Large Magnetic Entropy Change Near Room Temperature in Antiperovskite Sncmn3
Large Magnetic Entropy Change Near Room Temperature in Antiperovskite Sncmn3
Large Magnetic Entropy Change Near Room Temperature in Antiperovskite Sncmn3
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Abstract – We report the observation of a large magnetocaloric effect near room temperature
in the antiperovskite SnCMn3 . The maximal magnetic entropy change at the first-order
ferrimagnetic-paramagnetic transition temperature (TC ∼ 279 K) is about 80.69 mJ/cm3 K and
133 mJ/cm3 K under a magnetic field of 20 kOe and of 48 kOe, respectively. These values are
close to those of typical magnetocaloric materials. The large magnetocaloric effect is associated
with the sharp change of lattice, resistivity and magnetization in the vicinity of TC . Through
the measurements of the Seebeck coefficient and normal Hall effect, the title system is found to
undergo a reconstruction of the electronic structure at TC . Considering its low-cost and innocuous
raw materials, Mn-based antiperovskite compounds are suggested to be appropriate for pursuing
new materials with larger magnetocaloric effect.
c EPLA, 2009
Materials with large magnetocaloric effect (MCE) have entropy change −∆SM (15 J/kg K under 20 kOe) with a
attracted much attention in recent years due to their plateau-like temperature dependence [7,8]. In the carbon-
potential application in magnetic refrigeration, which deficient sample GaC0.78 Mn3 , the AFM state observed
provides a promising alternative to the conventional in the stoichiometric sample is collapsed. Instead, the
vapor-cycle one [1–3]. The research has been mainly ground state is FM with a transition temperature of
focused on the materials with expensive rare-earth 295 K, at which the value of −∆SM is 3.7 J/kg K under
elements, sometimes with poisonous elements (e.g., As). 50 kOe [11]. For GaCMn3−x Cox , the substitution of Co for
Therefore, practically, it is of great significance to explore Mn sites decreases the AFM-FM transition temperature
new systems with large MCE, but with innocuous and without significant loss of −∆SM , while it broadens the
low-cost raw materials. plateau-like temperature dependence [12].
The antiperovskite intermetallic compounds AXM3 In this paper, we report a large room temperature
(A: main group elements; X: carbon, boron or nitrogen; MCE in another antiperovskite compound, SnCMn3 ,
M: transition metal) have displayed lots of interest- corresponding to a ferrimagnetic (FIM)-paramagnetic
ing properties, such as superconductivity [4,5], giant (PM) transition (TC ∼ 279 K). The large MCE is related
magnetoresistance [6], large negative MCE [7,8], giant with a sharp change of magnetization at TC , which a
negative thermal expansion (NTE) [9,10], etc. Up to now, reconstruction of the electronic structure can account for.
GaCMn3 is the only antiperovskite compound that has Along with the previous reports on Mn-based antiper-
been reported to exhibit MCE. In GaCMn3 there exists an ovskite materials, we suggest that this type of compounds
abrupt first-order antiferromagnetic (AFM)-ferromagnetic could be an alternative for searching new MCE materials
(FM) transition at ∼ 165 K, which produces a large at various temperatures.
A polycrystalline sample of SnCMn3 was prepared
(a) E-mail: from powders of Sn (4N), Graphite (3N) and Mn (4N).
(b) E-mail: The starting materials were mixed in the desired mole
B. S. Wang et al.
Large magnetic entropy change near room temperature in antiperovskite SnCMn3
In the case of magnetization measurements at small La0.7 Ca0.3 MnO3 and LaFe11.44 Si1.56 , has been displayed
discrete field and temperature intervals, ∆SM can be in fig. 6. It is evident that −∆SM of SnCMn3 is compa-
approximated as [2] rable to those of the candidates for magnetic refrigerant
materials plotted in this figure. Compared with GaCMn3 ,
(Mi − Mi+1 )Hi the maximal −∆SM value of SnCMn3 has a similar value,
∆SM Ti + Ti+1 = ∆Hi , (2)
2 Ti+1 − Ti but it occurs near room temperature. Practically, the rela-
tive cooling power (RCP), which is a measure of how much
where Mi and Mi+1 are the experimental data of the heat can be transferred between the cold and hot sinks in
magnetization at Ti and Ti+1 , respectively, under the same an ideal refrigerant cycle, is also an important parameter
magnetic field. for selecting potential substances as magnetic refrigerants.
Figure 5 shows the thermal variation of the magnetic Generally, the RCP is defined as the product of the maxi-
entropy change −∆SM under different ranges of magnetic mum magnetic entropy change −∆S max and the full width
field up to ∆H = 48 kOe. For each ∆H, −∆SM reaches at half maximum δTFWHM [3,19]:
the maximal value at TC , i.e., 279 K. The value of −∆SM ,
which increases with increasing ∆H, is 80.69 mJ/cm3 K RCP = −∆SM max
δTFWHM . (3)
and 133 mJ/cm K for the characteristic ∆H = 20 kOe
and 48 kOe, respectively. A comparison between the peak According to eq. (3), the estimated RCP of SnCMn3
value of −∆SM in SnCMn3 and those in prototype MCE (∼ 212.8 mJ/cm3 , ∆H = 48 kOe) is less than those of
materials [3], such as Gd, Gd5 Si2 Ge2 , MnAs, DyCo2 , Gd (5300 mJ/cm3 , ∆H = 50 kOe) [3] and Gd5 Si2 Ge2
B. S. Wang et al.
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