On The Rheological Characters of Clay PDF
On The Rheological Characters of Clay PDF
On The Rheological Characters of Clay PDF
URL http://hdl.handle.net/2433/123681
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Kyoto University
*34. € 1.
properties of clay. In this paper, the authors indicate that the representation
of clay by the complex combination of simple mechanical model units causes
the complication on the mathematical treatment, but does not always contribute
to the analysis of essential nature of clay, and insist that the solution of
rheological behaviour of clay should be treated with the theory deduced from
the micrometric standpoint.
From this standpoint, applying the structural viscosity derived from the
statistical mechanics on viscosity of clay, a new fundamental formula concern-
ing the deformation or strength characters of clay—such as flow or long-term
strength is derived. This formula well agrees with the various kinds of
experiments—experiments on compression flow, recovery, flow by repetitional
load, yielding, failure, etc.. Furthermore, results of tests on flow, yielding,
failure or thermal effect can be explained micrometically by this formula.
Applying the formula and experiments, some important problems on soil
structure—such as strength—water content relation, relation between yielding
valure and failure strength, time lapse necessary for failure, variation in st-
rength by flow—are investigated and a new measuring , method of yielding
value of clay is proposed.
* This is an English report translated from one part of the Transactions of Japanese
Society of Civil Engineers No. 40 pnblisheil in Dec. 195.
plicated mathematical treatment: Therefore' the authors believe that the solu-
tion of the theological behaviour of clay should be treated with the theory
deduced from the micrometric standpoint considering the structure of clay.
From this standpoint, in this paper, the theological characters of clay
are researched, and the contents of the research are as follows :
In chapter 1, applying the structural viscosity derived from the statistical
mechanics on viscosity of clay, a new fundamental formula concerning the
flow character of clay is derived.
Chapter 2 is a report on the experimental results and their considerations
of a series of compression flow tests of clay to refer and ascertain the formula
derived in Chapter 1. Any flow characters of clay in the experiments exact-
ly agree with the formula so far as the intensity of applied flow stress is less
than either the pre-consolidation pressure or the upper yield -value.
In Chapter 3, some important problems on soil strength—such as the
relations between clay strength and its water content, relation between failure
strength and the time lapse necessary for failure and variation in strength
by flow—are researched theoretically and experimentally and a new measuring
method of the yield value of clay is proposed.
In this report rheological terms are used following the International Rhe-
ological Nomenclature ; for instance, the time effect of the deformation of
clay is called "flow" but not "creep", because the latter term implies com-
plete recovery.
1. Introduction
modified Voigt element with series coupling of spring El. The coefficient of
viscosity 7;2in the modified Voigt element is represented by the structural vis-
cosity deduced from (1). The modified Voigt element, therefore, is composed
of a spring element E2, a dashpot element r2 and a slider element ao connected
in parallel coupling each other whose elastic modulus, coefficient of viscosity
and restraining resistance are E2 (=constant), 7j2( = coefficient of structural
viscosity deduced from (1)) and ao (=constant) respectively.
(3) The fundamental relation of flow of clay obtained applying above
assumption is supposed to be valid so far as the external stress applied on
clay is less than either the stress of pre-consolidation or the stress which breaks
the structure of clay.
The structural viscosity of clay which was deduced in this paper may be
said to be a extention of the viscosity deduced by H.Eyring. Thus obtained
formula will be ascertained with experiments in Chapter 2, and the results
of this formula exactly agree with the experimental results of Chapter 2.
With external
400 (6)tress
.00••0 E.\
+c/a sxstress
Fig. 1.1 Schematicsketch of the Fig. 1.2 Representationof potential
structurecomposedof particlesand energybarrierwithor withoutexter-
holes nal stress
T {—(E0—ao.)T—
—h-exp (Eo+(La)}
Th exPlT
=((ao- ) —hTexp—E5)sinn
where a=2/2N, and 2 is the average distance projected in the direction of
stress between equilibrium positions and N is the number of unit process of
deformation in a unit area of cross section perpendicular to the direction of
stress. And also, if there are n unit of processes of deformation in series per
unit length in the direction of stress, the rate of shear D should be
D=C el)sinh(x-C1-26-.)
2,11T (2.2)
The equation for the apparent viscosity coefficient of flow would then
a 1Et, a
sinh asT) (2.3)
dt = hexp7.—sink)=Ai'sinh (131'at)
whereRhAi' =-22'n'T——01)(2.4)
Bfi =
2NIc T
In the treatment above stated, the number of the unit process of defor-
mation is considered to be independent of applied stress, and does not refer
to the existence of restraining resistance against flow which acts on particles
at all.
On the solution of rheological behaviour of clay, in this paper, the
authors have taken the restraining resistance acting on clay particles in con-
sideration and further have assumed that N1 or ;If varies with a function of
total stress (a) applied on the clay skeleton. Consequently, the unit process
j -= hT—1"
)1 ab-(6- 60)1 (2.7)
exp T
where Eot is the free energy of activation of the unit process of deformation
of type i.
Therefore the net rate of jump should be
.2KT(—E01\ tat
5=1+—i-- exP ) s'12 bcT(a— co)} (2.8)
Correspondingto Eq. (2.4), we obtain the following equation between
the rate of strain dei/dt and the stress at.
dot 2 Ata(a —ao)cTEot .2tat
=Ai(a—ao)sinh(B“"(2.9) — ao
At = — h— -expot ), Bt=2btcT
Hence, for the unit process of deformation of type i, the apparent coe-
fficient of viscosity proposed by the authors is represented as
t B
a — Co,
0.20) (3.1)
722= (3
a —ao
a= (3.3)
di}F(7° (3.5)
Transformation of Eq. (3.5) leads to :
(a— co)
Integrating, we obtain
de2 = A2(a —cro)dt-F C
(a —ao)
from which
—ao)t±C (3.6)
2E-2log tank2(a—ao)
Cis equal
to C=(132
we have e2= 0 at t= 0.
Substituting this constant into Eq. (3.6), we obtain.
B22) (3.7)
From Eq. (3.7) we get the relation between e2 and t
e2— E(a—
2 B2E22'
If B2/2 is larger than unity and
logtanlog tanh(-2
[;(6,;20.—o,e2E2}] B2)
=lOgri —
(a— co)—
(6 —co )
] ]
—log (1 —2 exp (—B2)+2 exp ( —2./3z) J
—2exp[ —132{ ((a—')—ezEzrj+
—co)—o)J 2ex,r1...(r—2B2{(aa—
—e2E2}] l
- B,{ (o--cro) —ezE2P
4—2exp[ (a —ao) ,..1,
(a — ao)
(a —co)
_A2B2Rat (3.10)
then, strain of modified Voigt element ez will be
e2=R(a —ao)(a —ao)k
2+B2E2gAzi132E2t (3.11)
where Az' = A2/2.
Substituting Eq. (3.11) into Eq. (3.3), we obtain
e=++la(a —ao)(a —ao)(a —ao)
Et ogA2 '132E2+logt(3.12)
Ey BzEzBzEz
Eq. (3.12) is the "flow equation" representing the relation between
strain e and time t for the condition (3.9), and in this equation e is propor-
tional to log t.
If ez beyonds the limits of (3.9), viz.
(a)—co 1) (3.13)
(o2.82E2 (a —co)
T1Eq. (3.8)
VS 4 b at t—).°0
6. bid
SubstitutingEq. (3.14) into
brurEq. (3.3), we obtain
a _,_(a —ao) (3.15)
109t Et-.=El.'Ey
offlowstrainAccording to the theory pro-
E vs.timet posed by the authors,therefore,
the curve representing the relation between the strain of clay and the loga-
rithm of the loading time should approach to a horizontal asymptote as shown
schematically in Fig. 1.4.
4. Introduction
In this chapter, the authors report on the experimental results and their
considerations of a series of compression tests at constant uni-axial load, carried
out on Osaka Alluvial Clay, in order to refer and ascertain the new fundamental
formula derived in the preceding chapter.
As the experimenting apparatus for flow tests of clay, there are various
kinds of apparatus such as apparatus for simple shear, torsion shear,
unconfined compression, triaxial compression or other testing method and
some of them have been used by some researchers. But, in this case, for
simplicity and general applicability of testing process, the authors performed the
compression flow tests with triaxial cell applying each constant uni-axial load,
as R.Haefeli" performed.
Undisturbed clay specimens used for the compression flow tests were
obtained from the Umeda Alluvial Clay Stratum in Osaka City by means of
the thin-walled sampler with stationary piston. The tube of this sampler has
the inner diameter of 73 mm, the thickness of the wall of about 1 mm and
the length of 760 mm. The soil profile of the Osaka Alluvial Layer is shown
in Fig. 2.1, in which clay stratum extending between a depth from 6 to 18 m
below ground level is called Umeda Alluvial Clay Stratum. As the clay in
this stratum has the sensitivity ratio of about 3 in Terzaghi's representation,
it belongs to the category of an ordinary clay. The results of the physical
tests of the clay are as follows : — specific gravity : 2.67, L.L. ; 8-3-63q,
P.L. ; 36 --25q, natural water content : 92-58%, void ratio : 2.52--1.84,
degree of saturation : 100%, and the grain size distribution is shown in Fig.
2.2. The maximum pre-consolidation pressures measured by oedometer tests
are as follows : — sample No. 4 ; 0.88 kg/cm2, No. 10 ; 1.60 kg/cm2. As
a. IllI
100 1
E .^411111111111
;-; 50
HI Ai .
• 10'4,,
0 Fig. 2.3 Schematic
102 2 54 5 102
2 54 5 10 2 54 appearance of corn-
Fttrticle size mm pression plastoine-
Fig. 2.2 Grain size distribution curve ter
6. Flow Characteristics
Using clay samples above stated, compression flow tests were performed
in which stress is kept as constant as possible during the tests of 24 hrs. The
results of the tests are shown as strain—time diagrams in Fig. 2.4, 2.5 and
2.6, in which each abscissa shows elapsed time t in logarithmic scale and
each ordinate strain e respectively.
From the strain—time curves, the features worth noticing are as follows.
(1) The flow strain a increases proportionally to the logarithm of time
(log 06'7, if the .applied stress a is smaller than a certain critical value.
180 •
2.0 160
< 100
60 I- I- I
0.5 40 0208
20 C' • . - • • • - •
0 0 li•MilaWilliM10.001101111.111.111
10 1.0 10 16 icf
t min
Fig 2.4 Flow straina vs. time I curves(sampleNo.13, watercontent; 65%)
2.0- 160
140 _—^11111111
15- E120
'0 428 TEI
,080 ••.
0.51f, . • • ' • MI
- 60 '
JIMMIMMOR'F"v-•—•— •
05- 40
• °161'8/'''11110.0".101001000.11.
0 IO 10'
t Min
Fig. 2.5 Flow strain E vs. time t curves (sample No. Bi water content ; 75%)
- 100
10- E 8•
co0.265• KW •
%.1 _c60
Therefore; it may be confirmed that Eq. (3.12) representing the linear relation
between the flow strain and the logarithm of time is valid for the stress
range up to a certain critical value.
(2) If the applied stress is larger than a certain critical value, the curves
in these figures rise concave upwards and this tendency suggests the occurence
of failure in future after a certain duration.
It will be discussed in the following Article 7 that each critical value
coincides with the upper yield value.
(3) The slopes of these lines related in (1) increase with applied stresses,
and it will be showed that the tangent of the slope angle of each line is
directly proportional to the applied stress as shown in Fig. 2.7 whose ordinate
7. Strain-rate Characteristics
a 1 r • /
a or time t on strain-rate de/dt are an- WON
alysed. 0,05
From Eq. (3.12) the strain-rate can
be represented as
de (a —cro) 1
dtB2E2 t (7. 1) 0 02 Cr race
Taking the logarithm of each term, Fig. 2.7 Relations between the
we getcoefficient b and applied stress a-
Bz8,log t (7. 2)
e=-6 +(a—ao)2.3(a
E • ±(7. —c)olop-A2'B2E2t 3)
2 B2E2
= ad-b login t (7 . 4)
b= 2.3(a
B —ao)
From the above treatment on strain-rate equations (7.1) and (7.2), the
following characters of strain-rate can be presumed so far as the flow of clay
are ruled by the theory stated in Article 3.
(1) The relation between strain-rate and stress for various constant values
of the time is represented by straight line.
(2) The logarithmic relation between strain-rate at a constant stress and
time is represented by straight lines.
These characters of strain-rate are ascertained as follows from the experi-
mental results on -flow of clay shown in Fig. 2.4, 2.5 and 2.6.
-o-o- 45° •
-0--0- 15'
OE07_I. GO
70 •
-o •
0.5- 40
025- 20
°- 0 a6 0.2 0.4
0.6 0.8
Fig. 2.8 Viscositycharacteristic (sample No. 13)
From the same experimental viscosity curves as Fig. 2.8 obtained for
samples No. 4 and No. 8, we get the values of Co and Cu, which are shown
in Table 2.1. Within the stress ranges up to the upper yield values tabulated
in Table 2.1, the s---log t relations of these clay samples under a constant
uni-axial stress are linear as shown in Fig. 2.4, 2.5 and 2.6, and in these
ranges of stress Eq. (3.12) is valid.
Table 2.1
Sample No. •okg/cm2 I Oukg/cm2
13 0.025 0.45
8 0.020 0.33
4 0.020 0.19
The thick lines in Fig. 2.7 show the relations between the coefficient of
b in Eq. (7.4) and the applied stress a. The value of b, in this figure, was
obtained as the tangent of the slope angle of each straight line due to the
comperssion stress smaller than the upper yield value Cu in Fig. 2.4, 2.5 and
2.6. Since the experimental data lie in well agreement on thick straight lines
representing the relations for stresses smaller than the upper yield value,
it can be said that the value of B2E2 in Eq, (7.4) does not depend on stress
within the range up to the upper yield value. Therefore, the values of B2E2
can be computed from Eq. (7.4) and the results of calculations are shown in
Table 2.2.
Table 2.2
Sample No. B2E2 103kg/cm2 Water content % Temperature °C
13 0.688 65 22.4
8 1.000 75 2.7
4 0.712 92 2.7
lines on each curve for the part of a>au at t=1 min in Fig. 2.4, 2.5 and
2.6 and applied stress a. These dotted lines do not hold linear relation as
thick lines do in Fig. 2.7.
The consideration for (2) :
to to'
_ .
_ • 0,
_ so
•• f._
.». allure
. - 10
,_. 1d;°.j09 t, ••
• . .. .
• I —
.-^ -) _.
3o 1..k, -,
., ,
,s0'4. .
.0•q5..• . • ••
_ •. • .
- C
,,,,, • . •. I • • ••
Fig. 2.9 Strian rate dEldt vs. time t curves (sample No. 13).
)1.014 • •
2 1•—o.. 0•-t6-.,
.-. -
Ai t-2 - o. \,
-98-,6 o. 4
Id- - 1
_ _ •
Fig. 2.9 and 2.10 show the logarithmic relations between the strain-rate
de/dt and time t obtained from the strain--time curves in Fig. 2.4 and 2.5
respectively. The straight lines in these figures represent Eq. (7.2) computed
by using the values of B2E2 tabulated in Table 2.2. Since the experimental
data lie in well agreement on straight lines representing Eq. (7.2) for the
stresses smaller than the upper yield values, it can be said that the relation
between the strain-rate and the time is quite satisfactory expressed by Eq.
(7.2). On the other hand, for stresses larger than the upper yield value the
curves rise concave upwards and the failures occur after a certain duration as
shown in Fig. 2.9. In this figure, it is found that curves for compression
stresses of 0.509 kg/cm2 and 0.676 kg/cm2 rise concave upwards and for the
curve of 0.676 kg/cm2 failure occurs after 96 min.
e=(ao-0)(1+1 +B2E.2
logt)+so (8.1)
where eo =E6°-
1 11
This equation shows that e and (a —ao) lie in proportional relation if
elapsed time t is equal.
From Eq. (8.2), as time-function or stress—strain relation regarding to
time, 0(t) are given as follows.
1 1+E+ 1
(a —e ao)0=
= 0( (Et+E.,13..!-logA
t) (8.3)
= a' +b' login t
11, 2.3 ,
where a,,-r-logio E2B2E2° A2'B2E2 (8. 4)
b' — 2.3
Refering to Eq. (7.4), the coefficients of a' and b' in Eq. (8.4) are
represented as a'F-2(2/(a —60), b' =Ka— ao).
In Fig. 2.11(a) and 2.12(a), each stress in Fig. 2.4 and 2.5 is plotted against
the strains for various constant values of the time. In these figures values
(a) Thl....
, 0.4
71 iii/rrA111111^^
Elapsed time
vi"' .-o—o-i'
.': '-0---e-
0 100 200 . 300
g 3.0 I- I
16' 1.0 10' 10 10
t min
Fig. 2.11 (a) Relationsbetween applied stress , and strain E
at various instants I (samale No. 13)
(b)1Variation of 0(1) with time
o. . . .
j • • Elapsed time
Zo o
o 10
o . 1.
o 24•
0 50 100 . 150
oh len.
0 0.5 1.0 L5 20
E le
g -
.3.0- I •
25_ .
10' LO le 10' 10
t min
Fig. 2.12 (a) Relationsbetweenapplied stress 0• and strain a
• at various instants t (sample No. 8)
(b) Variation.of 0(t) with time
a O 1
of parameter t are 1=10 see, 1, 10, 100 min and 24 hr. All curves concentrate
at very near points to the lower yield value ao on a-axis. The lower part of
these curves up to the first inflection points or the upper yield value au are
approximately straight lines. Within this range, therefore, Eq. (8.2) is valid
and the ratio e/(a—ao) or 0(t) plotted against time must give the same
time-function 0(0. The values of 0(t) obtained from Fig. 2.11(a) and
2.12(a) are plotted in Fig. 2.11(b) and 2.12(b).
The experimental results of E.C.W.A. Geuze and T.K. Tan8' had indicated
that 0(t) can be uniquely determined from torsional tests at constant moments
and further that the time function in simple shear is identical with the time
function. 0(t) in torsion.
The thick lines in Fig. 2.11(b) and 2.12(b) are 0(t)-lines obtained by the
calculation. of Eq. (8.4) substituting a/ (a —ao) for a' and B2E2 in Table 2.2
for b', and they are represented by each straight line on the semi-logarithmic
coordinate system. By above stated calculation, these lines are given as
For Fig. 2.11(b) (for sample No. 13)
0(t) =2.65+0.33 logio t 10-2/kg/cm2
For Fig. 2.12(b) (for sample No. 8)
0(0=2.80+0.23 logio t 10-2/kg/cm2
As all experimentally obtained plotts of 0(t) perfectly lie on the theo-
retically obtained 0(t)-lines as shown in Fig. 2.11(b) and 2.12(b), it may be
said that the- stress—strain characteristics of clay can be deduced from the
theory established by the authors and containing elements of time-function
0(t) which was introduced as the experimental results by E.C.W.A. Geuze
and T.K. Tan.° are clarified.
Fig. 2.13(a) and (b) :show the schematic relations of the stress—time and
the strain--time respectively. The flows and flow recoveries due to the 1st,
2nd, and nth loading ar.d load-removing are called the 1st, 2nd, and
nth flow and flow recovery in this paper.
Fig. 2.14 and 2.15 show the ex.
(O. amples of flow and recovery curves
- 74 (0'
OPI- 8th . mall
- 70
MP - e 011,001.1' III.....
E eaEallii".11111w--.4'1
II.: -.: '208-'9- - . 3 cd•1•
- .
(l.) 4
. • -
06El .i 50
- 50
I:min,. _0::::
04 .....wetIIIIIII
4+,1a11.1611 .2..........to-
10'34 < .
t Min
. {A2(a —co1—etE2) de,,
dt I
Integrating Eq. (9.1), we obtain
si'l(cB2( —coerE2)i
from which
to(a —
2E22 B2)since
we have a2= ar at t= 0.
Substituting this constant into Eq. (9.3), we obtain
= A2B2E2t+
logtarh(11) (9.4)
From Eq. (9.4) we get the relation between e2 and t.
(a —ao) 2(a— ao—SrE2)
E2 B2E22
If B2/2 >1 and
( a2E2) > 1
a —ao —27E2)
e2=(a E
—ao)(a— ao—ErE2)•og A21.82E2t (9. 7)
2 B2E2
where A2/= Az/2.
Substituting Eq. (9.7) into Eq. (3.3), we obtain
6 +(6.6°)— a°erE2) l
6= E 1 B2E2B2E2ogA2'B2E2+ (a —— E'E2) logt (9. 8)
The tangent of the slope angle of the straight lines representing a
relations for repetitional loading test is expressed by
the linear relationship between b and er. Since this linear relation gives
b = c —d •sr
= 0 .00175 —0.50 . Or,
the calculated values of E2 and B2 are as follows : E2 = 56 .5 kg/cm2, B2 = 4.6
(In this case, a = 0.218 kg/cm2, ao = 0.02 kg/cm2).
Besides, if €2 is beyond the limits of (9.6), viz.
213 (2B21)+ (9. 10)
Eq. (9.5) becomes
2 Curvesshown in Fig. 2.17(a) are flow111111111111111.11
curves obtained by repetitional loading t 1.0
with a stress of a=0.436 kg/cm2, larger Fig. 2.17 Flow and recoverycurves
than the upper yield value of a.= 0.34 due to repetitional loading (sample
No. 9. 0---=0.436kg/cm2, au=-0.34 k
g/cm2, and it is found that all curves kg/cm2, loading time ; 5 min,
rise concave upwards on the semi-logarith- interval of removal of loading; 5
mic paper and failure occurs on the way min)
Flow strain vs. time curves
of 4th flowing. It deserves attention that, (1) Flow recovery strain vs. time
as above facts indicate, the effect of curves
de =—
;B2 (
from which
EGa (2E2-60)= —A2aot-I-C (9.15)
Since we have the residual deformation sa at the beginning of the flow
by putting e=ea and t=0 in Eq. (9.15).
Substituting this constant into Eq. (9.15), we obtain
logtanhBo ao(5E5ao)1=A2132E2t+
From Eq. (9.16) we get the relatioD. between e and t.
E2132E5 1exn(
-2ao - A2B2E2t)Co)}(9.17)
So far as
ao ao Appr,ao
E 1.0p-12'Amp-LI,Vag/.(9. 19)
2 ByEyB2E2
where A2 A2/2
If e is beyond the limits of (9. 18), viz.
e< 2B
2E2 (1 +2B2) (9. 20)
Eq. (9. 17) becomes
(9. 21)
at CC
Eq. (9. 19) and Eq. (9. 21) indicate that the strain—logt relation of flow
recovery is linear and the slope of the line, viz. the value of cro/B2E2, is constant
independent of residual strain ea, and moreover the strain—logt curve should
approach to a horizontal asymptote represented by Eq. (9. 21).
10 Summary
(4) The linear relation between strain rate of flow and loading time
holds if they are plotted on the logarithmic paper, and the slope of the straight
line is constant independent of applied stress (c.f. Fig. 2. 9, 2. 10).
(5) There holds also linear relation between strain rate of flow and
applied stress for various constant values of loading time (c.f. Fig. 2. 8).
(6) It is presumed that the rate of strain increases with increasing values
of temperature at constant water content.
(7) The relation between the flow strain at a certain elapsed time and
the applied stress are linear and the authors analysed the character of the time-
function 0(t) (c.f. Fig. 2. 11, 2. 12).
(8) Taking flow strain as ordinate in ordinal scale and loading time as
abscissa in logarithmic scale for repetitional loading test, the relation is expres-
sed by straight line. The tangent of slope angle of this straight line decreases
direct proportionally to the residual strain Er which rests at the biginning of
the loading and increases with the number of repetition of loading (c.f. Fig.
2. 16).
(9) The strain during flow recovery decreases in direct proportion to
the logarithm of time and the tangent of the slope angle of each line repre-
senting the strain and the logarithm of time is constant independent of the
number of repetitional removal of load (c.f. Fig. 2. 14 (b), 2. 15 (b)).
If a stress exceeding the upper yield value is applied on clay, the clay
fails after increasing its flowing speed. Though the upper yield value car . be
determined graphically with the viscosity curve obtained by means of the com-
di 50;
b cl 40'c
a 2
O cr,
0 t, 2 t, 4 t, 3t, 0
t toe E
Fig. 3.1 Schematic relation of stress Fig. 3.2 Logarithmic relation of stress
vs. time in stress-controlled compre- vs. strain in stress-controlled compres-
ssion process to determine the upper sion process to determine the upper
yield value yield value
y(1 + /)=er. 1
e2 2=P•(l4-l)—ler.i= er.1(2 —1)=--sr.2
E2.3=- -(1+1)— /er.2= zr.1(3 —2/ +
—l<l<0 because
E er•3 and er•mdenote residual strains at the ends of the
loading steps of 1, 2, 3 n respectively.
Then the total strain at the end of the nth loading step en is given by
6.-= e3•n+F.2.2,6
no.na, +( —l).) (12 . 2)
i,+ E2—E,-2{( —1)±( 1}2+ (-1)3 -1-
Table 3.1
13 0.44 0.45
8 0.34 0.33
4 0.19 0.19
well agrees with the each value tabulated in the right column of Table 3. 1
respectively which is the upper yield value obtained by the graphical procedure
Fig. 2. 8 and tabulated in
k' NEN^mimmmmoon•IMMEMIIII.reZIW Table2. L '''€1===IMMEMEMEMIN
V5 the abovemen-
b 4 MEIlliill11111111 tioned theoretical consideration
2=11111and actual
111MAA obtain the upper yield value by
5 4 5
to 2 5 4
4h 1(52MT
means of the unconfined stress-
1I012345IIIII 11I34IIIIcontrolled
1 compression test.
R52Besides undisturbed,clay, it
Fig. 3.4 Logarithmicrelationsbetweenthe was observed experimentally that
appliedstress crand strain e concrete° and some kinds of metal
have the same flow character as
1.0 . mentioned above : that is , stress--
IIMMININIMENELOSIMstrain relations of such materials co5
4represented on logarithmic paper
AJIrf6Pr-8werestraightlines continuing
II,I*)' Ifactiisrayield
2 3 4 5
point of first inflection of the curve obtained by the each stress-controlled test
of different rate of stress-increment (a =5 X 10-3, 1 X 10-2 or 2.5 X 10-2 kg/cm2
/min) on the same clay (sample number of clay : No. 8) is nearly equal to
0.33 kg/cm2
Next, a series of stress-controlled undrained triaxial compression tests at
a =5 X 10-3kg/cm2/min was performed with undisturbed saturated clay of 7090
water content (sample number of clay : No. 17) to fined the failure strength
and the upper yield value. In these tests, applied compressive stresses were res-
trained not exceed the pre-consolidation pressure of the clay. Fig. 3. 6 shows
the Mohr's circles and their envelopes for the five tests in which no consolida-
tions either before or during compression tests are permitted. Each circle for the
upper yield value in Fig. 3. 6 is drawn with the ambient pressure and the
stress at the point of first inflection of the stress--strain curve obtained by the
same procedure as that of the unconfined stress-controlled compression test.
Since the ambient pressure is carried by the pore water on the undrained
triaxial test and, accordingly, generates no additional strength in clay, both
the envelope of circles of ruptures and that of the upper yield values cru are
horizontal inspite of intensity of the ambient pressure. In Fig. 3. 6, deviator
stresses for rupture and upper yield value are measured as 0.55 kg/cm2 and
0.40 kg/cm2 respectively.
As the fact that the upper yield value does not be ;nfluenced by the
ambient pressure of triaxial stress-controlled compression test means that
rheological constants (A2, B2) of clay in Eq. (12. 2) also indifferent from the
ambient pressure, it may be concluded that the strain rate of clay does not
be influenced by the ambient pressure. This conclusion had been observed
experimentally by R.Haefeli5) with undrained triaxial compression test.
In order to research the effect of water content on the upper yield value
of undisturbed saturated clay, a large number of stress-controlled unconfined
compression test introduced in preceding article has been performed on un-
disturbed saturated clay of same kind but with various water contents. In ad-
dition to these tests, using the same kind of undisturbed saturated clay with
various water contents their failure strengths were measured by two kinds of
unconfined compression tests ; —one is the strain-controlled test whose strain
speed is 1% of the original height of the specimen per minute and the other
is the stress-controlled test whose rate of stress increment a is 5 x 10-3 kg/cm2
per minute.
Results of these tests are
90 0 shown in Fig. 3. 7. From this
-0• fi
gure the followingmatters may
4-) 80
GC'(1) If the unconfined corn-
I2>1 % pressive strengths measured by
1 tkyield
their contents on a semi-logarith-50
mic paper as shown in Fig. 3. 7,
it is clear that the linear relations
0-2 3 4 5 b.) 2.0hold for each kinds of strength
ica/cm2 and the upper yield value within
Fig. 3.7 Relations between water content a range of permissible error.
and strengths (upper yield value, corn- Among these relations, rela-
pressive strengths by stress-controlled tions between water content w and
and strain-controlled test)
compressive strength by the strain-
controlled test an have been reported to be represented by following equation
as a result of a theoretical consideration").
.) (13.
0 B
as= Asexp
Bs) (13. 2)
where As, Bs, Au, Du; constants.
(2) As the left line and center one in Fig. 3. 7 are parallel each other,
the ratio of the upper yield value and the failure strength obtained by the stress-
controlled compression test is constant at the same water content and this ratio
is nearly equal to 0.71, independent of water content of clay.
From this result, following relations hold among the constants of Eq.
(13. 2).
Bs =Bu (13. 3)
== a 71
as As (13 . 4)
(3) The ratio of the upper yield value and the failure strength obtained
by the strain-controlled test (au/a.) is not constant but increases with decreas-
ing of water content. This ratio varies from 0.36 to 0.57 according as water
content decreases from 90 to 50% for the clay tested here.
Results obtained in this article are important and very useful for the practi-
cal investigation such as the calculation of stability of slope or bearing capacity
of foundation which support almost constant load. As the upper yield value of
clay is smaller than its strength measured by the strain-controlled or stress-con-
trolled tests, the calculated critical strength of soil structure or foundation which
is based on the failure strength of clay obtained by the ordinary strain-controlled
testing method lies in dangerous side as compared with true critical strength
(or upper yield value) below which the load is supported permanently.
As already stated, if any constant stress exceeding the upper yield value is
applied on clay, the clay fails after it flows. Since the authors defined such
stress as exceeds the upper yield value the long-term, strength, the long-term
strength does not mean a definite value,
• - E
„10 - .,E ,o'0 .676K9/cm 0567Wa41.0
(&) -C
5- .4ePe'11111.1.1"1111111
, „ MPAPEZT111111111.1=
x Failure
Fig. 3.8 illustrates the flow curves and points where failures took place
obtained by the unconfined compression tests under various constant stresses a
exceeding the upper yield value on undisturbed clay specimens made from
sample No. 13. The general feature of such a flow curve consists of three
main stages of deformation ; that is, a stage of flow at a decelerating rate which
appears a while after the application of compression, next to this stage, a
stage at an approximately constant rate and finally a stage at an accelerating
rate leading to failure. As this feature is quite different from that of the flow
at the stress below the upper yield value, the mechanism of flow at the stress
exceeding the upper yield value must differ from that stated in Article 3.
Moreover, in Fig. 3. 8 it is observed that every flow strain value at failure
is almost same irrespective of the intensity of applied stress", but the
higher the intensity of the long-term strength, the shorter the elapsed time
until the flow failure.
About the relation between the long-term strength and the elapsed time
to failure the authors solved as follows, applying the theory deduced from
the statistical mechanics on the structure of clay.
In the Articles 6 and 9, it was clarified that, when the stress exceeding
the upper yield value was applied on clay, the rate of flow strain showed the
marked increase and acceleration as compared with the rate of flow strain at
the stress lower than the upper yield value. This fact is considered to be
caused by the successive breaking of bond between clay particles, which
is caused by the application of external stress exceeding the upper yield value
and leads to flow failure after a certain duration. Therefore, if the number of
such bonds per unit cross sectional area perpendicular to the direction of the
applied stress of clay is Nb, the failure takes place when the number of re-
maining bonds become zero (when Nb=0).
Since the ratio of number of activating bonds per unit time (dNb/dt) and
total bonds (Nb) is equal to the probability or the frequency of activation of
one bond per unit time, if repair of broken bonds are prospective, the rate
of breaking of such bonds at constant
Nstress as follows ; (14. 1)
a is written
where K, h, 2 and E0 are the same notations as denoted in Article 2, 02 is
the stress applied on the dashpot shownin Fig. 1. 3, and
At the state near failure, elastic property of clay become unconspicuous
with decreasingthe value of Nb and the lower yield value Co is negligibly
small comparedwith the applied stress a, hence 02 is,
c2-4(a — a = const. (14. 2)
Therefore Eq. (14. 1) becomes
N1 dNb=2Te h( Aa
b dt hxP \ICT.2Nbk T)(14. 3)
When the intensity of applied stress a is high or the repair of the bonds
does not expecting,the equation is
1 dNb.KT
=N (—E0\ Aa (14. 4)
b dth exP\ T /exP^2 Noc T)
By the substitutionu=o-/BNb, we obtain the following:
A=KTh ex(—E',)B=2 KT
A a
, 110=BNbb
and tr is the time lapse necessary to the flow failure, Nbb the initial number
of bonds per unit area of clay.
The upper limit of the integral in Eq. (14. 5) is infinite because when
pressed as —Ei(— u), and the table of EE(u) is published and applicable for
the calculation. But for sufficiently large value of u,
= h FEoAa2cr
ET log2
iv T 2 Nbo T (14. 8).
When the intensity of stress is so high as the 3rd term log(2o-/2Nbotc7')
of the right hand side in Eq. (14. 8) becomes negligibly small compared with
the 4th term (20/2Nrgx T), Eq. (14. 8) can be written approximately by
l h :o
og tr = logx TE-k--T 2N
bo T (14. 9)
h oE
logiotr =logiox 7.+2.3frc(14.
T 4.6NbotrAa 10)
v 0.7
(7.' A".65
• w3ci2i
.0 10 10' 10'
tf min
Fig. 3.9 Relationsbetween the long-term strength and the time to failure (sample
No. 13, water content ; 65%, sample No. water content ; 92%)
The results of some tests for the flow failure are given
in Fig . 3. 9
which shows the relations of a —logtr obtained for the clay samples of No .
13 (water content =65W3) and No . 2-5 (water content=92 IV). Since the
experimental data lie in well agreement on straight lines on a semi-logarith-
mic scale, it can be said that the each relation between the long-term strength
of clay and the time to failure is quite satisfactorily expressed by Eq . (14. 10),
and the tangent of the slope angle of each line is equal to the values of
2/4.6Nbox T.
If logiotr at a=0 is written as logiotr.i, the actual value of logiotf .i is
obtained by the abscissa of the point where the axis of a =0 and extrapolating
the line in Fig. 3. 9 experimentally obtained intersects . As the equation of
logiotr•t is given by
log E0
ioif.= logtoxhT+2
.3KT (14. 11)
the value of E0 can be computed from Eq. (14. 11). Curves of a—logtr
shown in Fig. 3. 9 are given for clay samples of No. 13 and No. 2-5.
Clay No. 13 ; a = 0.845 —0.0£34logioEr
Clay No. 2-5 ; a =0.437 —0.053logiotf
therefore, by putting a =0 we obtain loglotf.i as follows
Clay No. 13 ; logiotf.i =10.07
Clay No. 2-5 ; logiotf.t =8.24
On the other hand, as logiotf.t is represented by Eq. (14. 11) and temperature
during the experiment was 10°C (or absolute temperature T =273.2+10 =
283.2°K), the values of activating free energy E0 can be computed by substi-
tuting the values in Table 3. 2 into Eq. (14. 11). The values of E0 thus
calculated are shown in the 5th column of Table 3. 2 and have order of 10-12
erg respectively.
Table 3.2
Sapmle No. Water content % tpi min min E0 erg
13 65 1.18 x1010 2.82 x10-10 2.21 x10-12
2 ^•5 92 1.74 x 108 2.82 x 10-16 2.05 x 10-12
Note : Planck's const h=6.626 x 10-27erg. sec
Boltzman's const lc=1.3808 x 10-18erg. deg-1
Some results of this effect above tilted were reported by other researchers.
A. Casagrande and D. Wilson12' said that this effect is often considerable and
it may be either favourable or unfavourable effect on the strength of clay
according to the type of soil. R. Haefeli5) gave the results of two weeks' flow
by the triaxial compression test which showed a certain increase of about 20
—30W, in the compressive strength according with the applied shearing stress
of intensity of 0.55 kg/cm2.
No attention was paid in their reports, however, to the relation of intensi-
ty of the applied flow stress and the upper yield value. It may be suggested
that the strength of clay will increase after the flow at the stress lower than
the upper yield value but will decrease at the stress higher than it, because
it is clarified that, from the results of flow tests by repetitional loading as
stated in Article 9, the rate of strain by the stress lower than the upper yield
value decreases with the number of repetition, on the other hand the rate of
strain by the stress higher than it has another behaviour as shown in Fig.
2. 17.
On the basis of the above suggestion, the authors investigated the effect
of the flow on the compressive strength of clay when the flow is caused by
applying the constant stress lower than the upper yield value. As a series of
experiments, constant compressive stress of 0.24 kg/cm2 lower than Cu= 0.36
kg/cm2 was applied on the clay samples of No. 11 and 12 with the several dura-
tions of the loading from 1 to 5 days, and the common unconfined compres-
sion tests (whose rate of strain is 1% of the height of specimen per minute)
were performed after removal of the load. Results of these tests (q.) are shown
in the 2nd column in Table 3. 3. Strengths shown in the 4th' column in
Table 3. 3 are the estimated compressive strengths of the undisturbed clay
which receive no flowing stress yet. These "estimated compressive strengths
(que)" are the strengths of the undisturbed clay of the same sample correspond=
Table 3.3
ing to the water contents at the above mentioned tests for q. by applying
the water content--strength line of strain-controlled test at the same strain rate
shown in Fig. 3. 7.
The 5th column in Table 1.12
3. 3 and Fig. 3.10 show the re-0 .....(M1111111111.111
lationof ratio of strength beforea1.1:
and after flow (4,./que) and dura-
tion time of the flow . As shownc 3, 1.04
16. Summary
In this paper, the rheological characters of clay are researched, and the
summaries of the research are as follows (besides, the detailed summary have
been already reported in Articles 10 and 16).
In chapter 1, the fundamental character of clay under a constant external
stress, that is, the flow character of clay is derived from the micrometric
standpoint applying following assumptions. (1) The viscosity of clay exerting
on the flow of clay is assumed as the structural viscosity which is derived by
applying the statistical mechanics on the frequency of the mutual exchange of
position between a clay particle and the neighbouring hole or .the point of
irregularity in the arrangement of particles. (2) The mechanical model of
clay is assumed from the consideration on the structure of clay as the model
as shown in Fig. 1.3. (3) The fundamental relation of flow of clay obtained
applying above assumption is supposed to be valid so far as the external stress
applied on clay is less than either the stress of pre-consolidation or the upper
yield value.
Chapter 2 is a report on the experimental results and their considerations
of a series of compression flow tests of clay to refer and ascertain the for-
mula derived in Chapter 1. Any flow characters of clay in the experiments—
such characters as strain'-time, strain-rate, stress—strain expressed by time-
function, flow by repetitional loading, flow recovery —exactly agree with the
formula so far as the intensity of applied flow stress is less- than either the
pre-consolidation pressure or the upper yield value.
In Chapter 3, some important problems on soil strength—such as the
effect of water content on the failure strength as well as the upper yield value,
the relation between the failure strength and the time lapse necessary for
failure and the variation in strength by flow—are researched theoretically and
experimentally. Then, a new measuring method of the upper yield value of
clay is proposed ; that is, the upper yield value of clay can be measured as
the stress corresponding to the first inflection point of stress—strain curve on
logarithmic paper obtained by the stress-controlled compression test performed
by adding equal stress increment at uniform time interval.
Furthermore, the values of rheological constants (B2, E1, E2) and activat-
ing free energy of clay (E0) are computed and it is ascertained that these
calculated values are of the right order of magnitude.
As the rheological characters of clay are important not only for the pro-
blems on the soil mechanics but also for the applications on the practical
works, this paper would give some contributions on the soil mechanics and
the soil engineering.
Although this paper, subtitled as "Part 1", is only a partial report on
the rheological characters of clay under the statical stress less than the pre-
consolidation pressure, the authors have arleady researched on the characters
of clay on the consolidation and their secondary time effect under the stress
larger than the pre-consolidation pressure and on the dynamic behaviours under
the vibrating stress, and these above stated researches have reported on some
Japanese papers. These results shall be translated in English and published
in near future in the Bulletin of this Institute as the supplementary paper.
References :
1) J.M. Burgers and G.W. Scott Blair : Report on the principles of rheological nomen-
clature, Proc. 1st Int. Congr. Rheol., 1949.
2) A.V. Tobolsky and H. Eyring : Mechanical Properties of Polymeric Materials, J.
Chem. Phys.. Vol. 11, 1943. pp. 125-134.
3) S. Glasstone, K.J. Laidler and H. Eyring : The Theory of Rate Process, New York,
1941, p. 477.
4) W. Kuhn : Beziehungen zwischen Viscositat and elastischen Eigenschaften amorpher
Stoffe, Z. Phys. Chem., B 42, 1939, pp. 1-38.
.5) R. Haefeli : Creep Problems in Soils, Snow and Ice, Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. Soil
Mech. and Found. Eng., Vol. 1, 1953, pp. 238-251.
6) E.C.W.A. Geuze : Compression. an Important Facter in the Shearing Test, Proc.
2nd Int. Conf. Soil Mech. and Found. Eng., Vol. 3, 1948, pp. 139-142.
7) S.S. Vialov and A.M. Skibitsky : Rheological Process in Frozen Soil and Dense
Clays, Proc. 4th Int. Conf. Soil Mech. and Found. Eng., Vol. 1, 1957, pp. 120-124.
8) E.C.W.A. Geuze and T.K. Tan . The Mechanical Behaviour of clays, Proc. 2nd
Int. Cong. Rheol., pp. 247-259.
9) A. Yoshimoto : An experimental Study on the Deformation of Concrete, J. S. C. E.,
Vol. 40, No. 9. 1955, pp. 22-27.
10) S. Murayama, K. Akai and T. Shibata : The Effect of the Moisture Content on the
Strength of an Alluvial Clay, Disaster Prevention Research Inst. Kyoto Univ. Bulletin
No. 12, Dec., 1955.
11) M. Goldstein and G.T. Stepanian : The Long-term Strength of Clays and Depth
Creep of Slopes, Proc. 4th Int. Conf. Soil Mech. and Found. Eng., Vol. 2. 1957.
pp. 311-314.
12) A. Casagrande and D. Wilson : Effect of Rate of Loading on the Strength of Clays
and Shales at Constant Water Content, Harvard Soil Mech. Series, No. 39, Cam-
bridge, Mass., 1950.
Publications of the Disaster Prevention Research
Bulletins :
N 1 On the Propagation of Flood Waves by Shoitiro Hayami, 1951.
o. 2 On the Effect of Sand Storm in Controlling the Mouth of the Kiku River
by Tojiro Ishihara and Yuichi Iwagaki, 1952.
No. 3 Observation of Tidal Strain of the Earth (Part I) by Kenzo Sassa, Izuo Ozawa
and Soji Yoshikawa. And Observation of Tidal Strain of the Earth by the
Extensometer (Part II) by Izuo Ozawa, 1952.
No. 4 Earthquake Damages and Elastic Properties of the Ground by Ryo Tanabashi
and Hatsuo Ishizaki, 1953.
No. 5 Some Studies on Beach Erosions by Shoitiro Hayami, Tojiro Ishihara and
Yuichi Iwagaki, 1953.
No. 6 Study on Some Phenomena Foretelling the Occurrence of Destructive Earth-
N quakes by Eiichi Nishimura, 1953.
o. 7 Vibration Problems of Skyscraper. Destructive Element of Seismic Waves for
Structures by Ryo Tanabashi, Takuzi Kobori and Kiyoshi Kaneta, 1954.
No. 8 Studies on the Failure and the Settlement of Foundations by Sakur6 Murayama,
No. 9 Experimental Studies on Meteorological Tsunamis Traveling up the Rivers and
Canals in Osaka City by Shoitiro Hayami, Katsumasa Yano, Shohei Adachi and
Hideaki Kunishi, 1955.
No.10 Fundamental Studies on the Runoff Analysis by Characteristics by Yuichi Iwa-
N gaki, 1955.
o.11 Fundamental Considerations on the Earthquake Resistant Properties of the Earth
Dam by Motohiro Hatanaka, 1955.
No.12 The Effect of the Moisture Content on the Strength of an Alluvial Clay by
Sakur6 Murayama, KOichi Akai and TOru Shibata, 1955.
No.13 On Phenomena Forerunning Earthquakes by Kenzo Sassa and Eiichi Nishimura,
No.14 A Theoretical Study on Differential Settlements of Structures by Yoshitsura
Yokoo and Kunio Yamagata, 1956.
No.15 Study on Elastic Strain of the Ground in Earth Tides by Izuo Ozawa, 1957.
No.16 Consideration on the Mechanism of Structural Cracking of Reinforced Concrete
Buildings Due to Concrete Shrinkage by Yoshitsura Yokoo and S. Tsunoda. 1957.
No.17 On the Stress Analysis and the Stability Computation of Earth Embankments
by Koichi Akai, 1957.
No.18 On the Numerical Solutions of Harmonic, Biharmonic and Similar Equations by
the Difference Method Not through Successive Approximations by Hatsuo Ishizaki, 1957.
No.19 On the Application of the Unit Hydrograph Method to Runoff Analysis for
Rivers in Japan by Tojiro Ishihara and Akiharu Kanamaru, 1958.
No.20 Analysis of Statically Indeterminate Structures in the Ultimate State by Rvo
Tanabashi, 1958.
No.21 The Propagation of Waves near Explosion and Fracture of Rock (I) by Soji
Yoshikawa, 1958.
No.22 On the Second Volcanic Micro-Tremor at the Volcano Aso by Michiyasu Shima, 1958.
No.23 On the Observation of the Crustal Deformation and Meteorological Effect en It
at Ide Observatory and on the Crustal Deformation Due to Full Water and Accumu-
lating Sand in the Sabo-Dam by Michio Takada, 1958.
No.24 On the Character of Seepage Water and Their Effect on the Stability of Earth
Embankments by KOichi Akai, 1958.
No.25 On the Thermoelasticity in the Semi-infinite Elastic Soid by Michiyasu Shima
No.26 On the Rheological Characters of Clay (Part 1) by Sakur6 Murayama and TOru
Shibata, 1958.
IfefIl 33 10 Fl 15 El
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