Sample DH Rvm1
Sample DH Rvm1
Sample DH Rvm1
Leandro Magatão
Abstract: Robots' kinematic models are the base for the study of robotics and the
construction of the dynamic models used for robots’ control and simulation. Lack of a
well established procedure for obtaining the kinematic model may lead to a trial and
error process, resulting in waste of time and effort. With a didactic perspective in mind,
a simple and intuitive modeling method is presented. This method facilitates learning
and reduces the occurrence of mistakes in the construction of the forward kinematic
model. The presented method, in opposition to the available ones, does not require that
the robot be in any special pose. Any pose can be used, what is also an important
practical advantage.
1 Introduction
Kinematics describes – in robotics – the relations among the movements of joints and
links of a robot. The joint variables express the position of joints. These positions are
given as an angular measure for revolute joints and as a linear measure for prismatic
joints. Through kinematics, a mapping among joint variables and the position and
orientation is generated for each robot link. The mappings are static, with no concerns
about speed (Craig, 1986). Position and orientation of robot’s links are defined
attaching a coordinates system – also called frame – to each link. Therefore, the
problem evolves to describing the relative position and orientation of the frames.
The most convenient places to locate the frames on a link are the joints, making one of
the coordinated axes to match the joint axis. Since an internal link has two joints, it is
possible to choose the “closer joint” or the “distant joint”, when the base of the robot is
taken as a reference. Craig (1986) prefers the closer joint but many authors, Gonzalez
et al. (1987), Niku (2001), Paul (1981), Sciavicco & Siciliano (1996) and Stone (1987),
prefer the distant joint.
In order to reduce the number of parameters, Denavit & Hartenberg (1955) have
restricted the relative position and orientation of two adjacent frames making one of the
Third International Conference on Production Research –
Americas’ Region 2006 (ICPR-AM06)
axes (the X axis) falls on the mutual perspective of the joint axes (Z axes) of the same
link. Consequently, one degree of freedom of orientation and one of positioning are
eliminated. By abuse of notation, the coordinated systems axes are named by the
versor parallel to the axis.
In order to construct the forward kinematic model, steps i to iv were established by
Craig (1986):
i. starting by the robot’s base, all links are numbered. Robot’s base receives
number zero and the end-effector (also named as tool) receives number N ;
ii. joint’s axes are numbered from 1 to N , according to links’ numbers. That is,
the joint that is closer to the base receives number 1 and the last joint
receives number N ;
iii. axis Zˆ i of each frame must match the joint axis;
The homogeneous transformation matrix that relates two adjacent frames is a function
of three parameters and one joint variable:
• a i −1 is the distance from Zˆ i −1 to Zˆ i measured along Xˆ i −1 and it is called link
The Fig. 1 illustrates these geometric relations. Note that two parameters ( a i −1 and
α i −1 ) are link specific characteristics while d i and θ i depend on the relationship of two
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Americas’ Region 2006 (ICPR-AM06)
consecutive links. The joint variable will be d i if the joint is for prismatic type and θ i if
the joint is a revolute one.
In order to reach the frame i from frame i − 1 it is necessary:
• translate along Xˆ i −1 by a distance α i −1 ;
Axis i Axis i + 1
Link i
Axis i − 1
Link i − 1
Yˆi +1
Zˆ i +1
Xˆ i +1
Zˆ i di
Zˆ i −1 Xˆ i
i −1
Xˆ i −1 θi
a i −1
α i −1
Zˆ i
Considering moving axes (the movement is executed in respect to the result of the
preceding moment and not in respect to fixed axes), the homogenous transformation,
which describes the frame i in respect to frame i − 1 , can be defined by equation (1)
(Craing, 1986):
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Americas’ Region 2006 (ICPR-AM06)
i −1
iT = Transl(a i −1, 0, 0).RotX(α i −1 ). Transl(d i ).RotZ(0, 0,θ i ) =
⎡ cθi − sθi 0 a i −1 ⎤
⎢c α s θ c α c θ − s α ⎥
i −1 − d i s α i −1 ⎥
= ⎢ i −1 i i −1 i
⎢s α i −1 s θ i s α i −1 c θ i c α i −1 d i c α i −1 ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎣ 0 0 0 1 ⎦
where c is the co-sine function and s is the sine function. The equation (1) can be
viewed as a function of a i −1 , α i −1 , d i and θ i .
i −1
To build up and simplify the matrices iT given by equation (1), it is interesting to use
a Computer Algebra System. One of these software successfully used by the authors is
the MuPAD (2003).
The goal of this method is to obtain the set of all four parameters that are necessary for
the determination of the forward kinematic model of any industrial robot. The steps of
the proposed method are:
i. Choose a reference pose (a position specific position for all joint axes). It is
convenient to have a drawing of the robot in this pose. Although any sketch may
do, some of them are not easy to work with, as indicated in Fig. 2.a. It is
advisable to use orthogonal projections, as presented in Fig. 2.b. Notice that
Robot configuration or the position and orientation of all links that, together, determine
exactly how the robot is in a given time.
Configuration that the robot poses when all joint variables are null.
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Americas’ Region 2006 (ICPR-AM06)
attention must be given to the relations among joints and frames, but the robot’s
shape and look are of no use during the modeling procedure. Therefore, it may
also be worthwhile to use simplified sketches that only represent joints and
links, as shown in Fig. 2.c. Moreover, it is not necessary that the chosen pose
be actually achievable, meaning that it is possible to choose a pose out of the
joint variable’s limits.
ii. Treat the joint variables as ordinary parameters. Later on (step x), these
“parameters” will be transformed in initial values for the joint variables, or the
needed values for joint variables, in order to reach the reference pose.
iii. Axes and frames will be numbered, starting at the base of the robot. Thereafter,
base’s frame will receive number 0, while first joint’s axes (and frame) will
receive number 1, and the end-effector’s axes will receive number N . Observe
that this numeration schema implies in movement subordination. Remember
that the smallest number corresponds to the axis that stands still while the other
axis moves. This is of particular significance when two axes cross.
iv. Set the axes Zˆ i (i = 1, 2, 3,K,N ) matching the axes of the revolute joint or
parallel to the axes of prismatic joints. Attention must be given to the desired
orientation of the joint variables, while setting the direction of any axis Zˆ i . For
the prismatic joints, Zˆ i points to the same direction of the growing of the joint
variable. For the revolute joint, use the “right hand rule” where the thumb is
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Americas’ Region 2006 (ICPR-AM06)
aligned with the joint axis (and Zˆ i ) and the other fingers give the growing
Zˆ 5
Zˆ 2 Zˆ 3 Zˆ 4
v. Set all axes Xˆ i (i = 1, 2, 3,K,N − 1) in such a way that any axis Xˆ i must fall in
are not parallel, while intersecting or not each other, the direction of Xˆ i will be
given by Xˆ i //( Zˆ i × Zˆ i +1 ) . Usually, this procedure is a good hint for the frame
origin determination, but the only purpose of this step is to set the directions of
all axes Xˆ i . All frame origins are set in step x. Fig. 4 presents all axes Xˆ i (as
Xˆ 1 Xˆ 2 Xˆ 3 Zˆ 5
Zˆ 2 Zˆ1 Zˆ 3 Zˆ 4 Xˆ 4 Xˆ 5
vi. The direction of axis Xˆ N (associated to the last link and the end-effector) may
vii. Set the origins for all frames, starting by the end-effector and working down
towards the base. Try to align axes Xˆ i or Zˆ i with any axes of frames {i + 1} or
Xˆ 1 Xˆ 2 Xˆ 3 Zˆ
Zˆ 2 Zˆ1 Zˆ 3 Zˆ 5 Xˆ 4 Xˆ 5
Zˆ 0
Xˆ 0
viii. Locate frame {0} – that is, the BASE frame. Basically, there are two options:
• To make the frame {0} = {1} . In this case a 0 , α 0 , d 1 , and θ1 will be null; or
In the example, Mitsubishi (1994) uses a base frame on the mounting surface with axis
Zˆ 0 pointing up and axis Xˆ 0 being perpendicular to the paper plane, as shown in Fig. 5.
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ix. Build up a table with N rows, one row for each joint. The parameters
associated to each frame (link) will be recorded in a row of this table. Thus, four
columns are needed to register: a i −1 - the length of link (i − 1) ; α i −1 - the twist of
link (i − 1) ; d i - the offset of joint i ; and θ i - the angle of joint i . Consider the
joint variable as a regular parameter (with a defined numerical value). Begin
with the first line ( i = 1, associated to the frame {0} and the homogeneous
transformation from the frame {0} to {1} ). Determine the necessary movements
(lengths and angles) to set the frame {i − 1} to coincide with frame {i } . In order
to accomplish this, it is necessary to:
• Rotate the new frame about its own axis Zˆ i (the same of the frame {i } ) by
Never change the order of the above rules: always rotate and displace over axis Xˆ i −1
In the example, in order to make frame {0} match frame {0} , it is necessary to rotate
by + 180 0 about Xˆ 0 . Then the new frame must be rotate by − 90 0 about Zˆ1 in order to
that d i for the first row ( i = 1) of Table 1 is negative because the displacement must be
done in opposite direction of the axis Zˆ1 . It is better to consider d 1 = 300 mm (positive)
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Americas’ Region 2006 (ICPR-AM06)
and use a negative symbol ( − d 1 ) into the table than to use a negative displacement
because people tend to forget that the displacement is negative.
In order to make frame {1} match frame {2} , it is only necessary to rotate by − 90 0
about Xˆ 1 . In order to make frame {2} match frame {3} , it is only necessary to displace
frame {2} by a distance of a 2 along Xˆ 2 . In order to make frame {3} match frame { 4} ,
+ 900 . Care should be taken when registering the values on the table, since there are
two angles and two lengths. They must be set according to the reference axis. Table 1
shows all the rows ( i = 1,K5 ) for the example robot.
i i −1
α i −1 a i −1 θi di
1 0
1 180 0 0 − 90 0 −d1
2 2T − 90 0 0 0 0
3 2
3T 0 a2 0 0
4 3
4T 0 a3 − 90 0 0
5 5T + 90 0 0 0 0
x. Add the joint variable to the tabled “parameters” according to the joint type ( θ i
for revolute joint and d i for prismatic ones). Observe that, in the cases of joint
variables, the values shown in Table 1 become joint variable’s offsets (initial
values). The complete kinematic description of the example robot is shown in
Table 2.
If Xˆ i (with i = 1, 2, 3,K,N ) are all parallel, all the revolute joint variable’s offsets will be
null. In the cases when the joint variable’s offsets are not null (as joint 1 and 4 in the
example), the use of a Matlab toolbox (Corke, 1996; Matlab, 1993) to validate the
robot’s model will not be possible. This can be avoided finding out another reference
pose such as all the Xˆ i being parallel. To find out this pose is a bit tricky procedure
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because it is hard to imagine all the axes moving at the same time. This approach is
adopted by many authors like Craig (1986), Gonzalez et al. (1987), Niku (2001), Paul
(1981), Sciavicco & Siciliano (1996), and Stone (1987).
i i −1
α i −1 a i −1 θi di
1 0
1 180 0 0 θ1 − 90 0 −d1
2 1
2 − 90 0 0 θ2 0
3 2
3 0 a2 θ3 0
4 3
4 0 a3 θ 4 − 90 0 0
5 4
5 + 90 0 0 θ5 0
In a simpler way, it is possible to consider that the reference pose is not the zero pose
in order to avoid non-nulls initial values. For this approach, in the given example,
θ1 = θ 4 = −90 0 and θ 2 = θ 3 = θ 5 = 0 set the robot just like the reference pose shown in
Fig. 5. In order to find the zero pose, it is enough to turn θ1 and θ 4 by + 90 0 . In the
If the zero pose is taken as the reference pose, the admissible values for θ1 will be
from − 240 0 to + 60 0 (and not from − 150 0 to + 150 0 ) and for θ 4 will be from − 180 0 to
00 (and not from − 90 0 to + 90 0 ). With this approach, it is possible to use the Matlab
toolbox (Corke, 1996; Matlab, 1993).
Note that the kinematic model stops at the wrist. The wrist can be viewed as: 1) one
point where the last two joints’ axes cross; 2) the origin of the frame that sets the
position and orientation of the last link (but not the tool). To model the position and
orientation of the link instead of the end-effectors brings simpler kinematic equations.
Also, the kinematic equations are independent from the end-effector (type, size, etc.).
Thus, one can change the tool without any need for remodeling.
An analysis of the most frequently made mistake of students points out that care should
be taken in step v. Four possible situations should be considered:
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Americas’ Region 2006 (ICPR-AM06)
• the joint axes ( Zˆ i and Zˆ i +1 ) are parallel: Xˆ i will be in the same plane that
them (since they are parallel). The origin of the frame {i } will be only known in
the step vii;
• the joint axes coincide: in this case there is quite a bit of freedom in Xˆ i
Through equation (1), it is easy to get a description of the robot’s wrist as a function of
the joint variables: apply equation (1) for each row of the Table 2, obtaining N
homogenous transformations; multiply every obtained homogenous transformation.
However, this procedure leads to a description of the wrist, not the end-effector. Hence,
it is necessary to include a constant homogenous transformation NTT to describe the
position and orientation of the end-effector in respect to the wrist.
Third International Conference on Production Research –
Americas’ Region 2006 (ICPR-AM06)
The equation (2) calculates the homogenous transformation TST as a function of the
joint variables.
TT =S0T 01T 21T 23T KN N−1T N
TT (2)
N −1
where 0
1T to NT are obtained from equation (1) and both TST and NT T are constants.
Since all the details of end-effectors are included in the matrix NTT , it is possible to
derive a forward and inverse kinematic that is generic. In addition, it is possible to
chance the end-effect without the need for any remodeling.
5 Conclusions
The presented method has been tested for more than four years with roughly two
hundred undergraduate students. Comparing to the traditional methods, the students
have reported better understanding than the traditional approaches. The easiness of
using a computer algebra system is also an attractive point. Probably, the most
important feature is the fact that the presented method does not request a priori
knowledge of a specific pose, called zero pose, to be applied. This pose, in with all Xˆ i
axes are parallel to each other, is usually hard to be found.
Corke, P. I. A Robotics Toolbox for MATLAB. IEEE Robotics and Automation
Magazine, v. 3(1), pp. 24-32, March 1996.
Denavit, J.; Hartenberg, R. S. A Kinematic Notation for Lower Pair Mechanisms Based
on Matrices, Transaction of the ASME, Journal of Applied Mechanics, v. 22, pp. 215-
221, 1955.
Gonzalez, R. C.; Fu, K. S.; Lee, C. S. Robotics : control, sensing, vision, and
inteligence. New Yourk : McGraw-Hill, 1987.
MATLAB, Matlab with Simulink. MATLAB version 4.0, SIMULINK version 1.2c.
Mathematic software for matrices processing and meta language. The MathWorks Inc.
CEFET-PR, August 4th, 1993. IBM-PC.
MuPAD, MuPAD Light Version 2.5.3. Computer algebra system. Paderborn University,
Alemanha. Licenced to : “Luis Paulo Laus, September 11th, 2003” as a courtesy of
Paderborn University. IBM-PC compatible, Windows.
Sciavicco, L.; Siciliano, B. Modeling and control of robot manipulators, New York :
McGraw-Hill, 1996.