Pulse - Sense - Evolve: Introductory Handbook
Pulse - Sense - Evolve: Introductory Handbook
Pulse - Sense - Evolve: Introductory Handbook
Introductory Handbook
A Pulse is much more than a survey: it is a sophisticated data collection tool that is designed to give you a clearer view of a complex world. Instead of prompting
people to give the “right answer” or an opinion, a pulse invites them to share an experience story, a micro-narrative, and then allows them to make sense of their own
stories by adding layers of meaning onto them. This meaning is then converted into powerful data.
The combination of the visual representation of the results, the analytical support of your dashboard, and the possibility to move between quantitative data and the
deep specificity of individual stories makes it easier to turn information into action.
This handbook will give you a behind-the-scenes look at how a Pulse is built and how you can approach the analysis of its different elements. It offers more detailed
information than what is available on our website and contains some specialist terminology. Familiarizing yourself with it will be useful before starting to collect and
analyze data with your own Pulse.
Each Pulse comes with a specialized Handbook to give you background information and assist you in the analysis and interpretation of that particular Pulse, in some
cases taking you over the design of the Pulse step by step.
Material in this presentation is Copyright © 2019 Cognitive Edge Pte Ltd
All Rights Reserved. Protected in part by copyright, patent and trademark and other law
Introductory Handbook
Design – Theory
The first step before designing a Pulse is research, where specialists in the field of the Pulse take a
deep dive into the relevant literature. This allows them to identify particularly important dimensions
that are involved in the question the Pulse is trying to answer. For example, if the subject of the
Pulse is wellbeing, we might identify psychological and social components of work that are especially
relevant influences.
Pulses are designed to explore complex environments, which means that they explore dispositions,
trends, and tendencies, not direct cause-and-effect relationships that are likely to be invisible in
Sense-making centers action in the real world. This awareness is important in the design phase
because the theory we build on also informs the kind of interventions that the results of the analysis
might lead to.
The individual Pulse interpretation handbooks will provide a set of theories and models that are
relevant to each Pulse design. It is recommended to familiarize yourself with this theoretical
background before analysis, but not consider them the absolute end point. Instead, openness to the
data is recommended because they always have the power to confound our expectations.
Material in this presentation is Copyright © 2019 Cognitive Edge Pte Ltd
All Rights Reserved. Protected in part by copyright, patent and trademark and other law
Introductory Handbook
Material in this presentation is Copyright © 2019 Cognitive Edge Pte Ltd
All Rights Reserved. Protected in part by copyright, patent and trademark and other law
Working with Signifiers
Introductory Handbook
The Pulse signifiers are derived from “core Triads are Cognitive Edge’s patented index which Dyads place points of tension within a single
concepts” identified from literature in the relevant allows respondents to add meaning to their scale, and they can add another dimension to test
fields. These concepts are designed to be stories and narratives, by evaluating the relative for the intensity of the influence of different
“enabling constraints”, with the acknowledgement influence and significance of three interacting and factors.
that they can take on different meanings interrelated factors within a triangle i.e. workload, Interrelated triads/dyads can also be used to test
depending on the person’s perspective and autonomy, support. The respondent is then asked for data coherence, and for pattern strength.
context a the time of their story. The concepts we to place their response within the shape based on
have chosen are designed to make your issues as the way in which they interpret the interaction of
visible and tangible as possible - so that we can the points of tension in their narrative. In larger
connect the good stories, and think more carefully sets of data, patterns start to emerge from this
about the not-so-good ones. indexing, which allow for data visualization and
the ability for analysts to track emerging and !8
Material in this presentation is Copyright © 2019 Cognitive Edge Pte Ltd changing patterns.patterns.
All Rights Reserved. Protected in part by copyright, patent and trademark and other law
Introductory Handbook
Stones present respondents with a canvas where Multiple-choice questions enable respondents to
they can evaluate and decide on the relative add further layers of meaning to their story, and
weight/position of various factors across two axes. also act as an effective manner of “slicing and
These questions allow for an understanding of splicing” the data through comparisons. Each
respondents’ perceptions and needs and Pulse offers two customizable MCQ’s. You can
highlights issues that call for an immediate use these to look for any demographic or
response/action/solution. interpretive differences between the patterns you
see in the other signifiers.
Material in this presentation is Copyright © 2019 Cognitive Edge Pte Ltd
All Rights Reserved. Protected in part by copyright, patent and trademark and other law
Analysis - Triad Signifiers
Introductory Handbook
Triad Signifiers
Try to avoid looking directly at the narratives until the last possible moment… you don’t want to skew or bias your interpretation!
You will see how people have indicated their experiences sit across the
concepts - each “dot” indicates one person’s story. When analyzing these
signifiers, it’s just as important to look to the gaps and the “outlier”
responses, as much as the dominant clusterings as these can represent
spaces for innovation of adaptations in practice.
In the Pulse-specific handbooks you will find dedicated analysis sections on
each triad featured in the Pulse, along with suggestions for what different
patterns might mean and what further questions might be useful to ask.
Material in this presentation is Copyright © 2019 Cognitive Edge Pte Ltd
All Rights Reserved. Protected in part by copyright, patent and trademark and other law
Analysis - Dyad Signifiers
Introductory Handbook
Dyad Signifiers
With your Shiney dashboard you can split each of the dyads by multiple
choice question to give added meaning to the responses.
Material in this presentation is Copyright © 2019 Cognitive Edge Pte Ltd
All Rights Reserved. Protected in part by copyright, patent and trademark and other law
Analysis - Stone Signifiers
Introductory Handbook
Stone Signifiers
Stones are designed to bring to light different perspectives on the same overall
issues. Here we can see how responders understand other stakeholders’
perceptions of the issues. The parameters for this placement are designed
based on hypotheses derived from the theory.
A few tips to help with your analysis are:
• Are there any surprises between how a person sees themselves and how they
think you see them?
low high
• What kind of movement would you like to see moving forwards and how can Ability to use personal judgement
you create this?
• Are there any “adjacent possibles” to work with here? How it is seen by …
1 2 3 4 5
Myself My Peers My Manager My Organisation My Client
Material in this presentation is Copyright © 2019 Cognitive Edge Pte Ltd
All Rights Reserved. Protected in part by copyright, patent and trademark and other law
Vector Theory of Change
Introductory Handbook
Once we have looked at the patterns we can start to look to the stories to provide
further detail to our observations; amplifying the voices of those who have shared
their experiences.
One way of doing this it to ask storytellers to identify whether their experience
was positive or negative. Through the data, we are then able to ask the question:
"How do we create more stories like the ones people have identified as positive,
and fewer like those that people felt were more negative..."
Another way is to ask ourselves "where would the ideal stories be on this
triangle?" and work to create the direction of change from there.
In a workshop setting we can then bring people together to figure out practical,
small solutions that will build momentum over time. Understanding the present to
define a direction of travel for the future.
Material in this presentation is Copyright © 2019 Cognitive Edge Pte Ltd
All Rights Reserved. Protected in part by copyright, patent and trademark and other law
Find more information on training, methods, and the latest on the
thinking of Cognitive Edge and Dave Snowden at www.cognitive-
Find more information on available Pulses, pricing, and the theory
behind them at https://pulsesenseevolve.com