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RULES ON CONSTRUCTION Meanwhile, on January 12, 1976, counsel for the

accused filed before Us the present petition. On January

16, 1976, this Court issued an Order temporarily
G.R. No. L-42428 March 18, 1983 restraining respondent judge from promulgating the
decision in Criminal Case No, C-5910.
vs. Petitioner espouses the thesis that the three-month
THE HON. FERNANDO CRUZ, JR., as Presiding period prescribed by Section 11[l] of Article X of the
Judge of Branch XII of the Court of First Instance of 1973 Constitution, being a constitutional directive, is
Rizal, PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, and THE mandatory in character and that non-observance thereof
PROVINCIAL WARDEN OF THE PROVINCIAL JAIL results in the loss of jurisdiction of the court over the
OF RIZAL, respondents. unresolved case.
We disagree. Undisputed is the fact that on November
28, 1975, or eighty- five [851 days from September 4,
ESCOLIN, J.: 1975 the date the case was deemed submitted for
A petition for prohibition and writ of habeas corpus to decision, respondent judge filed with the deputy clerk of
enjoin respondent Judge Fernando Cruz, Jr. from court the decision in Criminal Case No. 5910. He had
promulgating his decision in Criminal Case No. C-5910, thus veritably rendered his decision on said case within
entitled People of the Philippines versus Bernardino the three-month period prescribed by the Constitution.
Marcelino, and for release from detention of petitioner, In Comia v. Nicolas,  5 Ago v. Court of
the accused in said case, on the ground of loss of Appeals   and Balquidra v. Court of First Instance 7 this
jurisdiction of respondent trial court over the case for Court ruled that the rendition of the judgment in trial
failure to decide the same within the period of ninety [90] courts refers to the filing of the signed decision with the
days from submission thereof. clerk of court. There is no doubt that the constitutional
Petitioner was charged with the crime of rape before the provision cited by petitioner refers to the rendition of
Court of First Instance of Rizal, Branch XII. Trial was judgment and not to the promulgation thereof. Thus, it is
conducted and the same was concluded when the this date that should be considered in determining
accused rested his case on August 4, 1975. On the whether or not respondent judge had resolved the case
same date, however, the attorneys for both parties within the allotted period. Indeed, the date of
moved for time within which to submit their respective promulgation of a decision could not serve as the
memoranda. The trial court granted the motion as reckoning date because the same necessarily comes at
follows: at a later date, considering that notices have to be sent
to the accused as well as to the other parties involved,
Upon joint motion, the parties are given an event which is beyond the control of the judge. As
thirty [30] days to submit their respective pointed out in People v. Court of Appeals 8, the
memoranda, simultaneously, and promulgation of a judgment in the trial court does not
thereafter the case shall be deemed necessarily coincide with the date of its delivery by the
submitted for decision of the Court. judge of the clerk of court.
Counsel for petitioner submitted his memorandum in due Section 11 [1], Article X of the New Constitution provides
time, but no memorandum was filed by the People. in full, to wit:
On November 28, 1975, respondent judge filed with the SEC. 11 [1]. Upon the effectivity of this
Deputy Clerk of Court his decision in said case for Constitution, the maximum period within
promulgation. The decision was also dated November which a case or matter shall be decided
28, 1975. 1 or resolved from the date of its
A certification dated January 26, 1976 was executed by submission, shall be eighteen months
Postmaster Jesse A. Santos of the Grace Park Post for the Supreme court, and, unless
Office 2to the effect that registered letters Nos. 011980 reduced by the Supreme Court, twelve
and 011981, addressed to Marietta Ferrer of 9-E Mango months for all inferior collegiate courts,
Road, Portero, Malabon, Rizal, the complaining witness, and three months for all other inferior
and Atty, Angel P. Purisima of 414 Shurdut Bldg., courts.
Intramuros, Manila, counsel for the accused, To date, no authoritative interpretation of the above-
respectively, were posted in said office on December 4, quoted provision has been rendered by this Court. Thus,
1975. These notices were received by the respective in approaching this novel question, We now tread upon
addressees on December 8 and 9, 1975. 3 what Mr. Cooley characterizes as "very dangerous
Similar notices were sent to the Provincial Fiscal of ground when they [referring to the courts] venture to
Pasig and to the Provincial Warden of Pasig, Rizal, who apply rules which distinguish directory and mandatory
both received them on December 2,1975, 4 statutes to the provisions of a constitution." 9
On the date set for promulgation of the decision, counsel The established rule is that "constitutional provisions are
for accused moved for postponement, raising for the first to be construed as mandatory, unless by express
time the alleged loss of jurisdiction of the trial court for provision or by necessary implication, a different
failure to decide the case within 90 days from intention is manifest." 10 "The difference between a
submission thereof for decision. Acceding to counsel's mandatory and a directory provision is often determined
request that he be given time to consider the proper on grounds of expediency, the reason being that less
remedial measure to take, the respondent judge reset injury results to the general public by disregarding than
the promulgation of the decision to January 19, 1976 at by enforcing the letter of the law." 11
8:30 A. M. In Trapp v. McCormick, 12 a case calling for the
On January 19, 1976, counsel for petitioner moved anew interpretation of a statute containing a limitation of thirty
for the resetting of the promulgation of decision. [30] days within which a decree may be entered without
Granting the motion, respondent judge rescheduled the the consent of counsel, it was held that "the statutory
promulgation to January 26, 1976. provisions which may be thus departed from with
impunity, without affecting the validity of statutory

Page 1 of 82
proceedings, are usually those which relate to the mode Failure to observe said rule constitutes a ground for
or time of doing that which is essential to effect the aim administrative sanction against the defaulting judge. In
and purpose of the Legislature or some incident of the fact a certificate to this certificate is required before
essential act. " Thus, in said case, the statute under judges are allowed Lo draw their salaries.
examination was construed merely to be directory.
WHEREFORE, the petition is hereby dismissed; and the
On this view, authorities are one in saying that: Restraining Order dated January 16, 1976 issued by this
Court is lifted. Since respondent Judge Fernando Cruz,
Statutes requiring the rendition of
Jr. is already deceased, his successor is hereby ordered
judgment forthwith or immediately after
to decide Criminal Case No. C-5910 on the basis of the
the trial or verdict have been held by
record thereof within ninety [90] days from the time the
some courts to be merely directory so
case is raffled to him.
that non-compliance with them does not
invalidate the judgment, on the theory SO ORDERED.
that if the statute had intended such
result it would clearly have indicated it." G.R. Nos. 92191-92             July 30, 1991
[American Tupe Founders Co. v. ANTONIO Y. CO, petitioner, 
Justice's Court, 133 Cal. 819, 65 Pac. vs.
742; Heillen v. Phillips, 88 Cal. 557, 26 ELECTORAL TRIBUNAL OF THE HOUSE OF
Pac. 366; Drake v. Bagley, 69 Mo. App. REPRESENTATIVES AND JOSE ONG,
39, State v. Davis, 194 Mo. 585, 5 Ann. JR., respondents.
Cas. 1000, 4 L.R.A. (N.S.) 1023, 92
S.W. 484; Wissman v. Meagher, 115 G.R. Nos. 92202-03             July 30, 1991
Mo. App. 82, 91 S.W. 448; Pohle v. SIXTO T. BALANQUIT, JR., petitioner, 
Dickmann, 67 Mo. App. 381; Herwick v. vs.
Koken Barber Supply Co., 61 Mo. App. ELECTORAL TRIBUNAL OF THE HOUSE OF
Such construction applies equally to the constitutional JR., respondents.
provision under consideration. In Mikell v. School Dis. of Hechanova & Associates for petitioner Co.
Philadelphia, 13 it was ruled that "the legal distinction Brillantes, Nachura, Navarro and Arcilla Law Offices for
between directory and mandatory laws is applicable to respondent Ong, Jr.
fundamental as it is to statutory laws."
To Our mind, the phraseology of the provision in
question indicates that it falls within the exception rather
than the general rule. By the phrase "unless reduced by GUTIERREZ, JR., J.:
the Supreme Court," it is evident that the period
The petitioners come to this Court asking for the setting
prescribed therein is subject to modification by this Court
aside and reversal of a decision of the House of
in accordance with its prerogative under Section 5[5] of
Representatives Electoral Tribunal (HRET).
Article X of the New Constitution to "promulgate rules
concerning pleading, practice and procedure in all courts The HRET declared that respondent Jose Ong, Jr. is a
... " And there can be no doubt that said provision, natural born Filipino citizen and a resident of Laoang,
having been incorporated for reasons of expediency, Northern Samar for voting purposes. The sole issue
relates merely to matters of procedure. Albermarle Oil & before us is whether or not, in making that
Gas Co. v. Morris, 14 declares that constitutional determination, the HRET acted with grave abuse of
provisions are directory, and not mandatory, where they discretion.
refer to matters merely procedural.
On May 11, 1987, the congressional election for the
In practice, We have assumed a liberal stand with second district of Northern Samar was held.
respect to this provision. This Court had at various times,
Among the candidates who vied for the position of
upon proper application and for meritorious reasons,
representative in the second legislative district of
allowed judges of inferior courts additional time beyond
Northern Samar are the petitioners, Sixto Balinquit and
the three-month period within which to decide cases
Antonio Co and the private respondent, Jose Ong, Jr.
submitted to them. The reason is that a departure from
said provision would result in less injury to the general Respondent Ong was proclaimed the duly elected
public than would its strict application. To hold that non- representative of the second district of Northern Samar.
compliance by the courts with the aforesaid provision
The petitioners filed election protests against the private
would result in loss of jurisdiction, would make the
respondent premised on the following grounds:
courts, through which conflicts are resolved, the very
instruments to foster unresolved causes by reason 1) Jose Ong, Jr. is not a natural born citizen of
merely of having failed to render a decision within the the Philippines; and
alloted term. Such an absurd situation could not have
been intended by the framers of our fundamental law. 2) Jose Ong, Jr. is not a resident of the second
district of Northern Samar.
As foreseen by Mr. Henry Campbell Black in his
Construction and Interpretation of the Laws, 15 the The HRET in its decision dated November 6, 1989,
constitutional provision in question should be held found for the private respondent.
merely as directory. "Thus, where the contrary A motion for reconsideration was filed by the petitioners
construction) would lead to absurd, impossible or on November 12, 1989. This was, however, denied by
mischievous consequences, it should not be followed. " the HRET in its resolution dated February 22, 1989.
One last point, Notwithstanding Our conclusion that Hence, these petitions for certiorari.
courts are not divested of their jurisdiction for failure to
decide a case within the ninety-day period, We here We treat the comments as answers and decide the
emphasize the rule, for the guidance of the judges issues raised in the petitions.
manning our courts, that cases pending before their ON THE ISSUE OF JURISDICTION
salas must be decided within the aforementioned period.

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The first question which arises refers to our jurisdiction. only when it has to vindicate a denial of due process or
correct an abuse of discretion so grave or glaring that no
The Constitution explicitly provides that the House of
less than the Constitution calls for remedial action.
Representatives Electoral Tribunal (HRET) and the
Senate Electoral Tribunal (SET) shall be the sole The Supreme Court under the 1987 Constitution, has
judges of all contests relating to the election, returns, been given an expanded jurisdiction, so to speak, to
and qualifications of their respective members. review the decisions of the other branches and agencies
(See Article VI, Section 17, Constitution) of the government to determine whether or not they have
acted within the bounds of the Constitution. (See Article
The authority conferred upon the Electoral Tribunal is
VIII, Section 1, Constitution)
full, clear and complete. The use of the
word sole emphasizes the exclusivity of the jurisdiction Yet, in the exercise thereof, the Court is to merely check
of these Tribunals. whether or not the governmental branch or agency has
gone beyond the Constitutional limits of its jurisdiction,
The Supreme Court in the case of Lazatin v. HRET (168
not that it erred or has a different view. In the absence of
SCRA 391 [1988]) stated that under the 1987
a showing that the HRET has committed grave abuse of
Constitution, the jurisdiction of the Electoral Tribunal is
discretion amounting to lack of jurisdiction, there is no
original and exclusive, viz:
occasion for the Court to exercise its corrective power; it
The use of the word "sole" emphasizes the will not decide a matter which by its nature is for the
exclusive character of the jurisdiction conferred HRET alone to decide. (See Marcos v. Manglapus, 177
(Angara v. Electoral Commission, supra at p. SCRA 668 [1989]) It has no power to look into what it
162). The exercise of power by the Electoral thinks is apparent error.
Commission under the 1935 Constitution has
As constitutional creations invested with necessary
been described as "intended to be as complete
power, the Electoral Tribunals, although not powers in
and unimpaired as if it had originally remained in
the tripartite scheme of the government, are, in the
the legislature." (id., at p. 175) Earlier this grant
exercise of their functions independent organs —
of power to the legislature was characterized by
independent of Congress and the Supreme Court. The
Justice Malcolm as "full, clear and complete;
power granted to HRET by the Constitution is intended
(Veloso v. Board of Canvassers of Leyte and
to be as complete and unimpaired as if it had remained
Samar, 39 Phil. 886 [1919]) Under the amended
originally in the legislature. (Angara v. Electoral
1935 Constitution, the power was unqualifiedly
Commission, 63 Phil. 139 [1936])
reposed upon the Electoral Tribunal and it
remained as full, clear and complete as that In passing upon petitions, the Court with its traditional
previously granted the Legislature and the and careful regard for the balance of powers, must
Electoral Commission, (Lachica v. Yap, 25 permit this exclusive privilege of the Tribunals to remain
SCRA 140 [1968]) The same may be said with where the Sovereign authority has place it. (See Veloso
regard to the jurisdiction of the Electoral Tribunal v. Boards of Canvassers of Leyte and Samar, 39 Phil.
under the 1987 Constitution. (p. 401) 886 [1919])
The Court continued further, ". . . so long as the It has been argued that under Article VI, Section 17 of
Constitution grants the HRET the power to be the sole the present Constitution, the situation may exist as it
judge of all contests relating to election, returns and exists today where there is an unhealthy one-sided
qualifications of members of the House of political composition of the two Electoral Tribunals.
Representatives, any final action taken by the HRET on There is nothing in the Constitution, however, that
a matter within its jurisdiction shall, as a rule, not be makes the HRET because of its composition any less
reviewed by this Court . . . the power granted to the independent from the Court or its constitutional functions
Electoral Tribunal is full, clear and complete and any less exclusive. The degree of judicial intervention
excludes the exercise of any authority on the part of this should not be made to depend on how many legislative
Court that would in any wise restrict it or curtail it or even members of the HRET belong to this party or that party.
affect the same." (pp. 403-404) The test remains the same-manifest grave abuse of
When may the Court inquire into acts of the Electoral
Tribunals under our constitutional grants of power? In the case at bar, the Court finds no improvident use of
power, no denial of due process on the part of the HRET
In the later case of Robles v. HRET (181 SCRA 780
which will necessitate the exercise of the power of
[1990]) the Supreme Court stated that the judgments of
judicial review by the Supreme Court.
the Tribunal are beyond judicial interference save only
"in the exercise of this Court's so-called extraordinary ON THE ISSUE OF CITIZENSHIP
jurisdiction, . . . upon a determination that the Tribunal's
The records show that in the year 1895, the private
decision or resolution was rendered without or in excess
respondent's grandfather, Ong Te, arrived in the
of its jurisdiction, or with grave abuse of discretion or
Philippines from China. Ong Te established his
paraphrasing Morrero, upon a clear showing of such
residence in the municipality of Laoang, Samar on land
arbitrary and improvident use by the Tribunal of its
which he bought from the fruits of hard work.
power as constitutes a denial of due process of law, or
upon a demonstration of a very clear unmitigated As a resident of Laoang, Ong Te was able to obtain a
ERROR, manifestly constituting such GRAVE ABUSE certificate of residence from the then Spanish colonial
OF DISCRETION that there has to be a remedy for such administration.
abuse." (at pp. 785-786)
The father of the private respondent, Jose Ong Chuan
In the leading case of Morrero v. Bocar (66 Phil. 429 was born in China in 1905. He was brought by Ong Te to
[1938]) the Court ruled that the power of the Electoral Samar in the year 1915.
Commission "is beyond judicial interference except, in
Jose Ong Chuan spent his childhood in the province of
any event, upon a clear showing of such arbitrary and
Samar. In Laoang, he was able to establish an enduring
improvident use of power as will constitute a denial of
relationship with his neighbors, resulting in his easy
due process." The Court does not venture into the
assimilation into the community.
perilous area of trying to correct perceived errors of
independent branches of the Government, It comes in

Page 3 of 82
As Jose Ong Chuan grew older in the rural and seaside The private respondent frequently went home to Laoang,
community of Laoang, he absorbed Filipino cultural Samar, where he grew up and spent his childhood days.
values and practices. He was baptized into Christianity.
In 1984, the private respondent married a Filipina named
As the years passed, Jose Ong Chuan met a natural
Desiree Lim.
born-Filipino, Agripina Lao. The two fell in love and,
thereafter, got married in 1932 according to Catholic For the elections of 1984 and 1986, Jose Ong, Jr.
faith and practice. registered himself as a voter of Laoang, Samar, and
correspondingly, voted there during those elections.
The couple bore eight children, one of whom is the
private respondent who was born in 1948. The private respondent after being engaged for several
years in the management of their family business
The private respondent's father never emigrated from
decided to be of greater service to his province and ran
this country. He decided to put up a hardware store and
for public office. Hence, when the opportunity came in
shared and survived the vicissitudes of life in Samar.
1987, he ran in the elections for representative in the
The business prospered. Expansion became inevitable. second district of Northern Samar.
As a result, a branch was set-up in Binondo, Manila. In
Mr. Ong was overwhelmingly voted by the people of
the meantime, the father of the private respondent,
Northern Samar as their representative in Congress.
unsure of his legal status and in an unequivocal
Even if the total votes of the two petitioners are
affirmation of where he cast his life and family, filed with
combined, Ong would still lead the two by more than
the Court of First Instance of Samar an application for
7,000 votes.
naturalization on February 15, 1954.
The pertinent portions of the Constitution found in Article
On April 28, 1955, the CFI of Samar, after trial, declared
IV read:
Jose Ong Chuan a Filipino citizen.
SECTION 1, the following are citizens of the
On May 15, 1957, the Court of First Instance of Samar
issued an order declaring the decision of April 28, 1955
as final and executory and that Jose Ong Chuan may 1. Those who are citizens of the Philippines at
already take his Oath of Allegiance. the time of the adoption of the Constitution;
Pursuant to said order, Jose Ong Chuan took his Oath of 2. Those whose fathers or mothers are citizens
Allegiance; correspondingly, a certificate of of the Philippines;
naturalization was issued to him.
3. Those born before January 17, 1973, of
At the time Jose Ong Chuan took his oath, the private Filipino mothers, who elect Philippine citizenship
respondent then a minor of nine years was finishing his upon reaching the age of majority; and
elementary education in the province of Samar. There is
4. Those who are naturalized in accordance with
nothing in the records to differentiate him from other
Filipinos insofar as the customs and practices of the
local populace were concerned. SECTION 2, Natural-born Citizens are those
who are citizens of the Philippines from birth
Fortunes changed. The house of the family of the private
without having to perform any act to acquire or
respondent in Laoang, Samar was burned to the ground.
perfect their citizenship. Those who elect
Undaunted by the catastrophe, the private respondent's Philippine citizenship in accordance with
family constructed another one in place of their ruined paragraph 3 hereof shall be deemed natural-
house. Again, there is no showing other than that born citizens.
Laoang was their abode and home.
The Court interprets Section 1, Paragraph 3 above as
After completing his elementary education, the private applying not only to those who elect Philippine
respondent, in search for better education, went to citizenship after February 2, 1987 but also to those who,
Manila in order to acquire his secondary and college having been born of Filipino mothers, elected citizenship
education. before that date.
In the meantime, another misfortune was suffered by the The provision in Paragraph 3 was intended to correct an
family in 1975 when a fire gutted their second house in unfair position which discriminates against Filipino
Laoang, Samar. The respondent's family constructed still women. There is no ambiguity in the deliberations of the
another house, this time a 16-door apartment building, Constitutional Commission, viz:
two doors of which were reserved for the family.
Mr. Azcuna: With respect to the provision of
The private respondent graduated from college, and section 4, would this refer only to those who
thereafter took and passed the CPA Board elect Philippine citizenship after the effectivity of
Examinations. the 1973 Constitution or would it also cover
those who elected it under the 1973
Since employment opportunities were better in Manila,
the respondent looked for work here. He found a job in
the Central Bank of the Philippines as an examiner. Fr. Bernas: It would apply to anybody who
Later, however, he worked in the hardware business of elected Philippine citizenship by virtue of the
his family in Manila. In 1971, his elder brother, Emil, was provision of the 1935 Constitution whether the
elected as a delegate to the 1971 Constitutional election was done before or after January 17,
Convention. His status as a natural born citizen was 1973. (Records of the Constitutional
challenged. Parenthetically, the Convention which in Commission, Vol. 1, p. 228; Emphasis supplied)
drafting the Constitution removed the unequal treatment
x x x           x x x          x x x
given to derived citizenship on the basis of the mother's
citizenship formally and solemnly declared Emil Ong, Mr. Trenas: The Committee on Citizenship, Bill
respondent's full brother, as a natural born Filipino. The of Rights, Political Rights and Obligations and
Constitutional Convention had to be aware of the Human Rights has more or less decided to
meaning of natural born citizenship since it was precisely extend the interpretation of who is a natural-born
amending the article on this subject. citizen as provided in section 4 of the 1973
Constitution by adding that persons who have

Page 4 of 82
elected Philippine Citizenship under the 1935 having their essence in their form but are
Constitution shall be natural-born? Am I right Mr. organic living institutions, the significance of
Presiding Officer? which is vital not formal. . . . (p. 427)
Fr. Bernas: yes. The provision in question was enacted to correct the
anomalous situation where one born of a Filipino father
x x x           x x x          x x x
and an alien mother was automatically granted the
Mr. Nolledo: And I remember very well that in status of a natural-born citizen while one born of a
the Reverend Father Bernas' well written book, Filipino mother and an alien father would still have to
he said that the decision was designed merely to elect Philippine citizenship. If one so elected, he was
accommodate former delegate Ernesto Ang and not, under earlier laws, conferred the status of a natural-
that the definition on natural-born has no born.
retroactive effect. Now it seems that the
Under the 1973 Constitution, those born of Filipino
Reverend Father Bernas is going against this
fathers and those born of Filipino mothers with an alien
intention by supporting the amendment?
father were placed on equal footing. They were both
Fr. Bernas: As the Commissioner can see, there considered as natural-born citizens.
has been an evolution in my thinking. (Records
Hence, the bestowment of the status of "natural-born"
of the Constitutional Commission, Vol. 1, p. 189)
cannot be made to depend on the fleeting accident of
x x x           x x x          x x x time or result in two kinds of citizens made up of
essentially the same similarly situated members.
Mr. Rodrigo: But this provision becomes very
important because his election of Philippine It is for this reason that the amendments were enacted,
citizenship makes him not only a Filipino citizen that is, in order to remedy this accidental anomaly, and,
but a natural-born Filipino citizen entitling him to therefore, treat equally all those born before the 1973
run for Congress. . . Constitution and who elected Philippine citizenship either
before or after the effectivity of that Constitution.
Fr. Bernas: Correct. We are quite aware of that
and for that reason we will leave it to the body to The Constitutional provision in question is, therefore
approve that provision of section 4. curative in nature. The enactment was meant to correct
the inequitable and absurd situation which then
Mr. Rodrigo: I think there is a good basis for the prevailed, and thus, render those acts valid which would
provision because it strikes me as unfair that the have been nil at the time had it not been for the curative
Filipino citizen who was born a day before provisions. (See Development Bank of the Philippines v.
January 17, 1973 cannot be a Filipino citizen or Court of Appeals, 96 SCRA 342 [1980])
a natural-born citizen. (Records of the
Constitutional Commission, Vol. 1, p. 231) There is no dispute that the respondent's mother was a
natural born Filipina at the time of her marriage. Crucial
x x x           x x x          x x x to this case is the issue of whether or not the respondent
Mr. Rodrigo: The purpose of that provision is to elected or chose to be a Filipino citizen.
remedy an inequitable Election becomes material because Section 2 of Article
situation.1avvphi1 Between 1935 and 1973 IV of the Constitution accords natural born status to
when we were under the 1935 Constitution, children born of Filipino mothers before January 17,
those born of Filipino fathers but alien mothers 1973, if they elect citizenship upon reaching the age of
were natural-born Filipinos. However, those born majority.
of Filipino mothers but alien fathers would have
to elect Philippine citizenship upon reaching the To expect the respondent to have formally or in writing
age of majority; and if they do elect, they elected citizenship when he came of age is to ask for the
become Filipino citizens but not natural-born unnatural and unnecessary. The reason is obvious. He
Filipino citizens. (Records of the Constitutional was already a citizen. Not only was his mother a natural
Commission, Vol. 1, p. 356) born citizen but his father had been naturalized when the
respondent was only nine (9) years old. He could not
The foregoing significantly reveals the intent of the have divined when he came of age that in 1973 and
framers. To make the provision prospective from 1987 the Constitution would be amended to require him
February 3, 1987 is to give a narrow interpretation to have filed a sworn statement in 1969 electing
resulting in an inequitable situation. It must also be citizenship inspite of his already having been a citizen
retroactive. since 1957. In 1969, election through a sworn statement
It should be noted that in construing the law, the Courts would have been an unusual and unnecessary
are not always to be hedged in by the literal meaning of procedure for one who had been a citizen since he was
its language. The spirit and intendment thereof, must nine years old.
prevail over the letter, especially where adherence to the We have jurisprudence that defines "election" as both a
latter would result in absurdity and injustice. (Casela v. formal and an informal process.
Court of Appeals, 35 SCRA 279 [1970])
In the case of In Re: Florencio Mallare (59 SCRA 45
A Constitutional provision should be construed so as to [1974]), the Court held that the exercise of the right of
give it effective operation and suppress the mischief at suffrage and the participation in election exercises
which it is aimed, hence, it is the spirit of the provision constitute a positive act of election of Philippine
which should prevail over the letter thereof. (Jarrolt v. citizenship. In the exact pronouncement of the Court, we
Mabberly, 103 U.S. 580) held:
In the words of the Court in the case of J.M. Tuason v. Esteban's exercise of the right of suffrage when
LTA (31 SCRA 413 [1970]: he came of age, constitutes a positive act of
To that primordial intent, all else is subordinated. election of Philippine citizenship (p. 52;
Our Constitution, any constitution is not to be emphasis supplied)
construed narrowly or pedantically for the
prescriptions therein contained, to paraphrase
Justice Holmes, are not mathematical formulas

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The private respondent did more than merely exercise run against the principle of due process. Jose Ong
his right of suffrage. He has established his life here in Chuan has already been laid to rest. How can he be
the Philippines. given a fair opportunity to defend himself. A dead man
cannot speak. To quote the words of the HRET "Ong
For those in the peculiar situation of the respondent who
Chuan's lips have long been muted to perpetuity by his
cannot be expected to have elected citizenship as they
demise and obviously he could not use beyond where
were already citizens, we apply the In Re Mallare rule.
his mortal remains now lie to defend himself were this
The respondent was born in an outlying rural town of matter to be made a central issue in this case."
Samar where there are no alien enclaves and no racial
The issue before us is not the nullification of the grant of
distinctions. The respondent has lived the life of a
citizenship to Jose Ong Chuan. Our function is to
Filipino since birth. His father applied for naturalization
determine whether or not the HRET committed abuse of
when the child was still a small boy. He is a Roman
authority in the exercise of its powers. Moreover, the
Catholic. He has worked for a sensitive government
respondent traces his natural born citizenship through
agency. His profession requires citizenship for taking the
his mother, not through the citizenship of his father. The
examinations and getting a license. He has participated
citizenship of the father is relevant only to determine
in political exercises as a Filipino and has always
whether or not the respondent "chose" to be a Filipino
considered himself a Filipino citizen. There is nothing in
when he came of age. At that time and up to the present,
the records to show that he does not embrace Philippine
both mother and father were Filipinos. Respondent
customs and values, nothing to indicate any tinge of
Ong could not have elected any other citizenship unless
alien-ness no acts to show that this country is not his
he first formally renounced Philippine citizenship in favor
natural homeland. The mass of voters of Northern
of a foreign nationality. Unlike other persons faced with a
Samar are frilly aware of Mr. Ong's parentage. They
problem of election, there was no foreign nationality of
should know him better than any member of this Court
his father which he could possibly have chosen.
will ever know him. They voted by overwhelming
numbers to have him represent them in Congress. There is another reason why we cannot declare the
Because of his acts since childhood, they have HRET as having committed manifest grave abuse of
considered him as a Filipino. discretion. The same issue of natural-born citizenship
has already been decided by the Constitutional
The filing of sworn statement or formal declaration is a
Convention of 1971 and by the Batasang Pambansa
requirement for those who still have to elect
convened by authority of the Constitution drafted by that
citizenship. For those already Filipinos when the time to
Convention. Emil Ong, full blood brother of the
elect came up, there are acts of deliberate choice which
respondent, was declared and accepted as a natural
cannot be less binding. Entering a profession open only
born citizen by both bodies.
to Filipinos, serving in public office where citizenship is a
qualification, voting during election time, running for Assuming that our opinion is different from that of the
public office, and other categorical acts of similar nature Constitutional Convention, the Batasang Pambansa, and
are themselves formal manifestations of choice for these the respondent HRET, such a difference could only be
persons. characterized as error. There would be no basis to call
the HRET decision so arbitrary and whimsical as to
An election of Philippine citizenship presupposes that
amount to grave abuse of discretion.
the person electing is an alien. Or his status is doubtful
because he is a national of two countries. There is no What was the basis for the Constitutional Convention's
doubt in this case about Mr. Ong's being a Filipino when declaring Emil Ong a natural born citizen?
he turned twenty-one (21).
Under the Philippine Bill of 1902, inhabitants of the
We repeat that any election of Philippine citizenship on Philippines who were Spanish subjects on the 11th day
the part of the private respondent would not only have of April 1899 and then residing in said islands and their
been superfluous but it would also have resulted in an children born subsequent thereto were conferred the
absurdity. How can a Filipino citizen elect Philippine status of a Filipino citizen.
Was the grandfather of the private respondent a Spanish
The respondent HRET has an interesting view as to how subject?
Mr. Ong elected citizenship. It observed that "when
Article 17 of the Civil Code of Spain enumerates those
protestee was only nine years of age, his father, Jose
who were considered Spanish Subjects, viz:
Ong Chuan became a naturalized Filipino. Section 15 of
the Revised Naturalization Act squarely applies its ARTICLE 17. The following are Spaniards:
benefit to him for he was then a minor residing in this
1. Persons born in Spanish territory.
country. Concededly, it was the law itself that had
already elected Philippine citizenship for protestee by 2. Children born of a Spanish father or mother,
declaring him as such." (Emphasis supplied) even though they were born out of Spain.
The petitioners argue that the respondent's father was 3. Foreigners who may have obtained
not, validly, a naturalized citizen because of his naturalization papers.
premature taking of the oath of citizenship.
4. Those without such papers, who may have
The Court cannot go into the collateral procedure of acquired domicile in any town in the Monarchy.
stripping Mr. Ong's father of his citizenship after his (Emphasis supplied)
death and at this very late date just so we can go after
the son. The domicile of a natural person is the place of his
habitual residence. This domicile, once established is
The petitioners question the citizenship of the father considered to continue and will not be deemed lost until
through a collateral approach. This can not be done. In a new one is established. (Article 50, NCC; Article 40,
our jurisdiction, an attack on a person's citizenship may Civil Code of Spain; Zuellig v. Republic, 83 Phil. 768
only be done through a direct action for its nullity. [1949])
(See Queto v. Catolico, 31 SCRA 52 [1970])
As earlier stated, Ong Te became a permanent resident
To ask the Court to declare the grant of Philippine of Laoang, Samar around 1895. Correspondingly, a
citizenship to Jose Ong Chuan as null and void would certificate of residence was then issued to him by virtue

Page 6 of 82
of his being a resident of Laoang, Samar. (Report of the Since the execution of the document and the inability to
Committee on Election Protests and Credentials of the produce were adequately established, the contents of
1971 Constitutional Convention, September 7, 1972, p. the questioned documents can be proven by a copy
3) thereof or by the recollection of witnesses.
The domicile that Ong Te established in 1895 continued Moreover, to erase all doubts as to the authenticity of the
until April 11, 1899; it even went beyond the turn of the documentary evidence cited in the Committee Report,
19th century. It is also in this place were Ong Te set-up the former member of the 1971 Constitutional
his business and acquired his real property. Convention, Atty. Nolledo, when he was presented as a
witness in the hearing of the protest against the private
As concluded by the Constitutional Convention, Ong Te
respondent, categorically stated that he saw the
falls within the meaning of sub-paragraph 4 of Article 17
disputed documents presented during the hearing of the
of the Civil Code of Spain.
election protest against the brother of the private
Although Ong Te made brief visits to China, he, respondent. (TSN, February 1, 1989, pp. 8-9)
nevertheless, always returned to the Philippines. The
In his concurring opinion, Mr. Justice Sarmiento, a vice-
fact that he died in China, during one of his visits in said
president of the Constitutional Convention, states that he
country, was of no moment. This will not change the fact
was presiding officer of the plenary session which
that he already had his domicile fixed in the Philippines
deliberated on the report on the election protest against
and pursuant to the Civil Code of Spain, he had become
Delegate Emil Ong. He cites a long list of names of
a Spanish subject.
delegates present. Among them are Mr. Chief Justice
If Ong Te became a Spanish subject by virtue of having Fernan, and Mr. Justice Davide, Jr. The petitioners could
established his domicile in a town under the Monarchy of have presented any one of the long list of delegates to
Spain, necessarily, Ong Te was also an inhabitant of the refute Mr. Ong's having been declared a natural-born
Philippines for an inhabitant has been defined as one citizen. They did not do so. Nor did they demur to the
who has actual fixed residence in a place; one who has contents of the documents presented by the private
a domicile in a place. (Bouvier's Law Dictionary, Vol. II) respondent. They merely relied on the procedural
A priori, there can be no other logical conclusion but to objections respecting the admissibility of the evidence
educe that Ong Te qualified as a Filipino citizen under presented.
the provisions of section 4 of the Philippine Bill of 1902.
The Constitutional Convention was the sole judge of the
The HRET itself found this fact of absolute verity in qualifications of Emil Ong to be a member of that body.
concluding that the private respondent was a natural- The HRET by explicit mandate of the Constitution, is
born Filipino. the sole judge of the qualifications of Jose Ong, Jr. to be
a member of Congress. Both bodies deliberated at
The petitioners' sole ground in disputing this fact is that length on the controversies over which they were sole
document presented to prove it were not in compliance judges. Decisions were arrived at only after a full
with the best the evidence rule. The petitioners allege presentation of all relevant factors which the parties
that the private respondent failed to present the original wished to present. Even assuming that we disagree with
of the documentary evidence, testimonial evidence and their conclusions, we cannot declare their acts as
of the transcript of the proceedings of the body which the committed with grave abuse of discretion. We have to
aforesaid resolution of the 1971 Constitutional keep clear the line between error and grave abuse.
Convention was predicated.
On the contrary, the documents presented by the private
respondent fall under the exceptions to the best The petitioners question the residence qualification of
evidence rule. respondent Ong.
It was established in the proceedings before the HRET The petitioners lose sight of the meaning of "residence"
that the originals of the Committee Report No. 12, the under the Constitution. The term "residence" has been
minutes of the plenary session of 1971 Constitutional understood as synonymous with domicile not only under
Convention held on November 28, 1972 cannot be the previous Constitutions but also under the 1987
found. Constitution.
This was affirmed by Atty. Ricafrente, Assistant The deliberations of the Constitutional Commission
Secretary of the 1971 Constitutional Convention; by Atty. reveal that the meaning of residence vis-a-vis the
Nolledo, Delegate to the 1971 Constitutional Convention; qualifications of a candidate for Congress continues to
and by Atty. Antonio Santos, Chief Librarian of the U.P remain the same as that of domicile, to wit:
Law Center, in their respective testimonies given before
Mr. Nolledo: With respect to Section 5, I
the HRET to the effect that there is no governmental
remember that in the 1971 Constitutional
agency which is the official custodian of the records of
Convention, there was an attempt to require
the 1971 Constitutional Convention. (TSN, December
residence in the place not less than one year
12, 1988, pp. 30-31; TSN, January 17, 1989, pp. 34-35;
immediately preceding the day of the elections.
TSN, February 1, 1989, p. 44; TSN, February 6, 1989,
So my question is: What is the Committee's
pp. 28-29)
concept of residence of a candidate for the
The execution of the originals was established by Atty. legislature? Is it actual residence or is it the
Ricafrente, who as the Assistant Secretary of the 1971 concept of domicile or constructive residence?
Constitutional Convention was the proper party to testify
Mr. Davide: Madame President, in so far as the
to such execution. (TSN, December 12, 1989, pp. 11-24)
regular members of the National Assembly are
The inability to produce the originals before the HRET concerned, the proposed section merely
was also testified to as aforestated by Atty. Ricafrente, provides, among others, and a resident thereof,
Atty. Nolledo, and Atty. Santos. In proving the inability to that is, in the district, for a period of not less than
produce, the law does not require the degree of proof to one year preceding the day of the election. This
be of sufficient certainty; it is enough that it be shown was in effect lifted from the 1973 Constitution,
that after a bona fide diligent search, the same cannot the interpretation given to it was domicile.
be found. (see Government of P.I. v. Martinez, 44 Phil. (Records of the 1987 Constitutional Convention,
817 [1918]) Vol. 11, July 22, 1986. p. 87)

Page 7 of 82
x x x           x x x          x x x citizenship, voting and residence requirements. Nowhere
is it required by the Constitution that the candidate
Mrs. Rosario Braid: The next question is on
should also own property in order to be qualified to run.
Section 7, page 2. I think Commissioner Nolledo
(see Maquera v. Borra, 122 Phil. 412 [1965])
has raised the same point that "resident" has
been interpreted at times as a matter of intention It has also been settled that absence from residence to
rather than actual residence. pursue studies or practice a profession or registration as
a voter other than in the place where one is elected,
Mr. De los Reyes: Domicile.
does not constitute loss of residence. (Faypon v.
Ms. Rosario Braid: Yes, So, would the Quirino, 96 Phil. 294 [1954])
gentlemen consider at the proper time to go
As previously stated, the private respondent stayed in
back to actual residence rather than mere
Manila for the purpose of finishing his studies and later
intention to reside?
to practice his profession, There was no intention to
Mr. De los Reyes: But we might encounter some abandon the residence in Laoang, Samar. On the
difficulty especially considering that a provision contrary, the periodical journeys made to his home
in the Constitution in the Article on Suffrage says province reveal that he always had
that Filipinos living abroad may vote as enacted the animus revertendi.
by law. So, we have to stick to the original
The Philippines is made up not only of a single race; it
concept that it should be by domicile and not
has, rather, undergone an interracial evolution.
physical and actual residence. (Records of the
Throughout our history, there has been a continuing
1987 Constitutional Commission, Vol. 11, July
influx of Malays, Chinese, Americans, Japanese,
22, 1986, p. 110)
Spaniards and other nationalities. This racial diversity
The framers of the Constitution adhered to the earlier gives strength to our country.
definition given to the word "residence" which regarded it
Many great Filipinos have not been whole-blooded
as having the same meaning as domicile.
nationals, if there is such a person, for there is none. To
The term "domicile" denotes a fixed permanent mention a few, the great Jose Rizal was part Chinese,
residence to which when absent for business or the late Chief Justice Claudio Teehankee was part
pleasure, one intends to return. (Ong Huan Tin v. Chinese, and of course our own President, Corazon
Republic, 19 SCRA 966 [1967]) The absence of a Aquino is also part Chinese. Verily, some Filipinos of
person from said permanent residence, no matter how whom we are proud were ethnically more Chinese than
long, notwithstanding, it continues to be the domicile of the private respondent.
that person. In other words, domicile is characterized
Our citizens no doubt constitute the country's greatest
by animus revertendi (Ujano v. Republic, 17 SCRA 147
wealth. Citizenship is a special privilege which one must
forever cherish.
The domicile of origin of the private respondent, which
However, in order to truly revere this treasure of
was the domicile of his parents, is fixed at Laoang,
citizenship, we do not, on the basis of too harsh an
Samar. Contrary to the petitioners' imputation, Jose Ong,
interpretation, have to unreasonably deny it to those who
Jr. never abandoned said domicile; it remained fixed
qualify to share in its richness.
therein even up to the present.
Under the overly strict jurisprudence surrounding our
The private respondent, in the proceedings before the
antiquated naturalization laws only the very affluent
HRET sufficiently established that after the fire that
backed by influential patrons, who were willing to suffer
gutted their house in 1961, another one was
the indignities of a lengthy, sometimes humiliating, and
often corrupt process of clearances by minor
Likewise, after the second fire which again destroyed bureaucrats and whose lawyers knew how to overcome
their house in 1975, a sixteen-door apartment was built so many technical traps of the judicial process were able
by their family, two doors of which were reserved as their to acquire citizenship. It is time for the naturalization law
family residence. (TSN, Jose Ong, Jr., November to be revised to enable a more positive, affirmative, and
18,1988, p. 8) meaningful examination of an applicant's suitability to be
a Filipino. A more humane, more indubitable and less
The petitioners' allegation that since the private technical approach to citizenship problems is essential.
respondent owns no property in Laoang, Samar, he
cannot, therefore, be a resident of said place is WHEREFORE, the petitions are hereby DISMISSED.
misplaced. The questioned decision of the House of
Representatives Electoral Tribunal is AFFIRMED.
The properties owned by the Ong Family are in the Respondent Jose Ong, Jr. is declared a natural-born
name of the private respondent's parents. Upon the citizen of the Philippines and a resident of Laoang,
demise of his parents, necessarily, the private Northern Samar.
respondent, pursuant to the laws of succession, became
the co-owner thereof (as a co- heir), notwithstanding the SO ORDERED.
fact that these were still in the names of his parents.
Even assuming that the private respondent does not
own any property in Samar, the Supreme Court in the G.R. No. L-58289 July 24, 1982
case of De los Reyes v. Solidum (61 Phil. 893 [1935]) VALENTINO L. LEGASPI, petitioner, 
held that it is not required that a person should have a vs.
house in order to establish his residence and domicile. It THE HONORABLE MINISTER OF FINANCE and THE
is enough that he should live in the municipality or in a HONORABLE COMMISSIONER and/or THE BUREAU
rented house or in that of a friend or relative. (Emphasis OF INTERNAL REVENUE; respondents.
To require the private respondent to own property in
order to be eligible to run for Congress would be BARREDO, J.:
tantamount to a property qualification. The Constitution Petition filed by the Honorable Valentino L. Legaspi,
only requires that the candidate meet the age, incumbent member of the interim Batasang Pambansa,

Page 8 of 82
praying that this Court declare Presidential Decree 1840 8. That the Respondents are intending
"granting tax amnesty and filing of statement of assets and in fact implementing the provisions
and liabilities and some other purposes" unconstitutional. of the questioned decree and the same
tends to affect all taxpayers in the
The petition contains the following allegations:
Philippines including herein Petitioner;
5. That said decree was issued by the that he is now in a quandary on whether
President under supposed legislative to take advantage of the benefits of said
powers granted him under Amendment decree since the same is of doubtful
No. 6 of the Constitution proclaimed in constitutionality leaving him no
full force and effect as of October 27, protection as guaranteed by the decree
1976 pursuant to Proclamation No. 1595 and thus subject him to prosecution for
and which is quoted as follows: violation of which otherwise would have
held him immune under said decree;
Whenever in the
Judgment of the 9. That as a member of the Batasang
President, there exists a Pambansa he knows that the subject of
grave emergency or a the questioned decree has not been
threat or imminence brought to the attention of the Batasang
thereof, or whenever Pambansa requiring immediate
the interim Batasang attention, the fact being that the original
Pambansa or the tax amnesty decree which the
regular National questioned decree amended or modified
Assembly fails or is has long been effective and
unable to act implemented by the Respondents while
adequately on any the Batasang Pambansa was in
matter for any reason session;
that in his judgment
10. That Presidential Decree No. 1840
requires immediate
is patently null and void having been
action, he may in order
passed without the concurrence of the
to meet the exigency,
Batasang Pambansa and it is likewise of
issue the necessary
public interest and of the nation that the
decrees, orders, or
question of whether the President
letters of instruction,
retained his legislative power after lifting
which shall form part of
Martial Law and after the Constitution
the law of the land.
was amended on April 7, 1981 be
6. That said decree was promulgated resolved;
despite the fact that under the
11. That the questioned decree being
Constitution "(T)he legislative power
the first dated after the lifting of Martial
shall be vested in a Batasang
Law and the April 7 amendments brings
Pambansa" (Sec. 1, Article VIII) and the
to test the validity of the exercise of
President may grant amnesty only with
standby emergency powers invoked in
concurrence of the Batasang Pambansa
Amendment No. 6. (Pp. 3-6, record.)
(Sec. 11, Art. VII);
As the petitioner himself puts it in his memorandum, the
7. That Amendment No. 6 is not one of
issue is: Whether the 1973 Constitution as amended by
the powers granted the President by the
Plebiscite-Referendum of 1976, retained the same
Constitution as amended in the
amendments, more particularly Amendment No. 6, after
plebiscite of April 7, 1981; that while
it was again amended in the Plebiscite held on April 7,
Section 16 of Art. VII of the Constitution
On the issue thus formulated by petitioner, it is
All powers vested in the
maintained that "Amendment No. 6 is rendered
President of the
inoperable, deleted and/or repealed by the amendments
Philippines under the
of April 7, 1981". Opening his discussion of this
1935 Constitution and
proposition thus:
the laws of the land
which are not herein Amendment No. 6 as originally
provided for on submitted to the people for ratification
conferred upon any under Pres. Dec. No. 1033, and
official shall be deemed thereafter approved reads as follows:
and are hereby vested
Whenever in the
in the President unless
judgment of the
the Batasang
President (Prime
Pambansa provides
Minister), there exists a
grave emergency or a
such re-confirmation of existing powers threat or imminence
did not mean to include the President's thereof, or whenever
legislative powers under Amendment the Interim Batasang
No. 6: by "the laws of the land which are Pambansa or the
not herein provided for or conferred regular National
upon any official" only those laws that Assembly fails or is
have been passed by the existing and/or unable to act
prior legislature are intended; adequately on any
matter for any reason
that in his judgment

Page 9 of 82
requires immediate "incumbent President" in the
action, he may, in order amendment of 1976. While it is true that
to meet the exigency, Amendment No. 6 fails to distinguish
issue the necessary between "incumbent" and "regular" all
decrees, orders, or provisions with reference to the powers
letters of instruction, of the Presidency is deemed foreclosed
which shall form part of by Article VII of the newly amended
the law of the land. Constitution. Article VII enumerates
presidential powers. To construe that
Whether the matter or that there was an
the 1976 Amendments are still
exigency which required immediate
applicable, other than that referring to
action let it be conceded that in the
the Interim Batasang Pambansa would
judgment of the President such facts do
be an incompatibility to the application
exist. (Emphasis ours)
of the present constitutional provisions.
It is to be observed that the original text
Generally taken, the 1976 amendments
mentions President (Prime Minister).
are amendments to the transitory
This is so because under No. 3 of the
provisions of the Constitution. Insofar as
same amendment,
the office of the President or the Prime
... The incumbent Minister is concerned they have ceased
President of the to be governed by the transitory
Philippines shall be the provisions but under the newly amended
Prime Minister and he Constitution.
shall continue to
Batas Pambansa Blg. 125 called for the
exercise all his powers
election of a President under the newly
even after the interim
amended Constitution. President
Batasang Pambansa is
Marcos ran as candidate and was
organized and ready to
proclaimed the duly elected President of
discharge its functions,
the Philippines by resolution no. 2 of the
and likewise he shall
Batasang Pambansa dated June 21,
continue to exercise his
1981. He took his oath of office as the
powers and
duly elected President. The Prime
prerogatives under the
Minister, the Members of the Cabinet
1935 Constitution and
and the Executive Committee took their
the powers vested in
oaths after having been appointed and
the President and the
are now exercising their functions
Prime Minister under
pursuant to the new provisions. We
this Constitution.
even consider ourselves the Fourth
Parenthetically, the term "Incumbent Republic because of a new system of
President" employed in the transitory government. What particular part of the
provisions could only refer to President newly amended Constitution would
Ferdinand E. Marcos (Aquino vs. Amendment No. 6 fit in?
Commission on Elections, 62 SCRA
President Ferdinand E. Marcos ceased
to be the incumbent resident referred to
After the April 7 amendments there in the transitory provisions or in the
exists no longer "a President (Prime 1976 amendments. The Solicitor
Minister)" but "A President"and "A Prime General argued that Amendment No. 6
Minister." They are now two different provided for the contingency that the
offices which cannot be held by a single office would be separated consisting of
person — not a transitory one but a a ceremonial President and a Prime
regular one provided for and governed Minister who will be he executive. Yet,
by the main provisions of the newly without express constitutional grant the
amended Constitution. Subsequent President now assumes a power
events accept the reality that we are no intended to be that of the Prime
longer governed by the transitory Minister. The intent of the 1981
provisions of the Constitution. (Pp. 27- amendments could not be interpreted
28, Record.) any other way except that after the
amendment it would no longer be proper
petitioner rationalizes his affirmative to exercise those reposed upon the
position thereon this wise: Prime Minister. Powers previously
Is Amendment No. 6 of the 1973 reposed upon the Prime Minister were
Constitution as approved in 1976 expressly removed from him and given
reproduced or unaffected by the April 7, to the President. Amendment No. 6 is
1981 amendment? Or, is it considered not one of those.
repealed by Omission? The proposed amendments under
The Constitutional provisions of the Batasan . No. 104 became Question No.
Presidency do not restate the provisions 1 in the ballot of April 7, 1981 plebiscite
of Amendment No. 6 which grants the to which the voter was asked (B.P. Blg.
President (Prime Minister) limited 122):
powers to legislate. This is tantamount Do you vote for the
to a withdrawal or deletion of such grant. approval of an
There is no way by which the incumbent amendment to the
President be referred to anymore as the Constitution and to

Page 10 of 82
Amendment No. 2, as Batasang Pambansa contemplated in that Section 1 is
proposed by the the regular assembly (formerly referred to as National
Batasang Pambansa in Assembly, now as Batasang Pambansa — evidently to
Resolution No. 2, which, indigenize the nomenclature, which, incidentally should
in substance, calls for have been done also with the Pangulo and Pangunang
the establishment of a Ministro), to be elected in May 1984, per Sec. 5(1) of the
modified parliamentary same Article. Thus, to begin with, in the instant case, We
system, amending for must keep in mind that at least for the present and until
this purpose Articles VII, 1984, what can be properly discussed here are only the
VIII and IX of the legislative powers of the interim Batasang Pambansa as
Constitution, with the such.
following principal
Without intending any reflection on any of those
features: ...
responsible for the Idea, it may be that it is for non-
Nowhere in feature (1) was it submitted essential reasons that the current legislative assembly is
that the President would enjoy being referred to generally simply as the Batasang
conditional or qualified legislative Pambansa. For in legal truth and in actual fact, and as
powers as modified parliamentary expressly admitted by petitioner, it is inherently no more
system. no less than the same interim. Batasang Pambansa
created by Amendment No. 2 by virtue of the
The original intent to set out the original
Referendum-Plebiscite of October 16-17, 1976. And, in
act or section as amended is most
this connection, it may be observed that indubitably, and
commonly indicated by a statement in
as a necessary and logical consequence, the
the amendatory act that the original law
amendment of Amendment No. 2 in 1981 carried with it
is amended to "read as follows." The
the corresponding appropriate adjustments literal and
new statute is a substitute for the
otherwise of Amendment Nos. 3 and 4, although these
original act or section. Only those
latter two were not specifically mentioned in the proposal
provisions of the original act or section
pursuant to BP-CA Resolution No. 4 of the Batasan,
repeated in the amendment are retained
acting as a constituent body nor in the Plebiscite
(Paras vs. Land Registration
Referendum Act itself, much less in the ballots
Commission, July 26, 1960, L-16011).
presented to and used by the voters. This is because it
That "The Legislative power shall be cannot be denied that Amendments 3 and 4 are by their
vested in the Batasang Pambansa" is an very nature inseparable parts of amendment No. 2.
old provision which has been retained.
But examining closely how the 1981 amendments
This in essence was Question No. 1 in
altered Amendment No. 2, it will be readily seen that the
the April 7 Plebiscite as to who exercise
only change consisted of the non-inclusion of the
legislative powers and who are to
"incumbent President" as member of the assembly in
execute. Nowhere in the approved
pursuance of the fundamental objective to separate the
Amendment can it be hinted that the
Presidency from the regular legislative body and thereby
hybrid-type of government also includes
establish in our country a modified form of parliamentary
a one-man legislature. The intent to
government more appropriate for and suitable to the
repose legislation only upon the
peculiar conditions of our political development and the
Batasan is very apparent. The adoption
idiosyncrasies of our people, and at the same time
of the new Constitution repeals and
introduce into it features that would strengthen its
supersedes all the provisions of the
structure so as to enable the government to cope with
older one not continued in force by the
emergencies or abnormal situations, not only like those
new instrument (16 C.J.S. 88). (Pp. 30-
that presently exist but even those that might arise in the
33, Record.)
future. Thus, it is characterized with a presidency more
After mature study and deliberation and considering the powerful than the idea of a strong President desired by
peculiar circumstances that dictated the formulation of President Quezon and actually embodied in the 1935
Amendment No. 6, the Court's conclusion is, that Constitution.
Assemblyman-Petitioners posture lacks, to say the least,
It is, therefore, evident that the reference to Amendment
sufficient merit.
No. 2 in the amendments of 1981 was not intended at all
Constitutional law is not simply the literal application of to convert or upgrade the present existing assembly into
the words of the Charter. The ancient and familiar rule of the regular Batasang Pambansa. To repeat, what we
constitutional construction that has consistently have now is still the  interim Batasang Pambansa
maintained its intrinsic and transcendental worth is that created in 1976. Importantly, it must be said that had the
the meaning and understanding conveyed by the present Batasan, acting as a constituent body, ever
language, albeit plain, of any of its provisions do not only thought of making itself the regular National Assembly,
portray the influence of current events and the very odious spectacle that the people rejected when
developments but likewise the inescapable imperative in the referendum of January 10-15, 1973 they repulsed
considerations rooted in the historical background and and repudiated theinterim National Assembly provided
environment at the time of its adoption and thereby for in Sections 1 and 2 of Article XVII (Transitory
caused their being written as part and parcel thereof. As Provisions) of the 1973 Constitution whereby the
long as this Court adheres closest to this perspective in members of the old Congress of the Philippines made
viewing any attack against any part of the Constitution, themselves automatically members of
to the end of determining what it actually encompasses the interim  assembly would have resuscitated, and we
and how it should be understood, no one can say We can readily imagine how the reaction of our people
have misguided Ourselves. None can reasonably would have been exactly the same as in 1973 and for
contend We are treading the wrong way. sure the 1981 proposed constitutional amendment
affecting the Batasang would again have been denied
True enough Article VIII, Sec. 1 of the Philippine sanction by our people.
Constitution as amended in 1981 explicitly ordains that
"(T)he legislative power shall be vested in a Batasang Having arrived at the ineludible that the present Batasan
Pambansa". Section 2, however, readily reveals that the is still interim, it also ineluctably follows that its legislative

Page 11 of 82
authority cannot be more exclusive now after 1981 At this juncture, it must be emphatically made clear that
amendments than when it was originally created in 1976. explicitly the power that Amendment No. 6 vests upon
Thus even as the interim Batasan which came into being the "President (Prime Minister)" are to be exercised only
"in lieu of the Interim National Assembly" by virtue of on two specified occasions, namely, (1) "when in (his
Amendment No. 2 consequently acquired "the same judgment) a grave emergency exists or there is a threat
powers and its Members — the same functions, or imminence thereof" and (2) "whenever the interim
responsibilities, rights and privileges, and Batasang Pambansa or the regular National Assembly
disqualifications as the regular National Assembly and (now regular Batasang Pambansa) fails or is unable to
the members thereof", there can be no question that act adequately on any matter for any reason that in his
coeval with the creation of the interim Batasan, judgment requires immediate action." The power is to
Amendment No. 6 came into force and effect. And "issue necessary decrees, orders, or letters of instruction
Amendment No. 6 mandates in unequivocal and which shall form part of the law of the land." As the tenor
unambiguous terms the grant of concurrent legislative of the amendment readily imparts, such power may be
authority to an official (the President [Prime Minister]) exercised even when the Batasan is in session.
who is not in the Batasan itself. Obviously, therefore, it is a power that is in the nature of
the other Powers which the Constitution directly confers
In brief, the inexorable logic of the events that brought
upon the President or allows to be delegated to him by
forth the present Batasan leads to no other conclusion
the Batasan in times of crises and emergencies.
than that the legislative authority vested in it by
Amendment No. 2, read together with Section 1, Article Indeed, it is but fitting and proper that in framing the
XVII and Section 1, of Article VIII of the 1973 fundamental law of the land which sets up a form of
Constitution, is subject to the external concurrent government and defines and delimits the powers thereof
legislative prerogative that Amendment No. 6 vests on and its officers, reserving as they must plenary
the "President (Prime Minister)." sovereignty to themselves, the people should prudently
provide what powers may and should be exercised by
Actually, the insistence of petitioner that Amendment No.
the government and/or its officials in times of crises and
6 has been repealed by the 1981 amendments springs
emergencies that could jeopardize the very life and/or
from another point of view. It is fundamentally based on
territorial integrity of the country. Even as individual
analysis and ratiocination related to the language and
rights and liberties are valued and enshrined as
tenor thereof. Petitioner maintains that said amendments
inviolable, the people, as they write their Charter thru a
vested extraordinary legislative powers on "the President
convention or other legitimate means, cannot ignore that
(Prime Minister)" and on nobody else, and since there is
in the event of war, insurrection, rebellion or invasion,
no one who is President (Prime Minister) under our
including any other critical situation, any one of which
present governmental set-up pursuant to 1981
cannot but affect the regular course of normal
amendments, no one in the existing government can
constitutional processes and institutions as well as the
exercise said powers.
prerogatives and freedoms of individual citizens of and
The persuasive force of such theory is more apparent inhabitants within the country, appropriate protective,
than real. As We have said earlier, the Constitution is not defensive and rehabilitative measures must be provided
merely a literal document to be always read according to therein and may be made to function or operate.
the plain and ordinary signification of its words. Beneath
Accordingly, both in the 1935 Constitution of the
and beyond the literal terms of the Charter, like a mine of
Philippines and in that of 1973, the following provisions
incalculably immense treasures, are elements and
were precisely intended to operate during such perilous
factors radiating from political and economic
developments of the situation prevailing at the time of
the inclusion of any particular provision thereof or 1. In times of war or other national emergency, the
amendment thereto. It is only from the light of the Batasang Pambansa may by law authorize the President
implications of such elements and factors that the real for a limited period and subject to such restrictions as it
essence and significance of the words of the may prescribe, to exercise powers necessary and proper
constitutional provision under scrutiny can be properly to carry out a declared national policy. Unless sooner
and adequately seen and comprehended. withdrawn by resolution of the Batasang Pambansa,
such powers shall cease upon its next adjournment. The
With reference to Amendment No. 6, it is of decisive
1935 version of this provision differs from it in that what
importance that anyone who would try to decipher its
was granted to the President was not the broad authority
true import should be acquainted with its ration d'tre, i.e.,
"to exercise such powers necessary and proper" but only
the whys and the wherefores thereof. Contrary to the
to issue rules and regulations purported to accomplish
imputations of petitioner, this amendment is not rooted in
the same objective.
the authoritarian, much less dictatorial tendencies or
inclinations of anyone. Any tinge or tint of 2. Section 10(2) of Article VII of the 1935 Constitution
authoritarianism in it is not there for the sake of the provided thus:
Ideology of dictatorship or authoritarian itself. Such hue
... (2) The President shall be
of a one-man authoritarianism it somehow connotes is
commander-in-chief of all armed forces
there only because it is so dictated by paramount
of the Philippines and, whenever it
considerations that are needed in order to safeguard the
becomes necessary, he may call out
very existence and integrity of the nation and all that it
such armed forces to prevent or
stands for. Perhaps the truism—almost a dogma—well
suppress lawless violence, invasion,
recognized by constitutionalists and political scientists of
insurrection, or rebellion. In case of
all persuasions as a convenient pragmatic rule for
invasion, insurrection or rebellion or
survival of nations, namely, that in an emergency, the
imminent danger thereof, when the
best form of government is a dictatorship, might have
public safety requires it, he may
been in the mind of those who formulated it, but it is
suspend the privileges of the writ of
quite obvious, as will be explained anon, that other
habeas corpus, or place the Philippines
fundamental factors must have been taken into account
or any part thereof under the martial
in order precisely to minimize the rigors and generally
feared oppressiveness of a dictatorship in an
unrestricted martial regime, its being dubbed as martial
law "Philippine style" notwithstanding.

Page 12 of 82
Under Section 12 of Article IX of the 1973 Constitution, excluding the stopping effectively of a brewing, if not a
exactly the same powers were conferred on the Prime strong separatist movement in Mindanao, and (2) the
Minister. establishment of a New Society by the institution of
disciplinary measures designed to eradicate the deep-
However, what is now Section 9 of Article VIII under the
rooted causes of the rebellion and elevate the standards
1981 amendments transferred all said powers to the
of living education and culture of our people, and most of
an the social amelioration of the poor and
As can be seen, as authorized by the Commander-in- underprivileged in the farms and in the barrios, to the
Chief clause of all our Constitutions, there have been as end that hopefully insurgency may not rear its head in
there still are three other measures that may be resorted this country again.
to during an emergency, namely:
The immediate reaction of some sectors of the nation
(1) Call out such armed forces to was of astonishment and dismay, for even if everyone
prevent or suppress lawless violence, knew that the gravity of the disorder, lawlessness, social
invasion, insurrection or rebellion or injustice, youth and student activism and other disturbing
imminent danger thereof, when public movements had reached a point of peril, they felt that
safety requires it; martial law over the whole country was not yet
warranted. Worse, political motivations were ascribed to
(2) Suspend the privilege of the writ of be behind the proclamation, what with the then
habeas corpus, and constitutionally unextendible term of President Marcos
(3) Place the Philippines or any part about to expire, and this suspicion became more
thereof under martial law. credible when opposition leaders and outspoken anti-
administration media people who did not hesitate to
It appears, therefore, that within the four corners of the resort even to libel were immediately placed under
Constitution itself, whether that of 1935 or that of 1973, indefinite detention in military camps and other unusual
there were four constitutionally designed ways of coping restrictions were imposed on travel, communication,
with abnormal situations in the country, namely: (1) the freedom of speech and of the press, etc. In a word, the
so-called emergency powers delegated by the assembly martial law regime was anathema to no small portion of
to the President; (2) the calling of the armed forces; (3) the populace. Criticisms or objections thereto were, of
the suspension of the privilege of the writ of habeas course, mostly covert, but there were even instances of
corpus and (4) the placing of the country or any part open resistance.
thereof under martial law. Understandably, it is to be
supposed that these measures are to be resorted to one Truth to tell, martial law is generally unwelcome
after the other according to the degree of gravity of the anywhere in the world. And when it is prolonged without
situation. anyone knowing when it would be lifted, the feeling of
discontent grows and spreads. Indeed, it is difficult to
A backward glance at our past experiences since the describe fully in an opinion like this all that many
implantation of American sovereignty in our country at consider obnoxious in martial law. Suffice it to say that
the turn of the century should remind us that at one time the New Society that came out of it did have its laudatory
or another all of these four measures have been features appreciated by large segments of the people,
resorted to, albeit martial law proclamations in the long but with many cases of abuses of the military marring
past were limited in area and duration because of the such receptive attitude, the clamor for the early lifting of
localized nature of the disturbances they were meant to martial law became more and more audible.
We can definitely say that no one more than President
Bearing all the foregoing considerations in mind, the Marcos was aware of those feelings and sentiments and,
question that naturally arises at this juncture is what in fact, even of the undercurrents of resistance. And as
need is there for the power contemplated in Amendment We visualize the situation he found himself in, he was
No. 6? Why does the country have to have a one-man faced with no less than a dilemma. He was convinced of
legislating authority concurrent with the Batasang the advantages, not personally to him, but to general
Pambansa? Are the above-discussed safeguards not welfare of martial law, but at the same time he was also
enough? conscious that martial law, in any form — call it
At this point, it must be noted that Amendment No. 6 Philippine style, smiling, benign or with any other
does not refer only to the interim Batasang Pambansa euphemistic adjective — was growing to be more and
but also to the regular "National Assembly" (now more distasteful. Even the New Society it was supposed
Batasang Pambansa), a consideration which lends force to bring about was slowly losing its splendor. Backsliding
to the conclusion that the 1981 amendments could not was creeping in some ways, discipline was loosening.
have been intended nor understood to do away with it. But over and above all such adverse developments, the
What, indeed, is the fundamental ration d'tre of perils to national security and public order still remained,
Amendment No. 6? if in a slightly lesser degree.
It is to be recalled that the said amendment was It was in the light of the above circumstances and as a
formulated in October 1976, more than fully four years means of solving the dilemma aforementioned that the
after the whole Philippines was first placed under martial concept embodied in Amendment No. 6 was born. In
law pursuant to Proclamation 1081 dated September 21, brief, the central Idea that emerged was that martial law
1972. True, without loss of time, President Marcos made may be earlier lifted, but to safeguard our country and
it clear that there was no military take-over of the people against any abrupt dangerous situation which
government, and that much less was there being would warrant the exercise of some authoritarian
established a revolutionary government, even as he powers, the latter must be constitutionally allowed,
declared that said martial law was of a double-barrelled thereby to obviate the need to proclaim martial law and
typed, unfamiliar to traditional constitutionalists and its concomitants, principally the assertion by the military
political scientists — for two basic and transcendental of prerogatives that made them appear superior to the
objectives were intended by it: (1) the quelling of civilian authorities below the President. In other words,
nationwide subversive activities characteristic not only of the problem was what may be needed for national
a rebellion but of a state of war fanned by a foreign survival or the restoration of normalcy in the face of a
power of a different Ideology from ours, and not crisis or an emergency should be reconciled with the

Page 13 of 82
popular mentality and attitude of the people against But being purely a political and legislative remedy, it
martial law. cannot be adequate when lawless violence becomes
generalized and public safety is in jeopardy, hence the
We have said earlier that the Constitution has four built-
need to call out the armed forces. And when such
in measures to cope with crises and emergencies. To
situation still aggravates to the point of requiring the
reiterate, they are: (a) emergency powers expressly
preventive incarceration or detention of certain leaders
delegated by the Batasan; (b) call of the armed forces,
or over active elements, it becomes inevitable to
who otherwise are supposed to be in the barracks; (c)
suspend the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus.
suspension of the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus;
and (d) martial law. Of these four, the people dislike Should matters really go out of hand even after the
martial law most and would, if possible, do away with it putting into effect of the measures aforementioned,
in the Constitution. And the President who first under the constitution. without Amendment No. 6, the
conceived of what is now Amendment No. 6 knew this. only recourse would be to proclaim martial law. But
Thus, Our understanding of the development of events inasmuch as martial law is an extreme measure that
and attitudes that led to the adoption of Amendment No. carries with it repressive and restrictive elements
6 is that in addition to the four measures authorized in unpopular to liberty loving and democratically minded
the body of the charter, this amendment is supposed to sectors of the country, it is but natural to think of it only
be a fifth one purportedly designed to make it practically as a very last resort.
unnecessary to proclaim martial law, except in instances
Well, it is to avoid the necessity of resorting to the
of actual surface warfare or rebellious activities or very
proclamation of martial law that Amendment No. 6 was
sophisticated subversive actions that cannot be
conceived. Paraphrasing President Marcos himself,
adequately met without martial law itself. Very evidently,
martial law is the law of the gun, that implies coercion
the purpose of Amendment No. 6 is that the Philippines
and an active and direct role in the government by the
be henceforth spared of martial law unless manifest
military. Thus, the virtue of Amendment No. 6 is that
extreme situations should ever demand it.
such undesirable features of martial law do not have to
To recapitulate, the amendments of October 1976 were accompany the exercise of the power thereby conferred
deliberately designed against martial law. The creation on the Executive. To be sure, the calling out of the
thereby of the  interim Batasang Pambansa in lieu of armed forces and the suspension of the privilege of the
the interim  National Assembly which never came into writ of habeas corpus, which are concomitants of martial
being because of vehement and justified popular law, may be left out or need not be resorted to when the
repudiation thereof was definitely an indispensable step President acts by virtue of such power. It is, therefore,
towards the lifting of martial law. Everyone can evident that it is grossly erroneous to say that
understand that martial law could not be lifted without a Amendment No. 6 is in reality no less than disguised
legislative body to make the laws. The legislative martial law.
authority could not be left in the hands of the President
Apparently conceding, at least in gratia argumenti, the
(Prime Minister). It would have been anachronistic to lift
truth and the logic of all the foregoing discussion and
martial law and still leave the law-making authority with
conclusions, petitioner raises the question of how can
the President (Prime Minister) alone.
Amendment No. 6 fit into the new set up under the 1981
Relatedly but more importantly, the vesting of the amendments, which abolished the dual position of
legislative authority to the  interim Batasang Pambansa, President Marcos of President-Prime Minister mandated
without more or exclusively, would have maintained the by the 1976 Amendment No. 3. According to petitioner,
safeguards of national security only to the four traditional President Marcos is President now (no longer President-
constitutional measures repeatedly discussed above, Prime Minister) pursuant to the 1981 amendments and
including martial law. The framers of the amendment by virtue of his election as such as proclaimed by the
realized only too well they had to look for a remedy Batasan on June 21, 1981. Not without a bit of sarcasm,
thereto, the dislike of the people, justified or not, of petitioner even refers to the reference to the status of
martial law. And so, to make the proclamation of martial our government after the inauguration of President
law remotest, but nevertheless enable the government to Marcos as the Fourth Republic. How then, petitioner
meet emergencies effectively, they conceived the Idea of asks, can the President of the Fourth Philippine Republic
granting to the President (Prime Minister) the power exercise powers granted to the President-Prime Minister
endowed to him by Amendment No. 6. of the provisional government established by the
Transitory Provisions and conferred upon him only by
Skeptics and hardcore critics of the administration there
Amendment No. 6 of October 1976?
must be who would sarcastically allude to Amendment
No. 6 as martial law just the same but only like a dog If We go solely by the rules of literature, a considerable
with merely another collar. A word of explanation is thus degree of plausibility, as We have intimated earlier in
called for of the vital differences between one and the this opinion, may be conceded to the pose of petitioner.
other. It indeed seems that since the positions of President and
Prime Minister have been separated by the 1981
The attitude of those who are opposed to Amendment
amendments and the same do not state to whom the
No. 6 must be due to lack of sufficient acquaintance with
power under Amendment No. 6 would appertain, neither
the real essence of the various constitutionally
the present President nor the present Prime Minister can
authorized emergency measures imperatively needed to
exercise such power. But again, We hold that petitioner
safeguard the national security and integrity already
is laboring under a misconception of facts and of the
discussed above. The delegation of legislative power
principles of constitutional construction.
thru the issuance of rules and regulations to carry out a
national policy declared by the Batasan has its own Earlier hereinabove, We discoursed on the inevitability of
virtues as a restrained way of conferring law-making the conclusion that the current Batasan, being
authority to the Executive during an emergency. It is merelyinterim  "in lieu of the interim National Assembly"
limited, restricted, subject to conditions and temporary. It established under Section 1 of the Transitory Provisions,
is obviously the simplest remedy to cope with an it is subject to the provisions of Amendment No. 6 which
abnormal situation resulting in the least violence to was approved and ratified together with the creation of
revered democratic republican processes constitutionally the Batasan. We have also made a rather extensive
established. exposition of the whys and wherefores behind
Amendment No. 6. As may be noted, the ultimate thrust

Page 14 of 82
of Our discussion is to establish as a legal proposition concurrence of the
that behind and beneath the words of the amendment, Batasang Pambansa,
the literal reference to "the President (Prime Minister)" in grant amnesty.
Amendment No. 6 was the intention to make such
Again, we beg to disagree. Article VII,
reference descriptive of the person on whom is vested
sec. 11, applies only when the President
the totality of the executive power under the system of
is exercising his power of executive
government established thereby. For as a matter of
clemency. In the case at bar,
general principle in constitutional law, belonging as he
Presidential Decree 1840 was issued
does to the political department of the government, it is
pursuant to his power to legislate under
only with such official that, the high prerogative of policy
Amendment No. 6. It ought to be
determination can be shared. And in this connection, it is
indubitable that when the President acts
very important to note that the amendment does not
as legislator as in the case at bar, he
speak of the "incumbent President" only, as in the other
does not need the concurrence of the
amendments, like Nos. 1, 3 and 5, but of the President,
Batasan. Rather, he exercises
meaning to include all future presidents. More,
concurrent authority vested by the
Amendment No. 6 makes mention not only of
the interim Batasan but also of the regular one. All these
unmistakably imply that the power conferred upon the We cannot close this opinion without underscoring the
President thereby was not for President Marcos alone patent tendency and unrelenting effort of the leadership
but for whoever might be President of the Philippines in of the country to make our government and our way of
the future. life indigenously Filipino as much as it is possible to
make them so. It has, of course, tried its utmost to see
As to the parenthetical mention therein of the Prime
what is good in other lands, but it has chosen generally
Minister, We are of the considered view that it was
to bring out what is best in our own traditions, usages,
necessary to do so because under the governmental
customs and systems that have proven efficacious and
system then, which was markedly Prime Ministerial, the
beneficial during the times of our forebears. The
substantive executive powers were vested in the Prime
sanggunians and barangays, which have inherited from
Minister, the President being merely the symbolical and
the Filipinos of the past and that have been
ceremonial head of state, and the two positions were
institutionalized in Constitutional Amendment No. 7 of
being held by one and the same person. In other words,
1976 have, as everyone can see, proven to be
the power was contemplated to be conferred upon
unshakable bedrocks for the foundation of duly
whomsoever was vested the executive power, and that
constituted governmental authority with firm nationwide
is as it should be, for, to reiterate, from the very nature of
mass base. Our present government, if in some ways
the power itself, the authority to legislate should be
similar to any foreign one, is in truth a product of our own
allowed, if at all, to be shared only with one in the
genius in political science and matters of government.
political department, directly deriving power from the
Nowhere else in the world but in the Philippines are
vote of the people.
martial law decrees and acts subject to the judicial
Withal, as the Solicitor General aptly posits, it is neither scrutiny of the Supreme Court. Amendment No. 6 is of
sound nor in consonance with well and long settled the same strain. It is our native and indigenous way of
principles of constitutional construction to recognize coping with crucial situations.
amendments or repeals of constitutional provisions by
We are Filipinos, so much so that the writer of this
implications, specially in regard to a transcendental
opinion has purposely avoided reference to, much less
matter as that herein under discussion. Indeed, the fact
lifted quotations from alien jurisprudence and authorities.
that Amendment No. 6 was not in any way or sense
If only in this particular case, it is but appropriate to use
mentioned in the amendments submitted to the people
language and style of our own.
for ratification in 1981 and there being nothing in the
latter intrinsically inconsistent with the former, it is safe to All the above premises taken into account. Our
conclude that it would be deceiving the people considered conclusion and judgment is that Amendment
themselves and depriving them of something they had No. 6 of October 1976 of the Constitution of 1973 has
decided in 1976 to be part of the fundamental law of the not been in anyway altered or modified, much less
land to now eliminate the power conferred by them upon repealed by the constitutional amendments of 1981.
the Executive of sharing legislative authority with the
WHEREFORE, the petition is dismissed. No costs.
Batasan on appropriate occasions of emergency and
urgency. G.R. No. 118702 March 16, 1995
Anent petitioner's claim that the President may not CIRILO ROY G. MONTEJO, petitioner, 
constitutionally grant the amnesty provided for in P.D. vs.
1840, to Our mind, the following well taken brief answer COMMISSION ON ELECTIONS, respondent.
of the Solicitor General, with whom We fully agree, is
more than sufficient to dispose of the same adversely to SERGIO A.F. APOSTOL, intervenor.
petitioner's stance:
Petitioner argues that Presidential PUNO, J.:
Decree 1840 is likewise invalid for it did
not enjoy the concurrence of the More than political fortunes are at stake in the case at
Batasan. He relies on Article VII, bench. Petitioner Cirilo Roy G. Montejo, representing the
Section 11 of the Constitution which First District of Leyte, pleads for the annulment of
provides that — section 1 of Resolution No. 2736 of the COMELEC,
redistricting certain municipalities in Leyte, on the ground
The President may, that it violates the principle of equality of representation.
except in cases of To remedy the alleged inequity, petitioner seeks to
impeachment, grant transfer the municipality of Tolosa from his district to the
reprieves, Second District of the province. Intervenor Sergio A.F.
commutations and Apostol, representing the Second District, vigorously
pardons, remit fines and opposed the inclusion of Tolosa in his district. We gave
forfeitures and with the due course to the petition considering that, at bottom, it

Page 15 of 82
involves the validity of the unprecedented exercise by composed the new province of Biliran, i.e., Almeria,
the COMELEC of the legislative power of redistricting Biliran, Cabucgayan, Caibiran, Culaba, Kawayan,
and reapportionment. Maripipi, and Naval. A further consequence was to
reduce the Third District to five (5) municipalities with a
The province of Leyte with the cities of Tacloban and
total population of 145,067 as per the 1990 census.
Ormoc is composed of five (5) legislative districts.1
To remedy the resulting inequality in the distribution of
The first district2 covers Tacloban City and the
inhabitants, voters and municipalities in the province of
municipalities of Alangalang, Babatngon, Palo, San
Leyte, respondent COMELEC held consultation
Miguel, Sta. Fe, Tanauan and Tolosa.
meetings with the incumbent representatives of the
The second district3 is composed of the municipalities of province and other interested parties. On December 29,
Barugo, Barauen, Capoocan, Carigara, Dagami, Dulag, 1994, it promulgated Resolution No. 2736 where, among
Jaro, Julita, La Pat, Mayorga, MacArthur, Pastrana, others, it transferred the municipality of Capoocan of the
Tabontabon, and Tunga. Second District and the municipality of Palompon of the
Fourth District to the Third District of Leyte. The
The third district4 is composed of the municipalities of composition of the First District which includes the
Almeria, Biliran, Cabucgayan, Caibiran, Calubian, municipality of Tolosa and the composition of the Fifth
Culaba, Kawayan, Leyte, Maripipi, Naval, San Isidro, District were not disturbed. After the movement of
Tabango, and Villaba. municipalities, the composition of the five (5) legislative
The fourth district5 is composed of Ormoc City and the districts appeared as follows:
municipalities of Albuera, Isabel, Kananga, Matagob, First District: Population
Merida, and Palompon. Registered
The fifth district6 is composed of the municipalities of Voters
Abuyog, Bate, Baybay, Hilongos, Hindang, Inopacan, (1990) (1994)
Javier, Mahaplag, and Matalom. 1. Tacloban City, 137,190
Biliran, located in the third district of Leyte , was made its 81,679
sub-province by virtue of Republic Act No. 2141 Section 2. Alangalang, 33,375 20,543
1 of the law spelled out enacted on April 8, 1959.7 3. Babatngon, 17,795 9,929
4. Palo, 38,100 20,816
Section 1 of the law spelled out the municipalities 5. San Miguel, 13,438 8,167
comprising the sub-province, viz.: "Almeria, Biliran, 6. Sta. Fe, 12,119 7,497
Cabucgayan, Caibiran, Culaba, Kawayan, Maripipi and 7. Tanauan and, 38,033 22,357
Naval and all the territories comprised therein." 8. Tolosa; 13,299 7,700
On January 1, 1992, the Local Government Code took ———— ————
effect. Pursuant to its Section 462, the sub-province of TOTAL 303,349 178,688
Biliran became a regular province. It provides: Second District:
Existing sub-provinces Population Registered
are hereby converted Voters
into regular provinces (1990) (1994)
upon approval by a 1. Barugo, 23,817 13,237
majority of the votes 2. Barauen, 46,029 23,307
cast in a plebiscite to be 3. Carigara 38,863 22,036
held in the sub- 4. Dagami, 25,606 16,519
provinces and the 5. Dulag, 33,020 19,375
original provinces 6. Jaro, 31,727 17,139
directly affected. The 7. Julita, 9,944 6,196
plebiscite shall be 8. La Paz, 14,311 9,003
conducted by the 9. Mayorga, 10,530 5,868
COMELEC 10. Mac Arthur, 13,159 8,628
simultaneously with the 11. Pastrana, 12,565 7,348
national elections 12. Tabontabon, and 7,183
following the effectivity 4,419
of this code. The new 13. Tunga; 5,413 3,387
legislative districts ———— ————
created as a result of TOTAL 272,167 156,462
such conversion shall
continue to be Third District:
represented in Population Registered
Congress by the duly- Voters
elected representatives (1990) (1994)
of the original districts 1. Calubian, 25,968 16,649
out of which said new 2. Leyte, 32,575 16,415
provinces or districts 3. San Isidro, 24,442 14,916
were created until their 4. Tabango, 29,743 15,48
own representatives 5. Villaba, 32,339 21,227
shall have been elected 6. Capoocan, and 23,687
in the next regular 13,595
congressional elections 7. Palompon; 45,745 27,474
and qualified. ———— ————
The conversion of Biliran into a regular province was TOTAL 214,499 125,763
approved by a majority of the votes cast in a plebiscite Fourth District:
held on May 11, 1992. As a consequence of the Population Registered
conversion, eight (8) municipalities of the Third District

Page 16 of 82
Voters Ordinance is entitled "Apportioning the Seats of the
(1990) (1994) House of Representatives of the Congress of the
Philippines to the Different Legislative Districts in
1. Ormoc City, 129,456 75,140
Provinces and Cities and the Metropolitan Manila Area."
2. Albuera, 32,395 17,493
Its substantive sections state:
3. Isabel, 33,389 21,889
4. Kananga, 36,288 19,873 Sec. 1. For purposes of the election of
5. Matagob, 15,474 9,407 Members of the House of
6. Merida, and 22,345 12,474 Representatives of the First Congress of
———— ———— the Philippines under the Constitution
TOTAL 269,347 155,995 proposed by the 1986 Constitutional
Commission and subsequent elections,
Fifth District: Population
and until otherwise provided by law, the
Members thereof shall be elected from
legislative districts apportioned among
(1990) (1994)
the provinces, cities, and the
1. Abuyog, 47,265 28,682 Metropolitan Manila Area as follows:
2. Bato, 28,197 116,13
xxx xxx xxx
3. Baybay, 82,281 47,923
4. Hilongos, 48,617 26,871 Sec. 2. The Commission on Elections is
5. Hindang, 16,272 9,659 hereby empowered to make minor
6. Inopacan, 16,894 10,401 adjustments of the reapportionment
7. Javier, 18,658 11,713 herein made.
8. Mahaplag, and 22,673 13,616
Sec. 3. Any province that may hereafter
9. Matalom 28,291 16,247
be created, or any city whose population
———— ————
may hereafter increase to more than two
TOTAL 309,148 181,242
hundred fifty thousand shall be entitled
Petitioner Montejo filed a motion for reconsideration in the immediately following election to
calling the attention of respondent COMELEC, among at least one Member or such number of
others, to the inequitable distribution of inhabitants and Members as it may be entitled to on the
voters between the First and Second Districts. He basis of the number of its inhabitants
alleged that the First District has 178,688 registered and according to the standards set forth
voters while the Second District has 156,462 registered in paragraph (3), Section 5 of Article VI
voters or a difference of 22,226 registered voters. To of the Constitution. The number of
diminish the difference, he proposed that the Members apportioned to the province
municipality of Tolosa with 7,7000 registered voters be out of which such new province was
transferred from the First to the Second District. The created or where the city, whose
motion was opposed by intervenor, Sergio A.F. Apostol. population has so increased, is
Respondent Commission denied the motion ruling that: geographically located shall be
(1) its adjustment of municipalities involved the least correspondingly adjusted by the
disruption of the territorial composition of each district; Commission on Elections but such
and (2) said adjustment complied with the constitutional adjustment shall not be made within one
requirement that each legislative district shall comprise, hundred and twenty days before the
as far as practicable, contiguous, compact and adjacent election. (Emphasis supplied)
The Ordinance was made necessary because
In this petition, petitioner insists that Section I of Proclamation No. 3 10 of President Corazon C. Aquino,
Resolution No. 2736 violates the principle of equality of ordaining the Provisional Constitution of the Republic of
representation ordained in the Constitution. the Philippines, abolished the Batasang
Citing Wesberry v. Sanders,8 he argues that respondent Pambansa. 11 She then exercised legislative powers
COMELEC violated "the constitutional precept that as under the Provisional Constitution.12
much as practicable one man's vote in a congressional
The Ordinance was the principal handiwork of then
election is to be worth as much as another's." The
Commissioner Hilario G. Davide, Jr., 13 now a
Solicitor General, in his Comment, concurred with the
distinguished member of this Court. The records reveal
views of the petitioner. The intervenor, however,
that the Constitutional Commission had to resolve
opposed the petition on two (2) grounds: (1) COMELEC
several prejudicial issues before authorizing the first
has no jurisdiction to promulgate Resolution No. 2736;
congressional elections under the 1987 Constitution.
and (2) assuming it has jurisdiction, said Resolution is in
Among the vital issues were: whether the members of
accord with the Constitution. Respondent COMELEC
the House of Representatives would be elected by
filed its own Comment alleging that it acted within the
district or by province; who shall undertake the
parameters of the Constitution.
apportionment of the legislative districts; and, how  the
We find section 1 of Resolution No. 2736 void. apportionment should be made.14Commissioner Davide,
Jr. offered three (3) options for the Commission to
While the petition at bench presents a significant issue,
consider: (1) allow President Aquino to do the
our first inquiry will relate to the constitutional power of
apportionment by law; (2) empower the COMELEC to
the respondent COMELEC9 to transfer municipalities
make the apportionment; or (3) let the Commission
from one legislative district to another legislative district
exercise the power by way of an Ordinance appended to
in the province of Leyte. The basic powers of respondent
the Constitution. 15 The different dimensions of the
COMELEC, as enforcer and administrator of our election
options were discussed by Commissioners Davide,
laws, are spelled out in black and white in section 2(c),
Felicitas S. Aquino and Blas F. Ople. We quote the
Article IX of the Constitution. Rightly, respondent
debates in extenso, viz.:16
COMELEC does not invoke this provision but relies on
the Ordinance appended to the 1987 Constitution as the xxx xxx xxx
source of its  power of redistricting which is traditionally
MR. PADILLA. Mr. Presiding Officer.
regarded as part of the power to make laws. The

Page 17 of 82
Commissioner Padilla is recognized. PROVIDED BY LAW, THE MEMBERS
MR. PADILLA. I think I have filed a very
simple motion by way of amendment by
substitution and this was, I believe, a
prior or a proposed amendment. Also,
the chairman of the Committee on the
Legislative said that he was proposing a
vote first by the Chamber on the
concept of whether the election is by And what will follow will be the allocation
province and cities on the one hand, or of seats to Metropolitan Manila Area, to
by legislative districts on the other. So I the provinces and to the cities, without
propose this simple formulation which indicating the municipalities comprising
reads: "FOR THE FIRST ELECTION each of the districts. Then, under
UNDER THIS CONSTITUTION THE Section 2, we will mandate the
APPORTIONED BY THE COMMISSION apportionment on the basis of the
ON ELECTIONS." I hope the chairman number of seats provided for and
will accept the proposed amendment. allocated to each province by us.
MR. DAVIDE. The effect is, more or THE PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. Jamir).
less, the same insofar as the Commissioner Aquino is recognized.
apportionment is concerned, but the
MS. AQUINO. I have to object to the
Bernas-Sarmiento et al. proposal would
provision which will give mandate to
also provide for a mandate for the
COMELEC to do the redistricting.
apportionment later, meaning after the
Redistricting is vitally linked to the
first election, which will in effect embody
baneful practices of cutting up areas or
what the Commission had approved,
spheres of influence; in other words,
reading as follows: "Within three years
gerrymandering. This Commission,
following the return of every census, the
being a nonpartisan, a nonpolitical
Congress shall make a reapportionment
deliberative body, is in the best possible
of legislative districts based on the
situation under the circumstances to
standards provided in this section."
undertake that responsibility. We are not
So, Mr. Presiding Officer, may I request wanting in expertise and in time
for a suspension of the session, so that because in the first place, the
all the proponents can work together. Committee on the Legislative has
prepared the report on the basis of the
recommendation of the COMELEC.
The session is suspended.
MR. OPLE. Mr. Presiding Officer.
It was 3:33 p.m.
Commissioner Ople is recognized.
At 3:40 p.m., the session was resumed.
MR. OPLE. I would like to support the
THE PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. Jamir). position taken by Commissioner Aquino
The session is resumed. in this respect. We know that the
reapportionment of provinces and cities
Commissioner Davide is recognized. for the purpose of redistricting is
MR. DAVIDE. Mr. Presiding Officer, as a generally inherent in the constituent
compromise, I wonder if the power or in the legislative power. And I
Commission will allow this. We will just would feel very uncertain about
delete the proposed subparagraph (4) delegating this to a quasi-judicial body
and all the capitalized words in even if it is one of the constitutional
paragraph (5). So that in paragraph (5), offices created under this Constitution.
what would be left would only be the We have the assurance of
following: "Within three years following Commissioner Davide, as chairman of
the return of every census, the the Committee on the Legislative, that
Congress shall make a reapportionment even given the very short time
of legislative districts based on the remaining in the life of this Commission,
standards provided in this section." there is no reason why we cannot
complete the work of reapportionment
But we shall have an ordinance on the basis of the COMELEC plan
appended to the new Constitution which the committee has already
indicating specifically the following: thoroughly studied and which remains
"FOR PURPOSES OF THE ELECTION available to the Constitutional
CONGRESSIONAL ELECTION So, I support the position taken by
IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE Commissioner Aquino, Mr. Presiding
RATIFICATION OF THIS Officer. I think, it is the safest, the most
CONSTITUTION PROPOSED BY THE reasonable, and the most workable
1986 CONSTITUTIONAL approach that is available to this

Page 18 of 82
THE PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. Jamir). no longer has the power to change that
What does Commissioner Davide say: even a bit.
MR. DAVIDE. The issue now is whether xxx xxx xxx
this body will make the apportionment
itself or whether we will leave it to the
Commissioner Regalado is recognized.
COMELEC. So, there arises, therefore,
a prejudicial question for the body to MR. REGALADO. May I address a
decide. I would propose that the clarificatory question to Commissioner
Commission should now decide what Davide?
body should make the apportionment.
Should it be the Commission or should it
Gentleman will please proceed.
be the COMELEC? And the Committee
on the Legislative will act accordingly on MR. REGALADO. On the basis of the
the basis of the decision. Commissioner's proposed
apportionment and considering the fact
MR. BENGZON. Mr. Presiding Officer.
that there will be a corresponding
THE PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. Jamir). reduction to 183 seats, would there be
Commissioner Bengzon is recognized. instances representation of under non-
MR. BENGZON. Apropos of that, I
would like to inform the body that I MR. DAVIDE. None at all, Mr. Presiding
believe the Committee on the Officer. I can assure the Commission
Legislative has precisely worked on this that there will be no case of inequitable
matter and they are ready with a list of distribution. It will come out to be one for
apportionment. They have, in fact, every 350 to 400,000 inhabitants.
apportioned the whole country into
MR. REGALADO. And that would be
various districts based on the
within the standard that we refer.
recommendation of the COMELEC. So
they are ready with the list and if this MR. DAVIDE. Yes, Mr. Presiding
body would wish to apportion the whole Officer.
country by district itself, then I believe
we have the time to do it because the MR. REGALADO. Thank you.
Committee on the Legislative is ready MR. RAMA. Mr. Presiding Officer.
with that particular report which need
only to be appended to the Constitution. THE PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. Jamir).
So if this body is ready to accept the The Floor Leader is recognized.
work of the Committee on the MR. RAMA. The parliamentary situation
Legislative we would have no problem. I is that there was a motion by
just would like to give that information so Commissioner Sarmiento to mandate
that the people here would be guided COMELEC to do the redistricting. This
accordingly when they vote. was also almost the same motion by
MR. RODRIGO. Mr. Presiding Officer. Commissioner Padilla and I think we
have had some kind of meeting of
THE PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. Jamir) minds. On the other hand, there seems
Commissioner Rodrigo is recognized. to be a prejudicial question, an
MR. RODRIGO. I just would like to ask amendment to the amendment as
Commissioner Davide some questions. suggested by Commissioner Aquino,
that instead of the COMELEC, it should
THE PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. Jamir). be this Commission that shall make the
Commissioner Davide may yield if he so redistricting. So may I ask
desires. Commissioner Aquino, if she insists on
that idea, to please formulate it into a
MR. DAVIDE. Gladly.
motion so we can vote on that first as an
MR. RODRIGO. Will this apportionment amendment to the amendment.
which we are considering apply only to
the first election after the enactment of
Jamir).Commissioner Aquino is
the Constitution?
MR. DAVIDE. On the basis of the
MS . AQUINO. The motion is for this
Padilla proposal, it will be for the first
Commission to undertake the
election; on the basis of the Sarmiento
apportionment of the legislative districts
proposal, it will only apply to the first
instead of the proposal that COMELEC
be given the mandate to undertake the
MR. RODRIGO. And after that, responsibility.
Congress will have the power to
xxx xxx xxx
MR. SARMIENTO. May I be clarified,
Mr. Presiding Officer. Is it the motion or
MR. RODRIGO. So, if we attach this to the proposed amendment?
the Constitution — the reapportionment
based on the COMELEC study and
The proposed amendment.
between the approval of the Constitution
and the first election — the COMELEC MR. SARMIENTO. May we move for the
approval of this proposed amendment

Page 19 of 82
which we substitute for paragraphs 4 As many as are against, please raise
and 5. their hand. (No Member raised his
MR. DAVIDE. May I request that it
should be treated merely as a motion to The results show 30 votes in favor and
be followed by a deletion of paragraph 4 none against; the motion is approved.
because that should not really appear
Clearly then, the Constitutional Commission denied to
as a paragraph in Section 5; otherwise,
the COMELEC the major power of legislative
it will appear very ugly in the
apportionment as it itself exercised the power. Section 2
Constitution where we mandate a
of the Ordinance only empowered the COMELEC "to
Commission that will become functus
make minoradjustments of the reapportionment herein
officio  to have the authority. As a matter
made." The meaning of the phrase "minor adjustments
of fact, we cannot exercise that authority
was again clarified in the debates 17 of the
until after the ratification of the new
Commission, viz.:
xxx xxx xxx
What does Commissioner Sarmiento MR. GUINGONA. This is just
say? clarificatory, Mr. Presiding Officer. In
Section 2, the Commission on Elections
MR. SARMIENTO. It is accepted, Mr.
is empowered to make minor
Presiding Officer. So, may I move for the
adjustments on the apportionment made
approval of this proposed amendment.
MS. AQUINO. Mr. Presiding Officer.
MR. DAVIDE. Yes, Mr. Presiding
Commissioner Aquino is recognized.
MR. GUINGONA. We have not set any
MS. AQUINO. Would that require a two- time limit for this.
thirds vote or a simple plurality to adopt
MR. DAVIDE. We should not set a time
that motion?
limit unless during the period of
THE PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. Jamir). amendments a proposal is made. The
That will require a two-thirds vote. authority conferred would be on minor
corrections or amendments, meaning to
MS. AQUINO. Thank you. Mr. Presiding
say, for instance, that we may have
forgotten an intervening municipality in
MR. SARMIENTO. May I restate the the enumeration, which ought to be
motion, Mr. Presiding Officer. included in one district. That we shall
consider a minor amendment.
The Gentleman may proceed. MR. GUINGONA. Thank you.
MR. SARMIENTO. May I move that this xxx xxx xxx
Commission do the reapportionment
legislative districts.
Romulo). Commissioner de Castro is
MS. AQUINO. Mr. Presiding Officer. recognized.
What is the pleasure of Commissioner
I was about to ask the committee the
meaning of minor adjustment. Can it be
MS. AQUINO. May I be clarified again possible that one municipality in a
on the motion. Is Commissioner district be transferred to another district
Sarmiento, therefore, adopting my and call it a minor adjustment?
motion? Would it not be right for him to
MR. DAVIDE. That cannot be done,
move that the COMELEC be mandated?
Mr. Presiding Officer. Minor, meaning,
MR. SARMIENTO. No, we accepted the that there should be no change in the
amendment. It is already the allocations per district. However, it may
Commission that will be mandated. happen that we have forgotten a
municipality in between which is still in
MS. AQUINO. So, the Gentlemen has the territory of one assigned district, or
accepted the amendment the there may be an error in the correct
amendment. name of a particular
Thank you. municipality because of changes made
by the interim Batasang Pambansa and
MR. SARMIENTO. I am voting that this the Regular Batasang Pambansa. There
Commission do the reapportionment. were many batas pambansa enacted by
VOTING both the interim and the Regular
Batasang Pambansa changing the
THE PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. Jamir). names of municipalities.
Let us proceed to vote.
MR. DE CASTRO. So, the minor
As many as are in favor, please raise adjustment may be made only if one of
their hand. (Several Members raised the municipalities is not mentioned in
their hand.) the ordinance appended to, and it will be
up for the COMELEC now to adjust or to
put such municipality to a certain district.

Page 20 of 82
MR. DAVIDE. Yes, Mr. Presiding JOSE O. VERA, ET AL., petitioners, 
Officer. For instance, we may not have vs.
the data regarding a division of a JOSE A. AVELINO, ET AL., respondents.
municipality by the interim Batasang
Jose W. Diokno and Antonio Barredo for petitioners.
Pambansa or the Regular Batasang
Vicente J. Francisco and Solicitor General Tañada for
Pambansa into two municipalities,
meaning, a mother municipality and the
J. Antonio Araneta of the Lawyers' Guild as amicus
new municipality, but still actually these
are within the geographical district area.
MR. DE CASTRO. So the minor
adjustment which the COMELEC cannot Pursuant to a constitutional provision (section 4, Article
do is that, if, for example, my X), the Commission on elections submitted, last May, to
municipality is in the First District of the President and the Congress of the Philippines, its
Laguna, they cannot put that in any report on the national elections held the preceding
other district. month, and, among other things, stated that, by reason
of certain specified acts of terrorism and violence in the
MR. DAVIDE. That is not even a minor
Provinces of Pampanga, Nueva Ecija, Bulacan and
correction.  It is a substantive one.
Tarlac, the voting in said region did not reflect the true
MR. DE CASTRO. Thank you. and free expression of the popular will.
Consistent with the limits of its power to make minor When the Senate convened on May 25, 1946, it
adjustments, Section 3 of the Ordinance did not also proceeded with the selection of its officers. Thereafter, in
give the respondent COMELEC any authority to the course of the session, a resolution was approved
transfer municipalities from one legislative district to referring to the report and ordering that, pending the
another district. The power granted by Section 3 to the termination of the protest lodged against their election,
respondent COMELEC is to adjust  the number the herein petitioners, Jose O. Vera, Ramon Diokno and
of members (not municipalities) "apportioned to the Jose E. Romero — who had been included among the
province out of which such new province was created. . . sixteen candidates for senator receiving the highest
." number of votes, proclaimed by the Commission on
Elections — shall not be sworn, nor seated, as members
Prescinding from these premises, we hold that
of the chamber.
respondent COMELEC committed grave abuse of
discretion amounting to lack of jurisdiction when it Pertinent parts of the resolution — called Pendatun —
promulgated section 1 of its Resolution No. 2736 are these:
transferring the municipality of Capoocan of the Second
WHEREAS the Commission on Elections,
District and the municipality of Palompon of the Fourth
charged under the Constitution with the duty of
District to the Third District of Leyte.
insuring free, orderly, and honest elections in the
It may well be that the conversion of Biliran from a sub- Philippines, reported to the President of the
province to a regular province brought about an Philippines on May 23, 1946, that
imbalance in the distribution of voters and inhabitants in
". . . Reports also reached this
the five (5) legislative districts of the province of Leyte.
Commission to the effect that in the
This imbalance, depending on its degree, could devalue
Provinces of Bulacan, Pampanga,
a citizen's vote in violation of the equal protection clause
Tarlac and Nueva Ecija, the secrecy of
of the Constitution. Be that as it may, it is not proper at
the ballot was actually violated; the
this time for petitioner to raise this issue using the case
armed bands saw to it that their
at bench as his legal vehicle. The issue involves a
candidates were voted for; and that the
problem of reapportionment of legislative districts and
great majority of the voters, thus
petitioner's remedy lies with Congress. Section 5(4),
coerced or intimadated, suffered from a
Article VI of the Constitution categorically gives
paralysis of judgement in the matter of
Congress the power to reapportion, thus: "Within three
exercising the right of suffrage;
(3) years following the return of every census, the
considering all those acts of terrorism,
Congress shall make a reapportionment of legislative
violence and intimidation in connection
districts based on the standards provided in this section."
with elections which are more or less
In Macias v. COMELEC, 18 we ruled that the validity of a
general in the Provinces of Pampanga,
legislative apportionment is a justiciable question. But
Tarlac, Bulacan and Nueva Ecija, this
while this Court can strike down an unconstitutional
Commission believes that the election in
reapportionment, it cannot itself make the
the provinces aforesaid did not reflect
reapportionment as petitioner would want us to do by
the true and free expression of the
directing respondent COMELEC to transfer the
popular will. It should be stated,
municipality of Tolosa from the First District to the
however, that the Commission is without
Second District of the province of Leyte.
jurisdiction, to determine whether or not
IN VIEW WHEREOF, section 1 of Resolution No. 2736 the votes cast in the said provinces
insofar as it transferred the municipality of Capoocan of which, according to these reports have
the Second District and the municipality of Palompon of been cast under the influence of threats
the Fourth District to the Third District of the province of or violence, are valid or invalid. . . ."
Leyte, is annulled and set aside. We also deny the
WHEREAS, the minority report of the Hon.
Petition praying for the transfer of the municipality
Vicente de Vera, member of the Commission on
of Tolosa from the First District to the Second District of
Elections, says among other things, that "we
the province of Leyte. No costs.
know that as a result of this chaotic condition,
SO ORDERED. many residents of the four provinces have
voluntarily banished themselves from their home
G.R. No. L-543             August 31, 1946 towns in order not to be subjected to the
prevailing oppression and to avoid being

Page 21 of 82
victimized or losing their lives"; and that after the In their pleadings, respondents traverse the jurisdiction
election dead bodies had been found with notes of this court, and assert the validity of the Pendatun
attached to their necks, reading, "Bomoto kami Resolution.
kay Roxas" (we voted for Roxas);
The issues, few and clear-cut, were thoroughly
WHEREAS the same Judge De Vera says in his discussed at the extended oral argument and in
minority report that in the four Provinces of comprehensive memoranda submitted by both sides.
Pampanga, Tarlac, Bulacan and Nueva Ecija,
the worst terrorism reigned during and after the
election, and that if the elections held in the Way back in 1924, Senator Jose Alejandrino assaulted a
aforesaid provinces were annulled as demanded fellow-member in the Philippine Senate. That body, after
by the circumstances mentioned in the report of investigation, adopted a resolution, suspending him from
the Commission, Jose O. Vera, Ramon Diokno, office for one year. He applied here for mandamus and
and Jose Romero, would not and could not have injunction to nullify the suspension and to require his
been declared elected; colleagues to reinstate him. This court believed the
suspension was legally wrong, because, as senator
xxx     xxx     xxx
appointed by the Governor-General, he could not be
WHEREAS the terrorism resorted to by the disciplined by the Philippine Senate; but it denied the
lawless elements in the four provinces prayer for relief, mainly upon the theory of the separation
mentioned above in order to insure the election of the three powers, Executive, Legislative and Judicial.
of the candidates of the Conservative wing of (Alejandrino vs. Quezon, 46 Phil., 81.) Said the decision:
the Nationalist Party is of public knowledge and
. . . Mandamus  will not lie against the legislative
that such terrorism continues to this day; that
body, its members, or its officers, to compel the
before the elections Jose O. Vera himself
performance of duties purely legislative in their
declared as campaign Manager of the Osmeña
character which therefore pertain to their
faction that he was sorry if Presidential
legislative functions and over which they have
Candidate Manuel A. Roxas could not campaign
exclusive control. The courts cannot dictate
in the Huk provinces because his life would be
action in this respect without a gross usurpation
endangered; and that because of the constant
of power. So it has been held that where a
murders of his candidates and leaders,
member has been expelled by the legislative
Presidential Candidate Roxas found it necessary
body, the courts have no power, irrespective of
to appeal to American High Commissioner Paul
whether the expulsion was right or wrong, to
V. McNutt for protection, which appeal American
issue a mandate to compel his reinstatement.
High Commissioner personallyreferred to
(Code of civil Procedure, section 222, 515; 18
President Sergio Osme_¤_a for appropriate
R.C. L., 186, 187; Cooley, Constitutional
action, and the Presidentin turn ordered the
Limitations, 190; French vs. Senate [1905], 146
Secretary of the existence and reign of such
Cal; Hiss vs. Bartlett [1855], 69 Mass., 468; Ex
parte  Echols [1886], 39 Ala., 698; State vs.
WHEREAS the Philippines, a Republic State, Bolte [1889], 151 Mo., 362; De Diego vs. House
embracing the principles ofdemocracy, must of Delegates [1904], 5 Porto Rico, 235;
condem all acts that seek to defeat the popular Greenwood Cemetery Land Co. vs. Routt
will; [1892], 17 Colo., 156; State ex rel. Crammer vs.
Thorson [1896], 33 L. R. A., ex rel. Bruce vs.
WHEREAS it is essential, in order to maintain
Dunne [1913], 258 Ill., 441; People ex rel. La
alive the respect fordemocratic institutions
Chicote vs. Best [1907], 187 N. Y., 1;
among our people, that no man or group of men
Abueva vs. Wood [1924], 45 Phil., 612.) (Supra,
be permitted to profit from the results of an
pp. 88, 89.)
election held under coercion, in violation of law,
and contrary to the principle of freedom of . . . Under our form of government the judicial
choice which should underlie all elections under department has no power to revise even the
the Constitution; most arbitrary and unfair action of the legislative
department, or of either house thereof, taken in
WHEREAS protests against the election of Jose
pursuance of the power committed exclusively to
O. Vega, Ramon Diokno, and Jose Romero,
that department by the constitution. (Supra, p.
have been filed with the electoral Tribunal of the
Senate of the Philippines on the basis of the
findings of the Commission on Elections above No court has ever held and we apprehend no
quoted; court will ever hold that it possesses the power
to direct the Chief Executive or the Legislature
NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the
or a branch thereof to take any particular action.
Senate of the Philippines in session assembled,
If a court should ever be so rash as to thus
as it hereby resolves, to defer the administration
trench on the domain of either of the other
of oath and the sitting of Jose O. Vera, Ramon
departments, it will be the end of popular
Diokno, and Jose Romero, pending the hearing
government as we know it in democracies.
and decision on the protests lodged against their
(Supra, p. 94.)
elections, wherein the terrorism averred in the
report of the Commission on Elections and in the Conceding therefore that the power of the
report of the Provost Marshal constitutes the Senate to punish its members for disorderly
ground of said protests and will therefore be the behavior does not authorize it to suspend an
subject of investigation and determination. appointive member from the exercise of his
office for one year, conceding what has been so
Petitioners immediately instituted this action against their
well stated by the learned counsel for the
colleagues responsible for the resolution. They pray for
petitioner, conceding all this and more, yet the
an order annulling it, and compelling respondents to
writ prayed for cannot issue, for the all-
permit them to occupy their seats, and to exercise their
conclusive reason that the Supreme Court does
senatorial prerogatives.
not possess the power of coercion to make the

Page 22 of 82
Philippine Senate take any particular action. . . . . . . The Constitution, by its own terms, is the
(Supra, p. 97.) supreme law of the land, emanating from the
people, the repository of ultimate sovereignty
The same hands-off policy had been previously followed
under our form of government. A congressional
in Severino vs. Governor-General and Provincial Board
statute, on the other hand, is the act of an
of Occidental Negros (16 Phil., 366) and Abueva vs.
agency of this sovereign authority, and if it
Wood (45 Phil., 612)
conflicts with the Constitution, must fall; for that
At this point we could pretend to erudition by tracing the which is not supreme must yield to that which is.
origin, development and various applications of theory of To hold it invalid (if it be invalid) is a plain
separation of powers, transcribing herein whole exercise of the judicial power, — that power
paragraphs from adjudicated cases to swell the pages of vested in courts to enable them to administer
judicial output. Yet the temptation must be resisted, and justice according to law. From the authority to
the parties spared a stiff dose of juris prudential lore ascertain and determine the law in a given case
about a principle, which, after all, is the first fundamental there necessa ruly results, in case of conflict, the
imparted to every student of Constitutional Law. duty to declare and enforce the rule of the
supreme law and reject that of an inferior act of
Not that a passable excuse would be lacking for such a legislation which, transcending the Constitution,
dissertation. The advent of the Republic, and the is no effect, and binding on no one. This is not
consequent finality of our views on constitutional issues, the exercise of a substantive power to review
may call for a definition of concepts and attitudes. But and nullify acts of Congress, for such no
surely, there will be time enough, as cases come up for substantive power exists. It is simply a
adjudication. necessary concomitant of the power to hear and
Returning to the instant litigation, it presents no more dispose of a case or controversy properly before
than the questions, whether the Alejandro doctrine still the court, to the determination of which must be
obtains, and whether the admitted facts disclose any brought the test and measure of the law.
features justifying departure therefrom. And the power is now expressly recognized by our
When the Commonwealth Constitution was approved in Organic Act. (See  sections 2 and 10. Article VIII.)
1935, the existence of three coordinate, co-equal and But we must emphasize, the power is to be exercised
co-important branches of the government was ratified in  proper cases, with the appropriate parties.
and confirmed. That Organic Act contained some
innovations which established additional exceptions to It must be conceded that the acts of the Chief
the well-known separation of powers; for instance, the executive performed within the limits of his
creation of the Electoral Tribunal wherein Justices of the jurisdiction are his official acts and courts will
Supreme Court participate in the decision of neither direct nor restrain executive action in
congressional election protests, the grant of rule-making such cases. The rule is non-interference. But
power to the Supreme Court, etc.; but in the main, the from this legal premise, it does not necessarily
independence of one power from the other was follow that we are precluded from making an
maintained. And the Convention — composed mostly of inquiry into the validity or constitutionality of his
lawyers (143 out of a total of 202 members), fully acts when these are properly challenged in an
acquainted with the Abueva, Alejandrino and Severino appropriate legal proceeding. . . . In the present
precedents — did not choose to modify their case, the President is not a party to the
constitutional doctrine, even as it altered some proceeding. He is neither compelled nor
fundamental tenets theretofore well established.1 restrained to actin a particular way. . . . This
court, therefore, has jurisdiction  over the instant
However, it is alleged that, in 1936, Angara vs. Electoral proceedings and will accordingly proceed to
Commission (63 Phil., 139), modified the aforesaid determine the merits of the present controversy."
ruling. We do not agree. There is no pronouncement in (Planas vs. Gil., 67 Phil., 62, 73, 74, 76.)
the latter decision, making specific reference to the (Emphasis ours.) (See also Lopez vs. De los
Alejandrino incident regarding our power — or lack of it Reyes, 55 Phil., 170.)
— to interfere with the functions of the Senate. And three
years later, in 1939, the same Justice Laurel, who had More about the Angara precedent: The defendant there
penned it, cited Alejandrino vs. Quezon as a binding was only the Electoral Commission which was "not a
authority of the separation of powers. (Planas vs. Gil, 67 separate department of the Government" (Vol. 63,p.
Phil., 62.) It must be stressed that, in the Angara 160), and exercised powers "judicial in nature." (Supra,
controversy, no legislative body or person was a litigant p. 184) Hence, against our authority, there was no
before the court, and whatever obiter dicta, or general objection based on the independence and separation of
expressions, may therein found can not change the the three co-equal departments  of Government.
ultimate circumstance that no directive was issued Besides, this court said no more than that, there being a
against a branch of the Legislature or any member conflict of  jurisdiction between two constitutional bodies,
thereof.2 This Court, in that case, did not require the it could not decline to take cognizance of the controversy
National Assembly or any assemblyman to do any to determine the "character, scope and extent" of their
particular act. It only found it "has jurisdiction over the respective constitutional spheres of action. Here, there is
Electoral Commission." (Supra, 63 Phil., 161.) actually no antagonism between the Electoral Tribunal of
the Senate and the Senate itself, for it is not suggested
That this court in the Angara litigation made has adopted a rule contradicting the Pendatun
declarations, nullifying a resolution of the National Resolution. Consequently, there is no occasion for our
Assembly, is not decisive. In proper cases this court may intervention. Such conflict of jurisdiction, plus the
annul any Legislative enactment that fails to observe the participation of the Senate Electoral Tribunal are
constitutional limitations. That is a power conceded to essential ingredients to make the facts of this case fit the
the judiciary since Chief Justice Marshall penned mold of the Angara doctrine.
Marbury vs. Madison in 1803. Its foundation is explained
by Justice Sutherland in the Minimum Wage Case (261 Now, under the principles enunciated in the Alejandrino
U. S., 544).Said the Court: case, may this petition be entertained? The answer must
naturally be in the negative. Granting that the
postponement of the administration of the oath amounts

Page 23 of 82
to suspension of the petitioners from their office, and B.—PROHIBITION DOES NOT LIE
conceding arguendo that such suspension is beyond the
Petitioners pray for a writ of prohibition. Under the law,
power of the respondents, who in effect are and acted as
prohibition refers only to proceedings of any tribunal,
the Philippine Senate (Alejandrino vs. Quezon, 46 Phil.,
corporation, board, or person, exercising
83, 88),this petition should be denied. As was explained
functions  judicial or ministerial. (Rule 67, section 2,
in the Alejandrino case, we could not order one branch
Rules of Court.) As the respondents do not exercise
of the Legislature to reinstate a member thereof. To do
such kind of functions, theirs being legislative, it is clear
so would be to establish judicial predominance, and to
the dispute falls beyond the scope of such special
upset the classic pattern of checks and balances wisely
woven into our institutional setup.
Adherence to established principle should generally be
our guiding criterion, if we are to escape the criticism Again let us suppose the question lies within the limits of
voiced once by Bryce in American Commonwealth thus: prohibition and of our jurisdiction.
The Supreme Court has changed its color i. e., Before the organization of the Commonwealth and the
its temper and tendencies, from time to time promulgation of the Constitution, each House of the
according to the political proclivities of the men Philippine Legislature exercised the power to defer oath-
who composed it. . . . Their action flowed taking of any member against whom a protest had been
naturally from the habits of thought they had lodged, whenever in its discretion such suspension was
formed before their accession to the bench and necessary, before the final decision of the contest. The
from the sympathy they could not feel for the cases of Senator Fuentebella and Representative Rafols
doctrine on whose behalf they had contended. are known instances of such suspension. The
(The Annals of the American Academy of discussions in the constitutional Convention showed that
Political and Social Science, May, 1936, p. 50.) instead of transferring to the Electoral Commission all
the  powers of the House or Senate as "the sole judge of
Needless to add, any order we may issue in this case
the election, returns, and qualifications of the members
should, according to the rules, be enforceable by
of the National Assembly," it was given only jurisdiction
contempt proceedings. If the respondents should
over "all contests" relating to the election, etc. (Aruego,
disobey our order, can we punish them for contempt? If
The Framing of the Philippine Constitution, Vol. I, p.
we do, are we not thereby destroying the independence,
271.) The proceedings in the Constitutional Convention
and the equal importance to which legislative bodies are
on this subject are illuminating:
entitled under the Constitution?
It became gradually apparent in the course of
Let us not be overly influenced by the plea that for every
the debates that the Convention was evenly
wrong there is are medy, and that the judiciary should
divided on the proposition of creating the
stand ready to afford relief. There are undoubtedly many
Electoral Commission with the membership and
wrongs the judicature may not correct, for instance,
powers set forth in the draft. It was growing
those involving  political questions. Numerous decisions
evident, too, that the opposition to the Electoral
are quoted and summarized under this heading in 16
Commission was due to rather inclusive power
Corpus Juris Secundum, section 145.
of that body to judge not only of cases
Let us likewise disabuse our minds from the notion that contesting the election of the members of the
the judiciary is the repository of remedies for all political National Assembly, but also of their elections,
and social ills. We should not forget that the Constitution returns, and qualifications.
had judiciously allocated the powers of government to
Many of the delegates wanted to be definitely informed
three distinct and separate compartments; and that
of the scope of the powers of the Electoral Commission
judicial interpretation has tended to the preservation of
as defined in the draft before determining their final
the dependence of the three, and a zealous regard of
decision; for if the draft meant to confer upon the
the prerogatives of each, knowing full well that one is not
Electoral Commission the inclusive power to pass upon
the guardian of the others and that, for official wrong-
the elections, returns, and qualifications — contested or
doing, each may be brought to account, either by
not — of the members of the National Assembly, they
impeachment, trial or by the ballot box.
were more inclined to vote against the Electoral
The extreme case has been described wherein a Commission. In an attempt to seek this clarification, the
legislative chamber, without any reason whatsoever, following interpretations took place:
decrees by resolution the incarceration, for years, of a
xxx     xxx     xxx
citizen. And the rhetorical question is confidently
formulated. Will this man be denied relief by the courts? Delegate Labrador.—Does not the gentleman
from Capiz believe that unless this power is
Of course not: He may successfully apply for habeas
granted to the assembly, the assembly on its
corpus, alleging the nullity of the resolution and claiming
own motion does not have the right to contest
for release. But then, the defendant shall be the officer
the election and qualification of its members?
or person, holding him in custody, and the question
therein will be the validity or invalidity of resolution. That Delegate Roxas.—I have no doubt that the
was done in Lopez vs. De los Reyes, supra. (See gentleman is right. If this right is retained, as it
also Kilbourn vs. Thompson, 103 U.S. 168; 26 Law. ed., is, even if two-thirds of the assembly believe that
377, p. 391.) Courts will interfere, because the question a member has not the qualifications provided by
is not a political one, the "liberty of citizen" being law, they cannot remove him from that reason.
involved (Kilbourn vs. Thompson, supra) and the act will
xxx     xxx     xxx
clearly beyond the bounds of the legislative power,
amounting to usurpation of the privileges of the courts, In the course of the heated debates, with the
the usurpation being clear, palpable and oppressive and growing restlessness on the part of the
the infringement of the Constitution truly real. (See  16 Convention, President Recto suspended the
C.J.S., p. 44.) session in order to find out if it was possible to
arrive at a compromise plan to meet the
Nevertheless, suppose for the moment that we have

Page 24 of 82
When the session was resumed, a compromise be its Chairman. The Electoral
plan was submitted in the form of an Commission shall be the sole judge of
amendment presented by Delegates Francisco, the election, returns, and qualifications
Ventura, Lim, Vinzons, Rafols, Mumar, and of the Members of the National
others, limiting the power of the Electoral Assembly."
Commission to the judging of all cases
The report of the special committee on style on
contesting elections, returns, and qualifications
the power of the Commission was opposed on
of members of the National Assembly.
the floor of the Convention by Delegate
Explaining the difference between the
Confesor, who insisted that the Electoral
amendment thus proposed and the provision of
Commission should limit itself to judging only of
the draft, Delegate Roxas, upon the request of
all contests relating to the elections, returns, and
President Recto, said:
qualifications of the members of the National
The difference, Mr. President, consists only in Assembly. The draft was amended accordingly
obviating the objection pointed out by various by the Convention.
delegates to the effect that the first clause of the
As it was finally adopted by the Convention, the
draft which states "The election, returns, and
provision read:
qualifications of members of the National
Assembly" seems to give to the Electoral There shall be an Electoral Commission . . . The
commission the power to determine also the Electoral Commission shall be the sole judge of
election of the members who have not been all contests  relating to the election, returns, and
protested. And in order to obviate that difficulty, qualifications of the Members of the National
we believe that the amendment is right in that Assembly. (Aruego, The Framing of the
sense . . . that is, if we amend the draft so that it Philippine Constitution, Vol. I, pp. 267, 269, 270,
should read as follows: "All cases contesting the 271 and 272.).
election, etc.", so that the judges of the Electoral
Delegate Roxas rightly opined that "if this draft is
Commission will limit themselves only to cases
retained" the Assembly would have no power over
in which there has been a protest against the
election and qualifications of its members; because all
the powers are by the draft vested in the Commission.
The limitation to the powers of the Electoral
The Convention, however, bent on circumscribing the
Commission proposed in the compromise
latter's authority to "contests" relating to the election, etc.
amendment did much to win in favor of the
altered the draft. The Convention did not intend to give
Electoral Commission many of its opponents; so
it all the functions of the Assembly on the subject of
that when the amendment presented by
election and qualifications of its members. The
Delegate Labrador and others to retain in the
distinction is not without a difference. "As used in
Constitution the power of the lawmaking body to
constitutional provisions", election contest "relates only
be the sole judge of the elections, returns, and
to statutory contests in which the contestant seeks not
qualifications of its members was put to a
only to oust the intruder, but also to have himself
nominal vote, it was defeated by 98 negative
inducted into the office."(Laurel on Elections, Second
votes against 56 affirmative votes.
Edition, p. 250; 20 C.J., 58.)
With the defeat of the Labrador amendment, the
One concrete example will serve to illustrate the
provision of the draft creating the Electoral
remaining power in either House of Congress: A man is
Commission, as modified by the compromise
elected by a congressional district who had previously
amendment, was consequently approved.
served ten years in Bilibid Prison for estafa. As he had
"All cases contesting the elections, returns and no opponent, no protest is filed. And the Electoral
qualifications of the members of the National Tribunal has no jurisdiction, because there is no election
Assembly shall be judged by an electoral contest. (20 C.J., 58, supra.) When informed of the fact,
commission, composed of three members may not the House, motu propio  postpone his induction?
elected by the party having the largest number May not the House suspend, investigate and thereafter
of votes in the National Assembly, three elected exclude him?3 It must be observed that when a member
by the members of the party having the second of the House raises a question as to the qualifications of
largest number of votes, and three justices of another, an "election contest" does not thereby ensue,
the Supreme Court designated by the Chief, the because the former does not seek to be substituted for
Commission to be presided over by one of said the latter.
So that, if not all  the powers regarding the election,
In the special committee on style, the provision returns, and qualifications of members was withdrawn by
was amended so that the Chairman of the the Constitution from the Congress; and if, as admitted
Commission should be the senior Justice in the by petitioners themselves at the oral argument, the
Commission, and so that the Commission power to defer the oath-taking, until the contests is
was to be the sole judge of the election, returns, adjudged, does not belong to the corresponding
and qualifications of the members of the Electoral Tribunal, then it must be held that the House or
National Assembly. As it was then amended, the Senate still retains such authority, for it has not been
provision read: transferred to, nor assumed by, the Electoral Tribunal.
And this result flows, whether we believe that such
"There shall be an Electoral
power (to delay induction) stemmed from the (former)
Commission composed of three Justices
privilege of either House to be judge of the election,
of the Supreme court designated by the
returns, and qualifications of the members thereof, or
Chief Justice, and of six Members
whether we hold it to be inherent to every legislative
chosen by the National Assembly, three
body as a measure of self-preservation.
of whom shall be nominated by the party
having the largest number of votes, and It is customary that when a number of persons come
three by the party having the second together to form a legislative body, ". . . the first
largest number of votes therein. The organization must be temporary, and if the law does not
senior Justice in the Commission shall

Page 25 of 82
designate the person who shall preside over such with the ends in view, and neither does it palpably
temporary organization, the persons assembled and transcend the powers of the public deliverative body. On
claiming to be members may select one of their number the contrary, there are reasons to believe it was
for that purpose. The next step is to ascertain in some prompted by the dictates of ordinary caution, or of public
convenient way the names of the person who are, by policy. For, if, as reported by the corresponding
reason of holding the proper credentials, prima constitutional agency, concededly well-posted on the
facie  entitled to seats, and therefore entitled to take part matter by reason of its official duties, the elections held
in permanent organization of the body. In the absence of in the Provinces of Pampanga, Bulacan, Tarlac, and
any statutory or other regulation upon this subject, a Nueva Ecija were so tainted with acts of violence and
committee on credentials is usually appointed, to whom intimidation, that the result was not the legitimate
all credentials to be entitled to seats. . . . (Laurel on expression of the voters' choice, the Senate made no
Elections, Second Edition, pp. 356, 357, quoting grievous mistake in foreseeing the probability that, upon
McCrary on Elections.) proof of such widespread lawlessness, the Electoral
Tribunal would annull the returns in that region
Therefore, independently of constitutional or statutory
(see Gardiner vs. Romulo, 26 Phil., 521; Laurel,
grant, the Senate has, under parliamentary practice, the
Elections [2d ed.], p. 488 et seq.), and declare herein
power to inquire into the credentials of any member and
petitioners not entitled to seats in the Senate.
the latter's right to participate in its deliberations. As we
Consequently, to avoid the undesirable result flowing
have seen, the assignment by the constitution of the
from the participation of disqualified members in its
Electoral Tribunal does not actually negative that power
deliberations, it was prudent for it to defer the sitting of
— provided the Senate does not cross the boundary
the respondents. True, they may have no direct
line, deciding an election contest against the member.
connection with the acts of intimidation; yet the votes
Which the respondents at bar never attempted to do.
may be annulled just the same, and if that happens,
Precisely, their resolution recognized, and did not impair,
petitioners would not among the sixteen senators
the jurisdiction of the Electoral Tribunal to decide the
elected. Nor was it far-fetched for the Senate to consider
contest. To test whether the resolution trenched on the
that "in order to maintain alive the respect for democratic
territory of the last named agency let ask the question:
institutions among our people, no man or group of men
May the Electoral Tribunal of the Senate order that Body
(should) be permitted to profit from the results of an
to defer the admission of any member whose election
election held under coercion, in violation of law and
has been contested? Obviously not. Then it must be
contrary to the principle of freedom of choice which
conceded that the passage of the disputed resolution
should underlie all elections under the Constitution."
meant no invasion of the former's realm.
(Exhibit A of petitioners' complaint.)
At this juncture the error will be shown of the contention
a. Justices in the Electoral Tribunals
that the Senate has not this privilege "as a residuary
power". Such contention is premised on the proposition During our deliberations, it was remarked that several
that the Houses of the Philippine Congress possess only justices subscribing the majority opinion, belong to the
such powers  as are expressly or impliedly granted by electoral tribunals wherein protests connected with the
the Constitution. And an American decision is quoted on Central Luzon polls await investigation. Mulling over this,
the powers of the United States Congress. The mistake we experience no qualmish feelings about the
is due to the failure to differentiate between the nature of coincidence. Their designation to the electoral tribunals
legislative power under the Constitution of the United deducted not a whit from their functions as members of
States, and legislative power under the State this Supreme Court, and did not disqualify them in this
Constitutions and the Constitution of the Commonwealth litigation. Nor will their deliverances here at on a given
(now the Republic). It must be observed that the question operate to prevent them from voting in the
Constitution of the United States contains only a grant or electoral forum on identical questions; because the
delegation of legislative powers  to the Federal Constitution, establishing no incompatibility between the
Government, whereas, the other Constitutions, like the two roles, naturally did not contemplate, nor want,
Constitution of the Commonwealth (now the justices opining one way here, and thereafter holding
Republic), are limits upon the plenary powers of otherwise, pari materia, in the electoral tribunals, or vice-
legislation of the Government. The legislative power of versa.
the United States Congress is confined to the subject on
Anyhow, these should be no diversity of thought in a
which it is permitted to act by the Federal constitution.
democratic country, at least, on the legal effects of the
(Dorr vs. United States, 195 U. S., 140; Martin vs.
alleged rampant lawlessness, root and basis of the
Hunter, 1 Wheat., 326; McCullock vs. Maryland, 4
Pendatun Resolution.
Wheat., 405; United States vs. Cruikshank, 92 U.S.,
551.) The legislative power of the Philippine Congress is However, it must be observed and emphasized, herein is
plenary, subject only to such limitations, as are found in no definite pronouncement that terrorism and
the Republic's Constitution. So that any power, deemed violence actually prevailed in the district to such extent
to be legislative by usage and tradition, is necessarily that the result was not the expression of the free will of
possessed by the Philippine Congress, unless the the electorate. Such issue was not tendered in these
Organic Act has lodged it elsewhere. proceedings. It hinges upon proof to be produced by
protestants and protestees at the hearing of the
Another line of approach. The Senate, as a branch of the
respective contests.
legislative department, had the constitutional power to
adopt rules for its proceedings(section 10 [3], Article VI b. Doubt and presumption.
of the Constitution), and by legislative practice it is
After all is said or written, the most that may be
conceded the power to promulgate such orders as may
conceded to the industry of petitioners' counsel is that
be necessary to maintain its prestige and to preserve its
the Senate power, or lack of power, to approve the
dignity.4 We are advised by the respondents that, after
resolution is not entirely clear. We should, therefore,
weighing the propriety or impropriety of the step, the
indulge the presumption that official duty has been
Senate, in the exercise of its authority and discretion and
performed regularly, (Rule 123, section 69, Rule of
of its inherent power of self-preservation, resolved to
Court), and in the right manner:
defer the administration of oath and the sitting of the
petitioners pending determination of the contest. It is not
clear that the measure had no reasonable connection

Page 26 of 82
It is a general principle to presume that public other scenes or to meditate on the larger aspects of the
officers act correctly until the contrary is shown. whole performance, or what is worse, become so
United States vs. Weed, 5 Wall., 62. infatuated with their lines as to construe the entire story
according to their prejudices or frustrations. Perspective
It will be presumed, unless the contrary be
and disinterestedness help certainly a lot in examining
shown, that a public officer acted in accordance
actions and occurrences.
with the law and his instructions. Moral y
Gonzales vs. Ross (Gonzales vs. Ross), 120 Come to think of it, under the theory thus proposed,
U.S., 605; 7 Sup. Ct. Rep., 705. Marshall and Holmes (names venerated by those who
have devoted a sizable portion of their professionals
Officers charged with the performance of a
lives to analyzing or solving constitutional problems and
public duty are presumed to perform it correctly.
developments) were not so authoritative after all in
Quinlan vs. Greene Country, 205 U.S., 410; 27
expounding the United States Constitution — because
Sup. Ct. Rep., 505. (United State Supreme
they were not members of the Federal Convention that
Court Reports Digest, Vol. 5, p. 3188.)
framed it!
It is presumed that the legislature has acted
within its constitutional powers. (See cases cited
at p. 257, 16 C.J.S., note 1.) Quoting section 12 of Commonwealth Act No. 725,
counsel for petitioners assert that it was respondents'
And should there be further doubt, by all the maxims of
duty legally inescapable, to permit petitioners to assume
prudence, left alone comity, we should heed the off-limits
office and take part in the current regular session. The
sign at the Congressional Hall, and check the impulse to
section reads partly:
rush in to set matters aright — firm in the belief that if a
political fraud has been accomplished, as petitioners The candidates for Member of the House of
aver, the sovereign people, ultimately the offended party, Representatives and those for Senators who
will render the fitting verdict — at the polling precints. have been proclaimed elected by the respective
Board of Canvassers and the Commission on
c. Membership in the Constitutional Convention
Elections shall assume office and shall hold
The theory has been proposed — modesty aside — that regular session for the year nineteen hundred
the dissenting members of this Court who were and forty-six on May twenty-five, nineteen
delegates to the Constitutional Convention and were "co- hundred and forty-six. (Section 12,
authors of the Constitution" "are in a better position to Commonwealth Act. No. 725.)
interpret" that same Constitution in this particular
We have carefully considered the argument. We opine
that, as contended by the Solicitor-General, this
There is no doubt that their properly recorded utterances provision is addressed to the individual member of
during the debates and proceedings of the Convention Congress, imposing on him the obligation to come to
deserve weight, like those of any other delegate therein. Manila, and join his colleagues in regular session.
Note, however, that the proceedings of the Convention However, it does not imply that if, for any reason, he is
"are less conclusive of the power construction of the disqualified, the House is powerless to postpone his
instrument than are legislative proceedings of the proper admission. Suppose that after elections a member is
construction of a statute; since in the latter case it is the finally convicted of treason. May not the House refuse
intent of the legislature we seek, while in the former we him outright admission, pending an investigation (by it or
are endeavoring to arrive at the intent of the the Electoral Tribunal as the case may be) as to his
people  through the discussions and deliberations of their privilege to sit there? Granting the right to admission as
representatives. (Willoughby on the Constitution, Vol. I, the counterpart of the duty to assume office by virtue of
pp. 54, 55.) said section 12; we must nevertheless allow that such
rights would not be peremptory whenever it contacts
Their writings (of the delegates) commenting or other rights of equal or superior force. To illustrate: if the
explaining that instrument, published shortly thereafter, law provided that all children, seven years or more "shall
may, like those of Hamilton, Madison and Jayin The go to school", it can not reasonably be inferred that
Federalist — here in the Philippines, the book of school authorities are bound to accept every seven-year
Delegate Aruego, supra, and of others — have boy, even if he refuses to pay fees, or to present the
persuasive force. (Op. cit., p. 55.) certificates required by school regulations.
But their personal opinion on the matter at issue Furthermore, it would not be erroneous to maintain that
expressed during our deliberations stand on a different any right spelled out of section 12 must logically be
footing: If based on a "fact" known to them, but not duly limited to those candidates whose proclamation is clear,
established or judicially cognizable, it is immaterial, and unconditional and unclouded, and that such standard is
their brethren are not expected to take their word for it, not met by the petitioners, because in the very document
to the prejudice of the party adversely affected, who had attesting to their election one member of the
no chance of rebuttal. If on a matter of legal Commission on Elections demurred to the non-exclusion
hermeneutics, their conclusions may not, simply on of the votes in Central Luzon, calling attention to the
account of membership in the Convention, be a shade reported reign of terror and violence in that region, and
better, in the eyes of the law. There is the word virtually objecting to the certification of herein petitioners.
"deference" to be sure. But deference is a compliment To be sure, it was the beclouded condition of petitioner's
spontaneously to be paid — never a tribute to be credential (certificate of canvass) that partly prompted
demanded. the Senate to enact the precautionary measure herein
And if we should (without intending any disparagement) complained of. And finding no phrase or sentence in the
compare the Constitution's enactment to a drama on the Constitution expressly or impliedly outlawing the step
stage or in actual life, we would realize that intelligent taken by that legislative body, we should be, and we are,
spectators or readres often know as much, if not more, reluctant to intervene.
about the real meanings, effects or tendency is of the Indeed, had the Senate been officially informed that the
event, or incidents thereof, as some of the actors inclusion of petitioners' name in the Commission's
themselves, who sometimes become so absorbed in certificate had been made at the point of a gangster's
fulfilling their emotional roles that they fail to watch the automatic, none will deny the appositeness of the

Page 27 of 82
postponement of their induction, pending an inquiry by invaded the constitutional privileges and
the corresponding authorities. Yet the difference prerogatives of the Senate of the United States
between such situation and the instant litigation is one of and of three Senators; and was without
degree, broad and wide perhaps, but not altering the jurisdiction to grant the rule, and Senators are
dominant legal principle. directed to make no appearance in response
thereto." (Willoughby on the Constitution of the
In answer to the suggestions as to abuse of the power it
United States, Vol. I, Second Edition, p. 616.)
should be stated that the mere possibility of abuse is no
conclusive argument against the existence of the power, Respondents are, by this proceeding, called to account
of the power, for the simple reason that every official for their votes in approving the Pendatum Resolution.
authority is susceptible of misuse. And everybody knows Having sworn to uphold the Constitution, we must
that when any people will discover the methods to curb enforce the constitutional directive. We must not
it. question, nor permit respondents to be questioned here
in connection with their votes. (Kilbourn vs.
Perhaps it is necessary to explain that this decision goes
Thompson, supra.)
no further than to recognize the existence of
Congressional power. It is settled that the point whether Case dismissed. No costs. Moran, C J., Paras, Pablo, 
such power has been wisely or correctly exercised, is
usually beyond the ken of judicial determination.
E.—PARLIAMENTARY PRIVILEGES G.R. No. 191002               April 20, 2010

One final consideration. ARTURO M. DE CASTRO, Petitioner, 

The Constitution provides (Article VI, section 15) that "for JUDICIAL AND BAR COUNCIL (JBC) and
any speech or debate" in congress, Senators and PRESIDENT GLORIA MACAPAGAL -
congressmen "shall not be questioned in any other ARROYO, Respondents.
place." The Supreme Court of the United States has
interpreted this privilege to include the giving of a vote or x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x
the presentation of a resolution. G.R. No. 191032
. . . It would be a narrow view of the JAIME N. SORIANO, Petitioner, 
constitutional provision to limit it towards spoken vs.
in debate. The reason of the rule is as forcible in JUDICIAL AND BAR COUNCIL (JBC), Respondent.
its application to written reports presented in that
body by its committees, to resolutions offered, x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x
which, though in writing, must be reproduced in G.R. No. 191057
speech, and to the act of voting, . . . (Kilbourn
vs. thompson, 103 U.S., 204; 26 Law. ed., 377, PHILIPPINE CONSTITUTION ASSOCIATION
p. 391.) (PHILCONSA), Petitioner, 
In the above case, Kilbourn, for refusing to answer JUDICIAL AND BAR COUNCIL (JBC), Respondent.
questions put to him by the House of Representatives of
the United States Congress, concerning the business of x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x
a real estate partnership, was imprisoned for contempt A.M. No. 10-2-5-SC
by resolution of the house. He sued to recover damages
from the sergeant at arms and the congressional IN RE APPLICABILITY OF SECTION 15, ARTICLE VII
members of the committee, who had caused him to be OF THE CONSTITUTION TO APPOINTMENTS TO
brought before the house, where he was adjudged to be THE JUDICIARY, ESTELITO P. MENDOZA, Petitioner,
in contempt. The Supreme Court of the United States x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x
found that the resolution of the House was void for want
of jurisdiction in that body, but the action was dismissed G.R. No. 191149
as to the members of the committee  upon the strength JOHN G. PERALTA, Petitioner, 
of the herein above-mentioned congressional immunity. vs.
The court cited with approval the following excerpts from JUDICIAL AND BAR COUNCIL (JBC). Respondent.
an earlier decision of the Supreme Court of PETER IRVING CORVERA; CHRISTIAN ROBERT S.
These privileges are thus secured, not with the PEOPLE’S LAWYERS; MARLOU B. UBANO;
intention of protecting the members against INTEGRATED BAR OF THE PHILIPPINES-DAVAO
prosecutions for their own benefit, but to support DEL SUR CHAPTER, represented by its Immediate
the rights of the people, by enabling their Past President, ATTY. ISRAELITO P. TORREON, and
representatives to execute the functions of their the latter in his own personal capacity as a MEMBER
office without fear of prosecutions, civil or of the PHILIPPINE BAR; MITCHELL JOHN L.
criminal. I, therefore, think that the article ought BOISER; BAGONG ALYANSANG BAYAN (BAYAN)
not to be construed strictly, but liberally, that the CHAIRMAN DR. CAROLINA P. ARAULLO; BAYAN
full design of it may be answered. . . (103 U.S., SECRETARY GENERAL RENATO M. REYES, JR.;
Commenting on this Congressional privilege, Willoughby (COURAGE) CHAIRMAN FERDINAND GAITE;
relates apparently as controlling, the following incident: KALIPUNAN NG DAMAYANG MAHIHIRAP
In 1910, several Members of Congress having (KADAMAY) SECRETARY GENERAL GLORIA
been served with a writ of mandamus in a civil ARELLANO; ALYANSA NG NAGKAKAISANG
action brought against them as members of the KABATAAN NG SAMBAYANAN PARA SA
Joint Committee on Printing and growing out a KAUNLARAN (ANAKBAYAN) CHAIRMAN KEN
refusal of a bid of the Valley Paper Company, for LEONARD RAMOS; TAYO ANG PAG-ASA
the furnishing of paper, the Senate resolved that CONVENOR ALVIN PETERS; LEAGUE OF FILIPINO
the Justice issuing the writ had "unlawfully STUDENTS (LFS) CHAIRMAN JAMES MARK TERRY

Page 28 of 82
STUDENTS OF THE PHILIPPINES (NUSP) Petitioners Jaime N. Soriano (G.R. No. 191032), Amador
CHAIRMAN EINSTEIN RECEDES; COLLEGE Z. Tolentino and Roland B. Inting (G.R. No. 191342),
EDITORS GUILD OF THE PHILIPPINES (CEGP) and Philippine Bar Association (G.R. No. 191420), as
CHAIRMAN VIJAE ALQUISOLA; and STUDENT well as intervenors Integrated Bar of the Philippines-
CHRISTIAN MOVEMENT OF THE PHILIPPINES Davao del Sur (IBP-Davao del Sur, et al.); Christian
(SCMP) CHAIRMAN MA. CRISTINA ANGELA Robert S. Lim; Peter Irving Corvera; Bagong Alyansang
GUEVARRA; WALDEN F. BELLO and LORETTA ANN Bayan and others (BAYAN, et al.); Alfonso V. Tan, Jr.;
P. ROSALES; WOMEN TRIAL LAWYERS the Women Trial Lawyers Organization of the Philippines
ORGANIZATION OF THE PHILIPPINES, represented (WTLOP); Marlou B. Ubano; Mitchell John L. Boiser; and
by YOLANDA QUISUMBING-JAVELLANA; BELLEZA Walden F. Bello and Loretta Ann P. Rosales (Bello, et
ALOJADO DEMAISIP; TERESITA GANDIONCO- al.), filed their respective motions for reconsideration.
OLEDAN; MA. VERENA KASILAG-VILLANUEVA; Also filing a motion for reconsideration was Senator
MARILYN STA. ROMANA; LEONILA DE JESUS; and Aquilino Q. Pimentel, Jr., whose belated intervention
We summarize the arguments and submissions of the
x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x various motions for reconsideration, in the aforegiven
G.R. No. 191342
Southern Luzon), and ATTY. ROLAND B. INTING 1. The Court has not squarely ruled upon or
(IBPGovernor-Eastern Visayas), Petitioners,  addressed the issue of whether or not the power
vs. to designate the Chief Justice belonged to the
JUDICIAL AND BAR COUNCIL (JBC), Respondent. Supreme Court en banc.
x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x 2. The Mendoza petition should have been
dismissed, because it sought a mere declaratory
G.R. No. 191420
judgment and did not involve a justiciable
PHILIPPINE BAR ASSOCIATION, INC., Petitioner,  controversy.
3. All Justices of the Court should participate in
the next deliberations. The mere fact that the
Chief Justice sits as ex officio head of the JBC
ARROYO, Respondents.
should not prevail over the more compelling
RESOLUTION state interest for him to participate as a Member
of the Court.
Tolentino and Inting
On March 17, 2010, the Court promulgated its decision,
holding: 1. A plain reading of Section 15, Article VII does
not lead to an interpretation that exempts judicial
WHEREFORE, the Court: appointments from the express ban on midnight
1. Dismisses the petitions for certiorari and appointments.
mandamus in G.R. No. 191002 and G.R. No. 2. In excluding the Judiciary from the ban, the
191149, and the petition for mandamus in G.R. Court has made distinctions and has created
No. 191057 for being premature; exemptions when none exists.
2. Dismisses the petitions for prohibition in G.R. 3. The ban on midnight appointments is placed
No. 191032 and G.R. No. 191342 for lack of in Article VII, not in Article VIII, because it limits
merit; and an executive, not a judicial, power.
3. Grants the petition in A.M. No. 10-2-5-SC 4. Resort to the deliberations of the
and, accordingly, directs the Judicial and Bar Constitutional Commission is superfluous, and is
Council: powerless to vary the terms of the clear
(a) To resume its proceedings for the prohibition.
nomination of candidates to fill the 5. The Court has given too much credit to the
vacancy to be created by the position taken by Justice Regalado. Thereby,
compulsory retirement of Chief Justice the Court has raised the Constitution to the level
Reynato S. Puno by May 17, 2010; of a venerated text whose intent can only be
(b) To prepare the short list of nominees divined by its framers as to be outside the realm
for the position of Chief Justice; of understanding by the sovereign people that
ratified it.
(c) To submit to the incumbent
President the short list of nominees for 6. Valenzuela should not be reversed.
the position of Chief Justice on or before 7. The petitioners, as taxpayers and lawyers,
May 17, 2010; and have the clear legal standing to question the
(d) To continue its proceedings for the illegal composition of the JBC.
nomination of candidates to fill other Philippine Bar Association
vacancies in the Judiciary and submit to
the President the short list of nominees 1. The Court’s strained interpretation of the
corresponding thereto in accordance Constitution violates the basic principle that the
with this decision. Court should not formulate a rule of
constitutional law broader than what is required
SO ORDERED. by the precise facts of the case.
Motions for Reconsideration 2. Considering that Section 15, Article VII is
clear and straightforward, the only duty of the

Page 29 of 82
Court is to apply it. The provision expressly and reason exists to warrant the reversal of the
clearly provides a general limitation on the Valenzuela pronouncement.
appointing power of the President in prohibiting
2. Section 16, Article VII of the Constitution
the appointment of any person to any position in
provides for presidential appointments to the
the Government without any qualification and
Constitutional Commissions and the JBC with
the consent of the Commission on
3. The Court gravely erred in unilaterally Appointments. Its phrase "other officers whose
ignoring the constitutional safeguard against appointments are vested in him in this
midnight appointments. Constitution" is enough proof that the limitation
on the appointing power of the President
4. The Constitution has installed two
extends to appointments to the Judiciary. Thus,
constitutional safeguards:- the prohibition
Section 14, Section 15, and Section 16 of Article
against midnight appointments, and the creation
VII apply to all presidential appointments in the
of the JBC. It is not within the authority of the
Executive and Judicial Branches of the
Court to prefer one over the other, for the
Court’s duty is to apply the safeguards as they
are, not as the Court likes them to be. 3. There is no evidence that the framers of the
Constitution abhorred the idea of an Acting Chief
5. The Court has erred in failing to apply the
Justice in all cases.
basic principles of statutory construction in
interpreting the Constitution. Lim
6. The Court has erred in relying heavily on the 1. There is no justiciable controversy that
title, chapter or section headings, despite warrants the Court’s exercise of judicial review.
precedents on statutory construction holding that
2. The election ban under Section 15, Article VII
such headings carried very little weight.
applies to appointments to fill a vacancy in the
7. The Constitution has provided a general rule Court and to other appointments to the
on midnight appointments, and the only Judiciary.
exception is that on temporary appointments to
3. The creation of the JBC does not justify the
executive positions.
removal of the safeguard under Section 15 of
8. The Court has erred in directing the JBC to Article VII against midnight appointments in the
resume the proceedings for the nomination of Judiciary.
the candidates to fill the vacancy to be created
by the compulsory retirement of Chief Justice
Puno with a view to submitting the list of 1. The Court’s exclusion of appointments to the
nominees for Chief Justice to President Arroyo Judiciary from the Constitutional ban on
on or before May 17, 2010. The Constitution midnight appointments is based on an
grants the Court only the power of supervision interpretation beyond the plain and unequivocal
over the JBC; hence, the Court cannot tell the language of the Constitution.
JBC what to do, how to do it, or when to do it,
2. The intent of the ban on midnight
especially in the absence of a real and
appointments is to cover appointments in both
justiciable case assailing any specific action or
the Executive and Judicial Departments. The
inaction of the JBC.
application of the principle of verba legis
9. The Court has engaged in rendering an (ordinary meaning) would have obviated
advisory opinion and has indulged in dwelling on the organization and arrangement of
speculations. the provisions of the Constitution. If there is any
ambiguity in Section 15, Article VII, the intent
10. The constitutional ban on appointments
behind the provision, which is to prevent political
being already in effect, the Court’s directing the
partisanship in all branches of the Government,
JBC to comply with the decision constitutes a
should have controlled.
culpable violation of the Constitution and the
commission of an election offense. 3. A plain reading is preferred to a contorted and
strained interpretation based on
11. The Court cannot reverse on the basis of a
compartmentalization and physical arrangement,
secondary authority a doctrine unanimously
especially considering that the Constitution must
formulated by the Court en banc.
be interpreted as a whole.
12. The practice has been for the most senior
4. Resort to the deliberations or to the personal
Justice to act as Chief Justice whenever the
interpretation of the framers of the Constitution
incumbent is indisposed. Thus, the appointment
should yield to the plain and unequivocal
of the successor Chief Justice is not urgently
language of the Constitution.
5. There is no sufficient reason for reversing
13. The principal purpose for the ban on
Valenzuela, a ruling that is reasonable and in
midnight appointments is to arrest any attempt
accord with the Constitution.
to prolong the outgoing President’s powers by
means of proxies. The attempt of the incumbent BAYAN, et al.
President to appoint the next Chief Justice is
1. The Court erred in granting the petition in
undeniably intended to perpetuate her power
A.M. No. 10-2-5-SC, because the petition did not
beyond her term of office.
present a justiciable controversy. The issues it
IBP-Davao del Sur, et al. raised were not yet ripe for adjudication,
considering that the office of the Chief Justice
1. Its language being unambiguous, Section 15,
was not yet vacant and that the JBC itself has
Article VII of the Constitution applies to
yet to decide whether or not to submit a list of
appointments to the Judiciary. Hence, no cogent
nominees to the President.

Page 30 of 82
2. The collective wisdom of Valenzuela Court is 1. The Court exceeded its jurisdiction in ordering
more important and compelling than the opinion the JBC to submit the list of nominees for Chief
of Justice Regalado. Justice to the President on or before May 17,
2010, and to continue its proceedings for the
3. In ruling that Section 15, Article VII is in
nomination of the candidates, because it granted
conflict with Section 4(1), Article VIII, the Court
a relief not prayed for; imposed on the JBC a
has violated the principle of ut magis valeat
deadline not provided by law or the Constitution;
quam pereat (which mandates that the
exercised control instead of mere supervision
Constitution should be interpreted as a whole,
over the JBC; and lacked sufficient votes to
such that any conflicting provisions are to be
reverse Valenzuela.
harmonized as to fully give effect to all). There is
no conflict between the provisions; they 2. In interpreting Section 15, Article VII, the
complement each other. Court has ignored the basic principle of statutory
construction to the effect that the literal meaning
4. The form and structure of the Constitution’s
of the law must be applied when it is clear and
titles, chapters, sections, and draftsmanship
unambiguous; and that we should not
carry little weight in statutory construction. The
distinguish where the law does not distinguish.
clear and plain language of Section 15, Article
VII precludes interpretation. 3. There is no urgency to appoint the next Chief
Justice, considering that the Judiciary Act of
Tan, Jr.
1948 already provides that the power and duties
1. The factual antecedents do not present an of the office devolve on the most senior
actual case or controversy. The clash of legal Associate Justice in case of a vacancy in the
rights and interests in the present case are office of the Chief Justice.
merely anticipated. Even if it is anticipated with
certainty, no actual vacancy in the position of the
Chief Justice has yet occurred. 1. The language of Section 15, Article VII, being
clear and unequivocal, needs no interpretation
2. The ruling that Section 15, Article VII does not
apply to a vacancy in the Court and the Judiciary 2. The Constitution must be construed in its
runs in conflict with long standing principles and entirety, not by resort to the organization and
doctrines of statutory construction. The provision arrangement of its provisions.
admits only one exception, temporary
3. The opinion of Justice Regalado is irrelevant,
appointments in the Executive Department.
because Section 15, Article VII and the pertinent
Thus, the Court should not distinguish, because
records of the Constitutional Commission are
the law itself makes no distinction.
clear and unambiguous.
3. Valenzuela was erroneously reversed. The
4. The Court has erred in ordering the JBC to
framers of the Constitution clearly intended the
submit the list of nominees to the President by
ban on midnight appointments to cover the
May 17, 2010 at the latest, because no specific
members of the Judiciary. Hence, giving more
law requires the JBC to submit the list of
weight to the opinion of Justice Regalado to
nominees even before the vacancy has
reverse the en banc decision in Valenzuela was
4. Section 15, Article VII is not incompatible with
Section 4(1), Article VIII. The 90-day mandate to 1. Under Section 15, Article VII, the only
fill any vacancy lasts until August 15, 2010, or a exemption from the ban on midnight
month and a half after the end of the ban. The appointments is the temporary appointment to
next President has roughly the same time of 45 an executive position. The limitation is in
days as the incumbent President (i.e., 44 days) keeping with the clear intent of the framers of
within which to scrutinize and study the the Constitution to place a restriction on the
qualifications of the next Chief Justice. Thus, the power of the outgoing Chief Executive to make
JBC has more than enough opportunity to appointments.
examine the nominees without haste and
2. To exempt the appointment of the next Chief
political uncertainty.1avvphi1
Justice from the ban on midnight appointments
5. When the constitutional ban is in place, the makes the appointee beholden to the outgoing
90-day period under Section 4(1), Article VIII is Chief Executive, and compromises the
suspended. independence of the Chief Justice by having the
outgoing President be continually influential.
6. There is no basis to direct the JBC to submit
the list of nominees on or before May 17, 2010. 3. The Court’s reversal of Valenzuela without
The directive to the JBC sanctions a culpable stating the sufficient reason violates the principle
violation of the Constitution and constitutes an of stare decisis.
election offense.
Bello, et al.
7. There is no pressing necessity for the
1. Section 15, Article VII does not distinguish as
appointment of a Chief Justice, because the
to the type of appointments an outgoing
Court sits en banc, even when it acts as the sole
President is prohibited from making within the
judge of all contests relative to the election,
prescribed period. Plain textual reading and the
returns and qualifications of the President and
records of the Constitutional Commission
Vice-President. Fourteen other Members of the
support the view that the ban on midnight
Court can validly comprise the Presidential
appointments extends to judicial appointments.
Electoral Tribunal.
2. Supervision of the JBC by the Court involves
oversight. The subordinate subject to oversight
must first act not in accord with prescribed rules

Page 31 of 82
before the act can be redone to conform to the 1. The grounds of the motions for
prescribed rules. reconsideration were already resolved by the
decision and the separate opinion.
3. The Court erred in granting the petition in
A.M. No. 10-2-5-SC, because the petition did not 2. The administrative matter he brought invoked
present a justiciable controversy. the Court’s power of supervision over the JBC
as provided by Section 8(1), Article VIII of the
Constitution, as distinguished from the Court’s
1. Any constitutional interpretative changes must adjudicatory power under Section 1, Article VIII.
be reasonable, rational, and conformable to the In the former, the requisites for judicial review
general intent of the Constitution as a limitation are not required, which was why Valenzuela was
to the powers of Government and as a bastion docketed as an administrative matter.
for the protection of the rights of the people. Considering that the JBC itself has yet to take a
Thus, in harmonizing seemingly conflicting position on when to submit the short list to the
provisions of the Constitution, the interpretation proper appointing authority, it has effectively
should always be one that protects the citizenry solicited the exercise by the Court of its power of
from an ever expanding grant of authority to its supervision over the JBC.
3. To apply Section 15, Article VII to Section 4(1)
2. The decision expands the constitutional and Section 9, Article VIII is to amend the
powers of the President in a manner totally Constitution.
repugnant to republican constitutional
4. The portions of the deliberations of the
democracy, and is tantamount to a judicial
Constitutional Commission quoted in the dissent
amendment of the Constitution without proper
of Justice Carpio Morales, as well as in some of
the motions for reconsideration do not refer to
Comments either Section 15, Article VII or Section 4(1),
Article VIII, but to Section 13, Article VII (on
The Office of the Solicitor General (OSG) and the JBC nepotism).
separately represent in their respective comments, thus:
We deny the motions for reconsideration for lack of
1. The JBC may be compelled to submit to the merit, for all the matters being thereby raised and
President a short list of its nominees for the argued, not being new, have all been resolved by the
position of Chief Justice. decision of March 17, 2010.
2. The incumbent President has the power to Nonetheless, the Court opts to dwell on some matters
appoint the next Chief Justice. only for the purpose of clarification and emphasis.
3. Section 15, Article VII does not apply to the First: Most of the movants contend that the principle of
Judiciary. stare decisis is controlling, and accordingly insist that the
4. The principles of constitutional construction Court has erred in disobeying or abandoning
favor the exemption of the Judiciary from the Valenzuela.1
ban on midnight appointments.1awph!1 The contention has no basis.
5. The Court has the duty to consider and Stare decisis derives its name from the Latin maxim
resolve all issues raised by the parties as well as stare decisis et non quieta movere, i.e., to adhere to
other related matters. precedent and not to unsettle things that are settled. It
JBC simply means that a principle underlying the decision in
one case is deemed of imperative authority, controlling
1. The consolidated petitions should have been the decisions of like cases in the same court and in
dismissed for prematurity, because the JBC has lower courts within the same jurisdiction, unless and until
not yet decided at the time the petitions were the decision in question is reversed or overruled by a
filed whether the incumbent President has the court of competent authority. The decisions relied upon
power to appoint the new Chief Justice, and as precedents are commonly those of appellate courts,
because the JBC, having yet to interview the because the decisions of the trial courts may be
candidates, has not submitted a short list to the appealed to higher courts and for that reason are
President. probably not the best evidence of the rules of law laid
2. The statement in the decision that there is a down. 2
doubt on whether a JBC short list is necessary Judicial decisions assume the same authority as a
for the President to appoint a Chief Justice statute itself and, until authoritatively abandoned,
should be struck down as bereft of constitutional necessarily become, to the extent that they are
and legal basis. The statement undermines the applicable, the criteria that must control the actuations,
independence of the JBC. not only of those called upon to abide by them, but also
3. The JBC will abide by the final decision of the of those duty-bound to enforce obedience to them.3 In a
Court, but in accord with its constitutional hierarchical judicial system like ours, the decisions of the
mandate and its implementing rules and higher courts bind the lower courts, but the courts of co-
regulations. ordinate authority do not bind each other. The one
highest court does not bind itself, being invested with the
For his part, petitioner Estelito P. Mendoza (A.M. No. 10- innate authority to rule according to its best lights.4
2-5-SC) submits his comment even if the OSG and the
JBC were the only ones the Court has required to do so. The Court, as the highest court of the land, may be
He states that the motions for reconsideration were guided but is not controlled by precedent. Thus, the
directed at the administrative matter he initiated and Court, especially with a new membership, is not obliged
which the Court resolved. His comment asserts: to follow blindly a particular decision that it determines,
after re-examination, to call for a rectification.5 The
adherence to precedents is strict and rigid in a common-

Page 32 of 82
law setting like the United Kingdom, where judges make 4(1) and Section 9 should be left as they are, given that
law as binding as an Act of Parliament.6 But ours is not a their meaning is clear and explicit, and no words can be
common-law system; hence, judicial precedents are not interpolated in them.9Interpolation of words is
always strictly and rigidly followed. A judicial unnecessary, because the law is more than likely to fail
pronouncement in an earlier decision may be followed to express the legislative intent with the interpolation. In
as a precedent in a subsequent case only when its other words, the addition of new words may alter the
reasoning and justification are relevant, and the court in thought intended to be conveyed. And, even where the
the latter case accepts such reasoning and justification meaning of the law is clear and sensible, either with or
to be applicable to the case. The application of the without the omitted word or words, interpolation is
precedent is for the sake of convenience and stability. improper, because the primary source of the legislative
intent is in the language of the law itself.10
For the intervenors to insist that Valenzuela ought not to
be disobeyed, or abandoned, or reversed, and that its Thus, the decision of March 17, 2010 has fittingly
wisdom should guide, if not control, the Court in this observed:
case is, therefore, devoid of rationality and foundation.
Had the framers intended to extend the prohibition
They seem to conveniently forget that the Constitution
contained in Section 15, Article VII to the appointment of
itself recognizes the innate authority of the Court en
Members of the Supreme Court, they could have
banc to modify or reverse a doctrine or principle of law
explicitly done so. They could not have ignored the
laid down in any decision rendered en banc or in
meticulous ordering of the provisions. They would have
easily and surely written the prohibition made explicit in
Second: Some intervenors are grossly misleading the Section 15, Article VII as being equally applicable to the
public by their insistence that the Constitutional appointment of Members of the Supreme Court in Article
Commission extended to the Judiciary the ban on VIII itself, most likely in Section 4 (1), Article VIII. That
presidential appointments during the period stated in such specification was not done only reveals that the
Section 15, Article VII. prohibition against the President or Acting President
making appointments within two months before the next
The deliberations that the dissent of Justice Carpio
presidential elections and up to the end of the
Morales quoted from the records of the Constitutional
President’s or Acting President’s term does not refer to
Commission did not concern either Section 15, Article
the Members of the Supreme Court.
VII or Section 4(1), Article VIII, but only Section 13,
Article VII, a provision on nepotism. The records of the We cannot permit the meaning of the Constitution to be
Constitutional Commission show that Commissioner stretched to any unintended point in order to suit the
Hilario G. Davide, Jr. had proposed to include judges purposes of any quarter.
and justices related to the President within the fourth civil
Final Word
degree of consanguinity or affinity among the persons
whom the President might not appoint during his or her It has been insinuated as part of the polemics attendant
tenure. In the end, however, Commissioner Davide, Jr. to the controversy we are resolving that because all the
withdrew the proposal to include the Judiciary in Section Members of the present Court were appointed by the
13, Article VII "(t)o avoid any further complication,"8 such incumbent President, a majority of them are now
that the final version of the second paragraph of Section granting to her the authority to appoint the successor of
13, Article VII even completely omits any reference to the retiring Chief Justice.
the Judiciary, to wit:
The insinuation is misguided and utterly unfair.
Section 13. xxx
The Members of the Court vote on the sole basis of their
The spouse and relatives by consanguinity or affinity conscience and the merits of the issues. Any claim to the
within the fourth civil degree of the President shall not contrary proceeds from malice and condescension.
during his tenure be appointed as Members of the Neither the outgoing President nor the present Members
Constitutional Commissions, or the Office of the of the Court had arranged the current situation to
Ombudsman, or as Secretaries, Undersecretaries, happen and to evolve as it has. None of the Members of
chairmen or heads of bureaus or offices, including the Court could have prevented the Members composing
government-owned or controlled corporations and their the Court when she assumed the Presidency about a
subsidiaries. decade ago from retiring during her prolonged term and
tenure, for their retirements were mandatory. Yet, she is
Last: The movants take the majority to task for holding
now left with an imperative duty under the Constitution to
that Section 15, Article VII does not apply to
fill up the vacancies created by such inexorable
appointments in the Judiciary. They aver that the Court
retirements within 90 days from their occurrence. Her
either ignored or refused to apply many principles of
official duty she must comply with. So must we ours who
statutory construction.
are tasked by the Constitution to settle the controversy.
The movants gravely err in their posture, and are
ACCORDINGLY, the motions for reconsideration are
themselves apparently contravening their avowed
denied with finality.
reliance on the principles of statutory construction.
For one, the movants, disregarding the absence from
Section 15, Article VII of the express extension of the LUCAS P. BERSAMIN
ban on appointments to the Judiciary, insist that the ban Associate Justice
applied to the Judiciary under the principle of verba
legis. That is self-contradiction at its worst.
Another instance is the movants’ unhesitating
Chief Justice
willingness to read into Section 4(1) and Section 9, both
of Article VIII, the express applicability of the ban under
Section 15, Article VII during the period provided therein, ANTONIO T. RENATO C.
despite the silence of said provisions thereon. Yet, CARPIO CORONA
construction cannot supply the omission, for doing so Associate Justice Associate Justice
would generally constitute an encroachment upon the
field of the Constitutional Commission. Rather, Section

Page 33 of 82
usurp legislative function; he mentions that in
CONCHITA CARPIO PRESBITERO J. 1966, Lord Chancellor Gardiner announced in a
MORALES VELASCO, JR. Practice Statement a kind of general
Associate Justice Associate Justice memorandum from the court that while: "Their
Lordships regard the use of precedent as an
indispensable foundation upon which to decide
what is the law," they "nevertheless recognize
that too rigid adherence to precedent may lead
to injustice in a particular case and also unduly
Associate Justice Associate Justice
restrict the proper development of the law. They
propose, therefore, to modify their present
DIOSDADO M. practice and, while treating former decisions of
ARTURO D. BRION this House as normally binding, to depart from a
Associate Justice previous decision when it appears right to do
Associate Justice
so." (Calabresi cites Leach, Revisionism in the
House of Lords: The Bastion of Rigid Stare
MARIANO C. DEL Decisis Falls, 80 Harvard Law Review, 797
Associate Justice
Associate Justice 7
 Section 4 (2), Article VIII, provides:
VILLARAMA, JR. PEREZ (3) Cases or matters heard by a division
Associate Justice Associate Justice shall be decided or resolved with the
concurrence of a majority of the
Members who actually took part in the
JOSE CATRAL MENDOZA deliberations on the issues in the case
Associate Justice and voted thereon, and in no case,
CERTIFICATION without the concurrence of at least three
of such Members. When the required
Pursuant to Section 13, Article VIII of the Constitution, it number is not obtained, the case shall
is hereby certified that the conclusions in the above be decided en banc; Provided, that no
Resolution had been reached in consultation before the doctrine or principle of law laid down by
case was assigned to the writer of the opinion of the the court in a decision rendered en banc
Court. or in division may be modified or
REYNATO S. PUNO reversed except by the court sitting en
Chief Justice banc.
 Record of the 1986 Constitutional Commission,
Vol. 2, July 31, 1986, RCC No. 44. pp. 542-543.
Footnotes  Smith v. State, 66 Md. 215, 7 Atl. 49.
 In Re Appointments Dated March 30, 1998 of  State ex rel Everding v. Simon, 20 Ore. 365,
Hon. Mateo A. Valenzuela and Hon. Placido B. 26 Pac. 170.
Vallarta as Judges of the Regional Trial Court of
Branch 62, Bago City and of Branch 24, The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation
Cabanatuan City, respectively, A.M. No. 98-5-
01-SC, November 9, 1998, 298 SCRA 408.
 Price & Bitner, Effective Legal Research, Little,
Brown & Co., New York (1962), § 9.7.
 Caltex (Phil.), Inc. v. Palomar, No. L-19650,
September 29, 1966, 18 SCRA 247
 E.g., Dias, Jurisprudence, Butterworths,
London, 1985, Fifth Edition, p. 127. No compelling reason exists for the Court to deny a
5 reconsideration of the assailed Decision. The various
 Limketkai Sons Milling, Inc. v. Court of
motions for reconsideration raise hollering substantial
Appeals, G.R. No. 118509, September 5, 1996,
arguments and legitimately nagging questions which the
261 SCRA 464.
Court must meet head on.
 See Calabresi, A Common Law for the Age of
If this Court is to deserve or preserve its revered place
Statutes, Harvard University Press, p. 4 (1982)
not just in the hierarchy but also in history, passion for
and endnote 12 of the page, which essentially
reason demands the issuance of an extended and
recounts that the strict application of the doctrine
extensive resolution that confronts the ramifications and
of stare decisis is true only in a common-law
repercussions of its assailed Decision. Only then can it
jurisdiction like England (citing Wise, The
offer an illumination that any self-respecting student of
Doctrine of Stare Decisis, 21 Wayne Law
the law clamors and any adherent of the law deserves.
Review, 1043, 1046-1047 (1975). Calabresi
Otherwise, it takes the risk of reeking of an objectionable
recalls that the English House of Lords decided
air of supreme judicial arrogance.
in 1898 (London Tramways Co. v. London
County Council, A.C. 375) that they could not It is thus imperative to settle the following issues and
alter precedents laid down by the House of concerns:
Lords acting as the supreme court in previous
Whether the incumbent President is constitutionally
cases, but that such precedents could only be
proscribed from appointing the successor of Chief
altered by an Act of Parliament, for to do
Justice Reynato S. Puno upon his retirement on May
otherwise would mean that the courts would

Page 34 of 82
17, 2010 until the ban ends at 12:00 noon of June 30, 3. The express allowance in the Constitution of a
2010 90-day period of vacancy in the membership of
the Court rebuts any public policy argument on
1. In interpreting the subject constitutional
avoiding a vacuum of even a single day without
provisions, the Decision disregarded established
a duly appointed Chief Justice. Moreover, as
canons of statutory construction. Without
pointed out in my Dissenting Opinion, the
explaining the inapplicability of each of the
practice of having an acting Chief Justice in the
relevant rules, the Decision immediately placed
interregnum is provided for by law, confirmed by
premium on the arrangement and ordering of
tradition, and settled by jurisprudence to be an
provisions, one of the weakest tools of
internal matter.
construction, to arrive at its conclusion.
The Resolution of the majority, in denying the present
2. In reversing Valenzuela, the Decision held
Motions for Reconsideration, failed to rebut the foregoing
that the Valenzuela dictum did not firmly rest on
crucial matters.
ConCom deliberations, yet it did not offer to cite
a material ConCom deliberation. It instead opted I, therefore, maintain my dissent and vote to GRANT the
to rely on the memory of Justice Florenz Motions for Reconsideration of the Decision of March 17,
Regalado which incidentally mentioned only the 2010 insofar as it holds that the incumbent President is
"Court of Appeals." The Decision’s conclusion not constitutionally proscribed from appointing the
must rest on the strength of its own favorable successor of Chief Justice Reynato S. Puno upon his
Concom deliberation, none of which to date has retirement on May 17, 2010 until the ban ends at 12:00
been cited. noon of June 30, 2010 and that the Judicial and Bar
Council is obliged to submit to the President the shortlist
3. Instead of choosing which constitutional
of nominees for the position of Chief Justice on or before
provision carves out an exception from the other
May 17, 2010.
provision, the most legally feasible interpretation
(in the limited cases of temporary physical or CONCHITA CARPIO MORALES
legal impossibility of compliance, as expounded Associate Justice
in my Dissenting Opinion) is to consider the
appointments ban or other substantial obstacle
The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation
as a temporary impossibility which excuses or
releases the constitutional obligation of the
Office of the President for the duration of the
ban or obstacle.
In view of the temporary nature of the circumstance
causing the impossibility of performance, the outgoing CONCURRING AND DISSENTING OPINION
President is released from non-fulfillment of the
obligation to appoint, and the duty devolves upon the BRION, J.:
new President. The delay in the fulfillment of the The Motions for Reconsideration
obligation becomes excusable, since the law cannot
exact compliance with what is impossible. The 90-day After sifting through the motions for reconsideration, I
period within which to appoint a member of the Court is found that the arguments are largely the same
thus suspended and the period could only start or arguments that we have passed upon, in one form or
resume to run when the temporary obstacle disappears another, in the various petitions. Essentially, the issues
(i.e., after the period of the appointments ban; when boil down to justiciability; the conflict of constitutional
there is already a quorum in the JBC; or when there is provisions; the merits of the cited constitutional
already at least three applicants). deliberations; and the status and effect of the
Valenzuela1 ruling. Even the motion for reconsideration
Whether the Judicial and Bar Council is obliged to of the Philippine Bar Association (G.R. No. 191420),
submit to the President the shortlist of nominees for whose petition I did not expressly touch upon in my
the position of Chief Justice (or Justice of this Separate Opinion, basically dwells on these issues.
Court) on or before the occurrence of the vacancy.
I have addressed most, if not all, of these issues and I
1. The ruling in the Decision that obligates the submit my Separate Opinion2 as my basic response to
JBC to submit the shortlist to the President on or the motions for reconsideration, supplemented by the
before the occurrence of the vacancy in the discussions below.
Court runs counter to the Concom
deliberations which explain that the 90-day As I reflected in my Separate Opinion (which three other
period is allotted for both the nomination by the Justices joined),3 the election appointment ban under
JBC and the appointment by the President. In Article VII, Section 15 of the Constitution should not
the move to increase the period to 90 days, apply to the appointment of Members of the Supreme
Commissioner Romulo stated that "[t]he sense Court whose period for appointment is separately
of the Committee is that 60 days is awfully short provided for under Article VIII, Section 4(1). I shared this
and that the [Judicial and Bar] Council, as well conclusion with the Court’s Decision although our
as the President, may have difficulties with that." reasons differed on some points.
2. To require the JBC to submit to the President I diverged fully from the Decision on the question of
a shortlist of nominees on or before the whether we should maintain or reverse our ruling in
occurrence of vacancy in the Court leads to Valenzuela. I maintained that it is still good law; no
preposterous results. It bears reiterating that the reason exists to touch the ruling as its main focus – the
requirement is absurd when, inter alia, the application of the election ban on the appointment of
vacancy is occasioned by the death of a lower court judges under Article VIII, Section 9 of the
member of the Court, in which case the JBC Constitution – is not even an issue in the present case
could never anticipate the death of a Justice, and was discussed only because the petitions incorrectly
and could never submit a list to the President on cited the ruling as authority on the issue of the Chief
or before the occurrence of vacancy. Justice’s appointment. The Decision proposed to reverse
Valenzuela but only secured the support of five (5)

Page 35 of 82
votes, while my Separate Opinion in support of outputs in the Court’s rulemaking function – are also
Valenzuela had four (4) votes. Thus, on the whole, the docketed as A.M. cases.
Decision did not prevail in reversing Valenzuela, as it
That an actual case or controversy involving a clash of
only had five (5) votes in a field of 12 participating
rights and interests exists is immediately and patently
Members of the Court. Valenzuela should therefore
obvious in the Tolentino and Soriano petitions. At the
remain, as of the filing of this Opinion, as a valid
time the petitions were filed, the JBC had started its six-
phase nomination process that would culminate in the
Acting on the present motions for reconsideration, I join submission of a list of nominees to the President of the
the majority in denying the motions with respect to the Philippines for appointive action. Tolentino and Soriano
Chief Justice issue, although we differ in some respects – lawyers and citizens with interest in the strict
on the reasons supporting the denial. I dissent from the observance of the election ban – sought to prohibit the
conclusion that the Valenzuela ruling should be JBC from continuing with this process. The JBC had
reversed. My divergence from the majority’s reasons and started to act, without any prodding from the Court,
conclusions compels me to write this Concurring and because of its duty to start the nomination process but
Dissenting Opinion. was hampered by the petitions filed and the legal
questions raised that only the Supreme Court can settle
The Basic Requisites / Justiciability
with finality.11 Thus, a clash of interests based on law
One marked difference between the Decision and my existed between the petitioners and the JBC. To state
Separate Opinion is our approach on the basic the obvious, a decision in favor of Tolentino or Soriano
requisites/justiciability issues. The Decision apparently would result in a writ of prohibition that would direct the
glossed over this aspect of the case, while I fully JBC not to proceed with the nomination process.
explained why the De Castro4 and Peralta5 petitions
The Mendoza petition cited the effect of a complete
should be dismissed outright. In my view, these petitions
election ban on judicial appointments (in view of the
violated the most basic requirements of their chosen
already high level of vacancies and the backlog of
medium for review – a petition for certiorari and
cases) as basis, and submitted the question as an
mandamus under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court.
administrative matter that the Court, in the exercise of its
The petitions commonly failed to allege that the Judicial supervisory authority over the Judiciary and the JBC
and Bar Council (JBC) performs judicial or quasi-judicial itself, should act upon. At the same time, it cited the
functions, an allegation that the petitions could not really "public discourse and controversy" now taking place
make, since the JBC does not really undertake these because of the application of the election ban on the
functions and, for this reason, cannot be the subject of a appointment of the Chief Justice, pointing in this regard
petition for certiorari; hence, the petitions should be to the very same reasons mentioned in Valenzuela
dismissed outright. They likewise failed to facially show about the need to resolve the issue and avoid the
any failure or refusal by the JBC to undertake a recurrence of conflict between the Executive and the
constitutional duty to justify the issuance of a writ of Judiciary, and the need to "avoid polemics concerning
mandamus; they invoked judicial notice that we could the matter."12
not give because there was, and is, no JBC refusal to
I recognized in the Separate Opinion that, unlike in
act.6 Thus, the mandamus aspects of these petitions
Valenzuela where an outright defiance of the election
should have also been dismissed outright. The
ban took place, no such obvious triggering event
ponencia, unfortunately, failed to fully discuss these
transpired in the Mendoza petition.13 Rather, the
legal infirmities.
Mendoza petition looked to the supervisory power of the
The motions for reconsideration lay major emphasis on Court over judicial personnel and over the JBC as basis
the alleged lack of an actual case or controversy that to secure a resolution of the election ban issue. The
made the Chief Justice’s appointment a justiciable issue. JBC, at that time, had indicated its intent to look up to
They claim that the Court cannot exercise the power of the Court’s supervisory power and role as the final
judicial review where there is no clash of legal rights and interpreter of the Constitution to guide it in responding to
interests or where this clash is merely anticipated, the challenges it confronts.14 To me, this was "a point no
although the anticipated event shall come with certainty.7 less critical, from the point of view of supervision, than
the appointment of the two judges during the election
What the movants apparently forgot, focused as they ban period in Valenzuela."15
were on their respective petitions, is that the present
case is not a single-petition case that rises or falls on the In making this conclusion, I pointed out in my Separate
strength of that single petition. The present case Opinion the unavoidable surrounding realities evident
involves various petitions and interventions,8 not from the confluence of events, namely: (1) an election to
necessarily pulling towards the same direction, although be held on May 10, 2010; (2) the retirement of the Chief
each one is focused on the issue of whether the election Justice on May 17, 2010; (3) the lapse of the terms of
appointment ban under Article VII, Section 15 of the the elective officials from the President to the
Constitution should apply to the appointment of the next congressmen on June 30, 2010; (4) the delay before the
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Congress can organize and send its JBC
representatives; and (5) the expiration of the term of a
Among the petitions filed were those of Tolentino (G.R. non-elective JBC member in July 2010.16 All these –
No. 191342), Soriano (G.R. No. 191032) and Mendoza juxtaposed with the Court’s supervision over the JBC,
(A.M. No. 10-2-5-SC). The first two are petitions for the latter’s need for guidance, and the existence of an
prohibition under Section 2 of Rule 65 of the Rules of actual controversy on the same issues bedeviling the
Court.9 While they commonly share this medium of JBC – in my view, were sufficient to save the Mendoza
review, they differ in their supporting reasons. The petition from being a mere request for opinion or a
Mendoza petition, on the other hand, is totally different – petition for declaratory relief that falls under the
it is a petition presented as an administrative matter jurisdiction of the lower court. This recognition is beyond
(A.M.) in the manner that the Valenzuela case was an the level of what this Court can do in handling a moot
A.M. case. As I pointed out in the Separate Opinion, the and academic case – usually, one that no longer
Court uses the A.M. docket designation on matters presents a judiciable controversy but one that can still be
relating to its exercise of supervision over all courts and ruled upon at the discretion of the court when the
their personnel.10 I failed to note then, but I make of constitutional issue is of paramount public interest and
record now, that court rules and regulations – the

Page 36 of 82
controlling principles are needed to guide the bench, the rendering a general legal advisory; it is providing
bar and the public.17 concrete and specific legal guidance to the JBC in the
exercise of its supervisory authority, after the latter has
To be sure, this approach in recognizing when a petition
asked for assistance in this regard. That the Court does
is actionable is novel. An overriding reason for this
this while concretely resolving actual controversies (the
approach can be traced to the nature of the petition, as it
Tolentino and Soriano petitions) on the same issue
rests on the Court’s supervisory authority and relates to
immeasurably strengthens the intrinsic correctness of
the exercise of the Court’s administrative rather than its
the Court’s action.
judicial functions (other than these two functions, the
Court also has its rulemaking function under Article VIII, It may be asked: why does the Court have to recognize
Section 5(5) of the Constitution). Strictly speaking, the the Mendoza petition when it can resolve the conflict
Mendoza petition calls for directions from the Court in between Article VII, Section 15 and Article VIII, Section
the exercise of its power of supervision over the 4(1) through the Tolentino and Soriano petitions?
JBC,18 not on the basis of the power of judicial
The answer is fairly simple and can be read between the
review.19 In this sense, it does not need the actual clash
lines of the above explanation on the relationship
of interests of the type that a judicial adjudication
between the Court and the JBC. First, administrative is
requires. All that must be shown is the active need for
different from judicial function and providing guidance to
supervision to justify the Court’s intervention as
the JBC can only be appropriate in the discharge of the
supervising authority.
Court’s administrative function. Second, the resolution of
Under these circumstances, the Court’s recognition of the Tolentino and Soriano petitions will lead to rulings
the Mendoza petition was not an undue stretch of its directly related to the underlying facts of these petitions,
constitutional powers. If the recognition is unusual at all, without clear guidelines to the JBC on the proper
it is so only because of its novelty; to my knowledge, this parameters to observe vis-à-vis the constitutional
is the first time ever in Philippine jurisprudence that the dispute along the lines the JBC needs. In fact, concrete
supervisory authority of the Court over an attached guidelines addressed to the JBC in the resolution of the
agency has been highlighted in this manner. Novelty, per Tolentino/Soriano petitions may even lead to
se, however, is not a ground for objection nor a mark of accusations that the Court’s resolution is broader than is
infirmity for as long as the novel move is founded in law. required by the facts of the petitions. The Mendoza
In this case, as in the case of the writ of amparo and petition, because it pertains directly to the performance
habeas data that were then novel and avowedly activist of the JBC’s duty and the Court’s supervisory authority,
in character, sufficient legal basis exists to actively allows the issuance of precise guidelines that will enable
invoke the Court’s supervisory authority – granted under the JBC to fully and seasonably comply with its
the Constitution, no less – as basis for action. constitutional mandate.
To partly quote the wording of the Constitution, Article I hasten to add that the JBC’s constitutional task is not
VIII, Section 8(1) and (5) provide that "A Judicial and Bar as simple as some people think it to be. The process of
Council is hereby created under the supervision of the preparing and submitting a list of nominees is an
Supreme Court… It may exercise such other functions arduous and time-consuming task that cannot be done
and duties as the Supreme Court may assign to it." overnight. It is a six-step process lined with standards
Supervision, as a legal concept, more often than not, is requiring the JBC to attract the best available
defined in relation with the concept of control.20 In Social candidates, to examine and investigate them, to exhibit
Justice Society v. Atienza,21 we defined "supervision" as transparency in all its actions while ensuring that these
follows: actions conform to constitutional and statutory standards
(such as the election ban on appointments), to submit
[Supervision] means overseeing or the power or
the required list of nominees on time, and to ensure as
authority of an officer to see that subordinate officers
well that all these acts are politically neutral. On the time
perform their duties. If the latter fail or neglect to fulfill
element, the JBC list for the Supreme Court has to be
them, the former may take such action or step as
submitted on or before the vacancy occurs given the 90-
prescribed by law to make them perform their duties.
day deadline that the appointing President is given in
Control, on the other hand, means the power of an
making the appointment. The list will be submitted, not to
officer to alter or modify or nullify or set aside what a
the President as an outgoing President, nor to the
subordinate officer ha[s] done in the performance of his
election winner as an incoming President, but to the
duties and to substitute the judgment of the former for
President of the Philippines whoever he or she may be.
that of the latter.
If the incumbent President does not act on the JBC list
Under this definition, the Court cannot dictate on the within the time left in her term, the same list shall be
JBC the results of its assigned task, i.e., who to available to the new President for him to act upon. In all
recommend or what standards to use to determine who these, the Supreme Court bears the burden of
to recommend. It cannot even direct the JBC on how overseeing that the JBC’s duty is done, unerringly and
and when to do its duty, but it can, under its power of with utmost dispatch; the Court cannot undertake this
supervision, direct the JBC to "take such action or step supervision in a manner consistent with the
as prescribed by law to make them perform their duties," Constitution’s expectation from the JBC unless it adopts
if the duties are not being performed because of JBC’s a pro-active stance within the limits of its supervisory
fault or inaction, or because of extraneous factors authority.
affecting performance. Note in this regard that,
The Disputed Provisions
constitutionally, the Court can also assign the JBC other
functions and duties – a power that suggests authority The movants present their arguments on the main issue
beyond what is purely supervisory. at several levels. Some argue that the disputed
constitutional provisions – Article VII, Section 15 and
Where the JBC itself is at a loss on how to proceed in
Article VIII, Section 4(1) – are clear and speak for
light of disputed constitutional provisions that require
themselves on what the Constitution covers in banning
interpretation,22 the Court is not legally out of line – as
appointments during the election period.23 One even
the final authority on the interpretation of the Constitution
posits that there is no conflict because both provisions
and as the entity constitutionally-tasked to supervise the
can be given effect without one detracting against the full
JBC – in exercising its oversight function by clarifying the
effectiveness of the other,24 although the effect is to deny
interpretation of the disputed constitutional provision to
the sitting President the option to appoint in favor of a
guide the JBC. In doing this, the Court is not simply

Page 37 of 82
deferment for the incoming President’s action. Still Articles on these three departments31 that intrudes into
others, repeating their original arguments, appeal to the the other must be closely examined if the provision
principles of interpretation and latin maxims to prove affects and upsets the desired balance.
their point.25
Under the division of powers, the President as Chief
In my discussions in the Separate Opinion, I stated Executive is given the prerogative of making
upfront my views on how the disputed provisions interact appointments, subject only to the legal qualification
with each other. Read singly and in isolation, they standards, to the checks provided by the Legislature’s
appear clear (this reading applies the "plain meaning Commission on Appointments (when applicable) and by
rule" that Tolentino advocates in his motion for the JBC for appointments in the Judiciary, and to the
reconsideration, as explained below). Arrayed side by Constitution’s own limitations. Conflict comes in when
side with each other and considered in relation with the the Constitution laid down Article VII, Section 15 limiting
other provisions of the Constitution, particularly its the President’s appointing power during the election
structure and underlying intents, the conflict however period. This limitation of power would have been all-
becomes obvious and unavoidable. encompassing and would, thus, have extended to all
government positions the President can fill, had the
Section 15 on its face disallows any appointment in clear
Constitution not inserted a provision, also on
negative terms ("shall not make") without specifying the
appointments, in the Article on the Judiciary with respect
appointments covered by the prohibition.26 From this
to appointments to the Supreme Court. This conflict
literal and isolated reading springs the argument that no
gives rise to the questions: which provision should
exception is provided (except that found in Section 15
prevail, or should both be given effect? Or should both
itself) so that even the Judiciary is covered by the ban on
provisions yield to a higher concern – the need to
maintain the integrity of our elections?
On the other hand, Section 4(1) is likewise very clear
A holistic reading of the Constitution – a must in
and categorical in its terms: any vacancy in the Court
constitutional interpretation – dictates as a general rule
shall be filled within 90 days from its occurrence.27 In the
that the tasks assigned to each department and their
way of Section 15, Section 4(1) is also clear and
limitations should be given full effect to fulfill the
categorical and provides no exception; the appointment
constitutional purposes under the check and balance
refers solely to the Members of the Supreme Court and
principle, unless the Constitution itself expressly
does not mention any period that would interrupt, hold or
indicates its preference for one task, concern or
postpone the 90-day requirement.
standard over the others,32 or unless this Court, in its
From this perspective, the view that no conflict exists role as interpreter of the Constitution, has spoken on the
cannot be seriously made, unless with the mindset that appropriate interpretation that should be made.33
one provision controls and the other should yield. Many
In considering the interests of the Executive and the
of the petitions in fact advocate this kind of reading,
Judiciary, a holistic approach starts from the premise
some of them openly stating that the power of
that the constitutional scheme is to grant the President
appointment should be reserved for the incoming
the power of appointment, subject to the limitation
President.28 The question, however, is whether – from
provided under Article VII, Section 15. At the same time,
the viewpoint of strict law and devoid of the
the Judiciary is assured, without qualifications under
emotionalism and political partisanship that permeate
Article VIII, Section 4(1), of the immediate appointment
the present Philippine political environment – this kind of
of Members of the Supreme Court, i.e., within 90 days
mindset can really be adopted in reading and applying
from the occurrence of the vacancy. If both provisions
the Constitution.
would be allowed to take effect, as I believe they should,
In my view, this kind of mindset and the conclusion it the limitation on the appointment power of the President
inevitably leads to cannot be adopted; the provisions of under Article VII, Section 15 should itself be limited by
the Constitution cannot be read in isolation from what the appointment of Members of the Court pursuant to
the whole contains. To be exact, the Constitution must Article VIII, Section 4(1), so that the provision applicable
be read and understood as a whole, reconciling and to the Judiciary can be given full effect without detriment
harmonizing apparently conflicting provisions so that all to the President’s appointing authority. This
of them can be given full force and effect,29 unless the harmonization will result in restoring to the President the
Constitution itself expressly states otherwise.30 full authority to appoint Members of the Supreme Court
pursuant to the combined operation of Article VII,
Not to be forgotten in reading and understanding the Section 15 and Article VIII, Section 4(1).
Constitution are the many established underlying
constitutional principles that we have to observe and Viewed in this light, there is essentially no conflict, in
respect if we are to be true to the Constitution. These terms of the authority to appoint, between the Executive
principles – among them the principles of checks and and Judiciary; the President would effectively be allowed
balances and separation of powers – are not always to exercise the Executive’s traditional presidential power
expressly stated in the Constitution, but no one who of appointment while respecting the Judiciary’s own
believes in and who has studied the Constitution can prerogative. In other words, the President retains full
deny that they are there and deserve utmost attention, powers to appoint Members of the Court during the
respect, and even priority consideration. election period, and the Judiciary is assured of a full
membership within the time frame given.
In establishing the structures of government, the ideal
that the Constitution seeks to achieve is one of balance Interestingly, the objection to the full application of Article
among the three great departments of government – the VIII, Section 4(1) comes, not from the current President,
Executive, the Legislative and the Judiciary, with each but mainly from petitioners echoing the present
department undertaking its constitutionally-assigned task presidential candidates, one of whom shall soon be the
as a check against the exercise of power by the others, incoming President. They do not, of course, cite reasons
while all three departments move forward in working for of power and the loss of the opportunity to appoint the
the progress of the nation. Thus, the Legislature makes Chief Justice; many of the petitioners/intervenors oppose
the laws and is supreme in this regard, in the way that the full application of Article VIII, Section 4(1) based on
the Executive is supreme in enforcing and administering the need to maintain the integrity of the elections through
the law, while the Judiciary interprets both the the avoidance of a "midnight appointment."
Constitution and the law. Any provision in each of the

Page 38 of 82
This "integrity" reason is a given in a democracy and can acting in this role, a vacancy in the Court is not only a
hardly be opposed on the theoretical plane, as the vote less, but a significant contribution less in the Court’s
integrity of the elections must indeed prevail in a true deliberations and capacity for action, especially if the
democracy. The statement, however, begs a lot of missing voice is the voice of the Chief Justice.
questions, among them the question of whether the
Be it remembered that if any EDSA-type situation arises
appointment of a full Court under the terms of Article
in the coming elections, it will be compounded by the
VIII, Section 4(1) will adversely affect or enhance the
lack of leaders because of the lapse of the President’s
integrity of the elections.
term by June 30, 2010; by a possible failure of
In my Separate Opinion, I concluded that the succession if for some reason the election of the new
appointment of a Member of the Court even during the leadership becomes problematic; and by the similar
election period per se implies no adverse effect on the absence of congressional leadership because Congress
integrity of the election; a full Court is ideal during this has not yet convened to organize itself.34 In this
period in light of the Court’s unique role during elections. scenario, only the Judiciary of the three great
I maintain this view and fully concur in this regard with departments of government stands unaffected by the
the majority. election and should at least therefore be complete to
enable it to discharge its constitutional role to its fullest
During the election period, the court is not only the
potential and capacity. To state the obvious, leaving the
interpreter of the Constitution and the election laws;
Judiciary without any permanent leader in this scenario
other than the Commission on Elections and the lower
may immeasurably complicate the problem, as all three
courts to a limited extent, the Court is likewise the
departments of government will then be leaderless.
highest impartial recourse available to decisively
address any problem or dispute arising from the election. To stress what I mentioned on this point in my Separate
It is the leader and the highest court in the Judiciary, the Opinion, the absence of a Chief Justice will make a lot of
only one of the three departments of government directly difference in the effectiveness of the Court as he or she
unaffected by the election. The Court is likewise the heads the Judiciary, sits as Chair of the JBC and of the
entity entrusted by the Constitution, no less, with the Presidential Electoral Tribunal, presides over
gravest election-related responsibilities. In particular, it is impeachment proceedings, and provides the moral
the sole judge of all contests in the election of the suasion and leadership that only the permanent mantle
President and the Vice-President, with leadership and of the Chief Justice can bestow. EDSA II is just one of
participation as well in the election tribunals that directly the many lessons from the past when the weightiest of
address Senate and House of Representatives electoral issues were tackled and promptly resolved by the Court.
disputes. With this grant of responsibilities, the Unseen by the general public in all these was the
Constitution itself has spoken on the trust it reposes on leadership that was there to ensure that the Court would
the Court on election matters. This reposed trust, to my act as one, in the spirit of harmony and stability although
mind, renders academic any question of whether an divergent in their individual views, as the Justices
appointment during the election period will adversely individually make their contributions to the collegial
affect the integrity of the elections – it will not, as the result. To some, this leadership may only be symbolic,
maintenance of a full Court in fact contributes to the as the Court has fully functioned in the past even with an
enforcement of the constitutional scheme to foster a free incomplete membership or under an Acting Chief
and orderly election. Justice. But as I said before, an incomplete Court "is not
a whole Supreme Court; it will only be a Court with 14
In reading the motions for reconsideration against the
members who would act and vote on all matters before
backdrop of the partisan political noise of the coming
it." To fully recall what I have said on this matter:
elections, one cannot avoid hearing echoes from some
of the arguments that the objection is related, more than The importance of the presence of one Member of the
anything else, to their lack of trust in an appointment to Court can and should never be underestimated,
be made by the incumbent President who will soon be particularly on issues that may gravely affect the nation.
bowing out of office. They label the incumbent Many a case has been won or lost on the basis of one
President’s act as a "midnight appointment" – a term that vote. On an issue of the constitutionality of a law, treaty
has acquired a pejorative meaning in contemporary or statute, a tie vote – which is possible in a 14 member
society. court – means that the constitutionality is upheld. This
was our lesson in Isagani Cruz v. DENR Secretary.
As I intimated in my Separate Opinion, the imputation of
distrust can be made against any appointing authority, More than the vote, Court deliberation is the core of the
whether outgoing or incoming. The incoming President decision-making process and one voice is less is not
himself will be before this Court if an election contest only a vote less but a contributed opinion, an
arises; any President, past or future, would also naturally observation, or a cautionary word less for the Court. One
wish favorable outcomes in legal problems that the Court voice can be a big difference if the missing voice is that
would resolve. These possibilities and the potential for of the Chief Justice.
continuing influence in the Court, however, cannot be
Without meaning to demean the capability of an Acting
active considerations in resolving the election ban issue
Chief Justice, the ascendancy in the Court of a
as they are, in their present form and presentation, all
permanent sitting Chief Justice cannot be equaled. He is
speculative. If past record is to be the measure, the
the first among equals – a primus inter pares – who sets
record of past Chief Justices and of this Court speaks for
the tone for the Court and the Judiciary, and who is
itself with respect to the Justices’ relationship with, and
looked up to on all matters, whether administrative or
deferral to, the appointing authority in their decisions.
judicial. To the world outside the Judiciary, he is the
What should not be forgotten in examining the records of personification of the Court and the whole Judiciary. And
the Court, from the prism of problems an electoral this is not surprising since, as Chief Justice, he not only
exercise may bring, is the Court’s unique and proven chairs the Court en banc, but chairs as well the
capacity to intervene and diffuse situations that are Presidential Electoral Tribunal that sits in judgment over
potentially explosive for the nation. EDSA II particularly election disputes affecting the President and the Vice-
comes to mind in this regard (although it was an event President. Outside of his immediate Court duties, he sits
that was not rooted in election problems) as it is a as Chair of the Judicial and Bar Council, the Philippine
perfect example of the potential for damage to the nation Judicial Academy and, by constitutional command,
that the Court can address and has addressed. When presides over the impeachment of the President. To be

Page 39 of 82
sure, the Acting Chief Justice may be the ablest, but he Valenzuela was not doctrinally reversed as its proposed
is not the Chief Justice without the mantle and reversal was supported only by five (5) out of the 12
permanent title of the Office, and even his presence as participating Members of the Court. In other words, this
Acting Chief Justice leaves the Court with one member ruling on how Article VII, Section 15 is to be interpreted
less. Sadly, this member is the Chief Justice; even with in relation with Article VIII, Section 9, should continue to
an Acting Chief Justice, the Judiciary and the Court stand unless otherwise expressly reversed by this Court.
remains headless. 35
But separately from the mistaken use of an obiter ruling
Given these views, I see no point in re-discussing the as primary authority, I believe that I should sound the
finer points of technical interpretation and their alarm bell about the Valenzuela ruling in light of a recent
supporting latin maxims that I have addressed in my vacancy in the position of Presiding Justice of the
Separate Opinion and now feel need no further Sandiganbayan resulting from Presiding Justice
elaboration; maxims can be found to serve a pleader’s Norberto Geraldez’s death soon after we issued the
every need and in any case are the last interpretative decision in the present case. Reversing the Valenzuela
tools in constitutional interpretation. Nor do I see any ruling now, in the absence of a properly filed case
point in discussing arguments based on the intent of the addressing an appointment at this time to the
framers of the Constitution now cited by the parties in Sandiganbayan or to any other vacancy in the lower
the contexts that would serve their own ends. As may be courts, will be an irregular ruling of the first magnitude by
evident in these discussions, other than the texts of the this Court, as it will effectively be a shortcut that lifts the
disputed provisions, I prefer to examine their purposes election ban on appointments to the lower courts without
and the consequences of their application, understood the benefit of a case whose facts and arguments would
within the context of democratic values. Past precedents directly confront the continued validity of the Valenzuela
are equally invaluable for the lead, order, and stability ruling. This is especially so after we have placed the
they contribute, but only if they are in point, certain, and Court on notice that a reversal of Valenzuela is uncalled
still alive to current realities, while the history of for because its ruling is not the litigated issue in this
provisions, including the intents behind them, are case.
primarily important to ascertain the purposes the
In any case, let me repeat what I stressed in my
provisions serve.
Separate Opinion about Valenzuela which rests on the
From these perspectives and without denigrating the reasoning that the evils Section 15 seeks to remedy –
framers’ historical contributions, I say that it is the vote buying, midnight appointments and partisan
Constitution that now primarily speaks to us in this case reasons to influence the elections – exist, thus justifying
and what we hear are its direct words, not merely the an election appointment ban. In particular, the "midnight
recorded isolated debates reflecting the personal intents appointment" justification, while fully applicable to the
of the constitutional commissioners as cited by the more numerous vacancies at the lower echelons of the
parties to fit their respective theories. The voice Judiciary (with an alleged current lower court vacancy
speaking the words of the Constitution is our best guide, level of 537 or a 24.5% vacancy rate), should not apply
as these words will unalterably be there for us to read in to the Supreme Court which has only a total of 15
the context of their purposes and the nation’s needs and positions that are not even vacated at the same time.
circumstances. This Concurring and Dissenting Opinion The most number of vacancies for any one year
hears and listens to that voice. occurred only last year (2009) when seven (7) positions
were vacated by retirement, but this vacancy rate is not
The Valenzuela Decision
expected to be replicated at any time within the next
The ponencia’s ruling reversing Valenzuela, in my view, decade. Thus "midnight appointments" to the extent that
is out of place in the present case, since at issue here is they were understood in Aytona36 will not occur in the
the appointment of the Chief Justice during the period of vacancies of this Court as nominations to its vacancies
the election ban, not the appointment of lower court are all processed through the JBC under the public’s
judges that Valenzuela resolved. To be perfectly clear, close scrutiny. As already discussed above, the
the conflict in the constitutional provisions is not confined institutional integrity of the Court is hardly an issue. If at
to Article VII, Section 15 and Article VIII, Section 4(1) all, only objections personal to the individual Members of
with respect to the appointment of Members of the the Court or against the individual applicants can be
Supreme Court; even before the Valenzuela ruling, the made, but these are matters addressed in the first place
conflict already existed between Article VII, Section 15 by the JBC before nominees are submitted. There, too,
and Article VIII, Section 9 – the provision on the are specific reasons, likewise discussed above,
appointment of the justices and judges of courts lower explaining why the election ban should not apply to the
than the Supreme Court. After this Court’s ruling in Supreme Court. These exempting reasons, of course,
Valenzuela, no amount of hairsplitting can result in the have yet to be shown to apply to the lower courts. Thus,
conclusion that Article VII, Section 15 applied the on the whole, the reasons justifying the election ban in
election ban over the whole Judiciary, including the Valenzuela still obtain in so far as the lower courts are
Supreme Court, as the facts and the fallo of Valenzuela concerned, and have yet to be proven otherwise in a
plainly spoke of the objectionable appointment of two properly filed case. Until then, Valenzuela, except to the
Regional Trial Court judges. To reiterate, Valenzuela extent that it mentioned Section 4(1), should remain an
only resolved the conflict between Article VII, Section 15 authoritative ruling of this Court.
and appointments to the Judiciary under Article VIII,
Section 9.
In light of these considerations, a writ of prohibition
If Valenzuela did prominently figure at all in the present
cannot issue to prevent the JBC from performing its
case, the prominence can be attributed to the petitioners’
principal function, under the Constitution, of
mistaken reading that this case is primary authority for
recommending nominees for the position of Chief
the dictum that Article VII, Section 15 completely bans all
Justice. Thus, I vote to deny with finality the Tolentino
appointments to the Judiciary, including appointments to
and Soriano motions for reconsideration.
the Supreme Court, during the election period up to the
end of the incumbent President’s term. The other motions for reconsideration in so far as they
challenge the conclusion that the President can appoint
In reality, this mistaken reading is an obiter dictum in
the Chief Justice even during the election period are
Valenzuela, and hence, cannot be cited for its primary
likewise denied with finality for lack of merit, but are
precedential value. This legal situation still holds true as

Page 40 of 82
granted in so far as they support the continued validity of the words of Peter Drucker, the well-known management
the ruling of this Court in In Re: Valenzuela and Vallarta, guru, Increased participation in the world economy has
A.M. No. 98-5-01-SC, November 9, 1998. become the key to domestic economic growth and
My opinion on the Mendoza petition stands.
Brief Historical Background
To hasten worldwide recovery from the devastation
[G.R. No. 118295. May 2, 1997] wrought by the Second World War, plans for the
WIGBERTO E. TAADA and ANNA DOMINIQUE establishment of three multilateral institutions -- inspired
COSETENG, as members of the Philippine by that grand political body, the United Nations -- were
Senate and as taxpayers; GREGORIO discussed at Dumbarton Oaks and Bretton
ANDOLANA and JOKER ARROYO as Woods. The first was the World Bank (WB) which was to
members of the House of Representatives address the rehabilitation and reconstruction of war-
and as taxpayers; NICANOR P. PERLAS and ravaged and later developing countries; the second, the
HORACIO R. MORALES, both as taxpayers; International Monetary Fund (IMF) which was to deal
CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION, NATIONAL with currency problems; and the third, the International
ECONOMIC PROTECTIONISM Trade Organization (ITO), which was to foster order and
ASSOCIATION, CENTER FOR ALTERNATIVE predictability in world trade and to minimize unilateral
DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVES, LIKAS- protectionist policies that invite challenge, even
KAYANG KAUNLARAN FOUNDATION, INC., retaliation, from other states. However, for a variety of
PHILIPPINE RURAL RECONSTRUCTION reasons, including its non-ratification by the United
MOVEMENT, DEMOKRATIKONG KILUSAN States, the ITO, unlike the IMF and WB, never took
NG MAGBUBUKID NG PILIPINAS, INC., and off. What remained was only GATT -- the General
PHILIPPINE PEASANT INSTITUTE, in Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. GATT was a collection
representation of various taxpayers and as of treaties governing access to the economies of treaty
non-governmental organizations, petitioners, adherents with no institutionalized body administering
vs. EDGARDO ANGARA, ALBERTO the agreements or dependable system of dispute
HEHERSON ALVAREZ, AGAPITO AQUINO, After half a century and several dizzying rounds of
RODOLFO BIAZON, NEPTALI GONZALES, negotiations, principally the Kennedy Round, the Tokyo
ERNESTO HERRERA, JOSE LINA, GLORIA Round and the Uruguay Round, the world finally gave
MACAPAGAL-ARROYO, ORLANDO birth to that administering body -- the World Trade
MERCADO, BLAS OPLE, JOHN OSMEA, Organization -- with the signing of the Final Act in
SANTANINA RASUL, RAMON REVILLA, Marrakesh, Morocco and the ratification of the WTO
RAUL ROCO, FRANCISCO TATAD and Agreement by its members.[1]
FREDDIE WEBB, in their respective
capacities as members of the Philippine Like many other developing countries, the
Senate who concurred in the ratification by Philippines joined WTO as a founding member with the
the President of the Philippines of the goal, as articulated by President Fidel V. Ramos in two
Agreement Establishing the World Trade letters to the Senate (infra), of improving Philippine
Organization; SALVADOR ENRIQUEZ, in his access to foreign markets, especially its major trading
capacity as Secretary of Budget and partners, through the reduction of tariffs on its exports,
Management; CARIDAD VALDEHUESA, in particularly agricultural and industrial products. The
her capacity as National Treasurer; President also saw in the WTO the opening of new
RIZALINO NAVARRO, in his capacity as opportunities for the services sector x x x, (the reduction
Secretary of Trade and Industry; ROBERTO of) costs and uncertainty associated with exporting x x x,
SEBASTIAN, in his capacity as Secretary of and (the attraction of) more investments into the
Agriculture; ROBERTO DE OCAMPO, in his country. Although the Chief Executive did not expressly
capacity as Secretary of Finance; ROBERTO mention it in his letter, the Philippines - - and this is of
ROMULO, in his capacity as Secretary of special interest to the legal profession - - will benefit from
Foreign Affairs; and TEOFISTO T. the WTO system of dispute settlement by judicial
GUINGONA, in his capacity as Executive adjudication through the independent WTO settlement
Secretary, respondents. bodies called (1) Dispute Settlement Panels and (2)
Appellate Tribunal. Heretofore, trade disputes were
DECISION settled mainly through negotiations where solutions were
PANGANIBAN, J.: arrived at frequently on the basis of relative bargaining
strengths, and where naturally, weak and
The emergence on January 1, 1995 of the World underdeveloped countries were at a disadvantage.
Trade Organization, abetted by the membership thereto
of the vast majority of countries has revolutionized The Petition in Brief
international business and economic relations amongst Arguing mainly (1) that the WTO requires the
states. It has irreversibly propelled the world towards Philippines to place nationals and products of member-
trade liberalization and economic countries on the same footing as Filipinos and local
globalization. Liberalization, globalization, deregulation products and (2) that the WTO intrudes, limits and/or
and privatization, the third-millennium buzz words, are impairs the constitutional powers of both Congress and
ushering in a new borderless world of business by the Supreme Court, the instant petition before this Court
sweeping away as mere historical relics the heretofore assails the WTO Agreement for violating the mandate of
traditional modes of promoting and protecting national the 1987 Constitution to develop a self-reliant and
economies like tariffs, export subsidies, import quotas, independent national economy effectively controlled by
quantitative restrictions, tax exemptions and currency Filipinos x x x (to) give preference to qualified Filipinos
controls. Finding market niches and becoming the best (and to) promote the preferential use of Filipino labor,
in specific industries in a market-driven and export- domestic materials and locally produced goods.
oriented global scenario are replacing age-old beggar-
thy-neighbor policies that unilaterally protect weak and Simply stated, does the Philippine Constitution
inefficient domestic producers of goods and services. In prohibit Philippine participation in worldwide trade

Page 41 of 82
liberalization and economic globalization? Does it General Agreement on Tariffs
prescribe Philippine integration into a global economy and Trade 1994
that is liberalized, deregulated and privatized? These are
Agreement on Agriculture
the main questions raised in this petition for certiorari,
prohibition and mandamus under Rule 65 of the Rules of Agreement on the Application of
Court praying (1) for the nullification, on constitutional Sanitary and
grounds, of the concurrence of the Philippine Senate in
Phytosanitary Measures
the ratification by the President of the Philippines of the
Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization Agreement on Textiles and
(WTO Agreement, for brevity) and (2) for the prohibition Clothing
of its implementation and enforcement through the
release and utilization of public funds, the assignment of Agreement on Technical Barriers
public officials and employees, as well as the use of to Trade
government properties and resources by respondent- Agreement on Trade-Related
heads of various executive offices concerned Investment Measures
therewith.This concurrence is embodied in Senate
Resolution No. 97, dated December 14, 1994. Agreement on Implementation of
Article VI of the General
The Facts Agreement on Tariffs and
On April 15, 1994, Respondent Rizalino Navarro, Trade 1994
then Secretary of the Department of Trade and Industry Agreement on Implementation of
(Secretary Navarro, for brevity), representing the Article VII of the General
Government of the Republic of the Philippines, signed in on Tariffs and Trade 1994
Marrakesh, Morocco, the Final Act Embodying the
Results of the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Agreement on Pre-Shipment
Negotiations (Final Act, for brevity). Inspection

By signing the Final Act,[2] Secretary Navarro on Agreement on Rules of Origin

behalf of the Republic of the Philippines, agreed: Agreement on Imports Licensing
(a) to submit, as appropriate, the WTO Agreement for Procedures
the consideration of their respective competent Agreement on Subsidies and
authorities, with a view to seeking approval of the Coordinating Measures
Agreement in accordance with their procedures; and
Agreement on Safeguards
(b) to adopt the Ministerial Declarations and Decisions.
Annex 1B: General Agreement on Trade in Services and
On August 12, 1994, the members of the Philippine Annexes
Senate received a letter dated August 11, 1994 from the
President of the Philippines,[3] stating among others that Annex 1C: Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of
the Uruguay Round Final Act is hereby submitted to the Intellectual Property Rights
Senate for its concurrence pursuant to Section 21, ANNEX 2
Article VII of the Constitution.
Understanding on Rules and
On August 13, 1994, the members of the Philippine Procedures Governing the
Senate received another letter from the President of the Settlement of Disputes
Philippines[4] likewise dated August 11, 1994, which
stated among others that the Uruguay Round Final Act, ANNEX 3
the Agreement Establishing the World Trade Trade Policy Review Mechanism
Organization, the Ministerial Declarations and Decisions,
and the Understanding on Commitments in Financial On December 16, 1994, the President of the
Services are hereby submitted to the Senate for its Philippines signed[7] the Instrument of Ratification,
concurrence pursuant to Section 21, Article VII of the declaring:
Constitution. NOW THEREFORE, be it known that I, FIDEL V.
On December 9, 1994, the President of the RAMOS, President of the Republic of the Philippines,
Philippines certified the necessity of the immediate after having seen and considered the aforementioned
adoption of P.S. 1083, a resolution entitled Concurring in Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization
the Ratification of the Agreement Establishing the World and the agreements and associated legal instruments
Trade Organization.[5] included in Annexes one (1), two (2) and three (3) of that
Agreement which are integral parts thereof, signed at
On December 14, 1994, the Philippine Senate Marrakesh, Morocco on 15 April 1994, do hereby ratify
adopted Resolution No. 97 which Resolved, as it is and confirm the same and every Article and Clause
hereby resolved, that the Senate concur, as it hereby thereof.
concurs, in the ratification by the President of the
Philippines of the Agreement Establishing the World To emphasize, the WTO Agreement ratified by the
Trade Organization.[6] The text of the WTO Agreement is President of the Philippines is composed of the
written on pages 137 et seq. of Volume I of the 36- Agreement Proper and the associated legal instruments
volume Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade included in Annexes one (1), two (2) and three (3) of that
Negotiations and includes various agreements and Agreement which are integral parts thereof.
associated legal instruments (identified in the said On the other hand, the Final Act signed by
Agreement as Annexes 1, 2 and 3 thereto and Secretary Navarro embodies not only the WTO
collectively referred to as Multilateral Trade Agreements, Agreement (and its integral annexes aforementioned)
for brevity) as follows: but also (1) the Ministerial Declarations and Decisions
ANNEX 1 and (2) the Understanding on Commitments in Financial
Services. In his Memorandum dated May 13, 1996,[8] the
Annex 1A: Multilateral Agreement on Trade in Goods Solicitor General describes these two latter documents
as follows:

Page 42 of 82
The Ministerial Decisions and Declarations are twenty- Constitution is vested in the Congress of the
five declarations and decisions on a wide range of Philippines;
matters, such as measures in favor of least developed
E. Whether provisions of the Agreement
countries, notification procedures, relationship of WTO
Establishing the World Trade Organization
with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and
interfere with the exercise of judicial power.
agreements on technical barriers to trade and on dispute
settlement. F. Whether the respondent members of the Senate
acted in grave abuse of discretion amounting to
The Understanding on Commitments in Financial
lack or excess of jurisdiction when they voted
Services dwell on, among other things, standstill or
for concurrence in the ratification of the
limitations and qualifications of commitments to existing
constitutionally-infirm Agreement Establishing
non-conforming measures, market access, national
the World Trade Organization.
treatment, and definitions of non-resident supplier of
financial services, commercial presence and new G. Whether the respondent members of the Senate
financial service. acted in grave abuse of discretion amounting to
lack or excess of jurisdiction when they
On December 29, 1994, the present petition was
concurred only in the ratification of the
filed. After careful deliberation on respondents comment
Agreement Establishing the World Trade
and petitioners reply thereto, the Court resolved on
Organization, and not with the Presidential
December 12, 1995, to give due course to the petition,
submission which included the Final Act,
and the parties thereafter filed their respective
Ministerial Declaration and Decisions, and the
memoranda. The Court also requested the Honorable
Understanding on Commitments in Financial
Lilia R. Bautista, the Philippine Ambassador to the
United Nations stationed in Geneva, Switzerland, to
submit a paper, hereafter referred to as Bautista Paper, On the other hand, the Solicitor General as counsel
 for brevity, (1) providing a historical background of and for respondents synthesized the several issues raised by
(2) summarizing the said agreements. petitioners into the following:[10]
During the Oral Argument held on August 27, 1996, 1. Whether or not the provisions of the Agreement
the Court directed: Establishing the World Trade Organization and the
Agreements and Associated Legal Instruments included
(a) the petitioners to submit the (1) Senate Committee
in Annexes one (1), two (2) and three (3) of that
Report on the matter in controversy and (2) the transcript
agreement cited by petitioners directly contravene or
of proceedings/hearings in the Senate; and
undermine the letter, spirit and intent of Section 19,
(b) the Solicitor General, as counsel for respondents, to Article II and Sections 10 and 12, Article XII of the 1987
file (1) a list of Philippine treaties signed prior to the Constitution.
Philippine adherence to the WTO Agreement, which
2. Whether or not certain provisions of the Agreement
derogate from Philippine sovereignty and (2) copies of
unduly limit, restrict or impair the exercise of legislative
the multi-volume WTO Agreement and other documents
power by Congress.
mentioned in the Final Act, as soon as possible.
3. Whether or not certain provisions of the Agreement
After receipt of the foregoing documents, the Court
impair the exercise of judicial power by this Honorable
said it would consider the case submitted for
Court in promulgating the rules of evidence.
resolution. In a Compliance dated September 16, 1996,
the Solicitor General submitted a printed copy of the 36- 4. Whether or not the concurrence of the Senate in the
volume Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade ratification by the President of the Philippines of the
Negotiations, and in another Compliance dated October Agreement establishing the World Trade Organization
24, 1996, he listed the various bilateral or multilateral implied rejection of the treaty embodied in the Final Act.
treaties or international instruments involving derogation
By raising and arguing only four issues against the
of Philippine sovereignty. Petitioners, on the other hand,
seven presented by petitioners, the Solicitor General has
submitted their Compliance dated January 28, 1997, on
effectively ignored three, namely: (1) whether the petition
January 30, 1997.
presents a political question or is otherwise not
The Issues justiciable; (2) whether petitioner-members of the Senate
(Wigberto E. Taada and Anna Dominique Coseteng) are
In their Memorandum dated March 11, 1996,
estopped from joining this suit; and (3) whether the
petitioners summarized the issues as follows:
respondent-members of the Senate acted in grave
A. Whether the petition presents a political question or is abuse of discretion when they voted for concurrence in
otherwise not justiciable. the ratification of the WTO Agreement. The foregoing
notwithstanding, this Court resolved to deal with these
B. Whether the petitioner members of the Senate
three issues thus:
who participated in the deliberations and voting
leading to the concurrence are estopped from (1) The political question issue -- being very fundamental
impugning the validity of the Agreement and vital, and being a matter that probes into the very
Establishing the World Trade Organization or of jurisdiction of this Court to hear and decide this case --
the validity of the concurrence. was deliberated upon by the Court and will thus be ruled
upon as the first issue;
C. Whether the provisions of the Agreement
Establishing the World Trade Organization (2) The matter of estoppel will not be taken up because
contravene the provisions of Sec. 19, Article II, this defense is waivable and the respondents have
and Secs. 10 and 12, Article XII, all of the 1987 effectively waived it by not pursuing it in any of their
Philippine Constitution. pleadings; in any event, this issue, even if ruled in
respondents favor, will not cause the petitions dismissal
D. Whether provisions of the Agreement
as there are petitioners other than the two senators, who
Establishing the World Trade Organization
are not vulnerable to the defense of estoppel; and
unduly limit, restrict and impair Philippine
sovereignty specifically the legislative power (3) The issue of alleged grave abuse of discretion on the
which, under Sec. 2, Article VI, 1987 Philippine part of the respondent senators will be taken up as an

Page 43 of 82
integral part of the disposition of the four issues raised the part of any branch or instrumentality of the
by the Solicitor General. government.
During its deliberations on the case, the Court The foregoing text emphasizes the judicial
noted that the respondents did not question the locus departments duty and power to strike down grave abuse
standi  of petitioners. Hence, they are also deemed to of discretion on the part of any branch or instrumentality
have waived the benefit of such issue. They probably of government including Congress. It is an innovation in
realized that grave constitutional issues, expenditures of our political law.[16] As explained by former Chief Justice
public funds and serious international commitments of Roberto Concepcion,[17] the judiciary is the final arbiter
the nation are involved here, and that transcendental on the question of whether or not a branch of
public interest requires that the substantive issues be government or any of its officials has acted without
met head on and decided on the merits, rather than jurisdiction or in excess of jurisdiction or so capriciously
skirted or deflected by procedural matters.[11] as to constitute an abuse of discretion amounting to
excess of jurisdiction.This is not only a judicial power but
To recapitulate, the issues that will be ruled upon
a duty to pass judgment on matters of this nature.
shortly are:
As this Court has repeatedly and firmly emphasized
in many cases,[18] it will not shirk, digress from or
abandon its sacred duty and authority to uphold the
Constitution in matters that involve grave abuse of
discretion brought before it in appropriate cases,
committed by any officer, agency, instrumentality or
department of the government.
As the petition alleges grave abuse of discretion
and as there is no other plain, speedy or adequate
remedy in the ordinary course of law, we have no
hesitation at all in holding that this petition should be
given due course and the vital questions raised therein
ruled upon under Rule 65 of the Rules of
Court. Indeed, certiorari, prohibition and mandamus are
(3) DO THE PROVISIONS OF SAID appropriate remedies to raise constitutional issues and
AGREEMENT AND ITS ANNEXES to review and/or prohibit/nullify, when proper, acts of
LIMIT, RESTRICT, OR IMPAIR THE legislative and executive officials. On this, we have no
We should stress that, in deciding to take
(4) DO SAID PROVISIONS UNDULY IMPAIR jurisdiction over this petition, this Court will not review
OR INTERFERE WITH THE EXERCISE the wisdom of the decision of the President and the
OF JUDICIAL POWER BY THIS COURT Senate in enlisting the country into the WTO, or pass
IN PROMULGATING RULES ON upon the merits of trade liberalization as a policy
EVIDENCE? espoused by said international body. Neither will it rule
on the propriety of the governments economic policy of
(5) WAS THE CONCURRENCE OF THE reducing/removing tariffs, taxes, subsidies, quantitative
SENATE IN THE WTO AGREEMENT restrictions, and other import/trade barriers. Rather, it will
AND ITS ANNEXES SUFFICIENT only exercise its constitutional duty to determine whether
AND/OR VALID, CONSIDERING THAT or not there had been a grave abuse of discretion
IT DID NOT INCLUDE THE FINAL ACT, amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on the part of
MINISTERIAL DECLARATIONS AND the Senate in ratifying the WTO Agreement and its three
IN FINANCIAL SERVICES? Second Issue: The WTO Agreement and Economic
The First Issue: Does the Court Have Jurisdiction
Over the Controversy? This is the lis mota, the main issue, raised by the
In seeking to nullify an act of the Philippine Senate
on the ground that it contravenes the Constitution, the Petitioners vigorously argue that the letter, spirit
petition no doubt raises a justiciable controversy. Where and intent of the Constitution mandating economic
an action of the legislative branch is seriously alleged to nationalism are violated by the so-called parity
have infringed the Constitution, it becomes not only the provisions and national treatment clauses scattered in
right but in fact the duty of the judiciary to settle the various parts not only of the WTO Agreement and its
dispute. The question thus posed is judicial rather than annexes but also in the Ministerial Decisions and
political. The duty (to adjudicate) remains to assure that Declarations and in the Understanding on Commitments
the supremacy of the Constitution is upheld.[12] Once a in Financial Services.
controversy as to the application or interpretation of a
Specifically, the flagship constitutional provisions
constitutional provision is raised before this Court (as in
referred to are Sec. 19, Article II, and Secs. 10 and 12,
the instant case), it becomes a legal issue which the
Article XII, of the Constitution, which are worded as
Court is bound by constitutional mandate to decide.[13]
The jurisdiction of this Court to adjudicate the
Article II
matters[14] raised in the petition is clearly set out in the
1987 Constitution,[15] as follows: DECLARATION OF PRINCIPLES AND STATE
Judicial power includes the duty of the courts of justice
to settle actual controversies involving rights which are xx xx xx xx
legally demandable and enforceable, and to determine
whether or not there has been a grave abuse of
discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on

Page 44 of 82
Sec. 19. The State shall develop a self-reliant and 1994 include those which are mandatory or
independent national economy effectively controlled by enforceable under domestic laws or under
Filipinos. administrative rulings, or compliance with which
is necessary to obtain an advantage, and which
xx xx xx xx
Article XII
(a) the importation by an enterprise of products
NATIONAL ECONOMY AND PATRIMONY used in or related to the local production
that it exports;
xx xx xx xx
(b) the importation by an enterprise of products
Sec. 10. x x x. The Congress shall enact measures that used in or related to its local production by
will encourage the formation and operation of restricting its access to foreign exchange
enterprises whose capital is wholly owned by Filipinos. inflows attributable to the enterprise; or
In the grant of rights, privileges, and concessions (c) the exportation or sale for export specified
covering the national economy and patrimony, the State in terms of particular products, in terms of
shall give preference to qualified Filipinos. volume or value of products, or in terms of
xx xx xx xx a preparation of volume or value of its local
production. (Annex to the Agreement on
Sec. 12. The State shall promote the preferential use of Trade-Related Investment Measures, Vol.
Filipino labor, domestic materials and locally produced 27, Uruguay Round Legal Documents,
goods, and adopt measures that help make them p.22125, emphasis supplied).
The paragraph 4 of Article III of GATT 1994 referred to is
Petitioners aver that these sacred constitutional quoted as follows:
principles are desecrated by the following WTO
provisions quoted in their memorandum:[19] The products of the territory of any contracting party
imported into the territory of any other contracting
a) In the area of investment measures related to party shall be accorded treatment no less favorable
trade in goods (TRIMS, for brevity): than that accorded to like products of national
Article 2 origin in respect of laws, regulations and requirements
affecting their internal sale, offering for sale, purchase,
National Treatment and Quantitative Restrictions. transportation, distribution or use. the provisions of this
1. Without prejudice to other rights and paragraph shall not prevent the application of differential
obligations under GATT 1994. no Member internal transportation charges which are based
shall apply any TRIM that is inconsistent exclusively on the economic operation of the means of
with the provisions of Article III or Article XI transport and not on the nationality of the
of GATT 1994. product. (Article III, GATT 1947, as amended by the
Protocol Modifying Part II, and Article XXVI of GATT, 14
2. An Illustrative list of TRIMS that are September 1948, 62 UMTS 82-84 in relation to
inconsistent with the obligations of general paragraph 1(a) of the General Agreement on Tariffs and
elimination of quantitative restrictions Trade 1994, Vol. 1, Uruguay Round, Legal Instruments
provided for in paragraph I of Article XI of p.177, emphasis supplied).
GATT 1994 is contained in the Annex to this
Agreement. (Agreement on Trade-Related b) In the area of trade related aspects of intellectual
Investment Measures, Vol. 27, Uruguay property rights (TRIPS, for brevity):
Round, Legal Instruments, p.22121, Each Member shall accord to the nationals of other
emphasis supplied). Members treatment no less favourable than that it
The Annex referred to reads as follows: accords to its own nationals with regard to the
protection of intellectual property... (par. 1, Article 3,
ANNEX Agreement on Trade-Related Aspect of Intellectual
Illustrative List Property rights, Vol. 31, Uruguay Round, Legal
Instruments, p.25432 (emphasis supplied)
1. TRIMS that are inconsistent with the
obligation of national treatment provided for (c) In the area of the General Agreement on Trade in
in paragraph 4 of Article III of GATT 1994 Services:
include those which are mandatory or National Treatment
enforceable under domestic law or under
administrative rulings, or compliance with 1. In the sectors inscribed in its schedule, and
which is necessary to obtain an advantage, subject to any conditions and qualifications
and which require: set out therein, each Member shall accord to
services and service suppliers of any other
(a) the purchase or use by an enterprise of Member, in respect of all measures affecting
products of domestic origin or from any the supply of services, treatment no less
domestic source, whether specified in favourable than it accords to its own like
terms of particular products, in terms of services and service suppliers.
volume or value of products, or in terms of
proportion of volume or value of its local 2. A Member may meet the requirement of
production; or paragraph I by according to services and
service suppliers of any other Member,
(b) that an enterprises purchases or use of either formally identical treatment or formally
imported products be limited to an amount different treatment to that it accords to its
related to the volume or value of local own like services and service suppliers.
products that it exports.
3. Formally identical or formally different
2. TRIMS that are inconsistent with the obligations treatment shall be considered to be less
of general elimination of quantitative restrictions favourable if it modifies the conditions of
provided for in paragraph 1 of Article XI of GATT

Page 45 of 82
completion in favour of services or service legislature. If the executive and the legislature failed to
suppliers of the Member compared to like heed the directives of the article, the available remedy
services or service suppliers of any other was not judicial but political. The electorate could
Member. (Article XVII, General Agreement express their displeasure with the failure of the executive
on Trade in Services, Vol. 28, Uruguay and the legislature through the language of the
Round Legal Instruments, p.22610 ballot. (Bernas, Vol. II, p. 2).
emphasis supplied).
The reasons for denying a cause of action to an
It is petitioners position that the foregoing national alleged infringement of broad constitutional principles
treatment and parity provisions of the WTO Agreement are sourced from basic considerations of due process
place nationals and products of member countries on the and the lack of judicial authority to wade into the
same footing as Filipinos and local products, in uncharted ocean of social and economic policy
contravention of the Filipino First policy of the making. Mr. Justice Florentino P. Feliciano in his
Constitution. They allegedly render meaningless the concurring opinion in Oposa vs. Factoran, Jr.,
phrase effectively controlled by Filipinos. The  explained these reasons as follows:
constitutional conflict becomes more manifest when
My suggestion is simply that petitioners must, before the
viewed in the context of the clear duty imposed on the
trial court, show a more specific legal right -- a right cast
Philippines as a WTO member to ensure the conformity
in language of a significantly lower order of generality
of its laws, regulations and administrative procedures
than Article II (15) of the Constitution -- that is or may be
with its obligations as provided in the annexed
violated by the actions, or failures to act, imputed to the
agreements.[20] Petitioners further argue that these
public respondent by petitioners so that the trial court
provisions contravene constitutional limitations on the
can validly render judgment granting all or part of the
role exports play in national development and negate the
relief prayed for. To my mind, the court should be
preferential treatment accorded to Filipino labor,
understood as simply saying that such a more specific
domestic materials and locally produced goods.
legal right or rights may well exist in our corpus of law,
On the other hand, respondents through the considering the general policy principles found in the
Solicitor General counter (1) that such Constitution and the existence of the Philippine
Charter provisions are not self-executing and merely set Environment Code, and that the trial court should have
out general policies; (2) that these nationalistic portions given petitioners an effective opportunity so to
of the Constitution invoked by petitioners should not be demonstrate, instead of aborting the proceedings on a
read in isolation but should be related to other relevant motion to dismiss.
provisions of Art. XII, particularly Secs. 1 and 13 thereof;
It seems to me important that the legal right which is an
(3) that read properly, the cited WTO clauses do not
essential component of a cause of action be a specific,
conflict with the Constitution; and (4) that the WTO
operable legal right, rather than a constitutional or
Agreement contains sufficient provisions to protect
statutory policy, for at least two (2) reasons.One is that
developing countries like the Philippines from the
unless the legal right claimed to have been violated or
harshness of sudden trade liberalization.
disregarded is given specification in operational terms,
We shall now discuss and rule on these arguments. defendants may well be unable to defend themselves
intelligently and effectively; in other words, there are due
Declaration of Principles Not Self-Executing
process dimensions to this matter.
By its very title, Article II of the Constitution is a
The second is a broader-gauge consideration -- where a
declaration of principles and state policies. The
specific violation of law or applicable regulation is not
counterpart of this article in the 1935 Constitution[21] is
alleged or proved, petitioners can be expected to fall
called the basic political creed of the nation by Dean
back on the expanded conception of judicial power in the
Vicente Sinco.[22] These principles in Article II are not
second paragraph of Section 1 of Article VIII of the
intended to be self-executing principles ready for
Constitution which reads:
enforcement through the courts.[23] They are used by the
judiciary as aids or as guides in the exercise of its power Section 1. x x x
of judicial review, and by the legislature in its enactment
Judicial power includes the duty of the courts of justice
of laws. As held in the leading case of Kilosbayan,
to settle actual controversies involving rights which are
Incorporated vs. Morato,[24]  the principles and state
legally demandable and enforceable, and to determine
policies enumerated in Article II and some sections of
whether or not there has been a grave abuse of
Article XII are not self-executing provisions, the
discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on
disregard of which can give rise to a cause of action in
the part of any branch or instrumentality of the
the courts. They do not embody judicially enforceable
Government. (Emphases supplied)
constitutional rights but guidelines for legislation.
When substantive standards as general as the right to a
In the same light, we held in Basco vs.
balanced and healthy ecology and the right to health are
Pagcor[25] that broad constitutional principles need
combined with remedial standards as broad ranging as a
legislative enactments to implement them, thus:
grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of
On petitioners allegation that P.D. 1869 violates jurisdiction, the result will be, it is respectfully submitted,
Sections 11 (Personal Dignity) 12 (Family) and 13 (Role to propel courts into the uncharted ocean of social and
of Youth) of Article II; Section 13 (Social Justice) of economic policy making. At least in respect of the vast
Article XIII and Section 2 (Educational Values) of Article area of environmental protection and management, our
XIV of the 1987 Constitution, suffice it to state also that courts have no claim to special technical competence
these are merely statements of principles and and experience and professional qualification. Where no
policies. As such, they are basically not self-executing, specific, operable norms and standards are shown to
meaning a law should be passed by Congress to clearly exist, then the policy making departments -- the
define and effectuate such principles. legislative and executive departments -- must be given a
real and effective opportunity to fashion and promulgate
In general, therefore, the 1935 provisions were not
those norms and standards, and to implement them
intended to be self-executing principles ready for
before the courts should intervene.
enforcement through the courts. They were rather
directives addressed to the executive and to the

Page 46 of 82
Economic Nationalism Should Be Read with Other se judicially enforceable. However, as the constitutional
Constitutional Mandates to Attain Balanced provision itself states, it is enforceable only in regard to
Development of Economy the grants of rights, privileges and concessions covering
national economy and patrimony and not to every aspect
On the other hand, Secs. 10 and 12 of Article XII,
of trade and commerce. It refers to exceptions rather
apart from merely laying down general principles relating
than the rule. The issue here is not whether this
to the national economy and patrimony, should be read
paragraph of Sec. 10 of Art. XII is self-executing or
and understood in relation to the other sections in said
not. Rather, the issue is whether, as a rule, there are
article, especially Secs. 1 and 13 thereof which read:
enough balancing provisions in the Constitution to allow
Section 1. The goals of the national economy are a more the Senate to ratify the Philippine concurrence in the
equitable distribution of opportunities, income, and WTO Agreement. And we hold that there are.
wealth; a sustained increase in the amount of goods and
All told, while the Constitution indeed mandates a
services produced by the nation for the benefit of the
bias in favor of Filipino goods, services, labor and
people; and an expanding productivity as the key to
enterprises, at the same time, it recognizes the need for
raising the quality of life for all, especially the
business exchange with the rest of the world on the
bases of equality and reciprocity and limits protection of
The State shall promote industrialization and full Filipino enterprises only against foreign competition and
employment based on sound agricultural development trade practices that are unfair.[32] In other words, the
and agrarian reform, through industries that make full Constitution did not intend to pursue an isolationist
and efficient use of human and natural resources, and policy. It did not shut out foreign investments, goods and
which are competitive in both domestic and foreign services in the development of the Philippine
markets. However, the State shall protect Filipino economy. While the Constitution does not encourage the
enterprises against unfair foreign competition and trade unlimited entry of foreign goods, services and
practices. investments into the country, it does not prohibit them
either. In fact, it allows an exchange on the basis of
In the pursuit of these goals, all sectors of the economy equality and reciprocity, frowning only on foreign
and all regions of the country shall be given optimum competition that is unfair.
opportunity to develop. x x x
WTO Recognizes Need to Protect Weak Economies
x x x x x x x x x
Upon the other hand, respondents maintain that the
Sec. 13. The State shall pursue a trade policy that WTO itself has some built-in advantages to protect weak
serves the general welfare and utilizes all forms and and developing economies, which comprise the vast
arrangements of exchange on the basis of equality and majority of its members. Unlike in the UN where major
reciprocity. states have permanent seats and veto powers in the
As pointed out by the Solicitor General, Sec. 1 lays Security Council, in the WTO, decisions are made on the
down the basic goals of national economic development, basis of sovereign equality, with each members vote
as follows: equal in weight to that of any other. There is no WTO
equivalent of the UN Security Council.
1. A more equitable distribution of opportunities,
income and wealth; WTO decides by consensus whenever possible,
otherwise, decisions of the Ministerial Conference and
2. A sustained increase in the amount of goods and the General Council shall be taken by the majority of the
services provided by the nation for the benefit of the votes cast, except in cases of interpretation of the
people; and Agreement or waiver of the obligation of a member
3. An expanding productivity as the key to raising which would require three fourths vote. Amendments
the quality of life for all especially the underprivileged. would require two thirds vote in general. Amendments to
MFN provisions and the Amendments provision will
With these goals in context, the Constitution then require assent of all members. Any member may
ordains the ideals of economic nationalism (1) by withdraw from the Agreement upon the expiration of six
expressing preference in favor of qualified Filipinos in months from the date of notice of withdrawals.[33]
the grant of rights, privileges and concessions covering
the national economy and patrimony[27] and in the use of Hence, poor countries can protect their common
Filipino labor, domestic materials and locally-produced interests more effectively through the WTO than through
goods; (2) by mandating the State to adopt measures one-on-one negotiations with developed
that help make them competitive;[28] and (3) by requiring countries. Within the WTO, developing countries can
the State to develop a self-reliant and independent form powerful blocs to push their economic agenda more
national economy effectively controlled by Filipinos.[29] In decisively than outside the Organization. This is not
similar language, the Constitution takes into account the merely a matter of practical alliances but a negotiating
realities of the outside world as it requires the pursuit of strategy rooted in law. Thus, the basic principles
a trade policy that serves the general welfare and utilizes underlying the WTO Agreement recognize the need of
all forms and arrangements of exchange on the basis of developing countries like the Philippines to share in the
equality and reciprocity;[30] and speaks of industries growth in international trade commensurate with the
which are competitive in both domestic and foreign needs of their economic development. These basic
markets as well as of the protection of Filipino principles are found in the preamble[34] of the WTO
enterprises against unfair foreign competition and trade Agreement as follows:
practices. The Parties to this Agreement,
It is true that in the recent case of Manila Prince Recognizing that their relations in the field of trade and
Hotel vs. Government Service Insurance System, et al., economic endeavour should be conducted with a view to
 this Court held that Sec. 10, second par., Art. XII of raising standards of living, ensuring full employment and
the 1987 Constitution is a mandatory, positive command a large and steadily growing volume of real income and
which is complete in itself and which needs no further effective demand, and expanding the production of and
guidelines or implementing laws or rules for its trade in goods and services, while allowing for the
enforcement. From its very words the provision does not optimal use of the worlds resources in accordance with
require any legislation to put it in operation. It is per the objective of sustainable development, seeking both

Page 47 of 82
to protect and preserve the environment and to enhance such decision cannot be set aside on the ground ofgrave
the means for doing so in a manner consistent with their abuse of discretion, simply because we disagree with it
respective needs and concerns at different levels of or simply because we believe only in other economic
economic development, policies. As earlier stated, the Court in taking jurisdiction
of this case will not pass upon the advantages and
Recognizing further that there is need for positive efforts
disadvantages of trade liberalization as an economic
designed to ensure that developing countries, and
policy. It will only perform its constitutional duty of
especially the least developed among them, secure
determining whether the Senate committed grave abuse
a share in the growth in international trade
of discretion.
commensurate with the needs of their economic
development, Constitution Does Not Rule Out Foreign Competition
Being desirous of contributing to these objectives by Furthermore, the constitutional policy of a self-
entering into reciprocal and mutually advantageous reliant and independent national economy[35] does not
arrangements directed to the substantial reduction of necessarily rule out the entry of foreign investments,
tariffs and other barriers to trade and to the elimination of goods and services. It contemplates neither economic
discriminatory treatment in international trade relations, seclusion nor mendicancy in the international
community. As explained by Constitutional
Resolved, therefore, to develop an integrated, more
Commissioner Bernardo Villegas, sponsor of this
viable and durable multilateral trading system
constitutional policy:
encompassing the General Agreement on Tariffs and
Trade, the results of past trade liberalization efforts, and Economic self-reliance is a primary objective of a
all of the results of the Uruguay Round of Multilateral developing country that is keenly aware of
Trade Negotiations, overdependence on external assistance for even its
most basic needs.  It does not mean autarky or
Determined to preserve the basic principles and to
economic seclusion; rather, it means avoiding
further the objectives underlying this multilateral trading
mendicancy in the international
system, x x x. (underscoring supplied.)
community. Independence refers to the freedom from
Specific WTO Provisos Protect Developing undue foreign control of the national economy,
Countries especially in such strategic industries as in the
development of natural resources and public utilities.[36]
So too, the Solicitor General points out that
pursuant to and consistent with the foregoing basic The WTO reliance on most favored nation, national
principles, the WTO Agreement grants developing treatment, and trade without discrimination cannot be
countries a more lenient treatment, giving their domestic struck down as unconstitutional as in fact they are rules
industries some protection from the rush of foreign of equality and reciprocity that apply to all WTO
competition. Thus, with respect to tariffs in general, members. Aside from envisioning a trade policy based
preferential treatment is given to developing countries in on equality and reciprocity,[37] the fundamental law
terms of the amount of tariff reduction and the period encourages industries that are competitive in both
within which the reduction is to be spread domestic and foreign markets, thereby demonstrating a
out. Specifically, GATT requires an average tariff clear policy against a sheltered domestic trade
reduction rate of 36% for developed countries to be environment, but one in favor of the gradual
effected within a period of six (6) years while developing development of robust industries that can compete with
countries -- including the Philippines -- are required to the best in the foreign markets. Indeed, Filipino
effect an average tariff reduction of only 24% within ten managers and Filipino enterprises have shown capability
(10) years. and tenacity to compete internationally. And given a free
trade environment, Filipino entrepreneurs and managers
In respect to domestic subsidy, GATT in Hongkong have demonstrated the Filipino capacity to
requires developed countries to reduce domestic support grow and to prosper against the best offered under a
to agricultural products by 20% over six (6) years, as policy of laissez faire.
compared to only 13% for developing countries to be
effected within ten (10) years. Constitution Favors Consumers, Not Industries or
In regard to export subsidy for agricultural products,
GATT requires developed countries to reduce their The Constitution has not really shown any
budgetary outlays for export subsidy by 36% and export unbalanced bias in favor of any business or enterprise,
volumes receiving export subsidy by 21% within a period nor does it contain any specific pronouncement that
of six (6) years. For developing countries, however, the Filipino companies should be pampered with a total
reduction rate is only two-thirds of that prescribed for proscription of foreign competition. On the other hand, re
developed countries and a longer period of ten (10) spondents claim that WTO/GATT aims to make available
years within which to effect such reduction. to the Filipino consumer the best goods and services
obtainable anywhere in the world at the most reasonable
Moreover, GATT itself has provided built-in prices. Consequently, the question boils down to
protection from unfair foreign competition and trade whether WTO/GATT will favor the general welfare of the
practices including anti-dumping measures, public at large.
countervailing measures and safeguards against import
surges. Where local businesses are jeopardized by Will adherence to the WTO treaty bring this ideal (of
unfair foreign competition, the Philippines can avail of favoring the general welfare) to reality?
these measures. There is hardly therefore any basis for
Will WTO/GATT succeed in promoting the Filipinos
the statement that under the WTO, local industries and
general welfare because it will -- as promised by its
enterprises will all be wiped out and that Filipinos will be
promoters -- expand the countrys exports and generate
deprived of control of the economy. Quite the contrary,
more employment?
the weaker situations of developing nations like the
Philippines have been taken into account; thus, there Will it bring more prosperity, employment,
would be no basis to say that in joining the WTO, the purchasing power and quality products at the most
respondents have gravely abused their discretion. True, reasonable rates to the Filipino public?
they have made a bold decision to steer the ship of state
into the yet uncharted sea of economic liberalization. But

Page 48 of 82
The responses to these questions involve judgment dues, and other duties or imposts, such authority is
calls by our policy makers, for which they are subject to specified limits and x x x such limitations and
answerable to our people during appropriate electoral restrictions as Congress may provide,[42] as in fact it did
exercises. Such questions and the answers thereto are under Sec. 401 of the Tariff and Customs Code.
not subject to judicial pronouncements based on grave
Sovereignty Limited by International Law and
abuse of discretion.
Constitution Designed to Meet Future Events and
This Court notes and appreciates the ferocity and
passion by which petitioners stressed their arguments on
No doubt, the WTO Agreement was not yet in this issue. However, while sovereignty has traditionally
existence when the Constitution was drafted and ratified been deemed absolute and all-encompassing on the
in 1987. That does not mean however that the Charter is domestic level, it is however subject to restrictions and
necessarily flawed in the sense that its framers might not limitations voluntarily agreed to by the Philippines,
have anticipated the advent of a borderless world of expressly or impliedly, as a member of the family of
business. By the same token, the United Nations was nations. Unquestionably, the Constitution did not
not yet in existence when the 1935 Constitution became envision a hermit-type isolation of the country from the
effective. Did that necessarily mean that the then rest of the world. In its Declaration of Principles and
Constitution might not have contemplated a diminution of State Policies, the Constitution adopts the generally
the absoluteness of sovereignty when the Philippines accepted principles of international law as part of the law
signed the UN Charter, thereby effectively surrendering of the land, and adheres to the policy of peace, equality,
part of its control over its foreign relations to the justice, freedom, cooperation and amity, with all
decisions of various UN organs like the Security nations."[43] By the doctrine of incorporation, the country
Council? is bound by generally accepted principles of international
law, which are considered to be automatically part of our
It is not difficult to answer this
own laws.[44] One of the oldest and most fundamental
question. Constitutions are designed to meet not only
rules in international law is pacta sunt servanda  --
the vagaries of contemporary events. They should be
international agreements must be performed in good
interpreted to cover even future and unknown
faith. A treaty engagement is not a mere moral obligation
circumstances. It is to the credit of its drafters that a
but creates a legally binding obligation on the parties x x
Constitution can withstand the assaults of bigots and
x. A state which has contracted valid international
infidels but at the same time bend with the refreshing
obligations is bound to make in its legislations such
winds of change necessitated by unfolding events. As
modifications as may be necessary to ensure the
one eminent political law writer and respected
fulfillment of the obligations undertaken.[45]
jurist[38] explains:
By their inherent nature, treaties really limit or
The Constitution must be quintessential rather than
restrict the absoluteness of sovereignty. By their
superficial, the root and not the blossom, the base and
voluntary act, nations may surrender some aspects of
framework only of the edifice that is yet to rise. It is but
their state power in exchange for greater benefits
the core of the dream that must take shape, not in a
granted by or derived from a convention or pact. After
twinkling by mandate of our delegates, but slowly in the
all, states, like individuals, live with coequals, and in
crucible of Filipino minds and hearts, where it will in time
pursuit of mutually covenanted objectives and benefits,
develop its sinews and gradually gather its strength and
they also commonly agree to limit the exercise of their
finally achieve its substance. In fine, the Constitution
otherwise absolute rights. Thus, treaties have been used
cannot, like the goddess Athena, rise full-grown from the
to record agreements between States concerning such
brow of the Constitutional Convention, nor can it conjure
widely diverse matters as, for example, the lease of
by mere fiat an instant Utopia. It must grow with the
naval bases, the sale or cession of territory, the
society it seeks to re-structure and march apace with the
termination of war, the regulation of conduct of
progress of the race, drawing from the vicissitudes of
hostilities, the formation of alliances, the regulation of
history the dynamism and vitality that will keep it, far
commercial relations, the settling of claims, the laying
from becoming a petrified rule, a pulsing, living law
down of rules governing conduct in peace and the
attuned to the heartbeat of the nation.
establishment of international organizations.[46] The
Third Issue: The WTO Agreement and Legislative sovereignty of a state therefore cannot in fact and in
Power reality be considered absolute. Certain restrictions enter
into the picture: (1) limitations imposed by the very
The WTO Agreement provides that (e)ach Member nature of membership in the family of nations and (2)
shall ensure the conformity of its laws, regulations and limitations imposed by treaty stipulations. As aptly put by
administrative procedures with its obligations as John F. Kennedy, Today, no nation can build its destiny
provided in the annexed Agreements.[39] Petitioners alone. The age of self-sufficient nationalism is over. The
maintain that this undertaking unduly limits, restricts and age of interdependence is here.[47]
impairs Philippine sovereignty, specifically the legislative
power which under Sec. 2, Article VI of the 1987 UN Charter and Other Treaties Limit Sovereignty
Philippine Constitution is vested in the Congress of the
Thus, when the Philippines joined the United
Philippines. It is an assault on the sovereign powers of
Nations as one of its 51 charter members, it consented
the Philippines because this means that Congress could
to restrict its sovereign rights under the concept of
not pass legislation that will be good for our national
sovereignty as auto-limitation.47-A Under Article 2 of the
interest and general welfare if such legislation will not
UN Charter, (a)ll members shall give the United Nations
conform with the WTO Agreement, which not only
every assistance in any action it takes in accordance
relates to the trade in goods x x x but also to the flow of
with the present Charter, and shall refrain from giving
investments and money x x x as well as to a whole slew
assistance to any state against which the United Nations
of agreements on socio-cultural matters x x x.[40]
is taking preventive or enforcement action. Such
More specifically, petitioners claim that said assistance includes payment of its corresponding share
WTO proviso derogates from the power to tax, which is not merely in administrative expenses but also in
lodged in the Congress.[41] And while the Constitution expenditures for the peace-keeping operations of the
allows Congress to authorize the President to fix tariff organization. In its advisory opinion of July 20, 1961, the
rates, import and export quotas, tonnage and wharfage International Court of Justice held that money used by

Page 49 of 82
the United Nations Emergency Force in the Middle East Japanese and Korean air carriers under
and in the Congo were expenses of the United Nations separate air service agreements.
under Article 17, paragraph 2, of the UN Charter.Hence,
(h) Bilateral notes with Israel for the abolition of
all its members must bear their corresponding share in
transit and visitor visas where the Philippines
such expenses. In this sense, the Philippine Congress is
exempted Israeli nationals from the
restricted in its power to appropriate. It is compelled to
requirement of obtaining transit or visitor visas
appropriate funds whether it agrees with such peace-
for a sojourn in the Philippines not exceeding
keeping expenses or not. So too, under Article 105 of
59 days.
the said Charter, the UN and its representatives enjoy
diplomatic privileges and immunities, thereby limiting (I) Bilateral agreement with France exempting
again the exercise of sovereignty of members within French nationals from the requirement of
their own territory. Another example: although sovereign obtaining transit and visitor visa for a sojourn
equality and domestic jurisdiction of all members are set not exceeding 59 days.
forth as underlying principles in the UN Charter,
(j) Multilateral Convention on Special Missions,
such provisos are however subject to enforcement
where the Philippines agreed that premises of
measures decided by the Security Council for the
Special Missions in the Philippines are
maintenance of international peace and security under
inviolable and its agents can not enter said
Chapter VII of the Charter. A final example: under Article
premises without consent of the Head of
103, (i)n the event of a conflict between the obligations
Mission concerned. Special Missions are also
of the Members of the United Nations under the present
exempted from customs duties, taxes and
Charter and their obligations under any other
related charges.
international agreement, their obligation under the
present charter shall prevail, thus unquestionably (k) Multilateral Convention on the Law of
denying the Philippines -- as a member -- the sovereign Treaties. In this convention, the Philippines
power to make a choice as to which of conflicting agreed to be governed by the Vienna
obligations, if any, to honor. Convention on the Law of Treaties.
Apart from the UN Treaty, the Philippines has (l) Declaration of the President of the Philippines
entered into many other international pacts -- both accepting compulsory jurisdiction of the
bilateral and multilateral -- that involve limitations on International Court of Justice. The International
Philippine sovereignty. These are enumerated by the Court of Justice has jurisdiction in all legal
Solicitor General in his Compliance dated October 24, disputes concerning the interpretation of a
1996, as follows: treaty, any question of international law, the
existence of any fact which, if established,
(a) Bilateral convention with the United States
would constitute a breach of international
regarding taxes on income, where the
Philippines agreed, among others, to exempt
from tax, income received in the Philippines In the foregoing treaties, the Philippines has
by, among others, the Federal Reserve Bank effectively agreed to limit the exercise of its sovereign
of the United States, the Export/Import Bank of powers of taxation, eminent domain and police
the United States, the Overseas Private power. The underlying consideration in this partial
Investment Corporation of the United surrender of sovereignty is the reciprocal commitment of
States. Likewise, in said convention, wages, the other contracting states in granting the same
salaries and similar remunerations paid by the privilege and immunities to the Philippines, its officials
United States to its citizens for labor and and its citizens. The same reciprocity characterizes the
personal services performed by them as Philippine commitments under WTO-GATT.
employees or officials of the United States are
exempt from income tax by the Philippines. International treaties, whether relating to nuclear
disarmament, human rights, the environment, the law of
(b) Bilateral agreement with Belgium, providing, the sea, or trade, constrain domestic political sovereignty
among others, for the avoidance of double through the assumption of external obligations. But
taxation with respect to taxes on income. unless anarchy in international relations is preferred as
an alternative, in most cases we accept that the benefits
(c) Bilateral convention with the Kingdom of
of the reciprocal obligations involved outweigh the costs
Sweden for the avoidance of double taxation.
associated with any loss of political sovereignty. (T)rade
(d) Bilateral convention with the French Republic for treaties that structure relations by reference to durable,
the avoidance of double taxation. well-defined substantive norms and objective dispute
resolution procedures reduce the risks of larger
(e) Bilateral air transport agreement with Korea
countries exploiting raw economic power to bully smaller
where the Philippines agreed to exempt from all
countries, by subjecting power relations to some form of
customs duties, inspection fees and other
legal ordering. In addition, smaller countries typically
duties or taxes aircrafts of South Korea and the
stand to gain disproportionately from trade
regular equipment, spare parts and supplies
liberalization. This is due to the simple fact that
arriving with said aircrafts.
liberalization will provide access to a larger set of
(f) Bilateral air service agreement with Japan, potential new trading relationship than in case of the
where the Philippines agreed to exempt from larger country gaining enhanced success to the smaller
customs duties, excise taxes, inspection fees countrys market.[48]
and other similar duties, taxes or charges fuel,
The point is that, as shown by the foregoing
lubricating oils, spare parts, regular equipment,
treaties, a portion of sovereignty may be waived without
stores on board Japanese aircrafts while on
violating the Constitution, based on the rationale that the
Philippine soil.
Philippines adopts the generally accepted principles of
(g) Bilateral air service agreement with Belgium international law as part of the law of the land and
where the Philippines granted Belgian air adheres to the policy of x x x cooperation and amity with
carriers the same privileges as those granted to all nations.

Page 50 of 82
Fourth Issue: The WTO Agreement and Judicial or the fact of substantial likelihood that the identical
Power product was made by the patented process.
Petitioners aver that paragraph 1, Article 34 of the The foregoing should really present no problem in
General Provisions and Basic Principles of the changing the rules of evidence as the present law on the
Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual subject, Republic Act No. 165, as amended, otherwise
Property Rights (TRIPS)[49]intrudes on the power of the known as the Patent Law, provides a similar
Supreme Court to promulgate rules concerning pleading, presumption in cases of infringement of patented design
practice and procedures.[50] or utility model, thus:
To understand the scope and meaning of Article 34, SEC. 60. Infringement. - Infringement of a design
TRIPS,[51] it will be fruitful to restate its full text as follows: patent or of a patent for utility model shall consist in
unauthorized copying of the patented design or utility
Article 34
model for the purpose of trade or industry in the article or
Process Patents: Burden of Proof product and in the making, using or selling of the article
or product copying the patented design or utility
1. For the purposes of civil proceedings in respect model. Identity or substantial identity with the patented
of the infringement of the rights of the owner design or utility model shall constitute evidence of
referred to in paragraph 1(b) of Article 28, if the copying. (underscoring supplied)
subject matter of a patent is a process for obtaining
a product, the judicial authorities shall have the Moreover, it should be noted that the requirement of
authority to order the defendant to prove that the Article 34 to provide a disputable presumption applies
process to obtain an identical product is different only if (1) the product obtained by the patented process
from the patented process. Therefore, Members is NEW or (2) there is a substantial likelihood that the
shall provide, in at least one of the following identical product was made by the process and the
circumstances, that any identical product when process owner has not been able through reasonable
produced without the consent of the patent owner effort to determine the process used. Where either of
shall, in the absence of proof to the contrary, be these two provisos does not obtain, members shall be
deemed to have been obtained by the patented free to determine the appropriate method of
process: implementing the provisions of TRIPS within their own
internal systems and processes.
(a) if the product obtained by the patented process is
new; By and large, the arguments adduced in connection
with our disposition of the third issue -- derogation of
(b) if there is a substantial likelihood that the legislative power - will apply to this fourth issue
identical product was made by the process also. Suffice it to say that the reciprocity clause more
and the owner of the patent has been than justifies such intrusion, if any actually
unable through reasonable efforts to exists. Besides, Article 34 does not contain an
determine the process actually used. unreasonable burden, consistent as it is with due
2. Any Member shall be free to provide that the process and the concept of adversarial dispute
burden of proof indicated in paragraph 1 shall be on settlement inherent in our judicial system.
the alleged infringer only if the condition referred to So too, since the Philippine is a signatory to most
in subparagraph (a) is fulfilled or only if the international conventions on patents, trademarks and
condition referred to in subparagraph (b) is fulfilled. copyrights, the adjustment in legislation and rules of
3. In the adduction of proof to the contrary, the procedure will not be substantial.[52]
legitimate interests of defendants in protecting their Fifth Issue: Concurrence Only in the WTO
manufacturing and business secrets shall be taken Agreement and Not in Other Documents Contained
into account. in the Final Act
From the above, a WTO Member is required to Petitioners allege that the Senate concurrence in
provide a rule of disputable (note the words in the the WTO Agreement and its annexes -- but not in the
absence of proof to the contrary) presumption that a other documents referred to in the Final Act, namely the
product shown to be identical to one produced with the Ministerial Declaration and Decisions and the
use of a patented process shall be deemed to have been Understanding on Commitments in Financial Services --
obtained by the (illegal) use of the said patented is defective and insufficient and thus constitutes abuse
process, (1) where such product obtained by the of discretion. They submit that such concurrence in the
patented product is new, or (2) where there is substantial WTO Agreement alone is flawed because it is in effect a
likelihood that the identical product was made with the rejection of the Final Act, which in turn was the
use of the said patented process but the owner of the document signed by Secretary Navarro, in
patent could not determine the exact process used in representation of the Republic upon authority of the
obtaining such identical product. Hence, the burden of President. They contend that the second letter of the
proof contemplated by Article 34 should actually be President to the Senate[53] which enumerated what
understood as the duty of the alleged patent infringer to constitutes the Final Act should have been the subject of
overthrow such presumption. Such burden, properly concurrence of the Senate.
understood, actually refers to the burden of
evidence (burden of going forward) placed on the A final act, sometimes called protocol de clture, is
producer of the identical (or fake) product to show that an instrument which records the winding up of the
his product was produced without the use of the proceedings of a diplomatic conference and usually
patented process. includes a reproduction of the texts of treaties,
conventions, recommendations and other acts agreed
The foregoing notwithstanding, the patent owner upon and signed by the plenipotentiaries attending the
still has the burden of proof since, regardless of the conference.[54] It is not the treaty itself. It is rather a
presumption provided under paragraph 1 of Article 34, summary of the proceedings of a protracted conference
such owner still has to introduce evidence of the which may have taken place over several years. The text
existence of the alleged identical product, the fact that it of the Final Act Embodying the Results of the Uruguay
is identical to the genuine one produced by the patented Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations is contained in
process and the fact of newness of the genuine product

Page 51 of 82
just one page[55] in Vol. I of the 36- deliberation on August 25, 1994. After reading the letter
volume Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade of President Ramos dated August 11, 1994,[59] the
Negotiations. By signing said Final Act, Secretary senators of the Republic minutely dissected what the
Navarro as representative of the Republic of the Senate was concurring in, as follows: [60]
Philippines undertook:
THE CHAIRMAN: Yes. Now, the question of the validity
"(a) to submit, as appropriate, the WTO Agreement of the submission came up in the first day hearing of this
for the consideration of their respective Committee yesterday. Was the observation made by
competent authorities with a view to seeking Senator Taada that what was submitted to the Senate
approval of the Agreement in accordance with was not the agreement on establishing the World Trade
their procedures; and Organization by the final act of the Uruguay Round
which is not the same as the agreement establishing the
(b) to adopt the Ministerial Declarations and Decisions."
World Trade Organization? And on that basis, Senator
The assailed Senate Resolution No. 97 expressed Tolentino raised a point of order which, however, he
concurrence in exactly what the Final Act required from agreed to withdraw upon understanding that his
its signatories, namely, concurrence of the Senate in the suggestion for an alternative solution at that time was
WTO Agreement. acceptable. That suggestion was to treat the
proceedings of the Committee as being in the nature of
The Ministerial Declarations and Decisions were briefings for Senators until the question of the
deemed adopted without need for ratification. They were submission could be clarified.
approved by the ministers by virtue of Article XXV: 1 of
GATT which provides that representatives of the And so, Secretary Romulo, in effect, is the President
members can meet to give effect to those provisions of submitting a new... is he making a new submission
this Agreement which invoke joint action, and generally which improves on the clarity of the first submission?
with a view to facilitating the operation and furthering the
MR. ROMULO: Mr. Chairman, to make sure that it is
objectives of this Agreement.[56]
clear cut and there should be no misunderstanding, it
The Understanding on Commitments in Financial was his intention to clarify all matters by giving this letter.
Services also approved in Marrakesh does not apply to
THE CHAIRMAN: Thank you.
the Philippines. It applies only to those 27 Members
which have indicated in their respective schedules of Can this Committee hear from Senator Taada and later
commitments on standstill, elimination of monopoly, on Senator Tolentino since they were the ones that
expansion of operation of existing financial service raised this question yesterday?
suppliers, temporary entry of personnel, free transfer
Senator Taada, please.
and processing of information, and national treatment
with respect to access to payment, clearing systems and SEN. TAADA: Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
refinancing available in the normal course of business.[57]
Based on what Secretary Romulo has read, it would now
On the other hand, the WTO Agreement itself clearly appear that what is being submitted to the Senate
expresses what multilateral agreements are deemed for ratification is not the Final Act of the Uruguay Round,
included as its integral parts,[58] as follows: but rather the Agreement on the World Trade
Organization as well as the Ministerial Declarations and
Article II
Decisions, and the Understanding and Commitments in
Scope of the WTO Financial Services.
1. The WTO shall provide the common institutional I am now satisfied with the wording of the new
framework for the conduct of trade relations among submission of President Ramos.
its Members in matters to the agreements and
SEN. TAADA. . . . of President Ramos, Mr. Chairman.
associated legal instruments included in the
Annexes to this Agreement. THE CHAIRMAN. Thank you, Senator Taada. Can we
hear from Senator Tolentino? And after him Senator
2. The Agreements and associated legal
Neptali Gonzales and Senator Lina.
instruments included in Annexes 1, 2, and 3
(hereinafter referred to as Multilateral Agreements) SEN TOLENTINO, Mr. Chairman, I have not seen the
are integral parts of this Agreement, binding on all new submission actually transmitted to us but I saw the
Members. draft of his earlier, and I think it now complies with the
provisions of the Constitution, and with the Final Act
3. The Agreements and associated legal
itself. The Constitution does not require us to ratify the
instruments included in Annex 4 (hereinafter
Final Act. It requires us to ratify the Agreement which is
referred to as Plurilateral Trade Agreements) are
now being submitted. The Final Act itself specifies what
also part of this Agreement for those Members that
is going to be submitted to with the governments of the
have accepted them, and are binding on those
Members. The Plurilateral Trade Agreements do
not create either obligation or rights for Members In paragraph 2 of the Final Act, we read and I quote:
that have not accepted them.
By signing the present Final Act, the representatives
4. The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade agree: (a) to submit as appropriate the WTO Agreement
1994 as specified in annex 1A (hereinafter referred for the consideration of the respective competent
to as GATT 1994) is legally distinct from the authorities with a view to seeking approval of the
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, dated 30 Agreement in accordance with their procedures.
October 1947, annexed to the Final Act adopted at
In other words, it is not the Final Act that was agreed to
the conclusion of the Second Session of the
be submitted to the governments for ratification or
Preparatory Committee of the United Nations
acceptance as whatever their constitutional procedures
Conference on Trade and Employment, as
may provide but it is the World Trade Organization
subsequently rectified, amended or modified
Agreement. And if that is the one that is being submitted
(hereinafter referred to as GATT 1947).
now, I think it satisfies both the Constitution and the
It should be added that the Senate was well-aware Final Act itself.
of what it was concurring in as shown by the members

Page 52 of 82
Thank you, Mr. Chairman. equality and reciprocity and the promotion of industries
which are competitive in both domestic and foreign
THE CHAIRMAN. Thank you, Senator Tolentino, May I
markets, thereby justifying its acceptance of said
call on Senator Gonzales.
treaty. So too, the alleged impairment of sovereignty in
SEN. GONZALES. Mr. Chairman, my views on this the exercise of legislative and judicial powers is
matter are already a matter of record. And they had balanced by the adoption of the generally accepted
been adequately reflected in the journal of yesterdays principles of international law as part of the law of the
session and I dont see any need for repeating the same. land and the adherence of the Constitution to the policy
of cooperation and amity with all nations.
Now, I would consider the new submission as an act ex
abudante cautela. That the Senate, after deliberation and voting,
voluntarily and overwhelmingly gave its consent to the
THE CHAIRMAN. Thank you, Senator WTO Agreement thereby making it a part of the law of
Gonzales. Senator Lina, do you want to make any the land is a legitimate exercise of its sovereign duty and
comment on this? power. We find no patent and gross arbitrariness or
SEN. LINA. Mr. President, I agree with the observation despotism by reason of passion or personal hostility in
just made by Senator Gonzales out of the abundance of such exercise. It is not impossible to surmise that this
question. Then the new submission is, I believe, stating Court, or at least some of its members, may even agree
the obvious and therefore I have no further comment to with petitioners that it is more advantageous to the
make. national interest to strike down Senate Resolution No.
97. But that is not a legal reason to attribute grave
Epilogue abuse of discretion to the Senate and to nullify its
In praying for the nullification of the Philippine decision. To do so would constitute grave abuse in the
ratification of the WTO Agreement, petitioners are exercise of our own judicial power and duty.Ineludably,
invoking this Courts constitutionally imposed duty to what the Senate did was a valid exercise of its
determine whether or not there has been grave abuse of authority. As to whether such exercise was wise,
discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on beneficial or viable is outside the realm of judicial inquiry
the part of the Senate in giving its concurrence therein and review. That is a matter between the elected policy
via Senate Resolution No. 97. Procedurally, a writ makers and the people. As to whether the nation should
of certiorari grounded on grave abuse of discretion may join the worldwide march toward trade liberalization and
be issued by the Court under Rule 65 of the Rules of economic globalization is a matter that our people
Court when it is amply shown that petitioners have no should determine in electing their policy makers. After
other plain, speedy and adequate remedy in the ordinary all, the WTO Agreement allows withdrawal of
course of law. membership, should this be the political desire of a
By grave abuse of discretion is meant such
capricious and whimsical exercise of judgment as is The eminent futurist John Naisbitt, author of the
equivalent to lack of jurisdiction.[61] Mere abuse of best seller Megatrends, predicts an Asian
discretion is not enough. It must be grave abuse of Renaissance[65] where the East will become the dominant
discretion as when the power is exercised in an arbitrary region of the world economically, politically and culturally
or despotic manner by reason of passion or personal in the next century. He refers to the free market
hostility, and must be so patent and so gross as to espoused by WTO as the catalyst in this coming Asian
amount to an evasion of a positive duty or to a virtual ascendancy. There are at present about 31 countries
refusal to perform the duty enjoined or to act at all in including China, Russia and Saudi Arabia negotiating for
contemplation of law.[62] Failure on the part of the membership in the WTO. Notwithstanding objections
petitioner to show grave abuse of discretion will result in against possible limitations on national sovereignty, the
the dismissal of the petition.[63] WTO remains as the only viable structure for multilateral
trading and the veritable forum for the development of
In rendering this Decision, this Court never forgets international trade law. The alternative to WTO is
that the Senate, whose act is under review, is one of two isolation, stagnation, if not economic self-
sovereign houses of Congress and is thus entitled to destruction. Duly enriched with original membership,
great respect in its actions. It is itself a constitutional keenly aware of the advantages and disadvantages of
body independent and coordinate, and thus its actions globalization with its on-line experience, and endowed
are presumed regular and done in good faith. Unless with a vision of the future, the Philippines now straddles
convincing proof and persuasive arguments are the crossroads of an international strategy for economic
presented to overthrow such presumptions, this Court prosperity and stability in the new millennium. Let the
will resolve every doubt in its favor. Using the foregoing people, through their duly authorized elected officers,
well-accepted definition of grave abuse of discretion and make their free choice.
the presumption of regularity in the Senates processes,
this Court cannot find any cogent reason to impute grave WHEREFORE, the petition is DISMISSED for lack
abuse of discretion to the Senates exercise of its power of merit.
of concurrence in the WTO Agreement granted it by Sec. SO ORDERED
21 of Article VII of the Constitution.[64]
G.R. No. 122156. February 3, 1997]
It is true, as alleged by petitioners, that broad
constitutional principles require the State to develop an MANILA PRINCE HOTEL, petitioner, vs.
independent national economy effectively controlled by GOVERNMENT SERVICE INSURANCE
Filipinos; and to protect and/or prefer Filipino labor, SYSTEM, MANILA HOTEL CORPORATION,
products, domestic materials and locally produced COMMITTEE ON PRIVATIZATION and
goods. But it is equally true that such principles -- while OFFICE OF THE GOVERNMENT
serving as judicial and legislative guides -- are not in CORPORATE COUNSEL, respondents.
themselves sources of causes of action. Moreover, there
are other equally fundamental constitutional principles DECISION
relied upon by the Senate which mandate the pursuit of BELLOSILLO,  J.:
a trade policy that serves the general welfare and utilizes
all forms and arrangements of exchange on the basis of The Filipino First Policy enshrined in the 1987
Constitution, i.e., in the grant of rights, privileges, and

Page 53 of 82
concessions covering the national economy and On 17 October 1995, perhaps apprehensive that
patrimony, the State shall give preference to qualified respondent GSIS has disregarded the tender of the
Filipinos,[1] is invoked by petitioner in its bid to acquire matching bid and that the sale of 51% of the MHC may
51% of the shares of the Manila Hotel Corporation be hastened by respondent GSIS and consummated
(MHC) which owns the historic Manila Hotel. Opposing, with Renong Berhad, petitioner came to this Court on
respondents maintain that the provision is not self- prohibition and mandamus. On 18 October 1995 the
executing but requires an implementing legislation for its Court issued a temporary restraining order enjoining
enforcement. Corollarily, they ask whether the 51% respondents from perfecting and consummating the sale
shares form part of the national economy and patrimony to the Malaysian firm.
covered by the protective mantle of the Constitution.
On 10 September 1996 the instant case was
The controversy arose when respondent accepted by the Court En Banc after it was referred to it
Government Service Insurance System (GSIS), pursuant by the First Division. The case was then set for oral
to the privatization program of the Philippine arguments with former Chief Justice Enrique M.
Government under Proclamation No. 50 dated 8 Fernando and Fr. Joaquin G. Bernas, S.J., as amici
December 1986, decided to sell through public bidding curiae.
30% to 51% of the issued and outstanding shares of
In the main, petitioner invokes Sec. 10, second par.,
respondent MHC. The winning bidder, or the eventual
Art. XII, of the 1987 Constitution and submits that the
strategic partner, is to provide management expertise
Manila Hotel has been identified with the Filipino nation
and/or an international marketing/reservation system,
and has practically become a historical monument which
and financial support to strengthen the profitability and
reflects the vibrancy of Philippine heritage and culture.  It
performance of the Manila Hotel.[2] In a close bidding
is a proud legacy of an earlier generation of Filipinos
held on 18 September 1995 only two (2) bidders
who believed in the nobility and sacredness of
participated: petitioner Manila Prince Hotel Corporation,
independence and its power and capacity to release the
a Filipino corporation, which offered to buy 51% of the
full potential of the Filipino people. To all intents and
MHC or 15,300,000 shares at P41.58 per share, and
purposes, it has become a part of the national
Renong Berhad, a Malaysian firm, with ITT-Sheraton as
patrimony.[6]Petitioner also argues that since 51% of the
its hotel operator, which bid for the same number of
shares of the MHC carries with it the ownership of the
shares at P44.00 per share, or P2.42 more than the bid
business of the hotel which is owned by respondent
of petitioner.
GSIS, a government-owned and controlled corporation,
Pertinent provisions of the bidding rules prepared the hotel business of respondent GSIS being a part of
by respondent GSIS state - the tourism industry is unquestionably a part of the
national economy. Thus, any transaction involving 51%
of the shares of stock of the MHC is clearly covered by
the term national economy, to which Sec. 10, second
1. The Highest Bidder must comply with the conditions par., Art. XII, 1987 Constitution, applies.[7]
set forth below by October 23, 1995 (reset to November
It is also the thesis of petitioner that since Manila
3, 1995) or the Highest Bidder will lose the right to
Hotel is part of the national patrimony and its business
purchase the Block of Shares and GSIS will instead offer
also unquestionably part of the national economy
the Block of Shares to the other Qualified Bidders:
petitioner should be preferred after it has matched the
a. The Highest Bidder must negotiate and execute with bid offer of the Malaysian firm. For the bidding rules
the GSIS/MHC the Management Contract, International mandate that if for any reason, the Highest Bidder
Marketing/Reservation System Contract or other type of cannot be awarded the Block of Shares, GSIS may offer
contract specified by the Highest Bidder in its strategic this to the other Qualified Bidders that have validly
plan for the Manila Hotel x x x x submitted bids provided that these Qualified Bidders are
willing to match the highest bid in terms of price per
b. The Highest Bidder must execute the Stock Purchase share.[8]
and Sale Agreement with GSIS x x x x
Respondents except. They maintain that: First, Sec.
K. DECLARATION OF THE WINNING 10, second par., Art. XII, of the 1987 Constitution is
BIDDER/STRATEGIC PARTNER - merely a statement of principle and policy since it is not
The Highest Bidder will be declared the Winning a self-executing provision and requires implementing
Bidder/Strategic Partner after the following conditions legislation(s) x x x x Thus, for the said provision to
are met: operate, there must be existing laws to lay down
conditions under which business may be done.[9]
a. Execution of the necessary contracts with GSIS/MHC
not later than October 23, 1995 (reset to November 3, Second, granting that this provision is self-
1995); and executing, Manila Hotel does not fall under the
term national patrimony which only refers to lands of the
b. Requisite approvals from the GSIS/MHC and COP public domain, waters, minerals, coal, petroleum and
(Committee on Privatization)/ OGCC (Office of the other mineral oils, all forces of potential energy,
Government Corporate Counsel) are obtained.[3] fisheries, forests or timber, wildlife, flora and fauna and
Pending the declaration of Renong Berhard as the all marine wealth in its territorial sea, and exclusive
winning bidder/strategic partner and the execution of the marine zone as cited in the first and second paragraphs
necessary contracts, petitioner in a letter to respondent of Sec. 2, Art. XII, 1987 Constitution. According to
GSIS dated 28 September 1995 matched the bid price respondents, while petitioner speaks of the guests who
of P44.00 per share tendered by Renong Berhad.[4] In a have slept in the hotel and the events that have
subsequent letter dated 10 October 1995 petitioner sent transpired therein which make the hotel historic, these
a managers check issued by Philtrust Bank for Thirty- alone do not make the hotel fall under the patrimony of
three Million Pesos (P33,000,000.00) as Bid Security to the nation. What is more, the mandate of the
match the bid of the Malaysian Group, Messrs. Renong Constitution is addressed to the State, not to respondent
Berhad x x x x[5] which respondent GSIS refused to GSIS which possesses a personality of its own separate
accept. and distinct from the Philippines as a State.
Third, granting that the Manila Hotel forms part of
the national patrimony, the constitutional provision

Page 54 of 82
invoked is still inapplicable since what is being sold is and the liability imposed are fixed by the constitution
only 51% of the outstanding shares of the corporation, itself, so that they can be determined by an examination
not the hotel building nor the land upon which the and construction of its terms, and there is no language
building stands. Certainly, 51% of the equity of the MHC indicating that the subject is referred to the legislature for
cannot be considered part of the national action.[13]
patrimony. Moreover, if the disposition of the shares of
As against constitutions of the past, modern
the MHC is really contrary to the Constitution, petitioner
constitutions have been generally drafted upon a
should have questioned it right from the beginning and
different principle and have often become in effect
not after it had lost in the bidding.
extensive codes of laws intended to operate directly
Fourth, the reliance by petitioner on par. V., subpar. upon the people in a manner similar to that of statutory
J. 1., of the bidding rules which provides that if for any enactments, and the function of constitutional
reason, the Highest Bidder cannot be awarded the Block conventions has evolved into one more like that of a
of Shares, GSIS may offer this to the other Qualified legislative body.Hence, unless it is expressly provided
Bidders that have validly submitted bids provided that that a legislative act is necessary to enforce a
these Qualified Bidders are willing to match the highest constitutional mandate, the presumption now is that all
bid in terms of price per share, is provisions of the constitution are self-executing. If the
misplaced. Respondents postulate that the privilege of constitutional provisions are treated as requiring
submitting a matching bid has not yet arisen since it only legislation instead of self-executing, the legislature would
takes place if for any reason, the Highest Bidder cannot have the power to ignore and practically nullify the
be awarded the Block of Shares. Thus the submission mandate of the fundamental law.[14] This can be
by petitioner of a matching bid is premature since cataclysmic. That is why the prevailing view is, as it has
Renong Berhad could still very well be awarded the always been, that -
block of shares and the condition giving rise to the
x x x x in case of doubt, the Constitution should be
exercise of the privilege to submit a matching bid had
considered self-executing rather than non-self-executing
not yet taken place.
x x x x Unless the contrary is clearly intended, the
Finally, the prayer for prohibition grounded on grave provisions of the Constitution should be considered self-
abuse of discretion should fail since respondent GSIS executing, as a contrary rule would give the legislature
did not exercise its discretion in a capricious, whimsical discretion to determine when, or whether, they shall be
manner, and if ever it did abuse its discretion it was not effective. These provisions would be subordinated to the
so patent and gross as to amount to an evasion of a will of the lawmaking body, which could make them
positive duty or a virtual refusal to perform a duty entirely meaningless by simply refusing to pass the
enjoined by law. Similarly, the petition for mandamus needed implementing statute.[15]
should fail as petitioner has no clear legal right to what it
Respondents argue that Sec. 10, second par., Art.
demands and respondents do not have an imperative
XII, of the 1987 Constitution is clearly not self-executing,
duty to perform the act required of them by petitioner.
as they quote from discussions on the floor of the 1986
We now resolve. A constitution is a system of Constitutional Commission -
fundamental laws for the governance and administration
MR. RODRIGO. Madam President, I am
of a nation. It is supreme, imperious, absolute and
asking this question as the Chairman of
unalterable except by the authority from which it
the Committee on Style. If the wording of
emanates. It has been defined as the fundamental and
paramount law of the nation.[10] It prescribes the
FILIPINOS, can it be understood as a
permanent framework of a system of government,
preference to qualified Filipinos vis-a-
assigns to the different departments their respective
vis Filipinos who are not qualified. So,
powers and duties, and establishes certain fixed
why do we not make it clear? To qualified
principles on which government is founded. The
Filipinos as against aliens?
fundamental conception in other words is that it is a
supreme law to which all other laws must conform and in THE PRESIDENT. What is the question of
accordance with which all private rights must be Commissioner Rodrigo? Is it to remove
determined and all public authority administered. the word QUALIFIED?
 Under the doctrine of constitutional supremacy, if a
MR. RODRIGO. No, no, but say definitely TO
law or contract violates any norm of the constitution that
law or contract whether promulgated by the legislative or
whom? As against aliens or over aliens ?
by the executive branch or entered into by private
persons for private purposes is null and void and without MR. NOLLEDO. Madam President, I think that
any force and effect. Thus, since the Constitution is the is understood. We use the word
fundamental, paramount and supreme law of the nation, QUALIFIED because the existing laws or
it is deemed written in every statute and contract. prospective laws will always lay down
conditions under which business may be
Admittedly, some constitutions are merely
done. For example, qualifications on
declarations of policies and principles. Their provisions
capital, qualifications on the setting up of
command the legislature to enact laws and carry out the
other financial structures, et
purposes of the framers who merely establish an outline
cetera (underscoring supplied by
of government providing for the different departments of
the governmental machinery and securing certain
fundamental and inalienable rights of citizens.[12] A MR. RODRIGO. It is just a matter of style.
provision which lays down a general principle, such as
those found in Art. II of the 1987 Constitution, is usually MR. NOLLEDO. Yes.[16]
not self-executing. But a provision which is complete in Quite apparently, Sec. 10, second par., of Art XII is
itself and becomes operative without the aid of couched in such a way as not to make it appear that it is
supplementary or enabling legislation, or that which non-self-executing but simply for purposes of style. But,
supplies sufficient rule by means of which the right it certainly, the legislature is not precluded from enacting
grants may be enjoyed or protected, is self- further laws to enforce the constitutional provision so
executing. Thus a constitutional provision is self- long as the contemplated statute squares with the
executing if the nature and extent of the right conferred

Page 55 of 82
Constitution. Minor details may be left to the legislature require any legislation to put it in operation. It is per
without impairing the self-executing nature of se judicially enforceable. When our Constitution
constitutional provisions. mandates that  [i]n the grant of rights, privileges, and
concessions covering national economy and patrimony,
In self-executing constitutional provisions, the
the State shall give preference to qualified Filipinos, it
legislature may still enact legislation to facilitate the
means just that - qualified Filipinos shall be
exercise of powers directly granted by the constitution,
preferred. And when our Constitution declares that a
further the operation of such a provision, prescribe a
right exists in certain specified circumstances an action
practice to be used for its enforcement, provide a
may be maintained to enforce such right notwithstanding
convenient remedy for the protection of the rights
the absence of any legislation on the subject;
secured or the determination thereof, or place
consequently, if there is no statute especially enacted to
reasonable safeguards around the exercise of the
enforce such constitutional right, such right enforces
right. The mere fact that legislation may supplement and
itself by its own inherent potency and puissance, and
add to or prescribe a penalty for the violation of a self-
from which all legislations must take their
executing constitutional provision does not render such a
bearings. Where there is a right there is a remedy. Ubi
provision ineffective in the absence of such
jus ibi remedium.
legislation. The omission from a constitution of any
express provision for a remedy for enforcing a right or As regards our national patrimony, a member of the
liability is not necessarily an indication that it was not 1986 Constitutional Commission[34] explains -
intended to be self-executing. The rule is that a self-
The patrimony of the Nation that should be
executing provision of the constitution does not
conserved and developed refers not only to our
necessarily exhaust legislative power on the subject, but
rich natural resources but also to the cultural
any legislation must be in harmony with the constitution,
heritage of our race. It also refers to our
further the exercise of constitutional right and make it
intelligence in arts, sciences and
more available.[17] Subsequent legislation however does
letters. Therefore, we should develop not only
not necessarily mean that the subject constitutional
our lands, forests, mines and other natural
provision is not, by itself, fully enforceable.
resources but also the mental ability or faculty
Respondents also argue that the non-self-executing of our people.
nature of Sec. 10, second par., of Art. XII is implied from
We agree. In its plain and ordinary meaning, the
the tenor of the first and third paragraphs of the same
term patrimony pertains to heritage.[35] When the
section which undoubtedly are not self-executing.[18] The
Constitution speaks of national patrimony, it refers not
argument is flawed. If the first and third paragraphs are
only to the natural resources of the Philippines, as the
not self-executing because Congress is still to enact
Constitution could have very well used the term natural
measures to encourage the formation and operation of
resources, but also to the cultural heritage of the
enterprises fully owned by Filipinos, as in the first
paragraph, and the State still needs legislation to
regulate and exercise authority over foreign investments Manila Hotel has become a landmark - a living
within its national jurisdiction, as in the third paragraph, testimonial of Philippine heritage. While it was
then a fortiori, by the same logic, the second paragraph restrictively an American hotel when it first opened in
can only be self-executing as it does not by its language 1912, it immediately evolved to be truly
require any legislation in order to give preference to Filipino. Formerly a concourse for the elite, it has since
qualified Filipinos in the grant of rights, privileges and then become the venue of various significant events
concessions covering the national economy and which have shaped Philippine history. It was called
patrimony. A constitutional provision may be self- the  Cultural Center of the 1930s. It was the site of the
executing in one part and non-self-executing in another. festivities during the inauguration of the Philippine
Commonwealth. Dubbed as the Official Guest House of
the Philippine Government it plays host to dignitaries
Even the cases cited by respondents holding that
and official visitors who are accorded the traditional
certain constitutional provisions are merely statements of
Philippine hospitality.[36]
principles and policies, which are basically not self-
executing and only placed in the Constitution as moral The history of the hotel has been chronicled in the
incentives to legislation, not as judicially enforceable book The Manila Hotel: The Heart and Memory of a City.
rights - are simply not in point. Basco v. Philippine [37]
 During World War II the hotel was converted by the
Amusements and Gaming Corporation[20]speaks of Japanese Military Administration into a military
constitutional provisions on personal dignity,[21] the headquarters. When the American forces returned to
sanctity of family life,[22] the vital role of the youth in recapture Manila the hotel was selected by the
nation-building,[23] the promotion of social justice,[24] and Japanese together with Intramuros as the two (2) places
the values of education.[25] Tolentino v. Secretary of for their final stand. Thereafter, in the 1950s and
Finance[26] refers to constitutional provisions on social 1960s, the hotel became the center of political activities,
justice and human rights[27] and on education. playing host to almost every political convention. In 1970
 Lastly, Kilosbayan, Inc. v. Morato[29] cites provisions the hotel reopened after a renovation and reaped
on the promotion of general welfare,[30] the sanctity of numerous international recognitions, an
family life,[31] the vital role of the youth in nation- acknowledgment of the Filipino talent and ingenuity. In
building[32] and the promotion of total human liberation 1986 the hotel was the site of a failed coup d etat where
and development.[33] A reading of these provisions an aspirant for vice-president was proclaimed President
indeed clearly shows that they are not judicially of the Philippine Republic.
enforceable constitutional rights but merely guidelines
For more than eight (8) decades Manila Hotel has
for legislation. The very terms of the provisions manifest
bore mute witness to the triumphs and failures, loves
that they are only principles upon which legislations must
and frustrations of the Filipinos; its existence is
be based. Res ipsa loquitur.
impressed with public interest; its own historicity
On the other hand, Sec. 10, second par., Art. XII of associated with our struggle for sovereignty,
the 1987 Constitution is a mandatory, positive command independence and nationhood. Verily, Manila Hotel has
which is complete in itself and which needs no further become part of our national economy and patrimony. For
guidelines or implementing laws or rules for its sure, 51% of the equity of the MHC comes within the
enforcement. From its very words the provision does not purview of the constitutional shelter for it comprises the

Page 56 of 82
majority and controlling stock, so that anyone who MR. FOZ. Madam President, I would like to
acquires or owns the 51% will have actual control and request Commissioner Nolledo to please
management of the hotel. In this instance, 51% of the restate his amendment so that I can ask a
MHC cannot be disassociated from the hotel and the question.
land on which the hotel edifice stands. Consequently, we
cannot sustain respondents claim that the Filipino First
Policy provision is not applicable since what is being
sold is only 51% of the outstanding shares of the
corporation, not the Hotel building nor the land upon
which the building stands.[38]
The argument is pure sophistry. The term qualified
MR. FOZ. In connection with that amendment,
Filipinos as used in our Constitution also includes
if a foreign enterprise is qualified and a
corporations at least 60% of which is owned by
Filipino enterprise is also qualified, will the
Filipinos. This is very clear from the proceedings of the
Filipino enterprise still be given a
1986 Constitutional Commission -
THE PRESIDENT. Commissioner Davide is
MR. NOLLEDO. Obviously.
MR. FOZ. If the foreigner is more qualified in
MR. DAVIDE. I would like to introduce an
some aspects than the Filipino enterprise,
amendment to the Nolledo
will the Filipino still be preferred?
amendment. And the amendment would
consist in substituting the words MR. NOLLEDO. The answer is yes.
QUALIFIED FILIPINOS with the following:
MR. FOZ. Thank you.[41]
CORPORATIONS OR ASSOCIATIONS Expounding further on the Filipino First
WHOSE CAPITAL OR CONTROLLING Policy  provision Commissioner Nolledo continues
CITIZENS. MR. NOLLEDO. Yes, Madam President.
Instead of MUST, it will be SHALL - THE
MR. MONSOD. Madam President, apparently
the so-called Filipino First policy. That
the proponent is agreeable, but we have
means that Filipinos should be given
to raise a question. Suppose it is a
preference in the grant of concessions,
corporation that is 80-percent Filipino, do
privileges and rights covering the national
we not give it preference?
MR. DAVIDE. The Nolledo amendment would
The exchange of views in the sessions of the
refer to an individual Filipino. What about
Constitutional Commission regarding the subject
a corporation wholly owned by Filipino
provision was still further clarified by Commissioner
Nolledo[43] -
MR. MONSOD. At least 60 percent, Madam
Paragraph 2 of Section 10 explicitly mandates the Pro-
Filipino bias in all economic concerns. It is better known
MR. DAVIDE. Is that the intention? as the FILIPINO FIRST Policy x x x x This provision was
never found in previous Constitutions x x x x
MR. MONSOD. Yes, because, in fact, we
would be limiting it if we say that the The term qualified Filipinos simply means that
preference should only be 100-percent preference shall be given to those citizens who can
Filipino. make a viable contribution to the common good,
because of credible competence and efficiency. It
MR. DAVIDE. I want to get that meaning clear
certainly does NOT mandate the pampering and
preferential treatment to Filipino citizens or organizations
refer only to individuals and not to juridical
that are incompetent or inefficient, since such an
personalities or entities.
indiscriminate preference would be counterproductive
MR. MONSOD. We agree, Madam President. and inimical to the common good.
In the granting of economic rights, privileges, and
xxxx concessions, when a choice has to be made between a
qualified foreigner and a qualified Filipino, the latter shall
MR. RODRIGO. Before we vote, may I request
be chosen over the former.
that the amendment be read again.
Lastly, the word qualified is also
MR. NOLLEDO. The amendment will read: IN
determinable. Petitioner was so considered by
respondent GSIS and selected as one of the qualified
bidders. It was pre-qualified by respondent GSIS in
accordance with its own guidelines so that the sole
inference here is that petitioner has been found to be
possessed of proven management expertise in the hotel
FILIPINOS. And the word Filipinos here,
industry, or it has significant equity ownership in another
as intended by the proponents, will
hotel company, or it has an overall management and
include not only individual Filipinos but
marketing proficiency to successfully operate the Manila
also Filipino-controlled entities or entities
fully-controlled by Filipinos.[40]
The penchant to try to whittle away the mandate of
The phrase preference to qualified Filipinos was
the Constitution by arguing that the subject provision is
explained thus -
not self-executory and requires implementing legislation

Page 57 of 82
is quite disturbing.The attempt to violate a clear provisions of which are presumed to be known to all the
constitutional provision - by the government itself - is bidders and other interested parties.
only too distressing. To adopt such a line of reasoning is
Adhering to the doctrine of constitutional
to renounce the duty to ensure faithfulness to the
supremacy, the subject constitutional provision is, as it
Constitution. For, even some of the provisions of the
should be, impliedly written in the bidding rules issued by
Constitution which evidently need implementing
respondent GSIS, lest the bidding rules be nullified for
legislation have juridical life of their own and can be the
being violative of the Constitution. It is a basic principle
source of a judicial remedy. We cannot simply afford the
in constitutional law that all laws and contracts must
government a defense that arises out of the failure to
conform with the fundamental law of the land.Those
enact further enabling, implementing or guiding
which violate the Constitution lose their reason for being.
legislation. In fine, the discourse of Fr. Joaquin G.
Bernas, S.J., on constitutional government is apt - Paragraph V. J. 1 of the bidding rules provides
that [i]f for any reason the Highest Bidder cannot be
The executive department has a constitutional duty to
awarded the Block of Shares, GSIS may offer this to
implement laws, including the Constitution, even before
other Qualified Bidders that have validly submitted bids
Congress acts - provided that there are discoverable
provided that these Qualified Bidders are willing to
legal standards for executive action. When the executive
match the highest bid in terms of price per share.
acts, it must be guided by its own understanding of the [47]
 Certainly, the constitutional mandate itself is reason
constitutional command and of applicable laws. The
enough not to award the block of shares immediately to
responsibility for reading and understanding the
the foreign bidder notwithstanding its submission of a
Constitution and the laws is not the sole prerogative of
higher, or even the highest, bid. In fact, we cannot
Congress. If it were, the executive would have to ask
conceive of a strongerreason than the constitutional
Congress, or perhaps the Court, for an interpretation
injunction itself.
every time the executive is confronted by a constitutional
command. That is not how constitutional government In the instant case, where a foreign firm submits the
operates.[45] highest bid in a public bidding concerning the grant of
rights, privileges and concessions covering the national
Respondents further argue that the constitutional
economy and patrimony, thereby exceeding the bid of a
provision is addressed to the State, not to respondent
Filipino, there is no question that the Filipino will have to
GSIS which by itself possesses a separate and distinct
be allowed to match the bid of the foreign entity. And if
personality. This argument again is at best specious. It is
the Filipino matches the bid of a foreign firm the award
undisputed that the sale of 51% of the MHC could only
should go to the Filipino. It must be so if we are to give
be carried out with the prior approval of the State acting
life and meaning to the Filipino First Policy provision of
through respondent Committee on Privatization. As
the 1987 Constitution. For, while this may neither be
correctly pointed out by Fr. Joaquin G. Bernas, S.J., this
expressly stated nor contemplated in the bidding rules,
fact alone makes the sale of the assets of respondents
the constitutional fiat is omnipresent to be simply
GSIS and MHC a state action. In constitutional
disregarded. To ignore it would be to sanction a perilous
jurisprudence, the acts of persons distinct from the
skirting of the basic law.
government are considered state action covered by the
Constitution (1) when the activity it engages in is This Court does not discount the apprehension that
a public function; (2) when the government is so this policy may discourage foreign investors. But the
significantly involved with the private actor as to make Constitution and laws of the Philippines are understood
the government responsible for his action; and, (3) when to be always open to public scrutiny. These are given
the government has approved or authorized the action. It factors which investors must consider when venturing
is evident that the act of respondent GSIS in selling 51% into business in a foreign jurisdiction. Any person
of its share in respondent MHC comes under the second therefore desiring to do business in the Philippines or
and third categories of state action. Without doubt with any of its agencies or instrumentalities is presumed
therefore the transaction, although entered into by to know his rights and obligations under the Constitution
respondent GSIS, is in fact a transaction of the State and the laws of the forum.
and therefore subject to the constitutional command.[46]
The argument of respondents that petitioner is now
When the Constitution addresses the State it refers estopped from questioning the sale to Renong Berhad
not only to the people but also to the government as since petitioner was well aware from the beginning that a
elements of the State. After all, government is composed foreigner could participate in the bidding is
of three (3) divisions of power - legislative, executive and meritless. Undoubtedly, Filipinos and foreigners alike
judicial. Accordingly, a constitutional mandate directed to were invited to the bidding. But foreigners may be
the State is correspondingly directed to the three (3) awarded the sale only if no Filipino qualifies, or if the
branches of government. It is undeniable that in this qualified Filipino fails to match the highest bid tendered
case the subject constitutional injunction is addressed by the foreign entity. In the case before us, while
among others to the Executive Department and petitioner was already preferred at the inception of the
respondent GSIS, a government instrumentality deriving bidding because of the constitutional mandate, petitioner
its authority from the State. had not yet matched the bid offered by Renong
Berhad. Thus it did not have the right or personality then
It should be stressed that while the Malaysian firm
to compel respondent GSIS to accept its earlier
offered the higher bid it is not yet the winning bidder. The
bid. Rightly, only after it had matched the bid of the
bidding rules expressly provide that the highest bidder
foreign firm and the apparent disregard by respondent
shall only be declared the winning bidder after it has
GSIS of petitioners matching bid did the latter have a
negotiated and executed the necessary contracts, and
cause of action.
secured the requisite approvals. Since the Filipino First
Policy provision of the Constitution bestows preference Besides, there is no time frame for invoking the
on qualified Filipinos the mere tending of the highest bid constitutional safeguard unless perhaps the award has
is not an assurance that the highest bidder will be been finally made. To insist on selling the Manila Hotel
declared the winning bidder. Resultantly, respondents to foreigners when there is a Filipino group willing to
are not bound to make the award yet, nor are they under match the bid of the foreign group is to insist that
obligation to enter into one with the highest bidder. For in government be treated as any other ordinary market
choosing the awardee respondents are mandated to player, and bound by its mistakes or gross errors of
abide by the dictates of the 1987 Constitution the judgment, regardless of the consequences to the Filipino

Page 58 of 82
people. The miscomprehension of the Constitution is nationalism, the happiness and welfare of the people
regrettable. Thus we would rather remedy the must be the goal. The nation-state can have no higher
indiscretion while there is still an opportunity to do so purpose. Any interpretation of any constitutional
than let the government develop the habit of forgetting provision must adhere to such basic concept. Protection
that the Constitution lays down the basic conditions and of foreign investments, while laudible, is merely a
parameters for its actions. policy. It cannot override the demands of nationalism.[50]
Since petitioner has already matched the bid price The Manila Hotel or, for that matter, 51% of the
tendered by Renong Berhad pursuant to the bidding MHC, is not just any commodity to be sold to the highest
rules, respondent GSIS is left with no alternative but to bidder solely for the sake of privatization. We are not
award to petitioner the block of shares of MHC and to talking about an ordinary piece of property in a
execute the necessary agreements and documents to commercial district. We are talking about a historic relic
effect the sale in accordance not only with the bidding that has hosted many of the most important events in the
guidelines and procedures but with the Constitution as short history of the Philippines as a nation.We are talking
well. The refusal of respondent GSIS to execute the about a hotel where heads of states would prefer to be
corresponding documents with petitioner as provided in housed as a strong manifestation of their desire to cloak
the bidding rules after the latter has matched the bid of the dignity of the highest state function to their official
the Malaysian firm clearly constitutes grave abuse of visits to the Philippines. Thus the Manila Hotel has
discretion. played and continues to play a significant role as an
authentic repository of twentieth century Philippine
The Filipino First Policy is a product of Philippine
history and culture. In this sense, it has become truly a
nationalism. It is embodied in the 1987 Constitution not
reflection of the Filipino soul - a place with a history of
merely to be used as a guideline for future legislation but
grandeur; a most historical setting that has played a part
primarily to be enforced; so must it be enforced. This
in the shaping of a country.[51]
Court as the ultimate guardian of the Constitution will
never shun, under any reasonable circumstance, the This Court cannot extract rhyme nor reason from
duty of upholding the majesty of the Constitution which it the determined efforts of respondents to sell the
is tasked to defend. It is worth emphasizing that it is not historical landmark - this Grand Old Dame of hotels in
the intention of this Court to impede and diminish, much Asia - to a total stranger. For, indeed, the conveyance of
less undermine, the influx of foreign investments. Far this epic exponent of the Filipino psyche to alien hands
from it, the Court encourages and welcomes more cannot be less than mephistophelian for it is, in whatever
business opportunities but avowedly sanctions the manner viewed, a veritable alienation of a nations soul
preference for Filipinos whenever such preference is for some pieces of foreign silver. And so we ask: What
ordained by the Constitution.The position of the Court on advantage, which cannot be equally drawn from a
this matter could have not been more appropriately qualified Filipino, can be gained by the Filipinos if Manila
articulated by Chief Justice Narvasa - Hotel - and all that it stands for - is sold to a non-
Filipino? How much of national pride will vanish if the
As scrupulously as it has tried to observe that it is not its
nations cultural heritage is entrusted to a foreign
function to substitute its judgment for that of the
entity? On the other hand, how much dignity will be
legislature or the executive about the wisdom and
preserved and realized if the national patrimony is
feasibility of legislation economic in nature, the Supreme
safekept in the hands of a qualified,  zealous and well-
Court has not been spared criticism for decisions
meaning Filipino? This is the plain and simple meaning
perceived as obstacles to economic progress and
of the Filipino First Policy provision of the Philippine
development x x x x in connection with a temporary
Constitution. And this Court, heeding the clarion call of
injunction issued by the Courts First Division against the
the Constitution and accepting the duty of being the
sale of the Manila Hotel to a Malaysian Firm and its
elderly watchman of the nation, will continue to respect
partner, certain statements were published in a major
and protect the sanctity of the Constitution.
daily to the effect that that injunction again demonstrates
that the Philippine legal system can be a major obstacle WHEREFORE, respondents GOVERNMENT
Let it be stated for the record once again that while it is
no business of the Court to intervene in contracts of the
COUNSEL are directed to CEASE and DESIST from
kind referred to or set itself up as the judge of whether
selling 51% of the shares of the Manila Hotel
they are viable or attainable, it is its bounden duty to
Corporation to RENONG BERHAD, and to ACCEPT the
make sure that they do not violate the Constitution or the
matching bid of petitioner MANILA PRINCE HOTEL
laws, or are not adopted or implemented with grave
CORPORATION to purchase the subject 51% of the
abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of
shares of the Manila Hotel Corporation at P44.00 per
jurisdiction. It will never shirk that duty, no matter how
share and thereafter to execute the necessary
buffeted by winds of unfair and ill-informed criticism.[48]
agreements and documents to effect the sale, to issue
Privatization of a business asset for purposes of the necessary clearances and to do such other acts and
enhancing its business viability and preventing further deeds as may be necessary for the purpose.
losses, regardless of the character of the asset, should
not take precedence over non-material values. A
commercial, nay even a budgetary, objective should not OPOSA V FACTORAN
be pursued at the expense of national pride and
dignity. For the Constitution enshrines higher and nobler DAVIDE, JR., J.:
non-material values. Indeed, the Court will always defer In a broader sense, this petition bears upon the right of
to the Constitution in the proper governance of a free Filipinos to a balanced and healthful ecology which the
society; after all, there is nothing so sacrosanct in any petitioners dramatically associate with the twin concepts
economic policy as to draw itself beyond judicial review of "inter-generational responsibility" and "inter-
when the Constitution is involved.[49] generational justice." Specifically, it touches on the issue
Nationalism is inherent in the very concept of the of whether the said petitioners have a cause of action to
Philippines being a democratic and republican state, with "prevent the misappropriation or impairment" of
sovereignty residing in the Filipino people and from Philippine rainforests and "arrest the unabated
whom all government authority emanates. In

Page 59 of 82
hemorrhage of the country's vital life support systems communities, including the disappearance of the
and continued rape of Mother Earth." Filipino's indigenous cultures, (f) the siltation of rivers
and seabeds and consequential destruction of corals
The controversy has its genesis in Civil Case No. 90-77
and other aquatic life leading to a critical reduction in
which was filed before Branch 66 (Makati, Metro Manila)
marine resource productivity, (g) recurrent spells of
of the Regional Trial Court (RTC), National Capital
drought as is presently experienced by the entire
Judicial Region. The principal plaintiffs therein, now the
country, (h) increasing velocity of typhoon winds which
principal petitioners, are all minors duly represented and
result from the absence of windbreakers, (i) the floodings
joined by their respective parents. Impleaded as an
of lowlands and agricultural plains arising from the
additional plaintiff is the Philippine Ecological Network,
absence of the absorbent mechanism of forests, (j) the
Inc. (PENI), a domestic, non-stock and non-profit
siltation and shortening of the lifespan of multi-billion
corporation organized for the purpose of, inter alia,
peso dams constructed and operated for the purpose of
engaging in concerted action geared for the protection of
supplying water for domestic uses, irrigation and the
our environment and natural resources. The original
generation of electric power, and (k) the reduction of the
defendant was the Honorable Fulgencio S. Factoran, Jr.,
earth's capacity to process carbon dioxide gases which
then Secretary of the Department of Environment and
has led to perplexing and catastrophic climatic changes
Natural Resources (DENR). His substitution in this
such as the phenomenon of global warming, otherwise
petition by the new Secretary, the Honorable Angel C.
known as the "greenhouse effect."
Alcala, was subsequently ordered upon proper motion
by the petitioners.1 The complaint2 was instituted as a Plaintiffs further assert that the adverse and detrimental
taxpayers' class suit3 and alleges that the plaintiffs "are consequences of continued and deforestation are so
all citizens of the Republic of the Philippines, taxpayers, capable of unquestionable demonstration that the same
and entitled to the full benefit, use and enjoyment of the may be submitted as a matter of judicial notice. This
natural resource treasure that is the country's virgin notwithstanding, they expressed their intention to
tropical forests." The same was filed for themselves and present expert witnesses as well as documentary,
others who are equally concerned about the photographic and film evidence in the course of the trial.
preservation of said resource but are "so numerous that
As their cause of action, they specifically allege that:
it is impracticable to bring them all before the Court." The
minors further asseverate that they "represent their CAUSE OF ACTION
generation as well as generations yet
7. Plaintiffs replead by reference the
unborn."4 Consequently, it is prayed for that judgment be
foregoing allegations.
8. Twenty-five (25) years ago, the
. . . ordering defendant, his agents,
Philippines had some sixteen (16)
representatives and other persons
million hectares of rainforests
acting in his behalf to —
constituting roughly 53% of the country's
(1) Cancel all existing timber license land mass.
agreements in the country;
9. Satellite images taken in 1987 reveal
(2) Cease and desist from receiving, that there remained no more than 1.2
accepting, processing, renewing or million hectares of said rainforests or
approving new timber license four per cent (4.0%) of the country's
agreements. land area.
and granting the plaintiffs ". . . such other reliefs just and 10. More recent surveys reveal that a
equitable under the premises."5 mere 850,000 hectares of virgin old-
growth rainforests are left, barely 2.8%
The complaint starts off with the general averments that
of the entire land mass of the Philippine
the Philippine archipelago of 7,100 islands has a land
archipelago and about 3.0 million
area of thirty million (30,000,000) hectares and is
hectares of immature and uneconomical
endowed with rich, lush and verdant rainforests in which
secondary growth forests.
varied, rare and unique species of flora and fauna may
be found; these rainforests contain a genetic, biological 11. Public records reveal that the
and chemical pool which is irreplaceable; they are also defendant's, predecessors have granted
the habitat of indigenous Philippine cultures which have timber license agreements ('TLA's') to
existed, endured and flourished since time immemorial; various corporations to cut the
scientific evidence reveals that in order to maintain a aggregate area of 3.89 million hectares
balanced and healthful ecology, the country's land area for commercial logging purposes.
should be utilized on the basis of a ratio of fifty-four per
A copy of the TLA holders and the
cent (54%) for forest cover and forty-six per cent (46%)
corresponding areas covered is hereto
for agricultural, residential, industrial, commercial and
attached as Annex "A".
other uses; the distortion and disturbance of this balance
as a consequence of deforestation have resulted in a 12. At the present rate of
host of environmental tragedies, such as (a) water deforestation, i.e. about 200,000
shortages resulting from drying up of the water table, hectares per annum or 25 hectares per
otherwise known as the "aquifer," as well as of rivers, hour — nighttime, Saturdays, Sundays
brooks and streams, (b) salinization of the water table as and holidays included — the Philippines
a result of the intrusion therein of salt water, will be bereft of forest resources after
incontrovertible examples of which may be found in the the end of this ensuing decade, if not
island of Cebu and the Municipality of Bacoor, Cavite, (c) earlier.
massive erosion and the consequential loss of soil
fertility and agricultural productivity, with the volume of 13. The adverse effects, disastrous
soil eroded estimated at one billion (1,000,000,000) consequences, serious injury and
cubic meters per annum — approximately the size of the irreparable damage of this continued
entire island of Catanduanes, (d) the endangering and trend of deforestation to the plaintiff
extinction of the country's unique, rare and varied flora minor's generation and to generations
and fauna, (e) the disturbance and dislocation of cultural yet unborn are evident and

Page 60 of 82
incontrovertible. As a matter of fact, the a. effect "a more equitable distribution of
environmental damages enumerated in opportunities, income and wealth" and
paragraph 6 hereof are already being "make full and efficient use of natural
felt, experienced and suffered by the resources (sic)." (Section 1, Article XII of
generation of plaintiff adults. the Constitution);
14. The continued allowance by b. "protect the nation's marine wealth."
defendant of TLA holders to cut and (Section 2, ibid);
deforest the remaining forest stands will
c. "conserve and promote the nation's
work great damage and irreparable
cultural heritage and resources (sic)"
injury to plaintiffs — especially plaintiff
(Section 14, Article XIV, id.);
minors and their successors — who
may never see, use, benefit from and d. "protect and advance the right of the
enjoy this rare and unique natural people to a balanced and healthful
resource treasure. ecology in accord with the rhythm and
harmony of nature." (Section 16, Article
This act of defendant constitutes a
II, id.)
misappropriation and/or impairment of
the natural resource property he holds in 21. Finally, defendant's act is contrary to
trust for the benefit of plaintiff minors the highest law of humankind — the
and succeeding generations. natural law — and violative of plaintiffs'
right to self-preservation and
15. Plaintiffs have a clear and
constitutional right to a balanced and
healthful ecology and are entitled to 22. There is no other plain, speedy and
protection by the State in its capacity as adequate remedy in law other than the
the  parens patriae. instant action to arrest the unabated
hemorrhage of the country's vital life
16. Plaintiff have exhausted all
support systems and continued rape of
administrative remedies with the
Mother Earth. 6
defendant's office. On March 2, 1990,
plaintiffs served upon defendant a final On 22 June 1990, the original defendant, Secretary
demand to cancel all logging permits in Factoran, Jr., filed a Motion to Dismiss the complaint
the country. based on two (2) grounds, namely: (1) the plaintiffs have
no cause of action against him and (2) the issue raised
A copy of the plaintiffs' letter dated
by the plaintiffs is a political question which properly
March 1, 1990 is hereto attached as
pertains to the legislative or executive branches of
Annex "B".
Government. In their 12 July 1990 Opposition to the
17. Defendant, however, fails and Motion, the petitioners maintain that (1) the complaint
refuses to cancel the existing TLA's to shows a clear and unmistakable cause of action, (2) the
the continuing serious damage and motion is dilatory and (3) the action presents a justiciable
extreme prejudice of plaintiffs. question as it involves the defendant's abuse of
18. The continued failure and refusal by
defendant to cancel the TLA's is an act On 18 July 1991, respondent Judge issued an order
violative of the rights of plaintiffs, granting the aforementioned motion to dismiss.7 In the
especially plaintiff minors who may be said order, not only was the defendant's claim — that the
left with a country that is desertified complaint states no cause of action against him and that
(sic), bare, barren and devoid of the it raises a political question — sustained, the respondent
wonderful flora, fauna and indigenous Judge further ruled that the granting of the relief prayed
cultures which the Philippines had been for would result in the impairment of contracts which is
abundantly blessed with. prohibited by the fundamental law of the land.
19. Defendant's refusal to cancel the Plaintiffs thus filed the instant special civil action
aforementioned TLA's is manifestly for certiorari under Rule 65 of the Revised Rules of
contrary to the public policy enunciated Court and ask this Court to rescind and set aside the
in the Philippine Environmental Policy dismissal order on the ground that the respondent Judge
which, in pertinent part, states that it is gravely abused his discretion in dismissing the action.
the policy of the State — Again, the parents of the plaintiffs-minors not only
represent their children, but have also joined the latter in
(a) to create, develop, maintain and
this case.8
improve conditions under which man
and nature can thrive in productive and On 14 May 1992, We resolved to give due course to the
enjoyable harmony with each other; petition and required the parties to submit their
respective Memoranda after the Office of the Solicitor
(b) to fulfill the social, economic and
General (OSG) filed a Comment in behalf of the
other requirements of present and future
respondents and the petitioners filed a reply thereto.
generations of Filipinos and;
Petitioners contend that the complaint clearly and
(c) to ensure the attainment of an
unmistakably states a cause of action as it contains
environmental quality that is conductive
sufficient allegations concerning their right to a sound
to a life of dignity and well-being. (P.D.
environment based on Articles 19, 20 and 21 of the Civil
1151, 6 June 1977)
Code (Human Relations), Section 4 of Executive Order
20. Furthermore, defendant's continued (E.O.) No. 192 creating the DENR, Section 3 of
refusal to cancel the aforementioned Presidential Decree (P.D.) No. 1151 (Philippine
TLA's is contradictory to the Environmental Policy), Section 16, Article II of the 1987
Constitutional policy of the State to — Constitution recognizing the right of the people to a
balanced and healthful ecology, the concept of

Page 61 of 82
generational genocide in Criminal Law and the concept on the concept of intergenerational responsibility insofar
of man's inalienable right to self-preservation and self- as the right to a balanced and healthful ecology is
perpetuation embodied in natural law. Petitioners concerned. Such a right, as hereinafter expounded,
likewise rely on the respondent's correlative obligation considers 
per Section 4 of E.O. No. 192, to safeguard the people's the "rhythm and harmony of nature." Nature means the
right to a healthful environment. created world in its entirety.9 Such rhythm and harmony
indispensably include, inter alia, the judicious
It is further claimed that the issue of the respondent
disposition, utilization, management, renewal and
Secretary's alleged grave abuse of discretion in granting
conservation of the country's forest, mineral, land,
Timber License Agreements (TLAs) to cover more areas
waters, fisheries, wildlife, off-shore areas and other
for logging than what is available involves a judicial
natural resources to the end that their exploration,
development and utilization be equitably accessible to
Anent the invocation by the respondent Judge of the the present as well as future generations. 10Needless to
Constitution's non-impairment clause, petitioners say, every generation has a responsibility to the next to
maintain that the same does not apply in this case preserve that rhythm and harmony for the full enjoyment
because TLAs are not contracts. They likewise submit of a balanced and healthful ecology. Put a little
that even if TLAs may be considered protected by the differently, the minors' assertion of their right to a sound
said clause, it is well settled that they may still be environment constitutes, at the same time, the
revoked by the State when the public interest so performance of their obligation to ensure the protection
requires. of that right for the generations to come.
On the other hand, the respondents aver that the The locus standi of the petitioners having thus been
petitioners failed to allege in their complaint a specific addressed, We shall now proceed to the merits of the
legal right violated by the respondent Secretary for which petition.
any relief is provided by law. They see nothing in the
After a careful perusal of the complaint in question and a
complaint but vague and nebulous allegations
meticulous consideration and evaluation of the issues
concerning an "environmental right" which supposedly
raised and arguments adduced by the parties, We do not
entitles the petitioners to the "protection by the state in
hesitate to find for the petitioners and rule against the
its capacity as  parens patriae." Such allegations,
respondent Judge's challenged order for having been
according to them, do not reveal a valid cause of action.
issued with grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack
They then reiterate the theory that the question of
of jurisdiction. The pertinent portions of the said order
whether logging should be permitted in the country is a
reads as follows:
political question which should be properly addressed to
the executive or legislative branches of Government. xxx xxx xxx
They therefore assert that the petitioners' resources is
After a careful and circumspect
not to file an action to court, but to lobby before
evaluation of the Complaint, the Court
Congress for the passage of a bill that would ban logging
cannot help but agree with the
defendant. For although we believe that
As to the matter of the cancellation of the TLAs, plaintiffs have but the noblest of all
respondents submit that the same cannot be done by intentions, it (sic) fell short of alleging,
the State without due process of law. Once issued, a with sufficient definiteness, a specific
TLA remains effective for a certain period of time — legal right they are seeking to enforce
usually for twenty-five (25) years. During its effectivity, and protect, or a specific legal wrong
the same can neither be revised nor cancelled unless they are seeking to prevent and redress
the holder has been found, after due notice and hearing, (Sec. 1, Rule 2, RRC). Furthermore, the
to have violated the terms of the agreement or other Court notes that the Complaint is replete
forestry laws and regulations. Petitioners' proposition to with vague assumptions and vague
have all the TLAs indiscriminately cancelled without the conclusions based on unverified data. In
requisite hearing would be violative of the requirements fine, plaintiffs fail to state a cause of
of due process. action in its Complaint against the
herein defendant.
Before going any further, We must first focus on some
procedural matters. Petitioners instituted Civil Case No. Furthermore, the Court firmly believes
90-777 as a class suit. The original defendant and the that the matter before it, being
present respondents did not take issue with this matter. impressed with political color and
Nevertheless, We hereby rule that the said civil case is involving a matter of public policy, may
indeed a class suit. The subject matter of the complaint not be taken cognizance of by this Court
is of common and general interest not just to several, but without doing violence to the sacred
to all citizens of the Philippines. Consequently, since the principle of "Separation of Powers" of
parties are so numerous, it, becomes impracticable, if the three (3) co-equal branches of the
not totally impossible, to bring all of them before the Government.
court. We likewise declare that the plaintiffs therein are
The Court is likewise of the impression
numerous and representative enough to ensure the full
that it cannot, no matter how we stretch
protection of all concerned interests. Hence, all the
our jurisdiction, grant the reliefs prayed
requisites for the filing of a valid class suit under Section
for by the plaintiffs, i.e., to cancel all
12, Rule 3 of the Revised Rules of Court are present
existing timber license agreements in
both in the said civil case and in the instant petition, the
the country and to cease and desist
latter being but an incident to the former.
from receiving, accepting, processing,
This case, however, has a special and novel element. renewing or approving new timber
Petitioners minors assert that they represent their license agreements. For to do otherwise
generation as well as generations yet unborn. We find would amount to "impairment of
no difficulty in ruling that they can, for themselves, for contracts" abhored (sic) by the
others of their generation and for the succeeding fundamental law. 11
generations, file a class suit. Their personality to sue in
behalf of the succeeding generations can only be based

Page 62 of 82
We do not agree with the trial court's conclusions that it the correlative duty of
the plaintiffs failed to allege with sufficient definiteness a not impairing the same
specific legal right involved or a specific legal wrong and, therefore,
committed, and that the complaint is replete with vague sanctions may be
assumptions and conclusions based on unverified data. provided for impairment
A reading of the complaint itself belies these of environmental
conclusions. balance. 12
The complaint focuses on one specific fundamental legal The said right implies, among many other things, the
right — the right to a balanced and healthful ecology judicious management and conservation of the country's
which, for the first time in our nation's constitutional forests.
history, is solemnly incorporated in the fundamental law.
Without such forests, the ecological or
Section 16, Article II of the 1987 Constitution explicitly
environmental balance would be irreversiby
Sec. 16. The State shall protect and
Conformably with the enunciated right to a balanced and
advance the right of the people to a
healthful ecology and the right to health, as well as the
balanced and healthful ecology in
other related provisions of the Constitution concerning
accord with the rhythm and harmony of
the conservation, development and utilization of the
country's natural resources, 13 then President Corazon
This right unites with the right to health C. Aquino promulgated on 10 June 1987 E.O. No.
which is provided for in the preceding 192, 14 Section 4 of which expressly mandates that the
section of the same article: Department of Environment and Natural Resources
"shall be the primary government agency responsible for
Sec. 15. The State shall protect and
the conservation, management, development and proper
promote the right to health of the people
use of the country's environment and natural resources,
and instill health consciousness among
specifically forest and grazing lands, mineral, resources,
including those in reservation and watershed areas, and
While the right to a balanced and healthful ecology is to lands of the public domain, as well as the licensing and
be found under the Declaration of Principles and State regulation of all natural resources as may be provided
Policies and not under the Bill of Rights, it does not for by law in order to ensure equitable sharing of the
follow that it is less important than any of the civil and benefits derived therefrom for the welfare of the present
political rights enumerated in the latter. Such a right and future generations of Filipinos." Section 3 thereof
belongs to a different category of rights altogether for it makes the following statement of policy:
concerns nothing less than self-preservation and self-
Sec. 3. Declaration of Policy. — It is
perpetuation — aptly and fittingly stressed by the
hereby declared the policy of the State
petitioners — the advancement of which may even be
to ensure the sustainable use,
said to predate all governments and constitutions. As a
development, management, renewal,
matter of fact, these basic rights need not even be
and conservation of the country's forest,
written in the Constitution for they are assumed to exist
mineral, land, off-shore areas and other
from the inception of humankind. If they are now
natural resources, including the
explicitly mentioned in the fundamental charter, it is
protection and enhancement of the
because of the well-founded fear of its framers that
quality of the environment, and
unless the rights to a balanced and healthful ecology
equitable access of the different
and to health are mandated as state policies by the
segments of the population to the
Constitution itself, thereby highlighting their continuing
development and the use of the
importance and imposing upon the state a solemn
country's natural resources, not only for
obligation to preserve the first and protect and advance
the present generation but for future
the second, the day would not be too far when all else
generations as well. It is also the policy
would be lost not only for the present generation, but
of the state to recognize and apply a
also for those to come — generations which stand to
true value system including social and
inherit nothing but parched earth incapable of sustaining
environmental cost implications relative
to their utilization, development and
The right to a balanced and healthful ecology carries conservation of our natural resources.
with it the correlative duty to refrain from impairing the
This policy declaration is substantially re-stated it Title
environment. During the debates on this right in one of
XIV, Book IV of the Administrative Code of
the plenary sessions of the 1986 Constitutional
1987,15 specifically in Section 1 thereof which reads:
Commission, the following exchange transpired between
Commissioner Wilfrido Villacorta and Commissioner Sec. 1. Declaration of Policy. — (1) The
Adolfo Azcuna who sponsored the section in question: State shall ensure, for the benefit of the
Filipino people, the full exploration and
development as well as the judicious
Does this section disposition, utilization, management,
mandate the State to renewal and conservation of the
provide sanctions country's forest, mineral, land, waters,
against all forms of fisheries, wildlife, off-shore areas and
pollution — air, water other natural resources, consistent with
and noise pollution? the necessity of maintaining a sound
ecological balance and protecting and
MR. AZCUNA: enhancing the quality of the
Yes, Madam President. environment and the objective of making
The right to healthful the exploration, development and
(sic) environment utilization of such natural resources
necessarily carries with equitably accessible to the different

Page 63 of 82
segments of the present as well as omission of the defendant in violation of
future generations. said legal right. 18
(2) The State shall likewise recognize It is settled in this jurisdiction that in a motion to dismiss
and apply a true value system that takes based on the ground that the complaint fails to state a
into account social and environmental cause of action, 19 the question submitted to the court for
cost implications relative to the resolution involves the sufficiency of the facts alleged in
utilization, development and the complaint itself. No other matter should be
conservation of our natural resources. considered; furthermore, the truth of falsity of the said
allegations is beside the point for the truth thereof is
The above provision stresses "the necessity of
deemed hypothetically admitted. The only issue to be
maintaining a sound ecological balance and protecting
resolved in such a case is: admitting such alleged facts
and enhancing the quality of the environment." Section 2
to be true, may the court render a valid judgment in
of the same Title, on the other hand, specifically speaks
accordance with the prayer in the
of the mandate of the DENR; however, it makes
complaint? 20 In Militante vs. Edrosolano, 21 this Court
particular reference to the fact of the agency's being
laid down the rule that the judiciary should "exercise the
subject to law and higher authority. Said section
utmost care and circumspection in passing upon a
motion to dismiss on the ground of the absence thereof
Sec. 2. Mandate. — (1) The Department [cause of action] lest, by its failure to manifest a correct
of Environment and Natural Resources appreciation of the facts alleged and deemed
shall be primarily responsible for the hypothetically admitted, what the law grants or
implementation of the foregoing policy. recognizes is effectively nullified. If that happens, there
is a blot on the legal order. The law itself stands in
(2) It shall, subject to law and higher disrepute."
authority, be in charge of carrying out
the State's constitutional mandate to After careful examination of the petitioners' complaint,
control and supervise the exploration, We find the statements under the introductory affirmative
development, utilization, and allegations, as well as the specific averments under the
conservation of the country's natural sub-heading CAUSE OF ACTION, to be adequate
resources. enough to show,  prima facie, the claimed violation of
their rights. On the basis thereof, they may thus be
Both E.O. NO. 192 and the Administrative Code of 1987 granted, wholly or partly, the reliefs prayed for. It bears
have set the objectives which will serve as the bases for stressing, however, that insofar as the cancellation of the
policy formulation, and have defined the powers and TLAs is concerned, there is the need to implead, as
functions of the DENR. party defendants, the grantees thereof for they are
It may, however, be recalled that even before the indispensable parties.
ratification of the 1987 Constitution, specific statutes The foregoing considered, Civil Case No. 90-777 be said
already paid special attention to the "environmental to raise a political question. Policy formulation or
right" of the present and future generations. On 6 June determination by the executive or legislative branches of
1977, P.D. No. 1151 (Philippine Environmental Policy) Government is not squarely put in issue. What is
and P.D. No. 1152 (Philippine Environment Code) were principally involved is the enforcement of a right vis-a-
issued. The former "declared a continuing policy of the vis policies already formulated and expressed in
State (a) to create, develop, maintain and improve legislation. It must, nonetheless, be emphasized that the
conditions under which man and nature can thrive in political question doctrine is no longer, the
productive and enjoyable harmony with each other, (b) insurmountable obstacle to the exercise of judicial power
to fulfill the social, economic and other requirements of or the impenetrable shield that protects executive and
present and future generations of Filipinos, and (c) to legislative actions from judicial inquiry or review. The
insure the attainment of an environmental quality that is second paragraph of section 1, Article VIII of the
conducive to a life of dignity and well-being." 16 As its Constitution states that:
goal, it speaks of the "responsibilities of each generation
as trustee and guardian of the environment for Judicial power includes the duty of the
succeeding generations." 17 The latter statute, on the courts of justice to settle actual
other hand, gave flesh to the said policy. controversies involving rights which are
legally demandable and enforceable,
Thus, the right of the petitioners (and all those they and to determine whether or not there
represent) to a balanced and healthful ecology is as has been a grave abuse of discretion
clear as the DENR's duty — under its mandate and by amounting to lack or excess of
virtue of its powers and functions under E.O. No. 192 jurisdiction on the part of any branch or
and the Administrative Code of 1987 — to protect and instrumentality of the Government.
advance the said right.
Commenting on this provision in his book, Philippine
A denial or violation of that right by the other who has Political Law, 22 Mr. Justice Isagani A. Cruz, a
the corelative duty or obligation to respect or protect the distinguished member of this Court, says:
same gives rise to a cause of action. Petitioners
maintain that the granting of the TLAs, which they claim The first part of the authority represents
was done with grave abuse of discretion, violated their the traditional concept of judicial power,
right to a balanced and healthful ecology; hence, the full involving the settlement of conflicting
protection thereof requires that no further TLAs should rights as conferred as law. The second
be renewed or granted. part of the authority represents a
broadening of judicial power to enable
A cause of action is defined as: the courts of justice to review what was
. . . an act or omission of one party in before forbidden territory, to wit, the
violation of the legal right or rights of the discretion of the political departments of
other; and its essential elements are the government.
legal right of the plaintiff, correlative As worded, the new provision vests in
obligation of the defendant, and act or the judiciary, and particularly the

Page 64 of 82
Supreme Court, the power to rule upon the end that public welfare is promoted.
even the wisdom of the decisions of the A timber license is not a contract within
executive and the legislature and to the purview of the due process clause; it
declare their acts invalid for lack or is only a license or privilege, which can
excess of jurisdiction because tainted be validly withdrawn whenever dictated
with grave abuse of discretion. The by public interest or public welfare as in
catch, of course, is the meaning of this case.
"grave abuse of discretion," which is a
A license is merely a permit or privilege
very elastic phrase that can expand or
to do what otherwise would be unlawful,
contract according to the disposition of
and is not a contract between the
the judiciary.
authority, federal, state, or municipal,
In Daza vs. Singson, 23 Mr. Justice Cruz, now speaking granting it and the person to whom it is
for this Court, noted: granted; neither is it property or a
property right, nor does it create a
In the case now before us, the
vested right; nor is it taxation (37 C.J.
jurisdictional objection becomes even
168). Thus, this Court held that the
less tenable and decisive. The reason is
granting of license does not create
that, even if we were to assume that the
irrevocable rights, neither is it property
issue presented before us was political
or property rights (People vs. Ong Tin,
in nature, we would still not be
54 O.G. 7576).
precluded from revolving it under the
expanded jurisdiction conferred upon us We reiterated this pronouncement in Felipe Ysmael, Jr.
that now covers, in proper cases, even & Co., Inc. vs. Deputy Executive Secretary: 26
the political question. Article VII, Section
. . . Timber licenses, permits and license
1, of the Constitution clearly provides: . .
agreements are the principal
instruments by which the State
The last ground invoked by the trial court in dismissing regulates the utilization and disposition
the complaint is the non-impairment of contracts clause of forest resources to the end that public
found in the Constitution. The court a quo  declared that: welfare is promoted. And it can hardly
be gainsaid that they merely evidence a
The Court is likewise of the impression
privilege granted by the State to
that it cannot, no matter how we stretch
qualified entities, and do not vest in the
our jurisdiction, grant the reliefs prayed
latter a permanent or irrevocable right to
for by the plaintiffs, i.e., to cancel all
the particular concession area and the
existing timber license agreements in
forest products therein. They may be
the country and to cease and desist
validly amended, modified, replaced or
from receiving, accepting, processing,
rescinded by the Chief Executive when
renewing or approving new timber
national interests so require. Thus, they
license agreements. For to do otherwise
are not deemed contracts within the
would amount to "impairment of
purview of the due process of law
contracts" abhored (sic) by the
clause [See Sections 3(ee) and 20 of
fundamental law. 24
Pres. Decree No. 705, as
We are not persuaded at all; on the contrary, We are amended. Also, Tan v. Director of
amazed, if not shocked, by such a sweeping Forestry, G.R. No. L-24548, October 27,
pronouncement. In the first place, the respondent 1983, 125 SCRA 302].
Secretary did not, for obvious reasons, even invoke in
Since timber licenses are not contracts, the non-
his motion to dismiss the non-impairment clause. If he
impairment clause, which reads:
had done so, he would have acted with utmost infidelity
to the Government by providing undue and unwarranted Sec. 10. No law impairing, the obligation
benefits and advantages to the timber license holders of contracts shall be passed. 27
because he would have forever bound the Government
cannot be invoked.
to strictly respect the said licenses according to their
terms and conditions regardless of changes in policy and In the second place, even if it is to be assumed that the
the demands of public interest and welfare. He was same are contracts, the instant case does not involve a
aware that as correctly pointed out by the petitioners, law or even an executive issuance declaring the
into every timber license must be read Section 20 of the cancellation or modification of existing timber licenses.
Forestry Reform Code (P.D. No. 705) which provides: Hence, the non-impairment clause cannot as yet be
invoked. Nevertheless, granting further that a law has
. . . Provided, That when the national
actually been passed mandating cancellations or
interest so requires, the President may
modifications, the same cannot still be stigmatized as a
amend, modify, replace or rescind any
violation of the non-impairment clause. This is because
contract, concession, permit, licenses or
by its very nature and purpose, such as law could have
any other form of privilege granted
only been passed in the exercise of the police power of
herein . . .
the state for the purpose of advancing the right of the
Needless to say, all licenses may thus be people to a balanced and healthful ecology, promoting
revoked or rescinded by executive action. It is their health and enhancing the general welfare. In Abe
not a contract, property or a property right vs. Foster Wheeler 
protested by the due process clause of the Corp. 28 this Court stated:
Constitution. In Tan vs. Director of
The freedom of contract, under our
Forestry, 25 this Court held:
system of government, is not meant to
. . . A timber license is an instrument by be absolute. The same is understood to
which the State regulates the utilization be subject to reasonable legislative
and disposition of forest resources to regulation aimed at the promotion of

Page 65 of 82
public health, moral, safety and welfare. WHEREFORE,  the judgment dated March 29, 2000 of
In other words, the constitutional Branch 56 of the RTC of Angeles City is
guaranty of non-impairment of hereby REVERSED and SET ASIDE, and a new
obligations of contract is limited by the judgment entered in favor of the petitioners, ordering the
exercise of the police power of the respondents and all persons claiming rights under them
State, in the interest of public health, to vacate from the subject lots and to remove their
safety, moral and general welfare. houses and/or any other structures or constructions
The reason for this is emphatically set forth in Nebia vs.
New York, 29 quoted in Philippine American Life The overturned Decision of the Regional Trial Court
Insurance Co. vs. Auditor General,30 to wit: (RTC) of Angeles City, Branch 56,[4] affirmed in toto the
Municipal Trial Court (MTC) of Angeles City, Branch II.[5]
Under our form of government the use
of property and the making of contracts The Facts
are normally matters of private and not
The facts of the case are summarized by the CA in
of public concern. The general rule is
this wise:
that both shall be free of governmental
interference. But neither property rights In a Complaint for Illegal Detainer with Damages filed on
nor contract rights are absolute; for October 15, 1998, the [respondents] alleged that they
government cannot exist if the citizen are the owners of four (4) parcels of land designated as
may at will use his property to the Lot Nos. 164, 165, 166, and 167 of the Cadastral Survey
detriment of his fellows, or exercise his of Angeles City, and covered, respectively, by Transfer
freedom of contract to work them harm. Certificates of Title Nos. 83247, 83246, 83248 and
Equally fundamental with the private 83249, all issued by the Register of Deeds of Angeles
right is that of the public to regulate it in City. These four (4) parcels of land have been
the common interest. consolidated and subdivided into several blocks and lots,
and are now collectively designated
In short, the non-impairment clause must yield to the
as Bagong Silang Phase III-C. By mere permission and
police power of the state. 31
tolerance of the [respondents], the [petitioners] have
Finally, it is difficult to imagine, as the trial court did, how occupied and erected their homes on four (4) of the said
the non-impairment clause could apply with respect to lots, as follows:
the prayer to enjoin the respondent Secretary from
George T. Villena and wife = Block 5, Lot 14
receiving, accepting, processing, renewing or approving
new timber licenses for, save in cases of renewal, no Carlos N. Villena and wife = Block 5, Lot 13
contract would have as of yet existed in the other
Aurora M. Bondoc and husband = Block 2, Lot 4
instances. Moreover, with respect to renewal, the holder
is not entitled to it as a matter of right. Ronnie C. Hernandez and wife = Block 3, Lot 5
WHEREFORE, being impressed with merit, the instant All the [petitioners] are members of
Petition is hereby GRANTED, and the challenged Order the Bagong Silang Phase III-C Homeowners
of respondent Judge of 18 July 1991 dismissing Civil Association, Inc., with office address
Case No. 90-777 is hereby set aside. The petitioners at Cutud, Angeles City. The [respondents] allowed the
may therefore amend their complaint to implead as [petitioners] and other members of the said homeowners
defendants the holders or grantees of the questioned association to continue occupying the subject lots and
timber license agreements. ultimately to acquire ownership of the lots occupied, in
consideration of a certain amount to be paid to the
No pronouncement as to costs.
[respondents] as equity.
The [respondents] further alleged that the other
. members of the said homeowners association paid to
the [respondents] their respective equity for their right to
STARE DECISIS, RES JUDICATA, LAW OF THE continue occupying and ultimately acquiring ownership
CASE of the occupied lots. However, notwithstanding repeated
[G.R. No. 148126. November 10, 2003] demands made upon the [petitioners], they have refused
and failed without any justifiable ground to pay their
GEORGE T. VILLENA, CARLOS N. VILLENA, respective equity. In view of such failure to pay, the
AURORA M. BONDOC and RONNIE C. [petitioners] have forfeited their right to continue
FERNANDEZ, and their Respective occupying the lots in question. Formal demand letters
Spouses, petitioners, vs. Spouses ANTONIO were then sent by registered mail to the [petitioners],
C. CHAVEZ and NOEMI MARCOS-CHAVEZ wherein they were given a period of thirty (30) days from
and CARLITA C. CHAVEZ, respondents. receipt within which to vacate and remove their houses
DECISION from the subject lots. The period given to the [petitioners]
lapsed on April 11, 1998, but up to the present time, the
PANGANIBAN, J.: [petitioners] refused and failed without any justifiable
Stare  decisis  simply means that a judgment reason or ground to vacate and remove their houses
reached in one case should be applied to successive from the said lots.
ones in which the facts are substantially identical, even The [respondents] then prayed in their Complaint that
though the parties may be different. Like cases ought to the [petitioners] be ordered to vacate and remove their
be decided alike. houses from the lots currently occupied; that each of the
The Case [petitioners] be ordered to pay the [respondents]
P1,000.00 a month as reasonable rental for the use and
Before this Court is a Petition for Review[1] under occupation of the lots starting from April 11, 1998 until
Rule 45 of the Rules of Court, assailing the May 9, 2001 they have finally vacated and removed their houses from
Decision[2] of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-GR SP said lots; and that the [petitioners] jointly and severally
No. 58329. The decretal portion of the Decision reads as pay the [respondents] P25,000.00 as actual and
follows: compensatory damages, P2,000.00 as appearance fee

Page 66 of 82
per hearing, exemplary damages, and the costs of the Corporation under Section 31 of RA 7279. Besides, even
suit. granting that petitioners were protected under RA 7279,
they were still liable to pay amortization or face eviction.
In their answer with compulsory counter-claim filed
on November 3, 1998, the [petitioners] countered that Likewise debunked was the allegation of petitioners
the [respondents] have no cause of action to institute the that respondents were not the real parties in interest.
present action, considering that the properties in Being the owners of the lots occupied by the former, the
question are under the community mortgage program latter had a material interest in the suit and stood to be
implemented by the National Home Mortgage Finance benefited or injured by any judgment affecting those
Corporation. Moreover, the [petitioners] claimed that parcels of land.
they are lawful tenants of the premises, and that they
Hence, this Petition.[8]
have been paying their equity to their originator,
the Urban Land and Development Foundation[,] Inc. The Issues
However, they were not issued the corresponding
Petitioners raise the following issues for our
receipts evidencing payment and a copy of their
contract. The [petitioners] further averred that they were
willing to continue paying their equity until the same shall I. Whether or not the Honorable Court of Appeals
have been fully paid, but their originator, without committed grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack
justifiable reason, refused to accept the tender of or excess of jurisdiction in reversing and setting aside
payment made by them. The [petitioners] subsequently the Decisions of the Municipal Trial Court, Branch II and
agreed with their originator that the payment of equity of the Regional Trial Court, Branch 56 both of Angeles
should be continued only upon the release of a City[;]
Purchase Commitment Line (PCL).
II. Whether or not the Honorable Municipal Trial Court
In addition, the [petitioners] alleged that they are has jurisdiction over the case;
qualified beneficiaries under Republic Act No. 7279,
otherwise known as the Urban Development and III. Whether or not the non-inclusion of
Housing Act of 1992; hence, they cannot be summarily the Bagong Silang Homeowners Association Inc., is fatal
evicted and their dwelling houses demolished unless to respondents[] cause of action[;]
and until they have been relocated. According to the IV. Whether or not ejectment is proper in the case at bar;
[petitioners], they are also builders in good faith and
should be indemnified for the improvements they V. Whether or not the absence of contractual relation[s]
constructed on the properties in question. between the respondents and the petitioners bar[s] the
filing of any action by the respondents against the
The [petitioners] prayed in their answer that the petitioner.[9]
complaint be dismissed; that they be declared lawful
tenants and qualified beneficiaries under R.A. 7279; that The primordial issue to be resolved is whether
the [respondents] be ordered to sell the lots in question unlawful detainer is the proper action to resolve this
to them, and to pay attorneys fees and the costs of suit. case. If it is, then the MTC indeed had jurisdiction over
the case, and the CA was correct in overturning
After the pre-trial conference, both parties submitted the RTCs ruling that the MTC had no jurisdiction over
their position papers. On September 15, 1999, MTC the case.
Branch II of Angeles City rendered a decision dismissing
both the [respondents] complaint and the [petitioners] The Courts Ruling
counter-claim, on the ground that the filing of The Petition is meritorious.
an ejectment case based on the alleged violation of the
parties agreement which has not yet been rescinded is Main Issue:
premature, and that it is beyond the competence of the Propriety of Unlawful  Detainer
said court to act on the case, as rescission or specific
performance is beyond the jurisdiction of the said court. The CA ruled that petitioners possession or
occupancy of the subject premises was by mere
The [respondents] appealed such adverse judgment to tolerance of respondents. Hence, once petitioners failed
the RTC of Angeles City, which appeal was raffled to to pay the agreed amount as equity, their right to
Branch 56 of the said court. On March 29, 2000, RTC continue occupying the lots was lost.
Branch 56 of Angeles City rendered a decision affirming
in toto the MTC judgment.[6] We disagree. Contradictory were the statements of
the appellate court that, on the one hand, there was no
Ruling of the Court of Appeals contract between the parties; and yet, on the other, that
The CA held that the right of petitioners to continue petitioners failed to pay the agreed  equity. The fact that
occupying the subject properties hinged on their the CA found that there was failure to pay the equity was
continued payment of the agreed amount as equity. an indication of an agreement. To be sure, petitioners
 Even after formal letters of demand to vacate the possession of the subject premises was not by mere
premises had been sent to them, however, they still did tolerance of respondents.
not make any effort to pay their equity to protect their In the Complaint[10] of respondents, filed before
right to continue occupying those lots. Thus, the Branch II of the Municipal Trial Court of Angeles City,
appellate court ruled that their failure to pay made their they themselves alleged the presence of an agreement
occupancy unlawful, in consequence of which they between the parties as follows:
became subject to an ejectment suit.
10. That in consideration of a certain amount to be paid
The CA rejected the contention of petitioners that to the [respondents] by each of the [petitioners] as equity
they were protected by RA 7279. According to the for their right to continue occupying and ultimately
appellate court, there was no express declaration by the acquire ownership of the lots that they occupy, the said
local government unit that the parcels of land owned by homeowners association has made arrangements with
respondents were to be used for socialized housing. the [respondents] to allow the [petitioners] and other
Neither was there proof of the allegation that they had members of the said homeowners association to
applied therefor under the Community Mortgage continue occupying and ultimately acquire ownership of
Program of the National Home Mortgage Finance the lots that they occupy[.][11]

Page 67 of 82
Further, in the Special Power of to resolution or rescission.[16] The contract can be
Attorney[12] annexed to their Complaint, they constituted declared rescinded only when its nature has been
and appointed Teodorico B. Sanchez and/or Arturo clarified and the eventual violation thereof, if any, has
M. Yadan as their attorneys-in-fact to do, among others, been established. Upon such rescission, in turn, hinges
the following: a pronouncement that the possession of the realty has
become unlawful. Thus, the basic issue is not
1. To collect and receive any amount or amounts as
possession but interpretation, enforcement and/or
equity for the sale thereof to them from the occupants or
rescission of the contract -- a matter that is beyond the
any other interested buyer or buyers of any portion or
jurisdiction of the Municipal Trial Court to hear and
portions of the following-described parcels of land:
xxx xxx xxx
An allegation of a violation of a contract or
of which we are the absolute and exclusive owners, and agreement in a detainer suit may be proved by the
which comprise the parcels of land being acquired by the presentation of competent evidence, upon which an
members or beneficiaries of the BAGONG SILANG MTC judge might make a finding to that effect. But
PHASE III-C HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, certainly, that court cannot declare and hold that the
at Brgy. Cutud, Angeles City[.][13] contract is rescinded, as such power is vested in the
Based on the admissions of respondents
themselves, they entered into an agreement with The rescission of the contract is the basis of, and
petitioners. Necessarily, the latters occupancy of the lots therefore a condition precedent for, the illegality of a
in question was not based merely on partys possession of a piece of realty.[18] Without judicial
the formers tolerance or permission. Thus, petitioners intervention and determination, even a stipulation
were not necessarily bound by an implied promise to entitling one party to take possession of the land and
vacate upon demand, failing which, a summary action building in case the other party violates the contract
for ejectment would have become proper. cannot confer upon the former the right to take
possession thereof, if that move is objected to.[19]
The MTCs findings of fact on this point are
instructive: To be sure, the jurisdiction of a court is determined
by the allegations in the complaint.[20] Thus, in
About the only thing that the parties have met on a ascertaining whether or not an action is one for
common ground is that: [Respondents] have entered into unlawful detainer falling within the exclusive jurisdiction
an arrangement/agreement of the inferior courts, the averments of the complaint and
with Bagong Silang Homeowners Association, Inc. that the character of the relief sought should be examined.
called for the payment of certain amounts as equity for
[petitioners] right to continue occupying the lots with the Also, as correctly pleaded by petitioners, a similar
end in view of eventually becoming the owners thereof, case had been decided by the CA in CA-GR SP No.
that pursuant to such agreement [petitioners] have paid 58679, in which it ruled that the proper action should
certain amounts as acquisition fees or as equity but later have been a complaint for rescission or specific
discontinued making payments in view of the non- performance, not for illegal detainer. In that case, the
issuance of the so-called purchase commitment same plaintiffs filed the same charges against a different
line/loan, and as a consequence, [respondents] are now but similarly situated set of defendants.
accusing [petitioners] for violating the agreement and on
The appellate court ruled therein that there was an
the basis of such breach of the agreement by
existing agreement or contract that determined the
[petitioners], demands for the latter to vacate the lots
nature of the parties relationship.[21] Thus, it held that the
were made by [respondents].[14]
proper action should have been for rescission of contract
When respondents alleged that or specific performance, not unlawful detainer.[22] When
the Bagong Silang Phase III-C Homeowners Association the CA Decision was elevated, this Court denied the
made arrangements with them to allow petitioners and appeal for failure to show that a reversible error had
other members of the association to continue to occupy been committed by the appellate court. Thereafter, the
and ultimately to acquire ownership of the lots in Decision became final and executory on April 23, 2002.
question, respondents explicitly admitted that a contract
had indeed been entered into. The eventual transfer of
Said the appellate court in the previous case:
ownership of real property evidenced that obligation.
What is clear is that in their Complaint, respondents Inasmuch as the relationship existing between the
alleged that petitioners had violated the stipulations of parties is not a lessor-lessee relationship but one that
their agreement as follows: emanated from the agreement between appellants and
the Urban Land and Development Foundation, Inc., the
11. That the other members of
so-called originator of the Bagong Silang Homeowners
the Ba[g]ong Silang Phase III-C Homeowners
Association, Inc., the relief being sought then by
Association, Inc., paid to the [respondents] their
appellants appears to be improper. If ever there was no
respective equity for their right to continue occupying
payment of equity as provided for under the said
and ultimately acquire ownership of the lots that they
agreement, the same cannot be considered as non-
occupy, but notwithstanding repeated demands made on
payment of rentals. Thus, it cannot be a sufficient basis
them, up to the present time, the [petitioners] have
for filing an ejectment case against appellees, the proper
refused and failed without any justifiable ground or
remedy being an action for rescission of contract or
reason to pay their respective equity to the
specific performance.[24]
[respondents], and, in view of such refusal and failure,
the [petitioners] have forfeited their right to continue We stress that when a court has laid down a
occupying and ultimately acquire ownership of the lots principle of law as applicable to a certain state of facts, it
that they occupy[.][15] will adhere to that principle and apply it to all future
cases in which the facts are substantially the same.
Petitioners, on the other hand, denied any breach [25]
 Stare decisis et non quieta movere. Stand by the
on their part and argued that the principal issue was one
decisions and disturb not what is
of interpretation, enforcement and/or rescission of the
settled. Stare decisis simply means that for the sake of
contract. Under these circumstances, proof of violation
certainty, a conclusion reached in one case should be
of the provisions of the contract is a condition precedent

Page 68 of 82
applied to those that follow if the facts are substantially Petitioners elevated the case to respondent Court
the same, even though the parties may be different.[26] It of Appeals which on 28 May 1992 affirmed the decision
proceeds from the first principle of justice that, absent of the trial court.[3]
any powerful countervailing considerations, like cases
Petitioners then came to us.[4] On 12 October 1992
ought to be decided alike.[27]
however we denied the petition as the issues raised
Having ruled that the MTC had indeed no therein were essentially factual. There was no showing
jurisdiction to take cognizance of this case in the first that the findings of fact of respondent court were not
place, we see no more need to address the other issues supported by substantial evidence and that it committed
raised by petitioners. any reversible error in its judgment.[5] On 15 March 1993
an order for the entry of judgment was issued.[6]
WHEREFORE, the Petition is
hereby GRANTED and the assailed Decision of the On 20 September 1993 petitioners, undaunted by
Court of Appeals is OVERTURNED. Consequently, the their reverses, sought annulment of the decision of the
Decisions of the MTC and the RTC of Angeles City trial court before respondent Court of Appeals.
are REINSTATED. No pronouncement as to costs.
On 29 July 1994 respondent court likewise ruled
SO ORDERED. against petitioners as it found that the controversy had
already been settled by this Court and that the
[G.R. No. 116680. August 28, 1996] contention that the trial court did not have any power or
NICOLAS VELOSO, JR., CONCEPCION VELOSO authority to amend, alter or modify the decision of a co-
PATALINGHUG, EDUARDO VELOSO, equal court, the then Court of First Instance of Leyte, Br.
LIGAYA VELOSO ROA, RAFAEL VELOSO, III and Br. VIII, should have been raised in the previous
DOMINGO VELOSO and EMMANUEL The main issue is whether respondent court erred
VELOSO, petitioners, vs. COURT OF in refusing to declare the decision of the trial court void
APPEALS, REGIONAL TRIAL COURT, BR. 14, for having been rendered allegedly in violation of the
BAYBAY, LEYTE, CORSINI MIRAFLOR doctrines of resjudicata and the law of the case.
EDDIE PEALOSA MIRAFLOR and DOUGLAS Petitioners rely on the decision of 9 January 1951 in
PEALOSA MIRAFLOR, respondents. Civil Case No. R-205[8] which has already become final
and executory for lack of appeal by any of the parties,
DECISION and on the decision of 29 July 1969 in Civil Case No. B-
BELLOSILLO, J.: 122[9] which was affirmed by respondent court on 11
November 1974[10] and executed on 9 July 1975. They
This is a petition for review on certiorari through allege that those decisions upheld their possession and
which petitioners seek a reversal of the decision of ownership and of their parents Nicolas Veloso, Sr. and
respondent Court of Appeals dismissing their petition to Emerenciana Pealosa over 3/5 portion of Lot No. 8422,
annul judgment rendered by the Regional Trial Court of including the 1/5 portion representing the share of
Baybay, Leyte, Branch 14, in Civil Case No. B-1043, for Crispina Pealosa Miraflor (Lot No. 8422-F) which she
lack of merit. Petitioners claim that the questioned transferred to her parents by virtue of a deed of sale
decision of the trial court is inherently flawed because executed on 4 May 1948. Petitioners thus claim that the
the issues raised therein had already been resolved trial court had absolutely no jurisdiction to amend, alter
earlier in another case involving the same parties and or modify those final and executed decisions.
subject matter, and that a trial court has no power to
countermand a decision of a co-equal court. But we find no reversible error committed by
respondent court.
There is however much more to their pious avowals
than meets the eye. In Civil Case No. R-205, the plaintiff therein as
administrator of the estate of Filomena Bermoy, great
On 12 September 1988 respondents Corsini grandmother of respondents, sought recovery of Lot No.
Miraflor Avellana, Aureo Pealosa Miraflor, Eddie Pealosa 8422 from the children of spouses Pedro de Veyra and
Miraflor and Douglas Pealosa Miraflor filed a complaint Leopolda Valenzona. The trial court however dismissed
for quieting of title with damages against Nicolas Veloso, the complaint on the basis of its finding that Lot No. 8422
Sr. and petitioners Nicolas Veloso, Jr., Concepcion no longer formed part of the estate of Bermoy. Prior to
Veloso Patalinghug, Eduardo Veloso, Ligaya Veloso her death, Filomena Bermoy sold the land in question to
Roa, Rafael Veloso, Emerenciana Veloso Cabigon, a certain Gonzalo Varron who in turn disposed of it in
Domingo Veloso and Emmanuel Veloso before the favor of spouses Pedro de Veyra and Leopolda
Regional Trial Court of Baybay, Leyte, docketed as Civil Valenzona, so that on 2 March 1936 OCT No. 16752
Case No. B-1043.[1] The subject matter of the complaint was issued in their name. Lot No. 8422 was later
was Lot No. 8422-F covered by TCT No. 22393 in the involved in Civil Case No. R-5 for partition among their
name of Crispina Pealosa Miraflor, deceased mother of children. In the decision rendered in that case,
respondents. Emerenciana P. Veloso, Lourdes P. Bibas, Proculo
On 31 August 1990 the trial court rendered Pealosa and Crispina P. Miraflor were declared absolute
judgment (a) finding TCT No. T-22393 authentic, valid, owners thereof. The trial court however observed that on
indefeasible and entitled to all faith and credence under 4 May 1948 Crispina P. Miraflor disposed of her share
Act 496; (b) declaring respondents absolute co-owners and interest in the property in favor of her sister,
in fee simple of Lot No. 8422-F; (c) directing petitioners Emerenciana P. Veloso, and the latters husband,
or anyone of them in possession of Lot No. 8422-F to Nicolas Veloso, Sr.
deliver to respondents the physical and material On the other hand, in Civil Case No. B-122 Nicolas
possession thereof together with all the improvements Veloso, et al., filed a complaint for reconveyance of a
thereon; and, (d) ordering petitioners in solidum to pay portion of Lot No. 8422 with partition and damages
respondents P5,000.00 as attorneys fees and P2,000.00 against Proculo Pealosa and Lourdes P. Bibas. The trial
as reimbursement for litigation expenses.[2] court rendered judgment thereon against Proculo
Pealosa. But the trial court also observed in passing that

Page 69 of 82
the share of Crispina P. Miraflor was already purchased conclusively settled by a judgment rendered therein and
by the Veloso spouses in 1948. that such facts or questions become res judicata and
may not again be litigated in a subsequent action
Both decisions were brought by petitioners to the
between the same parties or their privies, regardless of
attention of the trial court in Civil Case No. B-1043 which
the form the issue may take in the subsequent action,
resolved the controversy thus
whether the subsequent action involves the same or a
Upon the totality of the evidence, the plaintiffs and the different form of proceeding, or whether the second
defendants, indicating that what was sold by Crispina P. action is upon the same or a different cause of action,
Miraflor in May 1948 were/was not her share in Lot subject matter, claim or demand, as the earlier action. In
8422, denominated as sub-lot 8422-F, are such cases, it is also immaterial that the two actions are
these firstly, her Deed of Sale in 1948 does not based on different grounds, or tried on different theories,
specifically state that what she was alienating was her or instituted for different purposes, and seek different
ideal share in Lot 8422; on the other hand, it reliefs.[12] By the same token, whatever is once
specified/specifies that the subject of her share was her irrevocably established as the controlling legal principle
share in the estate of Leopolda Valenzona, her mother, or decision continues to be the law of the case between
and her share in the estate of Filomena Bermoy, her the same parties in the same case, whether correct on
aunt (grandmother), located in Barrio Caridad, Baybay, general principles or not, so long as the facts on which
Leyte; secondly, in Civil Case R-205, where the Court- such decision was predicated continue to be the facts of
appointed administrator of the estate of Filomena the case before the court.[13]
Bermoy sought inclusion of Lot 8422 in the estate of the
WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED. The
latter, the Court decided that Lot 8422 is not part of said
decision of respondent Court of Appeals dated 29 July
estate, hereat showing that Lot 8422 is different,
1994 is AFFIRMED.
separate and distinct from said estate of Filomena
Bermoy and what was sold by Crispina P. Miraflor SO ORDERED.
belonged to this separate estate; thirdly, the subdivision
survey of Lot 8422, which gave way to the delineation of [G.R. No. 107846. April 18, 1997]
the share of Cristina P. Miraflor as sub-lot 8422-F was LEOVILLO C. AGUSTIN, petitioner, vs. COURT OF
not performed in deceit but as a matter of right on the APPEALS and FILINVEST FINANCE
part of a co-owner, at this instance co-owner Crispina CORP., respondents.
Pealosa Miraflor; fourthly, much as the spouses Nicolas
Veloso, Sr. and Emerenciana Pealosa resided in Barrio RESOLUTION
Caridad, Baybay, Leyte or environs, no protest was FRANCISCO, J.:
raised against the subdivision survey, it here stressed
that licensed surveyors, as Engineer Besavilla was/is, as This is an appeal by certiorari from the decision of
a professional has not only his professional ethics but respondent Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. No.
the presumption that he satisfied the requirements of law 24684[1] which affirmed the order of Regional Trial Court,
in the premises when the subdivision survey was Branch 40, Manila, in Civil Case No. 84804.[2]
performed by him; fifthly, in Civil Case No. 122-R (B- The dispute stemmed from an unpaid promissory
122) which sought the recovery by the plaintiffs Veloso note dated October 28, 1970, executed by petitioner
spouses of certain portions of Lot 8422 as a Leovillo C. Agustin in favor of ERM Commercial for the
consequence of the subdivision survey, only co-owners amount of P43,480.80.The note was payable in monthly
Proculo Pealosa and Lourdes Pealosa Bibas were installments[3] and secured by a chattel mortgage over
impleaded as defendants; conversely, Crispina Pealosa an Isuzu diesel truck,[4] both of which were subsequently
Miraflor was not made a defendant, such that the assigned to private respondent Filinvest Finance
decision was only against Proculo Pealosa, and did not Corporation.[5] When petitioner defaulted in paying the
even include co-defendant Lourdes Pealosa Bibas, and installments, private respondent demanded from him the
recovered from Proculo Pealosa was only some 5,455.4 payment of the entire balance or, in lieu thereof, the
square meters of Lot 8422; sixthly, plaintiffs evidence, possession of the mortgaged vehicle. Neither payment
that before the death in 1975 of Crispina P. Miraflor her nor surrender was made. Aggrieved, private respondent
sister Emerenciana and the latters husband Nicolas filed a complaint with the Regional Trial Court of Manila,
Veloso, Sr. rendered shares of the produce of her Branch 26 (RTC Branch 26) against petitioner praying
(Crispinas) share in Lot 8422, is buttressed (Exhibits T, for the issuance of a writ of replevin or, in the alternative,
T-1-a-1, T-1-a-2, T-1-b, U, U-1, V, V-1-a), and these are for the payment of P32,723.97 plus interest at the rate of
not adequately rebutted by the defendants; 14% per annum from due date until fully paid.[6] Trial
and, seventhly, in actions for quieting of title, the ensued and, thereafter, a writ of replevin was issued by
plaintiff(s) need not be in possession of the property RTC Branch 26. By virtue thereof, private respondent
involved (Article 477, Civil Code) if plaintiffs are not in acquired possession of the vehicle. Upon repossession,
possession of Lot 8422-F even only constructively.[11] the latter discovered that the vehicle was no longer in
As aforestated, the above ruling of the trial court running condition and that several parts were missing
was affirmed both by respondent court and this Court. which private respondent replaced. The vehicle was then
foreclosed and sold at public auction.
Now under the guise of a petition for annulment of
judgment, petitioners in effect are seeking a second Private respondent subsequently filed a
cycle of review regarding a subject matter which has supplemental complaint claiming additional
already been fully and fairly adjudicated. That cannot be reimbursement worth P8,852.76 as value of replacement
allowed. parts[7] and for expenses incurred in transporting the
mortgaged vehicle from Cagayan to Manila. In response,
Contrary to the circuitous assertion of petitioners petitioner moved to dismiss the supplemental complaint
that the rulings in Civil Cases Nos. R-205 and B-122 arguing that RTC Branch 26 had already lost jurisdiction
constitute res judicata or the law of the case to Civil over the case because of the earlier extra-judicial
Case No. B-1043, it is the holding in the latter case foreclosure of the mortgage. The lower court granted the
which is now a bar to the present proceeding under the motion and the case was dismissed.[8] Private
same doctrines invoked by them. Material facts or respondent elevated the matter to the appellate court,
questions which were in issue in a former action and docketed as CA-G.R. No. 56718-R, which set aside the
were there admitted or judicially determined are order of dismissal and ruled that repossession expenses

Page 70 of 82
incurred by private respondent should be reimbursed. exception to the rule stated under Article 1484(3) upon
 This decision became final and executory, hence the which petitioner relies. Thus:
case was accordingly remanded to the Regional Trial
x x x Where the mortgagor plainly refuses to deliver the
Court of Manila, Branch 40 (RTC Branch 40) for
chattel subject of the mortgage upon his failure to pay
reception of evidence to determine the amount due from
two or more installments, or if he conceals the chattel to
petitioner.[10] After trial, RTC Branch 40 found petitioner
place it beyond the reach of the mortgagee, what then is
liable for the repossession expenses, attorney's fees,
the mortgagee expected to do? x x x It logically follows
liquidated damages, bonding fees and other expenses in
as a matter of common sense, that the necessary
the seizure of the vehicle in the aggregate sum
expenses incurred in the prosecution by the mortgagee
of P18,547.38. Petitioner moved for reconsideration.
of the action for replevin so that he can regain
Acting thereon, RTC Branch 40 modified its decision by
possession of the chattel, should be borne by the
lowering the monetary award to P8,852.76, the amount
mortgagor. Recoverable expenses would, in our view,
originally prayed for in the supplemental complaint.
[11] include expenses properly incurred in effecting seizure
 Private respondent appealed the case with respect to
of the chattel and reasonable attorneys fees in
the reduction of the amount awarded. Petitioner,
prosecuting the action for replevin.[18]
likewise, appealed impugning the trial courts order for
him to pay private respondent P8,852.76, an amount Anent the denial of the award for attorneys fees, we
over and above the value received from the foreclosure find the same in order. The trial court, as well as
sale. Both appeals were consolidated and in CA- G.R. respondent court, found no evidence to support the
No. 24684, the modified order of RTC Branch 40 was claim for attorney's fees which factual finding is binding
affirmed. Petitioner filed a motion for reconsideration, but on us.[19] We find no compelling reason, and none was
to no avail[12] Hence, this petition for review on certiorari. presented, to set aside this ruling.
Petitioner contends that the award of repossession ACCORDINGLY, the petition is DENIED for lack of
expenses to private respondent as mortgagee is merit, and the decision of the Court of Appeals is hereby
"contrary to the letter, intent and spirit of Article AFFIRMED in toto.
1484[13] of the Civil Code".[14] He asserts that private
respondents repossession expenses have been amply
covered by the foreclosure of the chattel mortgage,
hence he could no longer be held liable. The arguments
are devoid of merit. [G.R. Nos. 153063-70. August 19, 2005]

Petitioners contentions, we note, were previously AMELIA D. DE MESA, ARACELI ADATO, RODRIGO
rejected by respondent court in its decision in CA-G.R. ALVARAN, AIDA CASTRO, BALTAZAR
No. 56718-R the dispositive portion of which provides as ESTRELLES, ANTONIO A. FERRER, DANILO
"WHEREFORE, the order dismissing the case is hereby LAGO, NESTOR RODA, JAIME SANCHEZ
set aside and the case is remanded to the lower court for and JUANITA
reception of evidence of `expenses properly incurred in SANCHEZ, petitioners, vs. PEPSI COLA
effecting seizure of the chattel (and) of recoverable PRODUCTS PHILS., INC. and PEPSICO
attorney's fees in prosecuting the action for replevin' as INC., respondents.
`repossession expenses' prayed for in the supplemental
complaint, without pronouncement as to costs."[15] RESOLUTION

which ruling has long acquired finality. It is clear, QUISUMBING, J.:

therefore, that the appellate court had already settled the For review on certiorari is the Order,[1] dated April
propriety of awarding repossession expenses in favor of 18, 2002, of the Regional Trial Court of Makati City,
private respondent.The remand of the case to RTC Branch 142 in Civil Cases Nos. 94-2414 to 94-2421. In
Branch 40 was for the sole purpose of threshing out the the said Order, the RTC granted herein respondents
correct amount of expenses and not for relitigating the motion to dismiss the complaints filed by petitioners
accuracy of the award. Thus, the findings of RTC Branch herein based on the principle of stare decisis.
40, as affirmed by the appellate court in CA-G.R. No.
24684, was confined to the appreciation of evidence The instant case arose from the same set of facts
relative to the repossession expenses for the query or as (1) Mendoza v. Pepsi-Cola Products Philippines, Inc.,
issuepassed upon by the respondent court in CA-G.R. et al., G.R. No. 153183 promulgated on July 24,
No. 56718-R (propriety of the award for repossession 2002[2] affirming the Court of Appeals Decision, dated
expenses) has become the law of the case. This April 16, 2002, in CA-G.R. CV No. 53860;[3] and
principle is defined as a term applied to an established (2) Rodrigo v. Pepsi Cola Products (Phils.), Inc. and
rule that when an appellate court passes on a question Pepsico, Inc., G.R. No. 149411, dated October 1, 2001,
and remands the cause to the lower court for further which also affirmed the Court of Appeals Decision of
proceedings, the question there settled becomes the law May 21, 2001 in CA-G.R. CV No. 62837.[4]
of the case upon subsequent appeal.[16] Having exactly The facts are culled from the
the same parties and issues, the decision in the former aforesaid Decisions of the Court of Appeals as affirmed
appeal (CA-G.R. No. 56718-R) is now the established by this Court.
and controlling rule. Petitioner may not therefore be
allowed in a subsequent appeal (CA-G.R. No. 24684) Petitioners are holders of soft drink bottle caps
and in this petition to resuscitate and revive formerly bearing the number 349, allegedly a winning
settled issues. Judgment of courts should attain finality combination in a contest sponsored by respondents
at some point in time, as in this case, otherwise, there Pepsi Cola Products Phils., Inc. (PCPPI) and PEPSICO,
will be no end to litigation. Inc. (PI).
At any rate, even if we were to brush aside the law Respondent PCPPI is a domestic corporation
of the case doctrine we find the award for repossession engaged in the production, bottling, and distribution of
expenses still proper. In Filipinas Investment & Finance carbonated drinks, while respondent PI is a foreign
Corporation v. Ridad,[17] the Court recognized an corporation licensed to do business in the Philippines
and is the major stockholder of PCPPI.

Page 71 of 82
D.G. Consultores, a Mexican consulting firm that leave[16] to (1) adopt the previous testimonial and
handled similar promotions in other countries, was documentary evidence in
tasked to randomly pre-select the winning numbers and the Mendoza and Rodrigo cases; or (2) archive the case
send to respondents a list of the 60 winning numbers until final resolution of the said two cases, which were
with their corresponding security codes. The process of then pending with the Court of Appeals. The RTC
selecting the winning numbers was implemented with granted the said motion on January 8, 2001 and the
the approval of the Department of Trade and Industry case was accordingly archived.[17]
Meantime, the Rodrigo case became final and
During the initial promotion period, from February executory on February 5, 2002 in view of our denial of
17 to May 8, 1992, respondents seeded 1000 numbers, therein petitioners petition for review on certiorari and
60 of which were winning numbers, 510 non-winning motion for reconsideration.
numbers, while the remaining 430 were unused. To
Hence, on February 20, 2002, herein respondents
ensure that the winning numbers would not be
filed with the RTC a motion to dismiss [18] the complaints
tampered, the DTI required respondents to submit the
filed by petitioners herein invoking the principle of stare
list of winning numbers including their security codes
decisis. The RTC, in its assailed Order,[19] granted the
which was then deposited in a safety deposit box in a
motion to dismiss ratiocinating as follows:
The Court finds the instant motion meritorious under the
Owing to the promotional campaigns success,
principle of stare decisis. The said doctrine embodies the
respondents extended the Number Fever by five more
legal maxim that a principle or rule of law which has
weeks, from May 10 to June 12, 1992. Pepsi again
been established by the decision of a court of controlling
tapped D.G. Consultores to predetermine the 25
jurisdiction will be followed in other cases involving
additional winning numbers from the list of unused
similar situation. It is founded on the necessity for
securing certainty and stability in the law and does not
On May 25, 1992, respondents announced 349 as require identity or privy of parties. This is explicitly
the winning number for the May 26 draw. Later the same ordained in Article 8 of the Civil Code which provides
night, Quintin Gomez, Jr., then PCPPIs Marketing that decisions applying or interpreting the laws or the
Services Manager called DTI Director Madarang Constitution shall form part of the legal system. Such
informing her that due to some security code problems a decisions assume the same authority as the statute itself
mistake had been made in the announcement of number and, until authoritatively abandoned, necessarily
349 as the winning number.[6] become, to the extent that they are applicable, the
criteria which must control the actuations not only of
Numerous holders of the supposedly winning 349
those called upon to abide thereby but also of those in
crowns were not honored and paid by respondents,
duty bound to enforce obedience thereto (Kilosbayan,
which led these rejected crown holders to file separate
Inc. et al. vs. Manuel Morato, G.R. No. 118910, July 17,
complaints for specific performance and damages.
Civil Case No. 93-68351 was originally filed before
In the instant cases as well as in Civil Case No. 93-
the Regional Trial Court of Manila, Branch 16, but the
68351 (the Mendoza case), not only are the legal rights
plaintiffs in the said case withdrew their complaint,
and relations of the parties substantially the same as
leaving Gerson Mendoza as the sole plaintiff in Gerson
those passed upon in Civil Case No. 94-71403 (the
M. Mendoza v. Pepsi-Cola Products Phils., Inc. and
Rodrigo case), but the facts, the applicable laws, the
Pepsico, Inc.[7] The other plaintiffs re-filed their
causes of action, the issues, and the testimonial and
complaints before the Regional Trial Court of Manila,
documentary evidence are identical such that a ruling in
Branch 50, entitled Romulo Rodrigo, et al. v. Pepsi Cola
one case, i.e. the Rodrigo case in Civil Case No. 94-
Products Philippines, Inc., et al., docketed as Civil Case
71403, under the rule of stare decisis, is a bar to any
No. 94-71403.[8]
attempt to relitigate the same issue.[20]
For their part, petitioners herein filed their separate
Petitioners now come to us in this petition for review
complaints, docketed as Civil Cases Nos. 94-2414 to 94-
claiming that (1) the principle of res judicata does not
2421, before the Regional Trial Court of Makati, Branch
apply; and (2) the dismissal of the complaint was
premature as petitioners motion to archive the case and
In the Mendoza case, the RTC dismissed the the grant thereof was based on the condition that there
complaint filed against herein respondents for specific be a final resolution in the Mendoza and Rodrigo cases.
performance and damages in connection with the
Number Fever fiasco.[9]Mendoza appealed to the Court
Simply put, the sole issue is whether the present
of Appeals, in CA-G.R. CV No. 53860, which was
case is barred by this Courts ruling in
dismissed for lack of merit.[10] Unfazed, Mendoza filed
the Mendoza and Rodrigo  cases.
with this Court a petition for review, which was denied for
failure to sufficiently show that the Court of Appeals Petitioners contend that res judicata  does not apply
committed any reversible error.[11] as there is no identity of parties to begin with. Moreover,
they argue that stare decisis is not a hard and fast rule.
In the Rodrigo case, the RTC likewise dismissed
They insist another review should be taken on the cause
the complaint against herein respondents for specific
of action in this case because the Court of Appeals, in
performance and damages arising from the said
the Mendoza and Rodrigo  cases, erred in ruling that the
promotion.[12] On appeal, docketed as CA-G.R. CV No.
security code determines the real winning crowns. They
62837, the Court of Appeals affirmed the RTC decision.
[13] claim that the trial courts dismissal of their complaint was
 A petition for review was subsequently filed with this
premature. Lastly, petitioners posit that there was a
Court, which was denied for failure to show that a
breached contract between the parties; therefore,
reversible error was committed by the appellate court.
respondents should be made to perform their contractual
The motion for reconsideration was also denied with
finality[14] and entry of judgment was made.[15]
For their part, respondents counter that the RTC
However, prior to the resolution of
correctly dismissed petitioners complaint on the ground
the Mendoza and Rodrigo cases, herein petitioners filed
of res judicata. Respondents contend that, like
with the RTC, on December 11, 2000, a motion for

Page 72 of 82
the Mendoza and Rodrigocases, the civil cases filed by already reclusion perpetua,  pursuant to the last
petitioners arose from the conduct of respondents paragraph of Sec. 13, Rule 124,[2] of the 2000 Rules of
Number Fever promotion. Petitioners causes of action, Criminal Procedure.
testimonial and documentary evidence, are the same as
We cannot sustain the petition; we agree instead
those in the Mendoza and Rodrigo cases. Lastly,
with the Court of Appeals.
respondents point out that the findings of fact in the said
two cases are also the same, i.e.: (i) Respondents did In denying the prayer of petitioner, the Court of
not breach any contract since the 349 crowns with Appeals correctly held that the provision of Sec. 13, Rule
security code L-2560-FQ are not winning crowns; and (ii) 124, relied upon by petitioner, was applicable only when
Respondents were not negligent in the conduct of their the penalty imposed was reclusion perpetua  or higher as
promotion and they exerted efforts to ensure the integrity a single indivisible penalty, i.e., the penalty was at
and smooth conduct of the same. least reclusion perpetua. Hence, the penalty imposed by
the appellate court on the accused was clearly in
The instant petition must be denied.
accordance with Sec. 14 of RA 6538,[3] which is not
The principle of stare decisis et non quieta considered reclusion perpetua  for purposes of Sec. 13,
movere[22] is entrenched in Article 8 of the Civil Code, to Rule 124.[4]
The Court of Appeals in its assailed resolution
ART. 8. Judicial decisions applying or interpreting the relied on People v. Omotoy[5]  where the Regional Trial
laws or the Constitution shall form a part of the legal Court found the accused guilty of arson and sentenced
system of the Philippines. him to imprisonment ranging from twelve (12) years
of prision mayor  maximum, as minimum, to reclusion
It enjoins adherence to judicial precedents. It
perpetua. The case reached this Court on automatic
requires our courts to follow a rule already established in
appeal. In Footnote 16 of the decision, it was observed -
a final decision of the Supreme Court. That decision
becomes a judicial precedent to be followed in The appeal was taken directly to this Tribunal for the
subsequent cases by all courts in the land. The doctrine reason no doubt that the penalty of reclusion perpetua  is
of stare decisis is based on the principle that once a involved, albeit joined to prision mayor  in its maximum
question of law has been examined and decided, it period in accordance with the Indeterminate Sentence
should be deemed settled and closed to further Law. Actually, the appeal should have gone to the Court
argument.[23] of Appeals since strictly speaking, this Court entertains
appeals in criminal cases only where the penalty
In the instant case, the legal rights and relations of
imposed is reclusion  perpetua  or higher (Sec. 5[2](d),
the parties, the facts, the applicable laws, the causes of
Article VIII, Constitution), i.e., the penalty is at  least
action, the issues, and the evidence are exactly the
reclusion  perpetua  (or life imprisonment, in special
same as those in the decided cases
offenses). The lapse will be overlooked so as not to
of Mendoza  and Rodrigo, supra. Hence, nothing is left to
delay the disposition of the case. It is of slight nature, the
be argued. The issue has been settled and this Courts
penalty of reclusion perpetua  having in fact been
final decision in the said cases must be respected. This
imposed on the accused, and causes no prejudice
Courts hands are now tied by the finality of the said
whatsoever to any party.
judgments. We have no recourse but to deny the instant
petition. Petitioner now asks whether the last paragraph of
Sec. 13, Rule 124, of the 2000 Rules of Criminal
WHEREFORE, the instant petition is hereby
Procedure is applicable to the instant case considering
DENIED. The assailed Order of the Regional Trial Court
that the penalty imposed was seventeen (17) years and
of Makati City, Branch 142, in Civil Cases Nos. 94-2414
four (4) months to thirty (30) years.
to 94-2421, is AFFIRMED. Costs against petitioners.
Article 27 of The Revised Penal Code states that
the penalty of reclusion perpetua  shall be from twenty
(20) years and one (1) day to forty (40) years. While the
thirty (30)-year period falls within that range, reclusion
perpetua nevertheless is a single indivisible penalty
RATIO DECIDENDI , OBITER DICTUM which cannot be divided into different periods. The thirty
(30)-year period for reclusion perpetua  is only for
[G.R. No. 149375. November 26, 2002] purposes of successive service of sentence under Art.
MARVIN MERCADO, petitioner, vs. PEOPLE OF THE 70 of The Revised Penal Code.[6]
PHILIPPINES, respondent. More importantly, the crime committed by petitioner
DECISION is one penalized under RA 6538 or The Anti-Carnapping
Act of 1972 which is a special law and not under The
BELLOSILLO, J.: Revised Penal Code.  Unless otherwise specified, if the
MARVIN MERCADO, together with Rommel Flores, special penal law imposes such penalty, it is error to
Michael Cummins, Mark Vasques and Enrile Bertumen, designate it with terms provided for in The Revised
was charged with and convicted of violation of R.A. 6538 Penal Code since those terms apply only to the
or The Anti-Carnapping Act of 1972,  as amended, for penalties imposed by the Penal Code,  and not to the
which he and his co-accused were sentenced to a prison penalty in special penal laws.[7] This is because
term of twelve (12) years and one (1) day as minimum to generally, special laws provide their own specific
seventeen (17) years and four (4) months of  reclusion penalties for the offenses they punish, which penalties
temporal  as maximum.[1] are not taken from nor refer to those in The Revised
Penal Code.[8]
The case before us concerns only the petition for
review of accused Marvin Mercado where he assails his The penalty of fourteen (14) years and eight (8)
conviction, and arguing that the Court of Appeals having months under RA 6538 is essentially within the range of
increased the penalty imposed by the court a quo to a the medium period of reclusion temporal. However, such
prison term of seventeen (17) years and four (4) months technical term under The Revised Penal Code is not
to thirty (30) years, should have certified the case to this similarly used or applied to the penalty for carnapping.
Court as the penalty of thirty (30) years was Also, the penalty for carnapping attended by the

Page 73 of 82
qualifying circumstance of violence against or disappearance to the Makati Police Station and the Anti-
intimidation of any person or force upon things, i.e., Carnapping (ANCAR) Division which immediately issued
seventeen (17) years and four (4) months to thirty (30) an Alarm Sheet.[17]
years, does not correspond to that in The Revised Penal
On 31 May 1996 Bhagwanis neighbor, fireman
Code.[9] But it is different when the owner, driver or
Avelino Alvarez, disclosed that he learned from his
occupant of the carnapped vehicle is killed or raped in
daughter, a common-law wife of accused Michael
the course of the carnapping or on the occasion thereof,
Cummins, that the accused Rommel Flores, Mark
since this is penalized with reclusion perpetua to death.
[10] Vasques, Enrile Bertumen and Michael Cummins
himself stole the Isuzu Trooper. Alvarezs daughter
Hence, it was error for the trial court to impose the however refused to issue any statement regarding the
penalty of x x x imprisonment of TWELVE (12) YEARS incident.[18]
and ONE (1) DAY as minimum to SEVENTEEN (17)
In the evening of 31 May 1996 SPO3 Miling Flores
YEARS and FOUR (4) MONTHS of reclusion temporal
brought to his house Michael Cummins, Mark Vasques,
as maximum.[11]  For these reasons the use of the
Enrile Bertumen, Rommel Flores, and complaining
term reclusion temporal in the decretal portion of its
witness Bhagwani. In that meeting, Cummins, Vasques,
decision is not proper. Besides, we see no basis for the
Bertumen and Flores admitted that they took the vehicle
trial court to set the minimum penalty at twelve (12)
and used it in going to Laguna, La Union and Baguio.
years and one (1) day since RA 6538 sets the minimum [19]
 They claimed however that it was with the knowledge
penalty for carnapping at fourteen (14) years and eight
and consent of Bhagwani. They alleged that on the night
(8) months.
they took the vehicle, they invited Bhagwani to join them
We see no error by the appellate court in relying on in their outing to Laguna. But when Bhagwani declined,
a Footnote  in Omotoy[12]  to affirm the conviction of the they asked him instead if they could borrow the Isuzu
accused. The substance of the Footnote  may not be Trooper. Bhagwani allegedly agreed and even turned
the ratio decidendi  of the case, but it still constitutes an over the keys to them.[20]
important part of the decision since it enunciates a
Petitioner Marvin Mercado was absent during
fundamental procedural rule in the conduct of appeals.
that confrontasi in the house of SPO3 Miling Flores but
That this rule is stated in a Footnote  to a decision is of
his co-accused narrated his participation in the crime.[21]
no consequence as it is merely a matter of style.
The Court of Appeals affirmed their conviction but
It may be argued that Omotoy  is not on all fours
increased the penalty imposed on the four (4) accused
with the instant case since the former involves an appeal
from a prison term of twelve (12) years and one (1) day
from the Regional Trial Court to the Supreme Court
as minimum to seventeen (17) years and four (4) months
while the case at bar is an appeal from the Court of
of reclusion temporal  as maximum to seventeen (17)
Appeals to the Supreme Court. As enunciated
years and four (4) months to thirty (30) years.[22]
in Omotoy,  the Supreme Court entertains appeals in
criminal cases only where the penalty imposed Petitioner insists that the accused were more
is reclusion perpetua  or higher. The basis for this motivated by fun rather than theft in taking the Isuzu
doctrine is the Constitution itself which empowers this Trooper, and that they merely took the vehicle for a
Court to review, revise, reverse, modify or affirm on joyride with no intention of stealing it. If they were really
appeal, as the law or the Rules of Court  may provide, thieves, according to petitioner, they would have sold the
final judgments of lower courts in all criminal cases in vehicle outright instead of simply abandoning it in
which the penalty imposed is reclusion perpetua or Baguio.[23]
Petitioner apparently overlooks the fact that this is a
Where the Court of Appeals finds that the petition for review on certiorari where only questions of
imposable penalty in a criminal case brought to it on law, and not questions of fact, may be raised. The issue
appeal is at least reclusion perpetua,  death or life before us being factual, a reevaluation of the facts and
imprisonment, then it should impose such penalty, the evidence may not be entertained in this appeal.
refrain from entering judgment thereon, certify the case Besides, findings of fact of the trial court, when affirmed
and elevate the entire records to this Court for review. by the Court of Appeals, are binding upon the Supreme
 This will obviate the unnecessary, pointless and time- Court.[24] This rule may be disregarded only when the
wasting shuttling of criminal cases between this Court findings of fact of the Court of Appeals are contrary to
and the Court of Appeals, for by then this Court will the findings and conclusions of the trial court, or are not
acquire jurisdiction over the case from the very inception supported by the evidence on record. But there is no
and can, without bothering the Court of Appeals which ground to apply this exception to the instant case. This
has fully completed the exercise of its jurisdiction, do Court will not assess all over again the evidence
justice in the case.[15] adduced by the parties particularly where as in this case
the findings of both the trial court and the Court of
On the other hand, where the Court of Appeals
Appeals completely coincide.[25]
imposes a penalty less than reclusion perpetua,  a
review of the case may be had only by petition for review However, we disagree with the Court of Appeals on
on certiorari under Rule 45[16] where only errors or its imposition of the penalty. Republic Act No. 6538
questions of law may be raised. imposes the penalty of imprisonment for seventeen (17)
years and four (4) months to thirty (30) years when the
Petitioner, in his Reply, also brings to fore the issue
carnapping is committed by means of violence against or
of whether there was indeed a violation of The Anti-
intimidation of any person, or force upon things. The
Carnapping Act.  This issue is factual, as we shall find
evidence in this case shows that the accused broke a
quarter window of the Isuzu Trooper to gain access to it,
In the evening of 26 May 1996 Leonardo Bhagwani thus demonstrating that force was used upon the
parked the subject Isuzu Trooper in front of his house at vehicle; nonetheless, we believe that this does not merit
No. 7015-B Biac-na-Bato St., Makati City, Metro Manila. the imposition of the full penalty. With the application
The vehicle was owned by Augustus Zamora but was of The Indeterminate Sentence Law,  the penalty to be
used by Bhagwani as a service vehicle in their joint imposed may be reduced to an indeterminate prison
venture. The following day the Isuzu Trooper was term of seventeen (17) years and four (4) months to
nowhere to be found prompting Bhagwani to report its twenty-two (22) years.

Page 74 of 82
WHEREFORE, the assailed Decision of the Court filed a Manifestation and/or Motion for Reconsideration
of Appeals denying the Motion and Manifestation of but the same was denied in an Order dated October 24,
petitioner Marvin Mercado dated 19 January 2001 is 1997.
AFFIRMED with the MODIFICATION that the penalty
Thus, respondent Villadores interposed on
imposed is reduced to an indeterminate prison term of
November 26, 1997 a petition for certiorari with the Court
seventeen (17) years and four (4) months to twenty-two
of Appeals. Said petition, which was docketed as CA-
(22) years. No costs.
G.R. SP No. 46103, sought to annul the Order of the trial
SO ORDERED. court dated October 10, 1997 which admitted the second
amended informations, as well as the Order dated
[G.R. No. 142947. March 19, 2002] October 24, 1997 denying his motion for reconsideration
FRANCISCO N. VILLANUEVA, JR., petitioner, vs. thereof.[6]
THE HON. COURT OF APPEALS and ROQUE In a Decision dated June 22, 1998, the appellate
VILLADORES, respondents. court, acting thru its Eleventh Division, found that the
DECISION trial court committed no grave abuse of discretion in
admitting the amended informations and dismissed the
DE LEON, JR., J.: petition of respondent Villadores.[7] The decision in CA-
Before us is a petition for review on certiorari of the G.R. SP No. 46103 became final and executory on July
Decision[1] of the Court of Appeals dated April 12, 2000 18, 1998.[8]
in CA-G.R. SP No. 50235 reversing the two (2) Orders Subsequently, before Branch 41 of the Regional
dated August 27, 1998[2] and December 4, 1998[3] of the Trial Court of Manila, respondent Villadores moved for
Regional Trial Court of Manila, Branch 41, in Criminal the disqualification of Rico and Associates as private
Cases Nos. 94-138744-45 which denied respondent prosecutor for petitioner Villanueva, Jr.,[9]in line with the
Roque Villadoress motion for disqualification of Rico and following pronouncement of the appellate court in CA-
Associates as private prosecutor for petitioner Francisco G.R. SP No. 46103, to wit:[10]
N. Villanueva, Jr., and the motion for reconsideration
thereof, respectively. Incidentally, We are one with the petitioner when it
argued that Francisco N. Villanueva, Jr. is not the
Respondent Villadores is one of the accused in the offended party in these cases. It must be underscored
amended informations in Criminal Cases Nos. 94- that it was IBC 13 who secured the falsified surety bond
138744 and 94-138745 entitled, People of the for the purpose of the appeal it had taken from an
Philippines v. Atty. Tomas Bernardo, Roque Villadores, adverse judgment of the labor case filed by Francisco N.
Alberto Adriano and Rolando Advincula, for Falsification Villanueva, Jr. himself and wherein the latter prevailed.
of Public Document before the Regional Trial Court of We see no reason how Villanueva could have sustained
Manila, Branch 41. damages as a result of the falsification of the surety
It appears that petitioner Villanueva, Jr. filed a appeal bond and its confirmation letter when it could
complaint for illegal dismissal against several parties, have even redounded to his own benefit if the appeal
among them, IBC 13. When the labor arbiter[4] ruled in would be dismissed as a result of the forgery. If there be
favor of petitioner Villanueva, Jr., IBC 13 appealed to the anyone who was prejudiced, it was IBC 13 when it
National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC).[5] As an purchased a fake surety bond.
appeal bond, IBC 13 filed Surety Bond No. G (16) 00136 Rico and Associates opposed said motion on the ground
issued by BF General Insurance Company, Inc. (BF) that the above-quoted pronouncement of the appellate
with the Confirmation Letter dated September 20, 1993 court is a mere obiter dictum.[11]
supposedly issued by BFs Vice-President. However,
both documents were subsequently found to be falsified. In an Order[12] dated August 27, 1998 the trial court
denied the motion for disqualification ratiocinating, thus:
Thus, the two (2) complaints for falsification of
public document were filed before the Manila City A reading of the aforecited decision of the Court of
Prosecutors Office. The charges against respondent Appeals clearly shows that the aforecited reason for the
Villadores and Atty. Eulalio Diaz III were dismissed by motion is a mere obiter dictum. As held by the Supreme
the City Prosecutors Office which, however, found Court, an obiter dictum lacks force of adjudication. It is
probable cause against the other respondents. merely an expression of an opinion with no binding force
Nonetheless, on a petition for review before the for purposes of res judicata (City of Manila vs. Entote,
Department of Justice (DOJ), the latter affirmed the June 28, 1974, 57 SCRA, 508-509). What is controlling
dismissal against Diaz but ordered the inclusion of is the dispositive portion of the subject decision of the
respondent Villadores as an accused in the two (2) Court of Appeals which denied due course and ordered
criminal cases. Accordingly, the original informations dismissed the petition of the movant questioning the
were amended to include respondent Villadores among Order of this Court granting the Motion to Admit
those charged. Informations and admitting the Amended Informations
that include the name of Francisco N. Villanueva, Jr. as
Following the arraignment of respondent Villadores, the private offended party, which in effect upheld and/or
the private prosecutor, Rico and Associates, filed anew a affirmed the questioned Order of this Court admitting the
Motion to Admit Amended Informations alleging amended informations.
damages sustained by private complainant, herein
petitioner Villanueva, Jr., as a result of the crimes Reconsideration[13] was sought by respondent Villadores
committed by the accused. The incident was referred to but the same was denied by the trial court in its Order
the City Prosecutors Office by the trial court. In dated December 4, 1998.[14]
compliance, the fiscals office submitted a Motion to Thus, on January 7, 1999, respondent Villadores
Admit Amended Informations with the following filed a petition for certiorari with the Court of Appeals,
amendment: to the prejudice of Francisco N. Villanueva, docketed therein as CA-G.R. SP No. 50235, seeking the
Jr., and of public interest and in violation of public faith annulment of the trial courts Order dated August 27,
and destruction of truth as therein proclaimed. 1998 denying the Motion for Disqualification as well as
The Motion was granted by the trial court and the its subsequent Order dated December 4, 1998 denying
amended informations were admitted in an Order dated reconsideration.[15]
October 10, 1997. Respondent Villadores subsequently

Page 75 of 82
On April 12, 2000, the appellate court rendered its was, thus, clearly raised by respondent Villadores. The
now challenged decision which reversed and set aside body of the decision contains discussion on that point
the two (2) Orders of the trial court dated August 27, and it clearly mentioned certain principles of law.
1998 and December 4, 1998. The appellate court
It has been held that an adjudication on any point
directed that the name of petitioner Villanueva, Jr.,
within the issues presented by the case cannot be
appearing as the offended party in Criminal Cases Nos.
considered as obiter dictum, and this rule applies to all
94-138744-45 be stricken out from the records.[16]
pertinent questions, although only incidentally involved,
Hence, this petition anchored on the following which are presented and decided in the regular course
grounds:[17] of the consideration of the case, and led up to the final
conclusion, and to any statement as to matter on which
the decision is predicated. Accordingly, a point expressly
decided does not lose its value as a precedent because
the disposition of the case is, or might have been, made
on some other ground, or even though, by reason of
CRIMINAL CASE NOS. 94-138744-45.
other points in the case, the result reached might have
THE HON. COURT OF APPEALS SERIOUSLY ERRED been the same if the court had held, on the particular
IN FAILING TO APPRECIATE THAT THE MATTER OF point, otherwise than it did. A decision which the case
WHETHER OR NOT FRANCISCO N. VILLANUEVA, JR. could have turned on is not regarded as obiter
IS AN OFFENDED PARTY IN CRIMINAL CASE NOS. dictummerely because, owing to the disposal of the
94-138744-45 HAD BEEN RESOLVED WITH FINALITY contention, it was necessary to consider another
IN THE AFFIRMATIVE IN CA-G.R. SP NO. 46103 question, nor can an additional reason in a decision,
WHERE THE HON. COURT OF APPEALS UPHELD brought forward after the case has been disposed of on
THE AMENDMENT OF THE INFORMATIONS IN SAID one ground, be regarded as dicta. So, also, where a
CASES TO STATE THAT THE CRIMES WERE case presents two (2) or more points, any one of which
COMMITTED TO THE PREJUDICE OF FRANCISCO N. is sufficient to determine the ultimate issue, but the court
VILLANUEVA, JR., AND PURSUANT TO THE actually decides all such points, the case as an
DOCTRINE OF RES JUDICATA, THE SAME COULD authoritative precedent as to every point decided, and
NO LONGER BE RELITIGATED IN CA-G.R. SP NO. none of such points can be regarded as having the
50235. status of a dictum, and one point should not be denied
authority merely because another point was more dwelt
THE HON. COURT OF APPEALS SERIOUSLY ERRED on and more fully argued and considered, nor does a
IN FAILING TO CONSIDER THE PRONOUNCEMENT decision on one proposition make statements of the
IN CA-G.R. SP NO. 46103 THAT FRANCISCO N. court regarding other propositions dicta.[20]
A MERE OBITER DICTUM. The decision of the appellate court in CA-G.R. SP
No. 46103 allegedly show a conflict between the
THE HON. COURT OF APPEALS SERIOUSLY ERRED pronouncements in the body of the decision and the
IN FAILING TO APPRECIATE THAT FRANCISCO N. dispositive portion thereof. However, when that decision
VILLANUEVA, JR., WAS IN FACT AN AGGRIEVED is carefully and thoroughly read, such conflict is revealed
PARTY. to be more illusory than real. In denying the petition
THE HON. COURT OF APPEALS SERIOUSLY ERRED for certiorari in CA-G.R. SP No. 46103, the appellate
IN ORDERING THE NAME OF FRANCISCO N. court had this to say:
VILLANUVEVA, JR., APPEARING AS THE OFFENDED At the centerfold of this controversy is Section 14 of Rule
PARTY BE STRICKEN FROM THE RECORDS, 110, 1st paragraph, which is quoted hereunder:
IT UPHELD THE AMENDMENT OF THE SEC. 14. Amendment. - The information or complaint
INFORMATIONS SO AS TO STATE THAT THE may be amended, in substance or form, without leave of
CRIMES CHARGED WERE COMMITTED TO THE court, at any time before the accused pleads, and
PREJUDICE OF FRANCISCO N. VILLANUEVA, JR. thereafter and during the trial as to all matters of form, by
leave and at the discretion of the court, when the same
All the foregoing issues boil down to the issue of can be done without prejudice to the rights of the
whether or not the pronouncement of the appellate court accused.
in CA-G.R. SP No. 46103 to the effect that petitioner
Villanueva, Jr. is not an offended party in Criminal Cases Needless to state, amendment of a criminal charge
Nos. 94-138744-45 is obiter dictum. sheet depends much on the time when the change is
requested. If before arraignment it is a matter of right, no
An obiter dictum has been defined as an opinion leave of court is necessary and the prosecution is free to
expressed by a court upon some question of law which do so even in matters of substance and in form. On the
is not necessary to the decision of the case before it. It is other hand, the more complicated situation involves an
a remark made, or opinion expressed, by a judge, in his amendment sought after the accused had already been
decision upon a cause, by the way, that is, incidentally or arraigned. This time amendment can only be made by a
collaterally, and not directly upon the question before prior leave and at the discretion of the court, only as to
him, or upon a point not necessarily involved in the matters of form when the same can be done without
determination of the cause, or introduced by way of prejudice to the rights of the accused [Draculan vs.
illustration, or analogy or argument. Such are not binding Donato; 140 SCRA 425 (1985); Teehankee vs.
as precedent.[18] Madayag, 207 SCRA 134 (1992)].
Based on the foregoing, the pronouncement of the Relative to the second instance, the primary
appellate court in CA-G.R. SP No. 46103 is not an obiter consideration is whether the intended amendment is
dictum as it touched upon a matter clearly raised by only as to matter of form and same could be done
respondent Villadores in his petition assailing the without prejudice to the rights of the accused.
admission of the Amended Informations. Among the Substantial amendment as a consequence is proscribed.
issues upon which the petition for certiorari in CA-G.R. In essence, substantial matters in the complaint or
SP No. 46103 was anchored, was whether Francisco N. information is the recital of facts constituting the offense
Villanueva, Jr. is the offended party.[19] Argument on charged and determinative of the jurisdiction of the court.
whether petitioner Villanueva, Jr. was the offended party

Page 76 of 82
All other matters are merely of form [Almeda vs. Villaluz, would be dismissed as a result of the forgery. If there be
66 SCRA 38 (1975); Teehankee vs. Madayag, supra]. anyone who was prejudiced, it was IBC 13 when it
purchased a fake surety bond.[21]
In other words, even if the amendment is only as to
matter of form, one other criteria must accompany it for Clearly then, while the appellate court in CA-
its admission, which is, that it should not be prejudicial to G.R. SP No. 46103 admitted that the addition of
the accused. Conformably, the test as to when the rights petitioner Villanueva, Jr. as an offended party is not
of an accused are prejudiced by the amendment of a necessary, it held that the admission of the amended
complaint or information is, when a defense under the informations due to the amendment to include petitioner
complaint or information, as it originally stood, would no Villanueva, Jr. did not by itself amount to grave abuse of
longer be available after the amendment is made, and discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction.
when any evidence the accused might have, would no Otherwise stated, there is an error of judgment but such
longer be available after the amendment is made, and did not amount to an error of jurisdiction.
when any evidence the accused might have, would be
The special civil action for certiorari, which was
inapplicable to the complaint or information as amended
availed of respondent Villadores, is a remedy designed
[People vs. Montenegro, 159 SCRA 236 (1988);
for the correction of errors of jurisdiction and not errors
Teehankee vs. Madayag, supra].
of judgment. When a court exercised its jurisdiction an
Given the above aphorisms, the inclusion of the name of error committed while so engaged does not deprive it of
Francisco N. Villanueva, Jr. as the prejudiced the jurisdiction being exercised when the error is
complainant in the cases appears to be not substantial. committed. If it did, every error committed by a court
It did not change, alter or modify the crime charged nor would deprive it of its jurisdiction and every erroneous
any possible defense. Likewise, any evidence the judgment would be a void judgment. Thus, an error of
accused might have under his defense in the original judgment that the court may commit in the exercise of its
informations is still very much available to him and jurisdiction is not correctible through the original special
applicable to the amended informations. In sum, civil action of certiorari.[22] In effect, the appellate court in
accused petitioner is not in any way prejudiced in his CA-G.R. SP No. 46103 merely held that respondent
rights with such amendment which, in Our considered Villadores chose the wrong remedy.
opinion, is only a matter of form under the standards laid
It is significant to mention that the intervention of
down in the cases above-cited.
petitioner Villanueva, Jr. in the criminal cases as an
What seems to be more crucial here is the fact that the offended party is apparently predicated[23] on the
crime charged in the two informations is falsification of reduction by the NLRC, in IBCs appeal of the illegal
public document committed by a private individual dismissal case, of the monetary award to which he is
defined and penalized under Article 172, paragraph 1, of entitled, despite finding the appeal as not perfected due
the Revised Penal Code. Accordingly, the evil sought to to the posting of the spurious appeal bond.[24] However,
be punished and sanctioned by the offense of such alleged error should have been brought by
falsification of public document is the violation of the petitioner Villanueva, Jr. to the appropriate forum,[25] and
public faith and the destruction of the trust as therein not raised in criminal cases before the trial court as a
solemnly proclaimed [People vs. Pacana, 47 Phil 48, ground for his inclusion as a prejudiced party.
citing Decisions of the Supreme Court of Spain of
In view of all the foregoing, the instant petition,
December 23, 1886; People vs. Mateo, 25 Phil. 324, Po
being devoid of merit, must fail.
Giok To, 96 Phil. 913; see Revised Penal Code, Luis B.
Reyes, 13th Division, p. 211 and Aquino, 1976 ed., Vol. WHEREFORE, the instant petition is hereby
2, p. 984]. Apropos, the crime of falsification of public DENIED, and the Decision of the Court of Appeals dated
document does not require for its essential elements April 12, 2000 in CA-G.R. SP No. 50235 is AFFIRMED.
damage or intent to cause damage. In the final analysis. No costs.
the inclusion of the name of Francisco N. Villanueva. Jr.
would then be merely a superfluity in the information, a
meaningless surplusage therein. In fact. it is even highly
doubted if civil damages may be awarded in such
transgression of the law. LEDESMA V CA

Viewed from the above ratiocinations, We find no grave DECISION

abuse of discretion on the part of the lower court in  
admitting the second amended informations albeit such
amendment is totally irrelevant and unnecessary to the  
crime charged. The mere fact that the court decides the YNARES-SANTIAGO, J.:
question wrongly is utterly immaterial to the question of
jurisdiction [Estrada vs. Sto Domingo, 28 SCRA 891  
(1969)]. And writs of certiorari are issued only for the This petition for review on certiorari seeks to reverse and
correction of errors of jurisdiction or grave abuse of set aside the decision[1] dated August 28, 2003 and the
discretion amounting to lack or in excess of jurisdiction. resolution[2] dated January 15, 2004 of the Court of
It cannot be legally used for any other purpose [Silverio Appeals[3] in CA-G.R. SP No. 58264 which affirmed with
vs. Court of Appeals, 141 SCRA 527 (1986)]. modification public respondents (1) Joint Resolution
Incidentally, We are in one with the petitioner when it dated January 22, 1999, which ordered, among other
argued that Francisco N. Villanueva, Jr. is not the things, petitioners suspension for one (1) year for
offended party in these cases. It must be underscored conduct prejudicial to the service; and (2) Order dated
that it was IBC 13 who secured the falsified surety bond February 8, 2000, as reiterated in a Memorandum dated
for the purpose of the appeal it had taken from an March 17, 2000, which denied petitioners motion for
adverse judgment of the labor case filed by Francisco N. reconsideration but reduced his suspension to nine (9)
Villanueva, Jr. himself and wherein the latter prevailed. months without pay. The Court of Appeals modified the
We see no reason how Villanueva could have sustained above issuances by further reducing petitioners
damages as a result of the falsification of the surety suspension from nine (9) months to six (6) months and
appeal bond and its confirmation letter when it could one (1) day without pay.[4]
have even redounded to his own benefit if the appeal  

Page 77 of 82
Petitioner Atty. Ronaldo P. Ledesma is the Chairman of for lack of sufficient
the First Division of the Board of Special Inquiry (BSI) of evidence.
the Bureau of Immigration and Deportation (BID). In a
letter-complaint filed by Augusto Somalio with the Fact
Finding and Intelligence Bureau (FIIB) of the Office of SO RESOLVED.[6]
the Ombudsman, an investigation was requested on
alleged anomalies surrounding the extension of the
Temporary Resident Visas (TRVs) of two (2) foreign Respondent Assistant Ombudsman Abelardo L.
nationals. The FIIB investigation revealed seven (7) Aportadera, Jr. reviewed the Joint Resolution which was
other cases of TRV extensions tainted with similar approved by respondent Ombudsman Desierto on
irregularities. December 29, 1999.[7]
As a result, the FIIB, as nominal complainant, filed In the meantime, on July 9, 1999, respondent
before the Administrative Adjudication Bureau (AAB) of Ombudsman approved a Resolution[8] dated June 22,
the Office of the Ombudsman a formal complaint against 1999 of Graft Investigation Officer Marilou B. Ancheta-
herein petitioner. Also charged administratively were Mejica, dismissing the criminal charges against
Atty. Arthel Caronongan and Ma. Elena P. Ang, Board petitioner for insufficiency of evidence.[9]
Member and Executive Assistant, respectively, in
petitioners division. With respect to petitioner, the  
complaint was treated as both a criminal and an Petitioner filed a motion for reconsideration[10] in
administrative charge and docketed as OMB-0-98-0214 the administrative case alleging that the BOC which
(criminal aspect), for nine (9) counts of violation of the reviews all applications for TRVs extension, approved
Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act and for falsification the TRVs in question, hence, petitioner argued that it
of public documents, and OMB-ADM-0-98-0038 effectively declared the applications for extension regular
(administrative aspect), for nine (9) counts of and in order and waived any infirmity thereon.
Dishonesty, Grave Misconduct, Falsification of Public
Documents and Gross Neglect of Duty.  

  In an Order[11] dated February 8, 2000, Graft Officer

Reyes recommended the denial of the motion for
The complaint against petitioner, Caronongan and Ang reconsideration which was approved by respondent
alleged the following illegal acts: (a) irregularly granting Ombudsman on March 24, 2000 but reduced the period
TRVs beyond the prescribed period; and (b) using of suspension from one (1) year to nine (9) months
recycled or photocopied applications for a TRV without pay.
extension without the applicants affixing their signatures
anew to validate the correctness and truthfulness of the  
information previously stated therein. Specifically, On April 13, 2000, petitioner filed a petition for review
petitioner and Caronongan allegedly signed the with the Court of Appeals, which included a prayer for
Memorandum of Transmittal to the Board of Commission the issuance of a writ of preliminary prohibitory
(BOC) of the BID, forwarding the applications for TRV mandatory injunction and/or temporary restraining order
extension of several aliens whose papers were to enjoin public respondents from implementing the
questionable. order of suspension. The Court of Appeals issued the
  TRO on April 19, 2000.

In a Joint Resolution[5] dated January 22, 1999, Graft  

Investigation Officer Marlyn M. Reyes resolved In its Decision dated August 28, 2003, the Court of
the administrative cases filed against petitioner, Appeals affirmed petitioners suspension but reduced the
Caronongan and Ang, as follows: period from nine (9) months to six (6) months and one
  (1) day without pay.[12]

WHEREFORE, foregoing considered, it With the denial of his motion for reconsideration,
is respectfully recommended that: petitioner filed the instant petition for review on the
following grounds:
1. Respondent ATTY.
SUSPENDED from the
service for one (1) year IN PROMULGATING ITS
to the Interest of the COURT OF APPEALS MANIFESTLY
2. The instant case against WHICH, IF PROPERLY CONSIDERED,
having been rendered
moot and academic;  
and ...
3. The instant case against
respondent MA. ELENA

Page 78 of 82
  Petitioner could not validly claim that he was
singled out for prosecution. It is of record that
administrative cases were also filed against Caronongan
and Ang, but extraneous circumstances rendered the
case against Caronongan moot while the case against
Ang was dismissed because it was proven that she
merely implemented the approved decision of the BOC.
Equally untenable is the contention that the BOCs
approval of the defective applications for TRV extension
cured any infirmities therein and effectively absolved
  petitioners administrative lapse. The instant
administrative case pertains to the acts of petitioner as
Chairman of the First Division of the BSI in processing
  nine (9) defective applications, independent of and
without regard to the action taken by the BOC. It does
RESPONDENT COURT OF not impugn the validity of the TRV extensions as to
APPEALS ALSO FAILED TO encroach upon the authority of the BID on immigration
CONSIDER THAT THE OMBUDSMANS matters. The main thrust of the case is to determine
RESOLUTION FINDING PETITIONER whether petitioner committed any misconduct,
ADMINISTRATIVELY LIABLE nonfeasance, misfeasance or malfeasance in the
CONSTITUTES AN INDIRECT performance of his duties.
Anent the second and third grounds, petitioner
  essentially puts in issue the import of the Ombudsmans
findings. Petitioner questions the Court of Appeals
The petition lacks merit. pronouncement that the findings of the Ombudsman
  may not be said to be merely recommendatory upon the
Immigration Commissioner. He argues that to uphold the
Petitioner insists that it was the BOC which approved the appellate courts ruling expands the authority granted by
questioned applications for the extension of the TRVs. the Constitution to the Office of the Ombudsman and
He denies that he misled or deceived the BOC into runs counter to prevailing jurisprudence on the matter,
approving these applications and argues that the BOC particularly Tapiador v. Office of the Ombudsman.
effectively ratified his actions and sanctioned his conduct [16]
 Petitioner submits that the Ombudsmans findings that
when it approved the subject applications. Petitioner the TRV applications were illegal constitutes an indirect
adds that he acted in good faith and the government did interference by the Ombudsman into the powers of the
not suffer any damage as a result of his alleged BOC over immigration matters.
administrative lapse.
We do not agree. The creation of the Office of the
We are not persuaded. In his attempt to escape liability, Ombudsman is a unique feature of the 1987
petitioner undermines his position in the BID and his role Constitution.[17] The Ombudsman and his deputies, as
in the processing of the subject applications. But by his protectors of the people, are mandated to act promptly
own admission,[14] it appears that the BSI not only on complaints filed in any form or manner against
transmits the applications for TRV extension and its officers or employees of the Government, or of any
supporting documents, but more importantly, it subdivision, agency or instrumentality thereof, including
interviews the applicants and evaluates their papers government-owned or controlled corporations.
before making a recommendation to the BOC. The BSI [18]
 Foremost among its powers is the authority to
reviews the applications and when it finds them in order, investigate and prosecute cases involving public officers
it executes a Memorandum of Transmittal to the BOC and employees, thus:
certifying to the regularity and propriety of the
  Section 13. The Office of the
Ombudsman shall have the following
In Arias v. Sandiganbayan,[15] we stated that all powers, functions, and duties:
heads of offices have to rely to a reasonable extent on
their subordinates. Practicality and efficiency in the  
conduct of government business dictate that the gritty (1) Investigate on its own, or on
details be sifted and reviewed by the time it reaches the complaint by any person, any
final approving authority. In the case at bar, it is not act or omission of any public
unreasonable for the BOC to rely on the evaluation and official, employee, office or
recommendation of the BSI as it cannot be expected to agency, when such act or
review every detail of each application transmitted for its omission appears to be illegal,
approval. Petitioner being the Chairman of the First unjust, improper, or inefficient.
Division of the BSI has direct supervision over its
proceedings. Thus, he cannot feign ignorance or good  
faith when the irregularities in the TRV extension
applications are so patently clear on its face. He is
principally accountable for certifying the regularity and Republic Act No. 6770, otherwise known as The
propriety of the applications which he knew were Ombudsman Act of 1989, was passed into law on
defective. November 17, 1989 and provided for the structural and

Page 79 of 82
functional organization of the Office of the Ombudsman. ... Besides, assuming arguendo, that
RA 6770 mandated the Ombudsman and his deputies petitioner were administratively liable,
not only to act promptly on complaints but also to the Ombudsman has no authority to
enforce the administrative, civil and criminal liability of directly dismiss the petitioner from the
government officers and employees in every case where government service, more particularly
the evidence warrants to promote efficient service by the from his position in the BID. Under
Government to the people.[19] Section 13, subparagraph (3), of Article
XI of the 1987 Constitution, the
Ombudsman can only recommend the
The authority of the Ombudsman to conduct removal of the public official or
administrative investigations as in the present case is employee found to be at fault, to the
settled.[20] Section 19 of RA 6770 provides: public official concerned.[22]
SEC. 19. Administrative For their part, the Solicitor General and the
Complaints. The Ombudsman shall act Office of the Ombudsman argue that the
on all complaints relating, but not limited word recommend  must be taken in conjunction with the
to acts or omissions which: phrase and ensure compliance therewith. The proper
interpretation of the Courts statement in Tapiador should
  be that the Ombudsman has the authority to determine
(1)               Are contrary to law the administrative liability of a public official or employee
or regulation; at fault, and direct and compel the head of the office or
agency concerned to implement the penalty imposed. In
(2)               Are unreasonable, other words, it merely concerns the procedural aspect of
unfair, oppressive or discriminatory; the Ombudsmans functions and not its jurisdiction.
(3)               Are inconsistent  
with the general course of an agencys
functions, though in accordance with We agree with the ratiocination of public
law; respondents. Several reasons militate against a literal
interpretation of the subject constitutional provision.
(4)               Proceed from a Firstly, a cursory reading of Tapiador reveals that the
mistake of law or an arbitrary main point of the case was the failure of the complainant
ascertainment of facts; therein to present substantial evidence to prove the
(5)               Are in the exercise charges of the administrative case. The statement that
of discretionary powers but for an made reference to the power of the Ombudsman is, at
improper purpose; or best, merely an obiter dictum and, as it is unsupported
by sufficient explanation, is susceptible to varying
(6)               Are otherwise interpretations, as what precisely is before us in this
irregular, immoral or devoid of case. Hence, it cannot be cited as a doctrinal declaration
justification. of this Court nor is it safe from judicial examination.
The point of contention is the binding power of The provisions of RA 6770 support public
any decision or order that emanates from the Office of respondents theory. Section 15 is substantially the same
the Ombudsman after it has conducted its investigation. as Section 13, Article XI of the Constitution which
Under Section 13(3) of Article XI of the 1987 provides for the powers, functions and duties of the
Constitution, it is provided: Ombudsman. We draw attention to subparagraph 3, to
Section 13. The Office of the  
Ombudsman shall have the following SEC. 15. Powers, Functions
powers, functions, and duties: and Duties.  The Office of the
  Ombudsman shall have the following
powers, functions and duties:
(3) Direct the officer concerned to take
appropriate action against a  
public official or employee at (3) Direct the officer concerned
fault, and recommend his to take appropriate action against a
removal, suspension, demotion, public officer or employee at fault or who
fine, censure, or prosecution, neglects to perform an act or discharge
and ensure compliance a duty required by law, and recommend
therewith. (Emphasis supplied) his removal, suspension, demotion, fine,
  censure, or prosecution, and ensure
compliance therewith; or enforce its
Petitioner insists that the word recommend be disciplinary authority as provided in
given its literal meaning; that is, that the Ombudsmans Section 21 of this Act: Provided, That
action is only advisory in nature rather than one having the refusal by any officer without just
any binding effect, citing Tapiador v. Office of the cause to comply with an order of the
Ombudsman,[21] thus: Ombudsman to remove, suspend,
  demote, fine, censure, or prosecute an
officer or employee who is at fault or

Page 80 of 82
who neglects to perform an act or powers to the Ombudsman; we
discharge a duty required by law shall want to give the concept of a
be a ground for disciplinary action pure Ombudsman a chance
against said officer; (Emphasis supplied) under the Constitution.
We note that the proviso above qualifies the MR. RODRIGO:
order to remove, suspend, demote, fine, censure, or
prosecute an officer or employee akin to the questioned
issuances in the case at bar. That the refusal, without Madam President, what I am
just cause, of any officer to comply with such an order of worried about is if we create a
the Ombudsman to penalize an erring officer or constitutional body which has
employee is a ground for disciplinary action, is a strong neither punitive nor prosecutory
indication that the Ombudsmans recommendation is not powers but only persuasive
merely advisory in nature but is actually mandatory powers, we might be raising the
within the bounds of law. This should not be interpreted hopes of our people too much
as usurpation by the Ombudsman of the authority of the and then disappoint them.
head of office or any officer concerned. It has long been
settled that the power of the Ombudsman to investigate
and prosecute any illegal act or omission of any public MR. MONSOD:
official is not an exclusive authority but a shared or
concurrent authority in respect of the offense charged.  
 By stating therefore that the Ombudsman I agree with the Commissioner.
recommends the action to be taken against an erring
officer or employee, the provisions in the Constitution  
and in RA 6770 intended that the implementation of the
order be coursed through the proper officer, which in this
case would be the head of the BID.
It is likewise apparent that under RA 6770, the
lawmakers intended to provide the Office of the  
Ombudsman with sufficient muscle to ensure that it can Anyway, since we state that the
effectively carry out its mandate as protector of the powers of the Ombudsman can
people against inept and corrupt government officers later on be implemented by the
and employees. The Office was granted the power to legislature, why not leave this to
punish for contempt in accordance with the Rules of the legislature?[28]
Court.[24] It was given disciplinary authority
over all elective and appointive officials of the  
government and its subdivisions, instrumentalities and MR. MONSOD:
agencies (with the exception only of impeachable
officers, members of Congress and the Judiciary).  
 Also, it can preventively suspend any officer under its
Yes, because we want to avoid
authority pending an investigation when the case so
what happened in 1973. I read
the committee report which
  recommended the approval of
the 27 resolutions for the
The foregoing interpretation is consistent with creation of the office of the
the wisdom and spirit behind the creation of the Office of Ombudsman, but
the Ombudsman. The records of the deliberations of the notwithstanding the explicit
Constitutional Commission[27] reveal the following: purpose enunciated in that
  report, the implementing law the
last one, P.D. No. 1630did not
MR. MONSOD: follow the main thrust; instead it
  created the Tanodbayan, ...
Madam President, perhaps it might be  
helpful if we give the spirit and ...
intendment of the Committee.
What we wanted to avoid is the  
situation where it deteriorates MR. MONSOD: (reacting to statements
into a prosecution arm. We of Commissioner Blas Ople):
wanted to give the idea of the
Ombudsman a chance, with  
prestige and persuasive powers,
May we just state that perhaps
and also a chance to really
the honorable Commissioner
function as a champion of the
has looked at it in too much of
an absolutist position, The
  Ombudsman is seen as a civil
advocate or a champion of the
However, we do not want to foreclose citizens against the
the possibility that in the future, bureaucracy, not against the
The Assembly, as it may see fit, President. On one hand, we are
may have to give additional told he has no teeth and he

Page 81 of 82
lacks other things. On the other dated January 15, 2004 of the Court of Appeals in CA-
hand, there is the interpretation G.R. SP No. 58264 are AFFIRMED.
that he is a competitor to the
President, as if he is being
brought up to the same level as
the President.
With respect to the argument
that he is a toothless animal, we
would like to say that we are
promoting the concept in its
form at the present, but we are
also saying that he can exercise
such powers and functions as
may be provided by law in
accordance with the direction of
the thinking of Commissioner
Rodrigo. We did not think that at
this time we should prescribe
this, but we leave it up to
Congress at some future time if
it feels that it may need to
designate what powers the
Ombudsman need in order that
he be more effective. This is not
So, his is a reversible disability,
unlike that of a eunuch; it is not
an irreversible disability.
(Emphasis supplied)[29]
It is thus clear that the framers of our Constitution
intended to create a stronger and more effective
Ombudsman, independent and beyond the reach of
political influences and vested with powers that are not
merely persuasive in character. The Constitutional
Commission left to Congress to empower the
Ombudsman with prosecutorial functions which it did
when RA 6770 was enacted. In the case of Uy v.
Sandiganbayan,[30] it was held:
Clearly, the Philippine
Ombudsman departs from the classical
Ombudsman model whose function is
merely to receive and process the
peoples complaints against corrupt and
abusive government personnel. The
Philippine Ombudsman, as protector of
the people, is armed with the power to
prosecute erring public officers and
employees, giving him an active role in
the enforcement of laws on anti-graft
and corrupt practices and such other
offenses that may be committed by such
officers and employees. The legislature
has vested him with broad powers to
enable him to implement his own
actions. ...[31]
In light of the foregoing, we hold that the Court of
Appeals did not commit any error in finding the petitioner
guilty of conduct prejudicial to the interest of the service
and reducing petitioners period of suspension to six (6)
months and one (1) day without pay, taking into account
the education and length of service of petitioner.
 WHEREFORE, the instant petition is DENIED. The
Decision dated August 28, 2003 and the Resolution

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