Badger Bounce Back
Badger Bounce Back
Badger Bounce Back
WHEREAS, as of April 19, 2020, 2,241,359 people around the world have
tested positive for COVID-19, including 690,714 in the United States and 4,346
in Wisconsin;
WHEREAS, on April 16, 2020, I modified and extended the Safer at Home
Order to allow businesses new opportunities to get back to work and added new
measures to keep employees and customers safer;
1 West Wilson Street • Post Office Box 7850 • Madison, WI 53707-7850 • Telephone 608-266-9622 •
Protecting and promoting the health and safety of the people of Wisconsin
WHEREAS, with the progress Wisconsin has made in flattening the curve
and slowing the spread of COVID-19, we must look ahead to plan for how
Wisconsin will return to business as usual;
WHEREAS, led by science, the public health facts on the ground, and
guidance from the Federal government, this Order implements a phased
approach for dialing down the restriction in the Safer at Home Order; and
d. Phase Three. Phase Three will resume all business activity and
gatherings, with minimal protective and preventative measures in
place for the general public and more protective measures for
vulnerable populations.
b. Gating Criteria. The state must meet the following Gating Criteria,
based on state-wide public health data:
i. Symptoms:
ii. Cases: Downward trajectory of positive tests as a percent of
total tests within a 14-day period.
iii. Hospitals:
7. Supremacy. This Order supersedes any local order that is in conflict with
s order.