Switch Gear and Proctection: Subject Code: A70231 Regulations: R15 - Jntuh Class: IV Year B.Tech EEE I Semester

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Subject Code : A70231

Regulations : R15 - JNTUH
Class : IV Year B.Tech EEE I Semester

Department of Electrical and Electronics and Engineering

Ibrahimpatnam - 501 510, Hyderabad


An electrical power system consists of generators, transformers, and transmission and
distribution lines. In case of fault, an automatic protective scheme comprising of circuit
breakers and protective relays isolate the faulty section providing protection to the healthy

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section. Safety of machines/equipment and human beings is the major criteria of every
protection scheme. It is essential that the students should develop skills of operating various
controls and switchgear in power system. They are also required to carry out remedial
measures for faults/abnormalities in machines/equipment in power system using appropriate
diagnostic instrument/devices. This course attempts to develop these skills in students and
hence it is a core course for all electrical engineers.
The knowledge of following subjects is essential to understand the subject:
1. Power Systems-I
2. Power Systems-II
3. Computer methods in power systems
The theory should be taught and practical should be carried out in such a manner that students
are able to acquire different learning outcomes in cognitive, psychomotor and affective
domain to demonstrate following course outcomes.
a. Identify various types of faults in Power system
b. Explain working of different types of circuit breakers in power system.
c. Explain working of different types of relays in power system.
d. Maintain the protection of transmission line and feeder from various faults
e. Protect transformer, alternator, motor and bus bar
f. Protect power system against over voltages
At the end of the course the student will be in a position to
S. No Description Bloom’s taxonomy level
Student will be able to Describe circuit breakers, UNDERSTAND L2,
electromagnetic and static relays EVALUATE L5, CREATE
Student will be able to Illustrate different protection REMEMBER L1 ,
schemes of generator and transformer
Student will be able to Illustrate different protection
schemes of feeder and bus—bar
Student will be able to Differentiate different
CO4 grounding practices
Student will be able to Illustrate different protection UNDERSTAND L2,
schemes against over voltages EVALUATE L5, CREATE
Student will be able to identify rotor, stator faults,
inter turn faults and their protection.

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Program Outcomes Level Proficiency
assessed by
PO1 Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of
mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an Assignments,
engineering specialization to the solution of complex Mock tests
engineering problems.
PO2 Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research
literature, and analyze complex engineering problems Assignments,
reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of Mock tests
mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
PO3 Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for
complex engineering problems and design system
components or processes that meet the specified needs with 2
Mock tests
appropriate consideration for the public health and safety,
and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
PO4 Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use
research-based knowledge and research methods including
design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, 2
Mock tests
and synthesis of the information to provide valid
PO5 Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate
techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools Assignments,
including prediction and modeling to complex engineering Mock tests
activities with an understanding of the limitations.
PO6 The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by
the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, Assignments,
legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities Mock tests
relevant to the professional engineering practice.
PO7 Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact
of the professional engineering solutions in societal and
- -
environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of,
and need for sustainable development.
PO8 Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional
ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering - -
PO9 Individual and team work: Function effectively as an
individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and - -
in multidisciplinary settings.
PO10 Communication: Communicate effectively on complex
engineering activities with the engineering community and
with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and - -
write effective reports and design documentation, make
effective presentations, and give and receive clear

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PO11 Project management and finance: Demonstrate
knowledge and understanding of the engineering and
management principles and apply these to one’s own work, -
as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and
in multidisciplinary environments.
PO12 Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the
preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-
- -
long learning in the broadest context of technological
1: Slight (Low) 2: Moderate (Medium) 3: Substantial (High) - : None
Program Specific Outcomes Level Proficiency
assed by
PSO1 Talented to analyze, design and implement electrical &
electronics systems and deal with the rapid pace of
industrial innovations and developments Assignments,
Mock tests

PSO2 Skillful to use application and control techniques for

research and advanced studies in Electrical and Electronics 1
Mock tests
engineering domain
1: Slight (Low) 2: Moderate (Medium) 3: Substantial (High) - : None
Circuit Breakers
Circuit Breakers: Elementary principles of arc interruption, Recovery, Restriking Voltage and
Recovery voltages. - Restriking Phenomenon, Average and Max. RRRV, Numerical
Problems - Current Chopping and Resistance Switching - CB ratings and Specifications:
Types and Numerical Problems. – Auto reclosures. Description and Operation of following
types of circuit breakers: Minimum Oil Circuit breakers, Air Blast Circuit Breakers, Vacuum
and SF6 circuit breakers.
Electromagnetic and Static Relays
Principle of Operation and Construction of Attracted armature-Balanced Beam, induction
Disc and Induction Cup relays. Relays Classification: Instantaneous, DMT and IDMT types-
Application of relays: Over current/ under voltage relays-Direction relays, Differential
Relays, Percentage Differential relays-Universal Torque Equation-Distance Relays:
Impedance Relay-Reactance Mho Relay-Off-set Mho Relays-Characteristics of Distance
Relays and Comparison-Static Relays verses Electromagnetic Relays.
EEE IV Yr II Sem Page 4
Generator & Transformer Protection
Protection of generators against Stator faults-Rotor faults-Abnormal Conditions-Restricted
Earth fault-and Inter-turn fault Protection-Numerical Problems on % Winding Unprotected
Protection of Transformers Percentage Differential Protection-Numerical Problem on
Design of CT s Ratio-Buchholtz relay Protection
Feeder and Bus-Bar protection & Grounding:
Introduction-Over Current, Carrier Current-Three-zone distance relay protection using
Impedance relays-Translay Relay-Protection of Bus bars-Differential Protection
Neutral Grounding: Grounded and Ungrounded Neutral Systems- Effects of Ungrounded
Neutral on system performance- Methods of Neutral Grounding- Solid, Resistance,
Reactance- Arcing Grounds- Grounding Practices.
Protection against Over Voltages
Generation of Over Voltages in Power Systems.-Protection against Lightning Over Voltages -
Valve type and Zinc-Oxide Lighting Arresters - Insulation Coordination –BIL, Impulse
Ratio, Standard Impulse Test Wave, Volt-Time characteristics
GATE SYLLABUS: Principles of over-current, differential and distance protection; solid
state relays and digital protection; circuit breakers
IES SYLLABUS: Power system Protection Circuit breakers
Lect.N Course Learning
k TOPIC Reference
o. Outcomes
UNIT – 1
1. underastand basic theory
Elementary principles of arc interruption
of arc
2. Recovery, Restriking Voltage and Recovery analyse rrrv
1 voltages.
3. Restriking Phenomenon, Average and Max. analyse rrrv
4. Numerical Problems , Current Chopping evaluate rrrv
5. Resistance Switching, CB ratings and understand resistance
Text Book
Specifications switching
No. 3,7
6. Types and Numerical Problems evaluate
7. 2 CB ratings and Specifications , Auto
8. Types of CBs, Description & operation of distinguish types of
Minimum Oil Circuit Breakers circuit breakers
9. Description & operation of Air Blast Circuit discuss operation of air
Breakers blast circuit breakers
10. Description & operation of Vacuum Circuit discuss operation of
Breakers vaccum circuit breakers

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11. Description & operation of SF6 Circuit solving various
Breakers, Numerical problems problems related to cbs
Mock Test – I
UNIT – 2
12. Understand the principle
Principle of Operation and Construction of of operation of attracted
Attracted armature armature.
13. discuss balanced beam,
Balanced Beam, induction Disc and Induction induction disc and
4 Cup relays. induction cup relays.
14. Relays Classification: Instantaneous, DMT distinguish various types
and IDMT types of relays.
15. Application of relays: Over current/ Under analse types of relays.
voltage relays
Tutorial / Bridge Class # 1
16. understand the
Direction relays, Differential Relays, principles of various
Percentage Differential relays relays Book No.
17. Universal Torque Equation analyse ute 4,7
18. 5 understand distance
Distance Relays: Impedance Relay relay
19. understand reactance
Reactance Mho Relay mho relay
Tutorial / Bridge Class # 2
20. understand off-set mho
Off-set Mho Relays relays
21. understand
Characteristics Of Distance Relays and characteristics of
6 Comparison distance relays
22. understand
Static Relays verses Electromagnetic Relays. static relay vs emr
23. Revision
Tutorial / Bridge Class # 3
UNIT – 3
24. Protection of generators against Stator faults analyse faults
25. Rotor faults analyse rotor faults
26. Abnormal Conditions analyse Text Book
27. analyse earth fault No. 5,7
Restricted Earth fault protection protection
28. HVDC Circuit Breaker(CBS-1) understand hvdc cb
29. 8 Inter-turn fault Protection analyse inter turn faults

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30. Numerical Problems on % Winding analyse
31. Revision
32. Revision
Tutorial / Bridge Class # 4
I Mid Examinations (Week 9)
UNIT – 3 Contd.
33. analyse % differential
Percentage Differential Protection protection
34. Numerical Problem on Design of CT s Ratio, analyse Text Book
35. 10 analyse No. 1, 3,7
Buchholtz relay Protection
36. Numerical Problems analyse
Tutorial / Bridge Class # 5
UNIT – 4
37. understand over current
Introduction, Over Current, Carrier Current ,carrier current
38. Three-zone distance relay protection using understand three zone
Impedance relays relay
39. 11 Three-zone distance relay protection using understan three zone
Impedance relays relay
40. understand translay
Translay Relay relay
41. Microprocessor based Relays(CBS-2) understand
42. understand protection of
Protection of Bus bars busbars
43. understand differential
Differential Protection, Numerical Problems protection Text Book
44. 12 Grounded and Ungrounded Neutral Systems understand No. 2,7
45. understand ungrounded
Effects of Ungrounded Neutral on system neutral system
Tutorial / Bridge Class # 6
46. understand methods of
Methods of Neutral Grounding grounding
47. Solid, Resistance, Reactance, Arcing grounds understand
48. 13 understand grounding
Grounding Practices, Numerical Problems practices
49. Revision
Mock Test – II
UNIT – 5
50. 14 Generation of Over Voltages in Power understand generator Book No.
EEE IV Yr I Sem Page 7
Systems protection 1, 2, 7
51. understand protection
Protection against Lightning Over Voltages against lightning
52. Valve type understand valve type
53. understand zinc-oxide
Zinc-Oxide Lighting Arresters lighting arresters
Tutorial / Bridge Class # 7
54. understand insulation
Insulation Coordination –BIL coordination
55. Impulse Ratio understand impulse ratio
56. understand standard
Standard Impulse Test Wave impulse test wave
57. understand volt-time
Volt-Time Characteristics characteristics
58. Protection of induction motor( CBS-3) understand
59. Numerical problems analyse
60. Numerical problems analyse
61. Revision
62. 16 Revision
63. Learn advanced
Advanced Modern relays for Power system
knowledge of modern
64. Revision -
65. Revision -
66. 17 Revision -
67. Revision -
Tutorial / Bridge Class # 8
II Mid Examinations (Week 18)
Note: CBS means Content beyond Syllabus
1. Switchgear and Protection – by Sunil S Rao, Khanna Publishers.
2. Power System Protection and Switchgear by Badari Ram , D.N Viswakarma, TMH
3. Transmission network Protection by Y.G. Paithankar, Taylor and Francis, 2009.
4. Power system protection and switch gear by Bhuvanesh Oza, TMH, 2010.
5. Electrical Power Systems – by C.L.Wadhwa, New Age international (P) Limited,
Publishers, 3nd edition
6. Electrical power System Protection by C. Christopoulos and A. Wright, 2 nd Edition,
Springer International Edition

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7. Electrical Power Systems by V.K.Mehta, Volume-II.

Special books to gain in depth Concept:

1. Power System protection by P.M.Anderson
2. Power System protection & switchgear by Bhuvaneswar oza, Nirmal kumar Nair



Program Outcomes (PO’s)
CO’ Outcomes
s (PSO’s)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 1 2
3 2 2 2 1 3 2 3 2
2 3 1 2 2 2 2 2 2
2 3 2 3 2 1
2 3 2 2 1 3
2 3 1 2 3 2 2 2
2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2
1: Slight (Low) 2: Moderate (dium) 3: Substantial (High) -:None


Short Answer Questions-
S.No Question Blooms Course
Taxonomy Level Outcome
1 Discuss the average and max RRRV CREATE L6 C01
2 Explain the elementary principles of arc UNDERSTAND C01
interruption? L2
3 Explain about classification of circuit breakers? UNDERSTAND C01
4 Explain the differences between minimum and bulk UNDERSTAND C01
oil circuit breakers? L2
5 Discuss about auto reclosures? CREATE L6 C01

Long Answer Questions-

S.No Question Blooms Taxonomy Course
Level Outcome
1 Write short notes on the rate of restriping voltage UNDERSTAND C01
and explain its importance in arc extinction? L2
2 Discuss the merits and demerits of vacuum circuit CREATE L6 C01

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3 What are the key features of SF6 Circuit Breaker REMEMBER L1 C01
over other circuit breakers?
4 Write short notes on the maintenance of Oil circuit UNDERSTAND C01
breaker? L2
5 Discuss the merits and demerits of vacuum circuit CREATE L6 C01
6 Explain in detail about Air blast circuit breakers? UNDERSTAND C01
7 Explain the ratings of circuit breakers with UNDERSTAND C01
necessary derivations? L2
8 Briefly discuss the arc extinction methods in circuit CREATE L6 C01
9 Discuss in detail about auto reclosures and their CREATE L6 C01
10 Derive and explain about RRRV? EVALUATE L5 C01

Short Answer Questions-
S.No Question Blooms Taxonomy Course
Level Outcome
1 What are the characteristics of distance relays and REMEMBER L1 C01
also compare them?
2 Explain the terms a) Pickup level b) operating time UNDERSTAND C01
c) under reach d) over reach L2
3 Classify the relays based on application? UNDERSTAND C01
4 Explain about IDMT relay? UNDERSTAND C01
5 What are offset mho relays? REMEMBER L1 C01

Long Answer Questions-

S.No Question Blooms Taxonomy Course
Level Outcome
1 Explain the Principle of Operation and UNDERSTAND C01
Construction of Attracted armature type of relay? L2
2 Briefly explain the classification of UNDERSTAND C01
Electromagnetic relays with neat sketch? L2
3 In detail explain about Instantaneous, DMT and UNDERSTAND C01
IDMT types with neat diagrams? L2
4 Explain the advantages of reactance relay from UNDERSTAND C01
universal torque equation? L2

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5 What is the differential protection of relays? REMEMBER L1 C01

Explain about static and microprocessor relays in UNDERSTAND C01

detail? L2
7 Derive and explain universal torque equation? EVALUATE L5 C01

8 Explain about the mho relay and its application UNDERSTAND C01
with diagram? L2
9 In detail explain about percentage differential UNDERSTAND C01
protection of relays? L2
10 Explain about types of distance relays and briefly UNDERSTAND C01
explain impedance relay in detail? L2
Short Answer Questions-
S.No Question Blooms Course
Taxonomy Level Outcome
1 What is a Buchholtz relay? REMEMBER L1 CO2
2 Explain about restricted earth fault in alternators? UNDERSTAND CO2
3 What is the differential protection of transformers? REMEMBER L1 CO2
4 Explain about inter turn protection of alternators? UNDERSTAND CO2
5 What is the differential protection of alternators? REMEMBER L1 CO2

Long Answer Questions-

S.No Question Blooms Course
Taxonomy Level Outcome
1 Draw the connection diagram of a differential relay REMEMBER L1 CO2
for the protection a star-delta transformer. How does
bias the winding of a differential relay restricts
malfunctioning of the relay against (a) CT mismatch
(b) On load changing and (c) Magnetizing current?
2 Describe how protection is provided in large turbo- UNDERSTAND CO2
alternators against earth-Fault in the rotor? L2
3 Explain how the inclusion of a resistance in the UNDERSTAND CO2
neutral earthling circuit of an alternator affects the L2
performance of the differential protection of the
three- phase stator.
4 What is magnetizing Inrush current? What is the REMEMBER L1 CO2
principle used to make a differential relay
insensitive to magnetizing inrush current?
5 Explain the protection scheme for internal faults of a UNDERSTAND CO2
transformer? L2

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6 Discuss the unbalanced loading and overload UNDERSTAND CO2
protection in alternators. Overload protection is not L2
necessary for alternators? Justify yourself?
7 Prove that the restricted earth fault relay does not EVALUATE L5 CO2
operate for faults beyond the star connected winding
of a 3-phase delta-star transformer?
8 What factors cause spill current on external fault in REMEMBER L1 CO2
case of transformer differential protection?
9 Explain the protection of alternators against stator UNDERSTAND CO2
faults? L2
10 Explain the percentage differential protection of UNDERSTAND CO2
alternators? L2
Short Answer Questions-
S.No Question Blooms Taxonomy Course
Level Outcome
1 What is back up protection of bus bars? REMEMBER L1 CO3
2 What is over and carrier current? REMEMBER L1 CO3
3 Explain about arcing grounds? UNDERSTAND CO4
4 Explain the types of neutral groundings? UNDERSTAND CO4
5 Write a short note on differential protection of bus UNDERSTAND CO3
bars? L2
Long Answer Questions-
S.No Question Blooms Taxonomy Course
Level Outcome
1 Explain with the aid of circuit and phasor diagrams UNDERSTAND CO4
the function of a Peter-son coil in a 3-phase system. L2
What are permissible practical deviations from
resonance in the tuning of the Peterson coil?
2 What are the various methods of neutral REMEMBER L1 CO4
3 Derive the expression for torque developed by a EVALUATE L5 CO3
double activating quantity distance relay. Show that
the relay operates when fault is within the protected
distance of line.
4 Discuss about effectively grounded system and UNDERSTAND CO4
ungrounded system. L2
5 A 132 kV, 3-Phase, 50Hz, 100km long EVALUATE L5 CO3
transmission line has a capacitance of 0.012µF per
km per phase. Determine the inductive reactance
and kVA rating of the arc suppression coil suitable

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for this line.

6 Derive the expression for torque developed by a EVALUATE L5 CO3

double activating quantity distance relay. Show that
the relay operates when fault is within the protected
distance of line?
7 Explain the three zone protection using impedance UNDERSTAND CO3
relay? L2
8 Explain in detail about Translay scheme? UNDERSTAND CO3
9 Explain bus bar protection need special attention. UNDERSTAND CO3
Why? L2
10 Discuss with a neat sketch the general principle of UNDERSTAND CO3
operation of a distance protection scheme? L2
Short Answer Questions-
S.No Blooms Taxonomy Course
Level Outcome
1 Explain types of over voltages in power systems? CREATE L6 CO5
2 What is impulse ratio? REMEMBER L1 CO5
3 What are transients? REMEMBER L1 CO5
4 Explain about valve type arresters? UNDERSTAND CO5
5 What is insulation coordination? REMEMBER L1 CO5

Long Answer Questions-

S.No Blooms Taxonomy Course
Level Outcome
1 Explain clearly with neat diagram different types of UNDERSTAND CO5
lightning arresters? L2
2 State the various causes of over voltages in a power REMEMBER L1 CO5
3 Explain the working of types of lightning arresters: UNDERSTAND CO5
(a) Rod gap (b) Horn gap (c) Multi gap (d) L2
Expulsion type
4 Explain how over voltages are generated in power UNDERSTAND CO5
system? L2

5 Explain briefly about zinc oxide lightening UNDERSTAND CO5

arresters? L2

6 Draw and explain about volt time characteristics? REMEMBER L1 CO5

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7 In detail explain about insulation coordination- UNDERSTAND CO6

8 Explain about impulse ratio and impulse test wave UNDERSTAND CO5
with its characteristics? L2
9 What are switching surges in power systems? REMEMBER L1 CO5

10 What are transient over voltages in power systems? REMEMBER L1 CO5

1. Sparking between the contacts can be reduced by inserting:
a) A capacitor in parallel with the contacts b) A capacitor in series with the contacts
c) A resistor in the line d) A reactor in the line Ans: A
2. The contact resistance is least affected by:
a) Shape of the contact faces b) Ambient temperature
c) Mechanical forces applied d) Amount of surface commutation Ans: B
3. The arc voltage produced in an ac circuit breaker is always:
a) In phase with the arc current b) Lagging the arc current by 90 deg
c) Leading the arc current by 90 deg d) In phase opposition with the arc current
4. Breaking capacity of the circuit breaker is usually expressed in:
a) MVA b) MW c) Kilo-Amperes d) kV Ans: A
5. Which of the following circuit breakers produce least arc energy:
a) Plain oil b) Minimum oil c) Air blast d) Air break Ans: C
6. Arc chutes are used in:
a) Oil circuit breaker b) Vacuum circuit breakers
c) SF6 circuit breakers d) Air blast circuit breakers Ans: D
7. A thermal protection switch is used to provide protection against:
a) Over load b) Temperature c) Short circuit d) Over voltage Ans: A
8. A circuit breaker is
(a) Power factor correcting device (b) A device to neutralize the effect of transients
(c) A waveform correcting device (d) A current interrupting device. Ans: D
9. The fault clearing time of a circuit breaker is usually
(A) Few minutes (B) Few seconds
(C) one second (D) Few cycles of supply voltage. Ans: D
10. The medium employed for extinction of arc in air circuit breaker is
(A) SF6 (B) Oil (C) Air (D) Water. Ans: C
1. Relay contacts are normally made up of:
a) Silver contacts b) Copper contacts
c) Aluminum contacts d) Lead contacts Ans: A

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2. The most efficient torque-producing actuating structure for induction type relays is:
a) Shaded pole structure b) Watt-hour meter structure
c) Induction cup structure d) Single induction cup structure Ans: C
3. Impedance relays can be used for:
a) Phase faults only b) Earth faults only
c) Both earth and phase faults d) None of the above Ans: C
4. Thermal relays are used for the protection of motors against over-current owing to:
a) Short circuit b) Heavy loads
c) Earth fault d) All the above Ans: B
5. The relay used for the feeder protection is:
a) Under-voltage relay b) Tran slay relay
c) Thermal relay d) Buchholz relay Ans: B
6. The values of fault current depend on
(A) voltage at the faulty point (B) total impedance up to the fault
(C) both (A) and (B) above (D) none of the above Ans: C
7. The function of protective relay in a circuit breaker is
(A) to each any stray voltages
(B) to close the contacts when the actuating quantity reaches a certain predetermined
(C) to limit arcing current during the operation of circuit breaker
(D) to provide additional safety in the operation of circuit breaker. Ans: B
8. A relay used for protection of motors against overload is
(A) Impedance relay (B) Electromagnetic attraction type
(C) Thermal relay (D) Buchholz's relay Ans: C
9. Which curve in the figure represents inverse time characteristics?

(A) Curve A (B) Curve B (C) Curve C (D) Curve D. Ans: A

10. Match the following:
Relay Operation
(i) Responds to vector difference between two electrical
(a) Static relay
(b) Over current relay (ii) Quick operation
(c) Differential relay (iii) Responds to increase in current
(d) Instantaneous (iv) No moving parts relay
(A) a - (i), b- (ii), c - (iii), d - (iv) (B) a - (iv), b - (iii), c - (i), d- (iv)
(C) a - (ii), b - (i) c- (iii), d - (iv) (D) a - (iii), b - (ii), c - (i), d - (iv). Ans: B
1. Buchholz relay is:
a) Located in the conservator tank
EEE IV Yr I Sem Page 15
b) Located in the transformer tank itself
c) Connected in the pipe connecting main tank of transformer and conservator
d) Installed in the circuit breaker Ans: C
2. Thermal relays are used for the protection of motors against over-current owing to:
a) Short circuit b) Heavy loads
c) Earth fault d) All the above Ans: B
3. Which of the following relays is used on transformers?
(A) Buchholz relay (B) MHO relay
(C) Merz price relay (D) None of the above Ans: A
4. Merz-price protection is used on
(A) Substations (B) Capacitor bank
(C) Induction motor (D) Generators. Ans: D
5. Match the following:

(A) a - (i), b -(ii), c - (iii), d - (iv) (B) a - (ii). b - (iii), c - (i), d - (iv)
(C) a - (iii), b - (i), c - (iv), d - (ii) (D) a - (iv), b - (iii), c - (ii), d - (i).
Ans: D
6. Any winding of a power transformer develops short circuit owing to:
a) Loose connections b) Insulation failure
c) Impulse voltage d) Mechanical vibration Ans: C
7. For ground fault, which of the relay is preferred:
a) Plain impedance relay b) Directional relay
c) Reactance relay d) Over-current relay Ans: C
8. The short circuit current of an alternator, inc case of line to line fault depends on its:
a) Short circuit resistance b) Transient reactance
c) Synchronous reactance d) None of the above Ans: C
9. Over-current protection for motor is provided by
(A) Cartridge fuses (B) High resistance fuses
(C) Over-current relay (D) all of the above. Ans: C
10. In which method of starting a motor, the starting current is the maximum?
(A) Auto-transformer (B) Star-delta starter
(C) Stator rotor starter (D) Direct-on-line. Ans: D
1. The relay best suited for phase fault relaying for medium transmission lines is:
a) Mho relay b) Reactance relay
c) Impedance relay d) None of the above Ans: C
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2. The relay used for the feeder protection is:
a) Under-voltage relay b) Translay relay
c) Thermal relay d) Buchholz relay Ans: B
3. Mho relay have an R-X characteristics depicted by:
a) A straight line passing through origin b) A straight line parallel to X-axis
c) A straight line parallel to R-axis d) A circle passing through the origin Ans: D
4. Solid ear thing is provided for the voltage below:
a) 100 kV b) 600 V c) 11 kV d) 66 kV Ans: B
5. The advantage of neutral ear thing is
a) Simplified design of earth fault protection
b) Over-voltages due to lightning can be discharged to the earth
c) Freedom from persistent arcing grounds d) all of the above. Ans: D
6. The disadvantage offered by ungrounded systems is
(A) Frequent arcing grounds (B) Difficult earth fault relaying
(C) Voltage oscillations (D) all of the above Ans: D
7. Resistance grounding is used for voltages
(A) Below 220 V (B) Up to 660 V
(C) Between 3.3 kV to 11 kV (D) Above 66 k Ans: C
8. Series reactors are installed at strategic locations of power systems to
(A) Bring down the fault level within the capacity of switchgear
(B) Directly pass the fault surges to ground
(C) Pass neutralizing surges of opposite nature
(D) Discharge the capacitors. Ans: A
9. In which portion of the transmission system faults occur most frequently?
(A) Transformers (B) Overhead lines
(C) Alternators (D) Underground cables. Ans: B
10. Differential protection principle is used in the protection of
(A) Generators (B) Transformers
(C) Feeders (D) all of the above. Ans: D
1. A lightning arrester connected between the line and earth in a power system
a) Protects the terminal equipment against travelling surges
b) Protects the terminal equipment against lightning strokes
c) Suppresses the high frequency oscillations in the line
d) Reflects back the travelling waves approaching it Ans: A
2. The over-voltage surges in power systems may be caused by
(A) Lightning (B) Switching
(C) Resonance (D) Any of the above. Ans: D
3. The protection against over-voltage due to lightening is provided by
(A) Use of surge diverters (B) Low tower footing resistance
(C) Use of overhead ground wires (D) Any of the above Ans: D
4. Over-voltage transients may occur due to

EEE IV Yr I Sem Page 17

(A) Lightning (B) Switching
(C) Arcing grounds (D) Any of the above. Ans: D
5. Which of the following protective devices can be used against lightning surges?
(A) Horn gap (B) Surge diverters
(C) Lightning arresters (D) Any of the above. Ans: D
6. Switching surges may be caused by
(A) Closing of unchanged line (B) Load shedding at receiving end of line
(C) Switching of magnetizing current (D) Any of the above Ans: D
7. The surge impedance of under-ground cables is of the order of
(A) 20 to 60 ohms (B) 200 to 600 ohms
(C) 2 k ohm to 5 k ohm (D) 20 k ohm to 60 k ohm. Ans: A
8. Surge impedance of over-head transmission lines is of the order of
(A) 20 to 30 ohms (B) 300 to 500 ohms
(C) 3000 to 5000 ohms (D) 30 k ohm to 60 k ohm. Ans: B
9. Surge modifiers are used to
(A) Reduce the current of wave-front (B) Reduce the voltage of wave-front
(C) Reduce the steepness of wave-front (D) Modify the shape of wave-front. Ans: C
10. Switching over-voltages are more hazardous than lightning surges in case of
(A) Low voltage systems (B) 11 kV systems
(C) Unbalanced systems (D) EHV and UHV systems. Ans: D
1. Which of the following circuit breaker can be installed on 400 kV line
(A) Tank type oil circuit breaker (B) Miniature circuit breaker
(C) Vacuum circuit breaker (D) Air blast circuit breaker. Ans: D
2. In a vacuum circuit breaker, the vacuum is of the order of
(A) 10mm Hg (B) 10-2 mmHg (C) l0-6 mmHg (D) 10-9 mmHg.
Ans: D
3. Using factor for a HRC fuse is
(A) Minimum fusing current / Current rating
(B) Minimum fusing current / Minimum rupturing time
(C) Maximum fusing current / Minimum fusing current
(D) Minimum fusing current / Prospective current of circuit. Ans: A
4. Which of the following circuit breakers does not use pneumatic operating mechanism
(A) Air blast circuit breaker (B) SF6 blast circuit breaker
(C) Air break circuit breaker (D) Bulk-oil circuit breaker. Ans: D
5. The insulation resistance of high voltage circuit breaker is
(A) 1k Ohm (B) 10 k Ohm
(C) 20 Mega ohms (D) 2000 Mega ohm. Ans: D

EEE IV Yr II Sem Page 18

6. The normal frequency rms voltage that appears across the breaker poles after final arc
extinction has occurred, is
(A) Recovery voltage (B) Re striking voltage
(C) Supply voltage (D) Peak voltage. Ans: A
7. The transient voltage that appears across the contacts at the instant of arc extinction is
(A) Recovery voltage (B) Re striking voltage
(C) Supply voltage (D) Peak voltage. Ans: B
8. The power factor of the arc in circuit breaker is
(A) Always zero (B) Always unity
(C) Always lagging (D) Always leading. Ans: B
9. In a circuit breaker the lime duration from the instant of the fault to the extinction of arc is
known as
(A) Operation time (B) Total clearing time
(C) Lag time (D) Lead time. Ans: B
10. For high speed circuit breakers the total lime is nearly
(A) 1/2 cycle (B) 1 cycle
(C) Few cycles (D) 10 cycles. Ans: A
11. Insulation resistance of HV circuit breaker is more than
(A) 100 Ohms (B) 1 M Ohms
(C) 500 ohms (D) 100M Ohms Ans: D
1. The isolator is interlocked with circuit breaker and ear thing switch. While opening the
circuit ................... opens first, then the ............ and only after this the......................... can
(A) Isolator ................... circuit breaker................... earthing switch
(B) Earthing switch ................ isolator................ circuit breaker
(C) Circuit breaker.................. ear thing switch ............ isolator
(D) Circuit breaker................. Isolator.............. .. Earthing switch Ans: D
2. Over-current protection for motor is provided by
(A) Cartridge fuses (B) High resistance fuses
(C) Over-current relay (D) all of the above Ans: C
3. Which statement is correct?
(A) SF6 gas is nontoxic (B) SF6 gas is lighter than air
(C) SF6 gas has pungent smell (D) SF6 gas is yellow in colour. Ans: A
4. The surge impedance, of a transmission line is given by
(A) (LC) ½ (B) (C/L) ½ (C) (L/C) ½ (D) (L+C) ½ Ans: C
5. In the circuit breaker, the arcing contacts are made of
(A) Electrolytic copper (B) Copper tungsten alloy
(C) Aluminium alloy (D) Porcelain. Ans: B
EEE IV Yr I Sem Page 19
6. Switching over-voltages are more hazardous than lightning surges in case of
(A) Low voltage systems (B) 11 kV systems
(C) Unbalanced systems (D) EHV and UHV systems. Ans: D
7. In which portion of the transmission system faults occur most frequently?
(A) Transformers (B) Overhead lines
(C) Alternators (D) Underground cables. Ans: B
7. Bulk-oil circuit breaker is suitable for voltages up to
(A) 10kV (B) 16 kV (C) 26 kV (D) 36 kV. Ans: D
8. A bimetal strip consists of two metal strips have different
(A) Thermal diffusivity (B) Thermal conductivity
(C) Specific beat (D) Coefficient of expansion. Ans: D
9. For the same current, which of the following fuse wires will have the least fusing time?
(A) 18 SWG TIN - 12.5 A (B) 20 SWG TIN - 10 A
(C) 22 SWG TIN-7.5 A (D) 24 SWG TIN-5 A. Ans: D
10. An automatic device that operates at present values is known as
(A) Mercury switch (B) Relay (C) Fuse (D) Contactor. Ans: B
1. www.electrical4u.com/electrical-switchgear-protection
2. www.systemcontrols.co.in
3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Switchgear
1. Dr.Siva Sarma DVSS, Prof at NIT Warangal
2. Dr.Ravi Kumar Bhima Singhu, IIT Hyderabad
3. Dr.Surya kalavathi, Professor-JNTUH (EEE).
4. Y.Naresh, teaching faculty-Made easy GATE & IES academy (Jaipur).
1. Springer Journal of Protection and control of modern power systems
2. Protection & Control Journal-GE Grid solutions.
3. CPRI Journal
4. International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering.
5. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineer (IEEE Explorer)
1. Types of circuit breakers
2. Merz prize circulating scheme
3. Concept of neutral grounding
4. Types of relays based on operation
5. Types of relays based on construction
6. Recent technologies in circuit breakers
7. Protection against over voltages
8. Types of lightening arresters

EEE IV Yr II Sem Page 20

1. Check the Polarity of Current Transformer and Potential Transformer and connect it with
the relay
2. Draw schematic diagram of protective schemes for 66 KV/ 132 KV/220 KV Substation
nearby area
3. Test static relay for the protection of motor
4. Set up a Horn gap lightning arrester
5. Test overload relay and plot Time-Current characteristic
6. Over current and under voltage protection schemes
7. Over or under frequency protection schemes
8. Directional over current protection relay characteristics
9. Power Reverse relay protection schemes
10. earth fault relay protection schemes
11. Differential relay protection schemes
12. Digital relay and design of distance protection schemes
13. Study of MCB, Characteristics of HRC fuse, Visit report on protection schemes in
14. Simulation exposure of switchgears and protection schemes
15. Study of industrial circuit breaker and testing

EEE IV Yr I Sem Page 21

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