The Iron and Manganese Content of Plants Present in The Natural Vegetation of The English Lake District

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The Iron and Manganese Content of Plants present in

the Natural Vegetation of the English Lake District


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(Botany Department, University College, London)
With six Figures in the Text

Estimations of iron and manganese have been made on ninety-six species of
plants (including fungi, mosses, ferns, and flowering plants) from a wide range of
natural habitats. These plants normally contain more of both elements than is
usual in crop plants grown on cultivated fields, probably owing to the greater
acidity and humus content of the natural soils. The amount present varies with
the individual species, the plant group, and the type of habitat. While some
species and groups tend to take up iron or manganese selectively, both the
absolute amounts and the ratio of the two elements may vary widely without
apparent injury to the plant. In general, these elements accumulate most in
aquatic plants growing on organic and anaerobic muds. The lowest amounts
are found in species characteristic of flushed brown earths and in plants from
drained acid peats. The fruiting bodies of fungi contain little of either element.


I N recent years much attention has been given to the role of minor elements
in plant nutrition. However, most of the work on this subject has been
devoted to species of agricultural importance, growing in pots or on cultivated
soils. Therefore, when an opportunity arose of obtaining vegetation from a
wide range of natural habitats, it was felt that analyses for certain of the minor
elements might be worth while both intrinsically and for comparison with the
data available on crop plants.
Iron and manganese were chosen for study as being likely to show marked
differences in amount according to the habitats in which the plants grow.
Uptake of these two elements is presumably related, at least in part, to the
concentration of soluble forms in the external medium. Thus it might be
expected that the availability of iron and manganese would be conditioned by
three factors which may vary widely in the soil:
(1) hydrogen-ion concentration,
(2) redox potential,
(3) organic content.
[Annals of Botany, N.S. Vol. XV, No. 68, April 1951.]
248 Mayer and Gorham—Iron and Manganese Content of Plants
It is well known that the solubility of iron and manganese compounds generally
rises with increasing acidity. Also, anaerobic conditions in the soil have been
shown to bring about the reduction of ferric ions and compounds to ferrous
forms (Pearsall, 1938; Misra, 1938; Mortimer, 1941). That these are more
mobile and able to enter the soil-exchange complex has been demonstrated by
Ignatieff (1941) and Gorham (1949). In the presence of organic matter a
variety of complex iron humates may be formed. McMurtrey and Robinson
(1938) claim that these may remain stable and soluble in conditions of acidity
and oxidation at which the element in its ionic state would precipitate as ferric
hydroxide. As an example of the influence of organic compounds we may cite
the work of Hopkins and Wann (1926), who showed that iron remains avail-

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able to the alga Chlorella in culture solutions at pH 6 only if citrate is added to
the medium to prevent its precipitation. In contrast, Bremner et al. (1946)
suggest the presence in soils of polyvalent metallo-organic complexes' which
appear to be non-exchangeable and insoluble in water. These compounds are,
however, broken down by organic ions such as citrate and malate, which are
known to form co-ordination complexes with polyvalent metals. In all these ex-
amples it is probable that manganese and iron may behave in similar fashion.
Another possible influence on the uptake of these elements has been sug-
gested by Olsen (1934). He believes that the concentrations of other elements
in the soil may strongly affect manganese uptake. From what is known of
mineral metabolism in general, this seems highly probable.
From the above it would seem that a clear correlation of iron or manganese
uptake with any one soil factor is rather unlikely. And in fact it is impossible
at present to attempt the explanation of many of the results of this survey.
Their interpretation must await further knowledge of the chemistry of iron
and manganese in the soil as well as of their physiological role in plants.

The samples were all collected in the southern part of the Lake District, an
area of marked relief and high rainfall. The soils are mostly glacial loams and
clays deposited over Silurian slates and grits, but plants have also been taken
from the occasional limestone outcrops. The habitats sampled may be classed
as follows:
I. Woodland soils
Calcareous, neutral, and seldom highly organic.
Slightly acid flushed brown earths having a mull type of humus mixed
with the mineral horizons.
Highly leached podzolic soils, with an acid mor humus tending to
accumulate on the surface.
II. Waterlogged soils
Underwater soils, usually slightly acid, anaerobic, and strongly reducing
at rooting levels (Misra, 1938). Ignition loss less than 30 per cent.
present in the Natural Vegetation of the English Lake District 249
Semi-aquatic, ranging from inorganic (silted) marsh soils to highly
organic fen and lacustrine peats. Generally moderately reducing,
but sometimes oxidized during the summer (Pearsall, 1938), and
exhibiting a considerable range of acidity.
Raised bog peats, formed in regions of high humidity by the growth of
the bog moss {Sphagnum), on waterlogged sites once the level of peat
deposition hasrisenabove the influence of ground water. The bogs con-
sidered here have all ceased to grow in size or extent, and have been
much cut and drained. Drainage has resulted in oxidation of the
surface peat, which accounts for its high acidity (Pearsall, 1938a).
However, reducing conditions probably obtain during much of the

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growing season, as the peats are still very wet. A further consequence
of drainage is the change from Sphagnum to Calluna vulgaris and
Eriophorum vaginatum as the dominant species.
It should be emphasized that there is a good deal of intergradation in this
Sampling. The plants and the soils in which they were rooted were collected
during June, July, and August of 1948 and 1949, an effort being made to
sample individuals of the same group of plants at the same time. The wood-
land trees were all taken in the seedling state.
Leaves were taken except in the case of the fungi, of which the fruiting tops
were selected, and the mosses and grassy plants, where the green tops were
sampled. All leaves on the plants were collected. The analyses therefore give
results for the chief photosynthetic organs, except for the fungi. Only fresh
healthy tissues were sampled, from normal plants growing in what appeared
(with one or two exceptions as noted) to be their natural habitats. While
fresh they were carefully washed with water to exclude surface contamination
as far as possible. Afterwards they were placed in a drying-room and stored
when air-dry. Three hundred to one thousand milligrams of material were
normally used for analysis, but in a few cases of usually solitary species such
as Solidago as little as 50 mg. were used.
Drying and ashing. Both soils and plants were dried at ioo° C. to constant
weight and ashed at about 5500 C.
Preparation of plant ash for analysis. The ash was extracted with 2 ml. of
concentrated hydrochloric acid at 60-700 C. The extract was then diluted to
50 ml. with distilled water and divided into two parts for subsequent analysis.
Iron estimation. 1 ml. of 3N potassium thiocyanate was added to the above
extract. The red colour obtained was then compared in a visual colorimeter
with a standard iron solution, prepared from reduced iron dissolved in con-
centrated hydrochloric acid and diluted as required.
Manganese estimation. 1 ml. of phosphoric acid was added to the prepared
extract, followed by 0-5-1-0 g. of potassium periodate. The solution was then
boiled for 3 minutes, allowed to cool, and made up again to standard volume.
250 Mayer and Gorham—Iron and Manganese Content of Plants
Care had to be taken that the periodate was present in excess, so that the solu-.
tion did not fade on cooling. Comparison, using a standard prepared from
potassium permanganate, was again carried out in the visual colorimeter,
phosphoric acid and potassium periodate being added to prevent decomposi-
tion during the matching.
pH of the soil. For this determination a glass electrode was used on un-
diluted soil which had been stored at low temperature in specimen tubes
without drying. Tests on fresh and stored soils indicated that the changes on
storage were within the normal range of variation for individual samples from
the same site during the summer.
While errors are liable to arise from the rather small size of the samples,

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with consequent difficulty in obtaining homogeneity, the results suggest that
these errors lie well within the normal range of variation of the individual
species. It is not possible to say how far the results are affected by variation
in the age of the plants when collected, or by the differences in the parts
sampled from groups such as grass and herbs.
In the presentation of the data, ash is shown as per cent, of dry weight,
manganese and iron are given as milligrams per hundred grammes of dry
matter (throughout the text referred to simply as milligrams). Soil ignition
loss is given as per cent, dry weight.

The analytical results for the individual species are presented in Tables I to
IX, in each of which the results are arranged in order of soil pH and with the
organic content of the soil added for reference. The tables group the species
under the general headings of (I) woodland plants and (II) plants from wet
soils. For the woodland species, it has been found convenient to sort out
various groups of plants for separate consideration. The plants of wet soils
have been grouped differently, according to the three main habitat types.
Attention is drawn below to certain features of general interest.
I. Woodland plants
Mosses (Table I). This group of plants shows a striking tendency to
accumulate iron, the highest figure being 400 mg. Over half the iron values
are above the maximum recorded for manganese, which is 77 mg. for a sample
of Plagiothecium elegans from a conifer wood.
These mosses are representative of three types of habitat. The first three
species in Table I were sampled from crevices in impure Coniston limestone
and show a high iron content. The next five were on leached mineral soil and
show the lowest values for iron among the three groups. The last three
specimens were growing on organic mor humus accumulations and these also
show a high iron uptake, though less than that of the first group. Dicranum
majus, which was sampled on all three habitats, shows the same picture as the
group results. It would appear from this that the impure limestones and the
mor humus contain relatively more available iron than the leached mineral
present in the Natural Vegetation of the English Lake District 251

Mn Fe
Ash mg. per mg. per Loss on
%dry 100 g. 100 g. ignition
Species. wt. dry wt. dry wt. pH. % dry wt
Trichottomum tortuosum II-I 66 400 6-92
Hypnum moUuscum • 8-7 59 204 658 -~-
Dicranum majus* . 30 16 166 611 35
Catharinea undulata 31 10 S 470 16
Plagiothedum elegant 61 77 30 4-48 19

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Mmum horman 57 23 12 419 20
Catharinea undulata 4-0 25 69 398 25
Dicranum majus . 5-3 17 13 394 23
Hypnum schreberi 3*2 15 86 3-68 94
Leucobryum glaucum 2-8 8 no 2-93 72
Dicranum majus . . 36 5 160 273 95
• From atypical habitat.

soil. Much of the available iron in the last soil has presumably been leached
from the surface and is therefore beyond reach of the mosses.
It is of some interest that the two calcicole species, Trichostomum tortuosum
and Hypnum moUuscum, have the highest amounts of ash and iron and are also
relatively high in manganese.
Ferns (Table II). Among these plants, in contrast to the mosses, there
appears to be no selective accumulation of either element to any great extent.
The upper level for iron is 53 mg. and the manganese content is usually below
42 mg.
Mn Fe
Ash mg. per mg. per Loss on
%dry - 100 g. 100 g. ignition
Species. wt. dry wt. dry wt. pH. % drywt
Phyllitis scolopendrium . I2'O 18 20 705 —
Gymnocarpium robertianum . . 8-8 20 20 6-70 —
Dryopteris filix-mas 94 13 39 5 45 18
Athyrium filix-femina . • ii-4 9 47 5 43 9
Pteridium aquilinum 7-7 33 26 476 14
Gymnocarpium dryopteris 91 26 35 473 12
Blechnum spicant. • 8-3 29 16 458 18
Thelypteris phegopteris . . 89 20 . 53 4-52 12
Dryopteris spinulosa 73 140 21 410 19
„ filix-mas 59 12 23 367 50
Polypodium vulgare . 36 21 40 ' 2-88 80
Dryopteris spinulosa 43 42 26 2-48 68

A single exception is the case of Dryopteris spinulosa, one specimen of which

contained 140 mg. of manganese. This was the only fern collected from a
252 Mayer and Gorham—Iron and Manganese Content of Plants
conifer wood and may be compared with Plagiothecium elegans, which had the
highest level of manganese among the mosses.
Grasses (Table III). Of the grasses selected for analysis most attention has
been given to three species characteristic of different soil types. Brachypodium
sylvaticum is a species of flushed brown earths, Holcus mollis is most frequently
found on moderately leached soils, and Deschampsiaflexuosais one of the
dominant plants on the most acid and heavily leached podzolic soils.


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r c
Ash mg. per mg. per Loss on
%-dry 100 g. 100 g. ignition
Species. wt. dry wt. dry wt. P H. % dry wt
Melica umflora 8-8 16 21 7-06 —
Sesleria caendea . 60 68 28 680 —
Brachypodium sylvaticum 72 82 18 699 —
7-9 16 28 6*24 30
8-8 0 29 618 21
8-i 11 8 575 27
98 9 23 5 49 11
90 39 11 5-34 11
6-6 16 29 506 14
7-4 64 43 4-80 15
5-i 26 20 473 9
Deschampsia caespitosa 90 34 25 5-34 27
Mdica umflora 8-5 15 22 5-24 11
Holcus mollis 8-i 89 14 4-57 18
5'7 35 13 415 20
I2-O 28 18 3 92 17
80 47 25 3-90 24
8-3 44 29 3-85 46
5"4 56 18 372 52
Festuca sylvatica 5'2 36 18 4-22 20
Deschampsia flexuosa 4-8* 10 54 560 42
7-0 63 67 4-7O 19
69 171 57 4-22 32
69 240 54 3 95 18
54 48 15 364 9
5-8 123 no 360 61
7-1 6 7 338 43
5-6 i45 58 338 75
• From atypical habitat.

Deschampsiaflexuosashows the greatest uptake of both elements. The

upper limit of manganese in this species is 240 mg., and of iron n o mg.
Holcus generally exceeds Brachypodium in manganese, ranging from 28 to 89
as compared with o to 82 mg.; while iron is roughly similar in both species
and is always below 44 mg.
Although Deschampsiaflexuosausually contains fairly large amounts of both
elements, it appears able to grow normally with relatively low levels of iron
and manganese in its tissues. For example, one collection, from an abundant
present in the Natural Vegetation of the English Lake District 253
growth on an acid leached soil with a grey Aj horizon, contained only 6 mg.
of manganese and 7 mg. of iron per hundred grammes dry weight. This sug-
gests that, most of the available soil reserve of the two elements had been
leached beyond reach of the grass roots.
Herbs (Table IV). Here again three species have been given special atten-
tion. MercuriaUs peremtis is perhaps the most characteristic plant of the
flushed habitats, while Digitalis purpurea and Solidago virgaurea grow over
the whole range of woodland soils. The results, however, are not very

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Mn Fe
Ash mg. per mg. per Loss on
'/odry 100 g. 100 g. ignition
Species. wt. dry wt. dry wt. pH. % dry wt
Primula vulgar•« . 15-8 22 21 7-33 —
Geranium robertiamtm 7-4 46 46 650 —
Mercurialit perennu 17-8 23 12 71S —
134 0 24 6-12 19
iS-8 8 44 551 19
I2'S 9 54 5'44 16
124 7. 42 5-4O 20
145 41 82 S-i4 14
Digitalis purpurea I2'I 1 3O 6-70 —
I5-I 97 Si 456 27
127 64 68 4-40 20
8-o 4i 4i 416 26
64 4i 50 4-20 33
7-3 88 22 400 21
Solidago virgaurea IO-2 14 9 6-8o —
113 I2O 36 472 13
IO-I 49 18 4-60 52
IO'I 46 33 449 22
8-8 48 24 4-4° 29
IO-I S3 23 4-25 34
Primula vulgaris . 104 21 47 4-62 IS
Oxatis acetosella . 8-8 26 19 4-04 14
Melampyrum pratense . 64 Si 33 3-28 87

There is no strong accumulation of either element, manganese being always

below 121 mg. and iron less than 82 mg. Of the various plant groups studied,
herbs have the greatest mineral intake as shown by ash content. It would
appear, then, that iron and manganese in this group form a relatively less
important proportion of the total mineral consumption than in any other
green plants.
In five out of six cases MercuriaUs has more iron than manganese, the latter
being always under 42 mg. and generally less than in the other two species. In
all six samples of Solidago, on the other hand, manganese exceeds iron.
Woody plants (Table V). The most evident feature of this group of plants
is the high level of manganese in most species, coupled with very low figures
254 Mayer and Gotham—Iron and Manganese Content of Plants
for iron. Manganese ranges up to 386 mg., and seven samples exceed 100 mg.,
while iron never rises above 43 mg.

Woody Plants
Mn Fe
Ash mg. per mg. per Loss on
%dry 100 g. 100 g. ignition
Species. wt. dry wt. dry wt. pH. % dry wt
Taxus baccata . 78 130 7 756 —
Fraxinus excelsior 95 24 27 716 —

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it >> • 97 37 12 6-25 —
»> »» 91 22 44 541 18
>» >» 97 34 17 490 16
Sorbus aucuparia . . • . 6-8 26 11 568 —
tt tt • 36 5 13 4-53 12
>» >» . 5-8 21 11 442 18
Corylus avellana . 47 114 14 4-45 10
Quercus petraea . 39 386 20 4-89 18
Fagus sylvatica 35 140 18 4-80 14
Betula pubescent . 37 170 14 3-98 27
39 ' 41 13 3-x8 69
Myrica gale 42 209 12 3-82 7
1 382
Calluna vulgaris . 41 3 3 35
Vaccimum myrtUku 5-1 246 10 3-07 63

Fraxinus, the most typical tree on the flushed soils, has a relatively low
manganese content. Strangely enough, the same is true of Sorbus aucuparia,
which usually accompanies oak on the acid soils.
It may be pointed out that these results contrast with those of McHargue
and Roy (1932), who found only 3 of 23 species of trees accumulated man-
ganese in excess of iron. All of their species, however, were growing on soils
derived from limestone.
Mn Fe
Ash rag. per mg. per
%dry 100 g. 100 g.
Species. wt. dry wt. dry wt.
On flushed brown earths
Amanita rubescens 128 < 2 11
Rutsula cyanoxantha . II-O 2 6
Paxillus convolutus 94 3 12
Cantherella cibarius 8-8 2 9
Russula adusta 76 < i 8
„ mgricans . 72 1 5
Boletus elegans 7-2 < i 5
On leached podzolic soils
Amanita mappa . 107 <4 12
„ tnuscaria 95 3 9
Lactarua quietus . 90 <2 14
Russula vxgricans . 78 I 5
Hypholoma fasciculate . 61 5 29
present in the Natural Vegetation of the English Lake District 255
Fvngi (Table VI). Samples of fungi were collected because it was thought
that a group which does not photosynthesize might furnish an interesting
comparison with the green plants. Unfortunately clear hyphae could not be
obtained pure and in quantity, so that fruiting tops had to be used. For this
reason the results may not be strictly comparable.
On this basis, while the ash content is fairly high the upper limits of intake
of iron and manganese are remarkably low in comparison with green plants,
being 29 mg. for the former and 5 mg. for the latter. In every case iron
exceeds manganese. There is perhaps a very slight tendency towards a higher
uptake on the leached soils.

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II. Plants from wet soils
Aquatic plants (Table VII). Among the plants on wet soils this group takes
up the greatest amounts of both iron and manganese, and also shows the
highest total mineral uptake, as may be seen from the high ash content of the
species. There is, however, a great deal of variability in both elements and no
definite trend towards selective absorption of either by the group as a whole.

Aquatic iPlants
Ash mg. per mg. per Loss on
%dry 100 g. 100 g. ignition
Species. wt. dry wt. dry wt. pH. % dry wt
Nitella sp. . . 166 105 173 6-44 2
Littorella uniflora 20-4 38 175 6-40 2
Isoetes lacustris. . 2O-O 64 7 7-09 5
Nuphar lutea • " 4 76 26 5-58 11
Littorella ttmflora . 21-4 70 105 - 5-98 13
Potamogeton perfoliatus . 170 48 55} 6-8o 21
„ crispus • 155 185 82/
„ natans 94 70 33 6-54 25
„ alpinus • 153 288 3O3)
Sparganium minimum . 20-1 378 562 6-52 28
Elodea canadensis . 198 244 132/

The highest figures are those for Sparganium minimum and Potamogeton
alpinus, species characteristic of the most organic lake muds. The former
contains 378 mg. of manganese and 562 mg. of iron, while the latter has 288
and 303 mg. respectively. It is on these sites, rich in reduced and soluble iron
and manganese, that one might expect both elements to be most easily avail-
able to plants.
It is perhaps possible that some of the iron and manganese is precipitated
on the leaves of these underwater plants, although this could not be observed.
Since only normal healthy leaves were selected, such precipitation if it did
occur would no doubt be of much physiological importance.
Mosses from semi-aquatic soils (Table Villa). It is again very noticeable that
256 Mayer and Gorham—Iron and Manganese Content of Plants
in wet soils as in woodland, mosses assimilate much more iron than manganese.
In the present case the content of iron is at least twice that of manganese in
most instances. The upper limits are 307 mg. of iron and 171 mg. of man-
ganese, both figures referring to a specimen of Hypnum cordifoUum from the
drift zone of a fen. Sphagnum plumulosum contains the smallest amount of
iron and is also low in manganese.

Mosses from Semi-aquaticSoils
Mn Fe

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Ash mg. per mg. per Loss on
%dry 100 g. 100 g. ignition
Species. wt. dry wt. dry wt. pH. % dry wt.
Sphagnum plumulosum . . 36 9 34 663 45
>» tt . 6-3 4 26 6-53 88
„ auriculatum v . ovatttm 8-8 4 260 6-09 3
„ teres . . 5"6 21 88 5-91 60
„ fimbriatum v. laxifoliuni. 4-1 8 66 4-00 93
Hypnum cuspidatum 5-o 28 160 7-32 79
„ cordifolium • 3-5 131 307 576 6S
Tkuidium tamariscimtm • 5° 20 130 4-85 80

Other Plants on Semi-aquatic Soils
Mn Fe
Ash mg. per mg. per Loss on
%dry 100 g. 100 g. ignition
Species. wt. dry wt. dry wt. PH. % dry w t
Typha angustifolia 39 60 19 630 22
„ latifolia 93 87 32 5-49 17
Sparganium erectum . 119 87 24 59O 26
Juncus efjfusus . 2-8 31 7 S-28 31
Narthecium ossifragum . 6-6 99 26 4-20 96
EUocharis palustris • 63 100 44 6-oo 7
Cladiwn mariscus 2-9 11 12 6-58 75
Carex lasiocarpa . 5-5 46 18 5-38 66
„ vesicaria 60 55 . 19 4-46 56
canescens . 55 148 65 4-40 80
» pamctdata . 5-3 82 26 4-37 57
» inflata 5° 55 18 3'9i 86
Mo lima caerulea . 4-7 9 11 57O 25
> »» • • 45 27 3 ' 584 53
t 11 • • 4-2 12 12 5-06 81
Glyceria fluitans . . 76 38 3i 5-85 17
Calamagrostis lanceolata . 56 32 16 5-28 37
Phalaris antTuUnacea • 63 63 34 468 21
Phragmites commumt . 64 23 23 5-o8 70
Menyantha trifoliata IO-I 28 16 5-86 86.
Filipendula ulmaria . 83 120 23 5-48 55
Salix aurita . 6-5 272 17 481 18
„ fragtiis v. decipiens 6-6 130 37 477 26
„ atrocmerea . 47 102 26 5-35 64
Alnus glutmosa 51 80 24 463 42
present in the Natural Vegetation of the English Lake District 257
Other plants from semi-aquatic soils (Table VIII6). On these soils, which
range from neutrality to pH 4 and from silt to peat, manganese uptake by
plants other than mosses reaches far greater heights than does that of iron.
The top values are 272 mg. of the former and 65 mg. of the latter. There is
little correlation of accumulation with pH or organic content of the soil.
Trees are rather high in manganese, having from 80 to 272 mg. Grasses
appear to be relatively low, with from 9 to 63 mg.
Raised-bog plants (Table IX). On these sites the species sampled (which
unfortunately do not include any mosses) all absorb more manganese than
iron. Figures run from 35 to 50 mg. of the former and from 10 to 21 mg. of
the latter. Accumulation by the plants on these oxidized peats is rather low

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in comparison with plants on the other wet soils, as is the total mineral intake
measured by ash content.
Plants from ( Oxidized Raised-bog Peats
Ash mg. per mg. per Loss on
%dry 100 g. 100 g. ignition
Species. wt. dry wt. dry wt. pH. % dry wt.
Eriophorum vaginatum . 24 47 10 3 * 10 98
„ angustifolium 24 57 .16 3* 10 97
Scirpus caespitotus 27 43 21 370 92
Molinxa caendea . 3-3 59 12 298 94
Deschampiia flexuosa 4'4 35 18 286 95
Myrica gale 29 53 12 3-9i 86


One of the notable features of this investigation is the high proportion of

both iron and manganese present in natural vegetation. The values for
manganese are much greater than those recorded by Goodall and Gregory
(1947) for crop plants. The reasons for this are possibly to be found in the
differences in natural and cultivated soils. The former are generally more
acid, and compounds of iron and manganese are usually more soluble at
higher hydrogen-ion concentrations. Natural soils also tend to contain more
humus and therefore have a greater adsorptive capacity. Both elements may
be adsorbed on the humus colloids and thus prevented from precipitating as
ferric hydroxide or manganese dioxide. In addition the probable formation
of stable and soluble organic complexes should not be overlooked.
No close correlation of accumulation of either element with soil pH could
be observed in those plants of which several samples were collected. This is
contrary to the findings of Olsen (1934), who obtained a good correlation of
manganese in individual woodland species with the pH of the soil in which
they were growing. It seems likely that the high degree of relief and marked
variability in microtopography of the Lake District woodlands might lead to
large differences in local leaching intensity and therefore in the concentration
SM.&8 S
258 Mayer and Gorham—Iron and Manganese Content of Plants
of the elements in the soil. In this connexion we may note that the Danish
sites do not show the extremes of acidity found in the Lake District. In the
latter locality, then, the absolute amount of available minerals may vary more
and therefore play a larger part in determining plant absorption. That
manganese assimilation is much greater at higher concentrations has been
clearly shown by Olsen in the laboratory. It is probably generally true of iron
also. For example, a green alga (Chlorella vulgaris) shows a direct correlation
of iron content with supply of this element in the culture medium, as may be
seen from Table X.

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Relation of Iron Uptake by Chlorella vulgaris to Iron Supply
in the Culture Solution
Uptake, Fe
Fe mg. per
supplied Ash 100 g.
p.pjn. % dry wt. dry wt.
(47 5
CV05 to o-io 5-8 4
I 6-3 6
(4-2 21
o - io to 0-50 5-6 22 .
I 61 21

i-o /S-o 45
\ 6-6 45

It is interesting to observe that marked accumulation of manganese by the

Danish plants begins below about pH 5. This value was determined colori-
metrically and corresponds to a lower figure, possibly about pH 47, using a
glass electrode and the sampling methods employed by us. The latter figure
lies on the borderline between flushed soils with mull humus and leached soils
with mor humus in the Lake District.
It should be of great interest to determine whether there are any differences
in the uptake of iron or manganese by plants in general on the brown earths
and the leached podzolic soils. In order to compare series of such variable
results a derivative of the frequency curve has been employed. The method
consists in plotting, for a number of levels of the element considered, the per-
centage of the total number of samples whose content lies on and below each
given level. In this way we may obtain a summation curve, generally sigmoid
in form, which gradually approaches 100 per cent, as the maximum level of
the element is increased. For example, 60 per cent, of the green plants
sampled contain less than 30 mg. of iron per hundred grammes dry weight,
while 76 per cent, have less than 50 and 96 per cent, less than 180 mg. If one
curve lies below another at a given level of the element it is evidence of a
higher percentage of samples with a content above that level. Again in
illustration, 60 per cent, of all green plants sampled have less than 30 mg. of
iron, while 41 per cent, have less than 30 mg. of manganese. Conversely, only
present in the Natural Vegetation of the English Lake District 259
40 per cent, of the green plants have more than 30 mg. of iron, while 59 per
cent, have more than 30 mg. of manganese. An examination of Fig. 2, plotted
in this way, shows that manganese in plants from leached soils exceeds that in
plants from flushed soils.
In the present instance all green plants which were growing on woodland
soils of pH less than 4-5 were taken as representative of uptake on the leached
soils; those on soils above pH 5-0 were considered to be typical of accumula-
tion on the flushed soils. The data are weighted unequally in that where

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o Plants from flushed soils
s-e • - - leached -

50 100 1MJ
Iron (mg./IOOg. dry wt.)
FIG. I . Iron in green plants from flushed and leached soils.

several samples of a species were collected all are included, as an average

value of such variable results would be meaningless. Nor are the numbers of
species from the different plant groups equal on the two soil types. Finally,
an accurate assessment of the specific composition of plant communities on the
two habitats is lacking. For these reasons the results should be taken as
merely suggestive of certain relationships, and not in any way conclusive.
In Fig. 1 is shown the uptake of iron by green plants on the two woodland
soil types. In Fig. 2 the results for manganese are presented. With the above
limitations in mind, the curves suggest that for the plants considered iron
uptake is much the same on the two soils, whereas the accumulation of man-
ganese is far greater on the leached than on the flushed habitats.
By inspection of the figures it may also be seen that on the leached soils the
content of manganese in the plants examined greatly exceeds that of iron. On
the flushed series the reverse is true, though there is little significance in the
difference between the two elements.
These results are somewhat similar to those of Olsen's (1934) for beech
leaves. He found little difference in the iron content of leaves from trees on
acid and neutral sites, while manganese varied greatly. On the neutral soils
the quantity of manganese in the leaves was usually slightly less than that of
iron; whereas on acid soils manganese was much in excess of iron. Erkama
260 Mayer and Gorham—Iron and Manganese Content of Plants
( 947) found plants from acid woodland to contain more manganese than
iron, while garden plants on alkaline soils assimilated iron in excess of


Downloaded from at University of Leicester on January 29, 2013

o Plants from flushed soils
• - leached »

50 »0
Manganese (mg /lOOg. dry wt.)
FIG. a. Manganese in green plants. From flushed and leached soil*.




0 50 BO 150
Iron and manganese (mg./IOOg. dry wt)
FIG. 3. Uptake of manganese and iron by mosses.

Where supplies are readily available the amounts of iron or manganese taken
up depend on the plant. For example, mosses accumulate iron in large
quantities, while trees on the same soils appear to absorb manganese in pre-
ference to iron. This is very clearly shown in Figs. 3 and 4. It is interesting
that on the soils investigated here fungi and mosses, the simplest plants
studied, appear to absorb iron selectively, while the general trend among the
'higher' plants is in the reverse direction, though perhaps not so strongly
marked. In this connexion it may be noted that a single lycopod species from
present in the Natural Vegetation of the English Lake District 261
Scottish limestone, SelagmeUa selaginoides, also showed a great accumulation
of iron, 550 mg. as against 33 mg. of manganese. The only plants found to
take up both elements in large amounts were certain of those on the strongly
reducing lake muds.
On the other hand, most species can probably grow normally with far less
than their usual intake of these micro-nutrients. As an illustration we may
again consider Deschampsiaflexuosa.This species can accumulate well over
100 mg. of manganese. However, an abundance of healthy plants on a heavily
£ 100

Downloaded from at University of Leicester on January 29, 2013

-g 7S


so 100 150
Iron and manganese (mg./KWg. dry wt)
FIG. 4. Uptake of manganese and iron by woody plants.

leached knoll contained only 6 mg. of this element. A similar picture is given
with regard to iron by the moss Dicranum majus. It is not clear whether the
characteristic high contents of iron or manganese in some species are due to a
selective metabolic process or to accumulation because mechanisms to exclude
them are lacking. They appear at any rate to be something of a luxury con-
sumption. The GEiall amounts of both elements in the fungi may suggest that
there is a possible connexion between photosynthesis and the absorption of
iron and manganese in large quantities.
Certain workers have stated that the ratio of iron to manganese may be of
great importance (Somers and Shive, 1942). However, this claim is based on
the determination of active iron and manganese, which is an empirical con-
cept whose value is not clearly established. The fact that plants on acid soils
accumulate manganese rather than iron, while on circumneutral soils the
reverse is more likely, might be taken to support the idea of ratio importance,
but may equally possibly reflect soil availability. In contrast the fact that
mosses selectively absorb iron and trees manganese probably indicates a real
metabolic peculiarity. In spite of these considerations, a perusal of the data for
species of which several samples have been taken shows a wide variation both
in the amounts absorbed and in the ratio, without apparent effect on the health
or abundance of the plants. It is probably true to say that while certain species
262 Mayer and Gorham—Iron and Manganese Content of Plants
tend to absorb more of one element than the other, both the absolute amounts
and t h e ratio of one to t h e other may apparently vary a good deal without
harm to most plants.

Downloaded from at University of Leicester on January 29, 2013

•0" "33 BSD W
Iron fmg./WOg dry wt)
F I G . 5. Iron in green plants from woodland and waterlogged soils.

50 WO
Manganese (rmj./IOOg. dry wt)
F I G . 6. Manganese i n green plants from woodland and waterlogged soils.

As a further point of interest, we may compare by the graphical method the

plants of wet soils with those from woodland. This has been done in Figs. 5
and 6. It might be expected that the plants from the wet soils which are often
reducing would take up more iron and manganese than those on the woodland
soils with a high redox potential. This is in fact true of manganese. With
regard to iron, the curves are similar except at the higher levels, where the
very high figures for the aquatic plants bring the line for wet soil plants well
below that for woodland. On the wet soils as in woodland, manganese
accumulation generally exceeds that of iron on wet soils.
present in the Natural Vegetation of the English Lake District 263

We should like to thank Professor W. H. Pearsall for much helpful advice
and criticism, and the Director and staff of the Freshwater Biological Station
on Windermere for facilities provided during the collection of the material.
The fungi were collected in company with Professor C. T. Ingold, who kindly
named them. We should also like to thank Mr. A. Thompson, who identified
the Sphagna.
This study was carried out during tenure of scholarships from the Com-
mission for the Royal Exhibition of 1851 (E. G.) and the Department of
Scientific and Industrial Research (A. M. M.), to whom are due our best

Downloaded from at University of Leicester on January 29, 2013


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Downloaded from at University of Leicester on January 29, 2013

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