An incomplete shell.
Duwar means door, a hinged, sliding, or revolving barrier at the entrance to a
building, room, or vehicle, or in the framework of a cupboard. It is held together with two
hinges. If any of the hinge fails then the whole door will fall. Sounds simple but not. What’s
there on the other side of the door is only known by the one who have opened the door or
the one who has the keys for that door.
One will never know what’s inside the room. It might the best thing that you can get
or it may be the worst. When someone sees a door to a room, his/her curiosity increases.
We want to know more about the room. But for us, is it necessary to know what’s inside? If
we find out what's inside, will it help us in way? The more we will go inside the room, harder
it will be to get out.
It is not only true for room but also for life. If you consider your mistakes as door,
more mistakes mean more doors and harder to get out. Every door that you open, in your
life, will bring new challenges.
Whatever is written above, might have already thought by the viewer but this is not
what I want to show. Doors can be found in three states and it could mean different in the
viewers mind. Open, close and half close or half open. The last states have two names. Both
are correct but they have different meanings.
How a person sees the door, completely depends upon that person. A half-filled
glass can be seen in different perspective, like half-filled or half-empty. A open door could
mean beginning, start of a new life or new career. A close door could mean the end of
everything/ dead end, end of career, life and etc., but when we start talking about the half
open or half close door, it is very difficult to explain because it has two different meaning. It
will completely depend upon the reader’s mind.
To the outside viewers, I would like to give an incomplete shell that can be fit
according to the outsider’s values. Anyone who is reading/already read this article has
understood something, at least something. Taking this something as the base, let just talk
about the shell that I mention earlier.
Incomplete shell, why incomplete? Because we don’t know what next. We don’t
know what’s next, what will come if the door opens, is it good or bad for the society, there
are lots of question. Sometimes, somethings should be left untouched. The incomplete shell
will always be incomplete, if we think it is incomplete, and it is very hard to complete
because something is always left.
See, Duwar is a topic with incomplete context. Because what lies inside, we don’t
know, we have to discover for ourselves. It has two meaning. One is the literal meaning i.e.,
a door and the other is a road to somewhere, we don’t know where. When we were kids,
we were always told to study hard by our parents because knowledge is the key to life, not
exactly but to some extent. Here, door is our life and the key are to study hard. With the
passage of time our door changes and as well as our keys.
Different meanings can be acquired in the minds of the viewer. Let’s just open the
context in brief. Different meaning, incomplete context… How? Door opens new path, path
to which will depend on the reader. One instance we can assume the change that has
happened because of technology. A door to the future but we don’t know up to what
extend it will change us.
That same door had made us lazy to some extent. Remember the time we used to
calibrate the antenna of the television but now, everything is in our have in the form of a
smartphone. The door to the advancement of medicine has help millions of people. But this
advancement came drugs. Different chemist tried to find their own compound. Similarly,
when first DNA was discovered in 1950s, a completely new was opened in the field of
science and technology.
Niccolò di Bernardo dei Machiavelli, an Italian Renaissance diplomat, philosopher
and writer, was best known for “The Prince”. In his work the prince, he wrote about some
human traits and some secret to rule and how not to get rule. Later, scholars coined this as
“Machiavellianism” meaning a person can go to any extent to attain power. This opened
many the doors in the field of political philosophy, history and psychology.
It is true that I cannot include everything into this article but eventually I have to
close the doors to this article. Before ending the article, whatever you, the reader, read and
understand, this all can be summarized in small room and a door to access it and still you
will have space to add more but that’s not the end of it.