Glossary of Terms: Used in Command Alkon Software and Documentation Document Version 1.2 10/11/12

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Glossary of Terms

Used in Command Alkon

Software and Documentation
Document Version 1.2

Command Alkon Inc.

5168 Blazer Parkway
Dublin, Ohio 43017
Service Dept: 614.792.0677
Fax: 614.793.0608
© 2003-2012 Command Alkon Incorporated. All rights reserved.
Command Alkon Incorporated believes the statements contained herein are accurate as
of the date of publication of this document. HOWEVER, COMMAND ALKON
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of the possibility of such damages, or for any claim by any other party. Some states do
not allow the limitation or exclusion of liability or consequential damages, so the above
limitation may not apply.
This information is not intended to be an assertion of future action. The contents of this
document are for informational purposes only and are subject to change without notice.
Command Alkon Incorporated expressly reserves the right to change or withdraw current
products that may or may not have the same characteristics listed in this publication.
Should Command Alkon Incorporated modify its products in a way that may affect the
information contained in this publication, Command Alkon Incorporated assumes no
obligation whatever to inform any user of the modification.
This publication may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Command
Alkon Incorporated assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this
manual. This publication is intended only for the direct benefit of users of Command
Alkon Incorporated products. This manual may not be used for any purposes other than
those for which it is provided. Information disclosed herein was originated by and is the
property of Command Alkon Incorporated, and, except for rights granted by written
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Command Alkon Incorporated

1800 International Park Drive, Suite 400
Birmingham, AL 35243-4232
(205) 879-3282

5168 Blazer Parkway

Dublin, OH 43017-1339
(614) 799-6650
For a list of all Command Alkon locations, go to:
COMMANDseries (and the names of its components, such as COMMANDconcrete and
COMMANDnetwork), Spectrum, Eagle, and COMMANDbatch are registered trademarks of
Command Alkon Incorporated. All rights reserved.
Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and
other countries.
Hydro-Control is a registered trademark of Hydronix Limited, United Kingdom.
Verifi is a registered trademark of RS Solutions, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA.

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Topics in This Section

Revision Summary

This document provides a lexicon of terms used in Command Alkon software
applications, marketing literature, and technical documentation.

This guide is intended to be used by Command Alkon employees, customers,
and personnel involved in translating Command Alkon documentation and
software into languages other than English.

Revision Summary
Date Revision
Dec. 11, 2006 1.0 Document created.
Mar. 28, 2007 1.0 Document distributed to Training Dept.
Apr. 4, 2008 1.1 Document updated and distributed to translation
Oct. 24, 2008 1.1 Corrected spelling of the words “axle” and “axleing”.
Apr. 3, 2009 1.2 New terms added.
Aug. 24, 2009 1.3 Revised date on copyright page so that it pertains to
terms used since 1970.
Jun. 14, 2011 1.4 Updated description for “RTC”.
Sept. 14, 2012 1.5 Updated document for translation vendors.
Oct. 11, 2012 1.5 Added description for “Dampening”.

10/11/12 3

This document provides a lexicon of terms used in Command Alkon software

applications, marketing literature, and technical documentation.

Click on a Letter below to find entries starting with that letter.



Note: Entries starting with Characters or Numbers are listed first.

% Concentration
Percentage of standard volume weight that is dissolved admix.

“A” Line
A dimensional line in a tunnel where rock projections are not permitted inside
the tunnel itself.

“B” Line
A dimensional line in a tunnel outside of which excavation is not paid for.

A/D Converter (A/D or ADC)
Analog-to-digital converter. An instrument which converts real-world analog
signals into a digital format that can be processed by a computer.

Accounts Receivable.

Aborting a load stops all batching operations for the current load and any
loads queued up after it. Remember that material left in any plant devices will
have to be handled manually.

4 10/11/12
The capabilities of one material to cause wear on another by rubbing or

An action or additive that accelerates the strength of concrete at an early age.
Adding additional cement, or curing at higher temperatures, can also increase
concrete strength. CaCL (Calcium Chloride) is the material most commonly
used and should be added in solution form to prevent pop out in the hardened
concrete. CaCL is not recommended for use in pre-stressed concrete, concrete
with embedded aluminum, massive concrete placements, concrete with alkali
aggregate reaction, or a floor-shape seated to receive a dry shape metallic

Access shaft
Temporary access shafts are commonly provided to allow entry of personnel
and occasionally equipment to the interior of an immersed tunnel.

Acrylic Resin
One of a group of thermoplastic resins formed by polymerization of esters or
amides of acrylic acid; used in concrete or masonry construction as a bonding
agent or surface sealer.

Actual Batch
If the COMMANDbatch Default Simulate Status is set for an actual batch,
concrete is created, and inventory and delivered amounts are affected by
each batch.
See Also:
Simulated Demo Batch
Training Batch

Same as Admixtures (also called Admixes). Chemicals or other items that can
be added to a concrete mix to change its properties. An additive can change
set times, flowability or pumpability, internally reinforce hydrated concrete, or
induce air bubbles for freeze thaw resistance, or change the color of concrete.

Amount of water to trim per load, negative or positive. Also used to increase
water to add on the job.
See Also:

10/11/12 5
Admixtures (also called Admixes)
Same as Additives. Ingredients that are added to enhance one or more
properties of concrete. Admixtures increase workability, reduce bleeding,
speed up or slow down set times, etc. Admixtures are classified as air
entraining, chemical, or finely divided.

The process of injecting air into material as it feeds through the gates of a silo
or a scale or down a slide. This keeps the material from clumping and slowing
or preventing the steady flow of material.

After Hours Charges

Fee for deliveries before/after the normal delivery hours.

Aggregate (also called Agg)

Rock. Granular ingredients in concrete such as sand, gravel, crushed stone.

Aggregate Hopper
Bin that holds an aggregate material.

A method for preventing a concrete mix from separating. A concrete drum
agitates the mix.

Air Entraining Admixtures

Used to entrain a relatively stable system of microscopic air bubbles in
concrete to improve workability or durability. Should be used for concrete
exposed to freezing and de-icing chemicals. The bubbles are made during the
mixing and remain stable by the admixture.

Air ring
Perforated manifold ring inside the nozzle of wet-mix Shotcrete equipment
through which high pressure air is introduced into the material flow.

Another word for Notification or software-generated message or warning.

Ambient Compensation
Instrument design such that changes in ambient temperature do not affect
the instrument readings.

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Ambient Conditions
Conditions around a transducer (pressure, temperature, etc.). Pressure of the
air surrounding a transducer. Average temperature of surrounding air that
comes into contact with the test equipment and instruments.

Ambient Temperature Sensor

This device is used for monitoring and recording the outside air temperature.
This information can be used to determine the amount of ice or admixtures to
add to a load to achieve the proper strength, temperature, or workability.

Annual Quote
A quote for prices of products to be delivered to any location for a set period
of time. This quote is not tied to a Job. Many suppliers quote prices to their
customers for non-specific deliveries - a 'blanket' quote - then set up a Project
to be used on orders and tickets for the customer.

Ashlar Masonry
Contains carefully worked stones set with fine, close joints. Can be laid with or
without mortar.

Aspect ratio of fiber

The ratio of length-to-diameter (or equivalent diameter) of the fiber.

Black petroleum residue, which can range from solid to semi-solid at room
temperature. When heated to the temperature of boiling water, it becomes
pourable. It is used in roofing materials, for surfacing roads, for lining the
walls of water-retaining structures such as reservoirs and swimming pools,
and in the manufacture of floor tiles. Asphalt should not be confused with tar,
a similar looking substance made from coal or wood and incompatible with
petroleum derivatives.

Assignment Dispatch
A method of dispatching/recycling a predetermined number of trucks to the
same job until it is complete without regard for the customer’s actual unload
See Also:
Demand Dispatch

American Society for Testing and Materials.

10/11/12 7
Auto Add Charges
Auto Add Charges are automatically added whenever a product with an auto-
add charge is selected on an order. An example would be an Environmental
Charge added to each order. Another example would be a Minimum Load
Charge to be added to orders with load sizes smaller than a specified amount.

Auto Bin Switching

If Auto Bin Switching is enabled, COMMANDbatch automatically switches to a
secondary bin containing the same material if the primary bin runs low.

Automatic Batching
If Auto Bin Switching is enabled, the system automatically switches to a
secondary bin if the primary bin runs low.

Automatic Moisture Compensation

When Automatic Moisture Compensation is enabled, the batching computer
uses measurements from the Command Alkon Moisture Probe to
automatically adjust material and water targets during a batch.

Weighing a large truck on a short scale by moving the truck across the scale
axle by axle, then combining the resulting weights.

Axial Load
Load applied along or parallel to and concentric with the primary axis.

Balance Forward
Accounting transaction created for moving customer account balances
between accounting systems.

The single weighing of materials (concrete or asphalt) to make a Load. In a
central mix plant, more than one batch may be required to make a load
because of the capacity of the mixer.

Instead of maintaining hundreds of independent mix designs, it is possible to
use “base batchbooks” to determine the desired quantities of aggregates and
water in terms of a mathematical function of cement content. This
mathematical function, called a “polynomial” equation, uses cement weight as
the independent variable.

8 10/11/12
Cement mix materials are normally maintained in separate “cement
batchbooks”, with cement weight being the independent variable in the
batchbook format. However, it is possible to use no cement batchbook at all
and include the cement in the base batchbook instead.

Batch Control System

Electronic and computer-based equipment that sends signals to the plant and
receives signals from the plant. Controls the operation of certain batch plant
equipment (scale gates, mixers, flowmeters, etc.).

Batching Cycle
In this cycle, materials are weighed or metered into scales, holding hoppers,
or bottles then discharged.

Batch Setup
In COMMANDbatch, this refers to the computer screen where a load of
concrete is prepared for batching (includes selecting the Load Size and Mix

Batch Weights
Record of the design, target, and batched amount of each material used in a
load of concrete. This information can be printed at the bottom of delivery
tickets and on batch weight reports.

Batch Control Processor, a.k.a. RTC (Real Time Controller). The computer that
controls the operation of batch plant equipment and performs the necessary
real-time operations for the batching process. (RTC is the preferred name.)

Belly Dump
A hauling truck that discharges its load via a belly port.

Device designed to hold cement or aggregates for batching.

Bin Switching
(See Auto Bin Switching.)

A type of purchase order that contains multiple purchases over a range of

10/11/12 9
The separation of water from an unhardened mix: The process of diffusion of
a soluble colored substance from, into, and through a paint or varnish coating
from beneath, thus producing an undesirable staining or discoloration. Used
similarly to refer to the transfer of soluble material from bitumen impregnated
roofing materials, in lime-rich water, causing staining of soffits of concrete
slab roofs.

A piece of equipment that pressurizes air and distributes it to plant Aeration

Adherence between materials such as bricks/mortar, or plies of felt, or
between felts and other elements of roof systems, which use bitumen or other
materials as the cementing agent.

Material being loaded into a truck passes through a boot, which fits into the
top of the truck's mixer drum.

Device designed to hold liquid admixtures for batching.

Related to the strength tests. Concrete samples are taken in cylinders. The
concrete is left to dry. After the appropriate amount of time (24 hours, 7 days,
14 days, 28 days etc. -- the concrete keeps getting stronger), the concrete
cylinder is placed in a vise-type machine that exerts pressure on the cylinder
until it breaks.
1) The number of pounds per square inch required to break the cylinder is
2) A test whereby a concrete cylinder is destroyed by applying measured
pressure until failure.
3) A gap in concrete delivery where the job runs out of concrete.

Another name for the RTC (Real Time Controller), which is in essence a mini
computer that "does the math" for COMMANDbatch. See RTC for a complete

10 10/11/12
The extent to which the design of a building facilitates ease of construction,
subject to the overall requirements for the completed building.

Building Control (on-site)

Responsibility of government or government agency or designated
professional, who by periodic checking ensures that work on site is in
accordance with approved construction plans and regulations.

Building Services Design

Design of the building services elements within a construction. Normally
specialist building services engineers will be responsible for this work on large
projects. On smaller projects, the architect may assume this responsibility.

An airtight partition of steel or concrete used to retain air pressure within a
tunnel. The man locks and muck locks are constructed through the bulkhead.

Bull Float
A device to manually smooth the concrete after Screeding but before
troweling and/or brooming.

Absorption of a liquid due to surface tension. "Rising damp" in walls is caused
by capillary rise of the water in small pores of the walling materials.

Ways to quantify haul charges. Cartage charges are amounts charged or paid
for the delivery of a product. In some cases, largely dependant on company
practices, cartage is separate from the cost or price of products.

Casting Basin
A place where elements for immersed tunnels can be fabricated in the dry,
and which can be flooded to allow the elements to be floated out and taken
away. Generally used for concrete tunnels.

Test cells of 500 feet length are constructed for various combinations of
bituminous, concrete and aggregate. They represent a wide range of
pavement types with varying combinations of surface, base, subbase,
drainage and compaction.

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Cement (also called Cem)
A constituent of concrete. Cement is the glue that holds concrete together.

Cement Content
Quantity of cement contained in a unit volume of concrete or mortar,
preferably expressed as weight per cubic measure (examples: kilograms per
cubic meter, pounds per cubic yard, sacks per cubic yard etc.).

Cement Content Pricing

A method of pricing concrete where the price is determined by the cement
content of the mix. Generally a single mix is quoted. All other mixes
purchased are priced based the single mix and the cement content difference.
Cement content can be expressed in kg, lbs or the traditional sack (94 lbs).
See Also:
Content Down Price
Content Up Price

Central Dispatch
All dispatch resources, order taking, scheduling, ticketing, and truck tracking
are in one location. These people control a number of plants.

Central Mix Operations

Any plant that pre-mixes concrete in a centralized drum, and then loads it in
the truck.

Charge Rate
Percentage of the plant’s discharge rate at which concrete can be loaded into
a particular truck. The default is 100%.

The process of discharging materials into a mixer.

Chemical Admixtures
Classified by the function they perform: water reducing, retarding,
accelerating, any combination of the former.
See Also:
Admixtures (also called Admixes)

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Choke Feeding
With Choke Feeding, the gates are held fully open until the scales are empty.
Choke Feeding is used when the truck or mixer can handle very fast discharge

The half-pipe attached to the back of a rear discharge concrete truck (the
dumping end) to direct the concrete to the desired location.

Clock In / Clock Out

Going on or off the clock for the purpose of tracking total hours worked. Also
known as Punch In/ Punch Out.

Cash On Delivery. An order payment method that requires the customer to
pay for the ticket/order at time of delivery.

Also known as Remote Access. Allows COMMANDbatch systems with internet
access (high speed preferred) to connect to Command Alkon’s support
network so that technical support staff can:
• Troubleshoot and resolve problems.
• Answer questions and provide training on specific topics.
• Manually download and assist with the installation of software updates.
• Modify plant automation.

Common Services
Common services are those services provided by the management contractor
to each works contractor on an identical basis. They include, for example,
hoisting, welfare facilities, and temporary roads.

Competitive Tender
(See Traditional Contracting.)

Completion Flag
An indicator for a lien location that shows all required information has been
collected. For example, all the information that is identified as “required” in
the configuration system, has been filled out in the lien location editor, and all
related flags have been fulfilled.

A mixture of water, sand, cement, rock, and sometimes additives.

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Concrete Calculator
A software form that calculates the cubic yards (or cubic meters) of concrete
needed on an order. Enter the dimensions on the form and the amount is

Concrete Mixer
Trucks with a large revolving drum or barrel used for mixing (dry batch
operations) or agitating (central mix operations). Internally, spiral blades
inside the drum use the “Archimedes Screw” principle to mix or discharge the

Concrete Tunnel
Term applied to a tunnel not designed to leave the fabrication facility until the
external concrete structure is essentially complete. Steel plate, if used, is
usually limited to acting as a waterproofing membrane.

A grouping together of three or more organizations, generally of differing
skills, with the objective of carrying out a specific project.

Any physical ingredient in a concrete mix.

A system for achieving optimum integration of construction knowledge in the
construction process and balancing the various project and environmental
constraints to achieve maximization of project goals and construction

Construction Activity
The process of creating a project or part of a project by the employment of
construction resources.

Construction Contract
An agreement entered into for the construction, repair, renovation or
restoration of a building or civil engineering work.

Construction Costs
All costs that arise from the resources used in the construction of a
construction project, excluding the costs of the land.

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Construction Design
Development of the conceptual design into the more detailed design (working
drawings) undertaken by an architect, construction engineer, architectural
technician, professional builder, etc.

Construction Industry
All parties in the industry engaged in designing, executing and maintaining
buildings including those supplying materials.

Construction Management
The overall management of the processes required to bring the site operations
of a project to a satisfactory conclusion, typically carried out either by a
private consultant or an employee of the project client. This is a management
form of contract synonymous with management contracting except that works
contractors are appointed as direct contractors to the client, rather than as
subcontractors to the contract manager.

Construction Management Contract

This contract is similar to a Management Contract except that the client is the
employer in each works construction contract.

Construction Manager
The person or firm responsible for the execution of a construction project.

Construction Materials
All materials, elements and components used for the construction of projects
that are incorporated into the final constructed product.

Construction Method
The mode of carrying out a construction process to arrive at a finished
element, operation or product.

Construction Process
The designing and construction of a project from the conception of the project
in a client's mind to its completion for commissioning and use.

Consultancy Service
In relation to construction materials, this includes the processes and the
survey and assessment of the condition of built constructions.

The client's advisers on design, cost and other matters. Such advisers might
include project managers.

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Content Down Price
Refers to the amount the price should be reduced if a mix contains less than
the “standard” amount of cement.

Content Up Price
Refers to the amount the price should be increased if the mix exceeds the
standard amount of cement.

Continuous Mixer
A mixer into which the concrete ingredients (cement, aggregates, fiber,
water, etc.) are measured volumetrically and fed continuously (usually into an
auger-type mixer).

Continuous Run / Continuous Discharge

This feature allows the same batch to be run over and over until Continuous
Run / Continuous Discharge is terminated. Continuous Run can be used
without Continuous Discharge. A ready mix plant, for example, can turn on
Continuous Run but not Continuous Discharge so that the same mix is
batched but discharge is not initiated until a truck is in place. A products
plant, on the other hand, can turn on both Continuous Run and Continuous
Discharge so that product is continually batched and discharged into forms.
Also, for loads created from an order (at ready mix plants), Continuous Run
stops when the delivered amount equals the ordered amount.
See Also:

Contract Administration Management

Process by which a formal contract for design or construction services is
administered, including the issuing of instructions, change control procedures,
payment, and the measuring and reviewing of progress.

Contract Manager
A manager appointed by a contractor to be responsible for managing a
number of site contracts.

A person or organization which, as a party to a contract, is responsible for the
organization, management, and execution of that construction comprised in
the contract with the employer.

Contractor Completion Flag

An indicator that all required information has been collected for a specified

16 10/11/12
The sale monies remaining after materials and delivery have been subtracted,
overhead and profit remain.

Core test
Compression strength test on a concrete sample cut from hardened concrete
using a core drill.

Deterioration of a metal by chemical or electrochemical reaction with its
environment. Occasionally used, incorrectly, to apply to non-metallic
materials, for example Concrete.

Cost-Benefit Analysis
Identifying and quantifying the costs and benefits and, where possible,
ascribing values to them. It is used particularly for non-marketable goods.

Cost Control
The process of controlling the cost of a project within a predetermined sum
throughout its various stages from inception to completion.

Cost of a Project
Totality of expenditures implied by the implementation of that project. If
expenditures are spread over time, they must normally be discounted, which
is indicated by using the term "discounted cost".

Network of surface cracks (BS 3446). Used generally to describe surface
cracking of concrete surfaces and paint film. Also used specifically to describe
the fine network cracking of ceramic glazes by, for example, differential
thermal expansion between glaze and tile body, or moisture expansion of the

Short for Cyclical Redundancy Checking. Calculations or tests on data

Clear To Send. A signal used in serial communications that indicates the serial
port is okay to transmit data. Used with RTS.

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Cumulative Weights
Target and batched amounts are totaled for all materials in an Item Group
(example: AGG1 group).
See Also:
Net Weights

The contractor or person purchasing materials from your company, regardless
of whether there is an account set up or a COD sale.

Customer Job
During order entry, this refers to a customer job number. The idea is to assist
the contractor in allocating costs to the proper project. This may be a required
field depending on your system’s configuration.

A method that smooths the instantaneous fluctuations of scale readings. For
instance, some scales exhibit very jittery readings due to vibration within the
scales’ physical structure or overly sensitive load cells.

Condition of being slightly wet (not wet enough for liquid water to be evident).
Examples include wetness caused by condensation on a porous substrate or
water transmitted up a porous wall by Capillarity.

The act of dispatching an empty, loadless truck to a given location due to a
shortage of trucks at the location.

Decumulative Scale
Reverses the weighing process for targeted scales. Instead of weighing "up"
to the target weight, the system weighs "down" to the decumulative weight.
Materials are weighed directly from the scale into the truck/mixer. This
eliminates the need for overhead bins.
Although a bin is not "physically" used, the decumulative scale acts as both a
bin and a scale.
See Also:
Reverse Weigh Silos

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Deductions taken from hauler pay. Usually associated with COMMANDseries

Amount of material produced for delivery to a site.

Delivery Plant
The plant from which the load is actually delivered. It may not be the pricing
plant or the scheduled plant.

Delivery Rate
Amount of materials requested over a given time frame. Can be expressed as
minutes between trucks, quantity per hour, or a specific number of trucks with
spacing for the “first round.” May also be specified as “picked up” (see FOB.)

Demand Batching
A method that can be used by products plants to automatically start a load
when a station sends a call. The incoming call activates an IO Point in the
batch controller and includes the mix design, load size, and sequence.

Demand Dispatch
A method of dispatching trucks to a job as needed, not on a recycling basis,
such as Assignment Dispatch.

Demolition Permit
Permission required to demolish buildings within areas with development
plans. Permission is obtained by Building Committee.

Dense-Stream Conveying
A method of conveying wet mix through a Shotcrete machine’s delivery line
without compressed air.

Density Meter
A device that measures the amount of usable water in a reclaim pond based
on specific gravities. A reclaim pond consists of water and sediment rinsed
from trucks with the gravel screened out.

Design & Build

Design & Build (or Design & Construction) is a form of construction
procurement whereby the contractor who constructs the works, also
undertakes all of, or a proportion of, the design of the works under one

10/11/12 19
Design & Manage
An extension to management contracting in which a design responsibility is
included as well as construction.

Design Quantity
Amount of a material required per cubic yard (or cubic meter) of a mix design.
This amount is usually supplied by a third party Quality Assurance specialist.
Changes to design quantity can have an effect on the Design Strength.

Design Strength
Strength of the concrete produced with a particular mix design. This
information is usually supplied by a third party Quality Assurance specialist.

Destination/Reused Ticket
The delivery ticket on which the material is reused.

Diaphragm Wall
Wall built by concreting within a deep and narrow trench the sides of which
are held in place by a thixotropic slurry.

The dipstick is an instrument used to calculate the elevation profile of the

Direct-Metered Water
Water that is metered directly into the truck.

Discharge Cycle
The process of discharging scales and bottles into a truck or mixer. Direct-
metered admixes and water can also be added during this cycle.

Discharge Point
A discharge point is the last part of the batching sequence where blended
materials are discharged.
A discharge point IS NOT an actual device; it is simply the last step in the
batching sequence where batched materials are discharged into a truck or
some other device that delivers the material to the job or pour.
For ready-mix plants, TRUCK is the typical discharge point. For a large pour
such as a dam project where the plant could discharge directly into the dam,
the discharge point could be called something else.

20 10/11/12
Dispatch Truck
The nature of this function can vary and is controlled by a user-preference
setting. Under one setting, this function assigns a truck to a specific order.
This is useful when a truck enters the pit; the Weighmaster assigns the truck
to its next load.
Under another setting, the Central Dispatch user can dispatch truck(s) at
night for the first load or multiple loads for the next day, all without changing
time analysis information or truck status. Several trucks can even be
dispatched to a single order under this setting.

A device that directs material to one of several directions. For instance: A
diverter can direct material from a scale into one of two or more mixers or
from a scale to a mixer or truck.

Amount of a material to be added to an order/ticket per unit of another
specified material group (such as CEM).

Drip Pan
A collection device that is extended under the Boot at a central mix plant while
a batch is being run. The device prevents materials such as caustic cement
from dripping onto the ground and possibly leaching into nearby streams and
runoffs. It also prevents material from dripping onto trucks as they pull under
the plant.

Dry Plant
A concrete plant where the materials are weighed and discharged into the
truck. The concrete is mixed by the truck. Advantages are lower plant cost.
Disadvantages are higher truck wear and tear, slump controlled by each
driver, poorer mixing.
Some plants have both a Wet and a Dry side, and one or the other side can be
See Also:
Wet Plant

Dry Batch Operation

A business model, whose plants load dry constituents into its trucks’ drums,
adds water, and mixes the concrete in the drum.

Dry-Mix Shotcrete
Shotcrete in which the mixing water is added at the nozzle.

10/11/12 21
Dry Side Temper
Water added to a batch after all materials are loaded into the truck.

Dry Up Load
If a load that is batched into a truck is too moist (slump is too high), another
load can be created to "dry up" the load. The dry up load might consist of
aggregate and/or cement materials that are compatible with the mix.

Data Transport and Notification Service. The service by which data is
transferred between the COMMANDbatch computer and the RTC.

Dual Plant Software with Host

This option allows two Client PC's to be connected to a central Host PC. The
Client PC's share data stored in a central database on the Host PC.
COMMANDbatch and Microsoft SQL Server are installed on all PC's so that if
the Host PC becomes unusable, one of the Client PC's can be temporarily
converted to a Host PC. Depending on user permissions, batches can be run
from the Client PCs.

Dumped Concrete
Concrete that is returned, has not been paid for, and discarded. If the
concrete was paid for, sent back and discarded, it is not considered dumped.

The capability of concrete to resist weathering action, chemical attack,
abrasion, and other conditions of service.

Dust Collector
A device that collects cement dust in and around the gates of a bin or scale as
dry material is discharged into a truck or mixer. Keeps dust and caustic
cement off trucks.

Dust Plenum
A protective device that surrounds the boot in a dry mix plant as part of a dust
collection system.

Early Strength
Strength of Shotcrete at various times during the first few hours after
shotcrete placement.

22 10/11/12
Economic Control
Ensuring project costs are kept within budget and measuring ongoing
progress of work in order to facilitate payment of contractors and sub-

Effectiveness is related to the age of a material. The older the material, the
less effective it becomes. This applies mostly to admixes.

White salts brought to the surface of porous building materials by water

Embedded Strain Gauge

A sensor that measures static and horizontal strains in concrete and asphalt
layers by means of five different models placed in various locations and

End Tare
Scale reading after all materials are discharged. Confirms that the scale is
within an acceptable empty range and ready for the next batch. Check your
state's requirements for Start and End Tares.

See Also:
Start Tare

Energy Design
Work associated with energy systems within an overall social context,
including supply systems and the development of alternative energy sources.

All mechanical plant and machines used as a means of production on a
construction site or at a batch plant.

The task of estimating the likely cost of construction works either on behalf of
clients or on behalf of contractors bidding for work.

E-Z Cal
Name for the Manual Station used with a COMMANDbatch, Spectrum, or
AC2000 Batch Control System.

10/11/12 23
Facilities Management
Management of the organization in operating and maintaining a completed

Fast Batch Tolerance

In COMMANDbatch, fast batch tolerances only apply to multi-batch loads and
provide a wider batching tolerance for all batches except the last batch of the
See Also:
Small Batch Tolerance

Fast Feed
The process of feeding material at a faster flow rate as long as the target has
not been reached and there is sufficient time to stop Fast Feed well short of
the target to account for Preact (airborne material that has not yet reached
the scale).
See Also:
Timed Feed
Jog Feed

Fast Tracking
A means of reducing project time by the overlapping of design and
construction. Each trade's work commences as its plans and specifications are
substantially completed.

The weakening of a material caused by repeated or alternating loads; may be
used in conjunction with either static or dynamic loading.

Feasibility Study
An initial study of a project, or method of operation, in outline form to
determine the physical and economic feasibility.

(US) Federal Highway Administration.

Fiber Reinforced concrete

Concrete containing randomly dispersed fibers that are added while mixing.

24 10/11/12
Fibers for reinforcing concrete are defined as short, discrete length of steel,
glass, carbon, or synthetics, with any of several cross sections. They are
sufficiently small to be randomly dispersed in unhardened concrete.

Final Design
The fully detailed project as constructed; the design on which the drawings for
construction are based.

Finely Divided Mineral Admixtures

Powdered or pulverized materials that are added to concrete before or during
mixture to change or improve some of the plastic hardened characteristics of
concrete. Added as a partial replacement to concrete. Most often used to
increase workability, increase sulfate resistance. Most common mineral
admixtures are fly ash, blast furnace slag, and condensed silica fume.

Crack or split.

Five Sack Pricing

Also known as Cement Content Pricing, this is based on the content of cement
in the mix (5 sacks, or 470 pounds of cement), and may go up or down based
on a base price.

Fixed Price Contract

A fixed price contract may be a lump sum contract or a measurement contract
based on fixed prices for units of specific work.

Free On Board. A shipment that is picked up by the customer. It is loaded
without charge, and delivery is not included in the price paid by the customer.

Foot Blocks
Blocks of wood or pre-cast concrete placed under ribs or posts in horseshoe-
shaped or non-circular tunnels to provide bearing.

A base for a wall or structure that provides support for the structure.

Freewheeling means that as soon as a device such as a scale or bottle is
emptied, it starts weighing up the next, or queued, load.

10/11/12 25
To run the same batch over and over, Continuous Run / Continuous Discharge
is used.

Front End Loader

A type of tractor whose front end is equipped with a large tilting bucket on the
end of movable arms to lift and move material.

Front Discharge Truck

A front discharge truck unloads concrete from the front. Requires a highly
skilled driver to unload concrete this way.

(Falling Weight Deflectometer) Instrument that determines the structural
condition of each pavement layer.

General Ledger. Transactions are posted to these accounts.

Generic Mix
A Mix Design that describes the constituents and quantities in a general
manner. Unique constituents can be specified for each plant, making the mix

Girder or Rib (Lattice)

A steel arch (lattice) normally erected at regular centers as the tunnel
advances. It is sequentially erected from component parts as the lining is
progressively formed and encapsulated within the Shotcrete. It is normally
provided in the crown section to provide temporary protection to miners from
the risk of collapse. The girders can be fully circumferential.

Gob Hopper
A hopper located between the mixer and the truck in a central mix plant.
Batched concrete is discharged into the gob hopper then manually discharged
into the truck.

Grad Size
Another term for Scale Division. The accuracy of a scale. A scale with a grad
size of 20 lbs would be accurate within 20 lbs. Not to be confused with
Tolerance, which is used for target weight calculations.

26 10/11/12
Gravity Drop
The charging (loading) of weigh hoppers or trucks by dropping the material
rather than conveying or other mechanical means.

Grey Water
Recycled concrete water which contains oversaturated cement and fine
aggregate. If slurry water is used in a batch, the targets of each material in
the slurry water must be reduced to maintain the proper composition of the
Also called Slurry Water.

Gross Margin
The money that remains from a sale after materials have been subtracted,
leaving markup.

Gross Mode Loading

Refers to the process of loading a vehicle to a specific gross weight. Where
possible, the load out system will take a new tare weight and add sufficient
material to bring the gross weight up to the target value. This method tends
to optimize the truck's capacity.

A construction material used to embed rebars in masonry walls, connect
sections of pre-cast concrete, fill voids, and seal joints (like those between
tiles). Grout is generally composed of a mixture of water, cement, sand and
sometimes color tint which is applied as a thick liquid and hardens over time,
much like mortar.

Goods and Services Tax. The European version of a Sales Tax.

Original name for Shotcrete (sprayed concrete); sometimes still used
(inappropriately) for fine-aggregate Dry-Mix Shotcrete.

Holding Tank
Holds and discharges metered water.

Defective condition in which the concrete contains interconnecting large voids
due to loss or lack of mortar.

10/11/12 27
Horizontal Clip Gauge
Sensor that measures the width of concrete joint openings.

A wash hose on a truck for rinsing out the drum and chutes. Also, a pump
hose for pumping concrete.

Hundred Weight
The amount of a material, typically an admix, used in a mix can be based on
each 100 lbs (or kgs) of another material, typically cement.

Inching Discharge
With Inching Discharge, the gates are pulsed open and closed to create a
smooth flow of material from the scales. Inching Discharge helps to avoid
overflowing the truck or mixer. To avoid overflowing a truck, you can assign a
percentage of the discharge rate to the truck. The discharge rate is then
automatically reduced to what the truck can handle.

Inspect Mode
Enabling Inspect Mode allows you to adjust weights on the Batch Setup form
when running test batches for state scale inspections (in the U.S).

Note: Inspect Mode should NOT be enabled for normal batching


Allows different software solutions to exchange information without exporting
or importing data.

Building Pathology: soundness, with no part or element deficient.

Occurring within the thickness of some material element. Usually used in the
context of “interstitial condensation”, meaning condensation which occurs
within the thickness of a building element or within its component materials.

A listing of delivery tickets with extended prices and taxes for a specific job or
date range.

28 10/11/12
IO Point
IO points represent physical limit switches or on/off or open/close outputs
connected to feed gates, scales, or other plant equipment.

Short for Internet Protocol, a data-oriented protocol used for communicating
data across a packet-switched internetwork.
See Also:

Any commercial good sold. Generally refers to concrete, aggregates, asphalt,
and other products. Also includes other miscellaneous products and charges
such as excess unloading, overtime, etc.

A construction site or location that is being bid upon.

Job Specific
Specific to deliveries to one Job site; prices good only for that Job.

Job Status
The current position of the job in the pre-build sequence; designing, obtaining
quotes, awarding the job, beginning construction, delayed, cancelled.

Joint (F Joint)
Position where two or more building materials, components or assemblies are
put together, fixed or united, with or without the use of extra jointing

Jog Feed
The last type of feed used to reach the requested target. Jog Feed is typically
used for aggregates and cements and opens and closes the gate enough to
allow small amounts of material to fall through. The duration of time the gate
opens and closes depends on the Jog Weight, Jog Time and Jog Settle Time
See Also:
Fast Feed
Timed Feed

10/11/12 29
Location of a field of data on printed tickets relative to the column location.
Choices are typically Left, Right, or Center.

There are no glossary entries starting with “K”.

Local Area Network. A collection of PCs that are connected via a cable to a
server. The server usually answers all data requests and updates each
station. Usually the groups of PCs are located in one building.

Laser Screed
A device for smoothing concrete. Used for sidewalks, driveways or other
surfaces in which the concrete needs to be as smooth and level as possible. A
laser screed is a set of lasers that help level a machine.

A term used for a discrete thickness of Shotcrete (sprayed concrete), built up
from a number of successive passes of the nozzle and allowed to set.

Locale ID. Created by Microsoft to control language/locale settings on
Windows computers.

Leftover Concrete
Also called Returned Concrete, this is concrete remaining on board after
unloading. The customer may have over-ordered, the concrete may have
been rejected, the truck could not unload all or part of the load, etc. The
disposition of the material is not known at this time. It may be discarded or
See Also:
Resold Concrete
Returned Concrete
Reused Concrete

Lender Completion Flag

An indicator that all required information has been collected for a specific
lender. This flag applies to the Lender and Lien location Lender levels.

30 10/11/12
Live Bottom Batcher
A weighing device with a variable-speed belt in the bottom to discharge
material (typically aggregate) onto an incline conveyor. Live bottom batchers
are used with compact, highly mobile, low-profile plants.

The total amount of concrete or asphalt that is being or has been batched for
delivery in a truck or transfer to forms (as in a production plant).
See Also:

Load Meter
A device that monitors the power usage of the motors driving a mixer.

Load Size
Amount of concrete to be delivered in the truck. Cannot exceed the maximum
load size for the plant.

Load Size, Maximum

The maximum load size a truck is allowed to haul. A warning message in
COMMANDseries is displayed if the load size is equal to or greater than this
quantity on a ticket. Load sizes are specified in the truck file.

Load Size, Minimum

The minimum load size a truck is allowed to haul and still be profitable. A load
that is under the minimum load size will trigger a warning in COMMANDseries
that tells users that the load size is equal or below a specified quantity. Load
sizes are specified in the truck file.

Load Size, Scheduled

A truck’s normal load size.

Loading Status
One of several possibles statuses for a truck. A truck in the Loading Status is
in the process of being loaded with material.

Lot/Block Number
Home builders often account for the costs of houses by identifying the lot and
block number of the house. Lot/block serves as an address. This may be a
required field in COMMANDseries depending on system configuration.

10/11/12 31
Plug on the back of the computer where the printer cable is normally

Long Term Payment Preference
Long Term Pavement Performance

Lump Sum Contract

With a lump sum contract, the contractor agrees to perform the work for one
fixed price, regardless of the ultimate cost.

Lump Sum Tender

A tender at a fixed price to which a contractor undertakes to carry out all the
work specified on the drawings and in the contract documents.

Maintenance Management
Preparing ongoing programs for the planned maintenance of constructions
and managing the implementation of these works.

Maintenance Projects
Ongoing repair and maintenance of existing constructions increasingly being
incorporated within the broader activity of facilities management.

Effective use and coordination of resources such as capital, plant, materials,
and labor to achieve defined objectives with maximum efficiency.

Management Contract
A contract in which management is regarded as a separate discipline and
responsibility from that of construction. Construction (works) contractors
contract with a management contractor, who is therefore their client or

Management Contracting
The method of carrying out a construction project whereby a contractor is
appointed at the pre-construction stage and paid on a fee basis to manage
and deliver the project. The fee comprises a percentage for profit and fixed
overheads. All construction work is carried out by the sub-contractors,
selected and appointed in consultation with the client and his professional

32 10/11/12
Management Contractor
The management contractor is appointed by the client to work alongside the
design and cost consultants, providing a construction management service on
a number of professional bases. The management contractor does not
undertake either design or direct construction work. The design requirements
are met by letting each element of the construction to a specialist sub-

Management Fee
An agreed upon sum for management services.

Management Information
Information for management decision making.

Management of Construction
Embraces all those job functions necessary to plan, control and coordinate the
design, execution and long term care of construction projects.

Management Style
Approach adopted by managers in exercising authority, encouraging
participation in decision-making, motivating staff, delegating authority,
communication information and maintaining control.

Management Technique
A means used by managers, to define and assist with the solution of a

Map Page
A precise delivery point, one square mile or so. This file and associated field in
order entry refer to a specific geographic location. It is common to make the
graphic grids consistent with a map book that the driver can carry. A Map
Page generally refers to a page and coordinates to more closely identify a
load’s exact location. Each map page contains the travel time from each plant
- by time of day and by season of the year.
See Also:

The science, art, craft and trade of building in natural or artificial stone. The
term is often extended to work in brick and tile. Ancient examples of immense
irregular blocks of stone, laid together without mortar, have been found
throughout Europe, the Americas, Africa, and Asia. The ancient Greeks and
Romans developed masonry techniques that are still used today.

10/11/12 33
Materials Management
The creation of conditions to bring about the optimum use of all materials
available for the construction of a project to ensure availability at the right
time and control of inventory.

Materials Manager
Focused management process used to manage mix designs and raw

Metered Water
Metered water is fed directly into the truck or mixer when the batch is
discharged. In some cases, water is fed into a holding tank then released
when the batch is discharged.
See Also:
Weighed Water

Method Statement
A statement of the construction methods and resources to be employed in
executing construction work. The statement is normally closely linked to the
Tender program.

Milk Run
A single delivery with multiple stops. Delivering wet mortar is an excellent
example of this where .2 to 1.0 m3 may be delivered to each of 10 sites.

Concrete Mix. Usually made up of aggregate, cement, and water. Sometimes
admixtures are added to change the properties of the concrete.

A mixing device in a central mix plant that blends materials in a load of
concrete before discharging the mix into a truck.

Mix Design
A recipe for one unit (cubic yard or meter) of concrete. Batching plants can
use several different mixes, depending on the requirements of the job
(strength, sidewalk, bridge, road, government project, etc.). Mix designs are
sometimes maintained by QC (Quality Control) personnel.

Mix Design Interface

Also known as mix download. The mix download method is: download from
the item master file, download from orders, upload from order. Output

34 10/11/12
Destination: batch panel output; file output: European; document format:

Short for Manual Material Monitor. A process within a Batch Control System
that records amounts of materials manually fed.

Abbreviation for Minnesota Department of Transportation (http://

Moisture Probe
A probe device mounted in the side of a bin to measure the moisture content
of aggregate materials such as sand. The probe uses the principle of
microwave energy absorption to measure moisture content.

Mixture of lime and/or cement with sand and water, used either as a binding
material for bricks and stone or as a plaster.

Motion Detection
Motion Detection ensures that a scale's reading is stable before its value is

New Austrian Tunneling Method called Sprayed Concrete Lining.

Negotiated Contract
In a negotiated contract, the client selects at the outset one main contractor
with whom to negotiate. In essence, the arrangement is the same as that for
a two-stage Tender.

Net Weights
Target and batched amounts are totaled for each individual material.
See Also:
Cumulative Weights

Net Mode Loading

The process of loading a certain quantity of material into a truck and or a

10/11/12 35
Neutron Probe
Sensors that measure the total frozen and unfrozen moisture content in the

Next Number
The next number in a sequence of numbers. Affects the numbering scheme
for orders, tickets, invoices, etc. COMMANDseries uses next numbers to
determine what sequence to use for what type of document.

Nose Plug
A nose plug is extended over the charging point of a mixer when it is ready to
be loaded. This prevents material and dust from spilling out of the mixer.

Another word for Alert or software-generated message or warning.

A hybrid variation of design and build procurement in which the client
appoints a designer (architect) to develop a concept design and submit the
designer to the contractor.

Attachment at end of the delivery hose from which Shotcrete is jetted at high

Worker on who manipulates the Shotcrete nozzle, controls consistency with
the dry process, and controls final disposition of the material.

National Type Evaluation Program. NTEP performs evaluations of weighing
and measuring devices for compliance with NIST Handbook 44. Many States
require an NTEP Certificate of Conformance for any device to be installed in a
commercial application.

Online Analytical Processing (OLAP)
A category of software technology. OLAP enables analysts, managers, and
executives to understand data through fast, consistent, and interactive access
to many data models. These models reflect the dimensionality of the
enterprise as understood by the user.

36 10/11/12
COMMANDview, a COMMANDseries component, employs OLAP in a multi-user,
client/server implementation and offers rapid response to queries regardless
of database size or complexity. OLAP helps the user synthesize enterprise
information through comparative, personal viewing, and through historical
and projected analysis of various "what-if" data model scenarios.

OLAP Server
A high-capacity, multi-user information engine designed to support and
manipulate multi-dimensional data structures. Every data item is located and
accessed based on the intersection of the dimension members defining that
item. Server design and data structure are optimized for rapid ad-hoc
information retrieval, as well as for fast, flexible calculation and
transformation of raw data based on formulaic relationships.
The OLAP Server may either physically stage the processed multi-dimensional
information to deliver consistent and rapid response times to end users, or it
may populate its data structures in real-time from relational or other
databases, or offer a choice of both. Current technology and the end user
need for consistent and rapid response times suggest that staging the multi-
dimensional data is often the preferred method.

Open Tender
A Tender received as a result of advertising for competitive tender.

A request for a specific type and amount of material for a specific time and

Original/Originating Ticket
The delivery ticket for which the material was originally batched.

Out of Service
A truck is not in service, more than likely parked in the yard or being repaired.

Oven Dry Weights

Aggregates that are baked until all of the surface and absorbed moisture are
driven off.

Overhead Costs
Fixed administrative operating costs such as property leases, building/
equipment maintenance, etc. It has nothing to do with aggregate and/or
overhead hoppers.

Overhead Hoppers
A bin used to accumulate aggregate prior to discharging into a truck.

10/11/12 37
Overhead Loadout
Loading an asphalt or aggregate truck from a storage bin. The truck may or
may not be sitting on a scale (weighbridge). The COMMANDseries Overhead
Loadout System is composed of three parts: A graphical interface with scale
readouts and silo information, a text entry form, and the communication
interface to the Libra Generation 2 Load Out Control System.

Owner Completion Flag

An indicator that all required information has been collected for an owner.

A unit of transmitted data in a TCP/IP protocol transmission.

Distribution of a stream of materials over the receiving surface during
shotcreting. A layer of Shotcrete is built up by making several passes.

Pave Tech Van

Vehicle with three cameras that record video images of the pavement surface,
pavement profile, rutting and faulting. Performance (Fr.: Performance). A
quantitative expression of behavior related to use.

Percent Concentration
Percentage of standard volume weight that is dissolved admix.

Piezo Accelerometer
Sensor that measures the vertical acceleration of concrete slabs under
dynamic loadings. The resulting data, when integrated twice, yields

The process of establishing the sequence and relationship of a series of
operations prior to the commencement of construction work.

A production plant or material storage location.

Plant Dispatch
Personnel who take orders and schedule, ticket and track trucks for their

38 10/11/12
Plant Zone
References the delivery zone in which a particular plant resides.

Short for Purchase Order.

Hand written or computer printed orders are often stored in a carrousel rack
with places or pockets for each order. These pockets are organized by time of
day, day of the week, or numerically. COMMANDseries displays a field on the
tracking screen for the pocket number.

Pocket Number
A field on the tracking screen that identifies the Pocket number of the order
card carousel that stores the order.

Information is exchanged between two systems using a polling method. The
information exchange is not dynamic; instead, every 5 or 10 seconds, the
system checks, or polls, the other system for new information.

Instead of having to maintain hundreds of mix designs, “batchbooks” can be
used to determine the desired quantities of aggregates and water in terms of
a mathematical function of the cement content. This mathematical function,
called a “polynomial” equation, uses cement weight as the independent

The process of creating permanent changes to a customer’s transaction
balances from transaction batches.

In a typical gravity-fed batch plant, the feeding of aggregate material is
stopped at a point short of the target weight to compensate for airborne
material that has not reached the scale. This is referred to as Preact.
The column of airborne material grows shorter as the pile in the scale grows
taller – meaning Preact is smaller for large batch sizes.

Pre-Bagged Shotcrete Mix

Pre-bagged concrete or Shotcrete mix supplied in bags with all ingredients
oven-dried and pre-mixed.

10/11/12 39
Amount of material previously batched that included the current load to derive
the full delivered quantity.

Pre Qty
In COMMANDseries ticketing, this refers to the amount of concrete left on
board for reuse (resale).
See Also:
Reused Concrete

Precision Water System (PWS)

Command Alkon's Precision Water System allows users to perform bake-outs
and configure and calibrate up to 12 moisture probes. Bake-outs and moisture
probe calibrations can be accomplished on a variety of materials, including
coarse aggregates.
PWS converts the signal or output voltage from a probe to a value that
represents the material's actual moisture percentage.
PWS is comprised of Command Alkon 7102 Moisture Probes (in multiples of
2), a Bus Controller mounted inside a NEMA-rated junction box, and the
Precision Water System software application which is installed with

Pricing Plant
The pricing for a delivery comes from this plant. It may not be the delivery
plant, especially if the load is delivered from another plant through the
producer’s choice.

The amalgam of activities undertaken by the client to obtain a building or civil
engineering work.

Amount of material actually batched at a plant.

Product, Associated
Any item that goes into the concrete or is dependent upon the concrete
quantity for dosing or pricing. Accelerators, retarders, superplacticizers, fiber
mesh, color, delivery charges, after hours charges, surcharges, temperature
control charges are all associated products.

Product, Extra
Any product sold outside of concrete or its constituents (example: rebar).

40 10/11/12
Professional Construction Management
A term used in the U.S. to describe an arrangement whereby the tasks of
planning, design and construction are integrated by a project team comprised
of the owner, construction manager, and the design organization.

Professional Constructor
One of the following:
• Responsible master of the discipline that comprises the whole of the
construction process as well as its essential parts.
• Possessing such skills founded on knowledge acquired through prescribed
education and refined by experience, or earned equivalently as a
recognized practitioner.
• One who initiates, develops, produces or delivers, in whole or essential
part, construction works at prices, times, and standards of quality which
assures advantage to clients and society as a whole.

Money remaining from a sale after materials, delivery and overhead have
been subtracted.

Progress Analysis
Breakdown of a project into identifiable components so that it is possible to
control the process of construction.

Progress Control
The process of measuring actual progress against predicted planning and

In the concrete industry:
• A project contains information about ongoing jobs that may require
multiple orders. In this regard, a project serves as a template for orders
created from it. A project also provides a way to designate, and thus
control, items that are shipped on its orders.
Other definitions include:
• A job that has been won and awarded to a company.
• A combination of activities of different specialized groups, directed at a
non-repetitive result with a clear beginning and end.

Project Brief
The project embodiment of the selected option for the fulfillment of a stated
requirement for a facility or works.

10/11/12 41
Project Documentation
Systematic arrangement of information about a project during its course.

Project Management
Overall planning and coordination of a project from inception to completion
aimed at meeting the client's requirements and ensuring completion on time,
within cost and to required quality standards. Project management is typically
carried out either by a private consultant or an employee of the project client.

Project Manager
The person or firm appointed by the Client responsible for planning,
coordinating, and controlling a project from inception to completion, as well as
meeting the client's requirements and ensuring completion on time, within
cost and to required quality standards.

Project Supervision
Supervision and approval of the work of suppliers and other organizations
working on site. Typically carried out either by a private consultant or an
employee of the client.

Used in reference to COMMANDlien, and has to do with payment terms.

Public Tender
See Open Tender.

a) Concrete pump truck or standalone form. Concrete is poured into a
pump’s hopper then pumped through its pipes. A pump is used to put
concrete in places where a truck cannot maneuver - up on a roof, deep
in a hole etc.
a) A means of placing concrete where it is literally pumped like water to
its final placement. This could also refer to a water or slurry pump in a

Punch In/ Punch Out

Going on or off the clock for the purpose of tracking total hours worked. Also
known as Clock In / Clock Out. Applies to drivers and trucks. If a truck is
punched out, it is out of service.

42 10/11/12
Stands for Quality Control. Also known as Quality Assurance.

Quality Control
Also know as Quality Assurance. Work undertaken by a contractor, the client's
representative or, possibly, an insurance company to ensure the quality of
materials and work on site is accomplished in accordance with the agreed
upon specifications and accepted standards.

Quantity Delivered
The actual quantity “sold” to the contractor. It is determined when the ticket
is generated, not when the truck arrives on the job site. If concrete was
rejected and the customer credited, the rejected amount will not show in the

Quantity Ordered
Quantity the customer ordered. This quantity will print on the ticket and
display on the Tracking screen. Many customers continuously order less than
they need.

Quantity Scheduled
The maximum quantity that the customer has agreed to, or that the
dispatcher has entered to ensure that enough loads have been planned to
accommodate the order.

A written offer to a contractor for a specific Job.

Quoted Deductions
Used in COMMANDcartage. A deduction that spans a period of time. For
example, a driver may buy a new set of tires for his truck from the quarry,
and will pay for them over a period of time through deductions from his hauler

Ready-Mix Concrete or Shotcrete
Concrete or Shotcrete ingredients mixed by a concrete batch plant and
delivered to the site in ready-mix trucks ready for placing or shooting.

10/11/12 43
Rear Discharge Truck
Material is discharged from the back of a the concrete truck.

Long bar(s) of steel used to strengthen hydrated (hardened) concrete.

Loose material from the shotcreting process that has not adhered to the
excavated surface or the panel of Shotcrete being formed. It can provide
planes or zones of weakness in the shotcrete lining if it sets, is not cleared
away and is subsequently incorporated into later panels.

A report that recapitulates the day’s business and lists each order with it's
associated tickets.

Another name for a Mix Design.

Recirculating Screw
A large augur in the bottom of a cement scale that mixes the cement while it
feeds then pushes the cement toward the gate when the cement is

Reclaimer System
A system in which concrete can be recycled, rather than dumped on the
ground. Reclaimers may wash away water, sand, and cement, allowing a
plant to reclaim the constituents. In some systems, an attempt is made to
capture the water and cement (a combination known as slurry water). The
slurry water (and other materials) can then be reused.

Rehabilitation Project
Work associated with the rehabilitation and refurbishment of buildings,
normally the responsibility of people who have developed a particular
expertise in this area.

Rejected Concrete
Concrete that is refused for any reason, usually because it is too wet (high
slump) or past its allotted age.

Electromagnetic switch that turns one or more isolated switches on or off.

44 10/11/12
Remote Access
Also known as COMMANDassist. Allows COMMANDbatch systems with internet
access (high speed preferred) to connect to Command Alkon’s support
network so that technical support staff can:
• Troubleshoot and resolve problems.
• Answer questions and provide training on specific topics.
• Manually download and assist with the installation of software updates.
• Modify plant automation.

Remote Batching
Remote Batching allows an operator at a location away from the main plant to
create and run batches. In some setups, batches cannot be started until the
driver presses the “AUTHORIZE” button in the plant. This setup is particularly
useful when the operator is out of sight or earshot of the plant. By pressing
the “AUTHORIZE” button, the driver verifies that plant equipment is ready and
that no intruders (particularly children) are around the equipment.
See Also:
SMS (Soft Manual Station)

Remote Client
Also known as Second Client Access. Allows remote users (up to 3 additional
concurrent users) access to COMMANDbatch data. Remote client users can
perform the following tasks without interfering with normal batching
• Run batches (ONLY IF the Remote Batching option is purchased and the
Driver Authorization box is installed).
• Create, update, and delete COMMANDbatch data (customers, mixes,
other products, pricing, orders, etc.).
• Modify plant automation (bin tuning, discharge tuning, device
• Toubleshoot problems using built-in diagnostic tools (Weigh-Up
Diagnostics, Discharge Diagnostics, Sequence Tracer, Custom Equation
Monitor, Ticket Format Helper).
• Preview and print most reports.

Resident Engineer
The site representative or Engineer responsible for issuing instructions and
drawings to the contractor's representative.

10/11/12 45
Resistivity Probe
Sensors that measure depths of freezing and thawing fronts in the pavement

Resold Concrete
Also called Reused Concrete, this is concrete that has been returned from a
previous job and is used in a new load.
See Also:
Returned Concrete

Admixes that slow down the hydration (setting or hardening) of concrete.
Generally used on hot days or for mass pours.

Retarding Admixtures
Used to delay the rate at which concrete sets. Used during times of extreme
heat or if a special finish design is needed.

Returned Concrete
Pertains to concrete returned by the truck selected for the current load. May
or may not be resold or reused. In some states (U.S.), returned concrete can
be resold.
See Also:
Leftover Concrete
Resold Concrete
Reused Concrete

Reused Concrete
Same as Resold Concrete but probably a more accurate term as concrete can
be reused but not resold if it is delivered in addition to the original quantity.

Reverse Weigh Silos

In this setup, scales are located on the legs of the silo. The amount of material
loaded is determined by measuring the weight of material plus the silo before
the drop is started and throughout the drop. When the total weight has been
reduced by the target amount of material to be loaded, the load is finished.
See Also:
Decumulative Scale

46 10/11/12
Rolling Overtime Errors
A driver’s total hours may be calculated over a number of consecutive days.
The driver is allowed to drive a certain number of hours over a certain number
of days. If the driver’s actual hours exceed this number of hours, the excess is
considered the driver’s rolling overtime hours. This definition is opposed to
excess daily hours or excess hours worked in a seven-day week.

List of assignments for trucks and orders. Usually created at night in
preparation for the next day. To roster a truck is to assign specific loads or
deliveries to it. Rosters can change as the day progresses. The loads can be
picked up from multiple plants, in any order or sequence.
Rostering is performed either by focusing on the plants to which a truck can
be sent (plant-focused), or by focusing on the sequence of loads assigned to a
truck (load-sequence focused).
To roster an order is to assign trucks to it.

Round Trip
A truck is assigned to a specific order, and that truck goes back and forth
between the plant and the job site delivery loads until the order is fulfilled.
You can round trip more than on truck to an order.

Rounding Method
Used for load size calculations. Load sizes can be rounded up, down, or not at

The RTC (Real Time Controller) is a mini computer that "does the math" for
COMMANDbatch. The RTC makes calculations such as batch targets and feed
cutoffs and sends this data along with other time-sensitive information to the
COMMANDbatch PC. The COMMANDbatch PC handles the "supervisory" side of
batch operations, including preparing batches, running reports, and
maintaining the database.
In the past, the RTC was called a “Brick” because it was physically housed in a
metal unit about the size of a masonry brick. In newer versions of
COMMANDbatch, the physical "brick" has been replaced by a virtual RTC
(vRTC), a virtual image of the RTC that is installed on the COMMANDbatch PC
and communicates with the supervisory side via a virtual network adapter.

Request To Send. A hardware signal used in serial communications that
indicates the serial port is requesting to send data. Used with CTS.

10/11/12 47
Rubble Masonry
Uses irregular and coarsely jointed quarried or field stone.

Scale Dampening
See Dampening.

Scale Division
Another term for Grad Size. The accuracy of a scale. A scale with a grad size
of 20 lbs would be accurate within 20 lbs. Not to be confused with Tolerance,
which is used for target weight calculations.

Scheduled Plant
The order is scheduled from this plant. It may not be the actual delivery plant.

Truck numbers for upcoming loads can be displayed on a scoreboard located
in the yard and/or in the drivers' lounge.

The leveling and smoothing of the top layer of a material that is poured, such
as concrete, so that the material is the same height as the forms, or guides,
that surround it. (Source:
See Also:
Bull Float

Second Client Access

Also known as Remote Client. Allows remote users (up to 3 additional
concurrent users) access to COMMANDbatch data. Remote client users can
perform the following tasks without interfering with normal batching
• Run batches (ONLY IF the Remote Batching option is purchased and the
Driver Authorization box is installed).
• Create, update, and delete COMMANDbatch data (customers, mixes,
other products, pricing, orders, etc.).
• Modify plant automation (bin tuning, discharge tuning, device
• Toubleshoot problems using built-in diagnostic tools (Weigh-Up
Diagnostics, Discharge Diagnostics, Sequence Tracer, Custom Equation
Monitor, Ticket Format Helper).

48 10/11/12
• Preview and print most reports.

Separate Contracts
With separate contracts, the client's professional adviser lets contracts for the
work with separate contractors. This arrangement was common place prior
the emergence of the general contractor.

In COMMANDbatch, a sequence defines the order in which feeding and
discharge occur for an entire load of concrete. The sequence specifies when
devices start and stop, as well as the quantity of material that should be fed.
Only one sequence code can be used at a time. For example, if a plant
consists of a “wet” side and a “dry” side, a separate sequence would be used
for each side. The wet sequence would be assigned to wet mix designs, and
the dry sequence to dry mixes.
A sequence consists of steps stored as Start, Stop/Hold, and Quantity
equations. Each equation consists of conditions listed in a particular order.
Typically, COMMANDbatch is shipped with template-type wet, dry, and normal
sequences (abbreviated as W, D, and N, respectively). This makes it easier for
the installer to modify these sequences to suit the plant’s needs.
See Also:
The online help for the Sequences forms
The Sequences Setup Guide

Serial Moisture Probe

A serial probe uses an external measuring device instead of an E-Z Cal display
to provide moisture readings in serial instead of analog output.

Serial Scale
A serial scale uses an external device instead of the E-Z Cal Manual Station
display to provide scale readings in serial instead of analog signal. A serial
scale can be used when all of the E-Z Cal displays are being used.

Serial Tender
The awarding of similar projects to a contractor following a competitive tender
on a master bill of quantities. This master bill becomes a standing open offer
for the client to accept a number of contracts. Each contract is separate and
priced separately.

Settle Time
Number of seconds the system should wait before checking the weight on the
scale. This "settle" time gives the scale time to stop bouncing up and down

10/11/12 49
after being loaded. Obviously, accurate readings cannot be obtained until the
scale is allowed to settle.

Settlement Sheet
A report that describes payments and deductions to haulers for the delivery of

A mixture of cement, aggregate, and water projected pneumatically at high
velocity from a nozzle onto a surface to produce a layer or layers of concrete.
Shotcrete normally incorporates admixtures, especially accelerators, and may
also include fibers. Also called Sprayed Concrete.
See Also:
Dry-Mix Shotcrete
Wet-Mix Shotcrete

Decrease in length or volume.

Silicate Fume
An extremely fine by-product of the manufacture of silicon metal. Produced by
the condensation of gases escaping from the electric-arc furnace. Silicate
fume is used in concrete and Shotcrete to improve their properties. In
shotcrete, silicate fume reduces rebound, increases thickness per pass, and
improves properties of the hardened shotcrete.

A cylindrical storage container for cement, flyash, slag, or other materials.
COMMANDseries interfaces to three types of Silos: Truck Scale, Weigh
Batcher, and Reverse Weigh.

Simulated Demo Batch

If the COMMANDbatch Default Simulate Status is set for a simulated batch,
concrete is not created but inventory and delivered amounts are affected.
See Also:
Actual Batch
Training Batch

50 10/11/12
Site Coordination
Also know as Site Direction. Responsibility for the coordination of day-to-day
operations on site in accordance with the project and the predetermined
program, typically carried out by an employee of the contractor.

Site Management
The overall management of the processes required to bring the site operations
of a project to a satisfactory conclusion, typically carried out either by private
consultant or an employee of the project client.

Site Manager
The person responsible on behalf of the client for controlling and coordinating
all the work of others in order to bring the site operations of a project to a
satisfactory conclusion.

Site Works
All work carried out within the site of a construction project.

A type of stone, small 1/4 - 1/2 inch.

Type of aggregate truck that uses a conveyer belt-type discharge system. A
slinger truck might be requested for dumping aggregate into a hard to reach

A characteristic measuring the fluidity of concrete. A higher level term used in
other markets is 'consistency'. Consistency for concrete can be stated
different ways. Examples are: slump, flow, workability. We mostly use slump.

Slump Test
A test for concrete's consistency. The concrete is placed in a cone-shaped
container. The container is turned upside down and removed. The most
common test for slump is the cone which is 12" high, 8" in diameter at its
base and 4" at its peak. The cone is filled with concrete in 3 lifts with each lift
rodded 25 times. The cone is then pulled off and the concrete allowed to
slump, or roll down the cone shape. The distance the height of the cone of
concrete slumps is measured and is known as the slump.

Slurry Water
Recycled concrete water which contains oversaturated cement and fine
aggregate. If slurry water is used in a batch, the targets of each material in

10/11/12 51
the slurry water must be reduced to maintain the proper composition of the
Also called Grey Water.

Small Batch Tolerance

In COMMANDbatch, small batch tolerances are used when the cumulative
scale batching target is less than (Scale Capacity x Small Batch Size
See Also:
Fast Batch Tolerance

Small Batch Size

In COMMANDbatch, this is the percentage of the scale/meter capacity below
which small batch tolerances are used. If this value is zero, large (normal)
batch tolerances are used.

SMS (Soft Manual Station)

A component of COMMANDbatch, the SMS is a software generated view of the
physical Manual Station which allows an operator at a location away from the
main plant to manually feed materials without being located next to the
physical Manual Station at the remote plant.
See Also:
Remote Batching

The amount of material sold and billed to a customer.

Specific Gravity
The ratio of the weight of a given volume of aggregate to the weight of an
equal volume of water. Specific gravity is used for calculating a mix design's
yield. It is also used in Slurry Water calculations.

Spray Bar
A collection of nozzles mounted along a bar located near the boot where
material is discharged into a truck. During discharge, water is sprayed from
the nozzles to collect fine particles of cement that are released into the air.
The Spray Bar is required in some states in the U.S.

Sprayed Concrete
A mixture of cement, aggregate, and water projected pneumatically at high
velocity from a nozzle onto a surface to produce a layer or layers of concrete.

52 10/11/12
Sprayed concrete normally incorporates admixtures, especially accelerators,
and may also include fibers. Also called Shotcrete.

Process of placing Shotcrete (sprayed concrete) by projecting the shotcrete
from the nozzle to the surface receiving the shotcrete (also called shooting or

Saturated Surface Dry. The condition of aggregates for mix designs where
their surfaces are dry but the materials are holding all of the moisture they
can absorb.

Start Tare
Scale reading when a batch is started. Must be within the acceptable tolerance
range for the material being weighed. Check your state's requirements for
Start and End Tares.
See Also:
End Tare

Structural Design
Design of the structural elements of large constructions by a structural
engineer. In smaller and less complex constructions this work is normally the
responsibility of other construction professionals.

Sub-Contractor Completion Flag

An indicator that all required information has been collected for a specified

Sundry Charges
Miscellaneous charges to customers.

A wetting agent that increases the concrete's flowability (slump) without
adding water or altering the Water/Cement Ratio. Superplasticizers increase
the flowability more than water reducers. This admix has a short life of 30-60
minutes, followed by a rapid slump loss. Because of this, they are often added
at the jobsite.

Any extra fee charged for a product. Usual surcharges are extra costs for fuel
or environmental costs.

10/11/12 53
The weight of an empty truck or scale. This weight can include material that
clings to the inside of the truck or scale after discharge.

The amount of a material needed in one cubic yard (or meter) of a mix. The
target amount can be recalculated if adjustments have been made to another
material. For example, if the amount of cement needed in a mix is changed,
the target for the water material would be recalculated.

Communications protocols used for transferring data over the Internet and
over a Local Area Network.
See Also:

Water added to a batch after all materials are in the mixer or truck.

Temperature Gun
A device that captures the temperature of concrete, most likely in a mixer,
without any physical contact with the concrete.

Temper Meter
A device that monitors the amount of water manually fed into a mixer.

An offer which incorporates the sum of money, time and other conditions
required to carry out the contract obligations in order to complete a project or
part of it.

The management and commercial function of determining the tender based
upon the estimate and other details prepared by the contractor's estimator
and other personnel.

Thermal Shock
Force, arising out of thermal expansion or contraction, which causes
disruption of a material on sudden heating or cooling.

54 10/11/12
Thin-Stream Conveying
A method of pneumatic conveyance from the Shotcrete machine by which
either dry mix or wet mix is conveyed through the delivery line by compressed

Short for “delivery ticket”, which is printed and given to the driver. Also called
a Tag or docket. The ticket includes, at a minimum, the product(s) ordered
and the delivery address. It can also include the amounts of materials batched
to form the mix.
In the past, producers sent copies of the delivery ticket with prices as
invoices; now tickets and invoices are two separate documents.

Ticket Stack
When a dispatcher sends a ticket, it may appear on the screen of a batching
computer. That screen is called a ticket stack.

Timed Feed
A timed opening of a single gate for a time duration based on the previous
flow rates for the bin and material. Timed Feed starts after Fast Feed has
completed and the amount left to feed is still well short of the target.
See Also:
Jog Feed

To Job Status
The status of a truck enroute to a job site.

Range above or below its Target that a material's weight can vary and still be

Transactions in an error log that show what an application was doing before it

Traditional Contracting
Method of construction procurement in which independent professionals (i.e.
architects, engineers, quantity surveyors) are employed by the client to
complete the design work. The client then enters into a separate contract with
a contractor to execute the designed construction. The contractor is selected
on some basis of competition.

10/11/12 55
Training Batch
If the COMMANDbatch Default Simulate Status is set for a training batch,
Concrete is not created, and inventory and delivered amounts are not
See Also:
Actual Batch
Simulated Demo Batch

Material moved to another site within the company. No revenues are collected
- the material is not sold.

Amount or percentage of a material to be added or subtracted per mix unit
(yard or cubic meter). Also used to increase water to add on the job.
See Also:

Truck Scale Silo

A silo consisting of a flat scale beneath the silo gates. The truck is tared prior
to loading, and the load-out system monitors the total weight on the scale to
determine how much material has been loaded as material is dropped into the

A contract whereby the client has entered into an agreement with a single
administrative entity, who provides the design and construction under one
contract, and frequently effects land acquisition, financing, leasing, etc.

Two-Stage Tender
In this type of Tender, three or four contractors with appropriate experience
are separately involved in detailed discussions with the client's professional
advisers regarding all aspects of the project. Price competition is introduced in
the second stage.

Typed Status
COMMANDseries term: The old term for Printed Status in which a truck has
received it's delivery ticket but has not been loaded yet.

56 10/11/12
Ulink (short for Universal Link)
The Ulink interface supports communications from a dispatching computer to
any batching computer capable of handling the Ulink protocol. Typical
information that can be sent includes batching instructions, ticket printing
information, and mix designs.
The Ulink interface can also support the return of batch weights to the
dispatching computer for analysis and inventory control. The interface can be
configured to return batch weights in the fields listed in the Ulink specification,
or it can be customized to use other fields.
Also, incoming inventory transactions can be returned to the dispatching
computer for inventory control purposes.

Short for unit of measure (example: lb, kg, gl, oz, ml).

U.S. Army Corp of Engineers.

Usage Code
This term applies to concrete and identifies the use of the concrete. It is used
in various reports to analyze the use of the concrete by region, customer
type, and other purposes.

Value Added Tax. A tax that is charged whenever a product’s value or selling
price is increased. Only the amount of the increase is taxed.

A device attached near the gates of a bin, silo, or scale that produces enough
vibration to keep material from clumping as it feeds or discharges.

A method for removing a charge or payment without deleting the record.

Abbreviation for Virtual RTC. See RTC for a complete description.

10/11/12 57
Waiver Amount
A finance charge that is not considered large enough to be charged to the

Wide Area Network. A configuration in which a plant’s PCs are located in
different buildings, with the server housing a central database. Remote PCs
can be connected to the server via telephone lines or even satellite link.

A mix, typically rock and water, used for washing out a truck.

Water Reducers
Chemical that reduces the amount of water in a mix.

Water/Cement Ratio
In COMMANDbatch, two calculations of Water/Cement ratio can be printed:
Design and Actual.
• Design Water/Cement ratio is the water/cement ratio of the amounts
specified in the mix design.
• Actual Water/Cement ratio is water/cement ratio of the amounts actually
Actual Water/Cement ratio can be followed by one of the following codes
on the printed ticket:
T - (for “Theoretical”) means you can add water up to the TO ADD
amount without changing the stated W/C ratio.
A - (for “Actual”) means you cannot add water without changing the
stated W/C ratio. This code is displayed if the TO ADD value is zero and
moisture is measured in material bins.
• Manual moisture entries will cause “T” to be printed as the Water/Cement
calculation code.
• Actual water/cement ratio can be printed on the top half of the ticket if
the ticket is set up that way.

58 10/11/12
Water Reducing Admixture
Reduces the amount of mixing water required to produce concrete at a given
slump. Used to improve strength by reducing the mixture of water and
concrete. Can also increase workability, but may affect setting time.

Water Vapor
The gas phase of water.
Water vapor creates pressure like any other gas. Cold air has a relatively low
vapor pressure, while warm air (with larger amounts of water vapor) has a
greater pressure. Water vapor penetrates building materials, traveling from
areas with higher vapor pressure to areas with lower vapor pressure.

Weigh Batcher Silo

Material is dropped from the silo into a scale over the truck. The material is
weighed in the scale and then dropped into the truck.

Another term for a scale or device that weighs and discharges material into a
truck or mixer.

Another term for a scale.

Weighed Water
Water fed into a scale at the start of a batch and weighed.
See Also:
Metered Water

Weight per Volume

Weight of a gallon/liter of water: 8.345 gallons for U.S. systems; 1.000 liters
for Metric systems.

Wet Plant
Also called Central Mix, this is a concrete plant where materials are weighed
and discharged into a mixer at the plant and thoroughly mixed before being
loaded into a truck. The truck keeps the concrete agitated so that materials do
not segregate. Advantages are greater slump control, improved mixing, better
dust control and lower wear and tear on the truck. Disadvantages are higher
Some plants have both a Wet and a Dry side, and one or the other side can be
See Also:

10/11/12 59
Dry Plant

Wet-Mix Shotcrete
Shotcrete (sprayed concrete) in which all of the ingredients, including water
and fibers, are mixed then conveyed through a delivery hose, either
pneumatically or by positive displacement, then projected at high velocity
onto the surface being shot.

Will Call
A type of order that has been placed by a customer but cannot be shipped
until it is released. Similar terms are “provisional”, “Will Ring” and “TBC” (To
Be Confirmed).

An operating system for PCs developed by Microsoft Corporation, Redmond,

There are no glossary entries starting with “X”.

One of the following:
• Volume of concrete resulting from the combinations of the weighed
constituents. Concrete is sold by the Cubic Meter or Cubic Yard. A cubic
meter of concrete contains 1,000 liters worth of material while a cubic
yard contains 27 cubic feet.
• Permanent deformation which a material undergoes when it is stressed
beyond its elastic limit.

A market or delivery area. A zone is intended to be the larger market area; A
zone can consist of several Map Pages. Tax location information is also derived
from the zone.

60 10/11/12

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