Literature Survey For Robotics
Literature Survey For Robotics
Literature Survey For Robotics
2 Rapid object 2004 A machine learning approach for The approach constructs Faces under a Scalability, An approach for object detection which
detection visual object detection which is a face detection system very wide Speed and minimizes computation time while
using a capable of processing images which minimizes range of Accuracy achieving high detection accuracy. The
boosted extremely rapidly and achieving computation time while conditions approach was used to construct a face
cascade of high detection rates.It’s achieving high detection including detection system which is approximately
simple distinguished by three key accuracy. illumination,sc 15 times faster than any previous
features by contributions. The first is the ale,pose and approach.This paper brings together new
Paul viola introduction of a new image camera vision. algorithms, representations, and insights
representation called the “Integral which are quite generic and may well
Image” which allows the features have broader application in computer
used by our detector to be vision and image processing. Finally this
computed very quickly. The second paper presents a set of detailed
is a learning algorithm, based on experiments on a difficult face detection
AdaBoost, which selects a small dataset which has been widely studied.
number of critical visual features This dataset includes faces under a very
from a larger set and yields wide range of conditions including:
extremely efficient classifiers.The illumination, scale, pose, and camera
third contribution for combining variation. Experiments on such a large
increasingly more complex and complex dataset are difficult and
classifiersin a “cascade” which time consuming. Nevertheless systems
allows background regions of the which work under these conditions are
image to be quickly discarded while unlikely to be brittle or limited to a
spending more computation on single set of conditions.More
promising object-like regions importantly conclusions drawn from this
dataset are unlikely to be experimental
3 Research of 2018 Images have many objects in We reconstructed the ImageNet Scalability, The experimental results show that the
Image Main complex background.To identify network structure of classification Speed and algorithm not only maintains the
Objects these objects and identify the main RCNN and trained the Accuracy superiority of RCNN, but also detects
Detection objects therein and understand the ImageNet dataset with the main objects of the image. We found
Algorithm relationship between the main selectibe search,svm and that the image main objects were related
Based on objects.There are many ways to bbox regression.Then to the size of candidate region and the
Deep object recognition, but most of we put forward the rarity of objects.
Learning by them cannot mark the main objects scoring system for
Liyan Yu of the image. In this paper, we use recognizing image main
improved RCNN network to detect objects.
and recognize multi-object in the
image. Then we put forward the
main objects scoring system to
mark the image main objects.
4 Refining 2017 Object detector with region We tested the proposed Road View Scalability, We proposed RF-RCNN which refines
Faster-RCNN proposal networks such as RF-RCNN on 900 road Images Speed and classifier and regressor of Faster-RCNN.
for Accurate Fast/Faster R-CNN have shown the view images and input Accuracy The proposed RF-RCNN is applied to
Object state of the art performance on image is divided into human and license plate detection, and
Detection by several benchmarks. However, they several patches with as a result, it outperforms Faster-RCNN
Myung Cheol have limited success for detecting overlaps and each of the on both detection performance and
Roh small objects. We argue the patches is fed into the preciseness of detected bounding box.
limitation is related to insufficient RF-RCNN. Since the proposed method showed
performance of Fast R-CNN block promising performance on detection, we
in Faster R-CNN.A refining block are going to extend the approach to
is proposed for Fast R-CNN. We detect and refine more object.
further merge the block and Faster
R-CNN into a single network (RF-
RCNN). The RF-RCNN was
applied on plate and human
detection in RoadView image that
consists of high resolution street
images (over 30M pixels).
5 Object 2017 The method based on the deep The method based on Battlefield Scalability, It is proved that the Faster RCNN ZF
Detection of learning is applied to the object the faster RCNN ZF Images in Speed and model has a good effect on the detection
Armored detection and recognition task of model which has a good different Accuracy and recognition of armored armored
Vehicles the armored vehicle. According to effect on the etection weathers and vehicles in battlefield environment.
Based on the test results, the feasibility of the and recognition of light changes Compared with the traditional method,
Deep method is analysed. The end to end armored vehicles in the method eliminates the cumbersome
Learning in architecture greatly improves the battlefield environment. image preprocessing link, and it's end-
Battlefield detection and recognition efficiency to-end architecture greatly improves the
Environment and has good versatility showing a detection and recognition efficiency,
by Xie strong application prospect showing a strong application prospect.
6 Research on 2017 Computer vision techniques We divide shaped based A research of the popular object
Computer become particularly important in approaches into two detection and classification based on
Vision-Based agriculture applications due to categories:boundry computer vision has been present in this
Object their fast response, high accuracy based approaches and paper. The research includes description
Detection and and strong adaptability. Two of the region based of:
Classification most demanding and widely approaches.Supports (1) existing object detection methods
by Juan Wu studied applications relate to vector machine associated with color or shape.
object detection and classification. extended statistic (2) important methods developed to
The task is challenging due to learning theory to tackle the object classification problem.
variations in product quality classification,employing (3) comparison of performances of these
differences under certain structural risk techniques.
complicate circumstances minimization principle
influenced by nature and human. to improve
Research in these fields has generalization
resulted in a wealth of processing capability.
and analysis methods. In this
paper, we explicitly explore
current advances in the field of
object detecting and categorizing
based on computer vision, and a
comparison of these methods is
Speed up of 2018 We designed and implemented a We realized a speed-up Scalability, The speed-up is realized without
7 object high speed parallel sorting of an object detection Speed and sacrificing the object detection
detection algorithm for modern GPUs.Our neural network with Accuracy accuracy (mAP). Our GPU-accelerated
neural speed up methods are also GPU. We improved the faster R-CNN can detect objects with
network with applicable to other major detection object detection speed 55.8ms per image. This is nearly 30%
GPU by networks. We accelerated the of faster R-CNN which speed-up. In detection networks, the
Takuya detection speed by implementing is one of the most processes of building scored candidate
Fukagai our new algorithms that are commonly used regions, sorting and non-maximum-
suitable for GPUs. detection networks. suppression (nms) are commonly used.
In faster R-CNN, these processes are
executed in proposal layer. We reduced
the processing time of the proposal
layer from 5.6ms to 2.2ms. This is 2.5
times as fast as the original one. We
also evaluated the detection speed with
larger batch sizes. By applying batch
size 16, it is accelerated to 44.9ms per
image. This is 1.6 times as fast as the
original faster R-CNN. Since we
realized a speed-up of common basic
methods for detection networks, our
speed-up methods are also applicable to
other detection networks.
8 Research on 2018 With the rapid development of deep It establishes a small Oxford-IIIT Scalability, This paper mainly established a small
Daily Objects learning, great breakthroughs have daily items detection Pets data set, Speed and daily items detection data set. The data
Detection been made in the field of object data set which is then PASCALVOC Accuracy set is then trained on different object
Based on detection. Deep learning algorithm trained on diffrent data set and detection models and has achieved
Deep Neural is applied to the detection of daily object detection Microsoft good results in daily object detection.
Network by objects, and some progress has models.The well trained COCO data set These welltrained models can be used
Sheng Ding been made in this direction. models can be used in in the mobile platform, Nao robot
Compared with traditional object the mobile platform to platform or other intelligent devices,
detection methods, the daily objects achieve accurate the daily items to achieve accurate
detection method based on deep detection. detection. In the future, we can get a
learning is faster and more better model by increasing the capacity
accurate. The main work of this of the data set, the optimization of the
article: model structure and the fine tuning of
1. collect a small data set of daily the parameters.
2. in the TensorFlow framework to
build different models of object
detection, and use this data set
training model
3. the training process and effect of
the model are improved by fine-
tuning the model parameters
9 Faster R- 2016 State-of-the-art object detection We train and test both PASCAL Scalability, We have presented Region Proposal
CNN: networks depend on region region proposal and VOC 2007 Speed and Networks (RPNs) for efficient and
Towards proposal algorithms to hypothesize object detection Accuracy accurate region proposal generation. By
Real-Time object locations.We introduce a networks on single scale sharing convolutional features with the
Object Region Proposal Network (RPN) images and re scale the down-stream detection network, the
Detection that shares full-image convolutional images.Our method region proposal step is nearly cost-free.
with Region features with the detection network, enables a unified,deep Our method enables a unified, deep-
Proposal thus enabling nearly cost-free learning based object learning-based object detection system
Networks by region proposals. An RPN is a detection system and to run at 5-17 fps. The learned RPN also
Shaoqing Ren fully-convolutional network that also improves region improves region proposal quality and
simultaneously predicts object proposal quality and thus the overall object detection
bounds and objectness scores at thus the overall object accuracy.
each position. RPNs are trained detection accuracy
end-to-end to generate highquality
region proposals, which are used by
Fast R-CNN for detection. With a
simple alternating optimization,
RPN and Fast R-CNN can be
trained to share convolutional
10 Accurate 2017 Recent advances in object detection As we use a unified PASCAL Scalability, With higher accuracy we get more
object algorithms include fast and faster network there is no need VOC 2012 and Speed and detection times compared to lesser
classification RCNN which made the detection to get the ROI from an MS COCO Accuracy region proposal detections. However, we
and detection times comparatively low with high external network which were unable to achieve real time frame
by faster accuracy. In this work we verify the makes this process cost rates by increasing the region proposals.
RCNN by integrity of a proposed algorithm free.As we increased the But there is not much change observed
Lokanath M which uses RPN (Region proposal number of proposals we in the single object images even when
networks) and Fast RCNN (Region observed a significant there is a change in the number of region
based Convolutional Neural increase in the Mean proposals in terms of visible accuracy
Networks) for the detection. The Average Precision value compared to multiple object (of the same
RPN provides region proposals till 2000 proposals from class) images.
from that we give the ROI (Regions where it reached
of Interest) as input to the RCNN saturation. Our results
network, it can be further merged are compared with the
into a single network by sharing state of the art algorithm
their convolutional features to with an increase of 1.2%
detect a specific object in a given in terms of mAP for
images. 1800 proposal