Japanese Haiku Poem 4's Lesson Plan
Japanese Haiku Poem 4's Lesson Plan
Japanese Haiku Poem 4's Lesson Plan
Grade 8
I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
A. define themes found in a Japanese haiku;
B. compose a haiku poem;
C. share to the class their haiku composition.
III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities
a. Prayer
b. Checking of Attendance
c. Review of previous lesson
Motivation: The teacher will play sound about nature and let the students listen
to it.
While the students are listening to the sound, write the following
on the board:
Line 1: 5 syllables
Line 2: 7 syllables
Line 3: 5 syllables
B. Lesson Proper
a. Activity
Now ask the students to think of one important moment in their
lives and compose a poem using the theme about nature. The
guidelines listed on the board.
When all students have finished their haiku poems, ask them to
read/share their haiku poems with the class.
b. Analysis
The teacher gives a brief discussion.
c. Abstraction
Ask: Does the form and brevity of haiku poetry make it
more or less engaging?
The Teacher calls at least three (3) students to do the
d. Application
Group the students into four (4). The students must get the
importance if Haiku poem and write a short reflection in a
manila paper. They only given 10 minutes to do the task.
Each group is given the chance to evaluate the other group
output by giving the scores base on the following critieria:
Content - 20 points
Cleanliness of work - 5 points
Team work - 5 points
Total = 30 points
Allow them to ask questions for clarifications.
IV. Evaluation
Direction: In a 1/4 sheet of paper, compose at least three
(3) Haiku poem.
Look around you and find an inspiration to make a Japanese
haiku poem.
V. Assignment:
Have students research some well-known haiku poems. Now have
them analyze the form of each poem. Do they follow the 5-7-5
pattern ?
Prepared by:
Carinal, Roque
Gutierrez, Shannel
Pena, Cheryl