Future PDP
Future PDP
Future PDP
(EHD 498)
Goal # 1 (Standard #8) - Increase awareness and use of teaching methods that reach
different learning styles and make learning interesting and engaging for students.
Plan Support Needed Evidence
- Continue developing - Collaboration with other - Notes from discussions
ways to grab and hold teachers - Varied and engaging lesson
student interest - Suggestions of sources plans, with notes of
- Work on classroom for learning to adapt successes/failures within
management techniques instruction for students lesson plans
to try and keep students with disabilities - Notes on readings, with
focused - Suggestions for links to sources
- Find lesson plans from engaging class activities - Notes on collaborations, in
other teachers that seem and/or sources for person or online
to engage students, both engaging activities - Notes on student feedback,
to try out and to model or copies of student feedback
new lesson plans on. when I get it in writing.
- Continue looking for
new ideas/new sources of
information on ways to
engage students
- Engage in collaboration
with experienced social
studies teachers when
available, like through
Twitter chats
- Get student feedback on
Goal # 2 (Standard #11) Improve knowledge and use of educational technology
Plan Support Needed Evidence
I think that what I need - Suggestions of - Platform reviews
the most in this is still educational technology - Lesson plans that
practice, but I will also platforms or sources for incorporate technology
- Look for and try out platforms - Notes on suggestions from
new electronic platforms - Access to school other teachers
on my own time before network and whatever - Notes on or copies of
attempting to use them collaborating platform(s) student feedback
with a class the school uses for
- Attempt to build and working with students or
implement lesson plans for grading
that use a variety of
education technology
- Discuss with my other
teachers what platforms
they have used, and what
degree of success they
have had with each