RPP English 1 Int
RPP English 1 Int
RPP English 1 Int
( RPP )
Standar Kompetensi
Pupils should be able to understanding the passage
Kompetensi Dasar
Pupils should be able to understanding and memorizing the passage
A. Indikator
Pupils should be able to :
1. To understading about present perfect
2. To read the article well and correctly.
3. To give the example
a. Example from present perfect in regular verb
b. Example from present perfect inireguler verb
4. To give explain the meaning of:
a. Arrive
b. Several
B. Tujuan Pembelajaran
After the pupils able to read the article correctly, they be able to write with a
new word and expressions, able to read, understanding and explaining the
article and about the sentence with English language.
C. Materi Pembelajaran
Eight Chapter Past II Present Perfect
Ths week
This month
This year
During this lesson
I have worked hard
He has written on the paper
We have answerd the question
You haveput your book on the table
They have come here for this lesson
How many times a week do you generally come here? I generally come here
three times a week. Did you come here last week? Yes, I came once.
Howmany pupils have come for their lesson today? Two pupils hve come.
Have you ever read an English book ? Yes, I have read it many
When did you read the last one ? I read it yesterday
How long were you in London last year? I was in London for one week last
Have Mr. And Mrs. Johnson ever been to New York? No, they have never
been there
How often have you been to the Museum? I have been there several times.
When were you there last? I was there three days ago
How long have you been in this classroom ? I have been here since ten
o’clock. I have been here for half an hour.
D. Dialogue, Discussion, question and answer
E. Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran
Step Explanation
Preface - Intoduction
II. Penilaian
a. Penilaian Kognitif
Bentuk tes : tes tulis
The Answer: A
1. Yes, I did wrote the letter / No, I did’t wrote the letter ( 3 )
2. Yes, I have given the knowledge/ No, I have’t given the
knowledge ( 3 )
3. Yes, I have called my friend to the classroom / No, I have’t called
my friend to the class room ( 3 )
4. Yes, she have tried to drive a car yesterday/ No, she have’t tried
to drive a car ( 3 )
5. Yes, she has allowed to take some picture/ No, she has’t allowed
to take some picture ( 3 )
1. Arrive : Come ( 3)
I arrived at home in the night ( 3 )
2. Several : Somebody ( 3 )
Several teacher gived her student the knowledge ( 3 )
Rentangan Nilai
1 - 3 = 1
4 - 6 = 2
7 - 9 = 3
10 - 12 = 4
13 - 15 = 5
16 - 18 = 6
19 - 21 = 7
22 - 24 = 8
25 - 27 = 9
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