Beaton 1996 Preview PDF
Beaton 1996 Preview PDF
Beaton 1996 Preview PDF
Roderick Beaton
So then, if Zeus will not place our story among the stars, if Poseidon will not
imprint it upon the waters, if Earth will not nurture it in plants and flowers,
then, as though in unfading timbers and in adamantine precious stones, with
Hermes' pen and ink and in language breathing the fire of rhetoric let our
story be inscribed, and let some one of those who come after turn it into
rhetoric and forge a golden statue hammered out of words as our imperish-
able monument.
Eustathios Makrembolites
In memoriam
David Bradley
List of illustrations Xl
Preface to the first edition Xlll
Preface to the second edition XVll
Part I 1071-1204
The Byzantine empire in the twelfth century 9
Levels of language and levels of literature 13
Literacy, books and readers 15
East meets West? 18
Mimesis and rhetoric 22
Realism and the individual 28
Precursors of the romance 30
'Digenes': story and versions 32
The original 'Digenes' 43
Partll 1204-1453
The rise of vernacular literature 92
Significance and development of the 'political'verseform 98
1 The Greek-speaking world in the later Middle Ages XiX
2 The decline of the Byzantine empire XX
1 Diagrammatic representation of the main connections among
romances and related texts from the fourteenth to the sixteenth
century 168
The Greek romances of the Middle Ages are tales of love, death and
adventure. As such they may be seen as the successors to the first European
prose fiction developed in Greek between the first and fourth centuries AD,
and, more distantly, among the ancestors of the modern European novel.
This study aims to explore this little-known territory of European literary
history, and reveal the richness, the coherence and complexity, of a group
of stories which ring the changes on a universal set of themes, but do so
in a way specific to their own time and place. In the course of exploration
we will discover that the adventures of the medieval Greek romance are
as much the adventures of language and rhetoric as they are the adventures
of the somewhat typecast heroes and heroines. In different ways all these
works are suspended between nostalgic admiration for the creativity of an
earlier age and a craving for permanence and fulfilment, not so much in
the human happiness of the lovers (which for an'orthodox Christian of the
Middle Ages could never be permanent anyway) as in the approximation
of the rhetorical logos, or discourse of the text, to the status of the divine
There has been no systematic study of the Greek romances of the Middle
Ages as a literary genre in any language, although the texts have been
exhaustively quarried in the last hundred years by scholars in search of
different kinds of historical, linguistic and cultural information. As a result,
many of the questions addressed in this book may seem somewhat otiose to
the Western medievalist used to relatively secure chronological and linguistic
data, to consensus on editorial practice, and above all to the existence of
modern scholarly editions. On the other hand there may be those working
in the field of medieval Greek studies who feel that a study such as this is even
premature, and should not be undertaken until better texts and more secure
background data are available. In answer to the latter, I believe that it will be
difficult to progress much further in the vexed questions surrounding
editorial method for many of these texts until we can agree on the nature of
the texts we are dealing with. One of the main aims of this book is therefore
to propose a basis for such agreement. If the details of the argument at times
This book has been a long time in the making, and personal debts to scholars,
students and institutions mount up. Library research in Greece was
facilitated by grants from the British Academy in 1981 and from the Hayter
Travel Fund of the University of London in 1981 and 1984. Study leave
granted by King's College for a term in 1984 and again in 1987 proved
indispensable, and I am particularly grateful to the principal, Professor
Stewart Sutherland, and to his predecessor, the late Lord Cameron of
Balhousie, for making this possible during a period of enforced retrench-
ment. Among students I must mention with gratitude Sarah Ekdawi and
Florentia Yannoullou, willing guinea-pigs for a new course at King's on
'Medieval literature in vernacular Greek', together with whom I first
discovered many of the subtleties and the peculiar difficulties of the
vernacular romances in 1982-3.
My debt to scholars and specialists in a variety of fields is too large to
enumerate; but many of those whose names appear in the list of references
are personal friends to whom lowe much in conversation and the unstinting
. flow of books and offprints. Where they find that I have disagreed with them
in the ensuing pages I hope that they will respond in the spirit of open and
continuing debate in which my own remarks are intended. Specific debts are
owed to Simon Franklin and to Professor Robert Browning, who have taken
trouble to give me access to the growing bibliography on the subject in
Russian; to Elizabeth Jeffreys and Manolis Papathomopoulos for allowing
me to read a portion of their forthcoming editio princeps of the War of Troy;
and to Wim Bakker and Arnold van Gemert for a similar privilege in regard
to their edition of the Tale of Belisarios which appeared during 1988. Special
thanks are also due to the general editor of the series, Cambridge Studies in
Medieval Literature, Professor Alastair Minnis, who read and commented on
a draft of the whole book, and to Dr David Holton, who in reading the
completed typescript saved me from a great many errors both great and
small. It goes without saying that all remaining errors, inadequacies and
omissions are my responsibility alone.
I should like finally to thank my wife, Fran, but for whose patience,
support and sense of humour none of it, quite simply, would have been
The first edition of this book was written between 1984 and 1987, with some
minor additions up to April 1988. By the time it appeared in late 1989, several
independent and important studies of the subject were already either in print
or well under way. The last few years have seen a long-overdue upsurge in
scholarly interest in Byzantine literature, and the romances which are the
subject of this book, although by no means typical of that literature as a
whole, show the Byzantines, and their immediate Greek-speaking succes-
sors, at work simultaneously as continuators of the Hellenistic tradition and
as forerunners of much modern literary fiction.
The present edition has been updated in order to take account of recent
developments, in essentially two ways. First, I have carefully checked the
whole text and silently corrected minor errors which had been pointed out
to me by friends, colleagues and reviewers. I have also replaced references
to older editions where new editions have become available, and where
necessary revised accordingly the quotations in the text and references to
line-numbers in the notes. Here and there I have altered the wording of the
text, and deleted a small number of passages expressing opinions which I no
longer hold (such divergences from the first edition are, however, signalled
in the notes). Finally, throughout the text I have restored the Greek proper
names cited to a form which may be more familiar to readers than the
phonetic transcription I adopted in the first edition, and in Greek quotations
I have also restored the traditional orthography with three accents and two
breathing marks, in place of the simplified 'monotonic' system common in
writing the modern language.
The most substantial addition to the book, however, is the Afterword,
which presents, assesses and responds to developments in the field since
1987, and points out directions for future research. The references have also
been fully updated (to the end of 1994).
Since the book first appeared a number of new debts have accumulated. The
most important of these are to Francesca Rizzo Nervo and Yoryis Yatro-
manolakis, thanks to whose initiative The Medieval Greek Romance will
This edition was on its way to press when news came of the untimely death
in February 1995 of Ole Smith. On the subject-matter of this book my
differences of opinion with Professor Smith were - and are - fundamental.
On reflection, it has seemed to me a more honest tribute to a scholar of
unusual breadth of interests and tenacious productivity, to make no change
to what I had already written in the Afterword. As a scholar, Ole Smith
remains with us; his views and his arguments deserve to be discussed with no
less rigour now than when he was alive.
o 500km
, I
o 300 miles
~ Byzantine control
~ Temporary Byzantine control 1116-1180
Byzantine control
Frankish (Westem}occupation
There are sixteen Greek romances, written after 1100, which survive in whole
or in part. All but one, the seventeenth-century Erotokritos, written in Crete
in close proximity to the thought-world of post-Renaissance Italy, belong to
the Middle Ages. In a Greek context the Middle Ages can be said to end with
the fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Turks in 1453, and activity in
writing and copying romances in the medieval tradition ceases during the
following century. All but one of these romances are in verse, and it is for this
reason, as well as to emphasize the links between most of them and similar
literature in the West, that I have adopted the generic term 'romance' rather
than 'novel'. The distinction is in any case peculiar to English and
particularly inappropriate when one is dealing with Greek fiction, whether
ancient or medieval, in that no Greek generic term was ever proposed for this
kind of literature before the nineteenth century.
It is for a similar reason that I have eschewed the term 'Byzantine' in my
title. The modern name for the secular state of Eastern Christendom, which
normally subsumes all medieval studies in the Greek field, has the effect of
emphasizing the institutional and political differences between 'Byzantium'
and the West. However, the story of Greek secular literature during our
period has much more in common with what was happening elsewhere in
Europe at the same time than at first sight appears. Above all, the new
awareness in the twelfth century of a language community united by spoken
Greek as well as by the literary inheritance from antiquity is closely
analogous to the developments underlying the rise of the vernacular
literatures in the West. And it is also significant that several of the later
romances in this 'medieval Greek' tradition were written outside the reduced
confines of the Byzantine empire; indeed, the medieval romance seems to
have outlived that empire by up to a century.
It is, however, large-scale events of Byzantine history that have deter-
mined the chronological limits of this study. The defeat of the Byzantine
armies at the battle of Manzikert in 1071 effectively began the long process
of political and military decline and of intellectual reorientation which
continued even after the end of the Byzantine empire in 1453 and played its
part in shaping the modern Greek nation in more recent times. In the
aftermath of that defeat literary fiction, which had lain dormant (except in its
ecclesiastical offshoot, the saint's life) since the fourth century, first began to
be revived. At the opposite end of the chronological spectrum, the limit of
1453 is to be interpreted rather loosely: some of the texts discussed in Part
II were almost certainly written a little after that date, and the intensive
activity in copying, and presumably also in reciting, vernacular romances in
the hundred years following the fall of Constantinople will be discussed in
Chapter 12. However, this activity is best seen as a continuing response to the
loss of the spiritual and cultural capital city; after the mid-sixteenth century
the dominant position in Greek literary writing is assumed by Venetian-ruled
Crete, and the romance tradition effectively comes to an end. Within this
long period an important break is marked by another historical event, the
capture of Constantinople by Western crusaders in 1204, and that date also
divides this book into its two parts. The first deals with the revival and
re-creation of the romance as a genre in the twelfth century, and discusses the
four known texts written in the literary language during that century, as well
as the 'epic', or 'proto-romance', of Digenes Akrites. The second explores the
establishment of a common literary vernacular as the accepted medium for
fiction, and presents the five original and six translated romances produced
after the Latin interregnum of 1204-61 at Constantinople.
The medieval Greek romances have not been ignored by scholarship, as will
be seen from the list of references at the end of this book. Individual
romances, and both the learned and vernacular romances as groups, have
been judged dismissively in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries; almost all
serious studies of the romances have quarried them for historical realia, or for
evidence of the development of spoken modern Greek or of the existence of
a lost, and livelier, oral tradition of Byzantium. There has been no single
study of the twelfth-century and the later romances together as a developing
genre, and indeed few studies of either make more than passing mention of
the other. 1
A rare instance where the medieval Greek romance was seen as a link in
the growth of modern fiction from its distant origins in the Hellenistic
romances is provided by John Dunlop, whose History of Prose Fiction was
first published in 1814. Dunlop devotes six pages to a summary and some
trenchantly negative criticism of the only medieval Greek romance to be
written in prose, Hysmine and Hysminias, and credits it with having
influenced some Renaissance literature in French and Spanish.2 Later, in
1876, Erwin Rohde, whose study of the Hellenistic romance is still cited as
a classic, dismissed the same romance as a 'caricature' and deemed the
vernacular romances unworthy of consideration on account of the 'barba-
rism of their speech'.3 Nor were Greek attitudes during the nineteenth
century any more favourable. In the memorable words of Adamandios
[Ach.] Achilles, Tale of: Versions Nand L = Hesseling 1919; Version 0 = Smith 1990
[Hel.] Aithiopika (Heliodoros) = Rattenbury and Lumb 1960
Alexander, Tale of: Byzantine metrical version = Reichmann 1963; rhymed version
= Holton 1974
[Aphth. Prog.] Aphthonios (see Progymnasmata)
[Apo!.] Apollonios of Tyre: unrhymed version = Wagner 1870: 63-90; rhymed version
= Kechayoglou 1982c
[AK] Aristandros and Kallithea (Konstantinos Manasses) = Mazal 1967; Tsolakis
AT (see Leukippe and Kleitophon)
Bas. Prog. (see Progymnasmata)
[Belth.] Belthandros and Chrysantza = Kriaras 1955: 85-130
[Bel.] Belisarios, Tale of: Naples manuscript = Follieri 1970; synoptic edition =
Bakker and van Gernert 1988
[Char.] Chaireas and Kallirrhoe (Chariton) = Molinie 1979
[Mel.] Chastity, To (Meliteniotes) = Miller 1858
[Chron.] Chronographia (Psellos) = Renauld 1926
[Dyst.] Consolation concerning III Fortune and Good Fortune = Lambros 1880, 1906
[Daphn.] Daphnis and Chloe (Longos) = Dalmeyda 1960
[De Mang.] De Manganis (Prodromos?) = Bernardinello 1972; for summary and
dating of all 144 poems see Magdalino 1993a: 494-500
[DA] Digenes Akrites:
Version A = Kalonaros 1941: I
Version E = S. Alexiou 1985, 1990
Version G = Mavrogordato 1956
Synoptic edition: Trapp 1971 a
[DC] Drosilla and Charikles (Eugenianos) = Conca 1990
Dyst. (see Consolation . .. )
[Xen.] Ephesiaka (Xenophon) = Papanikolaou 1973
Epigram on Kall. (see Philes)
[Fal. 1st.; Enypn.] Erotic Dreams (Falieros) = van Gernert 1980a
Hel. (see Aithiopika)
[Herm. Prog.] Hermogenes (see Progymnasmata)
[HH] Hysmine and Hysminias (Makrembolites) = Hilberg 1876 (see also Hercher
1859: 159-286)
[Imp.] Imperios and Margarona = Kriaras 1955: 197-249
[Kall.] Kallimachos and Chrysorrhoe = Pichard 1956; Kriaras 1955: 17-83
[AT] Leukippe and Kleitophon (Achilles Tatios) = Gaselee 1969
[Lib.] Libistros and Rhodamne = Lambert 1935
Logos Paregoretikos ... (see Consolation ... )
[Maz.] Mazaris' Stay in Hades = Barry, Share, et al. 1975
Mel. (see Chastity)
[OK] Old Knight, The = Breillat 1938
[Phil.] Philes (Epigram on Kall.) = Martini 1896; Knos 1962
[Phlor.] Phlorios and Platzia-Phlora = Kriaras 1955: 131-96
[Ptochopr.] Poems of Poor Prodromos = Eideneier 1991; Hesseling and Pernot 1910
[Aphth. Prog.] Progymnasmata (Aphthonios) = Walz 1832
[Herm. Prog.] Progymnasmata (Hermogenes) = Walz 1832
[Bas. Prog.] Progymnasmata (Nikephoros Basilakes) = Pignani 1983
Ptochoprodromika (see Poems of Poor Prodromos)
[RD] Rhodanthe and Dosikles (Prodromos) = Markovich 1992
[Thes.] Theseid = Follieri 1959 (Book I only)
[Tim.] Timarion = Romano 1974
[Troy] Troy, Tale of = N0rgaard and Smith 1975 (see also Dedes 1971; Lavagnini
[WT] War of Troy = E. Jeffreys and Papathomopoulos, forthcoming
Xen. (see Ephesiaka)
The list of publications which follows is not intended to be a complete
bibliography of the subject. For texts in the learned language the older
bibliography is fully presented by Hunger (1978), and for texts in the
vernacular by Beck (1971), and I have not sought to duplicate these
monumental works by referring to the secondary literature or to older
published editions except where they have been directly relevant to the
arguments presented here.
However, for the period following the appearance of Hunger's and Beck's
studies I have made a point of including references to all the secondary litera-
ture relevant to the romances, so that the list given here may be used as a supple-
ment to the bibliographies of Beck and Hunger for the period up to 1994.
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- - 1992. 'Libistros und Rhodamne: Vorlaufiges zu einer kritischen Ausgabe der
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- - 1993a. 'H XQOVOAOYLXi) clXOAou8ta 'trov JlU8LO'tOQ'I1JlU'trov
xal in Panayotakis 1993: II, 97-134.
- - 1993b. "Eva clXOJl'l1 o:rtuQaYJla 'tOil
/) j}a'tLxavo; XW()LXa; Barb. Gr. 172. 43: 337-59.
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- - 1986. 'The poverty of ecriture and the craft of writing: towards a reappraisal
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- - Heraklion, Crete.
- - 1980. '
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- - 1983. '0 ALYEVi); 'AXQL't'l1; 'toil 'EoxoQLuA.
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