Cutting Grinding On Monkey Ladder
Cutting Grinding On Monkey Ladder
Cutting Grinding On Monkey Ladder
JOB TITLE / AIM: JSA for welding cutting grinding drilling for installation of veldolat for tie –in job for two location
JSA DATE: 24/08/2007 JSA NO./ REVISION: DEL – 010
PARTICIPANTS: tufail , awais , zafar .
Attach copies of any relevant documentation/ drawings.
Part 2: Job Safety Analysis
Job Steps:
1. Mobilization of Equipment & workers
2. isolation
3. Working at Heights
4. drilling
5. welding
6. Cutting
7. Grinding
8. Night Working
9. Demobilization
Now undertake the JSA and record in the table below. Use prompts on JSA Prompt Sheet and Hazard Checklist PA-HSEC-02-040-
Part 3: Contingency Plans. Standard PPE,S First aid kit must be present at the area and the Hse personnel is the first response in
case of emergency
Part 4: Review. After the job has been completed, JSA leader should note: any hazards, which were identified in the original JSA?
Any practices that need to be captured in the OMS? List action items, changes, and transfer any changes to the Change Management
File: 10.30
Step Describe Job Step Potential Hazards Hazard Controls
No (Copy from part 2 of form) (Use Hazard Checklist)
1 Mobilization of workers & Unauthorised equipment/tools brought out Before mobilizing any equipment/tools make
equipment to site sure that the BHP and E &P Personnel
inspected the equipment. And Tool to be
colour coded from E&P department prior to
commitment of the Job
Unskilled and un inducted personnel Ensure that all personnel prior to start the
starting the job have been inducted and oriented about the
hazard in the job site.
Workers starting the job unfit to work All personnel not fit to work shall not be
allowed to work at the project site.
Workers starting the job without JSA JSA must be in place prior to work. Ensure all
the persons take part in the tool box meeting
discussion. JSA was discussed to workers
and signed at the back.
Starting job W/O Tool Box Talk Ensure that before starting the job proper tool
box meeting is held and all workers shall take
part in tool box talk meeting and understand
the JSA
Starting Job Without Permit Ensure that Permit is in place prior to starting
of job.
By Passing Permit requirements Ensure that all other precautionary measures
mentioned in the permit shall also be fulfilled.
2 Isolation Job start without isolation Ensure that before start the work the line shall
be isolate
Step Describe Job Step Potential Hazards Hazard Controls
No (Copy from part 2 of form) (Use Hazard Checklist)
Isolation will be provided by commissioning
3 Working at Heights Un inspected Scaffold Ensure that all scaffolding platforms to be
used are inspected and working procedures
shall be adopted according to procedures
1. Green Tag : Can go up W/O Body Harness
2. Yellow Tag : Can go up with Body Harness
3.Red Tag / No Tag : Do Not use Scaffold
Un trained workers Performing the Job Ensure that all workers performing the job at
height are properly trained for working at
height and will display their cards of work at
Drop Zone A drop zone shall clearly be mention on lower
level and area will be barricaded off with Red
and White danger tape.
Heat Exertion Due to hot and humid weather conditions
make sure that sufficient amount of water is
available at site and proper shelter should be
there for rest and during the job workers will
take proper rest.
SIMOPS During the job simultaneous operations shall
also be under observation id different activities
are going on in same area coordinate with the
supervisor of other activities.
High Wind Speed All work at height activities will be stopped if
winds start blowing at the speed higher then
12 knots / 25 kilometers per hour.
4 Drilling Holes with the Drill Workers performing job Without PPE’s Ensure that all workers performing job shall
Machine wear appropriate PPE’s.
Eye Injury Workers shall wear eye protection Safety
goggles during job.
Step Describe Job Step Potential Hazards Hazard Controls
No (Copy from part 2 of form) (Use Hazard Checklist)
Dust Workers shall wear Dust Mask.