Protection and Grid Connection Integrated Into One Device: SACE Emax 2
Protection and Grid Connection Integrated Into One Device: SACE Emax 2
Protection and Grid Connection Integrated Into One Device: SACE Emax 2
SACE Emax 2
Protection and grid connection integrated into one device
For the first time, a trip unit offers several functions dedicated Furthermore, using the most advanced version of the Ekip G relay
to the protection of a generation set and its interconnection (the Hi-Touch), it is possible to have two thresholds for every volt-
with the grid in order to respond to the types of protections age and frequency protection in order to meet the widest range of
suggested in international standards such as; IEC 60034-1, interconnection requirements around the world. A quick overview
IEEE C37.102 or IEEE 242. of specific generator protections is listed here.
1 Weir
2 Setting tank
3 Canal
4 Penstock
1 2
5 Turbine
3 6 Generator
7 Control panel
9 8 Tailrace
9 Transmission
Small hydro plants may be connected to national electrical In medium-voltage connection to the public utility network,
distribution networks as a source of (renewable) energy. the natural goal of a SACE Emax 2 with an Ekip G protection
In some countries (where the cost per kWh is high) there is trip unit is to protect the single low-voltage generator.
an interesting economic convenience to realize new–or, often,
The protections most commonly used for this are those de-
revamp old power hydro plants.
fined by the following ANSI codes:
Consider that mini hydro installations are common in Europe
(Italy, Norway, Austria etc.) and in the USA. In some other 40 (loss of excitation);
countries, where the centralized generation capacity is not 27 (minimum voltage);
large enough to meet the necessities, small hydro plants 59 (maximum voltage);
are often the only solution for electrification of remote areas.
50 (maximum instantaneous current);
Examples of this type of installation can easily be found both
51 (maximum time-delayed current);
in Asia (Nepal, Malaysia, Pakistan, Bhutan, etc.) and in Africa
(Zambia, South Africa, etc.). 81H (maximum frequency);
81L (minimum frequency);
For a typical 1 MVA installation, the point of coupling with the 49 (overload);
national grid will be very likely in medium voltage. 32R (active power consumption-reverse).
For this reason, we can consider a generic diagram like this:
MV network
2 SACE Emax 2: protection and grid connection integrated into one device | ABB
Some of the current off-the-shelf low voltage breakers may ABB’s suggestion for settings of this protection (and all the
offer up to eight out of these nine protection functions: but other generator protection functions) can be found in the
only Ekip G can offer integrated protection against the loss of White Paper named “Generators protection: Ekip G trip unit
excitation. for SACE Emax 2”.
The loss of excitation in a synchronous generator mainly
arises from faults in the energizing unit or in the field circuit.
A further application: interconnection with the grid
Consequently, the electromotive force in the generator is disa-
Islanding refers to the condition in which a distributed energy
bled and there is a reduction in the reactive power supplied.
resource continues to power a location even though the grid
The machine then operates as an asynchronous generator,
is no longer present. Islanding can be dangerous, so distribut-
consuming reactive power from the network.
ed generators must be equipped with anti-islanding features.
Function 40
ABB | SACE Emax 2: protection and grid connection integrated into one device 3
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