ISA-840-001N A3600 - Pre-Site - Checklist - Edited
ISA-840-001N A3600 - Pre-Site - Checklist - Edited
ISA-840-001N A3600 - Pre-Site - Checklist - Edited
This checklist shall be utilized to ensure the installation site meets all required specifications. This checklist also provides information on commodities and optional
items to be purchased before an installation.
2. Confirm the location of the transformer and the power cut off panel. Yes No Please provide picture if available
3. Confirm the location of the air compressor tank. Yes No Please provide picture if available
Confirm that the air compressor system installed meets the air pressure, volume and Use the Accelerator a3600 Requirement
4. Yes No
quality specifications. NOTE: A local water drain is required. Calculator for estimation.
When the air compressor is operation ready, check if the compressed air pressure
5. Yes No Refer to Section D.
meets the requirements.
Determine if a backup compressor is available and it meets the same specifications of
6. the primary compressor. NOTE: Backup compressor is required if the customer wants Yes No
to ensure normal operation while the primary compressor is being serviced.
Entire track height to be maintained at
7. Check the flatness of the floor area where the track is going to be in position. Yes No 885mm +25/-5mm.
Check the floor load capacity where the track is going to be installed. NOTE: Check Use the Accelerator a3600 Requirement Calculator
8. Yes No
specifically the area where the Storage & Retrieval Module is positioned. for estimation. Please provide document and data
If automation system comes with a Storage & Retrieval Module (15K tubes), ensure
9. that the ceiling height is greater than 2895mm (114 in). Yes No Please provide picture.
NOTE: This specification is not required for Storage & Retrieval (9K tubes).
Ensure that the water drain for the SRM cooler is located near to the left side of the
10. Yes No
Confirm the total number of network data ports needed and make sure they are For enquiries, consult both AbbottLink
11. Yes No
activated by customer’s IT Department. Department and customer’s IT Department.
Ensure that the Architect DI water system is installed and operational. Check if the Refer to individual Architect service manual
12. Yes No
water pressure and volume meets the Architect system requirements. for the requirements.
Determine the number of power receptacles required for Architect systems, i2000SR
13. Yes No
Spurs, Moxa, Centrifuges, SRM Coolers and Nemo Servers.
Ensure that the power receptacle for each Storage Module Cooler is located within
14. Yes No
1500mm (6ft) at the left side of the SRM.
15. Ensure that all the power receptacles are operational. Yes No
Obtain at least 1000 tubes of different types from customer for acceptance testing Higher number of tubes used shall depend
22. Yes No
during later part of installation. on each individual site install and availability.
23. Determine and obtain all the types of sample barcode labels used at customer site. Yes No
24. Determine the barcode symbologies code and lengths used by customer. Yes No
Coordinate with customer before drilling the mounting holes for Command Posts. (if Ensure that the area of the floor can support
25. Yes No
required) the mounting screws.
Commend Center is optional to the
26. Verify Point-to-Point cable installation for Command Center. (if required) Yes No
Email invites to installation team members including dates, flight information, hotel
27. Yes No
arrangements, and contact information.
Ensure that power cables, water piping, drainage piping, and compressed air piping
28. Yes No Refer to Section D.
are not trip hazards.
Refer to individual instrument pre-site
29. Check if water pressure regulator is installed for all the instruments and iARMs. Yes No
30. Ensure Edgeport terminal server is shipped with each new analyzer. Yes No
31. If Moxa is needed for the analyzers, determine the number of units to be ordered. Yes No GPPM: 8-35005051-01
Prepare at least 1 sample tubes of different types used by customer for Decapper, Refer to the individual module service
32. Yes No
Sealer, Desealer, and Recapper tube height teachings. manual for teaching procedure.
Refer to TSB 116-112 for i2000SR, TSB 126-080 for
33. Determine the number of LN kits for the c8/c16/i2000SR modules. Yes No c8000 and TSB 127-049 for c16000. Please pay
attention to this.
36. Order alignment tool kits for Track and SRM Yes No GPPM: 06P77-01 (IOM), 06P78-01 (SRM)
37. Order Install alignment tool kits for SRM, if they are not available in regional office. Yes No GPPM: 06P79-01 (SRM install kit)
39. Order the Desealer setting tool, if Desealer is part of the track. Yes No GPPM: 8-35005811-01
Determine the commodities need to be ordered and arrived at site before the start of
40. Yes No Refer to the list of commodities at Section B.
the installation.
41. Order TSB labels based on the Total number of Track Modules. Yes No GPPM: 7-76230-01
1. 07L12-01 a3600/APS Resealing Aluminum Coil Yes No Approx. 16,000 seals per order.
Tube caps are included in this
2. 07L58-01 a3600/APS Aliquoter Secondary Tubes Yes No list number. 1,000 tubes and
caps per order.
3. 07L59-01 a3600/APS Aliquoter Tips Yes No 1,000 tips per order.
4. 07L60-01 a3600/APS Aliquoter Secondary Tube Labels Yes No 1,700 labels per order.
1. Order 3m (10ft) USB cable for Edgeport. One per instrument. Yes No GPPM: 100417-101
Purchase twist lock power plugs or additional cable for power connectors of the
2. Yes No
analyzers, SCC and SRM cooler power.
4. Purchase 15ft PS2 extension cables for analyzers’ articulating arm. Yes No
5. Purchase wire duct for power cables based on the a3600 track length. Yes No
6. Order power adapters for Command Center (power strip adapter). Yes No
General Environmental Requirements Comments
Please make sure you have measure by yourself or the
Temperature: 5 - 40°C / 41 -104°F Yes No customer can provide some support document or email.
Pneumatic Requirements
Compressed air Pressure: 7 - 9 bars (100 - 128 psi) Yes No 90 psi minimum during operation.
Clean, Dry and oil free (dew point 3 °C / 37.4 °F) Yes No Refrigeration type dryer recommended.
Condensation Drain Located at or near left corner of the storage retrieval module. Yes No
Main Power: 400V±10% three-phase WYE (STAR) configuration system, 50/60 Hz Yes No
Power Hardware
Analyzer needs 20A outlet with NEMA 6R receptacle to wall or 30A outlet with NEMA 6R Types of Receptacle used are based on each
Yes No
receptacle if connecting to a UPS. individual region.
If Centrifuge is connected to track, it needs 20A outlet with NEMA 6R receptacle to wall or 30A Types of Receptacle used are based on each
Yes No
outlet with NEMA 6R receptacle if connecting to a UPS. individual region.
E. Power Measurements:
Line 1 to Line 2; Line 1 to Line 3; Line 2 to Line 3 Yes No 360 – 440 VAC < 0.5 VAC
GND to Conduit Yes No less than 0.5 VAC < 0.5 VAC
Main Power Inlet Point, 230
Dimensions (LxHxD) Weight Power Continuous
Module Clearances VAC, 50/60 Hz, single Heat (BTU) Wastes
(mm) (kg) Cons. (VA) Current
(mm) phase
left: 500
SRM (9216 230 Vac, 50 Hz, single 1 liter/h (condensation
right: 500
tubes) - Chiller 1950x 2150 x1778 1220 phase 3250 14 8840 drain)
back side:
included (2 points)
left: 500 230 Vac, 50 Hz, single
Rack Input
1224x1204x702 right: 500 200 phase 950 4 2584 N/A
Module - RIM
front: 800 (1 point)
left: 500 230 Vac, 50 Hz, single
Rack Output
1224x1204x702 right: 500 200 phase 950 4 2584 N/A
Module - ROM
front: 800 (1 point)
left: 500 230 Vac, 50 Hz, single
Bulk Input
981x1250x920 right: 500 200 phase 160 0.7 435 N/A
Module - BIM
front: 800 (1 point)
left: 500 230 Vac, 50 Hz, single
Centrifuge 950x1500x1410 right: 500 375 phase 2950 12.8 8024 N/A
front: 800 (1 points)
left: 800 230 Vac, 50 Hz, single
Aliquoter 701x895x1561 right: 500 300 phase 500 2.2 1360 N/A
front: 800 (1 point)
Decapper Included in the track front: 800 6 24Vdc 192 0.8 522 N/A
Desealer Included in the track front: 800 6 24Vdc 60 0.3 163 N/A
U Turn Module Included in the track N/A 30 24Vdc 50 0.2 136 N/A
left: 800
Track Head 430x885x196 right: 800 17 24Vdc 75 3.1 255 N/A
front: 800
left: 800
L Turn module 500x500x100 right: 800 30 24Vdc 200 0.9 544 N/A
front: 800
2300x1020x430 N/A 172 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
left: 800 230 Vac, 50 Hz, single
WBB 240 470x1020x1340 right: 800 85 phase 500 2.2 1360 N/A
front: 800 (1 point)
left: 800 230 Vac, 50 Hz, single
WBB 600 1225x1020x1070 right: 800 130 phase 500 2.2 1360 N/A
front: 800 (1 point)
left: 800 230 Vac, 50 Hz, single
i2000SR IM 465x200x1500 right: 800 40 phase 190 0.8 516 N/A
front: 800 (1 point), 24Vdc
left: 800 230 Vac, 50 Hz, single
c System IM 200x200x1442 right: 800 40 phase 35 0.2 408 N/A
front: 800 (1 point), 24Vdc
230 Vac, 50 Hz, single
TDM Included in the track N/A 2 phase 150 0.7 408 N/A
(1 point)