PFG Presentation Rubric
PFG Presentation Rubric
PFG Presentation Rubric
Explores interests, passions, Effective use of Begins to use more Some effort to use basic Technology is used
and skills while making technological features (i.e., professional technological technological features (i.e., ineffectively. No use of
connections to multiple charts, tables, and features (i.e., charts, tables, visuals and professional spreadsheets, tables, charts,
occupational areas spreadsheets) and has little to and spreadsheets) but has layouts), but lacks or visuals. Demonstrates
CTF 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.2.6 no mistakes. Presentation is some errors. Begins to professional items (i.e., minimal understanding of
highly professional and it show a strong charts, tables, and financial literacy and
demonstrates a strong understanding of the spreadsheets). Basic presents minimal
understanding of the connection between understanding of the connections between given
connection between occupation, financial connection between occupation, financial
occupation, financial independence, and quality of occupational, financial independence, and quality of
independence, and quality of life. independence, and quality of life.
life. life.
Works independently and Effectively demonstrates Demonstrates employable Employable skills such as Employable skills such as
with others while exploring strong employable skills skills such as communication, communication,
careers and technology such as communication, communication, collaboration, problem collaboration, problem
CTF3.3.1, 3.3.2, 3.3.3 collaboration, problem collaboration, problem solving, and work ethic are solving, and work ethic
solving, and work ethic to the solving and work ethic in an developing. require improvement.
in an impressive manner appropriate manner.
where an employer would
not hesitate to hire you or
provide you with a positive