BCA First Year New PDF
BCA First Year New PDF
BCA First Year New PDF
Session 2017-18
Computer organization: block diagram of computer and its functional units.
Input devices - keyboard, scanner, mouse, light pen, bar code reader, OMR, OCR, MICR,
track ball, joystick, touch screen camera, micetc.
Output devices: monitors – classification of monitors based on technology -CRT & flat
panel, LCD ,LED monitors, speakers, printers – dot matrix printer, ink jet printer, laser
printer, 3D Printers, wi-fi enabled printers, plotters and their types , LCD/LED projectors.
Computer memory and its types,Storage devices: Magnetic tapes, Floppy Disks, Hard Disks,
Compact Disc – CD-ROM, CD-RW, VCD, DVD, DVD-RW, usb drives,Blue Ray Disc,
SD/MMC Memory cards.
Programming Concept and its planning: Purpose of writing a program, Steps in Program
Development, Characteristics of a Good Program, development of an Algorithm, Flow Charts
through examples.
PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES: History, Classifications, Low Level, Assembly, High
Level languages and 4GL, Advantages & Disadvantages of Programming Languages.
TYPES OF SOFTWARE: System Software, Translators, Compilers, Interpreters,
Assemblers, Operating System, Linkers, Libraries & Utilities, Application Software,
Packaged & Tailored Softwares. Examples of word-processing, spreadsheets, presentation,
multimedia, graphics, accounting, statistical analysis, MIS software and other utility software
OPERATING SYSTEMS: Introduction, Types of O.S.: Single User, Multi User, Multi
Programming, Multi-Tasking, Real Time, Time Sharing, Batch Processing, Parallel
Processing, Distributed Processing.File Allocation Table (FAT & FAT 32), NTFS, Drives,
files & directory structure and its naming rules, booting process details of DOS and
Windows, system files.
Examples of Operating systems prevalent around the world, Windows, Linux, iOS, Android
and others.The concept of Open source, its advantages and limitations.
Virus- working principles, Types of viruses, virus detection and prevention, viruses on
Antivirus software.
WWW, Browser, Search Engine, Uses of the Internet, Basic Services of Internet, Difference
between website and portal.
Use of computers in communication : Communication Process, Communication types-
Simplex, Half Duplex, Full Duplex, Communication Protocols, Communication Channels -
Twisted, Coaxial, Fiber Optic, Serial and Parallel Communication, Modulation
andDemodulation, Modem - Working and characteristics, Types of network Connections -
Dialup, Leased Lines, ISDN, DSL, RF, Broadband ,Types of Network - LAN, WAN, MAN
,Internet, VPN etc., Topologies of LAN - Ring, Bus, Star, Mesh and Tree topologies,
Components of LAN -Media, NIC, NOS, Bridges, Adaptors, HUB, Routers, Routers,
Repeater and Gateways.
Use of Dictionary and Thesaurus, Vocabulary:Word formation, Synonyms, Antonyms, words
with similar and dissimilar meanings, Homophony, Prefixes and Suffixes,Phrases: Noun
phrase, verb phrase, adjective phrase, adverb phrase and prepositional phrase.
Unit III
Communication and Language Skills:
Importance of communication, Elements of communication, Skills of communication--
listening, reading, writing and speaking.Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication,
Comprehension,Paragraph writing-its methods and types, Precis Writing, Summary Writing,
Note-Making And Note-Taking, Writing minutes & Memos.
Importance of feedback and reporting in business/corporate environment.,Business Etiquettes
and Mannerisms
Oral Business Communication:
The Oral Channel And Its Use In Business Transactions, Principles of effective
communication, Preparing For A Speech- Informal and Formal speech, Writing A Speech On
A Given Topic Or For An Occasion ,Writing the Chairman’s speech.Preparing for
Interviews, Group Discussion and Conferences.
Reports And Proposals : Classification,Importance of reports,Preparing To Write A Report,
Features of Effective Report , Types Of Business Reports, Reports of Committees, Sample
Reports.Preparing a Proposal.Business Correspondences - Offer, Enquiry,Quotation, Order,
Execution, Claim, Complaint and Adjustments.
Written Business Communication:
Importance, Concept, Advantages and Disadvantages of written business communication.
Need of Business letters.Layout/Structureof A Business Letter,Kinds of business letters.
Essentials of an effective business letter, Enquiries, Replies, Orders, Credit and Reference
letters. Supply letters, Dunning letters, Sales letters, Circular letters.
Drafting Official letters – rules to be observed for drafting of official letters, writing
application for jobs.Preparing CV for job.
Modern Forms of Communication—fax, E-Mail, Video Conferencing, International
Communication, Adapting to Global business.
Text Books & Reference Books :
MS Word : Introduction , Features & area of use. Working with MS Word :Ribbon tabs-
Home, Insert, Page Layout, References, Mailings, Review, View. Creating a New Document;
Different Page Views and layouts; Applying various Text Enhancements; Working with –
Styles, Text Attributes; Paragraph and Page Formatting; Text Editing using various features ;
Bullets, Numbering, Auto correct, change case, sorting, Printing & various print options.
Advanced Features of MS-Word: Spell Check, Thesaurus, Find & Replace; Headers &
Footers ; Inserting – Page Numbers, Pictures, Files, Auto text, Symbols ,formula etc.;
Working with Columns, Tabs & Indents; Creation & Working with Tables including
conversion to and from text; Margins & Space management in Document; Adding References
and Graphics; Mail Merge, printing Envelops & Mailing Labels. Importing and exporting to
and from various formats. Working with OPTIONS in MS-WORD.
MS Excel: Introduction ,features and area of use; Working with MS Excel.; concepts of
Workbook & Worksheets; Using Wizards; Various Data Types; Using different features with
Data, Cell and Texts; Inserting, Removing & Resizing of Columns & Rows; Working with
Data & Ranges; Different Views of Worksheets; Column Freezing, Labels, Hiding, Splitting
etc.; Using different features with Data and Text; Use of Formulas, Calculations & Functions;
Cell Formatting including Borders & Shading; Working with Different Chart Types; Printing
of Workbook & Worksheets with various options.
MS PowerPoint: Introduction & area of use; Working with MS PowerPoint: Creating a New
Presentation; Working with Presentation; Using Wizards; Slides & its different views;
Inserting, Deleting and Copying of Slides; Design slides using themes, colors, and special
effects. Adding special effects to slide transitions. Working with Notes, Handouts, Columns
& Lists; Adding Graphics, Sounds and Movies to a Slide; Working with PowerPoint Objects;
Designing & Presentation of a Slide Show; Printing Presentations, Notes, Handouts with
print options. Working with master slides.
MS Access : Introduction to database, Relational Database, Database Elements,
Tables, Query ,Opening and Closing Access Interface Window, Different tabs and icons on
ribbon, creating a New database in Access, save and open database, Table creation, Database
view and Design View. Data Types, Field Properties, Fields: names, types, properties,Data
Entry, Add record, delete record, edit text, Sort, find/replace, filter/ select, rearrange
Keywords, Identifiers, Variables, constants, Scope and life of variables - local and global
variable. Data types, Expressions, Operators : Arithmetic, Logical, Relational, Conditional
and Bit wise Operators. Precedence and Associativity of Operators, Type conversion. Basic
input/output library functions: Single character input/output i.e. getch(), getchar(),putch(),
putchar(). Formatted input/output -scanf() and printf() . Library functions : Mathematical &
Character functions, Storage classes.
ARRAYS : concept of Single and Multi Dimensional arrays, Array declaration and
initialization of arrays. Strings : declaration, initialization, string functions.
The need for C functions, User defined and library functions, prototype of functions,
prototype of main() function, Calling of functions, Function arguments, argument passing:
call by value and call by reference, Return values. Nesting of functions, Recursion, Array as
function argument, Command line arguments.Storage class specifiers - auto, extern, static,
Pointers- Fundamentals, Pointer declarations, Passing pointers to the functions, pointers and
one dimensional array, dynamic memory allocation, Operations on pointers, arrays of
Concept of debugging. Finding Errors in the programs, error codes and their meanings,
Various debugging options in Turbo C compiler. (Debug and Options Menu of the TCC IDE)
File Handling - Defining, opening & closing a file, Functions for processing and creation of
files- Reading, Writing, Accessing(tell()) &Seeking(seek()). Access modes-read, write and
Theory of Indices, Definition & Types of Matrices, Elementary Transformation of Matrices,
Determinant and Matrices, Special Matrices, Inverse of a Matrix.
Frequency Distribution, Histogram, Measure of Central Tendency, Mean, Mode, Median,
Standard Deviation.
Ratio And Proportion, Percentage, Commission & Brokerage, Discount, Profit & Loss.
Limits & Continuity, Limits of Functions, Infinite Limits, Limits at Infinity, Continuous
Function, Differentiation of 1st and 2nd Order, Integration – finite, infinite, addition,
subtraction & multiplication.
Binary Logic: Boolean algebra, Boolean Theorems, Boolean Functions and Truth Tables, Canonical
and Standard forms of Boolean functions, Simplification of Boolean Functions, SOP and POS form,
Karnaugh Maps.
Digital Logic gates: Basic Gates – AND, OR, NOT, Universal Gates – NAND, NOR, Other Gates–
XOR, XNOR, NAND, NOR, Multilevel NAND and NOR circuits.
Combinational Circuits: Half-Adder, Full-Adder, Subtractor, Encoders, Decoders, Multiplexers, De-
multiplexers, Sequential Circuits: Flip-flops-RS, D, JK, T & Master-Slave flip-flops, Registers,
Memory: Memory cells - SRAM and DRAM cells, Primary memory-RAM, ROM, PROM, EPROM,
PLA programmable logic array, Secondary memory and its types, Internal Organization of a memory
chip, Organization of a memory unit, Concept of cache memory, Organization and levels of cache
memory, Concept of virtual memory, memory accessing methods: serial and random access.
Hardware support for memory management.
Bus, word length, processing speed, microprocessor, General architecture of CPU, Instruction format,
Instruction set: data transfer instructions, Data manipulation instructions, program control
instructions. Von Neumann model.
Types of CPU organization: Accumulator based, stack based and general based machine, Addressing
modes. Basic introduction to CISC/RISC
Data transfer modes : Serial, Parallel, Ethernet, USB, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth;
Data transfer scheme (1) programmed data transfer-Synchronous, Asynchronous and Interrupt driven
data transfer scheme, (2) Direct memory access data transfer.
Trial Balance, Rectification of errors, adjustment entries.Depreciation and Inflation.Valuation
of Assets and Depreciation Methods: Straight Line Method, Diminishing Balance Method, Sinking
Fund Method, Insurance Method and Annuity Method.
Preparation of Financial Account: Trading Account, Profit and Loss Account and Balance
Finance function and its objectives, tools for financial analysis, capitalization, over
capitalization analysis under capitalization.
Ratio analysis, funds flow and cash flow analysis, Meaning Interpretations of ratio,
classification of ratio.
Using MSWord
1. Create a document and apply different Editing options.
2. Create Banner for your college.
3. Design a Greeting Card using Word Art for different festivals.
4. Create your Biodata and use page borders and shading.
5. Create a document and insert header and footer, page title etc.
6. Implement Mail Merge.
7. Insert a table into a document.
8. Create a document and apply different formatting options.
Using MS Excel
1. Design your class Time Table.
2. Prepare a Mark Sheet of your class result.
3. Prepare a Salary Slip of an employee of an organisation.
4. Prepare a bar chart & pie chart for analysis of Election Results.
5. Prepare a generic Bill of a Super Market.
6. Work on the following exercises on a Workbook:
a. Copy an existing Sheet
b. Rename the old Sheet
c. Insert a new Sheet into an existing Workbook
d. Delete the renamed Sheet.
Using MS PowerPoint
1. Design a presentation of your institute using auto content wizard, design templateand blank
2. Design a presentation illustrating insertion of pictures, Word Art and ClipArt.
3. Design a presentation, learn how to save it in different formats, copying and
opening an existing presentation.
4. Design a presentation illustrating insertion of movie, animation and sound.
5. Illustrate use of custom animation and slide transition (using different effects).
6. Design a presentation using charts and tables of the marks obtained in class.
7. Illustrate use of macro in text formatting in your presentation.
Using MS Access
1. Create a table “Student” for storing records of 5 students under following columns.
Scode, Sname, Result, Sclass.
2. Create a table for storing records of 5 employees for an organization-
ECode, EmpName, EmpDesig, EmpDept, EmpSal.
3. Display records of employee of Comp. Dept.
4. Write a query to select records of student table of class B.Com. II.
5. Write a query to display student name and result of pass student.
6. Display record of employee whose salary is greater than 30,000.
7. Create a table in MS Access under these columns:-
Book ID, Book Name, Author, Publication.
8. Delete a record from book table whose BookId = “1001”.
Programming in C
24. Write a program to print table of any number.
25. Write a program to print Fibonacci series
26. Write a program to find length of string without using function.
27. Write a program to perform all arithmetic operations using case statement.
28. Write a program to check entered number is Armstrong or not.