Gardening Activity - Fermented Plant Juice
Gardening Activity - Fermented Plant Juice
Gardening Activity - Fermented Plant Juice
References: Gardening for Nutrition in the Upland Villages of the Golden Triangle,
Korean Natural Farming
Materials: Machete, ripe fruits (banana, papaya, etc.), brown sugar, scales,
ceramic crock, brown wrapping paper (or newspaper), twine, syringe
pump for collecting the fermented plant juice, plastic bottles or jugs,
backpack sprayer.
Step 4 – fermentation of the materials
Fasten brown wrapping paper (or newspaper) over the mouth
of the urn. Place the urn in a cool, dry place that’s out of direct
sunlight. Allow the mixture to ferment in the urn for a month,
taking care not to disturb it.
Questions Why might fermented plant juice help accelerate the composting
process or reduce odor in animal pens?