Impact of Optical Transmission On Multiband OFDM Ultra-Wideband Wireless System With Fiber Distribution
Impact of Optical Transmission On Multiband OFDM Ultra-Wideband Wireless System With Fiber Distribution
Impact of Optical Transmission On Multiband OFDM Ultra-Wideband Wireless System With Fiber Distribution
Abstract—Multiband (MB) orthogonal frequency-division wide personal area network working group of IEEE responded
multiplexing (OFDM) ultra-wideband (UWB) wireless, which by the draft 802.15.3a standard, which divides the whole
provides high data rate access, is required to be distributed by spectrum into 14 bands with bandwidth of 528 MHz for each
using optical fiber. The performance of MB-OFDM UWB over
fiber transmission system is investigated considering optical band [2]. The 14 channels are organized into five groups. Each
modulation and demodulation impact. Theoretical analysis of the group has three channels except group five, which has only
effect of fiber dispersion, optical transmitter, and optical receiver two channels. A variable throughput from 53.3 to 480 Mb/s in
response on system performance is carried out considering ampli- each channel is suggested. Other countries quickly followed
tude and phase distortion. Experiments are conducted and verified the FCC and IEEE initiative, though in Japan, Korea, China,
by our theoretical analysis and good agreement is obtained. It
is found that RF modulation index of 4 is optimum for
and European Union countries transmission in band group two
optical transmitter with Mach–Zehnder modulator, and optical (4.752–6.336 GHz) is not permitted to avoid interference with
receiver with Chebyshev-II response is the best for MB-OFDM existing IEEE 802.11a WLAN. The greatest advantage with
UWB over fiber. Compared to back-to-back UWB over fiber, UWB radio is that it is software configurable, so any of the
optical transmission is mainly limited by laser phase noise con- frequency bands can be turned off to meet specific spectral
verted relative intensity noise and phase distortion induced by
requirements. However, the WiMedia alliance was the first to
fiber dispersion when optimum modulation index is used. Higher
modulation index is limited by amplitude and phase distortion take major initiative toward the implementation by selecting
to OFDM signal induced by optical transmitter and receiver re- multiband (MB) orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing
sponse nonlinearities and fiber dispersion and the spectral mask. (OFDM) for high-speed UWB wireless [3]. In December 2007,
It is also found that highly received optical power is required for European Computer Manufacturers’ Association (ECMA)
transmission of MB-OFDM UWB signal over fiber. adopted the WiMedia approach and ratified ECMA-368 stan-
Index Terms—Multiband OFDM, optical fiber communication, dard [4], which gave huge boost for the industry and academia.
radio over fiber, subcarrier modulation, ultra-wideband wireless An MB OFDM signal consists of 128 subcarriers using
communication. quadrature phase-shift keying (QPSK) for lower bit rates. How-
ever, advanced dual carrier modulation technique is used for bit
I. INTRODUCTION rate of higher than 200 Mb/s. Fig. 1(a) shows RF spectrum for
the first three bands of the 14 bands with bit rate of 200 Mb/s
HE basic concept of ultra wideband (UWB) is to use for each band, and the three bands are centered at frequency
T ultrashort pulse ( ns) in time domain to spread the
frequency energy over wide bandwidth ( MHz) to a low
of , , and
follows simple frequency hoping sequences like , , and
. The signal
level, in order to share the spectrum with existing narrowband as shown in Fig. 1(b) that is the spectrogram. Fig. 1(c) shows
transmission without causing unwanted interference. The US the three bands in the time domain.
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) was the first to New applications of UWB such as downloading high-defini-
open radio spectrum of 3.1–10.6 GHz for UWB use [1]. The tion video from a distant mainframe server using a handheld de-
vice, transferring data from embedded sensors far away from the
Manuscript received December 02, 2008; revised February 23, 2009. First control center or simultaneously transmitting a number of video
published May 08, 2009; current version published August 21, 2009.This work streams and control signals from video surveillance system in
was supported in part by the project from Fonds de recherché sur la nature et les long tunnels require extending the limited range of MB-OFDM
technologies (FQRNT), Quebec, Canada.
M. Sakib, B. Hraimel, X. Zhang, M. Mohamed, and W. Jiang are with the Ad-
UWB. Due to very low-power, wide-bandwidth, and high-fre-
vanced Photonic Systems Laboratory, Department of Electrical and Computer quency signals of the UWB, distribution of UWB over coaxial
Engineering, Concordia University, Montreal, QC H3G 1M8, Canada (e-mail: cable is pretty expensive. On the other hand, fiber has low loss,
K. Wu is with Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, Montreal, QC H3T 1J4,
low cost, and wide-bandwidth characteristics. This suggests that
Canada. radio over fiber is an efficient technique for distribution of UWB
D. Shen is with the School of Electronic and Computer Engineering, Yunnan wireless, i.e., UWB over fiber.
University, Yunnan 650091, China.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
Indeed, distribution of UWB wireless through single-mode
at fiber (SMF) [5] and multimode fiber [6], [7] were experimen-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JLT.2009.2022508 tally demonstrated using directly modulated laser diodes. It was
0733-8724/$26.00 © 2009 IEEE
electrically filtered by a JDF electrical bandpass filter (EBF) fiber dispersion and RF carrier phase noise induced phase dis-
of bandwidth of 3 GHz and then amplified by a broadband RF tortion is given.
amplifier from SHF (SHF-810) ( ) as shown in Fig. 2. The MB OFDM RF signal ( ) is related to the complex
The broadband photodetector combined with the broadband RF baseband signal ( ) of the OFDM symbol as [2]
amplifier is referred to “ideal” optical receiver. Here, the “ideal”
optical receiver means that it does not introduce amplitude and
phase distortion to the OFDM signal. The received signal is
evaluated with a high-speed real-time oscilloscope DSO 91204
from Agilent Technologies [11]. where is the symbol period, is the number of OFDM
At the real-time oscilloscope, the received signal is first inter- symbols, is the driving voltage of the UWB signal, and
nally amplified using a low-noise amplifier and down converted and is the carrier frequency and phase noise of RF carrier
to the complex baseband using I and Q mixers. The complex local oscillator, respectively.
baseband signal is low-pass filtered to reject out of band inter- The OFDM symbols can be constructed using inverse
ferers. The signal is then sampled and quantized using an ADC FFT (IFFT) with a certain coefficients , which can consist of
to obtain the complex digital baseband signal. The real-time data symbols, pilots, and training symbols
oscilloscope has a large memory that stores about five million
samples of the signal for processing. Baseband processing be-
gins with the packet detection followed by Fast Fourier trans-
form (FFT) operation. The output of the FFT is equalized using
a frequency domain equalizer. A phase correction is applied
to the output of the equalizer to undo the effect of carrier and where is the total number of subcarrier used,
timing mismatch between transmitter and receiver according to MHz is the subcarrier frequency spacing,
ECMA-368 standard [4]. The pilot tones in each OFDM symbol is the subcarrier number, ns is the cyclic prefix,
are used to drive the digital phase-locked loop. The output of ns is the IFFT/FFT period, and
the equalizer is demapped and deinterleaved before passing to is the signal bandwidth.
a Viterbi decoder. The error corrected bit sequence is descram- For one OFDM symbol, we have the equation given at the
bled and passed on to the medium access control layer for fur- bottom of the page, where is angular frequency of the RF
ther processing [11]. carrier, is subcarrier spacing and is the
baseband QPSK signal.
In this section, we theoretically analyze MB-OFDM UWB to modulate a CW lightwave with an optical power and a
over fiber transmission with OSSB modulation. The common random phase at a wavelength . For OSSB modulation,
way to generate OSSB is to use a DE-MZM modulator. How- the DE-MZM is biased at quadrature. The DE-MZM is assumed
ever, an MZM modulator is known to be inherently nonlinear in to have an optical insertion loss of . The output optical field
response and may introduce high nonlinear distortion to which from the modulated DE-MZM can be written as
OFDM signals are exposed. On the other hand, at the receiver
side a narrowband EBF is usually used to filter out the data-mod-
ulated RF carrier, and the filter determines the optical receiver’s
response. This filter may have a great impact on the perfor-
mance of the received data because of its response that may
introduce phase and amplitude distortion to which MB UWB where is the speed of light in a vacuum,
OFDM signal is vulnerable. Therefore, the theoretical analysis is RF modulation index, is the voltage required
includes the effect of MZM response nonlinearities, fiber dis- to induce a phase shift at the MZM, and denotes the
persion, and optical receiver’s response. Finally, EVM due to Hilbert transform of .
After transmission over optical fiber of length , loss , and Considering low RF modulation index of and the
dispersion , the optical field can be rewritten as the equation ideal optical receiver, we can simplify (1) into
shown at the bottom of the page, where is the gain of the
optical amplifier, is the angular frequency
subcarrier of the symbol, is the -order Bessel function
of first kind, and are group velocity and
group velocity dispersion coefficient of the fiber, respectively.
After photodetection and electrical filtering, the received Using the approximation of , the received
subcarrier current of the OFDM symbol can be expressed as OFDM symbol can be written
(1), where is the responsivity of the photodetector,
is transfer function of the optical receiver, and is Gaussian
random phase noise with zero mean and variance from the
RF carrier. The laser phase noise is canceled in (1) due to
self-heterodyne detection. where is the normalized re-
ceived symbol corresponding to the transmitted symbol
on the subcarrier. Assuming that constant
delay will be compensated by cyclic prefix, the error vector
magnitude (EVM) can be approximated using [12]
where is the received signal to noise ratio, with Fig. 3. Measured EVM with RF modulation index with a parameter of fiber
as the received UWB signal power and as the noise power length for bit rate of (a) 53.3 Mb/s and (b) 200 Mb/s.
as explained in Appendix B. Fiber dispersion not only induces
relative phase shift between OFDM subcarriers but also con-
verts the laser phase noise to RIN. Therefore, SNR in (3) also To fully understand the behaviors in Fig. 3, it is required
includes the converted RIN that depends on fiber dispersion. In to have full understanding of nonlinear distortion. It is well
Appendix B, the converted RIN is analyzed. known that the OFDM signal has a high peak to average power
ratio (PAPR). The measured PAPR for the UWB signal is about
IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 14–17 dB from the DV9110 module. Nonlinear distortion for
the UWB signal can be induced by RF amplifier due to large
To make sure that UWB wireless with fiber distribution as PAPR, phase noise of the RF carrier local oscillator due to PM
shown in Fig. 2 satisfies the FCC’s spectral requirement, the to AM (i.e., PM/AM) conversion and nonlinear response of the
received signal is tested using the data analyzer and it is found MZM. However, RF amplifier can induce nonlinear distortion
that the UWB signal passed the spectral mask test and measured only at higher RF power level. But, for OFDM UWB, the RF
adjacent channel power ratio (ACPR) was higher than 20 dB amplifier is operated in the linear region for most of the time
for RF modulation index of up to 8% at the MZM. Thus, RF owing to low power spectral density of the UWB. The phase
modulation index of up to 8% is only considered in the following noise may induce nonlinear distortion due to PM/AM conver-
investigation to abide by the FCC regulation. sion and created PM/AM modulation is imposed onto the com-
It is well known that there are two optical subcarrier mod- plex waveform.
ulation techniques, i.e., OSSB and ODSB. In Appendix A, we Nonlinear distortion induced by the nonlinearities of the
experimentally compare the performance of the two modulation MZM due to AM/AM modulation and fiber dispersion due to
techniques in the system. It is shown that the ODSB modulation PM/AM conversion is the most important. It is revealed by (1)
cannot be used in the MB-OFDM UWB wireless system with that the MZM nonlinearities combined with fiber dispersion
fiber distribution. Therefore, we only consider the OSSB mod- will induce both AM/AM and PM/AM distortion within one
ulation technique in the following investigation. symbol.
In this section, we first analyze the impact of optical mod- To distinguish the impact of the MZM response nonlinearities
ulation and fiber transmission. Then, the impact of optical de- and fiber dispersion, we first consider the back-to-back UWB
modulation is investigated. Finally, we investigate the impact of over fiber, i.e., without fiber. If the response nonlinearities of
received optical power on UWB system. the DE-MZM are only considered, (1) is reduced to
Fig. 6. Calculated phase distortion of subcarriers (1, 32, 64, 96, and 128) in
band 2 versus RF modulation index at (a) 20 and (b) 40 km of fiber transmission.
Fig. 4. Relative amplitude of subcarriers in second band versus RF modulation
index for back-to-back UWB over fiber.
Fig. 8. (a) Measured magnitude jS j and (b) measured phase response of the
experimental filter measured with a HP 8720 vector network analyzer.
Fig. 10. Simulated EVM using optical receiver with different responses. The
others are the same as in Fig. 9.
obtained for using the two optical receivers. However, with ideal
receiver response there is discrepancy in EVM performance at
higher modulation index due to nonlinearity of the RF ampli-
fier and harmonic distortion effects arising from the A/D con-
verters of the real-time oscilloscope. It is found that the EVM is
degraded by more than 2 dB at modulation index of 4% due to
using the optical receiver with Chebyshev-I response. Due to the
in-band ripples of the Chebyshev-I response, some of the sub-
carriers of the OFDM signal are distorted in amplitude. Also,
Fig. 9. Measured (symbol) and simulated (line) EVM using two receivers. the filter’s phase or group delay response may cause a slow
Black square: experimental results using optical Rx with Chebyshev-I response. varying decay trail and can smear the signal at the edges [14].
Black circle: experimental results using the “ideal” optical Rx. Smearing will increase the delay spread resulting in intersymbol
To further understand the impact of optical receiver response,
By the earlier analysis, we conclude that RF modulation index we consider optical receiver with fifth-order Butterworth,
of 4 is optimum. For modulation index of above 4%, it Bessel, Chebyshev-II, and Gaussian response, respectively.
was found that MZM response nonlinearities and fiber-disper- Simulated EVM using the earlier optical receivers is shown in
sion-induced nonlinear distortion degrades the UWB wireless Fig. 10. The bandwidth is 3 GHz for all the optical receivers. It
system performance. This is the reason why the EVM in Fig. 3 is seen that the optical receiver with Gaussian response leads
is increased with modulation index if more than 4%. to the best performance. A Gaussian filter with fifth order
has flat magnitude and zero delay response in the passband.
B. Impact of Optical Demodulation So, the performance using the optical receiver with Gaussian
In this subsection, we will analyze the impact of optical de- response will be similar to the ideal receiver. But a Gaussian
modulation. We consider two cases: one is the “ideal” optical response is not physically realizable. In Fig. 10, the EVM using
receiver and the other is bandwidth limited and has variation of Butterworth response is dB compared to dB
magnitude and time delay over the OFDM signal bandwidth. using Chebyshev-I in Fig. 9 at modulation index of 4% and it is
The bandwidth-limited optical receiver is obtained by inserting evident that Butterworth response performs slightly better than
a bandwidth-limited electrical filter in the “ideal” optical re- Chebyshev-I response of the same order because Butterworth
ceiver. Equation (1) shows that the bandwidth-limited optical has a flat magnitude response and better delay characteristics
receiver response will have great impact on overall performance. than Chebyshev-I filter.
We used a Chebyshev-I bandpass filter centered at frequency To achieve a sharp cutoff, a higher order Butterworth filter
with a 3 dB bandwidth of 3 GHz. The magnitude is required. But, higher order Butterworth filter will have high
and phase response measured are shown in Fig. 8. It is clearly overshoot and instability in response compared to Bessel and
seen from Fig. 8(a) that the magnitude response of filter has Chebyshev-II filter [15] and lower order Butterworth filter
a ripple of dB over the passband. It is expected that the does not fulfill filtering requirements due to its wide passband.
magnitude ripple will induce distortion for the subcarriers of the Bessel filter’s performance is in between Butterworth and
OFDM signal. Chebyshev-II response since Bessel filter has a linear phase
We measured EVM for the system with fiber transmission of response and excellent impulse response with minimal over-
20 km, where the two receivers are used. Fig. 9 shows mea- shoot within its passband. For a given order, its magnitude
sured EVM with RF modulation index. We also simulate the response is not as flat as Butterworth and other filters. Also, a
UWB over fiber system using VPI-Transmission Maker™ and Bessel filter requires more complex design and is difficult to
MATLAB by using an approach followed by Pizzinat et al. [8]. integrate with a receiver front end. Consequently it may not
The simulated EVM is also shown in Fig. 9. It is seen that a be appropriate. In Fig. 10, it is clear that EVM performance
good agreement between the simulated and measured EVM is using optical receiver with Chebyshev-II response is better
Fig. 14. Measured optical signal before photodetection for (a) OSSB and
(d) ODSB and RF signal at the real-time oscilloscope for (b) OSSB and 0 km,
(c) OSSB and 20 km, (e) ODSB and 0 km, and (f) ODSB and 20 km.
shot noise,
SDA 11000). The good quality of the constellation is an indica-
tion of suitability of the RoF systems for UWB applications.
and thermal noise, .
Let us assume that the optical and electrical filter are rectan- Where is the complex conjugate of the received op-
gular with equivalent bandwidth tical signal at the photodetector, dB is the RF am-
plifier gain at the optical receiver, is the received optical
power, and represents the single-sided ASE noise density
for a single polarization expressed by ,
and , the Plank’s constant, , the wavelength of the laser source, ,
speed of light in vacuum, and noise figure of dB and gain
of dB of the EDFA. The symbol denotes the convolu-
tion. is the noise contribution from both optical transmitter
Fig. 17. Noise power level at the receiver versus received optical power for
back-to-back transmission.
Fig. 19. Simulated (a) magnitude and (b) delay response of Chebyshev-II filter.
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transmission over optical fibre,” in Proc. Opt. Fiber Commun. Conf. University of Denmark, Lyngby Denmark in 1996,
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[8] A. Pizzinat, B. Charbonnier, and M. Moignard, “Analysis of laser in- and computer engineering, Concordia University,
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and J. Marti, “Optical distribution of OFDM and impulse-Radio UWB sources.
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Ke Wu (M’87–SM’92–F’01) is professor of elec-
Meer Nazmus Sakib received the Bachelor’s de- trical engineering, and Tier-I Canada Research Chair
gree in electrical engineering from the Bangladesh in RF and millimeter-wave engineering at the Ecole
University of Engineering & Technology, Dhaka, Polytechnique (University of Montreal). Dr. Wu was
Bangladesh and Master’s degree in electrical a visiting or guest Professor with many universities
and computer engineering from the Concordia around the world. He also holds an honorary visiting
University, Montreal, Canada, in 2006 and 2009, professorship and a Cheung Kong endowed chair
respectively. His research interests include OFDM professorship at the Southeast University, and an
radio over fiber systems, coherent optical OFDM honorary professorship at the Nanjing University of
systems, high speed optical receivers, quantum dot Science and Technology, China. He has been the Di-
semiconductors and high frequency RF systems for rector of the Poly-Grames Research Center. He has
optical communication. authored or co-authored over 450 referred papers, and also several books/book
chapters. His current research interests involve substrate integrated circuits,
antenna arrays, advanced CAD and modeling techniques, and development
of low-cost RF and millimeter-wave transceivers. He is also interested in the
modeling and design of microwave photonic circuits and systems.
Bouchaib Hraimel received the B.Ing. degree in
electrical engineering from École Hassania des
Travaux Publics, Casablanca, Morocco, in 1993 and
the M.Ing. degree in electrical engineering from the
École Polytechnique de Montréal, Montreal, QC, Dongya Shen, photograph and biography not available at the time of
Canada, in 2002. He is currently working towards publication.
his Ph.D. degree. His current research interests
include design, simulation, and experiments of
radio-over-fiber communication systems.