BRIDGE Hydraulics

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The document discusses methods for calculating water runoff and sizing drainage structures like bridges and culverts.

The Rational Method uses a runoff coefficient and rainfall intensity to calculate peak runoff. It is used for watersheds less than 2.59 km^2. The peak runoff is calculated as Q=C*i*A, where Q is runoff, C is a coefficient, i is rainfall intensity, and A is catchment area.

Manning's equation relates the velocity, hydraulic radius, slope and roughness to calculate flow rate through a structure. It is used when the structure is not fully flowing.



Lecture No. 2

Hydraulics as applied to highway drainage, is primarily involved
with how to provide efficient and safe transport of water so as to
avoid danger to properties, highway drainage structures and
vehicles. For this reason, the first step in the design process is to
determine the amount of water run-off which will be utilised in
determining the size of the structure. The run-off is the amount
of water which can flow at peak rain periods. For watersheds
less than 2.59 km² (1 mile²) in size, and for road-way or street
drainage, the Rational Method is applied in determining the peak
water run-off, Q in litre/sec. The equation defining the run-off, Q,
is expressed as:

Q  C.i.A …..(1)
where Q = peak rate run-off
C = run-off coefficient varying from 0.20 for heavily vegetated
area to 0.90 for paved areas 2
i = rainfall intensity (mm/min) for the time of
concentration, t in minutes (i = 1mm/min = 166.67
l/(s.ha) Schneider 1992
A = catchment (watershed) area in hactre

If the drainage structure (bridge or culvert) is not full

flowing, its size can be determined by Manning’s
equation (see Eqn. 2a and 2b), using the relationship of
the quantity of water that will flow through the structure,
the velocity of water in the bridge and the area of the
bridge opening as defined in the following sections;

Flood-Frequency Rating Curve

Discharge (m³/s)




0 20 40 60 80 100

Return period (years)


in which
k 2 3 12
V  .R .S
where Q = amount of water
V = velocity of water
R = hydraulic radius (Aw/P)
Aw = area of the section of water
S = slope of the culvert
n = Manning’s coefficient
k = 1.486 for Imperial units and 1 for SI
units = unit conversion factor

How to Delineate a Drainage Area

Materials Needed
•Topographic map (paper or electronic)
•Pencil if using paper map
•AutoCAD or other type of drafting software if
using electronic map

Drainage areas are determined by tracing all of the

water bodies flowing into the stream or river
upstream of the proposed site. A divide or ridge
surrounds every drainage basin. A divide is
defined as “the line of separation or dividing
ridge marking the boundary between two
drainage systems.”
Interpreting Topographic Maps
Each contour line on a topographic map represents a
ground elevation or vertical distance above a reference
point such as sea level.
A contour line is level with respect to the earth's surface
just like the top of a building foundation. All points along
any one contour line are at the same elevation.
The difference in elevation between two adjacent
contours is called the contour interval. This is typically
given in the map legend. It represents the vertical
distance you would need to climb or descend from one
contour elevation to the next.
The horizontal distance between contours, on the other
hand, is determined by the steepness of the landscape
and can vary greatly on a given map. 8
How do contours relate to water flow?
A general rule of thumb is that water flow is perpendicular
to contour lines. In the case of the isolated hill, water
flows down on all sides of the hill. Water flows from the
top of the saddle or ridge, down each side in the same
way water flows down each side of a garden wall.

Valleys and Ridges
A valley is recognizable because contour lines point
towards the highest elevation.

A ridge is recognizable because contour lines point

towards the lowest elevation:

Delineating a Watershed
Step 1
Determine the discharge point and which part of the
streams and tributaries are upstream from that point.
Step 2
Next, working upstream, trace all of the streams that drain
into the water body on which your site rests.

Note: Contour lines spaced far apart denote that the

landscape is more level and gently sloping. This is an
indication of flat land. Contour lines spaced very close
together denote dramatic changes in elevation over a
short distance. Close contour lines mean steep slopes.
Step 3
After tracing the streams, you can delineate your
drainage area by tracing the divide that encircles all
of the tributaries draining into the main stream. Begin
by recognizing valleys and ridges.

Step 4
Starting at a designated downstream point, draw a line
perpendicular to the nearest uphill contour line.
Step 5
Repeat Step 5 continuing from contour to contour. Make sure
to intersect the contours at break points. Break points are the
highest elevations where half of the precipitation in that area
would flow to one stream and half the precipitation would flow
to another.
Step 6
Connect all break points, making sure to hit all high points in
the area. Also, make sure the line connects to the original
discharge point. The completed line represents the drainage
area boundary. The watershed is now delineated. The
following page displays an example of a delineated watershed.
1. Draw a circle at the outlet or
downstream. point of the wetland in
question. (at the bridge site)
2. Put small "X's" at the high points
along both sides of the
watercourse, working your way
upstream towards the headwaters
of the watershed.
3. Starting at the circle that was made
in step one, draw a line connecting
the "X's" along one side of the
watercourse. This line should
always cross the contours at right
angles (i.e. it should be
perpendicular to each contour line
it crosses).

4. Continue the line until it passes around the head of the
watershed and down the opposite side of the watercourse.
Eventually it will connect with the circle from which you started.

At this point you have delineated the watershed of the wetland being

The catchment
area of a river is Drainage Area Delineation
determined by
using contour map.
The watershed line
which indicates the
drainage basin of a
river passes
through the ridges
and saddles of the
terrain around the
river. Thus, it is
perpendicular to the
contour lines

From above,
Q  V .Aw ….(2a)
in which

k 2 3 12
V  .R .S
n ….(2b)

where Q = amount of water

V = velocity of water
R = hydraulic radius (Aw/P)
Aw = area of the section of water
S = slope of the culvert
n = Manning’s coefficient
k = 1.486 for Imperial units and 1 for SI
units = unit conversion factor
On reworking equations (2), the clear height of the
drainage structure can be expressed as:
  4
 
a  2
 Q 2 ....(3)
h 3
. 5 
 k 1
2 a 2 
n .S  
  

where a = h/L

If a; (h/L) = 1, then equation (3) can take the form of:

  4
 3 
 3.Q 2  ....(4)
h 3 
 k 1  2 
  n .S 

   18
Allowance should be made for freeboard in the obtained
height, h. According to Barfuss et al(1994), the Manning’s
coefficients for different types of material are as shown in
Table 3.1.

Table 3.1: Manning’s friction coefficients for different

Material type Manning’s coefficient
Clay tile 0.014
Brickwork 0.015
Masonry 0.025
Finished concrete 0.012
Unfinished concrete 0.014
Gravel 0.029
Earth 0.025 19
If the obtained h is the height of water just before the
bridge is about to experience a full flow, it can be
approximated that H = h, the minimum clear height of the
bridge. Therefore the area of the bridge orifice will be as
defined by equation (5) :

Acl  L .H ....(5)

where L = minimum span of the bridge

H = minimum height of the bridge

The dimensions H and L have to be adjusted to provide

reserve area for the unforeseen amount of water run-off
especially during high floods.
River Hydraulics for Bridge Sizing
The geometry of a river channel is affected by the discharge, the
characteristics of the bed and bank materials, and the sediment transport
capacity of the channels. Depending on the type of river, there are
different calculation approaches respectively as follows:

3.1 Sand Bed Channels

For sand bed channel, according to Blench, the mean channel width is
given by the following Equations:
B  14Q 0.5 D50
y  0.38q 0.67 D50
where B = mean channel width in m
y = mean depth of flow in m
Q = discharge in cumecs
q = discharge per meter width
D50 = medium size of the bed material in m
Fg = bank roughness
Fg = 0.1 for sand loam, Fg = 0.2 for silty clay loam
Fg = 0.3 for cohesive banks
3.2 Gravel Bed Channels
For gravel bed channels, the following equations are applicable;
B  3.26Q 0.5
y  0.47 q 0.8 D90
where D90 is the size of the bed material in m, other parameters are the
same as above.

3.3 Cohesive Bed Soils

The resistance to scour of cohesive material is more complex than that of
cohesionless materials. The only fairly reliable method of estimating scour is to
measure soil properties and carryout model tests in the laboratory. The depth of
the flow in channel may be calculated assuming that scour continues to occur
till the tractive stress approaches the critical value. Thus:
y  51.4 n 0.86 q 0.86 c0.43
where y = mean depth of flow in m
n = Mannings coefficient
q = discharge per meter width
c = the tractive stress for scour to scour in N/m2 22
Critical tractive stress (N/mm2)
Soil type Void ratio
2-1.2 1.2-0.6 0.6-0.3 0.3 – 0.2
Sand clay 1.9 7.5 15.7 30.2
Heavy clay 1.5 6.7 14.6 27.0
Clay 1.2 5.9 13.5 25.4
Lean clay 1.0 4.6 10.2 26.8

3.4 Effect of Bridge on River Regime

The construction of a bridge across a river or flood plain affects
both the flow pattern and flow intensity, which may lead to local
geometry change and new relationship between water and
Abutments and piers reduce the water way, increase the discharge,
scour and head loss through the bridge openings. Protective works
in the flood plain (wing walls, returns, river training works, etc)
interfere with natural drainage and divert the flow from the flood
plain to adjacent lands.
3.5 Linear Waterways

3.5.1 Stream with Rigid Boundaries - streams whose both banks

and the bed are very rigid
When the banks and the beds of a stream are very rigid, the waterways
of the bridge should be made equal to the width of the water surface
measured from edge to edge along the design high flood level on the
plotted section. However, a certain reduction in the waterway may be
possible provided the velocity under the bridge is not severe, thus
resulting in savings in the cost of construction of the bridge.

3.5.2 Quasi-Alluvial Streams

These are streams flowing between banks which are made up of rigid
rocks or mixture of sand and clay, but the bed material is composed of
loose granular material which can be picked up by the current and be
transported away.
In this type of rivers, the waterway should be made equal the width of
the water surface measured from edge to edge along the design high
flood level.
3.5.3 Alluvial Streams – streams having erodible banks and erodible beds.
The linear waterway of a bridge across a fully alluvial stream should be kept equal
to the regime width as given by Lacey in the following equation:

For a Regime cross section:

P  4 . 8 Q 0. 5 Silt factor, f  1.76 m
1 where Q = discharge in cumecs
Q 3
R  0.473  P = wetted perimeter in m
 f R = hydraulic mean depth in m
A = cross sectional area in sq.m
A  2 .3 1
v = velocity of flow in m/s
f w = regime width in m
d = regime depth in m
Regime velocity and Slope m = mean diameter of particles in m
1 1 f = silt factor
v  0.44Q 6
f 3

S  0.0003 1
Regime width and depth
w  4.8 Q
Q 3
d  0.473 
 f 25
The value of f for different types of bed materials are given in table below

Types of bed material Grain size (mm) f

Very fine 0.0081 0.500
Fine 0.1200 0.600
Medium 0.2330 0.850
Standard 0.3230 1.000
Medium 0.5050 1.250
Course 0.7250 1.500

3.6 Economic Span

Economic span is one for which the total cost of the bridge is minimum. For the
most economical span, the cost of the superstructure equals the cost of
substructure, with the following assumptions:
 The cost of the superstructure is proportional to the square of the span
 The spans are of equal length
 The cost of each abutment is the same
 The cost of railings, parapets, approach is constant
A be the cost of each abutment
B be the cost of each pier
C be the cost of railings, parapets
D be the cost of approach
T be the total cost of the bridge
N be the number of spans
L be the length of each span, and
Lt be the total span of the bridge
Therefore, the total cost of the bridge is

T = A + (N-1)B + C + D + NkL2
Where k is the cost coefficient of the superstructure
For minimum cost dL  0
Differentiating the above equation, L and equating to zero, and by
writing Lt/L = N, we get
B  kL2
hence the economic span (Le), the cost of the superstructure of one span is
equal to the cost of the substructure of the same span, that is:
Le  27
3.7 Afflux
It is rarely feasible economically to bridge the river in one span. Normally,
piers are located within the main flow channel and embankments encroach
into the flood plain. These obstruct the flow and cause the upstream water
level to rise above the free discharge level. This heading up of water on the
upstream side of the bridge is known as afflux. It is one of the important
parameters required to fix the various levels for the bridge. The velocity of
flow under the bridge is also governed by afflux. The vertical clearance and
freeboard are influenced by afflux as well.

The vertical clearance is the difference between the high flood level (HFL)
and the lowest point on the superstructure. The freeboard is the difference
between the highest flood level after allowing for afflux if any, and the
formation level of the communication route on the top level of the guide

Some of the formulae used for computation of afflux are as follows:

Some of the formulae used for computation of afflux are as follows:

 v2  A 2 

Melesworth formula x    0.015  2  1 
 17.9  a 
Where x = afflux in m
v = the normal velocity of flow in m/s
A = the area of natural waterway in sq.m
a = the area of artificial waterway in sq.m

v 2  A  A

Marriman’s formula x     
2 g  Ca  At 
Where g = acceleration due to gravity
At = the enlarged area of the upstream of the
bridge in sq.m
C = 0.75  0.35( a / A )  0.1( a / A )2
The definitions of x, v, a and A are the same as above.
Allowable velocity
As afflux causes an increase in the velocity of flow through the bridge, it is normally limited to 200
to 300 mm. The allowable safe velocities for different types of soils under the bridge are
Loose clay or fine sand - up to 0.50 m/s
Coarse sand - 0.50 to 1.00 m/s
Fine gravel, rocky soil - 1.00 to 2.50 m/s
Boulder and rock - 2.50 to 5.00 m/s
In case the velocity goes beyond the permissible safe limits, suitable protective works would be

Scour occurs during the passage of high discharge, when the velocity of the stream exceeds the
limiting velocity that can be withstood by the particles of the bed material.
For a straight reach of the stream and where the bridge in a single span structure;

Alluvial Stream
Q 3
Normal scour depth d  0.473 
 f 
Where: Q = discharge in cumecs
f = silt factor
W 
Maximum scour depth dmax = 1.5d, and For non-uniform scour d max  d  
 L
The larger of the two values obtained from the above equations is chosen as the maximum scour
Stream width - W

H. F. L.
max. Scour depth - d max

Bed profile

Probable non-uniform
scour profile

Quasi ALLUVIAL Streams
For narrow cross sections, the estimation of maximum scour depth has been
explained in the preceding subsections. For wide rivers, one of the following
equations is used to estimate the maximum scour depth:

Without constriction
Normal scour depth
(a) when the velocity is known: d
5 1
3 2
wd S
(b) when Q, N, S and W are known: Q
1.21Q 0.63
d  0.33 0.60
( c) when both velocity and slope are not known f W
W 
For non-uniform scour d max  d 
 L
Maximum scour depth d max  1.50d

The larger of the two values obtained above is chosen as the maximum scour
With constriction
W 
d'  d  
Normal scour depth  L

Maximum scour depth dmax = 1.5d’

W 
For non-uniform scour d max  d 
 L
The larger of the two values obtained above is chosen as the maximum scour

Worked Examples
Example 1
Given that the flood discharge of a stream is 225m3/s, the velocity of
water is 1.5 m/s, and the width of flow at flood level is 60.0m.
Determine the water way when the allowable velocity under the
bridge is 1.8 m/s.

Area of natural waterway:
A = Q/v = 225/1.5 = 150 m2
Mean depth of flow:
A 150
d   2.50 m
L 60
Area of artificial waterway:
Q 225
a   125 m 2
val 1.8

Afflux from Molesworth formula,
 v2  A 2 
x    0.015  2  1 
 17.9  a 
 1.5 2  150 2 

x 
 0.015  2
 1   0.062 m
 17.9  125 
Linear waterway
a 125
Ll    48.79 m
d  x 2.5  0.062

If you take 90% of the allowable velocity, a will be bigger than the one
obtained above, the afflux will be smaller and the resulting linear waterway
will be slightly larger than the above value.

Example 2
Design a waterway for a bridge over a trapezoidal channel having
side slope of 1:1 with a discharge of 25 m3/s, a bed fall of 1:1000
and bed width to depth ratio of 6:1. The bed material is sand with
a safe velocity of 2.5m/s. The afflux should not be more than 8cm.
take Manning coefficient, n = 0.025

Solution d2
Area of flow A  bd  2
 d ( b  d )  7 d 2 ( b  6 d )
Wetted perimeter P  b  2d 2  8.883d
A 7d 2
Hydraulic mean depth R   0.80 d
P 8.83d
From Manning’s formula we have 2  1  2
2 1 ( 0.80 d ) 3  
R S 3 2
 1000  2
v   1.1d 3
n 0.025
The flood discharge Q  v .A
Or 25  1.1d 3
.7 d 2
Therefore, d = 1.55m
and P = 8.83d = 8.83 x 1.55 = 13.68 m
Hence 2 2
v  1.1d 3
 1.1  ( 1.55 ) 3
 1.47 m / s
Since the velocity under the bridge is less than the given safe velocity
of 2.5m/s, the design is OK

According to Drown Weir formula

v 2d 2  L2 
Afflux , x   2 2  1
2 g( d  x ) 2 C L 
 l 
Average length L = 6d + 2d/2 = 10.85m


1.47 2  1.55 2  10.85 2 

0.08   
2  9.81( 1.55  0.08 )2  0.95 2 L2  1 
 l 

Hence, Ll = 8.50m

Q 25
v   1.49m / s
7d 2
7  1.55 2

Example 3
A bridge has a linear waterway of 120 m constructed across a
stream whose natural waterway is 200m. If the flood discharge is
1000m3/s and the mean depth of flow is 3 m, calculate the afflux
under the bridge.
Area of the natural waterway A  200 x 3  600 m 2
Normal velocity of flow v  1.67 m / s
From Drown Weir formula, we have
1.67 2  3 2  200 2 
x 
2 
 1 
2  9.81( 3  x )  0.95  120
2 2

or x 3  6 x 2  9 x  2.65  0
By trial and error, the solution for the cubic equation is: x = 0.252 m

Hence, the Afflux x = 0.252 m

Example 4

The approximate costs of one superstructure and one pier for a

multispan bridge are given below. Estimate the economic span.

Span (m) 12 18 21
cost (US$) 34,000 80,000 150,000
cost (US$) 50,000 54,000 48,000

The average cost coefficient is calculated as shown in the
following table. This calculation is based on the assumption that the
cost of the superstructure is proportional to the square of the span.

Span Cost coefficient
12m 34,000/122 = 236.1
18m 80,000/182 = 246.9
21m 150,000/212 = 340.0

Avg. cost coefficient, k =

236.1  246.9  340   274.3

Average cost of one pier (US$), B =

50 ,000  54 ,000  48 ,000 
B = 50,666

0.5 0.5
 B  50 ,666 
Economic span Le       13.6 m
k  274.3 
Hence, the economic span is 13.6 m
Example 5
The flood discharge under a bridge is 300m3/s. If the river bed has a
deep layer of coarse sand, determine the maximum depth of scour
under piers and abutments. Take the silt factor for coarse sand, f = 1.5

Solution 1/ 3
Normal depth of scour d  0.473 
 f
1/ 3
 300 
d  0.473   2.76 m
 1.5 
Depth of scour under piers = 2d = 2.76 x 2 = 5.52 m

Depth of scour under abutments = 1.5d = 4.14 m.

Example 6
A two-span girder bridge is to be provided across a river having the following
Flood discharge 100 m3/s
Bed width 30 m
Side slope 1:1
Bed level 50.00 m
HFL 52.50 m
Maximum allowable afflux: 15 cm
Task: Calculate the span of the bridge

Area of flow: A = 30 x 2.5 + 2(0.5 x 2.5 x 2.5) = 81.25 m2 --
because the slope is 1:1
Normal velocity of flow: v = Q/A = 100/81.25 = 1.23 m/s

 v2  A 2 
From Molesworth Formula we have x    0.015  2  1 
 17.9  a 
 1.23 2  A 2 

0.15    0.015  2  1 
 17.9  a  43
2.5 = 81.252/a2 ,

hence a = 51.38 m2

Span of the bridge

a 51.38
L1    19.39m
d  x 2.5  0.15


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