E 1652 - 03 - Rte2nti

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This standard covers the requirements for magnesium oxide and aluminum oxide powders and crushable insulators used to manufacture metal-sheathed platinum resistance thermometers, noble metal thermocouples, and base metal thermocouples.

This standard covers the requirements for magne- sium oxide (MgO) and aluminum oxide (Al2O3) powders and crushable insulators used to manufacture metal-sheathed plati- num resistance thermometers (PRTs), noble metal thermo- couples, base metal thermocouples, and their respective cables.

Magnesium oxide and aluminum oxide are used to electrically isolate and mechanically support the thermoele- ments of a thermocouple and the connecting wires of a PRT within a metal sheath.

Designation: E 1652 – 03

Standard Specification for

Magnesium Oxide and Aluminum Oxide Powder and
Crushable Insulators Used in the Manufacture of Metal-
Sheathed Platinum Resistance Thermometers, Base Metal
Thermocouples, and Noble Metal Thermocouples1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E 1652; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope D 2766 Test Method for Specific Heat of Liquids and

1.1 This specification covers the requirements for magne- Solids7
sium oxide (MgO) and aluminum oxide (Al2O3) powders and D 2858 Test Method for Thermal Conductivity of Electrical
crushable insulators used to manufacture metal-sheathed plati- Grade Magnesium Oxide8
num resistance thermometers (PRTs), noble metal thermo- E 228 Test Method for Linear Thermal Expansion of Solid
couples, base metal thermocouples, and their respective cables. Materials with a Vitreous Silica Dilatometer9
1.2 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the E 235 Specification for Thermocouples, Sheathed, Type K,
standard. The values given in parentheses are for information for Nuclear or for Other High-Reliability Applications10
only. E 344 Terminology Relating to Thermometry and Hydrom-
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the etry10
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the E 585/E 585M Specification for Compacted Mineral-
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- Insulated, Metal-Sheathed, Base Metal Thermocouple
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- Cable10
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. E 1137 Specification for Industrial Platinum Resistance
2. Referenced Documents E 1225 Test Method for Thermal Conductivity of Solids by
2.1 ASTM Standards: Means of the Guarded-Comparative-Longitudinal Heat
B 329 Test Method for Apparent Density of Metal Powders Flow Technique9
and Related Compounds Using the Scott Volumeter2 E 2181/E 2181M Specification for Compacted Mineral-
C 573 Methods for Chemical Analysis of Fireclay and Insulated, Metal-Sheathed, Noble Metal Thermocouples
High-Alumina Refractories3 and Thermocouple Cable10
C 574 Method for Chemical Analysis of Magnesite and
3. Terminology
Dolomite Refractories4
C 809 Test Methods for Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, and 3.1 The definitions given in Terminology E 344 shall apply
Spectrochemical Analysis of Nuclear-Grade Aluminum to this specification.
Oxide and Aluminum Oxide-Boron Carbide Composite 4. Significance and Use
C 832 Test Method for Measuring the Thermal Expansion 4.1 Magnesium oxide and aluminum oxide are used to
and Creep of Refractories Under Load6 electrically isolate and mechanically support the thermoele-
ments of a thermocouple (see Specifications E 235, E 585/
E 585M, and E 2181/E 2181M) and the connecting wires of a
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E20 on PRT (see Specification E 1137) within a metal sheath. The
Temperature Measurement and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E20.04
on Thermocouples.
Current edition approved May 10, 2003. Published June 2003. Originally
approved in 1995. Last previous edition approved in 2000 as E 1652 – 00.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 02.05.
3 7
Discontinued. See 1994 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 03.05. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 05.01.
4 8
Discontinued. See 1992 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 03.06. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 10.02.
5 9
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 12.01. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 14.02.
6 10
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 15.01. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 14.03.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

E 1652 – 03
metal sheath is typically reduced in diameter to compact the 6. Chemical Requirements
oxide powder or crushable oxide insulators around the thermo- 6.1 The final product shall be chemically analyzed using
elements or wires. appropriate methods listed in 9.1. Major impurities shall not
4.2 In order to be suitable for this purpose, the materials exceed the limits indicated in Table 1 unless permitted by
shall meet certain criteria for purity and for mechanical and supplementary requirements. Any detected impurity with a
dimensional characteristics. Material that does not meet the concentration greater than 0.001 % (mass) shall be reported to
purity criteria may cause premature failure of the sensor. the purchaser.
4.3 Use of this specification for the procurement of powder
and crushable insulators will help to ensure that the product 7. Physical Properties
obtained is suitable for the intended purpose. 7.1 Density—The density of crushable magnesium oxide
4.4 Useful information about alumina and magnesia is given and aluminum oxide insulators typically ranges from 2060
in the appendixes. kg/m3 (0.074 lbm/in.3) to 3060 kg/m3 (0.111 lbm/in.3).
Specific density requirements, as well as the test method to be
5. Ordering Information used to determine density, shall be negotiated between the
5.1 The purchaser shall specify the following when order- purchaser and manufacturer. See Appendix X3 for suggested
ing: test methods.
5.1.1 Material—from through below: 7.2 Modulus of Rupture—In the past, a breaking force test Al2O3 Type 1 per Table 1. has been used that is based on a relative modulus of rupture and Al2O3 Type 2 per Table 1 and Supplementary is related to crushability. However, with variations in modulus
Requirement S1. from 21 to 83 MPa (3000 to 12 000 lb/in.2) influenced by MgO Type 1 per Table 1. insulator configuration, number of holes, and cross-sectional MgO Type 2 per Table 1 and Supplementary Re- dimensions, specific modulus requirements cannot be listed for
quirement S1. each configuration. The modulus of rupture is best used for lot MgO Type 3 per Supplementary Requirement S2. to lot comparison of a given insulator size and configuration.
5.1.2 Insulator Outside Diameter. See Appendix X4 for a suggested test method.
5.1.3 Hole Diameter.
5.1.4 Number of Holes. 8. Dimensional Requirements
5.1.5 Hole Pattern. 8.1 Outside diameter and hole diameter tolerances for insu-
5.1.6 Length. lators shall be as specified in Table 2 and Table 3, respectively,
5.1.7 Particle Size (if supplied as powder). unless otherwise agreed to between purchaser and manufac-
5.1.8 Minimum Inside Diameter of Tubing, into which turer.
insulators will be inserted. 8.2 Wall and web thicknesses (see Fig. 1) shall be equal
5.2 Consult the insulator manufacturer for limitations of within outside diameter tolerance as specified in Table 2 unless
relationships between outside diameter, hole diameters, hole otherwise agreed to between purchaser and manufacturer.
patterns, and length. 8.3 Camber shall not exceed 0.3 % of the length. Insulator
shall be capable of passing through a rigid straight tube longer
than the insulator and with an inside diameter as specified in
TABLE 1 Impurity LimitsA
Aluminum Oxide (Al2O3) 99.65 % Magnesium Oxide (MgO) 99.40 % 8.4 Helical twist of holes shall not exceed 2° per cm (5° per
(mass) min (mass) min
in.) of length.
Concentration, Concentration,
% (mass)
% (mass)
8.5 Length shall be as specified in 5.1.6 with a tolerance
of +6/−0.00 mm ( +0.25/−0.00 in.).
Fe2O3 0.04 maxB CaO 0.35 maxC
SiO2 0.08 maxD Al2O3 0.15 maxC 8.6 The ends of each insulator should be cut square and not
CaO 0.08 max Fe2O3 0.04 maxB,C be chipped.
MgO 0.08 max SiO2 0.13 maxC,D
ZrO2 0.08 max C 0.02 max
Na2O 0.06 max S 0.005 max
9. Test Methods
C 0.01 max B 0.0035 max 9.1 Chemical Composition:
S 0.005 max Cd 0.001 max
Cd 0.001 max B + Cd 0.004 max
9.1.1 Wet chemical analysis, or fusion calorimetric analysis,
B 0.001 max or both, can be used for quantitative determination of silicon
The total compositional analysis should equal 100 %. dioxide (SiO2), iron oxide (Fe2O3), and zirconium oxide
The presence of Fe2O3 can adversely affect the electrical resistivity of these
insulators. Moreover, changes in the thermometric properties of platinum and its
alloys that are exposed to Fe2O3 concentrations above 0.04 % become more TABLE 2 Outside Diameter (O.D.) Tolerance
pronounced when exposed to the higher service temperatures, for example, above Nominal Insulator O.D. O.D. Tolerance
650 °C (1200 °F), for prolonged periods. However, at lower service temperatures,
purchaser may choose to allow Fe2O3 concentrations of up to 0.1 % in Al2O3 or 0.25 to 1.48 mm (0.010 to 0.058 in.) 60.05 mm (60.002 in.)
0.15 % in MgO. See Supplemental Requirement S1. 1.49 to 6.33 mm (0.059 to 0.249 in.) 60.08 mm (60.003 in.)
See Supplemental Requirement S2 for base-metal thermocouple applications. 6.34 to 9.51 mm (0.250 to 0.374 in.) 60.10 mm (60.004 in.)
The presence of SiO2 can, at elevated temperatures, lead to changes in the 9.52 to 12.70 mm (0.375 to 0.500 in.) 60.15 mm (60.006 in.)
electrical resistivity, thermoelectric characteristics, and mechanical properties of 12.71 mm (0.501 in.) and larger 61.6 %
platinum and its alloys.

E 1652 – 03
TABLE 3 Hole Diameter Tolerance
Nominal Insulator Hole Diameter Hole Diameter Tolerance
0.18 to 0.26 mm (0.007 to 0.010 in.) 60.038 mm (60.0015 in.)
0.27 to 1.51 mm (0.011 to 0.059 in.) 60.05 mm (60.002 in.)
1.52 to 2.52 mm (0.060 to 0.099 in.) 60.08 mm (60.003 in.)
2.53 to 3.79 mm (0.100 to 0.149 in.) 604 %
3.80 mm (0.150 in.) and larger 605 %

(ZrO2) with gravimetric determination for SiO2 and Fe2O3.

The SiO2 filtrate can be used for further calcium oxide (CaO)
9.1.2 Test Method C 809 can be used for quantitative
analysis of elemential impurities.
9.1.3 Methods C 573 can be used for quantitative analysis
of Fe2O3, SiO2, CaO, MgO, and sodium monoxide (Na2O) in
Al2O3. FIG. 1 Wall and Web Thicknesses
9.1.4 Method C 574 can be used for quantitative analysis of
CaO, Al2O3, Fe2O3, and SiO2 in MgO.
9.1.5 Any method used for quantitative determination Powders and crushable insulators should be stored in a sealed
should have a detection sensitivity of at least 0.001 % (mass). container to prevent contamination by moisture absorption.
9.2 Density (Powder)—Test Method B 329 can be used for (See Appendix X2.)
determining the density of Al2O3 and MgO powders.
9.3 Appendix X5 lists other optional test methods. 11. Keywords
11.1 aluminum oxide; crushable; insulator; magnesium ox-
10. Handling and Storage Precautions ide; mineral-insulated, metal-sheathed cable; platinum resis-
10.1 Powders and crushable insulators shall be shipped and tance thermometer; thermocouple, base metal; thermocouple,
stored in containers that prevent contamination and breakage. noble metal


The following supplementary requirement shall apply only when specified by the purchaser in the
inquiry, contract, or order.

S1. Iron Oxide (Fe2O3) Concentration chemical requirements of 6.1 and Table S2.1 instead of Table
S1.1 Insulators used in service at temperatures 650 °C 1. This oxide composition shall be designated MgO Type 3.
(1200 °F) and below shall conform to the chemical require-
TABLE S2.1 Impurity LimitsA
ments of 6.1 except that the impurity Fe2O3 may have a
Magnesium Oxide (MgO) 97.00 % (mass) min
maximum concentration of 0.10 % for Al2O3 or 0.15 % for
MgO. These oxide compositions shall be designated Al2O3 Impurity Concentration, % (mass)

Type 2 and MgO Type 2, respectively. CaO 0.80 max

Al2O3 1.00 max
Fe2O3 0.08 max
S2. Insulators for Base Metal Thermocouples SiO2 1.20 max
Fe 0.02 max
S2.1 Calcium oxide, aluminum oxide, and silicon oxide are C 0.02 max
no more likely than is magnesium oxide to react deleteriously S 0.005 max
B 0.0025 max
with the thermoelement alloys of base metal thermocouples at Cd 0.001 max
temperatures that are recommended for the operation of those B + Cd 0.003 max
thermoelement alloys. Therefore, optionally, for base metal MgO + CaO + Al2O3+ SiO2 99.50 min
thermocouples only, MgO insulators shall conform to the A
The total compositional analysis should equal 100 %.

E 1652 – 03

(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 Alumina (Al2O3) X1.1.2.4 Dielectric Strength—5600 kV/m (142 000 V/in.).
X1.1.1 Sources: X1.1.2.5 Hardness (MOHS)—9.
X1.1.1.1 Bauxite is the principal source of alumina. Gibb- X1.1.2.6 Softening Temperature—1750 °C (3182 °F).
site, Al(OH)3, is the most stable phase. Boehmite, AlO(OH), X1.1.2.7 Melting Temperature—2050 °C (3722 °F).
also occurs in nature. High grade bauxite is low in iron and X1.1.2.8 Molecular Weight—101.94.
silica content. The major use of purified alumina is in the X1.1.2.9 Typical Electrical Resistivity—See Table X1.1.
production of aluminum metal. X1.1.2.10 Specific Heat— 8.8 3 102 J/kg·K@ 20 °C (0.21
X1.1.1.2 Depending upon the application, the economics, Btu/lbm °F @ 68 °F). 1.2 3 103 J/kg·K @ 1000 °C (0.28
and the purity of the bauxite, the purification process could be Btu/lbm °F @ 1832 °F).
wet alkaline, wet acid, alkaline furnace, carbothermic furnace, X1.1.2.11 Typical Thermal Conductivity—See Table X1.2.
or electrolytic processes. X1.1.2.12 Macroscopic Thermal Neutron Absorption Cross
X1.1.1.3 The wet alkaline processes are most economical. Section—1.0 m−1(0.03 in.−1).
Gibbsite bauxite is easier to dissolve. It is digested in sodium
hydroxide (NaOH) solution at about 150 °C (302 °F) at 345 X1.2 Magnesia (MgO)
kPa (50 lb/in.2). Boehmitic bauxite, AlO(OH), is more difficult X1.2.1 Sources:
to dissolve. It requires a higher concentration of NaOH X1.2.1.1 Magnesia can be made by the oxidation of mag-
solution, a pressure of 1930 to 4826 kPa (280 to 700 lb/in.2), nesium metal or by heating easily decomposed oxy-compounds
and a temperature of about 238 °C (545 °F). of magnesium, such as the hydroxide, Mg(OH)2, the oxalate,
X1.1.1.4 When digested, the slurry is cooled to about MgC2O4, or the naturally occurring carbonate (magnesite),
100 °C (212 °F) by releasing pressure to atmospheric, and the MgCO3. Mg(OH)2 exists as the mineral brucite in small
undissolved “mud” is sedimented or filtered off. When cooled amounts; however the principal commercial source of magne-
to about 50 °C (122 °F) and seeded with alumina-trihydrate, sia is magnesite, which occurs in relatively pure state in many
precipitation occurs. The precipitated trihydrate is washed and parts of the world. Another source of magnesia is dolomite (a
then calcinated. The trihydrate dehydrates slowly. At atmo- more abundant substance), a double carbonate of magnesium
spheric pressures, the dehydration process involves two steps. and calcium. With dolomite, the calcium must be removed.
X1.1.1.5 The trihydrate dehydrates first to a composition X1.2.1.2 When magnesite is heated, the change to MgO is
close to boehmite (Al2O3·H2O). Even at 200 °C (392 °F) the completed at about 620 °C (1148 °F). The MgO remains as
rate of dehydration is very slow. Dehydration is found to be submicroscopic crystals up to about 1000 °C (1832 °F). At
essentially complete at 400 °C (752 °F) in an oven at below 1200 °C (2192 °F) the crystals grow to about 1 µm (39.37 µin.).
atmospheric pressure or at 500 °C (932 °F) at atmospheric With additives, such as sodium chloride, the crystals could be
pressure. In a study, the heating at 538 °C (1000 °F) for 7 h still 3 to 4 µm (120 to 160 µin.) in size at 1200 °C (2192 °F). The
showed 0.1 moles of H2O per mole Al2O3, that is, about 2 %. crystal size increases with increase in the temperature of
Differential thermal analysis (DTA) studies show endothermic sintering. The calcination and sintering of magnesite is carried
effects at 225, 300, and 550 °C (437, 572, and 1022 °F, out in rotating kilns at 1600 to 1700 °C (2912 to 3092 °F). For
respectively). The peak at 550 °C (1022 °F) represents the requirements of purest quality, the MgO is fused in an electric
dehydration of boehmite. furnace where many of the impurities are removed by volatil-
X1.1.1.6 Activated alumina is a desiccant and, when acti- ization. The fused MgO is crushed to the required size.
vated in vacuum, is more easily rehydrated. Alumina activated X1.2.1.3 Magnesia prepared by heating magnesite can vary
in vacuum at 180 to 200 °C (356 to 392 °F) and then heated in widely in purity and in the composition of the impurities,
air at about 350 to 450 °C (662 to 842 °F) does not rehydrate depending upon the source of the magnesite. The impurities are
as easily. No rehydration was found with alpha alumina of low principally oxides of calcium, silicon, aluminum, iron, and
surface area. To achieve low surface area the alumina should be boron. The size of the magnesia crystals depends upon the
heated to at least 1700 °C (3092 °F). Alumina is sintered at
about 1700 to 2000 °C (3092 to 3632 °F). It melts around
2050 °C (3722 °F). TABLE X1.1 Typical Electrical Resistivity of Alumina
X1.1.2 Typical Crystal Properties: (Theoretical, 100 % Density)
X1.1.2.1 Coeffıcient of Thermal Expansion—6 to 9 3 10−6/ Temperature Typical Resistivity
K (3.3 to 5 3 10−6/°F) between 20 and 1000 °C (68 and °C °F ohm-cm ohm-in.
1832 °F). 20 68 >1 3 1014 >4 3 1013
X1.1.2.2 Crystal Shape— Hexagonal. 400 752 1 3 1011 4 3 1010
800 1472 1 3 109 4 3 108
X1.1.2.3 Maximum Theoretical Density—3.98 3 103 kg/m3 1300 2372 1 3 106 4 3 105
(0.144 lbm/in.3).

E 1652 – 03
TABLE X1.2 Typical Thermal Conductivity of Alumina X1.2.1.5 Magnesia is electrically fused to purify and to
Temperature Typical Thermal Conductivity prepare large crystals. The crystals are more resistant to
°C °F W/(m·K) Btu·in./(h·ft2·°F) hydration than the fine powder of the porous magnesia crystals.
100 212 2.9 20
600 1112 0.9 6 X1.2.1.6 Magnesia of 99.98 % purity can be obtained by
1200 2192 0.5 4 electric fusion. It contains as impurities Ca, Si, Fe, Na, and K
in amounts of 60, 40, 20, 30, and 40 ppm, respectively.
X1.2.1.7 Magnesia is thermally very stable; it melts at
TABLE X1.3 Typical Electrical Resistivity of Magnesia
(Theoretical, 100 % Density)
2800 °C (5072 °F). The vapor pressure at 2700 °C (4892 °F) is
calculated to be about 30.5 kPa, (9.05 in. Hg). Hence, the upper
Temperature Typical Electrical Resistivity
temperature limit of use of magnesia bricks is around 2200 °C
°C °F ohm-cm ohm-in.
(3992 °F), 1700 °C (3092 °F) in reducing environment. In a
0 32 >1 3 1016 >4 3 1015 reducing atmosphere, the fine smoke that is produced is
400 752 1 3 1013 4 3 1012
800 1472 1 3 109 4 3 108 thought to be MgO that is formed by the recombination of Mg
1200 2192 1 3 105 4 3 104 metal vapor with oxygen. Magnesium is an alkaline substance.
It will react with acidic substances, like silica, to form
magnesium silicates; or with amphoteric substances, like,
TABLE X1.4 Typical Thermal Conductivity of Magnesia alumina, to form magnesium aluminates. On the other hand,
Temperature Typical Thermal Conductivity magnesia is highly resistant to other alkaline substances, for
°C °F W/(m·K) Btu·in./(h·ft2·°F)
100 212 3.4 24
example, lead oxides. Magnesia is not reducible by most other
600 1112 1.1 7.6 metals at their melting points; iron, zinc, lead, tin, copper,
1200 2192 0.6 4.1 nickel, and the like can be melted in sintered magnesia
X1.2.1.8 When purest magnesia is sintered in an oven
temperature of sintering and upon the impurities (mineralizers) below atmospheric pressure at 1950 °C (3542 °F), the electri-
that are present. The magnesia content can be less than 90 % to cal resistivity can be >1 3 1014 ohm-cm (>4 3 1013 ohm-in.)
as high as 99 %. at room temperature; 5 3 107 ohm-cm (2 3 107 ohm-in.) at
X1.2.1.4 Large amounts of magnesia of high purity are 1000 °C (1832 °F).
extracted from the magnesium salts in seawater. Magnesium
X1.2.2 Typical Crystal Properties:
concentration in seawater is about 0.13 %. Limestone or
X1.2.2.1 Coeffıcient of Thermal Expansion
dolomite is calcined to lime and slaked into a fine powder in
hydrators. The hydrated powder is made into a slurry and then 1.6 3 10−5/K (9 3 10 −6/°F) between 0 and 815 °C (32 and
mixed with seawater. Magnesium hydroxide is precipitated as 1500 °F).
a fine suspension that is allowed to settle in large tanks. After X1.2.2.2 Crystal Shape—Cubic (Periclase).
washing and filtering, the “cake,” about 50 to 70 % solid, is X1.2.2.3 Maximum Theoretical Density—3.58 3 103 kg/m3
calcined at 900 °C (1652 °F) to form the reactive magnesia. (0.13 lbm/in.3).
The latter material is often pressed into pellets and heated to a X1.2.2.4 Dielectric Strength—5000 kV/m (127 000 V/in.).
dense refractory product. Without special purification, com- X1.2.2.5 Hardness (MOHS)—5 to 6.
mercial seawater magnesia powder is typically 96 to 98 % X1.2.2.6 Softening Temperature—1250 6 50 °C (2282 6
pure. When MgO is in the active finely divided powder state 90 °F).
(when heated to only about 800 to 900 °C (1472 to 1652 °F) in X1.2.2.7 Melting Temperature—2800 °C (5072 °F).
the preparation process), magnesia readily absorbs moisture
X1.2.2.8 Molecular Weight—40.32.
and carbon dioxide. (Carbon dioxide is acidic.) The hydration
process is completed in about three days. The reactivity with X1.2.2.9 Typical Electrical Resistivity—Theoretical, 100 %
water begins to decrease when magnesia is heated, starting at density. See Table X1.3.
about 1000 to 1100 °C (1832 to 2012 °F). When heated to X1.2.2.10 Specific Heat—1 3 103 J/(kg·K) (0.24 Btu/
1450 °C (2642 °F), the hydration process becomes asymptotic lbm°F) @ 0 % Porosity.
to around 61.4 % of complete hydration. When heated to above X1.2.2.11 Typical Thermal Conductivity—See Table X1.4.
1700 °C (3092 °F) (dead burned magnesia), the fine crystals X1.2.2.12 Macroscopic Thermal Neutron Absorption Cross
grow, and the material becomes more resistant to hydration. Section—(3.2 m−1 (0.08 in.−1)).

E 1652 – 03


X2.1 Crushable insulators and insulating materials should X2.2 Insulators and insulation materials should be fired
be handled only with clean gloves to prevent contamination. prior to use to remove moisture and organic contaminants.
Film type gloves such as plastic, rubber, or other synthetic They should be placed in suitable hard-fired ceramic containers
materials are recommended. If fibrous gloves are used, then and fired in an oxidizing atmosphere electric oven or furnace at
fibers shall not be loose, because they will get caught and be a temperature between 950 and 1000 °C (1700 and 1800 °F)
left on the surface of the insulators. for 1 h minimum.


X3.1 A minimum of 0.25 % of a lot but no fewer than 3 m = dry mass of specimen, kg (lbm),
pieces shall be tested. Ow = density of water, 997.5 kg/m3(0.036 lbm/in.3),
A = wet mass of specimen, kg (lbm),
X3.2 Test specimens shall be dry initially and tested in a B = mass of suspension wire, kg (lbm), and
location where the moisture content of the ambient atmosphere C = apparent mass of specimen, in water, kg (lbm).
does not exceed the equivalent of 50 % relative humidity at
22 °C (72 °F). X3.4 Dry Method:
X3.4.1 Weigh each specimen to determine its dry mass in
X3.3 Displacement Method: kilograms (pounds mass).
X3.3.1 Weigh each specimen in air to determine its dry X3.4.2 Measure the outside diameter of each specimen in
mass in kilograms (pounds mass). metres (inches) at various points around the diameter and along
X3.3.2 Attach a suspension wire to each specimen. the length, and average the measurements.
X3.3.3 Immerse the specimens in a beaker of water and boil X3.4.3 Measure the length of each specimen in metres
for 2 h, or until bubbles cease emerging from the specimen. (inches).
Ensure that the specimens remain entirely covered while X3.4.4 Measure the inside diameter of the holes of each
boiling. specimen in metres (inches) using gage pins, and average the
X3.3.4 Allow each beaker with its specimen to cool to room measurements. The hole diameter shall be considered to be the
temperature. This may be accelerated by the addition of cold diameter of the largest pin that can fit inside the hole to a depth
water to the beaker. of 6.3 mm (0.25 in.).
X3.3.5 Weigh each of the specimens suspended in its beaker X3.4.5 Calculate the density of each specimen as follows:
to determine its apparent mass in water in kg (lbm). 4m
X3.3.6 Remove each specimen from its beaker and shake O5 (X3.2)
pL ~D2 2 NB 2!
once or twice to remove water trapped within the insulators.
Blot the outside surface of each insulator with a damp cloth to
remove water adhering to the outside surface. Avoid excessive where:
blotting, which may introduce errors. O = density, kg/m3 (lbm/in.3),
X3.3.7 Weigh each of the specimens in air to determine its m = dry mass of specimen, kg (lbm),
wet mass in kilograms (pounds mass). p = 3.1416,
X3.3.8 Calculate the density of each specimen as follows: L = length of specimen, m (in.),
D = average outside diameter of specimen, m (in.),
O5 (X3.1) N = number of holes in the specimen, and
~A 1 B 2 C! B = average inside diameter of the holes of the specimen,
where: m (in.).
O = density, kg/m3 (lbm/in.3),
X3.5 Record results for each specimen tested.


X4.1 Test Fixture—A test stand or equivalent equipment X4.2.2 Test a minimum of 0.25 % of a lot but no fewer than
may be used for application of load. 3 pieces.
X4.2.3 Test the insulators dry in a location where the
X4.2 Test Procedure: moisture content of the ambient atmosphere does not exceed
X4.2.1 Apply the load midway between the support rods as the equivalent of 50 % relative humidity at 22 °C (72 °F).
shown in Fig. X4.1. Note position of the holes for insulators X4.2.4 Apply an increasing load by adding weights to the
with more than one hole as shown in Fig. X4.2. tray at a uniform rate until the specimen breaks. Record the

E 1652 – 03

FIG. X4.2 Load Orientation

NOTE—L dimension is based on insulator outside diameter. X4.2.6 Calculate the modulus of rupture of each specimen
Nominal Insulator Outside Diameter L as follows:
3.69 mm (0.145 in.) and smaller 19 mm (0.75 in.) 8 PgcL
3.70 to 5.31 mm (0.146 to 0.209 in.) 25 mm (1.0 in.) M5 (X4.1)
5.32 to 7.40 mm (0.210 to 0.291 in.) 38 mm (1.50 in.) pD3
7.41 to 10.55 mm (0.292 to 0.415 in.) 51 mm (2.0 in.)
10.56 to 14.79 mm (0.416 to 0.582 in.) 76 mm (3.0 in.) where:
14.80 to 19.06 mm (0.583 to 0.750 in.) 102 mm (4.0 in.) M = modulus of rupture, MPa (psi),
19.07 to 23.25 mm (0.751 to 0.915 in.) 127 mm (5.0 in.)
23.26 mm (0.916 in.) and larger 152 mm (6.0 in.)
P = mass of load at rupture, kg (lbm),
gc = 9.8 N/kg (32.2 lbf/lbm),
FIG. X4.1 Test Fixture
L = distance between supports, mm (in.),
p = 3.1416, and
mass of the load that caused the break in kilograms (pounds D = average outside diameter of specimen, mm (in.).
mass). Include the mass of the weights and the tare mass of the X4.2.7 The calculated modulus of rupture is considered to
hanger and tray. be an indirect measure of crushability for that lot of insulators.
X4.2.5 Measure the diameter at four points approximately
45° apart near the point of breakage, and calculate the average
X4.3 Record results for each specimen tested.
in millimetres (inches).


X5.1 Specific Heat—Test Method D 2766. X5.3 Thermal Expansion—Test Method C 832, and Test
Method E 228.
X5.2 Thermal Conductivity—Test Methods D 2858 and
E 1225.


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