DEL - 062 Punch List Killing of Switch Room
DEL - 062 Punch List Killing of Switch Room
DEL - 062 Punch List Killing of Switch Room
JOB TITLE / AIM: JSA For Punch Point Killing of Switch Room MCC 2.
JSA DATE:16 /09/2007 JSA NO./ REVISION: DEL – 62
SUPERVISOR/ JSA LEADER: Shoaib Farman SCRIBE:Asad Nadeem / Nouman Liaqat
.Attached document for Positioning of crane, Equipment specifications, Checklist, Certificates
Part 2: Job Safety Analysis
Job Steps:
1. Mobilization of Workers and Tool and Equipment
2. Working at Heights Using Cherry Picker
3. Masonry Work / Block Work
4. Plastering
5. Installing Dust Sealant
6. Demobilization
File: 10.30
Step Describe Job Step Potential Hazards Hazard Controls
No (Copy from part 2 of form) (Use Hazard Checklist)
1 Mobilization of workers & Unauthorized tools brought out to site Before mobilization any tools make sure that
equipment the tools & Equipment are inspected and
colour coded from BHP and E&P
Unskilled and un inducted personal Ensure that all personal prior to start the work
starting the job should be inducted and oriented about the
hazards in the job site and only experienced
personals will perform the specific job. All
workforce shall be oriented about the phase
Workers starting the job unfit to work All persons not fit to work shall not be allowed
to work at the project site.
Starting Job with out tool box talk Before starting of the job a comprehensive
tool box talk shall be delivered to all of work
force and they will sign on the back side of
the JSA.
Gas Leakage Initially gas testing shall be done initially and
if during job found gas leakage immediately
stop the job inform DEL HSE, BHP Operation
,BHP Project team and stay away from the
Starting of the Job without Permit Ensure that respective permit is there prior to
Riding Cherry Picker Without Fastening Safety Harness shall be fastened before
Safety Harness riding on Cherry Picker.
Ensure that the Person Riding the Cherry
Picker will Tie Off the Harness 100 %.
Un experience person operating the Person Operating the Cherry Picker is
Cherry Picker Trained and Experienced.
Un trained Personnel’s Riding Cherry Workers riding the Cherry Picker will be
Picker trained for working at Heights and will display
their Green ID’s
Movement of Cherry Picker in the Area Movement of the Cherry Picker in Phase II
Without Gas Tester & Flags Man Escorted with Gas Tester and Flag Man shall
be accompanied with Flag Man.
3 Masonry / Block Work Hand Injury Ensure that all workers must use proper
PPE,s Cotton Gloves,
Over Alls, Safety Helmets, Safety Goggles.
Un Experience personnel are performing Make sure that workers are experience to
the Job. perform the job
Un Inspected / Damage Tools Ensure that all tools & equipment to be used
Shall be inspected and colour coded and
make visual inspection of all hand tools.
Heat Exertion Due to hot and humid weather conditions
ensure that proper shelter should be there for
rest and during the job workers will take
proper rest.
Starting Job Without MSDS Ensure that the MSDS of the Cement is in
Place prior to start of Job and Workers will be
Pakistan Asset Team Part 1: Job Particulars
BHP Billiton Page 5 of 7
Step Describe Job Step Potential Hazards Hazard Controls
No (Copy from part 2 of form) (Use Hazard Checklist)
aware of the Reponses in Case of
Ensure that all workers performing the Job
5 External Painting & Plastering Eye Injury shall use Safety Goggles Eye Protection.
Punch Point Killing
Un Experience personnel are performing Make sure that workers are experience to
the Job. perform the job
Un Inspected / Damage Tools Ensure that all tools & equipment to be used
Shall be inspected and colour coded and
make visual inspection of all hand tools.
Ensure that the MSDS of the Cement / Paint
MSDS is in Place prior to start of Job and Workers
will be aware of the Reponses in Case of
Due to hot and humid weather conditions
Heat Exertion ensure that proper shelter should be there for
rest and during the job workers will take
proper rest.
Skin Irritation Ensure that cotton gloves shall be worn to
minimize skin contact
Fire Hazard Ensure that if any Hot Job is running near by
then complete isolation shall be done.
Open Containers of Paint or thinners left Ensure that no container of the paint or
un attended thinner shall be left open or un attended.