Switch Gear and Proctection: Subject Code: A70231 Regulations: R15 - Jntuh Class: IV Year B.Tech EEE I Semester
Switch Gear and Proctection: Subject Code: A70231 Regulations: R15 - Jntuh Class: IV Year B.Tech EEE I Semester
Switch Gear and Proctection: Subject Code: A70231 Regulations: R15 - Jntuh Class: IV Year B.Tech EEE I Semester
Program Outcomes (PO’s)
CO’ Outcomes
s (PSO’s)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 1 2
3 2 2 2 1 3 2 3 2
2 3 1 2 2 2 2 2 2
2 3 2 3 2 1
2 3 2 2 1 3
2 3 1 2 3 2 2 2
2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2
1: Slight (Low) 2: Moderate (dium) 3: Substantial (High) -:None
Short Answer Questions-
S.No Question Blooms Taxonomy Course
Level Outcome
1 What are the characteristics of distance relays and REMEMBER L1 C01
also compare them?
2 Explain the terms a) Pickup level b) operating time UNDERSTAND C01
c) under reach d) over reach L2
3 Classify the relays based on application? UNDERSTAND C01
4 Explain about IDMT relay? UNDERSTAND C01
5 What are offset mho relays? REMEMBER L1 C01
8 Explain about the mho relay and its application UNDERSTAND C01
with diagram? L2
9 In detail explain about percentage differential UNDERSTAND C01
protection of relays? L2
10 Explain about types of distance relays and briefly UNDERSTAND C01
explain impedance relay in detail? L2
Short Answer Questions-
S.No Question Blooms Course
Taxonomy Level Outcome
1 What is a Buchholtz relay? REMEMBER L1 CO2
2 Explain about restricted earth fault in alternators? UNDERSTAND CO2
3 What is the differential protection of transformers? REMEMBER L1 CO2
4 Explain about inter turn protection of alternators? UNDERSTAND CO2
5 What is the differential protection of alternators? REMEMBER L1 CO2
8 Explain about impulse ratio and impulse test wave UNDERSTAND CO5
with its characteristics? L2
9 What are switching surges in power systems? REMEMBER L1 CO5
1. Sparking between the contacts can be reduced by inserting:
a) A capacitor in parallel with the contacts b) A capacitor in series with the contacts
c) A resistor in the line d) A reactor in the line Ans: A
2. The contact resistance is least affected by:
a) Shape of the contact faces b) Ambient temperature
c) Mechanical forces applied d) Amount of surface commutation Ans: B
3. The arc voltage produced in an ac circuit breaker is always:
a) In phase with the arc current b) Lagging the arc current by 90 deg
c) Leading the arc current by 90 deg d) In phase opposition with the arc current
4. Breaking capacity of the circuit breaker is usually expressed in:
a) MVA b) MW c) Kilo-Amperes d) kV Ans: A
5. Which of the following circuit breakers produce least arc energy:
a) Plain oil b) Minimum oil c) Air blast d) Air break Ans: C
6. Arc chutes are used in:
a) Oil circuit breaker b) Vacuum circuit breakers
c) SF6 circuit breakers d) Air blast circuit breakers Ans: D
7. A thermal protection switch is used to provide protection against:
a) Over load b) Temperature c) Short circuit d) Over voltage Ans: A
8. A circuit breaker is
(a) Power factor correcting device (b) A device to neutralize the effect of transients
(c) A waveform correcting device (d) A current interrupting device. Ans: D
9. The fault clearing time of a circuit breaker is usually
(A) Few minutes (B) Few seconds
(C) one second (D) Few cycles of supply voltage. Ans: D
10. The medium employed for extinction of arc in air circuit breaker is
(A) SF6 (B) Oil (C) Air (D) Water. Ans: C
1. Relay contacts are normally made up of:
a) Silver contacts b) Copper contacts
c) Aluminum contacts d) Lead contacts Ans: A
(A) a - (i), b -(ii), c - (iii), d - (iv) (B) a - (ii). b - (iii), c - (i), d - (iv)
(C) a - (iii), b - (i), c - (iv), d - (ii) (D) a - (iv), b - (iii), c - (ii), d - (i).
Ans: D
6. Any winding of a power transformer develops short circuit owing to:
a) Loose connections b) Insulation failure
c) Impulse voltage d) Mechanical vibration Ans: C
7. For ground fault, which of the relay is preferred:
a) Plain impedance relay b) Directional relay
c) Reactance relay d) Over-current relay Ans: C
8. The short circuit current of an alternator, inc case of line to line fault depends on its:
a) Short circuit resistance b) Transient reactance
c) Synchronous reactance d) None of the above Ans: C
9. Over-current protection for motor is provided by
(A) Cartridge fuses (B) High resistance fuses
(C) Over-current relay (D) all of the above. Ans: C
10. In which method of starting a motor, the starting current is the maximum?
(A) Auto-transformer (B) Star-delta starter
(C) Stator rotor starter (D) Direct-on-line. Ans: D
1. The relay best suited for phase fault relaying for medium transmission lines is:
a) Mho relay b) Reactance relay
c) Impedance relay d) None of the above Ans: C
EEE IV Yr II Sem Page 16
2. The relay used for the feeder protection is:
a) Under-voltage relay b) Translay relay
c) Thermal relay d) Buchholz relay Ans: B
3. Mho relay have an R-X characteristics depicted by:
a) A straight line passing through origin b) A straight line parallel to X-axis
c) A straight line parallel to R-axis d) A circle passing through the origin Ans: D
4. Solid ear thing is provided for the voltage below:
a) 100 kV b) 600 V c) 11 kV d) 66 kV Ans: B
5. The advantage of neutral ear thing is
a) Simplified design of earth fault protection
b) Over-voltages due to lightning can be discharged to the earth
c) Freedom from persistent arcing grounds d) all of the above. Ans: D
6. The disadvantage offered by ungrounded systems is
(A) Frequent arcing grounds (B) Difficult earth fault relaying
(C) Voltage oscillations (D) all of the above Ans: D
7. Resistance grounding is used for voltages
(A) Below 220 V (B) Up to 660 V
(C) Between 3.3 kV to 11 kV (D) Above 66 k Ans: C
8. Series reactors are installed at strategic locations of power systems to
(A) Bring down the fault level within the capacity of switchgear
(B) Directly pass the fault surges to ground
(C) Pass neutralizing surges of opposite nature
(D) Discharge the capacitors. Ans: A
9. In which portion of the transmission system faults occur most frequently?
(A) Transformers (B) Overhead lines
(C) Alternators (D) Underground cables. Ans: B
10. Differential protection principle is used in the protection of
(A) Generators (B) Transformers
(C) Feeders (D) all of the above. Ans: D
1. A lightning arrester connected between the line and earth in a power system
a) Protects the terminal equipment against travelling surges
b) Protects the terminal equipment against lightning strokes
c) Suppresses the high frequency oscillations in the line
d) Reflects back the travelling waves approaching it Ans: A
2. The over-voltage surges in power systems may be caused by
(A) Lightning (B) Switching
(C) Resonance (D) Any of the above. Ans: D
3. The protection against over-voltage due to lightening is provided by
(A) Use of surge diverters (B) Low tower footing resistance
(C) Use of overhead ground wires (D) Any of the above Ans: D
4. Over-voltage transients may occur due to