments at each of the sensor-head locations were
0 as follows:
Sensor: B
_' ".6 X 32.7±0.2 gammas
lb Y 32.7±0.2 gammas
_-1.0 Z 32.8±0.2 gammas
\ \
_11122 1
ncescalesin _rth r_ii
Fzctn_ 4-13. - Lunar orbit in the solar ecliptic plane.
Solar field
Geomagnetic tail
_17 Moon
Transition region
a 6-rain period in each of the three regions of the Moon (fig. 4-13). The field variations are
shown figure 4-13. The figures are reproductions caused by the fluctuating solar field that is trans-
of real-time records and do not have all the ported to the lunar surface by the solar plasma.
instrumental parameters removed from the data. These measurements correlate in time with data
The steady 36___5 gamma field is readily ob- from the solar-wind spectrometer.
served in all the real-time records. Figure 4-17 is a plot of the three vector com-
Figure 4-16 is a time-series plot of the three ponents during a time period when the Moon
vector components of the magnetic field in the was in interplanetary space and the magnetom-
instrument coordinate system. During this meas- eter was on the dark side of the Moon. It can
urement period, the Moon was in interplanetary be seen that the resultant lunar surface field
space, and the instrument was on the sunlit side lacks the short-period fluctuations appearing in
-125 r
lime, C.m.t.
"" 0406 0408 0410 0412 tained in the transition region between the bow
1,ine. C. 111.1.
shock and the magnetopause. In this region, the
FIGURE4-16. - Interplanetary field region on the sunlit field fluctuations are of greater amplitude and
side of the Moon. contain higher frequencies than in the inter-
planetary solar-field region. These measurements
also correlate with data from the solar-wind spec-
data taken on the sunlit side. This indicates that Figure 4-20 shows a measurement taken in
the Moon has an inductive response to magnetic- the geomagnetic-tail field region. The field has
field fluctuations in the solar wind. low amplitude and frequency fluctuations as a
Figure 4-18 shows the vector components of function of time.
the surface magnetic field during a time when Figure 4-21 is a time-correlated plot of Apollo
the Moon was in the vicinity of the Earth mag- 12 magnetometer data with Explorer 35 mag-
netohydrodynamic bow shock. This is a large- netometer data transformed into the same coor-
amplitude shock, and it contains frequency dinate system. The data were obtained when the
components throughout the bandpass of the Moon was in the transition region. A typical
instrument. orbit plot of Explorer 35 is shown in figure 4-22.
Figure 4-19 shows typical measurements ob- It can be seen from the relative amplitude scales
.__'130 [
o _
m N
FIGtU_E 4-19.- Transition region between the magneto- FIGURE 4-20.- Geomagnetic-taft region.
pause and the Earth bow shock.
in figure 4-21 that the horizontal (Y and Z) com- of each of the three fluxgate sensors. The entire
ponents of the magnetic field at the Apollo 12 sequence takes approximately 5 min, and an
site are amplified when compared to the Explorer example is shown in figure 4-24. To date, 130
35 measurements. calibrations have been performed with normal
Temperatures are measured at five different instrument response.
locations in the instrument and transmitted to There have been two anomalies in the opera-
Earth every 5 sec. A plot of the temperatures tion of the magnetometer since its deployment
during the first half of the lunar day is shown on November 19, 1969. One of the three filters
in figure 4-23. The temperatures are approxi- in the data processing electronics was bypassed
mately 20 ° C higher than expected from pre- by ground command at 03:57 G.m.t. on No-
launch tests because of an accumulation of lunar vember 22, 1969, after a malfunction was dis-
dust on the thermal control surfaces during in- covered. This digital filter is a small computer
strument deployment. that low-pass filters the data and has a hard-
A reference voltage is measured and trans- wired routine with the characteristic of a four-
mitted with other engineering information to pole Bessel filter. The anomaly indicated that a
the ground stations. This voltage remained con- subroutine in the digital computer was errone-
stant to within 0.2 percent during the first 3-week ously multiplying the data by a zero. After the
period on the Moon. electronics temperature decreased to 50 ° C from
Sixteen different instrument status functions a high of 75 ° C during the lunar day, the filter
are transmitted to Earth every 10 sec. The status was commanded back into the data link. The
information has been analyzed and found to be filter characteristics were measured, and it was
normal for all modes of operation. A total of determined to be functioning properly. Prelimi-
nine different ground commands are utilized to nary analysis indicates that a welded connection
establish the proper operating modes to optimize may have parted at high temperature. Normal
gain, sensor orientation, gradient measurement, data were received during the period in which
calibration, etc. More than 200 separate com- the digital filter was bypassed. The bandpass of
mands have been transmitted to the magnetom- the instrument is increased from 0.3 to 3 Hz by
eter, and all have been properly executed. bypassing the filters, so that the data may be
The magnetometer is calibrated periodically aliased if the field contains high-amplitude infor-
both by internally generated ALSEP-timer com- mation at frequencies greater than the Nyquist
mands and by ground command from MSC. The frequency of 1.5 Hz. Recorded data during this
calibration sequence consists of four sets of am- period indicated a very low probability of aliased
plitude steps and one mechanical 180 ° rotation information. This anomaly did not recur, how-
,_ -14
uq -33
-5 ell
10 20 30 40 50
Time, min
o X sensor
r_ Electronics
0 Internal electronics
I I I I I I I I I I I, I I I I I I I I I
19 21 23 25 27 29 J 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27
November December
323 329 335 341 347 353 361
Julian day
= --3_0m (4 cos 2 0 + sin 2 0) '/2 (4-6)
ar 4rr 4
of the lunar material near the Apollo 12 landing 4-8. BROWN, W. E., JR.; Dmos, R. A.; GIBSON, G. B.;
MUHLEMAN, D. O.; PEAKE, W. H.; and
site that is chemically and/or electrically dif-
PEOHLES, T. V.: Scientific Results. Ch. 6 of
ferentiated from the whole Moon. One pos-
Surveyor III Mission Report, Part II. TR32-
sible explanation of the remanent magnetic-field 1177, JPL, Calif. Inst. Tech., June 1, 1967, pp.
source is that a region of lunar material may 189-194.
have cooled below its Curie point after a meteor- 4-9. KOPAL, Z.: An Introduction to the Study of the
ite impact or a whole-Moon cooling period, Moon. D. Reidel Pub. Co. (Dordrecht-Holland),
1966, p. 369. (Available from Gordon & Breach
thereby causing the ambient magnetic field to
Sci. Pub. )
be frozen in the material.
4-10. STRANGWAY, D. W.: Moon: Electrical Properties
Discovery of both the remanent and induced of the Uppermost Layers. Science, vol. 165, no.
lunar magnetic-field sources places a strong re- 3897, Sept. 5, 1969, pp. 1012-1013.
quirement for a network of magnetometers to 4-11. ANON.: Apollo 11 Preliminary Science Report.
make independent multiple measurements and NASA SP-214, 1969.
4-12. McDoNALD, K. L.: Penetration of the Geomagnetic
ultimately to calculate the physical state of the
Secular Field Through a Mantle With Variable
lunar interior. Data analysis in the near future
Conductivity. J. Geophys. Res., vol. 62, no. 1,
will be directed toward understanding the induc- Mar. 1957, pp. 117-141.
tive lunar response and toward calculating an 4-13. GOLD, T.: The Magnetosphere of the Moon. The
electrical-conductivity distribution of the lunar Solar Wind, R. J. Mackin, Jr., and M. Neuge-
interior. bauer, eds., Pergamon Press, 1966, pp. 381-389.
(Also available as JPL Tech. Rept. no. 32-630. )
The solar-wind spectrometer experiment was whether the Moon has any effect on the solar
designed for the Apollo lunar surface experi- plasma other than simply absorbing it
ments package (ALSEP) with the objective of (2) The properties of the lunar surface and
detecting whatever solar plasma might strike the interior- to determine whether there are any
surface of the Moon. Thus, the spectrometer was subtle effects of the Moon on the solar-wind prop-
required to be sensitive enough to detect the erties and to relate these effects to properties of
normal solar-wind flux at any angle in the lunar the Moon such as its magnetic field, its electrical
sky and to measure enough of the properties of conductivity, the possibility of the Moon retain-
the bulk solar wind to establish the nature of its ing an atmosphere, or the possible effect of solar
interaetion with the Moon. In 1966, at the time eorpuscular radiation on the lunar surface layer
the experiment was proposed, nothing was known by the mechanism of sputtering or electrical
about this interaction. Subsequently, measure- charging
ments of the solar wind and the magnetic field (3) General solar-wind properties- to study
were made near the Moon by the lunar orbiter the motion of waves or discontinuities in the
Explorer 35 (refs. 5-1 to 5-6). No evidence of a solar wind by measuring the time intervals be-
plasma shock ahead of the Moon was discovered, tween the observations of changes in plasma
and the distortion of the solar-wind magnetic properties at the Moon and at the Earth
field by the Moon was observed to be very small. (4) The magnetospheric tail o_ the Earth - to
Both of these results imply that the solar wind make inferences as to the length, breadth, and
probably strikes the surface directly, but they do structure of the magnetospheric tail of the Earth
not rule out the possibility of some more com- from continuous measurements made for 4 or 5
plex type of interaction very near the lunar sur- days around the time of full Moon
face and especially near the terminator plane.
The Apollo 11 solar-wind composition experi- Instrument Description
ment (ref. 5-7) detected rare gas atoms depos-
The basic sensor in the solar-wind spectrom-
ited in an aluminum foil on the lunar surface
eter is a Faraday cup that measures the charged-
and demonstrated that the magnitude and direc-
particle flux entering the cup. By collecting these
tion of their incident velocity was very roughly
ions and using a sensitive current amplifier, the
as would be expected for the undisturbed solar
wind. resultant current flow is determined. Energy
spectra of positively and negatively charged par-
The scientific objectives of the solar-wind
ticles are obtained by applying fixed sequences
spectrometer experiment are as follows:
of square-wave ac retarding potentials to a mod-
(1) The existence of the solar-wind plasma
ular grid and measuring the resulting changes
on the Moon- to compare solar-wind proper- in current. Similar detectors have been flown on
ties measured at the lunar surface with those
a variety of space probes. Such detectors are
measured in space near the Moon to determine described in reference 5-8.
To be sensitive to solar-wind plasma from any
a Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of
Technology. direction (above the horizon of the Moon) and
* Principal investigator. to ascertain the solar-wind angular distribution,
Background |
, , -[-?Z'--r.... F , = , , I
100 200 _0 400 500 600 700 800 q00 1000 II00
FIGURE 5-4. -- Typical positive-ion spectrum obtained in the interplanetary solar wind. The back-
ground reading of each cup is slightly dependent upon modulation voltage, which
is caused primarily by pickup in the electrometer inputs. Until all the data become
available and are analyzed, this background is only estimated, giving an uncer-
tainty in readings in the higher velocity windows. The magnitude of this source of
uncertainty is indicated in each spectrum as a dashed line labeled '_oaekground."
The electron component of the solar wind has Earth. This type of solar-wind data continued,
also been detected. However, since this type of with large fluctuations in bulk velocity and den-
plasma probe typically does not completely dis- sity, until approximately 03:00 G.m.t. on Novem-
tinguish between plasma electrons and photo- ber 21, 1969, when a region of no plasma was
electrons, interpretation of the data is dit_cult. observed. For the next 5 days, there were only
Analysis of the complete data from magnetic occasional sampling periods of spectrometer
tape will be required before conclusions can be printout that indicated plasma was present (al-
drawn from the electron data. The times of ap- ways of the second type). The magnetometer
pearance and disappearance of photoelectrons indicated that the Moon was in the magneto-
gave clear indications of sunset and sunrise. spheric tail of the Earth (fig. 5-7).
Commencing at approximately 10:00 G.m.t.
Observations on November 26, 1969, the solar-wind spectrom-
eter entered a region wherein the majority of
At the time of solar-wind spectrometer dust-
cover removal ( 15:25:30 G.m.t. on November 20, spectra were of the second type (perturbed).
1969), the positive-ion spectra observed were of From approximately 12:00 G.m.t. on November
the second type (perturbed solar wind), and the 9,8, 1969 (when the magnetometer indicated pas-
lunar surface magnetometer indicated that the sage out through the bow shock into interplane-
Moon was behind the plasma bow shock of the tary space), until sunset on December 3, 1969,
cq NOV28,1969.08:30
E Sun.23° offnormalofcup no. ?
F-- 8 rou ,
--k t,____ .... _----.---_---'--_---7 .... l-' l - i, I
200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200
Protonvelocity, kmlsec
Nov27. 1969, 02:26
Sun 8°off normalof cupno. 7
I i _ i i , t , i i I
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 II00
Protonvelocity, kmlsec
Fxotrag 5-6. -- One of many unusual spectra obtained on November 27, 1969.
the spectra were mainly" of the first type (inter- short periods of type (2) spectra were tenta-
planetary solar wind); although fairly frequent, tively identified.
the flux density became low enough to make As indicated by the cessation of photoelectrons
classification according to spectrum type diffi- detected in the cup nearest the solar direction,
cult. Later during November 28, 1969, several the spectrometer was in darkness beginning at
15:22:20 G.m.t. on December 3, 1969. For sev- be required to resolve this uncertainty. Data
eral hours preceding sunset, the density of the samples for December 22 to 24, 1969, also show
solar-wind plasma had appeared to decrease no detectable plasma, probably because the
steadily, but this apparent behavior may be instrument was once more in the magnetospheric
partially caused by reduced detector sensitivity tail of the Earth.
at angles near the horizon. The plasma signal Typically, the preponderance of flux entered
continued to decrease until between 19:00 and only one cup- the one most nearly facing the
20:00 G.m.t. on December 3, 1969, when the Sun. However, during the time when the solar-
instrument threshold of sensitivity was reached. wind spectrometer was most sensitive to angular
In the following 14 days of lunar darkness, no variations, from 12:00 G.m.t. on November 28,
times of plasma detection have been observed in 1969, to 8:00 G.m.t. on November 29, 1969,
the limited data scanned. there were indications that the direction of bulk
The first photoelectrons of sunrise were de- velocity varied as much as -+-10 ° from the mean
tected at 11:38 G.m.t. on December 18, 1969, angle 2 ° to 4 ° east of the optical direction of
and within 20 min the first telemetry indication the Sun. This is the only time span for which
of warming of the sensor assembly was received. angular information is now available.
However, by sunrise, protons of the solar wind
had been observed for nearly 12 hr. Several large
Summary and Results
fluctuations in proton flux occurred, varying
from a high flux approximately 18 min before This report is based upon examination of the
sunrise to no detectable plasma as late as 15 printer output of the data for the first 35 days
min after sunrise. These fluctuations may be after deployment of the solar-wind spectrometer.
caused by changes in the solar-wind flux or flow These data are only a small percentage of the
direction or by a lunar interaction effect. Com- data that will ultimately be available for this
parison with interplanetary solar-wind data will period.
The solar plasma at the lunar surface is super- 5-5. LYON, E. F.; BmDGE, H. S.; and BINSACK, J. H.:
ficially indistinguishable from that at a distance Explorer 35 Plasma Measurements in the Vicinity
of the Moon. J. Geophys. Res., vol. 72, no. 23,
from the Moon, both when the Moon is ahead
Dec. 1, 1967, pp. 6113-6117.
of and when the Moon is behind the plasma bow 5-6. SiscoE, G. L.; LYON, E. F.; BINSACK, J. H.; and
shock of the Earth. No detectable plasma BmDCE, H. S.: Experimental Evidence for a De-
appears to exist in the magnetospheric tail of tached Lunar Compression Wave. J. Geophys.
the Earth or in the shadow of the Moon. Res., vol. 74, no. 1, Jan. 1, 1969, pp. 59-69.
Times of passage through the bow shock or
and SICNEn, P.: Apollo 11 Solar Wind Composi-
through the magnetospheric-tail boundary, as tion Experiment: First results. Science, vol. 166,
indicated by the solar-wind spectrometer and no. 3912, Dec. 19, 1969, pp. 1502-1503.
by the lunar surface magnetometer, are in agree- 5-8. HUNDHAVSEN, A. J.: Direct Observations of Solar
ment when comparison of data has beenpossible. Wind Particles. Space Sci. Rev., vol. 8, no. 5/6,
1968, pp. 690-749.
These times are given more accurately in the
lunar surface magnetometer experiment section
of this document.
Generally, observations have been in accord- In the 51 months between the proposal of the solar-wind
ance with expectations, but the highly variable spectrometer for ALSEP and its successful deployment on
spectra observed on November 27, 1969, and at the Moon, a rather large number of people contributed
significantly to the design, development, and testing of the
sunrise may prove to involve unexpected phe-
instrument. The authors regret that it is not practicable to
nomena. Complete data and detailed compari- acknowledge all of them. Among the engineers at the Jet
son with other solar-wind measurements will be Propulsion Laboratory whose deep and prolonged involve-
required before firm or quantitative conclusions ment in the project was clearly indispensable were David
can be drawn. D. Norris, Gary L. Reisdorf, James W. Rotta, Jr., Gary J.
Walker, and Robert H. White. Albert J. Fender, the qual-
ity assurance representative, should be added to this list.
The initial design and fabrication of the electronics
References package was done by Electro-Optical Systems, Inc. ( EOS )
of Pasadena, Calif. Among EOS employees who made
5-1. COLBURN, D. S.; Curtain, R. G.; MIHALOV, J. D.; major contributions, the authors particularly wish to
and SONETT, C. P.: Diamagnetic Solar-Wind Cav- express appreciation to Bill F. Lane, Thomas D. Mac-
ity Discovered Behind Moon. Science, vol. 158, Arthur, and Richard D. McKeethan. The instrument in-
no. 3804, Nov. 24, 1967, pp. 1040-1042. tegration team at Bendix Aerospace Division, Ann Arbor,
5-2. SONETT, C. P.; COLBIJRN, D. S.; and CvRmE, R. G.: Mich., under Charles J. Weatherred was always respon-
The Intrinsic Magnetic Field of the Moon. J. sive to suggestions, and the authors are especially indebted
Geophys. Res., vol. 72, no. 21, Nov. 1, 1967, pp. to Albert D. Robinson, who was the instrument engineer.
5503-5507. Recognition is also due to the NASA Manned Spacecraft
5-3. NESS, N. F.; BEnANNON, K. W.; TAYLOn, H. E.; and Center engineers, Richard A. Moke, Carl O. McClenny,
WHANC, Y. C.: Pertubations of the Interplanetary Ausley B. Carraway, and William P. LeCroix, who had
Magnetic Field by the Lunar Wake. J. Geophys. management cognizance of the instrument at various
Res., vol. 73, no. 11, June 1, 1968, pp. 3421-3440. times.
5-4. NESS, N. F.; BEHANNON, K. W.; SCEARCE, C. S.; and This report presents the results of one phase of research
CANTA!aNO, S. C.: Early Results from the Mag- carried out at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California
netic Field Experiment on Lunar Explorer 35. Institute of Technology, under NASA Contract NAS 7-100,
J. Geophys. Res., vol. 72, no. 23, Dec. 1, 1967, sponsored by the National Aeronautics and Space Admin-
pp. 5769-5778. istration.
6. Suprathermal Ion Detector Experiment
(Lunar Ionosphere Detector)
1. W. Freeman, Jr., at H. Balsiger, a and H. K. Hills a
The suprathermal ion detector experiment operated as an ion counter that yields saturated
(SIDE), a part of the Apollo lunar surface ex- pulses for each input ion. The second detector,
periments package (ALSEP), is designed to the total ion detector, employs only a curved-
achieve the following experimental objectives: plate electrostatic energy-per-unit-charge filter.
(1) Provide information on the energy and Again, the ion sensor itseff is a channel electron
mass spectra of the positive ions close to the multiplier operated as an ion counter. Both
lunar surface that result from solar-ultraviolet channel electron multipliers are biased with their
or solar-wind ionization of gases from any of input ends at -3.5 kV, thereby providing a post-
the following sources: residual primordial atmos- analysis acceleration to boost the positive ion
phere of heavy gases, sporadic outgassing such energies in order to yield high detection eft]-
as volcanic activity, evaporation of solar-wind ciencies. Figure 6--1 illustrates the general detec-
gases aeereted on the lunar surface, and exhaust tor concept, and figure 6-2 is a cutaway drawing
gases from the lunar module descent and ascent of the suprathermal ion detector experiment
motors and the astronauts" portable life-support which illustrates the location of the filter elements
equipment and the channel electron multipliers.
(2) Measure the flux and energy spectrum of A primary objective of the experiment is to
positive ions in the Earth's magnetotail and mag- provide a measurement of the approximate
netosheath during those periods when the Moon mass-per-unit-charge spectrum of the positive
passes through the magnetic taft of the Earth ions near the lunar surface as a hm.ction of
(3) Provide data on the plasma interaction energy for ions from approximately 50 eV down
between the solar wind and the Moon to near-thermal energies. Therefore, the mass
(4) Determine a preliminary value for the analyzer measures mass spectra at six energy
electric potential of the lunar surface levels: 48.6, 16.2, 5.4, 1.8, 0.6, and 0.2 eV. How-
ever, for the Apollo 12 instrument, dependable
The Instrument laboratory calibrations were achieved only at
the two highest energy levels. The total ion
The suprathermal ion detector experiment con-
sists of two positive ion detectors. The first detector measures the differential positive ion
energy spectrum from 3500 eV down to 10 eV
of these, the mass analyzer, is provided with a
in 20 energy steps. For the Apollo 12 mass ana-
crossed electric- and magnetic-field (or Wien)
lyzer, the range of the mass spectrum covered is
velocity filter and a curved-plate electrostatic
approximately 10 to 1000 atomic mass units
energy-per-unit-charge filter in tandem in the
(amu). Twenty mass channels span this range.
ion flightpath. The requirement that the detected
The relative width for each mass channel AM/M
ion must pass through both filters allows a de-
is approximately 0.2 near the lower masses. In
termination of its mass per unit charge. The ion
principle, the flux of ions with masses less than
sensor itself is a channel electron multiplier
10 ainu per unit charge can be obtained by sub-
• Rice University. traeting the integrated mass spectrum flux
t Principal investigator. obtained with the mass analyzer from the total
-^- _..r _ _ pole....
Stepping Ions
and / [_ Stepping
scaler I nstrument
and ground
Lunar surface
ground plane
ion flux, at the same energy, obtained with the instrument and in front of the ion entrance
Total ion detector ... , accelerated into the suprathermal ion detector
at energies optimum for detection. The success
of this method depends on the Debye length
and on the extent to which the ground-screen
potential approximates that of the lunar surface.
It is not yet possible to assess either of these
two factors.
Figure 6-3 shows the SIDE deployed on the
lunar surface. The experiment is deployed ap-
proximately 50 ft from the ALSEP central sta-
tion in a southwesterly direction. The top surface
stands 20 in. above the lunar surface. The sensor
look directions include the ecliptic plane, and
the look axes are canted 15' from the local
FIGURE 6-2. - A cutaway drawing showing the interior of vertical and to the west. Figure 6-4 shows the
the suprathermal ion detector experiment. look directions in an Earth-Sun coordinate sys-
tem at various points along the lunar orbit. The
ways. If the lunar surface potential is large and field of view of each sensor is roughly a square
positive, the stepped supply, when on the appro- solid angle, 6 O on a side. The sensitivities of the
priate step, may counteract the effect of the total ion detector and mass analyzer are approxi-
lunar surface potential and, thereby, allow the mately 5 X 1017 and 1017 counts/sec/A of enter-
low-energy ions to reach the instrument with ing ion flux, respectively.
their intrinsic energies. However, if the lunar In addition to detecting ions directly, the
surface potential is near zero, then on those suprathermal ion detector is also sensitive to the
voltage steps that match or nearly match the ambient neutral gas pressure through the back-
General Results
Low-Energy Events
5O 2O
5(3 lOG
80 gO 100 110 120 0 10 20 30 40
Frame number
8O gO 100 110 120 0 10 20 30
Frame number
FzctaaE 6-5. -- Samples of the simultaneous total ion detector and mass analyzer data from No-
vember 19, 1969. Each frame is 1.2 sec long, and the counts are accumulated in
that time interval. The total ion detector energy spectrum is repeated every 20
frames, except for a calibration cycle from frames 121 to 0. The mass analyzer
sweeps through a mass spectrum at each energy in 20 frames; therefore, a com-
plete spectrum at all six energies is obtained every 2.58 rain (including the cali-
bration cycle). Note the repeated peaks in the total ion detector data in the 20-
to 100-eV energy range. Note also the peak in frames 2 to 6 in the mass analyzer
data. (a) Total ion detector data. (b) Mass analyzer data.
_ Mean_ o_
background _ L_I I,_ c_200-
5 10 15 20
Frame number 100
no events were found in the lower energy steps FxotnaE 6-7.- The energy spectrum for a typical 50-eV
of the mass analyzer. monoenergetic event.
beenreportedat the muchcloserEarthorbit of
the Velasatellites(ref.6-1). December
15, 1969
The secondcategoryof spectrais character-
50[- December4, 1%9 100
15, 1969
• V 9 I
501- December 5, 1969 o=
16, 1969
_ t
0 v v 50
100 .m.t. I
December8, 1969
03:35G.m.t. ¥ T
Special Events
Lunar Module Liftoff
I000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 ascent stage, there was a slight increase in the
Ion energyperunit charge,eV counting rates of the total ion detector in lower
energy channels. No significant change was seen
Fzcvl_ 6-8.- Typical spectra showing the 1- to 3-keV
ion seen after sunset. in the mass analyzer data, but the mass analyzer
was looking at 5.4-eV and lower energy ions at 300 - _ This spectrum
the time. Four consecutive spectra taken during Background average
this event are shown in figure 6-10. The first over prior frames 1 to 80
spectrum is typical of several consecutive spectra
prior to it. The next two spectra show the in- ._ 2OO
creased counting rates in the channels covering
the broad energy range of 10 to 500 eV. By the c-
50ev 3OO
• _ 250100 1-13o 25O
c c
This spectrum
Background average
over prior frames 1 to 80
I i
10 2O
Energy channel number
0 i I
10 2o (b)
Energy channel number
Fictrm_ 6-11. - Total ion detector spectra following lunar
Fzcmu_ 6-10.- Four successive total ion detector spectra module impact. (a) First spectrum after ascent stage
before, during, and after lunar module ascent. An eight- impact in which increased counting rate was observed.
frame calibration cycle occurs between the spectrum (b) Spectrum following instrument calibration frames.
that starts with frame 101 and the speetrum that starts
with frame 1. which an increased counting rate was observed.
A significant ion flux was detected in the 500-
lunar Module Impact and 250-eV channels. These channels were
At 22:17:17 G.m.t. on November 20, 1969, the sampled 52 sec after impact. After this spectrum,
lunar module ascent stage impacted the Moon there were eight frames of instrument calibra-
74 km east-southeast of the ALSEP. At this time, tion followed by the spectrum shown in figure
the total ion detector had been counting at an 6-11(b). The peak at 3000 eV is approximately
average rate of 142 counts per frame with no 4_ above the background rate and is, therefore,
significant variations in any frame. Figure certainly real, but the feature of main interest
6-11 (a) is the first spectrum after the impact in is the high flux of ions in the 70- to 1000-eV
Summary References
The performance of the suprathermal ion de-
6-1. ASBRIDGE,]. R.; BAME, S. J.; and STRONG, I. B.:
tector has been good. The preliminary data Outward Flow of Protons From the Earth's Bow
analysis yields the following features: Shock. ]. Geophys. Res., vol. 73, no. 17, Sept. 1,
(1) Mass spectra of 50-eV ions are available 1968, pp. 5777-5782.
6-2. LATHAM, G. V.; et ai.: Passive Seismic Experi-
from early in the experiment life. These spectra
ment. Sec. 6 of Apollo 11 Preliminary Science
show a concentration of ions in the 18- to
Report, NASA SP-214, 1969.
50-amu/q mass-per-unit-charge range.
(2) Ions appear frequently in the ten- to sev-
eral-hundred electron-volt range. This is highly
suggestive of solar-wind acceleration of ambient The authors gratefully acknowledge the dedicated sup-
ions of either natural or lunar-module-associated port of many who have contributed to the success of the
origin. suprathermal ion detector experiment. In particular, thanks
are extended to Wayne Andrew Smith, Rice University
(3) One- to 3-keV ions are present sporadically
Program Manager; Paul Bailey, Rice University Assistant
early in the lunar night. These ions are thought Program Manager; James BaUentyne, Rice University Reli-
to be energetic protons escaping upstream from ability and Quality Assurance Engineer; Robert Shane and
the bow shock front of the Earth. David Young, space science graduate students who par-
ticipated in the design and calibration of the instrument;
(4) Solar-wind energy ions are present on the
Alex Frosch, computer programer; and the staff of the Rice
nightside of the Moon approximately 4 days University Space Science Facilities. Thanks are also due to
before lunar sunrise at the ALSEP site. William Sandstrom, Dean Aalami, and the staff at Time
(5) Energetic ion fluxes are seen in good time Zero Corporation (formerly Marshall Laboratories), the
correlation with the impact of the lunar module subcontractor for design and fabrication of the supra-
thermal ion detector, and to James Boswell, Defense Con-
ascent stage onto the lunar surface. Again, there
tract Audit Service Representative. Derek Perkins of the
is a strong suggestion that the impact-released Bendix Aerospace Systems Division and Jim Sanders and
gases have been ionized and accelerated by the Ernie Weeks of the NASA Manned Spacecraft Center pro-
solar wind. vided invaluable support to the project. Martha Fenner,
(6) High background count rates seen during space science graduate student, assisted with the data
the second lunar day may be indicative of large
This research has been supported by NASA contract
quantities of gas escaping impulsively from the NAS9-5911. H. Balsiger is a European Space Research
lunar module descent-stage tanks. Organization/National Aeronautics and Space Administra-
Numerous other phenomena are apparent in tion International Postdoctoral Fellow.
7. Cold Cathode Gage (Lunar AtmosphereDetector)
F. S. Johnson, at D. E. Evans, b and 1. M. Carroll _
Purpose of the Experiment The time required for this second acceleration
is approximately equal to the ion gyro period
Although the lunar atmosphere is known to
in the imbedded magnetic field, and the radii
be extremely tenuous, its existence cannot be
of gyration for most ions are comparable to the
doubted. At the very least, the solar wind strik-
lunar radius or greater. Consequently, most
ing the lunar surface constitutes a source mech-
particles in the lunar atmosphere are swept away
anism. The expected atmospheric concentration
depends upon the equilibrium between source into space within a few hundred seconds (the ion
and loss mechanisms. The observations of the gyro period) after becoming ionized. Thus, the
time required for ionization regulates the loss
lunar atmosphere will be of greatest significance
process and results in lifetimes of the order of
if the dominant source mechanism for the atmos-
l0 T sec.
phere is internal (i.e., geochemical) rather than
The cold cathode gage gives indications of the
external (i.e., the solar wind).
amount of gas present but not of the composition
The dominant loss mechanisms for lunar gases
of the gas. The measured amount of gas can
are expected to be thermal escape, for particles
be compared with the amount expected from the
lighter than neon, and removal through ioniza-
solar-wind source to indicate whether or not
tion, for particles heavier than neon. At the
other sources are present. Contamination from
temperatures encountered on the lunar surface,
the vehicle system, of course, constitutes an addi-
thermal velocities for the lighter gas particles
tional source mechanism, but such a source
are such that a significant fraction of the par-
should decrease with time in an identifiable way.
ticles has greater than escape velocity. The
Eventually, however, measurements of actual
average lifetime before escape for particles on
composition should be made with a mass spec-
the warmest-portion of the Moon is approxi-
mately 104 see for helium and l0 T sec for neon. trometer to examine constituents of particularly
Heavier particles require much longer to escape great interest and to discriminate against known
by thermal motion. However, all particles ex- contaminants from the vehicle system.
posed to solar ultraviolet radiation become ion
ized in approximately 10 r sec. Once the particles The Instrument
are ionized, they are accelerated by the electric
field associated with the motion of the solar The basic sensing element of the cold cathode
wind. The initial acceleration is at right angles gage consists of a coaxial electrode arrangement
to the direction of both the solar wind and the as depicted in figure 7-1. The cathode consists
imbedded magnetic field. The direction of of a spool surrounded by a cylindrical anode.
motion is then deviated by the magnetic field A magnetic field of approximately 900 G is
such that the particle acquires a velocity equal applied in the direction of the axis, and a volt-
to the component of the solar-wind velocity that age of +4500 V is applied to the anode. A self-
is perpendicular to the imbedded magnetic field. sustained Townsend discharge develops in the
gage. In this discharge, trapped electrons in the
• University of Texas at Dallas.
b NASA Manned Spacecraft Center. magnetic field have enough energy to ionize any
t Principal investigator. gas particles they strike. The current of ions
g 150
Measur ed
Input current, A
The 4500-V Power Supply ode gage was removed from its storage position
in the SIDE. It was intended that the gage open-
Basically, the power supply consists of a regu-
ing would be oriented horizontally and would
lator, a converter, a voltage-multiplier network,
and the associated feedback network o£ the low- face the pole, generally away from the descent
stage of the lunar module (LM). The cable
voltage power supply. The regulator furnishes
proved to be cold and stiff, and in the hmar
approximately 24 V for conversion to a 5-kHz
gravity, even the relatively heavy gage was not
square wave to be applied to the converter trans-
adequate to hold the extended cable straight.
former. The output of the converter transformer
Consequently, the gage tipped to face in a gen-
is applied to a voltage-multiplier network
erally upward direction.
(stacked standard doublers) and then is filtered
and applied to the gage anode.
10-6 \
- Saturated
I0-8 J 1
rization' i
10-9 I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I
19 20 21 22 23 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
G.m.t., hr
324 325
Julian day
sponse rose to at least 5X10 -8 tort. The exact portable life-support system. This response is
value is in doubt, because a calibration cycle also in agreement with expectations, but no close
obscured the data at the time of maximum pres- comparison with the predicted response can be
sure. The increase in pressure at the gage as a made because of the lack of quantitative infor-
result of the release of gas from the LM is in mation on the separation between the astronaut
reasonable agreement with expectations, based and the gage.
upon the amount of gas released. The release An apparent catastrophic failure occurred after
of 3 kg of gas in 102 sec should have produced approximately 14 hr of operation when the
a directed or dynamic pressure of 2X10 -7 tort 4500-V power supply shut off. Two possibilities
at a distance of 200 m. However, the obscuration exist. Either there was a failure, such as a short
of data near the peak of the pressure pulse prob- circuit, in the high-voltage supply, or the toggle
ably eliminates any prospect of making meaning- command failed. (Its failure mode was such as
ful diffusion studies based on the data. to turn off the high voltage.) There appears to
1)uring the second EVA period the gage be no way to distinguish between these two pos-
response went off scale when an astronaut ap- sibilities, but the latter appears to be the more
proached because of gases released from his likely. In test and development, no failures were
encountered with the high-voltage power supply. torr. Contamination of the experiment site by the
However, logic failures did occur that were landing operations does not produce a local
brought about as a result of arcing when the atmosphere in excess of 8X10 -9 torr after ap-
package was tested under inadequate vacuum. proximately 20 hr. The gas cloud around an
The failure may have been brought about by astronaut on the lunar surface exceeds the upper
arcing, which was associated with gassing in the, range of the gage (approximately 10 -8 torr) for
electronics package as it heated up on the lunar a distance of several meters from the astronaut;
surface. however, no perceptible residual contamination
In summary, the results show that the ambient at the 10 -8 torr level remains around the gage
lunar atmospheric pressure is less than 8)<10 -9 for longer than a few minutes after his departure.
8. The Solar-Wind Composition Experiment
1. Geiss, a* P. Eberhardt, a P. Signer, b F. Buehler, a and 1. Meister a
surface. By evaluating a number of Apollo 12 about a gram of fine lunar soil material was
photographs, it was concluded that the foil was found, including grain sizes of 1 to 2 mm.
reclined by loo during exposure. The average This lunar material must have entered the bag
solar elevation during exposure was 13O, and during return or during postflight handling of
thus the average direction of incidence of the the lunar sample return container. First anal-
sunlight on the foil was 3 O above the foil normal. yses of light noble gases in the foil have shown
After retrieval, the return unit was placed in that this dust contamination can be eliminated
a special Teflon bag and returned to Earth in sufficiently by ultrasonic treatment. Dust con-
the documented sample return container. In the tamination during return could be lowered by
Manned Spacecraft Center Lunar Receiving using a larger return bag, which can be closed
Laboratory (LRL), the unit was taken out of more effectively.
the Teflon bag, and the foil was inspected with-
out unrolling it. The upper portion of the foil Preliminary Results
was found to be tightly and smoothly rolled. The foil had the same dimensions, general
The outer windings of the foil were bulky. makeup, and trapping properties as the Apollo
This, however, does not affect the quality of 11 foil, described in detail in reference 8-8.
scientific data obtained from the experiment. Again, as on Apollo 11, test pieces were incor-
Inside the Teflon return bag, a quantity of porated that had been irradiated before flight
with a calibratedamountof neon.In addition, been completed; therefore, in this paper, the
an unirradiatedtestfoil wasmountedin a posi- expected angle of incidence on the foil has been
tion thatremainedshieldedfromthesolarwind. estimated. The average angle of incidence of
In the Apollo 11 solar-windcomposition ex- the sunlight on the foil was 87 ° . The effects of
periment,part of the foil had been sterilized corotation and aberration lower this value to
and releasedfrom the LRL beforetermination about 84 ° for the solar wind (refs. 8-13 and
of the quarantineperiodfor lunarmaterial.No 8--14). During the time of the Apollo 12 foil
suchearlyreleasewasattemptedwiththeApollo exposure, the Moon had probably already passed
12 experimentfoil to restrictfoil handlingand into the magnetosheath of the Earth, and the ion
to avoid additionalcontamination with lunar flow direction was changed relative to the undis-
dustin the LRL quarantinecabinets. turbed solar wind. The tilt of the magnetosphere
TheApollo12 foil wasreceivedin the labo- (ref. 8-15) lowers the expected direction of
ratory in the middleof January1970.For the incidence by approximately 5 ° (ref. 8-15), and
threesmallfoil piecesweredecon- an additional lowering by a few degrees can be
taminatedby meansof the ultrasonictreatments expected as a result of the change of flow direc-
thathadprovedtheirefficiency in the Apollo11 tion in the shockfront. Thus, the expected angle
foil analyses.Theresultsof thesefirst measure- of incidence on the foil is 70 ° to 75 ° . With this
mentsaregivenin table8-I. It maybe seenthat assumption, the average 4I-Ie flux during the
the shieldedfoil piecehada 4Heconcentration Apollo 12 exposure period is as given in table
perunit areathatwaslessthani percentof the 8-11 and is compared with the flux observed
concentrations foundin the foil piecesexposed during the Apollo 11 landing. The two figures
to the solarwind. The agreement is goodbe- are similar and are in good agreement with aver-
tweentheconcentrations andthe4He/SHe ratios age fluxes derived from He/H ratios observed
measured in the two exposed foil pieces. with solar-wind energy/charge spectrometers.
(Compare with ref. 8-6. ) The expected direction
8--I. First Results From Apollo 12 of solar-wind incidence is 25 ° to 30 ° above the
Solar-Wind Composition Experiment lunar horizon. Even if helium would be heated
Foil Analyses to 1 to 2 million degrees centigrade in the shock
Sample Elevation Area, 4He concentration
transition, the portion of the helium flux cut
per unit area, 4He/3He
number above lunar
sur]ace, cm cm_ XIO xo atoms/cm_
ratio off by the horizon would be negligible. Thus,
Shielded the 4He flux given herein should be directly
foil: comparable to fluxes obtained by Earth satellites
10-2 145 7.7 0.4
during the same period.
10-1 139 9.8 45.6 2580
TABLE 8-II. Comparison Between the Prelim-
9-1 123 10.9 44.5 2610
inary Average 4 He Flux Obtained from the Apollo
12 Solar-Wind Composition Foil Exposure Period
The average 4He flux during the Apollo 12 and the Flux Obtained From the Apollo 11
exposure period can be calculated by using the and the Flux Obtained From the Apollo 11 Solar-
data given in table 8-I. The trapping probabil- Wind Composition Experiment
ities of the foil for noble gas ions depend only
Exposure Average 4 HE flux,
slightly on energy in the general solar-wind Mission Exposure
initiated duration X 10 _ atoms/cm 2-se
velocity region. For helium with a velocity
kpollo 11 July 21, 1969, 77 rain 6.3___1.2
greater than 300 km/sec, the trapping proba- 03:35 G.rn.t.
bility is 89 ± 2 percent for normal incidence and _pollo 12 Nov. 19, 1969, 18 hr 42 8.2±1.0
5 percent less for an incidence angle of 70 ° to 12:35 G.m.t. min
75 °. In the Apollo 11 experiment, the angular
distribution of the arriving helium ions has actu-
ally been determined (ref. 8-9). The same ex- From the first two Apollo 12 foil pieces ana-
periment with the Apollo 12 foil has not yet lyzed, 4He/3He -- 2600 ±200 is obtained for the
Apollo 12 exposure period. This value is higher 8-5. OGILVIE, K. W.; BURLAGA, L. F.; and WILKERSON,
T. D.: Plasma Observations on Explorer 34. J.
than the 4He/3He ratio obtained so far from the
Geophys. Res., vol. 73, no. 21, Nov. 1, 1968,
analyses of pieces of the Apollo 11 foil. Compara- pp. 6809-6824.
five analyses of pieces of foils from the two flights 8-6. ROBBINS, D. E.; HUNDHArJSEN, A. J.; and BAME,
are being continued to confirm this difference. S. J.: Helium Abundance and Plasma Proper-
Actually, time variations in isotopic ratios in the ties in the Solar Wind. Preprint ST531, Trans.
solar wind can be expected (ref. 8-16), and the Am. Geophys. Union, vol. 50, no. 4, April 1969,
p. 302.
4He/SHe ratio has to be determined repeatedly
to assess the range of occurring variations before
and STRONG, I. B.: Solar Wind Ion Compo-
an average for the present-day solar wind can be sition. Phys. Rev. Letters, vol. 20, no. 8, Feb.
established. This average is of high astrophysical 19, 1968, pp. 393-395.
significance, since it can be compared with 8-8. GEIsS, J.; EBERHARDT, P.; SICNER, P.; BUEHLER,
ancient 4He/3He ratios derived from solar-wind F.; and MEISTEa, J.: The Solar-Wind Compo-
gases trapped in the lunar surface (ref. 8-17) or sition Experiment. Apollo 11 Preliminary Science
in meteorites. If a secular increase in the solar Report, sec. 8, NASA SP-214, 1969, pp. 183-186.
3He/4He ratio should be found, this could be
J.; and SIGNER, P.: Apollo 11 Solar Wind Com-
interpreted as a result of mixing inside the Sun position Experiment: First Results. Science,
or as a result of nuclear reactions at the solar vol. 166, no. 3912, Dee. 19, 1969, pp. 1502-1503.
surface. 8-10. LYON, E. F.; BRIDGE, H. S.; and BINSACK, J. H.:
The results obtained from the analyses of the Explorer 35 Plasma Measurements in the Vi-
first small pieces of the Apollo 12 foil indicate cinity of the Moon. J. Geophys. Res., vol. 72,
no. 23, Dec. 1, 1967, pp. 6113-6117.
that, from larger foil areas, fluxes and isotopic
8-11. NEss, N. F.; BEHANNON, K. W.; SCEARCE, C. S,;
composition can be obtained not only for helium and CANTARANO, S. C.: Early Results from the
but also for neon and argon. Magnetic Field Experiment on Lunar Explorer
35. J. Geophys. Res., vol. 72, no. 23, Dec. 1,
1967, pp. 5769-5778.
8-3. WOLFE, J. H.; SILVA, R. W.; McKIBBIN, D. D.; 8-15. HUNDHAUSEN, A. J.; BAME, S. J.; and ASBRIDGE,
and Mason, R. H.: The Compositional, Aniso- J. R.: Plasma Flow Pattern in the Earth's
tropic, and Nonradial Flow Characteristics of Magnetosheath. J. Geophys. Res., vol. 74, no.
the Solar Wind. J. Geophys. Res., vol. 71, no. 11, June 1, 1969, pp. 2799-2806.
13, July 1, 1966, pp. 3329-3335. 8-16. GEiss, J.; HINT, P.; and LEUTWVLER, H.: On Ac-
celeration and Motion of Ions in Corona and
8-4, SNYDER, C. W.; and NEUGEBAUER, M.: The Rela-
tion of Mariner-2 Plasma Data to Solar Phe- Solar Wind. Solar Physics, 1970 (in press).
nomena. The Solar Wind, R. J. Mackin, Jr., and 8-17. Proceedings of the Lunar Science Conference.
Marcia Neugebauer, eds., Pergamon Press, Science, vol. 167, no. 3918, Jan. 30, 1970, pp.
1966, pp. 25-32. 449-784.
9. Apollo 12/Vlultispectral Photography Experiment
A. F. H. Goetz, at F. C. BiUingsley, b E. Yost, c and T. B. McCord d
The lunar multispeetral photography experi- (3) To evaluate, under closely controlled con-
ment was successfully accomplished on Apollo ditions, the photographic versus the computer
12. A number of photographs were returned in image-processing techniques for reduction of
the blue, green, red, and infrared (IR) portions lunar multispectral photography
of the optical spectrum. Preliminary data anal-
ysis shows no color boundaries in the frame con- Lunar Color Measurement
taining the Fra Mauro formation and the Apollo Lunar color and its variation across the lunar
13 landing site. Color differences were found in
surface have interested planetary astronomers
the frame containing Lalande 7, establishing the
for many years. The interest has heightened with
existence of small-scale color differences on the
the growing weight of evidence, obtained from
lunar surface.
accurate Earth-based photoelectric photometry,
that points toward a positive correlation between
Purpose of the Experiment color and compositional differences (ref. 9-1).
The goal of the lunar multispectral photog- Once ground-truth samples have been obtained
raphy experiment was to obtain vertical strip at several sites of differing color, it may be
photography in three portions of the optical possible to extrapolate compositional color in-
spectrum- blue, red, and IR- at resolution one formation to large areas of the Moon that will
to two orders of magnitude higher than is ob- not be sampled in situ.
tainable from Earth. A fourth camera, which had In the present context, color differences mean
a green filter, was added to the array for oper- relative differences in spectral reflectivity be-
ational purposes. However, for the sake of the tween points on the surface. The general spec-
following discussion, this camera will be con- tral reflectivity curve of the Moon shows a near-
sidered to be part of the experiment. linear increase in reflectivity from 400 to 800 nm
The further objectives of this experiment were (ref. 9-2). Areas designated red or blue refect
as follows: more energy in their respective wavelength re-
(1) To photograph future Apollo landing sites gions than a standard lunar area. In most cases,
so that ground-truth information provided by the greater the separation in wavelength, the
the returned samples may be extrapolated to greater the color difference obtained. The differ-
other points on the lunar surface ences between 400 and 800 nm, among points on
(2) To produce photometrically accurate, two- the lunar surface, average 4-8 percent (ref. 9-1 ).
and three-color images by photographic and Photographic (ref. 9-3) and photoelectric
computer processing methods that will accu- (ref. 9-1) methods have been used in the past
for the measurement of lunar color variations.
rately delineate lunar color boundaries and their
magnitudes The best known photographic method used to
date is _rhitaker's sandwich printing technique
, Bellcomm, Inc., Washington, D.C. (ref. 9-3) in which a negative ultraviolet plate
b JPL, California Institute of Technology. and a positive IR plate are sandwiched together
c Long Island University.
and printed. Color differences then show up as
a Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
t Principal investigator. varying shades of gray. The disadvantages of
this method are that it is not quantitative and graphic image display and provides quantitative
that albedo changes can masquerade as color color information for the entire picture, although
differences if the density-logarithm-exposure ( D at accuracies less than are obtainable from
log E ) curves of the two plates are not extremely photoelectric photometry.
well matched. The advantage of the method lies
in the image form of data display. Equipment and Operation
Recent advances in photoelectric instrumenta-
The experiment camera array consisted of
tion allow ground-based relative color measure-
four 70-mm Hasselblad cameras with 80-mm
ments to be made to 0.1 percent accuracy (ref.
9-4). Spectral reflectivity measurements of the lenses. The filter and black-and-white film com-
Apollo 11 soil samples show an excellent corre- binations were as follows: blue 47B filter, type
lation with ground-based telescope data of the 3401 film; green 58 filter, type 3401 film; red
Tranquility site (ref. 9-5). However, point-by- +
29 0.6ND filter, type 3401 film; and infrared
point measurement is a time-consuming process 87C filter, type SO-246 film. Type 3401 is Plus-X
and is not suited for image display. Work now aerial film, and type SO-246 is type 5424 infrared
in progress with electronic imaging systems in- aerographic film coated on a 4-mil base. The
corporates the advantages of both methods. center wavelength of each filter/film combina-
Computer image processing (ref. 9-5) of tion is as follows: blue, 430 nm; green, 540 nm;
photographs combines the advantages of photo- red, 660 nm; and IR, 860.nm.
45"E 55"E 65" E 75" E 850 E 950~ 105"E 115"E 125"E 135"E
1. Start blue, green, red stereo sequence 5. All start (blue, green, I R, f/8.0)
(1/60,fl5.6) second revolution (red, f/5.6)
1A. Start I R (1/60, f/4.01 6. All stop
2. All stop Principal point
3. Start blue, green, red
3A. Start I R
4. All stop
7. Theophilus pair
8. Descartes pair
9. Fra Mauro pair
0 Principal point
An intervalometer tripped all shutters simul- f15.6, and the red camera was set at f14.0.
taneously at 20-sec intervals. For operational Photography was taken between longitudes 1.20'
purposes, the shutter speed on all four cameras E and 90' E and between 54' E and 15' w. The
was fixed at 1/60 set. Focus settings were fixed minimum Sun was 250*The
remainder of the vertical photography was car-
at 44 ft for the IR camera and at infinity for the ried out on revolution 28 at f/8/5.6. The off-
other three cameras*To facilitate changes, vertical targets of opportunity were exposed at
the vertical PhotOgraPhY Was broken into f/5.6/4.0 for Tlieophilus and Descartes and at
three segments. During orbital revolution 27, f/2.8/2.8 for Fra Mauro. Figures 9-1 and 9-2
the blue, green, and IR cameras were set at show the photography ground track.
All flight-film calibration and processing were The color or spectral reflectivity differences
accomplished by the NASA Manned Spacecraft sought in this study are not detectable by eye
Center (MSC) Photographic Technology Labo- or on normal color film. The eye is very sensitive
ratory (PTL). Preflight calibration was accomp- to small color variations under controlled labo-
lished by applying a 21-step gray wedge to the ratory conditions, in particular when the objects
film in a 1-B sensitometer. For the experiment, have the same brightness and are juxtaposed.
a special step tablet was constructed to provide However, the eye is incapable of reliably detect-
four 21-step wedges arranged to fit in a 60- by ing small differences in spectral reflectivity in
60-mm format to facilitate film-scanning pro- conjunction with brightness differences such as
cedures. In addition, a preflight standffrd wedge in a lunar surface scene. Normal color-additive
and a postflight special tablet were applied to techniques using color-separation photographs
the leader of the film. also fail to show up differences, even at higher
Preflight process controls were established to saturation.
develop the films to the following gammas: blue, The two methods mentioned previously- the
1.7; green, 1.65; red, 1.6; and IR, 1.5. The dif- photographic sandwich and computer image
ferent gammas were chosen to compensate for processing techniques- are basically techniques
the increasing transmission of the standard for ratioing two pictures. Ratioing is necessary
wedge toward longer wavelengths. In other to remove the brightness variations caused by
words, the absolute gamma should be 1.7 for general albedo and slope differences. Because
each film. The relatively high gammas were the film density is a function of the logarithm of
chosen to give the maximum exposure differen- the exposure, ratios are formed by taking differ-
tiation commensurate with the required dynamic ences in densities between two pictures. Such
range on the film. The following gammas were difference pictures for two colors have been pro-
obtained: blue, 1.68; green, 1.48; red, 1.42; and duced by photographic (ref. 9-3) and computer
IR, 1.44. The reasons for the discrepancy among (ref. 9-6) methods. Data reduction for the ex-
control and flight-film gammas are not com- periment will be carried out in three colors by
pletely understood but can probably be attrib- using extensions of both methods. Details of
uted to radiation fogging and latent image these procedures will be the subject of later
decay. The PTL is investigating this effect. publications.
Photographic data reduction to date has in-
Film Return cluded construction of three-color difference pic-
tures of five frame sets. The main difficulties in
Each of the blue-, green-, and red-filtered
analyzing these composites are anomalous colors
cameras returned 142 frames, while the IR
introduced by nonlinearities in the D log E
camera, in which the film had been rationed,
curves (which limit the range of brightnesses for
returned 105 frames. The resolution in the re-
which the color construction is valid) and bright-
turned type 3401 film is approximately 30 m.
ness nonuniformities that are due to camera
This limit is approximately the motion resulting
vignetting. While several frames show color
from the shutter speed of 1/60 sec. The densities
differences, more work must be completed on
on all frames fell within the approximate straight-
establishing confidence limits before interpreta-
line portion of the respective D log E curves
tions can be made.
shown in figure 9--3. This requirement was nec-
essary for data reduction by photographic meth- Extensive computer image processing has been
ods. For reasons not understood at this time, all accomplished on only two frames: 8438 and
IR frames have a 4-mm-wide underexposed strip 8392. Only two-color difference pictures have
at the leading and trailing edges of each frame. been constructed to date by methods used previ-
The IR frames are not in focus because of an ously on Earth-based photography (ref. 9-6).
apparent film-magazine malfunction, and they The basic method consists of the following
will not be usable for color difference analysis. steps:
3.4- 3.4
3.2 - 3.2
3.0 3.0
2.8 2.8
2.6 2.6
1.4 1.4
1.2 1.2
1.0 1.0
.8 .8
.6 °6
.4 .4
.2 .2
[ I I [ I I I I I I I i I [ I I I I I i
0 .3 .6 .9 1.3 1.5 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.7 3.0 0 .3 .6 .9 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.7 3.0
Logexposure Logexposure
(a) (b)
3.2 3.2
3.0 3.0
2.8 2.8
2.6 2.6
2.4 2.4
2.2 2.2
1.2 1.2
1.0 1.0
.8 .8
Dmin ____/
.6 _--. _Dmin .6
.4 .4
.2 .2
I i I [ I I I I I I I 1 I I L [ I I [ i
.3 .6 .9 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.7 3.0 0 .3 .6 .9 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.7 3.(1
Logexposure Logexposure
(c) (d)
FIOtrl_ 9-3. -- Processing curves obtained from preexposed standard wedge. (a) Blue filter. (b)
Green filter. (c) Red filter. (d) Infrared.
(1) Scanning by video film converter (VFC) (2) Obtaining a VFC response curve and lin-
of each set of pictures, including the preflight earizing the D log E curve
calibration step tablets (scanning spot sizes of (3) Converting all points (1 to 2 X 10 6 points
25, 40, and 50 t_m have been used) per frame) to the log E domain, thus eliminating
any film sensitivity or processing differences window. No noticeable density variations, other
between colors than an overall brightness difference, are visible.
( 4 ) Registration of the frames of the two Two-color computer difference pictures, blue
colors to be differenced minus green and red minus blue, have been
( 5 ) Point-by-point subtraction and normaliza- produced. The composites show no significant
tion of two frames color differencesover the entire frame, including
( 6 ) Contrast stretching, up to a factor of 3, the mare-highlands boundary, Some implications
so that each step in log E becomes visible as a of this result are given in the following para-
distinct shade of gray (the step size is approxi- graphs.
mately 2.5 percent in exposure) A two-color difference picture of frame 8392
( 7 ) Replaying the picture onto film
The registration of the frames has been the
major problem encountered. Each camera/filter
combination exhibits different geometrical dis-
tortions and a slightly different magnification.
These systematic distortions are coupled with
near-random distortions that are due to lack of
film flatness. Good registration can be facilitated
only by brute-force rubber-sheet stretching
Figure 9-4 shows frame 8438, a view of the
Fra Mauro formation and the Apollo 13 landing
site, taken with the blue-, green-, and red-filtered
cameras. The dark corner in each picture is the
result of obscuration by the edge of the hatch
(fig. 95)) which covers a portion of Mare basaltic materials in the laboratory, the sample
Nubium and Lalande 7, was constructed. Figure becomes redder with decreasing particle size
9-6 is a contrast-stretched red-minus-blue print (ref. 9-7).
of frame 8392 in which dark areas are bluer and The effects of age on color appear to be insig-
light areas are redder than an arbitrary point nificant, at least with respect to alteration of the
that was chosen to be gray. optical properties of in situ materials by the
Distinct color differences are evident, in par- lunar environment. No evidence for metal coat-
ticular between Lalande 71 and the snrrounding ings or deposits of sufficient thickness to affect
mare and between what appears to be second- the optical properties was found on mineral
ary-impact ejecta rays and the surrounding mare. grains in the Apollo 11 sample (ref. 9-5). On
Although the frames have not been calibrated the basis of telescopic measurements, McCord
for camera vignetting or adjusted to a lunar (ref. 9-1) finds no evidence of an aging effect
standard by Earth-based photometry, there is that causes color variations.
now, for the first time, clear evidence for local Frame 8392, which contains Lalande 7, ex-
small-scale color variations on the lunar surface. hibits definite color differences, as shown in
figure 9-6. Careful inspection reveals that color
is not directly correlated with brightness, partic-
ularly as seen in the comparison of the boundary
between the embayment and the mare on the
east side of Lalande 7 and the boundary on the
flat southeastern side of the same feature. There-
fore, except in the deep shadows, the color
variations are real and are not artifacts produced
by photographic nonlinearities.
The white streaks in the mare appear to be
impact ejecta plumes, probably produced by
secondaries from the crater Lalande 7. I t is not
apparent whether the light material is secondary
projectile material or material that has been
excavated from beneath the mare surface. The
plumes are bluer than the surrounding mare,
and their boundaries are sharp on a 100-m scale.
The color difference runs contrary to the obser-
vation that in basaltic rocks, finer higher-albedo
material is redder. Therefore, a compositional
FIGURE 9-5. - Two-color difference picture of frame 8392 difference must be assumed to explain the bluer
covering a portion of Mare Nubium and Lalande 7.
If, indeed, the plume material has been exca-
vated from below the mare surface, then the
Discussion material must have been ejected from craters
Differences in spectral reflectivity can be smaller than about 30 m in size, since no single
caused by several factors. Compositional varia- plume-source crater is visible and since the
tions give rise to color differences. However, smaller craters are below the resolution limit of
subtle differences, such as recorded in frame 8392, the film. For such a case, the thickness of the
may very well be caused by variations in the dark surface material is limited to 7 to 10 in.
iron and titanium content of the glasses, as in On a small scale, the blue, bright plumes are
the Apollo 11 sample described by Adams and similar to the feature Reiner y , which exhibits a
Jones (ref. 9-5). similar color difference.
Particle size affects the slope of the reflec- The absence of color variations in frame 8438,
tivity curve of rock materials. Typically, for particularly at the mare boundary, is somewhat
surprising but not without precedent. McCord color contrast. Two-color difference pictures
(ref. 9-1) has found a similar lack of contrast have been produced, and the method has been
across some mare-upland boundaries between shown to be effective. The color enhancement
average areas 18 km in diameter. Since a definite of the Apollo 13 landing-site frame shows a
albedo and morphological discontinuity are pres- somewhat surprising lack of color variation. The
ent, a color boundary would be expected. A frame containing Lalande 9 exhibits color differ-
mean particle-size difference has been suggested ences, the first such differences to be detected
as the cause of the mare-upland albedo differ- in high-resolution photography of the lunar
ences observed (ref. W ) . However, such a size surface, which probably can be attributed to
difference would be expected to result in a color compositional variations.
difference. The analysis of the Apollo 13 samples
should solve this dilemma. Furthermore, more References
detailed reduction and analysis of multispectral
photographs will better define the power of this 9-1. MCCORD,T. B.: Color Differences on the Lunar
Surface. J. Geophys. Res., vol. 74, no. 12, June 15,
method in the interpretation of lunar surface 1969, pp. 3131-3142.
9-2. MCCORD,T. B.: Color Differences on the Lunar
Surface. Ph. D. Dissertation, Calif. Inst. of Tech.,
Summary 1968.
The lunar multispectral photography experi- 9-3. HEACOCK, R. L.; KUIPER, G. P.; SHOEMAKER, E. M.;
ment has yielded 142 black-and-white photo- UREY,H. c.; and WHITAKER, E. A.: Ranger VII,
Part 11: Experimenters’ Analyses and Interpreta-
graphs, taken with blue-, green-, red-, and IR- tions. TR 32-700, JPL, Calif. Inst. of Tech., Feb.
filtered cameras, that are suitable for color- 1965.
difference analysis. Two existing image data- 9-4. MCCORI),T. B.: A Double-Beam Astronomical Pho-
reduction methods are being expanded to pro- tometer. Applied Optics, vol. 7, no. 3, Mar. 1968,
duce images that display greatly enhanced three- pp. 475-478.
9-5. ADAMS, J. B.; and JONES, R. L.: Spectral Reflectivity Lunar Spectral Reflectance Data. J. Geophys.
of Lunar Samples. Science, vol. 167, no. 3918, Res., vol. 72, no. 22, Nov. 15, 1967, pp. 5717-
Jan. 30, 1970, pp. 737-739. 5720.
9-6. BXLUNCSL_-Y, F. C.; GOETZ, A. F. H.; and LINDS-
LEY, J. N.: Color Differentiation by Computer
Image Processing. Photographic Science and En-
gineering, vol. 14, no. 1, Jan. 1970, pp. 28-35.
The authors wish to thank Jurrie van der Woude of the
9-7. ADAMS, J. B.; and FILICE, A. L.: Spectral Reflec- California Institute of Technology for his invaluable
tance 0.4 to 2.0 Microns of Silicate Rock Powders.
assistance in obtaining telescope test photography. Richard
J. Geophys. Res., vol. 72, no. 22, Nov. 15, 1967, R. Baldwin of MSC made an outstanding effort in c0-
pp. 5705-5715. ordinating the hardware and flight plan integration. Noel
9-8. ADAMS, J. B.: Lunar Surface Composition and Par- T. Lamar of MSC was instrumental in expediting the
ticle Size: Implications from Laboratory and stringent film processing requirements.
10. Preliminary Geologic Investigation of the
Apollo 12 Landing Site
This report provides a preliminary description both LM windows, complete 360 ° panoramas
of the geologic setting of the lunar samples re- taken from the surface at intervals throughout
turned from the Apollo 12 mission. A more com- the traverse, and partial panoramas that were
plete interpretation of the geology of the site frequently taken in pairs for stereoscopic cover-
will be prepared after thorough analysis of the age of large features of particular interest. Pano-
data. ramas taken from the LM windows are useful
The Intrepid landed on the northwest rim of because of their high vantage point, even though
the 200-m-diameter Surveyor Crater (in which their azimuthal field of view is less than 180 ° .
Surveyor 3 touched down on April 20, 1967) in Complete panoramas were taken to record as
the eastern part of Oceanus Procellarum. The much lunar surface detail as possible with a
landing site was at 23.4 ° W and 3.2 ° S, approxi- surface-based camera. When joined as mosaics,
mately 120 km southeast of the crater Lansberg the panoramas provide accurate map control
and due north of the center of Mare Cognitum. data in the form of horizontal angles. Control
The landing site is on a broad ray associated can be obtained analytically, with high preci-
with the crater Copernicus, which is located ap- sion, from measurements of glass-plate reproduc-
proximately 370 km to the north. tions of the photographs or graphically, with
The landing site is characterized by a distinc- moderate precision, by measuring the mosaics.
tive cluster of craters ranging in diameter from Complete panoramas are more useful than
50 to 400 m (fig. 10-1). Informal names were broken or partial panoramas because complete
given to these craters for use during the mission panoramas provide an immediate check of error
and have been adopted for this report. The trav- accumulation in measuring horizontal angles and
erses during the two extravehicular activity because lunar directions can be determined
(EVA) periods were generally made on or near accurately and independently of any other data
the rims of these named craters and on deposits from the location of the image of the Sun and of
of ejecta from the craters. the image of the astronaut's shadow. This was
A total of 23 panoramas were taken during the one of the reasons that the crew was requested
Apollo 12 lunar stay to document the astronauts' to take photographs looking into the Sun, even
traverses. These include partial panoramas taken though poor photograph quality was anticipated.
from inside the lunar module (LM) through Partial panoramas produce some of the same
data as complete panoramas at a considerable
a California Institute of Technology. saving of film. They are useful for photographic
U.S. Geological Survey.
documentation of large features of geologic inter-
c NASA Manned Spacecraft Center.
d University of Michigan. est. When two partial panoramas are taken of
"University of California. the same feature from slightly different vantage
* Principal Investigator. points, pairs of photographs from the adjacent
100 50 0
10-1.- Traverse map for Apollo 12. (Compare with fig. 10-50.)
panoramas can be viewed stereoscopically, and Sharp Crater and a few centimeters below the
precise photogrammetric measurements of the surface near Head, Bench, and Block Craters.
feature can be made. It is possible that some of this light-gray material
Mosaics of the panoramas are presented in may constitute a discontinuous deposit that is ob-
figures 10-2 to 10-11, because they provide a served through telescopes as a ray of Copernicus.
more comprehensive view of some parts of the Darker regolith material that generally over-
landing site than do the individual photographs lies the light-gray material is only a few centi-
that are generally available. It is impossible to meters thick in some places, but probably thick-
make undistorted panoramic mosaics of photo- ens greatly on the rims of some craters. It varies
graphs taken with conventional cameras because from place to place in the size, shape, and abun-
the scene viewed by the camera is, in effect, a dance of its constituent particles and in the pres-
spherical surface. If the photographs constituting ence or absence of patterned ground. Most local
the panorama could be made to fit inside a differences are probably the result of local crater-
sphere, images on adjacent photographs would ing events.
match. Because this is an impractical format for Many comments of the astronauts concern the
a report, the prints have been mosaicked so that large amount of glass that is contained in the
images on the horizon match and so that the regolith. Irregularly shaped, small fragments of
horizon is level. No attempt was made to match glass and glass beads are abundant both on and
foreground images. within the regolith; glass is also splattered upon
some of the blocks of rock at the surface and is
Surface Features
found within many shallow craters.
Astronauts Conrad and Bean visited four
craters larger than 50 m in diameter and many Size-Frequency Distribution of Fragmental Material
craters of smaller size. They described the char- The nominal resolution of the ALSCC photo-
acteristics of eight craters and collected a variety graphs is approximately 0.1 mm, but there was
of material ejected from the craters. They also some difficulty in distinguishing rounded, irreg-
made numerous comments about smaller craters ular grain aggregates from small topographic
and about the surface features that lie between irregularities. Where it was possible to distin-
these smaller craters, including surface material guish an individual aggregate, it was counted as
that may be underlain by ray material from more a single particle.
distant craters (especially Copernicus). There- The area of the photograph is 72 by 82 mm,
fore, the rock collections returned to Earth con- but the results have been normalized to an area
tain a variety of material ejected from local of 100 m 2 in order to compare the Apollo 12 par-
craters that were visited on the traverse and ticle count with the particle count made from
contain fine-grained material, some of which Surveyor 3 (ref. 10-1) and Apollo 11 (ref. 10-2)
probably was derived locally and some of which photographs. The cumulative size-frequency dis-
may have come from far-distant sources. tribution of particles between 1 and 2 mm in
diameter near the LM is similar to that in the
Fragmental Material
immediate vicinity of the Surveyor 3 spacecraft.
The lunar surface at the Apollo 12 landing site Neither the precise location nor the subject of
is underlain by fragmental material, the lunar the frame was transmitted, but the frame was
regolith, which ranges in size from particles too probably taken generally north of the LM and
fine to be seen with the naked eye to blocks sev- probably 5 to 15 m from the engine bell. The
eral meters across. Along several parts of the regolith in this area appears to be relatively un-
traverse made during the second EVA period, disturbed, although the area may have accumu-
the astronauts found fine-grained material of lated dust sprayed from nearby footprints, or it
relatively high albedo that, at some places, was may have been slightly swept by the descent
in the shallow subsurface and, at other places, engine. The size-frequency distribution of small
was at the surface. This light-gray material was particles on the surface of the regolith was
specifically reported to be at the surface near studied from one photograph (frame 11) taken
10-2. - Panoramas 1, 11, 12, and 23. ( a ) Panorama 1: View from both LM windows
prior to EVA. (AS12-48-7022 to 7033) ( b ) Panoramas 11 and 12: View from
both LM windows after the first EVA period. (AS12-47-7011 to 7021, AS12-46-
6853 to 6868) ( c ) Panorama 23: View from both LM windows after the second
EVA period. (AS12-48-7153 to 7171)
l. a
West North
220' 230' 240' 250" 260" 270' 280" 2900 NOo 3100 320" 330" 3400 350" 0" 10:
or base of scarp
LM shadow or component
ramas, but can be observed especially well in depressions are shown in figure 10-2(a). These
figure 1&2(a), which was taken at a low-Sun smaller depressions range in size from less than
elevation angle. a meter across to the one approximately 25 m
The cross-sectional shapes of the craters range across that is centered near the tip of the LSl
from very subdued, rimless depressions to very shadow ( fig. 10-2(a) ) .
sharp, well-defined craters. Middle Crescent Sharp, well-defined craters range from fresh
Crater, which can be seen in figure 10-14, is a craters less than a meter across and a few centi-
large subdued depression with its blocky areas meters deep to craters approximately 13 m across
concentrated inside the rim. Smaller subdued and 3 m deep, such as Sharp and Block Craters.
I 1
The small, fresh craters have rubbly rims, appar- Many craters are intermediate in shape-be-
ently comprising aggregates of fine-grained ma- tween the subdued depressions and the fresh,
terial and small rock fragments derived from the sharp craters. These intermediate-type craters
upper few centimeters of the regolith. An ex- range in size from several centimeters across
ample of this type of crater is shown in figure (foreground of most panoramas) up to larger
10-2(a) next to the LM shadow. Both Sharp and craters like Head (fig. 10-18), Surveyor (figs.
Block Craters are fresh, but differ in the distribu- 10-16 and 10-17), and Bench Crater (fig. 10-19).
tion of their associated ejecta. Sharp Crater (fig. These craters are characterized by fairly smooth
10-15) has a rubbly bottom and inner walls, but rims and bottoms. Bench Crater is characterized
its rim surface is similar to the general regolith by a distinct bench high on its northeastern side.
surface in that the rim consists of fine-grained The bench, which may be a resistant layer within
material with some scattered blocks. The fresh- or under the regolith, is shown on figure 10-1 by
ness of Sharp Crater is suggested by its radiating the shadow pattern. A bench near the bottom of
pattern of high-albedo material described by the the crater, not clearly visible on figure 10-1, is
astronauts. In contrast to Sharp Crater, Block shown in figure 10-19. This lower bench may be
Crater (fig. 10-16) has a very blocky rim and another resistant layer, or it may be the result of
ejecta blanket (fig. 10-17, background); the mass wasting of the crater walls.
freshness of this crater is suggested by the large The larger craters at the Apollo 12 landing
abundance of angular blocks. site are probably widely different in age. The
4 , . . b
10-15. - Panoramas 17 and 18, showing Sharp Crater. A stereoscopic pair of panoramas.
( a ) Right-hand member of the stereoscopic pair. ( b ) Left-hand member of
the stereoscopic pair.
10-16. - Panoramas 21 and 22 (partial), showing Block Crater. A stereoscopic pair of
panoramas. ( a ) Right-hand member of the stereoscopic pair. (AS12-48-7140 to
7143) ( b ) Left-hand member of the stereoscopic pair. (AS12-48-7144 to 7147)
age sequence from oldest to youngest is inter- exposure ages, which are related, in part, to the
preted as follows: ages of the craters.
(1) Middle Crescent Crater Northwest of the LM is the largest crater vis-
(2) Surveyor and Head Craters ited, the 400-m-diameter Middle Crescent Crater.
(3) Bench Crater On looking down into the crater, the astronauts
(4) Sharp, Halo, and Block Craters noticed huge blocks on the crater wall, which
were probably derived from the local bedrock.
Rock fragments collected from the rims of these Large rock fragments in this crater probably
craters may be expected to have a wide range of have been exposed since the crater was formed
and probably represent the deepest layers ex-
From unpublished maps prepared for use on board the
Apollo 12 spacecraft by P. J. Cannon and T. N. V. Karl- cavated at the Apollo 12 landing site.
strom of the US. Geological Survey. Both rounded and angular blocks litter the
10-17. - Panorama 20 (partial), showing the area near the Surveyor 3 spacecraft. (AS12-
48-7101 to 7106)
10-18. - Panoramas 14 and 15 (partial), showing Bench Crater. A stereoscopic pair of
panoramas. ( a ) Left-hand member of the stereoscopic pair. (AS12-49-7223 to
7228) ( b ) Right-hand member of the stereoscopic pair. (AS12-49-7229 to 7233)
surface of the rims of Head and Bench Craters. ing the age difference is that older surfaces have
Some rocks apeared to be coarse grained; to the a greater cumulative number of larger craters.
astronauts, the coarse-grained rock crystals were Figure 10-20 suggests that the Apollo 11 landing
clearly visible. Many rocks on the rim of Bench site is older than the Apollo 12 landing site be-
Crater were reported to be splattered with glass. cause more craters greater than a few hundred
Samples were collected from three small, very meters in diameter were observed at the Apollo
fresh, blocky-rimmed craters that apparently 11 site.
penetrate through the regolith into underlying The size-frequency distribution of craters from
materials. These craters are Sharp Crater, ap- several kilometers to a few centimeters in diam-
proximately 14 m across and 3 m deep; Block eter was determined for the Apollo 12 landing
Crater, approximately 13 m across and 3 m deep; site from Lunar Orbiter 3 and 4 photographs and
and an unnamed crater, 4 m across and approxi- from one Apollo 12 EVA photograph (NASA
mately 1 m deep, that lies on the south rim of AS12-48-7075). The cumulative number of
Surveyor Crater just north of Halo Crater.
Sharp Crater (fig. 10-15) has a rim 0.66 m 15
Surveyor1 I Reference10-5
high that is composed of material with high al-
Surveyor 3 ---t3-1
bedo. This material has been splashed out radi- 14 11 Reference
ally around the crater and is softer than the 12
normal regolith. A core tube driven into the
13 Productioncurve
rim of the crater penetrated the eiecta without Steady-statecurve
difficulty. Samples collected near the center may
show the youngest exposure ages. Sharp Crater
appears to have just barely penetrated the reg-
olith. A terrace near the crater floor is probably
controlled by the subregolith bedrock at a depth AS12-48-
of approximately 3 m. 7075
At Block Crater (fig. 10-16), high on the north ..... Apollo12
wall of Surveyor Crater, nearly all the ejected
blocks are sharply angular, which suggests that Surveyor3
;ite map,1:2,000
the crater is very young. Many of the blocks (ref.10-13)
clearly show lines of vesicles similar in appear- .. Apollo11
ance to vesicular lavas on Earth. The blocks are
probably derived from the older, coarse blocky
Lunar Orbiter 3
ejecta deposit underlying the rim that resulted (M-155)-
from the Surveyor Crater event. The regolith
at Block Crater may be a meter or less thick.
The 2-m-diameter blocky crater on the
southern rim crest o£ Surveyor Crater may have
been excavated in the old rim deposit of Sur-
veyor Crater at a depth of less than 0.5 m. In
Lunar Orbiter4
this blocky crater, the regolith may be very thin. {H-125)........
It is also possible that some of the blocks in this .--Apollo II
small crater were derived from a low-velocity
(secondary) impacting projectile. I I
-2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
Size-Frequency Distribution of Craters Logcraterdiameter,m
craters in each counting area was normalized to 106 km 2, c is any given crater diameter, qb is a
an area of 106 km 2. The size-frequency distri- constant (101°'9/m-2)106 km 2, and _ is a con-
bution of craters at the Apollo 12 site is com- stant (-2.00). This function, determined ini-
pared with the distribution at the Apollo 11 tially from Ranger photographs (ref. 10-4), has
and Surveyor 1 and 3 sites in figure 10-20 and is been found to fit very closely the distribution of
compared with the distribution of small craters small craters at all Surveyor landing sites (ref.
derived from Ranger 7, 8, and 9 data (ref. 10-4) 10-5); it also closely fits the distribution of small
in figure 10-21. craters at the Apollo 11 and 12 landing sites
The distribution of craters less than 100 m in (fig. 10-21). The function F= _c _ is interpreted
diameter roughly follows the function, F=d_c '_, as the steady-state distribution of craters pro-
where F is the cumulative number of craters duced by repetitive bombardment of level sur-
with diameter equal to or higher than c per faces on the Moon.
The distributions of craters larger than a few
hundred meters in diameter in the vicinity of
15 the Apollo 11 and 12 landing sites do not follow
the steady-state distribution, but can be fitted
14 \ closely by the power function F=xc x. For
\ Apollo 11, x is (10_2"9/m -293) 106 km 2, and X is
\ --2.93. For Apollo 12, X is approximately
(1012.3/m -2"s6) 106 km 2, and X is approximately
-2.86. The intersection of FzdPc '_ with F=xc x
12 .- Steady-state
F -_c * (fig. 10-21) is the upper-limit crater diameter of
the steady-state distribution in each area, desig-
11 nated c_ on the figure. On the basis of the
observed size-frequency distributions, the Apollo
.... Apollo12productioncurve 11 site is older than the Apollo 12 site. This
on F=×c _
relative age difference is shown by the ratio of
_ .... Apollo11productioncurve the cumulative number of craters with diam-
,_ 9
,\ eters of 1 km. The ratio of the number of these
CS. \
size craters between the Apollo 11 and 12 land-
E 8
ing sites averages 2.37:1 and ranges between
1.5:1 and 3.16:1.
........ Cs
Crystalline Rocks and Microbreccias
One of the notable differences between the
collection of rocks obtained at the Apollo 12
\ landing site and the collection obtained at the
\ Apollo 11 landing site (Tranquility Base) is the
\ ratio of crystalline rocks to microbreccia. At the
Apollo 12 site, the rocks collected are predom-
inantly crystalline, whereas at Tranquility Base,
approximately half the rocks collected were
crystalline and half were microbreccia. This dif-
i I i i I i i ference is probably attributable to the fact that
-2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
the rocks collected at the Apollo 12 landing site
were primarily on or near crater rims. On the
crater rims, the regolith is thin or only weakly
FICURE10-21. -- Size-frequency distribution of large developed, and many of the rocks observed are
craters at the Apollo 11 and 12 landing sites compared
with the steady-state size-frequency distribution of probably derived from craters that have been
craters determined from Ranger 7, 8, and 9 photographs. excavated in bedrock that is well below the reg-
olith. Tranquility Base was on a thick, mature ondary impacts and, possibly, the effects of
regolith, where many of the observed rock frag- diurnal temperature changes have probably
ments were produced by shock lithification of caused sloughing of the sides of the mounds,
regolith material and were ejected from craters resulting in their present, rather smooth form.
too shallow to excavate bedrock.
Three types of sampling activities were con-
Two mounds (figs. 10-22 and 10-23) in the ducted during the mission. The first was the
area north of Head Crater were noted and collection of the contingency sample (early in
photographed by the crew. Both mounds are the first EVA period) in the vicinity of the LM.
visible on the high-resolution Lunar Orbiter The second was the collection of the selected
photographs and are located on figure 10-1. sample (late in the first EVA period) after de-
These mounds are probably clumps of regolith ployment of the Apollo lunar surface experi-
material that were slightly indurated by impact ments package (ALSEP) in the vicinity of the
and ejected by the impact from one of the near- mounds and Middle Crescent Crater. Also
by craters, possibly from Head Crater. Bom- during this time, a core tube was driven near
bardment by meteoritic material and by sec- the LM. The third sampling activity was the
10-22. - Southeast view of large mound. Size and frequency of small particles on the
mound seem to decrease toward the bottom of the mound, suggesting that the
particles are moving slowly downslope. ( AS12-46-6795)
10-23. - Northwest view of small mound. The depression in the near side of the mound
may have been caused by a secondary impact. (AS12-46-6823)
collection of the documented sample, which was time in the table. Tentative identification of
collected along the traverse made during the rocks is based on a combination of the astronauts’
second EVL4period. In addition to a variety of descriptions and correlation of rock characteris-
rock and soil samples, the documented sample tics as seen in photographs taken on the lunar
included one single-core tube, one double-core surface and in the Lunar Receiving Laboratory
tube, the special environment sample, the gas (LRL). Samples indicated in the left column of
analysis sample, and the totebag samples. the table as “?(rock)” have not been identified.
By studying the voice transcript and the re- Samples with an LRL sample number followed
turned surface photographs, a search has been by a question mark indicate an uncertainty of
made to determine the location of each specimen the sample number, but the reference to the
collected. To date, 19 samples have been located, actual sample is strongly suggested. Further
and 13 have been tentatively located. In addi- study of the surface photographs may permit
tion, the orientations have been determined for additional identification and orientation of
five samples and have been tentatively deter- samples.
mined for seven samples. Contingency Sample
Table 10-1 is a cross-reference of all samples The contingency sample was taken in full view
taken in the first and second EVA periods; ten- of the sequence camera on and near the south-
tative locations and lunar surface photographs east rim of a 6-m-diameter crater approximately
that show the samples in the sequence in which 15 m northwest of the LM (figs. 10-13 and
they were collected are keyed to ground elapsed 10-24). The sample was collected in six dis-
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10-24. - Position of the six contingency scoop motions. Scoops 1 and 6 included LRL
sample no. 12075 and sample no. 12073, respectively. Larger crater at top of
photograph is approximately 6 m in diameter. Enlargement of photograph taken
before first EVA period from right L M window. (AS12-48-7031)
tinct scoop motions and consisted of 1.9 kg of located 15 m northwest of the LM. Most of the
selected rock fragments (three greater than 5 rocks seem to have fillets banked against them.
cm in longest dimension), fine-grained material, Many small craters that dot the surface near the
and at least one glass bead. Locations of areas line of rocks may have contributed to the fillets;
scooped are identified in sequence-camera photo- it is not certain whether any of the rocks were
graphs taken from the LM windows prior to the the projectiles that caused the craters. The
first EVA period, and all six sample scoop marks tentatively suggested orientations of samples
are documented on surface photographs (NASA 12075 and 12073 are shown in figures 1 0 3 0 and
AS12464719 to AS1246-6723) taken by Astro- 10-31, respectively.
naut Conrad. Scoops 1 and 6 included rock frag-
Selected Sample
ments that were visible on the lunar surface from
the LM windows prior to sampling; these frag- The selected sample was collected in 1%hr
ments are suggested to be samples 12075 and (late in the first EVA period) in the area north-
12073, respectively. west of the LM (fig. 10-1). The sample con-
Samples 12075 and 12073 were identified from sisted of 14.8 kg of selected rock fragments and
the 16-mm sequence-camera film in the series fine-grained material, including glass beads. The
of before-and-after photographs shown in figures sample was collected primarily in the vicinity
10-25 to 10-27. Details of the scoop marks are of Middle Crescent Crater, on and near the two
shown in figures 10-28 and 10-29. Samples mounds located approximately 120 m and 160
12075 and 12073, which appear in Hasselblad m northwest of the LM, and in the vicinity of
photograph AS12-48-7031 (fig. 10-24), were the ALSEP. One core tube, included in the
collected from a group of small rocks alined previously mentioned weight, was driven near
roughly northeast between two small craters the LM.
(a) (b)
0 1
2 3
Sample location
10-11. Areal distribution
of selected sample
~ ~
N o . and t y p e of
LRL sample
FIGURE 10-30. - Sample no. 12075, showing suggested Small mound 2 rocks l2017?
selenographic orientation. Note excellent burial mark on north of ( 1 unidentified)
the southeast side. Well-developed fillet, mentioned by ALSEP site
Astronaut Conrad upon approaching area for scoop 1 Large mound 5 rocks 12008?
of the contingency sample collection, was present on south of 12021
the southeast face. (LRL photograph S-69-61490) ALSEP site 12022
( 2 unidentified)
On or near rim 7 rocks 12004
N of Middle 12006?
t Crescent
( 2 unidentified)
Intercrater area 6 rocks
near ALSEP 1 sample of fines
site and with glass
northwest of
of L M
10-34. - Sample no. 12021. ( a ) Sample before
W- collection. Rock is located near the large mound approx-
imately 120 m northwest of the LM. It is still uncertain
whether the other rock fragment in the photograph was
sampled. (Enlargement of AS12-47-6932) ( b ) LRL
model of sample 12021 showing approximate recon-
struction of lunar lighting.
FIGURE 10-36. - Sample no. 12022 before collection. The
sample was collected on the southeast side of the large
mound that was located approximatelv 120 m north-
west of LM. Note the burial of the rock. ( Enlargement
of AS 12-47-6933 )
0 1
2 3
selenographic orientation and burial. Diagnostic hole 12051
in northern side visible in figure 10-36 (AS12-47-6933). 12054
Note characteristic triangular shape. ( LRL photograph 12056?
S-69-61999) 120821
soil from the returned scoop of Surveyor 3 (not 12065?
2 fines 12042
included in t h e previously mentioned soil 12044
count) were brought back in the totebag. All a Question marks indicate uncertainty of sample number.
other documented samples were returned in a Lunar environment sample container.
sealed metal sample return container. Table Gas analysis sample container.
Core tube serial no. 2010.
10-111 lists the areal distribution of the docu- e Core tube serial no. 2012.
mented samples.
Sample 12031 (field sample 3 0 ) . Sample 12031 nearby have fillets with predominantly similar
has been identified with assurance in Hasselblad orientations, indicating a possible source of
photographs AS12-49-7189, AS12-49-7190, and material to the north or northeast. The orienta-
AS12-48-7048 (fig. 1 0 3 8 ) . The documentation tion of sample 12031 is shown in figure 1039.
of this sample is precise because photographs Figure 1 0 3 8 illustrates the orientation of rock
were taken both before (NASA AS12-48-7048) sample 12031 at the time of sampling. The top
and after (NASA ASl2-48-7050) collection and was one of the two flattest and least-pitted sur-
because the sample was put into a prenumbered faces of the sample (the other surface being
bag ( 3 D ) and identified when it was picked up. the face shown in LRL photograph S-69-61811).
The sample was collected from a small cluster The conclusion is made that the present orienta-
of rocks approximately 2 m southeast of the tion was attained relatively recently, as com-
trench that was dug in the northwest rim of pared to the past exposure history. However,
Head Crater. Nearly half of the sample was the amount of burial (approximately half) and
buried in the fine-grained regolith. There is the the development of minor fillets indicate an ac-
suggestion of a small fillet banked on the north cumulation of fine-grained material around the
and northeast sides of the rock. Other rocks rock since the time of its last tumble.
S- N
-69 ,ycLS\
‘i 5-69
1 .c---,
LRL Sample no. 12031
LRL photograph S -69-61831
0 1 2 3 4 5
FIGURE 10-40. - Sample no. 12051 before collection. (En- FIGURE10-41. - After collection of sample no. 12051.
largement of AS12-49-7318) Note that the shape. of the remaining hole is very
similar to the shape of the top view of rock sample no.
12051, ns shown in figure 10-42. (Am-49-7320)
characterized by a sheared surface on one side
A Rounded, pitted
that was described by the astronauts. Part of B Lightly pitted
both the sheared surface and the opposite, con- C Flat, not pitted
-----Surface boundaries
vex surface of the sample were buried in the ---Lunar surface contact
regolith. The suggested orientation of sample line
12051 is shown in figure 10-42.
The surface of sample 12051 exhibits three
faces with distinctly different shapes and
weathering characteristics, indicating different
exposure ages. Surface A (fig. 10-42) is rounded
and covered by abundant, small glass-lined pits;
surface B is apparently a fracture surface that
displays only a few small pits; surface C is flat
and appears to be a freshly broken surface with-
out pits. At the time of sampling, approximately
half of this rock was buried, standing on its
small end, in the regolith.
Surface B on rock sample 12051 appears to be
an older fracture face that probably resulted
from blow by impact at an earlier time. The LRL photograph
S-69-61514 LRL photograph
minor pitting and weathering of surface B in- sample no. 12051
dicates postfracture exposure at the lunar sur- 0 1 , 3 4 5
face prior to the event that formed surface C and u
buried surface B. FIGURE10-42. - Sample no. 12051, orthogonal views and
The rounded, heavily pitted surface A indi- orientation diagram. LRL photograph numbers are
cates a long exposure of rock sample 12051 at the shown in the schematic diagram.
lunar surface. The two broken surfaces, B and 7059 taken by Astronaut Bean. Apparently, the
C, of different ages attest to multiple bombard- rock was moved from its original site and set
ment and tumbling of the rock at or near the down again on the surface before the photo-
surface of the regolith. graphs were taken. Therefore, although the
The occurrence of this rock, along with other sample can be oriented with precision with re-
rounded and angular rocks, in the rim of the spect to its position in the photographs, this
rocky fresh crater indicates high probability that orientation probably does not represent the
the sample represents ejecta from the small orientation of the rock before it was disturbed.
crater-with the ejecta being caused by either It appears that the lower angular part of the rock
a fragmented impacting body or displaced reg- was partially buried in the regolith, but the rock
olith or subregolith a t the impact site. In is resting on the surface in the photographs. A
either case, the unpitted shear face probably drag mark nearby indicates the place from
resulted from the impact that formed the small which the rock has been removed. At least two
crater. The attitude of the sample when found pieces on one side of the sample were broken
suggests that the rock fell into place with enough off after the rock had been photographed on the
surrounding fine material to hold it in an other- lunar surface and before it was photographed
wise unstable position. Determining the ex- in the LRL. Figures 1 0 4 3 and 10-44 show
posure age of the portion of the flat side that was sample 12052 as it was photographed on the
above the lunar surface might date the small lunar surface and in the LRL, respectively, with
crater. nearly identical orientations and shadow charac-
Sample 12052 (loose specimen in documented teristics.
sample box). Sample 12052 is a large rock, Sample 12053 (loose specimen in documented
rounded on one side, that was collected from the sample box). This specimen is an angular frag-
west rim of Head Crater. The rock is well shown ment that was collected from the northwest rim
in Hasselblad photographs AS1249-7217 (fig. of Bench Crater. It appears to be part of a field
1 0 4 3 ) and AS12-49-7218 taken by Astronaut of coarse fragments on the crater rim which
Conrad and Hasselblad photograph AS12-48- probably have been ejected from the crater. The
specimen is readily identified in Hasselblad
photographs AS12-49-7234 and AS1249-7235
taken by Astronaut Conrad, and AS12-48-7063,
taken by Astronaut Bean. The rock appears to
have been rotated out of its original position,
however, before the first photographs were taken
so that the original orientation is uncertain.
Sample 12054 (loose spccimen in documented
sample box). The unusual glass-coated rock
sample 12054 was collected a short distance
south of the fresh 4-m-diameter crater with
which sample 12051 is associated, and the astro-
nauts believed that sample 12054 may have been
ejected from this small fresh blocky crater. The
sample is well shown in Hasselblad photographs
AS1249-7313 to AS12-49-7315 (fig. 1 0 4 5 )
taken by Astronaut Bean. In these photographs,
the sample can be seen to be resting essentially
on the surface. Three sides of this rock are
coated with glass, and two sides are free of glass.
When photographed, sample 12054 was resting
FIGURE 10-43. - Sample no. 12052 before collection. (En- on one glass-free side, and the other glass-free
largement of AS12-49-7217) side was oriented toward the southeast. The
glass may have been sprayed onto t h e rock
as it was ejected from an impact crater, and, by
coincidence, the rock landed on a side not coated
with glass. Figure 10-46 shows a reconstruction
in the LRL of the orientation and lighting as
seen in the lunar surface photograph of the
~ ~~
100 50 0 100
-7071 Photography station and photograph ALSEP Apollo lunar surface experiments package
number S I DE Suprathermal ion detector experiment
.6131l?) Photograph location SWC Solar-wind composition experiment
uncertain TV Television camera
02 Panorama number
10-50. - Map showing location of photographs taken on first and second EVA periods.
Compare with figure 10-1.
TABLE10-IV. Albedo of materials meastired from the Apollo 12 photographs was for the
from Surveyor 3 and Apollo 12 photographs compressed material.
Compressed fine-grained material was ob-
.4lbedo, percent
served in the imprint of Surveyor 3 footpad 2,
Material Apollo 12. Surveyor 3,
N o v . 1969 Apr. 1967 and the disturbed material adjacent to the com-
Undisturbed fine-grained lunar pressed material was ejected by the footpad
material 9 8.5 impact. The estimated normal albedo of the un-
Surveyor-disturbed material 7.4 7.6 disturbed material near the footpad imprint is
Astronaut-disturbed material 7 - 9 percent, and the albedo of the disturbed ma-
Rock 12to16 - terial is 7.4 percent (or approximately 15 per-
photometric properties of undisturbed, disturbed, cent darker), which is in close agreement with
and compressed lunar fine-grained material, as comparable measurements of 8.5 and 7.6 per-
measured from the Apollo 12 photographs, are cent, respectively, made through the use of the
compared to those measured by the Surveyor 3 Surveyor 3 television camera photographs (ref.
camera. The only significant difference between 10-1 ). As measured from Apollo 12 photographs,
the Surveyor measurements and those obtained at phase angles of 8 8 O to 92', the compressed
material in the footpad imprint area reflects ap- metric properties of these materials during the
proximately 25 percent less light than nearby 30 months that Surveyor 3 was on the lunar sur-
undisturbed material. At phase angles of 40 ° to face before Apollo 12 landed. The optical
60 °, the Surveyor 3 television camera photo- properties indicate that the lunar surface in this
graphs recorded 30 percent more light reflected area has not received a new covering of dust or
from the footpad imprint area than from adjacent been mechanically altered by the lunar environ-
undisturbed surfaces. ment during the 30 months. The significant
Compressed fine-grained material was ob- change in the reflectance of the Surveyor 3 foot-
served in the imprint of the Surveyor 3 footpad pad imprint over the 30-month span may have
2, and the disturbed material adjacent to the been caused by microscopic mechanical altera-
compressed material was ejected by the footpad tion of the compressed surface.
impact. The estimated normal albedo of the Astronaut observations and comparisons of the
undisturbed material near the footpad imprint Apollo 12 photographs of the Surveyor 3 space-
is 9 percent, and the albedo of the disturbed craft to known preflight appearance and to
material is 7.4 percent (or approximately 15 per- Surveyor 3 television camera photographs of
cent darker), which is in close agreement with spacecraft components did not reveal any major
comparable measurements of 8.5 and 7.6 per- changes in the expected appearance of the space-
cent, respectively, made through the use of the craft components, except for color. The hop-
Surveyor 3 television camera photographs (ref. and-skip landing of Surveyor 3 was known to
10--1). As measured from Apollo 12 photographs, have caused some dusting of the spacecraft.
at phase angles of 88 ° to 92 °, the compressed The television camera mirror was known to be
material in the footpad imprint area reflects ap- more highly dusted near its top than its bottom,
proximately 25 percent less light than nearby and the more specular-reflecting spacecraft
undisturbed material. At phase angles of 40 ° to components had significant reflectance. The
60 °, the Surveyor 3 television camera photo- Apollo 12 photographs show similar relation-
graphs recorded 30 percent more light reflected ships; the specular areas are still quite specular,
from the footpad imprint area than from adjacent and the white-painted areas still have relatively
undisturbed surfaces. high reflectance. Even mirrors on top of the
The astronauts walked over the area near electronic compartments show rather high
Surveyor 3 footpad 2 and produced footprints specular reflectance in NASA photograph AS12-
of freshly compressed and disturbed material. 48-7117. The closeup photograph of the tele-
Luminance measurements from NASA photo- vision camera mirror reveals an image on the
graphs AS12--48-7112 and AS12--48-7113 indicate mirror of the camera housing and the filter
that the material kicked outward from the astro- wheel assembly. An overall qualitative assess-
naut footprint has an estimated albedo of 7 per- ment of the Apollo 12 photographs of the
cent, approximately 20 percent darker than the Surveyor 3 spacecraft suggests that only minor
adjacent undisturbed lunar surface. The astro- changes have occurred in the appearance of the
naut boot imprint of compressed material ap- spacecraft components during its 30 months on
pears to have approximately 40 percent greater the lunar surface. The fine material adhering to
reflectance at an 80 ° phase angle than does the the spacecraft is probably lunar dust blown up
undisturbed material. This measurement for the during the Surveyor 3 landing.
astronauts' bootprints is similar to the Surveyor Near Head, Bench, Sharp, and Block Craters,
3 measurements of the albedo of its own footpad lighter colored material was exposed in areas
imprint. scuffed by the astronauts' boots and in a shallow
The similar albedo measurements for undis- trench. The lighter eolored material shown in
turbed and disturbed fine-grained lunar materi- NASA photograph AS12-48-7052 has an esti-
als near Surveyor 3 obtained from the Surveyor mated normal albedo of 11 to 13 percent, and
3 television camera photographs and from the the undisturbed surface has an albedo of 8.8
Apollo" 12 photographs indicate that little, if any, percent. Other areas, when disturbed, show
measurable change has occurred in the photo- darkening of 10 to 15 percent of the normal al-
the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. The scanner had of the polarization. At this phase angle, the de-
a 50-tan spot size, and each photograph was gree of polarization of the fine-grained material
digitized to 64 gray levels. The gray scale was varied from 9 to 15 percent, whereas the light
read with the same spot size, and an averaged reflected from rock surfaces varied from 2 to 24
matrix of values was used to plot the light-trans- percent in polarization. The plane of partial po-
fer characteristics. By using this characteristic, larization is approximately perpendicular to the
the digital photographs were then converted to phase plane. These preliminary polarization
a luminance domain. Cross-correlation pro- measurements show that the observed rocks
grams were then applied to register the frames. differ from one another in their polarizing prop-
The phase angle was approximately 90 ° for erties and that some of the rocks differ markedly
the areas processed for preliminary calculations from the fine-grained material.
This report presents, from a soil mechanics that, in the final stages of the descent, no surface
point of view, the results of a preliminary exam- features were visible. The astronauts reported a
ination of the returned data, photographs, and loss of visibility at this time. This occurrence
soil samples of the Apollo 12 mission. The vari- poses a potential hazard to future lunar landings,
ous features of the descent, landing, and the and it is highly desirable to evaluate the causes
extravehicular activity (EVA) periods of the of this loss of visibility. The Apollo 11 and 12
astronauts are compared with those observed at spacecraft followed different descent profiles to
the Apollo 11 landing site. Some comments are land in different regions of the Moon, and in
also appended regarding the appearance of and addition, the thrust of the Apollo 12 LM was
conditions around the Surveyor 3 spacecraft vis- higher than that of the Apollo 11 LM by approxi-
ited by the Apollo 12 astronauts. The report on mately 5 percent. The amount of erosion at the
soil properties at the Apollo 11 landing site (ref. two sites may be different because the descent
10-7) gives a brief summary of prior observa- profiles, the surface soil, the thrusts, or any com-
tions of the lunar surface and may be referred to bination of these factors was different for the
for detailed comparison with the results of this two missions. To explain this possible erosion
study. The events of the Apollo 12 landing are difference, a detailed analysis of all features
described in chronological sequence. related to erosion of the lunar surface by the
descent engine is required. To date, only a few
Descent and Touchdown preliminary considerations have been examined.
The following paragraphs describe some of the
Visibility Problems From Surface Erosion observations that will establish a framework in
The descent film made during the Apollo 12 which more detailed studies of the relationship
lunar module (LM) approach shows a consider- between descent profile and soil characteristics
able amount of movement of the lunar surface may be made.
material. The movement reached such a level Descent
measured from the surface to a level plane rate of the Apollo 12 camera was 3.7 m/sec. Be-
through the footpads) of approximately 1.5 to cause close agreement was found between the
2.4 m; then, the LM paused at this elevation for heights determined by the two methods at higher
13 sec before descending to the surface in 3 sec. altitudes, the framing-rate/descent-profile tech-
By comparison, the Apollo 12 LM made the last nique was employed with some confidence for
portion of the descent at a rate of approximately the later stages of descent, when the surface was
0.5 m/sec, with no pauses. On Apollo 11, the partially or totally obscured. The results of the
descent propulsion system (DPS) engine was not evaluation are presented in table 10-V. Loss of
turned off until approximately 1 sec after footpad visibility was never as complete on the Apollo 11
contact. On Apollo 12, the engine was shut down, descent as it was on the Apollo 12 descent. From
according to Astronaut Conrad, as soon as the table 10-V, it can be seen that the altitudes
contact probes touched the lunar surface. The at which various events occurred on Apollo 12
probe contact occurs at a footpad height of ap- descent are considerably greater than those at
proximately 1.5 m above the surface. The last which similar events occurred in the Apollo 11
few feet of descent of the Apollo 12 LM, there- mission, as deduced from the descent films.
fore, took place as a hindered free fall as the Erosion of the surface by the engine exhaust
thrust of the DPS engine decayed after shutdown. depends on a number of mechanical properties
Although final information on the spatial pro- such as cohesion, grain size and bulk density of
file of the Apollo 12 descent is not yet available, tile soil, and the angle of friction of the granular
the data at hand indicate a considerable differ- material. (Erosion is more sensitive to cohesion
ence between the Apollo 12 and 11 descents. The and grain size and less sensitive to friction angle
lateral velocity of the Apollo 11 LM was rela- and bulk density.) If two soils both exhibit the
tively high, approximately 0.9 m/sec, for most of same response (penetration depth) to an astro-
the final 20 or 30 sec of flight, while the Apollo 12 naut's boot, and if one soil has less cohesion and
spacecraft approached at a lateral rate of approx- a higher friction angle than the other, the soil
imately 0.5 m/sec and slowed down to slightly with less cohesion will be much more sensitive
more than 0.3 m/see as it approached the landing to erosion by a rocket engine. The following
site. Thus, the Apollo 12 spacecraft traversed a paragraphs of this section show that the gross
much shorter lateral distance over the surface mechanical properties of the lunar surface mate-
during the final 20 or 30 sec of descent than did rial at the two landing sites are not greatly
the Apollo 11 LM. It can be inferred that the different, in terms of the depths of astronaut
lunar surface landing area for Apollo 12 was bootprints, penetration of the spacecraft into the
exposed for a longer time to the blast of the surface, and operation of various tools. The data
descent engine than was the corresponding area available on the variation of lunar surface mate-
of the Apollo 11 landing. rial properties are not sufficient at present to
To determine the difference between the ob- allow a decisive conclusion as to the relationship
served behavior of the hmar surface during the of mechanical properties of the lunar material to
two descents, a detailed examination of individ- rocket erosion.
ual frames of the Apollo 11 and 12 descent films As seen in a later portion of this section, labo-
was made. In this study, the spacecraft heights ratory examination of the soil returned from the
at earlier stages in the descent were determined hmar surface by the two missions indicates that
first by internal evidence in each frame (camera the soil in the Apollo 12 core tubes possesses a
geometry, spacecraft dimensions, and known substantially larger proportion of particles in the
crater dimensions) and then compared with fine size range. The sieving technique, however,
heights deduced from the framing rates of the was changed for the Apollo 12 analysis, and this
cameras and from tile known descent profiles. new technique should result in a greater break-
Partly as a consequence of this analysis, it was down of soil clumps and aggregates. Therefore,
found that the framing rate of the Apollo 11 it is not clear, at present, if there is any fimda-
descent film was 1.8 m/sec, rather than 3.7 m/sec, mental differences between the material. The
as previously reported. As planned, the framing distribution and proportion of particles larger
SITE 163
10--V. Comparison of Altitudes and Times at Which Similar Events
Occurred During Apollo 11 and 12 Descents
than 0.1 mm in diameter from the different meters at most. The spacecraft came to rest ori-
Apollo 12 core tubes were similar. The Apollo 12 ented with the ÷ Z axis approximately 20 ° clock-
soil appears to become coarser with depth, but it wise from due west and tilted approximately 4°
is not known if this affects the erosion problem. toward the --Y axis (or to the south). As shown
At present, therefore, the primary differences in figure 10-52, all the footpads except the -Y
between the two landing sequences are the de- footpad penetrated the surface only a small dis-
scent profiles and the effects on the rocket gas/ tance, on the order of 1 or 2 cm. The --Y footpad
surface interaction caused by the different descent penetrated deeper (approximately 10 cm) and
profiles. The rocket gas/surface interaction prob- disturbed the surface material to a greater extent
lem will be examined elsewhere in detail to than did the other footpads. The appearance of
determine the extent of the contributions of two the surface around the --Y footpad can be seen
processes, which, at present, are analyzed sepa- in figure 10-53. Typical penetration of the other
rately: (1) particle entrainment by the gas flow- footpads is shown in the photograph of the +Y
ing over the surface of the soil and (2) pressure footpad (fig. 10-54). The depression adjacent to
changes in the soil caused by the flow of gas the footpad and appearing below the bent con-
into and through the voids in the soil. The first tact probe in figure 10-54 was apparently not
of these processes, entrainment, is analyzed caused by the impact and bounce of the +Y
essentially as a time-independent phenomenon; footpad, but is a natural surface crater. This fact
whereas the second process is analyzed as a is indicated by the track of the contact probe
transient effect. If only the first process is oper- seen in the foreground of figure 10-54. It is
ating on the surface, the rate of erosion depends evident in other photographs, which are not
almost entirely on the height of the engine nozzle included in this report, that this groove extends
above the surface. If both processes are at work, 1 or 2 m to the left of the area shown in the
which is most probably the case, the erosion rate photograph, indicating the motion of the space-
depends upon the height of the engine nozzle craft in the last 1 to 2 sec of descent. The posi-
above the surface and the time during which the tion of the groove is consistent with the location
engine nozzle remained at this point above the of the contact probe on the footpad, and no
surface. With gas flow through the soil, the ero- other groove appears in a similar position with
sion rate will increase with time for any given respect to the small crater mentioned previously.
nozzle height. It was observed on the Apollo 11 landing that
the usual effect of the descent-engine exhaust gas
is to accentuate the surface disturbance caused
Following engine shutdown, when the footpads by a probe rather than to cover up the disturb-
were approximately 1.5 m above the lunar sur- ance; therefore, it is unlikely that a track was
face, the spacecraft fell (as the engine thrust formed and subsequently obscured. The broken
decayed) until the footpads made contact. The probes indicate that the spacecraft was traveling
impact was relatively gentle, with stroking of the in a direction slightly north of west in the final
main shock absorbers limited to a few centi- stages of descent.
FIGURE10-53. - Penetration of -Y
footpad. (AS12-47-6901)
In general, the surface material at the Apollo 12 made during the second EVA period. These three
site can be described as a medium-gray, slightly areas were:
cohesive, granular soil that is composed largely ( 1 ) In the vicinity of the L M and out to Head
of bulky grains in the silt to fine-sand size range, Crater. In this region, the soil was of moderate
with scattered glassy rocks and coarse rock frag- compactness and provided good support for the
ments. Large rock fragments ranging in size from astronauts and the experiment packages.
several centimeters to several meters across and ( 2 ) In the vicinity of Sharp Crater. The soil
varying in shape from angular to subrounded are was softest near this crater. This soil could be
sparsely strewn throughout this matrix material. trenched easily, as shown in figure 10-56, and
Coarse blocks occur abundantly on and around footprints in this area were the deepest.
a few craters. Most of the rocks are partially ( 3 ) In the region around IZnlo and Surveyor
buried with fillets of fine-grained material built Craters. According to the astronauts, the soil was
up around them. The soil is generally similar in firmest in the area around Halo and Surveyor
appearance and behavior to that encountered at Craters. In this area, the soil had the appearance
the Apollo 11 site and at the Surveyor equatorial of a dusty surface that had been lightly rained
landing sites, There is, however, some variability upon, as may be seen in figure 10-57. The mate-
in soil conditions at different points along the rial in this area was described as being more
geologic traverse shown in figure 10-1, as well cohesive and coarser than in other areas. The
as some features and aspects of behavior that are bootprint in the lower portion of the photograph
unlike those found at the Apollo 11 site. indicates that this material compacts under load
The astronauts concluded that in terms of soil in the same manner as the other types of surface
texture and behavior, there were three different material encountered.
and distinct areas along the geologic traverse Figure 10-58 is a view of the area west-north-
FIGURE 10-56. - Trench approximately 8 in. deep in the Texture a n d General Appearance of Undisturbed
soft material on the east rim of Sharp Crater. (AS12- Lunar Surface
The lunar surface texture is characterized
locally by linear grooves approximately 0.3 cm
deep, such as those northwest of the LM (fig.
10-13) near the Middle Crescent Crater, the
outer slopes of Sharp Crater, near Halo Crater,
and at and near the Surveyor 3 spacecraft. These
lineations are described in part A of this section.
Figure 10-60 shows the texture and appear-
ance of the disturbed lunar surface material at
the ALSEP deployment site, looking cross-Sun.
The material at that site appeared to be loose
and fluffy and, according to Astronaut Bean, was
difficult to compact by merely stepping and tamp-
ing on it. The fine-grained surface material had
a powdery appearance and was easily kicked
free as the astronauts moved On the surface. Dur-
ing the Apollo 11 EVA, Astronauts Armstrong
and Aldrin noted the ease with which fine-grained
material was set in motion while they were walk-
ing on the lunar surface. They also noted that
FIGURE10-57. -Lunar surface in the vicinity of Halo the particles moved along ballistic trajectories
Crater showing “lightly rained on” texture of undis-
turbed material and material compacted by an astro-
according to a pattern that depended on the angle
naut’s footstep. ( AS12-49-7284) of impact of the boot with the lunar surface.
west of the LM taken after the EVA periods; the
figure shows the deployed ALSEP in the back- The tendency of the loose, powdery surface
ground and the darkened trails left by the astro- material to move easily in the lunar vacuum and
nauts where they passed along the surface. This l/6g environment imposed operational problems
characteristic difference between the undisturbed that were augmented by the fact that the same
FIGURE10-58. -View of the area west-northwest of the LM after the EVA periods, showing
deployed ALSEP in the background and darkened trails left by the astronauts.
material also exhibited adhesive characteristics Fine-grained material adhered to the astro-
that resulted in a tendency for the material to nauts’ boots and spacesuits, the television cable,
stick to any object with which it came into con- the lunar equipment conveyor, ALSEP compo-
tact. As a consequence, equipment and space- nents, astronaut tools, sample return containers,
suits became coated, and housekeeping problems the color chart, and the cameras and camera
arose from the dust brought aboard the LM at magazines. Figure 10-61 shows fine-grained ma-
the conclusion of EVA periods. terial accumulated on the radio thermoelectric
t I
10-61. Astronaut unloading RTG fuel capsde
from LM. Note the general texture of surficial fine-
grained material disturbed by astronaut activities and
the fine-grained material accumulated on the RTG
FIGURE10-59. - Small trench near northwest rim of Head pallet and adhering to the tapes lying on the surface
Crater. Note zone of light-colored material just beneath and to the astronaut’s boots, suit, and gloves. (AS12-
the surface. Firmness of the ground in this area is indi- 46-6789)
cated by the shallow bootprints. (AS12-48-7052)
The soil possesses a small, but finite, amount
of cohesion. The fine-grained material tends to
form clods in both its natural and disturbed state.
For example:
(1) Figure 10-53 shows clumps of fine-grained
material “bulldozed” away from the +Y pad as
a result of the interaction between the LM and
the lunar surface during landing.
( 2 ) Figures 10-62 and 10-63 show weakly
cemented clumps and blocks of fine-grained ma-
terial from two distinct mounds on the lunar sur-
face (figs. 10-22 and 10-23). According to Astro-
naut Conrad, the mounds appeared to contain
very compacted, fine clumps similar to dried
cement or sandstone. These clumps disintegrated
when squashed in the palm.
Initially loose, fluffy material readily compacts
under load and retains the detail of a deformed
shape, as may be seen in figures 1 0 3 0 and 1031
FIGURE 10-63. - Closeup view of small mound. Weakly
obtained from the contingency sample collection cemented block of fine-grained material in foreground
area. Under the existing illumination, compacted is approximately 0.5 m across. (AS12-46-6824)
surfaces gave a glossy appearance. The rubber-
like texture of deformed and compacted surface
material can also be seen in the bootprints shown
in the foreground of figure 10-64. The grainy structure of the compacted fine-grained material
is clearly shown, however, in high-resolution
stereoscopic photographs of bootprints (fig. 113)
obtained by use of the ALSCC.
The material could stand unsupported at a
height of at least a few centimeters on vertical
slopes developed either by trenching, as shown
by the grooves dug with the contingency samples
(figs. 1 0 3 0 and 1 0 3 1 ) , by the holes made by
the core tubes that remained intact upon the re-
moval of the tubes, or by lateral scuffing and
compression, as can be seen from the ridges
shown in figure 10-64.
Frictional Characteristics
As at the Apollo 11 site, the lunar soil encoun-
tered during this mission derives a major portion
of its strength from interparticle friction. This is
evidenced by the fact that material resistance to
deformation increases considerably with confine-
ment. The relevant material properties can be
assessed from the following observations:
FIGURE10-62.- Weakly cemented fine-grained material
(1) The penetrations of the footpads were
and rock fragments on top of large mound. (AS12-46- small, 5 to 7.5 cm, except for the -Y footpad,
6832) which penetrated 10 to 12 cm. These penetra-
10-64.- Fillet material around partially exposed rock. Note the ridges developed by
scuffing and lateral compression of the fine-grained material and the deeper
bootprints at the toe as a result of uneven distribution of astronaut weight on
boot. (AS12-49-7181)
tion values correspond to static bearing pressures appears that, although during the second EVA
of 55.2 X lo3 dyn/cm2 to 75.8 X 103 dyn/cm2. period the astronauts noted three distinct areas
( 2 ) The depth of penetration was small, ap- in terms of soil consistency, compaction, and
proximately 1 cm of the astronauts’ boots on a firmness, the mechanical behavior of the soil is,
level surface (figs. 10-61 and 10-64). Softer spots in general, consistent with the behavior that
were found, however, on the rims and slopes of would be expected for a soil having properties
relatively fresh, small craters (fig. 10-65). characteristic of the soils studied at the Apollo
11 site (ref. 10-7) and the Surveyor equatorial
Strength and Deformation Characteristics landing sites (ref. 10-8). Such a material has a
As in the Apollo 11 mission, no special soil density on the order of 1.5 g/cc, an angle of
mechanics testing or sampling devices were in- internal friction of 3 5 O to 3 9 O , and a cohesion of
cluded in the Apollo 12 EVA hardware, and no 3.5X103to 7X103 dynjcm2.The unit bearing ca-
other force- or deformation-measuring devices pacity is certainly considerably in excess of the
were used during the surface activities. Accord- pressure of 7X104 to 14X104 dyn/cm2 exerted
ingly, the strength and deformation characteris- by the astronauts and the LM footpads. Although,
tics of the lunar soil could be determined only by in the general area visited during the first EVA
indirect means, such as from observations made period, many of the footprints appear to have
on the appearance of the material and its inter- resulted from soil compression, in several in-
action with objects of known weight and geom- stances footprints 5 to 8 cm deep are accom-
etry that came in contact with the lunar surface. panied by bulging of the surrounding surface. An
From analyses based on such indirect means, it example of this type of soil deformation can be
seen in the footprints shown in the foreground which does not force the soil sample to deform
of figure 10-66 and near the rim of the crater and compress as it fills the tube.
shown in figure 10-65. Lateral soil bulging that A trench, approximately 20 cm deep, was dug
accompanies imprinting or trenching action can near the rim of Sharp Crater by using the scoop.
also be seen in the photographs showing the No difficulty was encountered in digging, and
interaction of the LM footpads with the lunar the trench depth was limited only by the length
surface (fig. 10-54) and in the trenches dug by of the extension handle. The trench remained
the contingency sampler (figs. 1 0 3 0 and 1031). open and stable, although the top edges could
Such behavior reflects deformation dominated by be crumbled easily. Analysis shows that if the
shear effects, rather than by compression, and is soil possesses a density, friction angle, and cohe-
consistent with the behavior observed in some sion of the magnitudes postulated, then vertical
of the bearing tests conducted by the surface walb several times the height of the trench walls
sampler during the Surveyor 3 and 7 missions. should remain stable. A core tube was driven
without difficulty to its full length (35 cm) be-
Subsurface Conditions
neath the bottom of the trench. It was reported
The granular surface material extends at least that this tube could almost have been pushed
to the maximum depth probed by the astronauts. in without a hammer.
The astronauts reported little change in texture A double-core tube was driven near Halo
or consistency with depth, although observations Crater to a depth of approximately 70cm. Fig-
in the LRL suggest that some differences in grain ure.10-67 is a view taken at the completion of
size and color with depth did exist at the core-
tube sites. (See part A.) No difficulty was en-
countered by Astronaut Conrad in scooping “a
whole bagful of dirt” as a contingency sample
from a small crater in front of the LM (figs.
1030 and 1 0 3 1 ) , nor were there any problems
reported in collecting selected soil samples in the
area located between the ALSEP deployment
site, the east rim of the Middle Crescent Crater,
and the LM.
Both the flagstaff and the SWC experiment
staff were pushed to depths comparable to the
penetrations of the same staffs at the Apollo 11
site. From the distance above the surface of the
knurled markings on the flagstaff (ref. 10-7, fig.
a), the penetration of the flagstaff is estimated
to be approximately 17 cm. From the distance
above the surface of the knurled markings on the
SWC experiment staff, the SWC experiment staff
was estimated to penetrate to a depth of approxi-
mately 15 cm. The final deployment position was
approximately 65 m from the LM. Less difficulty
was encountered in core-tube driving in the im-
mediate vicinity of the LM than at the Apollo 11
site. Inasmuch as the bits of the core tubes used
in the Apollo 12 mission had straight inside walls,
whereas those used in the Apollo 11mission were
FIGURE10-67. - Double-core tube at the completion of
flared inward 1 5 O , the ease with which the tubes driving. No disturbance of the surrounding surface is
were driven at the Apollo 12 site may, to a great evident as a result of driving the core tube. (AS12-49-
extent, result from the design of the core bit, 7288 )
10-68. - Surveyor 3 with the LM in the background. Footpad 1 is to the left, footpad 2 is
in the foreground, and the surface sampler extends to the right. (AS12-48-7100)
driving. It may be seen that there is essentially has undergone little change in the past 2% yr.
no disturbance of the lunar surface adjacent to For example, figure 10-69 shows the waffle-
the core tube. No hard material was encoun- textured print of footpad 2 even more clearly
tered during the driving of any of the core tubes, than the original Surveyor photographs. The de-
and the core tubes were easily withdrawn from tail shown in figure 10-69 indicates clearly that
the ground in each case. The astronauts re- little change other than darkening of the imprint
ported that the core tubes were augered between could have taken place during the past 2%yr and
blows, although both astronauts also indicated that any depositional or erosional processes must
augering was probably not necessary. The influ- be slow relative to this time span.
ence of augering on the recovered samples is Surveyor 3 footpads 1 and 3 are shown in fig-
not known. Core-tube holes remained open after ures 10-70 and 10-71, respectively. It should be
withdrawal of the tubes. noted that footpad 1 was not visible and footpad
3 was only partially visible to the Surveyor 3
Soil Conditions at the Surveyor 3 Site television camera. Footpad 1 left a waffle im-
Surveyor 3 with the LM in the background is print similar to that of footpad 2. Material de-
shown in figure 10-68. Examination of the photo- posited on the top of footpad 3 appears to be
graphs taken at this site suggests that the surface of two different types: light and dark colored.
Astronaut Mobility .
soil, and I did . . I did not see how far I was
sinking in the soil. I only noticed that the bot-
The soil conditions at the Apollo 12 landing toms of [this type] of craters were softer than the
site did not pose any problems on astronaut edges.
mobility. As at the Apollo 11 site, the lunar sur- Walking on crater slopes on which the soil
face at the Apollo 12 site provided adequate was firm and compact, such as the one at the
bearing strength for standing, walking, loping, Surveyor landing site, also proved to be no prob-
and jumping; and sufficient traction for starting, lem. Astronaut Bean remarked that he would not
turning, and stopping. Neither astronaut experi- hesitate to attempt a steeper slope. However,
enced any slippery surfaces such as those re- coming up the slope involved more work because
ported by the Apollo 11 crew. Walking on the of the restriction imposed by the sloping ground
surface tended to compact the loose virgin ma- on the astronauts’ movements. The astronauts
terial. Accordingly, astronaut mobility was en- decided not to go to the bottom of Bench Crater
hanced in previously walked-on regions. because of the steepness of the walls, and there is
Walking through craters only a few feet in evidence that the surface material on some crater
diameter that had relatively soft slopes with walls may be of marginal stability. Figure 10-75
angles ranging up to 15O did not appear to be a is a view looking west into Sharp Crater indicat-
problem. Such a crater is shown in figure 10-74. ing material that appears to have slid downslope.
This crater is approximately 8 m in diameter and Traversing such zones could be hazardous. Dis-
1 to 2 m deep and is located between the magne- tinct evidence of sliding was observed by the
tometer and the other deployed ALSEP com- astronauts in other craters as well.
ponents. Bootprints left by Astronaut Bean as
he walked through this crater can be seen below Conclusions
the ALSEP central station shown by the standing The following conclusions may be made from
astronaut and to the left of the magnetometer the evaluation of available data.
(fig. 10-74). Astronaut Bean remarked: ( 1 ) In spite of local variations in soil texture,
As I walked through it, it was quite a bit softer color, grain size, compactness, and consistenby,
in the bottom. I was prepared to find this softer the soil at the Apollo 12 site is similar in appear-
10-75. -Westward view into
Sharp Crater, showing evidence of
instability of unconsolidated surface
material. (AS12-49-7274)
ance and behavior to the soils encountered at comes in contact with it, including stainless steel
the Apollo 11 and the Surveyor equatorial land- tools, Teflon bags, and rubber gloves.
ing sites. The first core-tube sample to be opened and
( 2 ) Although the deformation behavior of the examined in the LRL nitrogen cabinets was the
surface material appears, in general, to involve core sample taken during the first EVA period
both compression and shear effects, the conclu- in the vicinity of the LM. (See fig. 10-1.) This
sion drawn from the Surveyor 3 mission results- core-tube sample (serial no. 2013) was sim-
that the soil at the Surveyor 3 landing site is ilar in appearance to the two core-tube samples
essentially incompressible-is consistent with the taken during Apollo 11 (serial nos. 2007 and
consistency, compactness, and average grain 2008); it was a uniform medium-gray to me-
size of the soil at the Surveyor 3 site, as assessed dium-dark-gray color, and no individual par-
during the Apollo 12 EVA. ticles were visible. Fine-reflecting surfaces were
( 3 ) The adhering dust appears to have been present over approximately 10 percent of the
the most aggravating operational problem during sample area; these reflecting surfaces gave the
the Apollo 12 EVA. sample a slight sparkly appearance. The sample
( 4 ) Compaction of loose, very fine-grained retained its cylindrical shape while resting in a
surface material for the purpose of supporting horizontal trough, thereby indicating that the soil
scientific instruments with low settlement toler- retained some cohesion (fig. 10-76). Probing the
ances as well as other foundation purposes may sample with a spatula revealed that the fine
present problems in the future. particles tended to form clumps up to 0.5 cm
( 5 ) There appears to be no problem associ- in size; a vertical face 1 cm high could be cut
ated with shallow excavation or small embank- across the diameter of the sample. There were
ment construction on lunar surface sites with transverse cracks across the sample, which might
material formations similar to those studied to indicate different zones within the lunar soil
date. sample depth. (Three sections were found to
( 6 ) There appears to be no direct correlation have slightly different grain size distributions. ) .
between crater slope angle and consistency of On the other hand, the cracks may be the result
soil cover. The consistency of the soil cover of the rotation of the core tube while the astro-
depends mainly upon the geologic history of naut was in the process of taking the sample on
lunar terrain features and local environmental the lunar surface.
conditions. Some Apollo 12 samples were different from
any obtained during the Apollo 11 EVA. Docu-
Preliminary Examination of Samples
(I 7
samples from the two landing sites. Nonetheless, &.
100 --_
90 --
Sand-._L--_ Silt
70- B
Top C
t-II lz
A_,,o \ "_
.. III_ coresample _ _-x
t./cm/I I_ Iserial no 2013) _V\
I IC _xx "_
5.8 cm II _ ",0, xx
20 _11 \ -,. ,,..
Bottom _ ",,\
, b .....
O ----.--------_
1 .1 .01
I 1 I I I I I I I
10 18 35 60 120 230 400 20/_m 10/_m
Sieve number
Fmtrm_ 10-77. - Sieve analysis of Apollo 12 core-tube sample ( serial no. 2013 ). The dashed part
of the curves is for material that is finer than 0.063 mm (no. 230 sieve ).
(Top) however, the drawing of the Apollo 11 core bit
in figure 10-80(a) indicates that the diameter
may be taken to be 1.95 or 1.97 cm. The same is
IL T Apollo12 true for the Apollo 12 core bit shown in figure
10-80(b). Thus, the bulk densities shown in
table 10-VI have been calculated for diameters
of 1.95 and 2.00 cm to indicate the range of un-
-_IO certainty.
The in situ bulk density o{ the lunar soil has
been of great interest for some time (refs. 10-10
i core,
sla: ; 3, and 10-11). The Apollo 11 core samples could
not provide an answer, because of the shape of
the bit. It can be seen in figure 10--80(a) that
the Apollo 11 core-tube bit tapers inward from
tBottom) 20 I t a diameter of 2.92 to 1.95 cm; these diameters
•05 • 10 .15 correspond to areas of 6.7 and 3.0 cm 2, respec-
tively. Thus, if the soil were very porous, it could
be argued that the bit would compress the
FmvaE 10-78.- Mean grain size versus depth in Apollo in situ soil during sampling to as much as double
12 core-tube sample (serial no. 2013).
its original density. Conversely, if the soil were
densely packed, the shape of the bit would
Team (ref. 10-9). Only section B of the Apollo deform the soil and cause the soil to expand to
12 core is shown in figure 10-79, as this section a lower density. Thus, the bulk densities meas-
represents roughly the average distribution for ured in the Apollo 11 core sample could indicate
the entire sample• It can be seen that the distri- an in situ density from 0.75 g/cc to more than
butions are very nearly the same for grain sizes 1.75 g/cc.
larger than approximately 0.1 mm. Below this The Apollo 12 core-tube bit is far from optimal
grain size, the distributions differ significantly, in design, but results in a smaller range of un-
with the Apollo 12 analysis indicating a larger certainty. On the other hand, hammering a
proportion of silt-sized particles• It should be core into the soil is known to cause more dis-
pointed out, however, that improvements in the turbance to the sample than if the core is
sieving equipment have been made since the pushed into the soil at a high, constant speed
Apollo 11 analysis. Thus, the apparent variation
is not sufficient evidence to indicate a distinct
difference between the two soils• In any case, TABLE 10-VI. Core-Tube Bulk Densities
accurate plots for the grain-size distribution
below the no. 230 sieve must await the results Core tube
Sample Length, Diameter, Bulk density,
of the principal investigators• number
cm cm g/cc
Bulk Density
Apollo 11 :
The bulk densities of the Apollo 11 and 12 2007 52.0 10.0 1.95 to 2.00 1.66 to 1.75
core-tube samples are presented in table 10-VI. 2008 65.1 13.5 1.95 to 2.00 1.54 to 1.62
A note of explanation is required concerning the Apollo 12:
range of diameters shown in the table. A small _2010 56.1 9.3 1.95 to 2.00 1.92 to 2.02
error in the measured diameter of the sample
c2013 189.6 31.5 1.95 to 2.00 1.92 to 2.02
produces a large error in the calculated sample
2013 102.9 19.4 1.95 to 2.00 1.69 to 1.77
volume and the bulk density• The Apollo 11 core
densities reported previously by the Lunar Sam-
"Upper half of double-core tube.
ple Preliminary Investigation Team were based bNot opened; kept in storage at LRL.
on a nominal core-tube bit diameter of 2.00 cm; Lower half of double-core tube.
10 1 .1 .01
Sieve opening, rum
FIute ......
O. 777 in. I I O.777 in.
11.q7 cm)
0.768 in.
(1.95 cm)
V -1-0.120 in.
(1.97 cm)
t(O.30 cm)
/ \ O.768 in. /
95 cm)
\ f
I.150in. i.150in.
12.92 cml 'I I- 92 cm)
12. 'I
(a) (b)
FmtraE 10-80.--Comparison of Apollo 11 and 12 core-tube bits. (a) Apollo 11 core-tube bit.
( b ) Apollo 12 core-tube bit.
in fig. 10-80) to facilitate their removal by the can be made of the average bulk density of the
astronaut after the sampling operations. By using top 30 cm of the lunar surface at the Apollo 12
a weighted average for De to include the effect landing site. Based on the measured bulk den-
of the flutes, Ar for the Apollo 12 core tubes is sities in the core tubes, the in situ bulk density
calculated as follows: is approximately 1.8±0.2 g/cc.
10-1. SHOEMAKER, E. M.; BATSON, R. M.; HOLT, H.E.; 10-7. COSTES, N. C.; CAnnIER, W. D.; MITCHELL, J. K.;
et al.: Television Observations from Surveyor and SCOTT, R. F.: Apollo 11 Soil Mechanics
III. Surveyor III Mission Report. Part II, Scien- Investigation. Apollo 11 Preliminary Science
tific Results. JPL Tech. Rept. 32-1177, June 1, Report. NASA SP-214, Oct. 31, 1969, pp.
1967, pp. 9-68. 85-122.
10-2. SHOEMAKER, E. M.; BAILEY, N. G.; BATSON, 10-8. SCOTT, R. F.; and Ko, H. Y.: Transient Rocket-
R. M.; et al.: Geologic Setting of the Lunar Engine Gas Flow in Soil. AIAA J., vol. 6, no. 2,
Samples Returned by the Apollo 11 Mission. Feb. 1968, pp. 258-266.
Apollo 11 Preliminary Science Report. NASA 10-9. The Lunar Sample Preliminary Examination
SP-214, Oct. 31, 1969, pp. 41-83. Team: Preliminary Examination of Lunar
10-3. SHOEMAKER, E. M.; HAIT, M. H.; SWANN, G. A.; Samples from Apollo 11. Science, vol. 165, no.
et al.: Lunar Regolith at Tranquility Base. 3899, Sept. 19, 1969, pp. 1211-1227.
Science, vol. 167, no. 3918, Jan. 30, 1970, pp. 10-10. SCOTT, R. F.: The Density of the Lunar Surface
Soil. J. Geophys. Res., vol. 73, no. 16, Aug. 15,
10-4. TnASK, N. J.: Size and Spatial Distribution of
1968, pp. 5469-5471.
Craters Estimated From Ranger Photographs.
Ranger VIII and IX. Part II, Experimenters' 10-11. JAFFE, L. D.: Lunar Surface Material: Space-
craft Measurements of Density and Strength.
Analyses and Interpretations. Tech. Rept.
Science, vol. 164, no. 3887, June 27, 1969, pp.
32-800, Mar. 15, 1966, pp. 252-263.
R. M.; et al.: Television Observations from 10-12. TERZAC.HI, K.; and PECK, R. B.: Soil Mechanics
Surveyor. Surveyor Project Final Report. Part in Engineering Practice. John Wiley & Sons,
II, Science Results. JPL Tech. Rept. 32-1265, Inc., 1948.
June 15, 1968, pp. 21-136. 10-13. ANON.: Surveyor III Site 1:2,000. First ed., pre-
10-6. WILLINCHAM, D.: The Lunar Reflectivity Model pared for NASA under the direction of the
for Ranger Block III Analysis. JPL Tech. Rept. Department of Defense by the Army Map
32-664, Nov. 2, 1964. Service, Corps of Engineers, Jan. 1968.
11. Lunar Surface Closeup Stereoscopic Photography
T. Gold, at F. Pearce, b and R. ]ones b
(2) Footprints (figs. 11-12 and 11-13) than the general surface. These specks are mostly
(3) Rocks (figs. 11-14 to 11-16) particles of glass. The effect of the mechanical
disturbance is to dislodge the coating of fine
The views in figures 11-2 to 11-16 are included
dust that particles of glass would normally pos-
in this report to make the availability of the sess. Figure 11-5, which was photographed close
photographs known. These photographs are avail- to the lunar module descent engine, shows a
able upon request from the National Space Sci- striation pattern substantially different from the
ence Data Center, Goddard Space Flight Center,
scouring patterns visible in figures 11-2, 11-3,
Greenbelt, Md. The following is a list of the 15
and 11-6. In addition, figure 11--5 shows an
photograph numbers keyed to the figure numbers unusual hole in the ground that appears to be
used in this chapter.
of natural origin. Such steep-sided holes are
probably the consequence of secondary impacts
• Cornell University.
b NASA Manned Spacecraft Center. in the speed range of 100 m/see to 2 km/sec,
t Principal investigator. wherein most of the incoming kinetic energy goes
Photograph 11-3,
Photograph 11-2\
Photograph 11-4 \\
+- Lunar module exhaust erosion
FIGURE11-2. - Stereoscopic view (AS12-57-8441).
(a )
a raised rim, which leaves no doubt that they density of impacts on the neighboring powdery
were caused by hypervelocity impacts. ground must have scattered much powder; and
The remarkable feature seen in this photo- the average situation, if impacts were the only
graph, as on several similar pictures taken dur- process, would have to be a substantial blanket
ing the Apollo 11 mission, is the almost complete of dust so that the loss, by impacts, from the
absence of dust on the surfaces of such rocks. dust blanket equaled, in the long run, the gain
This cannot be attributed to any cleaning effect from scattered material from nearby impacts.
by the descent rocket because shadowing would The almost complete absence of dust requires
then have to be evident, and shadowing does not an explanation other than such an equilibrium.
occur in any of the cases. In the interval during It must be assumed that there is either a general
which all the many impact holes were generated removal of dust from the lunar surface that
on the surface of the rock, a similar number dominates all other processes that distribute dust,
~~ ~
or that there is a dust-transportation process yet at the same time no significant amount of
over the lunar surface that has a strong tendency material must be deposited on the tops of the
for downhill flow and in which the particles are rocks. This is a strong indication for a process of
generally not lifted as high (i.e., more than 5 or surface creep that may be a major process in the
10 cm) as the surfaces of the rocks that exhibit long-term evolution of the lunar surface. Figure
the clean areas. The latter possibility is more in 11-15 shows a dust-covered rock of rounded
accord with other observations, such as the shape with a dust-free protrusion. The crack
scarcity of trenches adjoining rocks whose dis- around the rock attracted the astronaut’s atten-
tribution clearly indicates that they fell to their tion and led him to take this picture. Figure
present positions. The trench and pileup that 11-16, taken in a small crater, is a photograph
must have been common in the soft soil sur- of a rock that has a glassy appearance. Much of
rounding a fallen rock must thus be eradicated, the shape of the rock shows patterns of viscous
The pictures give new evidence for the sur-
face processes that appear to be taking place on
the Moon. Rocket exhaust features are also seen
and can be further analyzed.
11-1. ANON.:Lunar Surface Closeup Stereoscopic Pho-
tography. Sec. 9 of Apollo 11 Preliminary Science
FIGURE11-16. - Stereoscopic view (AS12-57-8452). Report. NASA SP-214, 1969.
12. Preliminary Examination o[ Lunar Samples
The Lunar Sample Preliminary Examination Team a
This is the first scientific report on the exami- briefly describes the functions of the preliminary
nation of the samples returned from the Apollo 12 examination and the procedures within the LRL,
mission. Most of these lunar samples have been gives the reasons for the sample quarantine, and
undergoing physical, chemical, mineralogical, describes the tools used by the astronauts.
and biological analysis in the Lunar Receiving
Laboratory (LRL) at the NASA Manned Space- Apollo 12 Samples
craft Center in Houston, Tex., since November
Four separate groups of samples (contingency
25, 1969.
sample, selected sample, documented sample,
The Apollo 12 samples may be contrasted with
and totebag sample) were collected on the
those from Apollo 11 as follows: lunar surface and were returned to Earth. The
(1) While still old by terrestrial standards,
sample inventory is listed in table 12-I.
the Apollo 12 rocks are approximately 1 billion
The returned lunar material may be divided
years younger than those from Apollo 11.
into the following four groups:
(2) Whereas the Apollo 11 collection con-
(1) Type A-fine-grained, crystalline igneous
tained approximately half microbreccias, there
are only two breccias out of 45 rocks in the
(2) Type B-medium-grained, crystalline ig-
Apollo 12 return.
neous rock
(3) The regolith at the Apollo 12 site is ap-
(3) Type C-breccias
proximately half as thick as that of the Apollo
11 site. (4) Type D-fines
Contingency sample.-Astronaut Charles Con-
(4) The amount of solar-wind material in the
rad, Jr., collected the contingency sample (table
Apollo 12 fines is considerably lower than that
12-II) 10 m northwest of the lunar module (LM).
in the Apollo 11 fines.
Using a Teflon bag, Conrad collected the sample
(5) The crystalline rocks in the Apollo 12 col-
early in the first extravehicular activity (EVA)
lection, in contrast to those from Apollo 11, dis-
period (EVA-l) to assure that some lunar ma-
play a wide range in both modal mineralogy
terial would be returned in the event that the
and primary texture.
EVA periods would be aborted. Approximately
(6) Chemically, the "nonearthly" character of
five scoops of material were required to obtain
the Apollo 11 samples (high refractory element
concentration and low volatile element concen- 2 kg of material, which included four rocks.
Selected sample.-The selected sample (table
tration) is also noted in the Apollo 12 samples,
but to a lesser degree. 12-III), which replaced the bulk sample of
(7) The chemical composition of the Apollo Apollo 11 (ref. 12-1), was collected northwest
12 fine material equals that of the breccias, but of the LM (up to 300 m away) during the final
hour of EVA-1. Seventeen rocks were collected
does not equal that of the crystalline rocks; this
was not observed in the Apollo 11 collection. and placed in one large Teflon bag. Three other
The report on the preliminary examination of large rocks, weighing approximately 2 kg each,
the lunar samples from Apollo 11 (ref. 12-1) were collected and placed in a second large
Teflon bag, which was then filled with fine-
• See "Acknowledgments," p. 215. grained material by using the scoop. Finally, a
Gas pressure in
Material Mass, g Container container on
receipt at LRL
_ontingency sample:
Fines" 1 012
Chips b 9
Rocks (4) 821
Total 1 932 Teflon bag 1 atm
Selected sample:
Fines 2 716
Chips 50
Rocks (20) 11 940
Core tube (19 cm) 101
Total 14 807 1st ALSRC c 2)<10 -2 to
4 × 10 -_ torr
Documented sample:
Fines and chips 650
Rocks (6) 6 124
Documented bags (13) :
Fines and samples (7) 1 353
Rock samples (11) 2 288
Core tube:
Double-core tube (40 cm) 246
Unopened 8O
Lunar environment sample container 269
Gas analysis sample container 101
Total 11 111 2d ALSRC 0.5 atm
Totebag sample:
Fines 21
Chips 10
Rocks (4) 6 488
Total 6 519 Teflon bag 1 atrn
Fines and chips 5 911
Rocks 27 661
Special samples 797
Total 34 369
core-tube sample was taken during EVA-1. The EVA period, EVA-2, while the astronauts were
two Teflon bags and the core tube were sealed on their 1.5-km geological traverse (fig. 10-1).
on the lunar surface in the first Apollo lunar The samples were documented by photography
sample return container (ALSRC). This ALSRC using the gnomon. On this geological traverse,
contained between 40 and 80 t_m of gas pressure the astronauts filled 13 individual sample bags
when it reached the I',RL. with lunar material, including 13 rocks and seven
Documented sample.-The documented sample samples of fine-grained material. Ten additional
(table 12-IV) was collected during the second rocks were collected with the tongs. Two core
12-II. Contingency Sample Inventory a
aThe ALSRC contained approximately 0.5 atm when returned to the LRL. All of these
samples were processed in dry nitrogen.
tubes were driven at two locations; one was a 12-VI) consisted of the four rocks that were not
double-core tube. Two special samples, the gas sealed in the second ALSRC. The rocks were
analysis sample container (GASC) and the lunar placed in a large Teflon bag for return to Earth.
environment sample container (LESC), which All four sample containers were placed in the
were designed to be sealed individually, were LM and bagged; then, after rendezvous, the con-
collected (table 12-V). All these samples, except tainers were transferred into the CM. The two
the four largest rocks, were sealed on the hmar ALSRC were returned to the LRL by means of
surface in the second ALSRC. This second the mobile quarantine facility on November 30,
ALSRC contained approximately 0.5 atm of gas 1969.
pressure when it reached the LRL. The con- Lunar Receiving Laboratory operations.-The
tainer showed evidence of leakage in three envi- configuration and operation of the biological bar-
ronments: the command module (CM) cabin, riers in the LRL remained essentially the same
air, and dry nitrogen test cabinets. as that described for Apollo 11 (ref. 12-1). The
Totebag sample.- The totebag sample (table selected sample was opened and studied in
12-V. Special Samples
"Studied in dry nitrogen cabinets; handled by people in LRL crew reception area for 20 rain.
vacuum (generally on the order of 10 -8 torr). they consist essentially of clinopyroxene, calcic
The documented sample, contingency sample, plagioclase, olivine, and ilmenite. However, the
totebag sample, and core tubes were opened Apollo 12 collection return contrasts to the Apollo
and studied in dry-nitrogen glove cabinets. 11 collection return in that the Apollo 12 rocks
Approximately 50 g of core-tube material and exhibit a wide range in modal mineralogy, grain
450 g of fines and rock chips from the docu- size, and texture.
Mineralogy and Petrology vesicles present, and all have vugs. The vesicles
range in diameter from 0.1 to 40 mm (fig. 12-1)
The majority of the large rock samples re-
and are commonly lined by tangentially or sub-
turned by the Apollo 12 crew are holocrystalline,
parallel-oriented crystals of plagioclase, pyroxene,
with a range of textures and mineralogical com-
or olivine. The vugs contain euhedral crystals of
positions that are characteristic of igneous origin. pyroxene (fig. 12-2) and olivine and less-well-
Two breccias were also returned. The crystalline formed crystals of plagioclase, ilmenite, and
rocks are similar to the microgabbros and basaltic spinel. The volume occupied by vugs and vesicles
rocks returned from the Apollo 11 mission in that in any rock is generally less than that for the
FIGUHE12-3. - Views of rocks and thin sections illustrat- FIGURE12-3 (continued). - ( c ) Sample 12031, rock
ing the various textures displayed by the Apollo 12 with the porphyritic variolitic texture. (NASA S-69-
crystalline rocks. ( a ) Sample 12064, an equigranular 63651)
holocrystalline rock. ( NASA S-69-60899)
I '
b 01ivi n e
I I 1 I I 1 I I 1 I I
0 10 20 30 40 M 60 70 80 90 100
Volume, percent
Scale, cm
FIGURE12-8. - Views illustrating breccias. ( a ) Sample
One rock is a fragmental breccia similar to the 12073. Note the glass splash covering the lower right
Tranquility Base breccias (ref. 12-1). Two brec- part of the rock. (NASA S-69-61066) ( b ) Photomicro-
cia chips were also collected. The dominant com- graph of a chip of sample 12057. Note spherules in
matrix. (NASA S-69-63407)
position of the breccias appears to be pyroxene
and plagioclase, with accessory olivine and glass.
Lithic fragments are also present (fig. 12-8).
The average mineral composition of the breccias Rock Surface Features
appears to be less olivine-rich than the majority Most of the larger Apollo 12 crystalline rocks
of rock types collected. The rock appears to have are similar to the Apollo 11 rocks in that they are
a foliation developed in which both lithic and rounded on one surface and exhibit glass-lined
mineral fragments are subparallel. The lithic pits. Angular fractured surfaces also occur.
fragments are as large as 20 by 10 mm and are Small pits, similar to those previously de-
both igneous and fragmental rocks, an indication scribed (ref. 12-1), occur on rock surfaces (fig.
of several periods of fragmentation and consoli- 12-9). The density of the small pits ranges from
dation. 1 to 30 pits per square centimeter; however,
made of Apollo 11 core samples. The slope of the
Chemical analyses of the samples were carried
cumulative curves and hence the sorting is very
out mainly by optical spectrographic techniques
similar for all three samples. However, succes-
conducted inside the LRL biological barrier. An
sively deeper samples are progressively coarser.
instrument with a dispersion of 5.2 A/mm was
The median grain size changes from 0.062 mm in used.
the surface sample material to 0.074 mm for the
The procedures were generally similar to those
middle sample material and 0.11 mm for the
used to analyze the Apollo 11 samples, but modi-
deepest sample material.
fications were made to cope more effectively with
Stratification and morphological change are
the high concentration of refractory elements.
most evident in the core sample collected in the
For example, the weight ratio of admixed carbon
double-core tube used at Halo Crater (fig. 12-
to sample was increased from 1:1 to 4:1 for the
14). The entire lower tube (32 cm) and 9.3 cm
method using palladium as internal standard,
of the upper tube were filled with sediment. At
least 10 layers or horizons have been recognized. and the range of intensity measurements possible
The most distinctive of these units is a coarse was increased by a factor of 3, thus enabling a
layer of angular rock fragments, minerals, and wider spread in concentrations to be effectively
glass, comprised mostly of olivine grains and covered (e.g., barium and zirconium).
olivine-rich gabbros (fig. 12-15). The fourth me- The overall precision of the determinations is
chanical analysis is of this coarse layer. The slope -+-5 to +10 percent of the amount actually pres-
of the cumulative grain-size curve, and hence ent. Accuracy was controlled by use of the inter-
- ---------- -----------
Color as above. Loose, forms slightly larger
weak crumblike or subangular blocky u n i t s PII
than layer above. Lower boundary irregular.
t-- .6
0 o
0 ,-_¢0
O_ o o
_ • 00 _ __ _ ._ . ._
_ • .-...
i i i i : i i ! i ! : : :
_'_'_ _ _ _
i ! ! i ! i ! : i : : : : : : ' = ' • _ ._ ._
o o"_
_._ o-_. o_._._
•_., o_ o,_, "_ o_ "_
o_ "o
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• . . • . [.r., _'_ _ _
_ _0 _._ e_ O
C .,., .o_,.n_ _ o _ = _5.o,.n = _ _,.= _
Type Sample 4He 4He/3He 20Ne 20Ne/ 2ZNe/' 40Ar 40Ar/aeAr a6Ar/3SAr S4Kr 132Xe
22Ne _XNe
Fines 12070 6 700 000 2 300 120 000 13.3 28 12 000 0.60 5.1 .13 2.6
12060 4 000 000 2 100 73 000 13.2 26 9 800 .80 5.2 4 1.1
Breccia 12034 130 000 940 8 700 12.0 13 3 500 2.1 4.8 .95 1.1
12071 1 700 000 2 100 33 00O 12.3 21 5 300 .90 5.1 4.8 1.2
Typical 12062 9 0O0 59 63 2.4 1.3 1 400 .57 .98 .07 .021
crystalline 12064 13 000 64 60 1.6 1.2 1 300 50 .83 .033 .012
rocks 12004 15 000 200 46 3.6 1.5 900 87 1.9 .02 .014
Special 12013 360 000 10 000 100 7.8 2.5 820 O00 51 000 2.5 .21 .15
cases 12010 24 00O 270 20 5.2 1.8 1 400 72 1.6 .015 .017
(light )
12010 2 700 000 2 800 88 000 11.9 27 42 000 3.4 5.2 2.9 1.2
a In 10 -8 cm3 at standard temperature and pressure per gram every 10" yr.
thetwo.Thenoble-gas contentof the Apollo12 chapter were completely interior chips and con-
finesandbreccias is lower-thefinesby a factor tain noble gas in amounts that are orders of mag-
of 2 to 5 andthebrecciasby anorderof magni- nitude less than that in the fine material. The
tude.By usinga modelof formationof finema- exceptions are 3He, 21Ne, 4°Ar, and some of the
terialby degradation of surfacerock,surfaceir- lighter isotopes of krypton and xenon, isotopes
radiationbyconstantsolarwind,andsubsequent whose abundances have been greatly increased
burialby additionalfinematerial,the lowergas by spallation reactions and radioactive decay. By
contentof the finesimpliesa higheraccumula- using the potassium concentrations obtained for
tion rateofmaterial.TheApollo12brecciasare the rocks, K-Ar ages have been calculated. Sev-
approximately afactorof2 lowerin contentthan eral crystalline rocks give ages between 1.7 X 109
Apollo 12fines.This finding constitutesa re- and 2.7X109 yr, with an average value of 2.3>(
versalof thetrendobserved with Apollo11ma- 109 yr. Rock sample 12013 has a unique chemis-
terial andimpliesthat the Apollo 12 breccias try, characterized in part by much higher abun-
wereformedfromfine materialof lowersolar- dances of potassium and uranium and, conse-
wind gascontent.Possibly, the Apollo12brec- quently, also of radiogenic 4He and 4°Ar. Sample
ciaswereformedatsomedistanceor depthfrom 12013 also contained excess radiogenic 4°Ar,
theircurrentlunarlocation. rendering the K-Ar age meaningless. However,
For brecciasample12034,the total noble-gas as is the case for many of these crystalline rocks,
contentis lowenoughfora spallationcomponent the U-Th-4He age is consistent, with a value of
to be quiteevident.Sample12010is anunusual approximately 2.3X109 yr. This age is consider-
caseof a breccialikerockthatwasidentifiedon ably less than that found for the Apollo 11 crys-
thebasisof its noble-gas content.Thissampleis talline rocks, although the range of ages for the
characterized by a largerelativeabundance of two sites overlap. It appears that at least this
lithic material,with dark-grayfine-grained ma- portion of Oceanus Procellarum has a more re-
terialoccurringasveins.In table12-VIII, sam- cent crystallization age than the rocks sampled
ple12010, labeled"dark,"contains approximately by the Apollo 11 crew in Mare Tranquillitatis,
70percentof thisfine-grained material,whereas which implies that lunar maria have a formation
the samplelabeled"light" is essentiallypure history of at least 1 billion years.
]ithic material.The typicalbreccialikenatureof Cosmic-ray exposure ages (i.e., integrated ex-
sample12010 in termsof itsnoble-gas contentis posure time at the lunar surface) have been cal-
obvious. culated for several rocks on the basis of 27r geom-
The 4°Ar/36Ar ratioin the Apollo12finesand etry and a ZHe production rate of 1X10 -8 cm 3 at
breccias is lowerthanthatfor Apollo11samples standard temperature and pressure per gram
(with theexception of sample12010),although every 108 yr, with some apparent grouping of
the ratio still showslargervaluesfor breccias ages. The breccias also give radiation ages in
thanforfines.Theoretical considerationsprohibit this group. These exposure ages resemble those
4°Ar/ZSAr ratiosevenaslargeas0.6for the Sun, found for the Apollo 11 rocks. Spallation-produced
makinga solar-windoriginof the 4°Arunlikely. isotopes other than ZHe are consistent with the
Theamountof4°Arin thefinesis toolargetobe 3He ages and with the special chemistry of the
generated by in situ decay of potassium; how- lunar material. Because of the high-alkaline
ever, for the breccias, this mode of origin may be earth, yttrium, and zirconium abundances,
possible. Excess 4°Ar of lunar origin thus appears spallation-produced krypton and xenon are quite
to have been acquired by the fine material. The obvious in the rocks. The amounts of these gases
amount of 4°Ar and the 4°Ar/38Ar ratio in sample are also roughly consistent with the chemistry.
12010 demonstrate this phenomenon well. While
the lithic phase resembles the other crystalline
Total-Carbon Analyses
rocks in its argon content, the fine-grained ma-
terial shows not only large amounts of solar-wind The total carbon content of the lunar samples
argon, but also large excesses of 4°Ar. was determined by oxygen combustion followed
The crystalline rock samples reported in this by gas chromatographic detection of carbon
dioxide(CO2) produced.Samples weighing50 igneous rocks. The igneous rocks are consistently
to600mg,togetherwithironchipsandacopper- low in carbon abundance. A total carbon abun-
tin accelerator,wereplacedin a preburnedre- dance of approximately 40 ppm appears to be
fractorycruciblethatwasthenheatedin excess indigenous to lunar rocks. Additional carbon ap-
of 1600° C in a flowingoxygenatmosphere. The pears to have been added to the fines and subse-
combustion productswereanalyzed usingprevi- quent breccias by meteoritic impact, by the solar
ouslydescribed procedures(ref. 12-2). wind, and possibly by contamination. The total-
The systemwascalibratedby usingNational carbon results give no indication of the specific
Bureauof Standards SteelStandard101e.Sam- chemical species present.
plesof thisstandard,containingfrom 5 to 50 _g
of carbon, were analyzed, using the same condi-
Gamma-Ray Spectrometry
tions as for the lunar samples. To reduce the
background, the crucible was burned in air at Operation of the LRL radiation counting labo-
1000 ° C for at least 1 hr. Only crucibles heated ratory (RCL) followed the general procedures
to 1000 ° C in a single batch were used in a se- developed for Apollo 11 studies (ref. 12--1). Ttle
quence of standards and samples. The precision first RCL sample was received for measurement
of the method was evaluated by making replicate on November 30, 1969.
runs on sample blanks. A typical standard devia- Analysis was performed by use of the NaI (T1)
tion of a series of 10 runs was 2 _g of total car- low-background spectrometer and the online
bon. The results for the standard samples were computer data-acquisiti6n system described in
plotted on linear graph paper, and the carbon reference 12-1. Samples were mounted in stain-
content in lunar samples was read directly from less-steel cans of 16.2-cm diameter and 0.8-mm
the standard linear curve. wall thickness with bolt-type indium seals.
The results of the analyses are given in table Standard containers of overall heights of 5.6 or
12-IX. The highest carbon abundances, like 7.6 cm were used for all rock samples. Fines
were packaged in a cylindrical container used in
searches for magnetic monopoles.
TABLE 12-IX. Total Carbon Analysis For this preliminary study, calibrations were
obtained with a series of radioactive standards
phase-contrast techniques. A wide variety of bio- presented in the following three types of plots:
logical systems are now undergoing tests with (1) Summarize plot- A plot is made of the
lunar material to determine if there is any tox- total ion current of each scan as a function of
icity, microbial replication, or pathogenicity. the scan number. The total ion current of each
Germ-free in vivo systems include mice,_ plants, scan is arrived at by a summation of all peak
plant tissue cultures, and viral assay tissue cul- areas in the scan (except major background
tures. Other in vivo tests are being performed peaks) and is directly proportional to the
on animals that are not germ free, including fish, amount of volatilizable material or pyrolyzable
insects, Japanese quail, oysters, flatworms, pro- material, or both, in the sample. Increasing scan
tozoans, and shrimp. Histological studies are number also represents increasing sample tem-
being made to determine whether there is any perature, but the sample temperature was not
evidence of pathogenicity. Other activities involve actually measured. The summarize plot is, then,
extensive in vivo study of the early biosample a plot of intensity versus temperature.
and of the regular lunar samples. (2) m/e plot-The m/e plot is a single-scan
plot of peak intensity (area) versus mass num-
Organic Chemistry ber; that is, the mass-to-charge (ree) ratio for
A computer-coupled high-sensitivity mass the ion. These plots are usually normalized to
spectrometer has been used to estimate the the most intense peak above mass 50.
abundances of organic matter in the lunar sam- (3) Summarize-m/e plot- The summarize-
pies. Information on the volatile organic matter m/e plot is a plot of the ion current for a given
or pyrolyzable organic matter, or both, as a func- mass as a function of scan number. The sum-
tion of sample temperature has been obtained marize plot gives information on the thermal
from detailed mass-spectrometer data. From stability and amounts of volatile material or py-
these data on the lunar samples and from blanks rolyzable material, or both, while the m/e plot
and controls, an assessment has been made of allows qualitative identification of the material.
the relative contributions of terrestrial contami- Mass number was calibrated using perfluoro-
nants as opposed to possible indigenous lunar kerosene (PFK). Sensitivity calibrations were
organic matter. made by introducing samples of n-tetracosane
Samples were sealed in stainless-steel vials (C24) on clean quartz at concentrations of 1, 2,
with aluminum caps and were heat sterilized at and 3 ppm to determine the total ion current
130 ° C for 30 hr. Portions of these samples (35 produced for given amounts of volatile or pyro-
to 500 mg) were transferred to a nickel con- lyzable material, or both.
tainer for mass-spectral analysis. The inlet sys- Typical summarize, ree, and summarize-m/e
tem on the mass spectrometer permitted inser- plots are shown for sample 12026 in figure 12-17.
tion of these capsules into an oven heated to The summarize plot shows two distinct peaks
500 ° C. This oven is connected to the mass- at scan numbers 7 and 21 and a possible peak at
spectrometer ionization chamber by means of a scan 53. The summarize-m/e plot for mass 44
heated 8-cm quartz tube. The mass spectrometer (CO2) shows that the initial peak at scan 7 is
was operated on line with a Sigma-2 computer mainly CO2 (possibly adsorbed), but the peak
and was equipped with a high-efficiency ion at scan 21 is not CO2. The CO2 peak at scan 45
source and a high-gain electron multiplier. The is common to most of the lunar samples and
online computer permitted continuous control of could be caused by thermal decomposition of a
the scanning circuit and recording of the mass carbonate present in ppm quantities. The m/e
spectra, as well as calibration of the mass scale, plots (fig. 12--17(c)) aid in identifying possible
spectrum normalization, and visual display of organic material coming off at various scans.
the spectrum during each scan cycle. Samples representative of all Apollo 12 rock
One hundred mass spectra were collected by types and core-tube fines were analyzed, as were
scanning the magnet, beginning with the inser- appropriate blanks and controls. In comparison
tion of the sample into the oven and continuing with the results reported from examination of
every 15 sec for 25 min. The data are normally Apollo 11 samples, the data obtained for the
H- _!,,H,,,,,,,,,,,,tlItll I,,_,,!,L,
7Tiii_iiiiiiil, il;;ii [f
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
FIGURE 12-17.- Typical organic mass spectra for Apollo 12 samples (representative sample
12026). (a) A summarize plot.
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Apollo 12 samples, as well as the controls, indi- 0.3 to 1.0 ppm. A feature common to all the
cate a significant reduction in the level of samples was the high yield of CO2. The evolu-
ALSRC and LRL organic contamination to val- tion o£ CO2 characteristically reaches a maxi-
ues below the 1 ppm level. This situation has mum rate approximately 10 to 15 rain after
alleviated significantly the previous ambiguities sample insertion into the mass spectrometer and
in interpretation of data. The levels of organic then decreases, although in many cases COs
material in the rock chips were between 0.1 and remains a significant contributor to the total ion-
0.4 ppm. The levels for the fine material (GASC, ization throughout the analysis (approximately
core-tube fines, and other fines) ranged from 30 min). Mass spectra from the core-tube fines
IA luE JJ .,u,,t,, ,
0 50 100 50 lOO
Mass-to-chargeratio,mle Mass-to-chargeratio,mle
Jt • I.,I.d i..I
Mass-to-charge ratio,role
display ions up to the m/e=120 range that, if In conclusion, then, if there is any naturally
they were ions of aliphatic hydrocarbons, would occurring organic matter present in the Apollo
be unsaturated but not aromatic. 12 samples, its concentration is extremely low
Comparison of the mass spectra and the vola- (no more than 10 to 200 ppb).
tilization characteristics of the evolved gases
from the blanks and controls with the corre-
sponding data on the lunar sample shows that
most of the organic matter observed can be The major finding of the preliminary examina-
attributed to terrestrial contamination. The evo- tion of the lunar samples is that the conclusions
lution of sulfur dioxide (SO2) and relatively reached concerning the rocks from Tranquility
large quantities of carbon monoxide (CO) and Base (ref. lO,-1) also apply to the Apollo 12
CO2 would be consistent with reactions of ele- rocks, except as follows:
mental carbon and sulfur with the mineral ma- (1) Whereas all the Apollo 11 crystalline
trix. rocks displayed essentially one texture (lath-
A somewhat striking contrast is evident be- shaped ilmenite and plagioclase with interstitial
tween the Apollo ll and 12 material. There is no pyroxene) and similar modes (50 percent py-
indication (based on the observations late in the roxene, 30 percent plagioclase, 20 percent
heating cycle of m/e = 78 and m/e = 91 ) that py- opaque, 0 to 5 percent olivine), the Apollo 12
rolysis of any indigenous organic matter is crystalline rocks show a wide range in both
occurring in the Apollo 12 samples. texture and mode.
(2) Most of the igneous rocks fit a fractional nesium, nickel, and chromium contents occur in
crystallization sequence indicating either that the crystalline rocks, but there are only small
they represent parts of a single intrusive se- differences in the potassium and rubidium con-
quence or that they are samples of a number of
similar sequences. (13) Rock sample 12013 has a distinctive
(3) Breccias are of lower abundance at the composition, similar to that of a late-stage ba-
Oceanus Procellarum site, as compared to Tran- saltic differentiate. This sample contains higher
quility Base, presumably because the regolith at amounts of silicon, potassium, rubidium, lead,
the Oceanus Procellarum site is less mature and zirconium, yttrium, ytterbium, uranium, thorium,
not as thick as that at Tranquility Base. and niobium than previously encountered.
(4) Complex stratification, presumably due
mainly to the superposition of ejecta blankets, Discussion
exists in the lunar regolith. At present, the possi-
bility of a layer of volcanic ash cannot be dis- Even though the preliminary examination has
carded. included only superficial scientific reconnais-
(5) The greater carbon content of the breccias sance of samples that will be studied for years
and fines as compared to that of the crystalline to come, a number of new, important findings
rocks is presumably due largely to contributions have emerged from the data, especially by com-
of meteoritic material and the solar wind. paring the data with those for the Tranquility
(6) The level of indigenous organic material Base rocks. A comparison of the Apollo 12 sam-
capable of volatilization or pyrolysis, or both, ples from Oceanus Procellarum with the Apollo
appears to be extremely low (i.e., no greater 11 samples from Mare Tranquillitatis shows that
than 10 to 200 ppb). the chemistry at the two mare sites is clearly re-
(7) The content of noble gas of solar-wind lated. Both sites show the distinctive features of
origin is less in the fines and breccias of the high concentrations of some refractory elements
Apollo 12 rocks than in the fines and breccias and low contents of volatile elements; these two
from Tranquility Base. The breccias contain less features most clearly distinguish lunar material
solar-wind contribution than the fines, indicating from other material. This overall similarity indi-
that the breccias were formed from fines lower cates that the Apollo 11 sample composition is
in solar-wind noble gases than the fines pres- not unique. Taken in conjunction with the Sur-
ently at the surface. veyor 5 and 6 chemical data, this similarity is
(8) The presence of nuclides produced by suggestive of a similar chemistry for mare basin
cosmic rays shows that the rocks have becn fill. In detail, there are numerous and interesting
within 1 m of the surface for 1X106 to 200×10 G chemical differences between the Apollo 12 and
yr. 11 rocks. It is clear that,, although they differ in
(9) The 4°K-4°Ar measurements on igneous details, the geochemical problems raised by the
rocks show that they crystallized 1.7×109 to Apollo 11 samples are still present for the Apollo
2.7)< 109 yr ago. 12 material.
(10) The Apollo 12 breccias and fines are Unlike the Tranquility Base samples, the ele-
similar chemically and contain only half the ment abundances in the fines in the Apollo 12
titanium content of the Apollo 11 fines. The com- samples display a generally more fractionated
position of the crystalline rocks is distinct from character than in the rocks. The fine material
that of the fine material in containing less nickel, and the breccias are generally quite similar in
potassium, rubidium, zirconium, uranium, and composition and could not have formed directly
thorium. from the large crystalline rock samples. The
(11) The Apollo 12 rocks contain less tita- chemistry of the fine material is not uniform in
nium, zirconium, potassium, and rubidium and the different maria.
more iron, magnesium, and nickel than the The overall geochemical behavior of the rocks
Apollo 11 samples. is consistent with the patterns observed during
(12) Systematic variations among the mag- fractional crystallization in terrestrial igneous
rocksinvolvingolivineandpyroxene separation. logically very old. If the minimum ages estab-
Thus,thesilicatemeltis observed to bedepleted lished by this method are indicative of the true
in elementssuchasnickeland chromiumthat age of the Apollo 12 rocks, then the mare ma-
preferentiallyenter olivineand pyroxene,and terial from Oceanus Procellarum at the Apollo 12
theresidualmeltis enrichedin elements suchas site is approximately 1 billion years younger
bariumandpotassium thatareexcluded fromthe than the material from the Apollo 11 site. Al-
earlycrystalfractions.The slightdegreeof en- though this K-Ar age is subject to various un-
richmentof the elementssuchas bariumand certainties, the younger age for the Apollo 12
potassium indicatesan earlystageof fractional material is consistent with geological observa-
crystallization process.Sample12038fits neatly tions. This large age difference indicates a pro-
as a late-stagedifferentiatein sucha process. longed period of mare filling.
Whethertheserocksforma relatedsequence or
area heterogeneous collectionof similarorigins References
cannotbeanswered fromthechemicalevidence.
12-1. Lunar Sample Preliminary Examination Team:
Thechemistryof the Apollo12samplesdoes Preliminary Examination of Lunar Samples
not resemblethat of any knownmeteorite,be- from Apollo 11. Science, vol. 165, no. 3899,
causenickelis,in particular,strikinglydepleted. Sept. 19, 1969, pp. 1211-1227.
TheApollo12samplechemistryhasinteresting 12-2. MOORE, C. B.; LEwis, C. F.; GmsoN, E. K., JR.; and
NICHIPORUK,W.: Total Carbon and Nitrogen
similaritieswith the eucrites;sample 12038 Abundances in Lunar Sample. Science, vol. 167,
showsmanysimilaritiesin composition. Thecon- no. 3918, Jan. 30, 1970, pp. 495-497.
centrationsof titanium, zirconium,strontium, 12-3. DUKE, M. B.; and SILVER, L. T.: Petrology of
andbariumaresufllcientto distinguishthe eu- Eucrites, Howardites, and Mesosiderites. Geo-
crites,but it nowseems to bea fairly goodpossi- chim. Cosmochim. Acta, vol. 31, no. 10, 1967,
pp. 1637-1665.
bility that rocks of similar chemistryto the
eucriticmeteoritesarepresenton the Moon,in
view of the variationin composition observed
betweenandat thetwomaresites.Thispossibil-
ity haspreviouslybeensuggested(ref. 12-3). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
Eventhoughthe Apollo12rocksaremoresim-
ilar to tholeiiticand alkalinebasaltsthan the theThedatafollowing people contributed directly to obtaining
and to the preparation of this report: D. H.
Apollo11rocks,therearestill somestrikingdis- Anderson, Manned Spacecraft Center (MSC); E. E.
similarities. Anderson, Brown and Root-Northrop (BRN); P. R. Bell,
The Apollo12 materialis enrichedin many MSC; Klaus Beimann, Massachusetts Institute of Tech-
nology (MIT); D. D. Bogard, MSC; Robin Brett, MSC;
elements by 1 to 2 ordersof magnitude in com- A. L. Burlingame, University of California at Berkeley;
parisonwith estimatesof cosmicabundances, Patrick Butler, Jr., MSC; A. J. Calio, MSC; E. C. T. Chao,
andthe marematerialis stronglyfractionated U.S. Geological Survey (USGS); R. S. Clark, MSC; D. H.
relativeto ideasof the composition of the prim- Dahlem, USGS; J. S. Eldridge, Oak Ridge National Lab-
itive solarnebula.The Apollo12 site appears oratory (ORNL); M. S. Favaro, U.S. Public Health Serv-
ice; D. A. Flory, MSC; C. D. Forbes, MSC; T. H. Foss,
tobe lessgeomorphologically maturethanTran- MSC; Clifford Frondel, Harvard University; R. Fryxell,
quility Base,with a thinnerregolith.The lower Washington State University; John Funkhouser, State
amountof solar-windmaterialin the fines,com- University of New York, Stony Brook; E. K. Gibson, Jr.,
paredto that in samplesfromTranquilityBase, MSC; W. R. Greenwood, MSC; R. S. Harmon, MSC; J.
alsosuggeststhat OceanusProcellarummare Hauser, University of California at Berkeley; G. H.
Heiken, MSC; Walter Hirsch, BRN; P. H. Johnson, BRN;
materialis youngerthanthatin MareTranquil- J. E. Keith, MSC; C. F. Lewis, Arizona State University
litatis. (ASU); John F. Lindsay, MSC; Gary E. Lofgren, MSC;
The singlemostinterestingscientificobserva- V. A. McKay, ORNL; N. Mancuso, MIT; J. D. Menzies,
tion is the K-Ar age of the Apollo 12 rocks. The U.S. Department of Agriculture; Carleton B. Moore, ASU;
D. A. Morrison, MSC; R. Murphy, MIT; G. D. O'Kelley,
K-Ar age of these rocks reinforces the possibility
ORNL; M. A. Reynolds, MSC; R. T. Roseberry, ORNL;
indicated from the data obtained on the Apollo
O. A. Schaeffer, State University of New York, Stony
11 rocks, that is, that the lunar maria are geo- Brook; Ernest Schonfeld, MSC; J. W. Schopf, University
of California at Los Angeles; D. H. Smith, University of of the BRN staff: John H. Allen, Travis J. Allen, A. Dean
California at Berkeley; R. L. Smith, USGS; R. L. Sutton, Bennett, L. E. Cornitius, J. B. Dorsey, Paul Gilmore,
USGS; S. R. Taylor, Australian National University; Jeff George M. Greene, William R. Hart, D. W. Hutchison,
Warner, MSC; Ray E. Wilcox, USGS; D. R. Wones, Robert W. Irvin, Carl E. Lee, J. D. Light, E. Allen Locke,
MIT; and J. Zahringer, Max-Planck-Institut, Heidelberg, J. Roger Martin, David R. Moore, Weldon B. Nance,
Germany. Albert F. Noonan, David S. Pettus, Clifford M. Polo, W.
The members of the Lunar Sample Preliminary Exam- R. Portenier, M. K. Robbins, Louis A. Simms, and R. B.
ination Team wish to acknowledge the technical assistance Wilkin.
13. Preliminary Results [ram Surveyor 3 Analysis
R. E. Benson, a B. G. Cour-Palais, _ L. E. Giddings, 1r., b Stephen lacobs, _
P. H. ]ohnson, b 1. R. Martin, b F. 1. MitcheU, c and K. A. Richardson _
Surveyor 3 was launched on April 17, 1967, of future lunar and space vehicles. The Surveyor
and landed on the lunar surface in the Ocean of 3 TV camera contains elements common to most
Storms on April 20, 1967. The Surveyor 3 mission space vehicle systems, including electronics,
and scientific results are described in detail in active mechanical devices, optical elements, de-
reference 13-1. tectors, and a wide variety of materials.
The vernier engines remained on through the
first two lunar touchdowns of Surveyor 3 at a Preliminary Results
thrust level equal to approximately 90 percent
The engineering investigations have just
of the spacecraft lunar weight, which caused the
begun, and it is impossible to draw definitive
spacecraft to rebound each time from the lunar
conclusions as yet. Based on examinations to
surface. The vernier engines were shut down by
date, the following preliminary observations can
ground command approximately 1 see before the
be made.
third touchdown, and the spacecraft came to
rest. The failure of the vernier engines to shut Cold Welding
down before landing appeared to have caused
During the disassembly of the camera housing
contamination or pitting of the optical surfaces
for biological sampling, removal torques were
of the Surveyor 3 television (TV) camera. The measured for the collar nuts, the connector-
Surveyor 3 spacecraft was apparently in good
retaining nuts, and the screws that hold the lower
condition when it was secured for the lunar night
shroud. These removal torques were all within
on May 4, 1967, 14 days after touchdown.
the range specified for installation prior to
The Apollo 12 lunar module (LM) landed on
launch, which indicates the absence of cold
the northwest rim of Surveyor Crater in the
welding for these particular elements. The force
Ocean of Storms, approximately 183 m from
required to demate the three connectors on the
the Surveyor 3 spacecraft (fig. 13-1 ). During the
front of the camera was measured, and again,
second extravehicular activity (EVA) period, the
no evidence of cold welding was found.
astronauts removed several pieces of hardware
Difficulty was encountered in retracting one
from the Surveyor 3 spacecraft. The hardware of the connector bodies from the lower shroud.
removed from Surveyor 3 by the Apollo 12 astro-
The mating surfaces will be examined when they
nauts and returned to Earth presents a unique
can be removed to determine if cold welding
opportunity to evaluate the influence of pro-
was a contributing factor to this difficulty.
longed lunar-environment exposure on the ele-
ments that comprise typical spacecraft engineer- Discoloration
ing systems. The principal objectives of the The discoloration observed on the exterior
engineering investigations will be to improve the surfaces of the TV camera includes unusual pat-
technology base that will be used in the design terns of relative light- and dark-colored areas
that do not appear to correlate with solar illumi-
• NASA Manned Spacecraft Center.
nation and the resulting radiation degradation.
bBrown & Root-Northrop.
c U.S. Air Force. Handling during retrieval and return has pro-
FIGURE13-1. - The Apollo 12 LM approximately 183 m from the Surveyor 3 spacecraft on the
lunar surface.
return to the Lunar ReceivingLaboratory ported elsewhere in this section. The remaining
(LRL), it maynot be possibleto clearlyelim- debris has, at this time, received only cursory
inatephotolyzedorganiccontaminant asa source low-power microscopic examination. This re-
of discoloration. maining debris appears to be lunar fines and
contains various minerals with a wide range of
Polished Tube
particle sizes (up to approximately 150 t_m).
The unpainted tube that was cut from a sup- This debris probably entered the recess under
port strut adjacent to leg 2 of the Surveyor 3 the collar through the inspection hole, either
spaeecraft was contaminated on one side ap- during the original Surveyor 3 landing or, more
proximately one-half to two-thirds of the way likely, during the Apollo 12 LM landing. En-
around the circumference. The contaminant on trance during LM landing would account for
this tube was much heavier at one end than at the larger particles in this area and not those in
the other. It is possible that some of the con- the open front of the camera. The inspection hole
tamination was rubbed off during return and could "see" the LM landing site, whereas the
handling. The total content of this contaminant front of the camera could not. It may be possible
has not been determined, but it appears to con- to determine some parameters of the disturbance
tain a significant portion of particulate matter caused by the LM descent from debris particle
that is probably lunar debris. Obviously the dis- size and from acceptance-angle geometry of the
coloration visible on the polished tube and on inspection hole.
the bare areas of the camera could not include One of the screws and its matching washer
radiation damage, except to contaminants. from the lower shroud that was removed during
operations at the LRL have been examined in
the scanning electron microscope. The surface
The mirror surface of the camera is very has considerable particulate debris that covers
diffuse because of accumulated lunar dust but an estimated 15 to 20 percent of the surface area.
is substantially less diffuse than the photographs The material contains a substantial number of
taken on the Moon indicate. Part of the Surveyor spheres and angular particles that range in size
3 investigation will include attempts to compare from a fraction of a micron to approximately
the current dust coverage with that which was 4 _m. The absence of particles larger than ap-
present when the camera was photographed by proximately 4 _m may be the result of their
the Apollo 12 astronauts on the Moon and with absence in the original source of the dust, their
the dust coverage present at the time of the failure to adhere on the Moon, or mass-to-
Surveyor 3 mission. No pitting of the mirror has adhesion characteristics which are such that the
been observed, but an adequate examination larger particles fell off during or after the return
will be difficult until dust has been removed to Earth. Preliminary examination indicates ap-
from selected areas.
proximately uniform distribution of particles
There is a considerable amount of dust on tile over all surfaces of the screwhead.
filters immediately below the mirror and on those It may be possible to determine the source and
areas that are partially protected by the filter- transport mechanism of the dust by examination
wheel drive mechanism. Until the filter wheel of the screws from various locations on the
is actuated or removed, it will be impossible to camera. Because approximately 500-power mag-
determine whether the partially shielded areas nification is required to clearly resolve the par-
are as thoroughly covered with dust as are the ticulate material, such an examination will be a
exposed areas. Herculean task and can only be undertaken on
Lunar Dust a statistical basis.
Some fine debris estimated to be a few milli-
grams in weight was found to be clinging to Preliminary Scientific Investigation
the camera surface in the recessed area under
the support collar. The sample of this material A large number of scientific tasks have been
was analyzed by emission spectroscopy, as re- approved for the returned Surveyor items, and
these tasks are outlined in the official flow plans. counting standard. Following completion of the
Proposed work on radioisotope production by gamma-spectrum analysis of the nonflight model
energetic charged particles, cosmic-ray tracks, camera, analysis of the Surveyor 3 camera data
soil mechanical properties, albedo and particle can be completed, and a report of final results
size, biological assay, optical and scanning elec- will become available.
tron microscopy and electron microprobe of
meteoroid impacts, and alpha- and gamma- Analysis of Dust From the Surveyor 3 TV Camera
particle activity of returned parts has either Dust from the Surveyor 3 TV camera was
been underway or will soon commence. analyzed by quantitative emission spectroscopy.
The preliminary reports contained in this sec- The sample came from a fine line of the dust
tion consist of work performed by scientists at that lay along the lower edge of the positioning
the NASA Manned Spacecraft Center (MSC) bearing attached to the outer cover of the
and were begun when the returned Surveyor camera. It is assumed that the sample is com-
parts were still at the LRL. These preliminary posed of bearing material, lunar surface fines
studies report on the radioactivity analysis of the material, or dust from another source.
Surveyor 3 TV camera, the analysis of the dust The sample weighed slightly less than 0.5 rag,
from the Surveyor 3 TV camera, the examination which is an insufficient amount for the normal
of Surveyor 3 components for meteoroid damage, 1:1:4 ratio of sample to strontium carbonate to
and alpha-particle activity of the Surveyor 3 graphite. The total sample was mixed with ap-
spacecraft. proximately 4 g of 1:4 strontium carbonate-
graphite mix. All this material was loaded into
Radioactivity Analysis of the Surveyor 3 TV Camera
an electrode and was excited by an 8-A dc arc.
The Surveyor 3 TV camera was examined by The atmosphere was 80 percent argon and 20
gamma spectrometry on January 7, 1970. The percent oxygen, and the sample was burned to
purpose of this examination was to measure the completion. From the results of the analysis, it
radioactivity present and, more particularly, to appears that the Surveyor 3 dust consists of
determine if there was induced radioactivity lunar surface fines material.
present that could be attributed to the exposure
of the camera to solar and galactic cosmic radia- Examination of Components for Meteoroid Damage
tions while the camera was located on the The external surfaces of the Surveyor 3 TV
lunar surface. camera and of the polished aluminum tube were
The camera was counted for 50000 sec in microscopically examined for evidence of meteor-
the gamma spectrometry system located in the oid impact. Approximately 60 percent of the TV
MSC Radiation Counting Laboratory. This sys- camera surface area of nearly 1900 cm 2 was
tem, which is located in an exceptionally low- scanned at 25-power magnification. Every sus-
background counting room, includes an array of pected impact crater on selected areas of the
six 5- by 4-in. NaI (T1) thallium-activated crys- fiat surfaces was recorded. The remainder of
tals and associated electronics with a 4096- the camera surface was scanned at lower magni-
channel analyzer. fications to insure that no significant meteoroid
Qualitative analysis indicated the presence of damage had occurred. The polished tube, 19.7
4°K, 56Co, and 22Na in the Surveyor 3 camera. cm long and 1.3 cm in diameter, was carefully
These tentative results indicate that some in- scanned at a general level of 40-power magnifi-
duced radioactivity was present. The total cation with a stereozoom microscope. Local areas
amount of radioactivity, for all radionuclides of interest were examined at much higher mag-
present, was very small and amounted to ap- nifications. Typical surface effects and suspected
proximately 0.003 tzCi/kg. These results are con- impact craters were photographed (figs. 13-2
sidered to be preliminary because the data will and 13-3).
be subjected to further analysis. Arrangements Two 2.5-cm-long sections of the polished tube
have been made to obtain an identical nonflight have been under detailed examination since the
model of the Surveyor 3 camera for use as a preliminary examination at the LRL. These sec-
tions have been optically scanned at up to lations, particularly for the calculations that
400-power magnification. The specimens were pertain to EVA periods.
mounted on a special jig that allowed 360' In addition to the possible meteoroid impacts,
rotation of the tube. The jig was then indexed numerous surface effects of probable low-veloc-
to the microscope base, which had the neces- ity origin were noted on the TV camera surface.
sary translational capability. Typical samples of In general, these low-velocity effects were shal-
the polished tubing and the painted surface of low craters, and most were of recent origin,
the camera were supplied by the prime con- as indicated by their whiteness against the
tractor for Surveyor 3. These samples were sandy-brown color of the painted surface of
examined with the same microscope to deter- the TV camera housing. There was a definite
mine typical surface background. concentration (10 to 100 times more) of these
A preliminary assessment of the meteoroid white craters on the side of the TV camera
examination of the TV camera indicates that facing the LM, as compared with the other side
there is no damage of any consequence by of the camera. The number density of these
primary or secondary meteoroids. After approxi- craters peaked at a region approximately directly
mately 950 days of exposure to the meteoroid in line with the LM. In addition, protuberances
environment, there were no impacts that com- on the camera (such as screwheads, support
pletely penetrated the protective paint or that struts, etc.) left dark shadows on the camera
damaged the surface of the mirror. There are paint, which again pointed toward the LM. After
five craters on the camera surface that are a detailed examination of the geometry involved
possibly meteoritic in origin. These craters range and by taking into account the relative angles
between 0.025 and 0.25 mm in diameter. How- of the shadowing, the TV camera, the Surveyor
ever, this is compatible with the MSC flux esti- spacecraft, and the LM position, it was readily
mates used to calculate the meteoroid reliability shown that the LM was the most probable origin
for the Apollo lunar missions. This suggests that for these craters. It is, therefore, postulated that
there is a greater confidence in these flux calcu- in the final moments of landing, the LM gener-
ated a dust shower that affected the Surveyor 3 rium lunar surface activities to 4 disintegrations/
spacecraft and sandblasted the camera surface cm2/sec for radon and 1 X 10 -2 disintegrations/
that faced toward the LM. This is the most em2/sec for thoron.
significant result obtained from the meteoroid- Yeh and Van Allen (ref. 13--3), by using alpha-
impact examination of the Surveyor 3 TV camera particle measurements made by the Explorer 35
to date. spacecraft, have shown that the alpha-particle
The preliminary examination of the polished emissivity of the Moon is not likely to exceed
tube at low magnifications revealed four craters 0.1 of the value estimated by Kraner et al. This
that exhibited the characteristics of hypervelocity observed upper limit of alpha-particle emissivity
impacts. Subsequent detailed examination at of the Moon implies that the concentration of
higher optical magnifications has ruled out the 2_8U in lunar surface material is less than in
possibility that one of these craters was caused average terrestrial crustal material but may be
by a hypervelocity impact. The examination re- comparable to the uranium content of terrestrial
vealed the crater to be a surface pit caused by basalt or chondritic meteorites.
polishing, and the other three craters have not Measurement of the surface alpha-particle
yet been identified positively as impact pits. activity of samples of the Surveyor 3 spacecraft
Further analysis of these craters is proceeding. provides further information on the radioactivity
The detailed scan has established that the sur- of the lunar surface layer. During the period that
face of the tube is covered with polishing the Surveyor 3 spacecraft was on the Moon, a
scratches and gouges, with the gouges being radioactive deposit of radon and thoron daughter
easily mistaken for lipped hypervelocity craters. products should have accumulated on the sur-
There appears to be a marked concentration of faces of the spacecraft by the mechanism de-
surface effects on the same side of the tube as scribed by Kraner et al. When samples removed
the deposit, and the significance of this correla- from Surveyor 3 were returned to the LRL and
tion is currently being analyzed. released from quarantine, many of the radionu-
Both sections of the polished aluminum tube clides with short half lives would have decayed
have been examined with a scanning electron to leave the alpha-emitting nuclide zl°Po, with a
microscope at up to 12 000-power magnification. half life of 138 days, supported by 21°Pb, with a
At this power, it has been possible to observe the half life of 22 yr. In the 30-month period that
suspected micrometeoritic craters in sufficient the Surveyor 3 spacecraft was on the lunar sur-
detail and to examine the residue in some of face, _l°Po activity on the surface of the space-
them. Positive identification of the origin of the craft would have reached 6 percent of the
craters is still not possible at this time. Analysis amount that would be in equilibrium with radon
of all the data obtained to date is in progress, in the lunar atmosphere.
and a comprehensive report will be made avail- The alpha-particle activity of a section of the
able at a later date. Surveyor 3 unpainted aluminum support tube
was measured by using a 300-ram 2 gold-silicon
Alpha-Particle Activity of the Spacecraft
surface-barrier detector, with the results re-
Kraner, Schroeder, Davidson, and Carpenter
corded in a 256-channel spectrum. The sample
(ref. 13-2) have suggested that diffusion of
was 1.2-cm-diameter tubing of aluminum alloy
radon and thoron from the lunar soil and deposi-
2024, approximately 2.5 cm long. For back-
tion of their radioactive daughter products on
ground measurements, typical samples of the
the lunar surface could result in the presence
same aluminum alloy were used.
of significant quantities of these radioactive
Preliminary results show no detectable alpha-
noble gases in the atmosphere of the Moon and
could also result in the formation of a radioactive particle activity above the background level.
Considering the sensitivity of the method, this
deposit on the surface of the Moon. By assuming
a diffusion rate of 0.02 cm2/sec and a lunar sur- measurement indicates that the quantity of radon
in the lunar atmosphere at the Surveyor 3 site
face porosity of 0.25 and by using concentrations
of radon and thoron measured in terrestrial sur- is an order of magnitude less than the upper
face layers, Kraner et al. calculated the equilib- limit measured by Yeh and Van Allen.
achondrite - a stony meteorite devoid of rounded groundmass - the fine-grained or glassy mixture of a por-
granules. phyritic rock in which the larger, distinct crystals are
anhedral - having mineral grains lacking external crystals. embedded.
anorthoslte - a granular, plutonic igneous rock composed holocrystalline - consisting wholly of crystals.
almost exclusively of a soda-lime feldspar. ilmenite- a mineral rich in titanium and iron; usually
augite - one of a variety of pyroxene minerals, containing black with a submetallic luster.
calcium, magnesium, and aluminum. Usually black or lithie - of, relating to, or made of stone.
dark green in color. lithifleation- consolidation and hardening of fines into
bleb - small bit or particle of distinctive material. rock.
breeeia- a rock consisting of sharp fragments embedded magma - molten rock material that is liquid or pasty.
in a fine-grained matrix. magnetosphere- the region dominated by the magnetic
bytownite-anorthite - calcium-rich varieties of plagioclase forces of the Earth.
feldspar. microlite -small lath-shaped minerals, commonly plagio-
calcic - derived from or containing calcium. clase feldspar, occurring as minute phenocrysts in basalt.
chondrite - a meteoritic stone characterized by the pres- olivine - an igneous consisting of a silicate of magnesium
ence of rounded granules. and iron.
chondrules -- a rounded granule of cosmic origin.
ophitic-a rock texture characterized by lath-shaped
clast - a discrete particle or fragment of rock or mineral,
plagioclase crystals enclosed in augite.
commonly included in a larger rock.
peridotite- an igneous rock, composed largely of olivine
dinopyroxene- a mineral occurring in monoclinic, short,
and pyroxene with little or no plagioclase feldspar.
thick, prismatic crystals, varying in color from white to
phenocryst - crystals larger than the crystalline matrix in
dark green or black (rarely blue).
which they occur.
eristobalite - an isometric variety of quartz that forms at
high temperature (SiD2). pierite basalt- a basalt containing ferromagnesian min-
dacite- an extrusive igneous rock composed of plagio- erals and a little feldspar.
clase and quartz, with other minerals. pigeonite- a variety of pyroxene.
detrital - pertaining to loose material that results directly plagioclase--a feldspar mineral composed of varying
from rock disintegration or abrasion. amounts of sodium and calcium with aluminum silicate.
diabase- an igneous rock of basaltic composition, but plutonic- pertaining to igneous rock that crystallizes at
with slightly coarser texture. depth.
diorite - a granular, crystalline igneous rock. Poisson's ratio- ratio of elongation to diameter contrac-
eucrite - a meteorite composed essentially of feldspar and tion.
augite. porphyritic- a rock texture displaying mineral grains in
euhedral - pertaining to minerals whose crystals have had a relatively fine-grained base.
no interference in growth. porphyry- a rock with distinct mineral grains in a rela-
exfoliation- the process of breaking loose thin concen- tively fine-grained base.
tric shells or flakes from a rock surface. pyroxene- a mineral occurring in short, thick, prismatic
fayalite - an iron-rich variety of olivine (Fe2SiO4). crystals or in square cross section; often laminated; and
felsic- consisting of or chiefly consisting of feldspar or varying in color from white to dark green or black
feldspar-type minerals, commonly with quartz. Also (rarely blue).
refers to light-colored rocks. pyroxmangite- a pale red mineral, consisting essentially
gabbro - a granular igneous rock of basaltic composition of manganese silicate, containing approximately 20 per-
with a coarse-grained texture. cent manganese.
goniophotometric- pertaining to angle measurement by regolith-the layer of fragmental debris that everlies
means of photography. consolidated bedrock.
a feldspar
mineralthatis somewhat
glassy tridymite - a variety of quartz with minute, thin, tabular
(KA1Si3Os). forms of crystallization (SiOz).
seoriaceous- having the characteristics of rough, vesicu- troilite - a mineral that is native ferrous sulfide.
lar, cindery, usually dark lava. variolitie- pertaining to a fine-grained, basic rock, con-
sodie- relating to or containing sodium. taining crystal forms made up of fibers of feldspar and
spinel- a mineral that is noted for its great hardness augite in radial development.
MgAI_O4). vesicle- a small cavity in a mineral or rock, ordinarily
tholeiitie- pertaining to a composition of basalt having produced by expansion of vapor in the molten mass.
low olivine. vug - a small cavity in a rock.