Numerical Analysis of Sunroof Buffeting: J. S. Rao, M. Saravana Kumar and Ashish Singh
Numerical Analysis of Sunroof Buffeting: J. S. Rao, M. Saravana Kumar and Ashish Singh
Numerical Analysis of Sunroof Buffeting: J. S. Rao, M. Saravana Kumar and Ashish Singh
In equation (1) the right hand side terms in order are where, A is the area of the opening, L, length of the
neck, V, volume of the cavity or cabin and c is the
1. Tij ~ Lighthill’s stress tensor which contains velocity of the sound. It can be observed that larger
velocity variations related acoustic source terms opening area gives higher frequency since air can rush
equation (2) (Quadrupole) and entropy acoustic in and out faster. Larger volume gives lower frequency
source terms since more air must move out to relieve a given pressure
excess. Also larger neck gives lower frequency because
2. Dipole sources are due to pressure variations at of more resistance to air moving in or out.
physical solid surface
The physics of generation and convection of vortices
3. Monopole sources are due to displacements of from the shear layer along the sunroof can be explained
fluid by accelerating/decelerating surfaces. in the following way. As the self-sustained oscillations
inside open cavity (sunroof) become prominent at certain
Correct prediction of these source terms is dependent on range of flow velocities, vortices are shed at the leading
flow field results accuracy. RANS equations are time edge of cavity opening and continue to be convected
averaged hence miss the accountability of fluctuations. along the opening length as pressure inside cabin
Large Eddy Simulation LES is a transient turbulence changes. These vortices are found to be convected with
model that falls midway between RANS and DNS convective velocity half of the mean flow velocity [5, 6].
models. Large eddies contain most of the turbulent At the rear edge of opening, these vortices break and
kinetic energy; scale sizes are on the order of the flow generate pressure wave which enters in the cavity
passages. The energy cascades from large to small generating high amplitude noise for driver and
eddies and small eddies dissipate the energy they passengers who are sitting inside the resonant body
receive from larger eddies in the spectrum. In acoustics itself. Based on convective velocity of hydrodynamic
studies large eddies are captured in the flow which act instabilities, another formulation for vortex shedding
as sources for sound propagation. frequency can be given as
Gt CGx / u local The flow field data obtained from computation is used for
the aero-acoustic analysis. The only means to get the
(6) sound pressure level (amplitude) is to do the spectral
analysis. It requires the transformed source signals
To analyze acoustic signals, a receiver point (Fig 3c) at through Ffowcs William and Hawkings equation in the
driver location is specified since the cabin is supposed to form of acoustic signals. The Fast Fourier Transform
affect by buffeting noise. The free stream velocity is (FFT) of the acoustic signals at the receiver location
taken 25m/s, which is close to bringing the resonance produces frequency spectrum where the Sound
condition with the car cavity. After the baseline analysis, Pressure Level is analyzed for different tones in sunroof
different geometries for the sunroof are studied using buffeting. In the current analysis the driver location is set
morphing in Hypermesh and the one that gives a as a receiver point and the signals are analyzed for
substantial reduction in the noise level is denoted baseline and optimized case. The run is extended for
optimized geometry, see Table 1 and Fig. 3d. double the traveling time and flow field simulations are
entered as input to computational aero-acoustic
analysis. The FFT spectrum Fig. 6 obtained from
baseline run gives a SPL peak at 98dB corresponding to
68Hz frequency. Other high modes are also present at
different frequencies. The highest mode corresponds to 8. Henderson, B., “Category 6, Automobile Noise
resonance condition between vortex shedding and Involving Feedback-Sound generation by Low
Helmholtz frequency. Spectrum shows that apart from Speed Cavity Flows”, Third Computational
the turbulent broadband noise there is a recognizable Aeroacoustics (CAA) Workshop on Benchmark
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10dB low compared to others [10] and this difference is 9. Ota, D. K., Chakravarthy, S. R., Becker, T and
attributed to two dimensional simulations taken for Sturzenegger, T., ``Computational Study of
present work rather than three dimensional works in [8]. Resonance Suppression of Open Sunroofs’’, Journal
Similar run for optimized case produces more like of Fluids Engineering, vol. 116, pp 877-882, 1994.
broadband signals in Fig. 7. No separate high amplitude 10. Singh, R, ``Sunroof Buffeting Simulations Using
tone is figured out here. The noise level is reduced by
Pam-FLOW’’, Ameripam-2001, User’s Conference,
5dB approximately for the same resonance frequency.
Nov. 2001.
This reduction in noise level is related to low vortex
breakdown at the rear edge of opening.
Professor J. S. Rao, ASME Fellow, is currently Chief
Science Officer, Altair Engineering, Bangalore. He is
An acoustic analysis is performed for sunroof opening
also President of The Vibration Institute of India, and
noise at resonance condition. The flow physics is
Director on the Board of GMR Energy Group, Bangalore.
explained through analysis and the frequency spectrums
Dr. Rao obtained his Ph D (1963) and D Sc (1971) from
for baseline and optimized case are compared. Current
IIT Kharagpur; He has been chairman and BHEL Chair
work is able to reduce the noise level up to 5dB for
Professor in Mechanical Engineering at IIT Delhi and
optimized case. The baseline noise tones are compared
Visiting Professor at University of Surrey, National
well with others work. The optimized shape is generated
Institute of Applied Sciences, Lyon, Concordia
through morphing on Hypermesh. Further work on
University, Rochester Institute of Technology, Technical
optimization demands a synchronized development of
University, Kassel, National Chung Cheng University,
flow filed and prediction of higher tones. This will be
Chia-Yi, The University of New South Wales, Sydney.
achieved though an optimization study on Hyperstudy
He has been a Consultant to GTRE, BHEL, ISRO in
along with the simultaneous run on Fluent.
India, Washington Metro and Stress Technology Inc., in
USA and Twyflex Couplings in England, Institute of Fluid
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Flow Machinery Polish Academy of Sciences, Taipower
Company Taipei etc. He successfully led a team of
The authors are grateful to Altair Engineering India Pvt BHEL engineers in investigating the complete
Ltd for their support in this work. catastrophic failure of Narora Atomic Power plant; fixing
up annoying squeal problem of Washington Metro trains,
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Fig. 1 Sound Sources
5D 4D 23D
Fig. 4 Contours based on flow field data
Fig. 5 Convecting eddies in the opening area for baseline and optimized case
Fig. 6 Frequency spectrum for baseline case