Executive Summary
Company Period
Gap Inc. 54 59 67
Source: Interviews
The identified human capital issue or challenge identified within Victoria’s Secret also
impacts the wellbeing of the individual in merchandising jobs in various ways. It increases the
level of job dissatisfaction among employees. Job dissatisfaction measures the extent to which
employees feel demotivated to continue working as a merchandiser in the apparel industry
(Thakur, 2014). Increasing job dissatisfaction can increase the high rate of employee turnover.
This makes employees remain demotivated and unhappy at work (Zhang, 2016). As a result,
there will be reduced productivity. Additionally, high turnover rates will make the remaining
employees feel demotivated since they are overworked. Enhancing the level of job satisfaction
among employees is the solution required to minimize higher turnover rates. Besides, job
satisfaction measures the level of employee motivation and performance within a company. Job
satisfaction also determines the employee’s feeling towards a certain task. Thus, the organization
can only achieve improved productivity by ensuring that there is a high level of job satisfaction
among employees. Job satisfaction also enhances the interpersonal relationship between
management and employees Al-Mamun and Hassan, 2017). Whenever employees have serious
issues or concerns, they are able to approach their managers and discuss the issue freely. This
shows a good working relationship which is vital in enhancing sustainable performance. Job
satisfaction will also help employees to be given a chance of participating in the organizational
decision-making process.
in the decision-making process. The HRM should be able to show the employee that they can do
their best even in the management’s absence. This will provide the employees with the
opportunity of becoming more creative and innovative. When employees are not given this
opportunity, they will feel frustrated with the lack of freedom. As a result, this will cause high
turnover rates. Trusting employees and allowing them to participate during a major meeting will
enable them to get motivated and perform well. Finally, the company should ensure effective
leadership to ensure that all employees are involved in the decision-making process and their
needs are respected.
Al-Mamun & Hassan (2017). Factors affecting employee turnover and sound retention strategies
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Thakur, P. (2014). A research paper on the effect of employee engagement on job satisfaction in
IT sector. Journal of Business Management and Social Sciences Research, 3(5), 31-39.
Zhang, Y.J. (2016). A review of employee turnover influence factor and countermeasure.