Guide For Evaluation of Concrete Structures Prior To Rehabilitation

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ACI 364.

1 R-94
(Reapproved 1999)

Guide for Evaluation of Concrete Structures

Prior to Rehabilitation
Reported by ACI Committee 364
Tony C. Liu Leonard Millstein
Chairman Secretary

Sam Bhuyan Zareh B. Gregorian Ranjit S. Reel

Robert W. Bobel Robert L. Henry Gajanan M. Sabnis
Boris Bresler Lawrence F. Kahn Carolyn L Searls
T. Z. Chastain Dov Kaminetzky* Robert E. Shewmaker
James R. Clifton Stella L. Marusin Avanti C. Shroff
Glenn W. DePuy Katharine Mathert Martin B. Sobelman
Ashok K. Dhingra James E. McDonald Robert G. Tracy
Peter Emmons Richard L. Miller Vikas P. Wagh
Russell S. Fling Michael J. Paul James Warner
Robert Gevecker Sherwood P. Prawel Habib M. Zein Al-Abidien

*Technical review subcommittee.

t Deceased.

This report presents the guidelines and general procedures that may be used 3.2-Documentation
for evaluation of concrete structures prior to rehabilitation. Among the sub- 3.3-Field inspection and condition survey
jects covered are: preliminary investigation; detailed investigations docu-
3.4-Sampling and material testing
mentation; field inspection and condition survey; sampling and material
testing evaluation; and final report. Seismic evaluation is considered be- 3.5-Evaluation
yond the scope of this report. 3.6-Final report
Keywords: buildings: concrete; condition survey: evaluation; field observation; his- Chapter 4-Documentation, pg. 364.1R-6
toric structures: nondestructive evaluation; rehabilitation: sampling; service 4.1-Introduction
history: testing.
4.2-Design information
CONTENTS 4.3-Materials information
4.4-Construction information
Chapter l-Introduction, pg. 364.1-2 4.5-Service history
l.l-General 4.6-Communication
Chapter 5-Field observations and condition survey, pg.
1.3-Purpose and scope
Chapter 2-preliminary investigation, pg. 364.1-3
5.2-Preparation and planning
5.3-Field verification of as-built construction
2.2-Scope and methodology
5.4-Condition assessment
5.5-Unsafe or potentially hazardous conditions
Chapter 3-Detailed investigation, pg. 364.1R-5 Chapter 6-Sampling and material testing, pg. 364.1R-9
3.1-Introduction 6.1-Introduction
6.2-Determination of testing requirements
6.3-Testing and evaluation
ACI Committee Reports, Guides, Standard Practices, and
Commentaries are intended for guidance in designing, plan-
ning. executing, or inspecting construction and in preparing ACI 364.1R-94 became effective Feb. 1. 1994.
Copyright 0 1993. American Concrete Institute.
specifications. References to these documents shall not be
All rights reserved including rights of reproduction and use in any form or by
made in the Project Documents. If items found in these any means, including the making of copies by any photo process, or by any elec-
documents are desired to be a part of the Project Docu- tronic or mechanical device, printed. written, or oral, or recording for sound or
ments, they should be phrased in mandatory language and visual reproduction or for use in any knowledge or retrieval system or device.
incorporated into the Project Documents. unless permission in writing is obtained from the copyright proprietors.

364.1 R-l

6.4-Nondestructive evaluation methods of an existing structure. Engineering judgment and close

6.5-Sampling techniques consultation with the owner regarding the intended use
of the structure are required in the evaluation of struc-
Chapter 7--Evaluation, pg. 364.1R-18 tures prior to rehabilitation.
7.1-Introduction It is important to clearly define the objective of the re-
7.2-Dimensions and geometry habilitation effort. The cost associated with items such as
7.3-Material evaluation interference with normal operations, or a complete shut-
7.4-Structural evaluation down of a structure can easily exceed those of the actual
7.5-Evaluation of rehabilitation alternatives rehabilitation work. Although rehabilitation can often
7.6-Cost evaluation proceed with little, if any, interference with normal oper-
ations, it is obviously more costly to carry out rehabil-
Chapter 8-Final report, pg. 364.lR-19 itation work under such conditions. The owner should be
8.l-Introduction consulted and provided with relative costs for various
8.2-Purpose and scope of investigation levels of interference, so that an informed decision as to
8.3-Existing construction and documentation how to proceed with the rehabilitation work can be
8.4-Field observations and condition survey made.
8.5-Sampling and material testing Due to the many unknowns inherent in rehabilitation
8.6-Evaluation and repair alternatives work, it is essential to retain the services of consultants
8.7-Findings and recommendations experienced in this type of work. It is also equally impor-
tant to retain services of a well-experienced specialty
Chapter 9-References, pg. 364.1R-20 contractor on a negotiated basis so that a better control
9.1-Recommended references in terms of total cost, level of disturbance to the users,
9.2-Cited references and the quality of work can be achieved. If competitive
bidding is used, consideration should be given to limiting
bidding to prequalified contractors with an established
CHAPTER l-INTRODUCTION record in completing similar rehabilitation projects.

l.l-General 1.2-Definitions
This report outlines procedures that may be used for The following definitions are defined here as in ACI
evaluation of concrete structures prior to rehabilitation. 116R:
The procedures should be used as a guide and are not in- Preservation-The process of maintaining a structure
tended to replace judgment by the engineer responsible in its present condition and arresting further deterior-
for the evaluation. The evaluation work is generally per- ation
formed for one or several of the following purposes: Rehabilitation-The process of repairing or modifying
a) To determine the feasibility of changing the use of a structure to a desired useful condition
a structure or retrofitting the structure to accommodate Repair-To replace or correct deteriorated, damaged,
a different use from the present one. The feasibility of or faulty materials, components, or elements of a struc-
enlarging the structure or changing the appearance of the ture
structure may also be determined. Restoration-The process of reestablishing the mater-
b) To determine the structural adequacy and integrity ials, form, and appearance of a structure to those of a
of a structure or selected elements. particular era of the structure
c) To evaluate the structural problems or distress Strengthening-The process of increasing the load-re-
which result from unusual loading or exposure condi- sistance capacity of a structure or portion thereof.
tions, inadequate design, or poor construction practices.
Distress may be caused by overloads, fire, flood, foun- 1.3-Purpose and scope
dation settlement, deterioration resulting from abrasion, The purpose of this report is to provide a source of
fatigue effects, chemical attack, weathering, or inade- information on the evaluation of concrete structures (ex-
quate maintenance. cept those subjected to seismic effects) prior to rehabil-
d) To determine the feasibility of modifying the exis- itation. This is of particular importance since there is a
ting structure to conform to current codes and standards. substantial difference between the complexity of rehabili-
Many failures have taken place in rehabilitation pro- tation design, as compared with the design of a new
jects due to erroneous procedure and improper judg- structure. Evaluation of specialty structure types such as
ment. It should be recognized that there is no absolute bridges, dams, and tunnels are considered beyond the
measurement of structural safety in an existing structure, scope of this report.
particularly in structures that have deteriorated due to The report is presented as a series of recommended
prolonged exposure to the environment, or that have guidelines, based on experience drawn from existing
been damaged by a physical event. Similarly, there are no sources and past investigations. Case histories are not
generally recognized criteria for evaluating serviceability given so as not to deviate from a guideline approach.

standards. Critical data such as loading requirements and lengths, and deflection magnitudes. Any displacement,
allowable stresses should be reviewed. It may also be cracks, separations, or distortion of the structural frame,
necessary to determine the physical properties of the curtain walls, or other load-bearing or enclosure systems
construction materials if such information is not available should be noted and characterized. Existing floor or roof
from the existing documentation. If soils or foundation slopes should also be noted.
information is available, it should be retained for future Additional measurements may be necessary where al-
use. terations to a structure have been made without proper
As the review progresses, parallel steps may be taken documentation. It is common to encounter alterations in
to develop field observation record sheets for recording a structural system that have been made without an
information obtained during the field investigation. Such awareness of the significance that such alterations may
record sheets should provide essential information on have on the structural system. If there is reason to
structural features such as perimeter boundaries, column, believe that alterations may be affecting a structural
beam, and wall locations and dimensions. If the structure system’s response or capacity, recommendations for re-
being examined is a multifloor structure, one record medial action may be appropriate. The owner should be
sheet may be developed for each floor. A list of items or notified immediately if the nature and extent of problems
questions obtained during the records review concerning discovered require urgent action.
as-built status, alterations, or possible changes in struc- 2.2.4 Nondestructive testing-Limited nondestructive
ture use since its original construction should be devel- testing can supplement observations and measurements.
oped and checked in the field. Alterations to existing Some of the most common techniques used during pre-
structures in service are common and must be carefully liminary investigation are listed in the following:
noted and evaluated, because they represent potentially a) Acoustic impact (sounding and chain dragging)
sensitive areas in the structural system. b) Magnetic detection instrument (cover meters)
2.2.2 Field observations--A walk-through of the struc- c) Rebound hammer
ture may be adequate to establish the project scope and d) Penetration resistance
to serve the project needs. However, in instances of e) Forced vibration tests
extensive rehabilitation, more detailed checks of various It is unlikely that all of these methods will be used
items followed by preliminary tests may be required. during a preliminary investigation. Preliminary nonde-
The principal focus of the preliminary investigation structive testing can often help to identify locations
generally involves recording the nature and extent of ob- within a structure where more comprehensive nonde-
served problems and identifying the affected members. structive and destructive testing may be required. A
Frequency and severity of problems throughout the struc- detailed description of nondestructive test methods and
ture must also be recorded. In the event that serious procedures is included in Chapter 6 of this report.
distress or deficiencies are discovered, which may result 2.2.5 Exploratory removal-Exploratory removal is used
in unsafe or potentially hazardous conditions, the owner when there is substantial evidence of serious deterior-
should be notified for immediate action. Temporary eva- ation or distress, when hidden defects are suspected, or
cuation, temporary shoring measures, or any other emer- when there is insufficient information. Exploratory re-
gency safety measures, if required, should be recom- movals help to determine existing features and to gain
mended to the owner. Monitoring of movements, cracks, reliable information about the nature and extent of
and progressive distress should follow immediately. existing problems. During preliminary investigation,
Assessment of the conditions observed, and specifically selected exploratory removals are considered the excep-
the need for follow-up and appropriate remedial actions, tion and not the rule. It is more common to defer remo-
should be recorded. Initial impressions can be very val- vals until the detailed investigation phase.
uable; they often accurately characterize the nature of a 2.2.6 Sampling testing, and analysis-sampling and
problem. If structural problems are suspected, special testing are not usually performed during the preliminary
attention should be given to connections, support regions, investigation. When performed, sampling generally con-
areas of abrupt geometric change, and areas in the struc- sists of extracting cores or small specimens, or collecting
ture where load concentrations occur. Where cracks of other readily obtainable samples for compressive strength
structural significance are found, consideration should be testing and petrographic examination (ACI 437R). Pow-
given to monitoring the movements of the cracks. This der samples may be extracted during the preliminary in-
information will be of value for future investigations. vestigation for chemical analysis and determinations of
Photographic records or videotapes are valuable aids chloride ion content. Reinforcing steel samples may be
in classifying and communicating information on the con- analyzed to determine strength, hardness, and carbon
ditions and problems observed in the field (Buchanan content.
1983). Where unusually severe deterioration or distress
is observed, a photographic record of this information is 2.3-Results
essential. The results of the preliminary investigation should be
2.2.3 Measurements-The field condition survey gener- summarized in a report that will generally include struc-
ally requires measurements of member dimensions, span tural capacity check, project feasibility, identification of

structural problems, strengthening requirements, and formed after the preliminary investigation is completed,
needs for further investigation. the owner’s goals identified and tentatively determined to
2.3.1 Structural capacity check-The structural capacity be feasible, and the objectives of the detailed investi-
check generally produces one of three results: (1) The gation properly defined. It is important before proceed-
structure or individual members are adequate for the in- ing with the detailed investigation that the project
tended use; (2) The structure or individual members are budgets and costs of the detailed investigation be ap-
adequate for the existing loads but may not be adequate proved by the owner.
for intended use; (3) The analysis may be inconclusive. The detailed investigation may be divided into five
Depending on the results, the adequacy of the structure major tasks:
must be established. It may also be necessary to propose a) Documentation
immediate action to deal with a condition affecting the b) Field observations and condition survey
safety or stability of the structure. c) Sampling and material testing
2.3.2 Project feasibility-An assessment based on tech- d) Evaluation
nical and cost considerations should indicate whether a e) Final report
proposed rehabilitation is feasible. Points that should be The findings of the detailed investigation will directly
considered in reaching a conclusion regarding project influence the final outcome of the evaluation process, the
feasibility include the expected effectiveness of the rehab- choices of various rehabilitation methods to be consid-
ilitation and its estimated life-cycle cost. The effects of ered, the estimated cost associated with each rehabilita-
the rehabilitation on the structural system and the anti- tion alternative, and ultimately the selection of the
cipated impact on the operation of the structure should appropriate rehabilitation method. Therefore, extreme
also be considered. care is required in planning and executing the detailed
2.3.3 Structural problems-when structural problems investigation.
are identified, they should be described in terms of their
seriousness and extent. Steps should be taken to verify 3.2-Documentation
the significance of the structural problems discovered and Intensive effort should be made to locate, obtain, and
to determine whether or not corrective action is required review the pertinent documents relating to the structure.
to remedy the existing conditions or to protect the exis- Thorough review of the available documentation will save
ting structural system. It is not unusual to encounter pro- both time and cost for any rehabilitation project. Chapter
blems that require immediate action to mitigate deficien- 4 provides a guide describing the type of documentation
cies discovered. In such cases, the owner should be noti- needed for various types of structures and where it may
fied for immediate action. Preliminary investigation, be obtained.
especially for older structures, frequently identifies
conditions which may be in marginal compliance with or 3.3-Field observations and condition survey
in violation of current codes. Even with complete documentation and construction
2.3.4 Strengthening requirements-Alternate strength- information, investigation is required to verify reliability
ening methods should be considered to satisfy the in- and accuracy in the field. Field observations should not
tended loading requirements and applicable code re- only address the as-built geometry and materials of con-
quirements. Actions taken to strengthen existing struction, but also the present condition of the structure,
structures must take into consideration the operation of its environment, and the loads to which it is subjected.
the structure both in terms of current and possible future The guidelines for field observation and condition survey
use. The investigation should also consider the cost are given in Chapter 5.
effectiveness of repairing, replacing, or strengthening the
existing structural members.
2.3.5 Further investigation-The need for a further 3.4-Sampling and material testing
detailed investigation should be identified. Frequently, Material testing is often required to determine the
the end product of a preliminary investigation is the existing material properties and conditions. The testing
determination that a detailed investigation is required. may be destructive or nondestructive and may be per-
Issues that must be addressed in planning the next phase formed both in the field and in the laboratory. Chapter
of the work include the objectives of the detailed inves- 6 describes the types of testing and the methods of sam-
tigation and the additional data or information required pling that may be performed during the detailed investi-
to satisfy these objectives. Other important issues are the gation.
time required for investigation, the cost of investigation,
and the intended use of detailed investigation.
CHAPTER 3-DETAILED lNVESTIGATlON Chapter 7 identifies the major types of evaluations
that should be performed to reach a conclusion to pro-
3.1-Introduction ceed with the rehabilitation project or to choose an
The detailed field investigation should only be per- alternative plan.

3.6-Final report mercial atmosphere. As a result, there were many rein-

The final report should include the results of all forcement systems, including many reinforcing bar de-
phases of the investigation field observations, testing, and formation patterns that were protected by patents. Many
evaluation, and should also include conclusions and rec- of these systems were illustrated in catalogs. Not only
ommendations to the owner on how to proceed with the were design calculations often presented in tabular form,
rehabilitation project. It should include an action plan, but often the strength of the system was validated by
cost estimates, and tentative design and construction load tests, and the results of tests included in the
schedules. Guidelines for preparing the final report are catalogs. Early textbooks and handbooks also included
included in Chapter 8. much of this information and are especially helpful.
Newspaper clippings and old photographs may be helpful
during the process of planning for the preservation of
CHAPTER 4-DOCUMENTATION historic structures.
The Historic American Building Survey (HABS),
4.1-Introduction National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior,
This chapter identifies documents and sources of in- Washington, D. C., has drawings and reports on many
formation that should be reviewed during the evaluation historic buildings (McKee 1970). HABS publishes an
of structures prior to their rehabilitation. This review index of all drawings that are stored in the Library of
process is necessary to minimize the assumptions neces- Congress. The state historic preservation office may also
sary to evaluate the structure. Details of the rehabilita- have drawings and reports.
tion project and the type of structure being rehabilitated Much of the general information on early concrete
will dictate the nature and quantity of information that systems can be found in the ACI Bibliography on the
should be reviewed. History of Concrete (ACI B-14), and in Concrete
Reinforcing Steel Institute Publication CDA-24.
4.2-Design information 4.2.3 Historic structures-Bridges-The discussion in
4.2.1 Structures-Documentation that may contain use- Paragraph 4.2.2 on historic structures is also applicable
ful structural information includes: to reinforced concrete bridges. Bridges almost always
a) Design drawings, specifications, and calculations have been public structures built under the aegis of
b) Shop drawings of assemblies and steel framing county and local governments, or state highway depart-
c) Placing drawings of concrete reinforcement ments. Thus, public records, including drawings of a
d) Alteration plans, addenda, and change orders particular bridge, may be found in the archives. Often, if
e) As-built drawings, photographs, job field records, details of a particular bridge are lacking, documents may
and correspondence be available for a bridge designed and built by the same
f) Building codes engineering group or agency at the same time and to the
g) Manufacturer’s technical information, descriptions same specifications.
of construction materials, patents, and test data Drawings of existing historic bridges may be obtained
Information regarding original construction or alter- from the Historic American Engineering Record
ation plans may be obtained from the owner, the archi- (HAER), National Park Service, U.S. Department of the
tect or engineer, local building departments or regulatory Interior, Washington, D.C.
agencies for the political subdivision in which the Beginning about 1905, hundreds of bridges were built
structure is located, the general contractor, the subcon- according to catalog designs. A careful review of such
tractors, and the fabricators. Local building departments’ designs may prove beneficial in documenting the design
records may be valuable in locating alteration plans and of a particular bridge. In addition, a number of railroad
possible violations. bridges were built by railroad companies. These railroad
The assembly of all this information can be time- companies generally keep good records. Possibilities of
consuming, but it is extremely important for a successful obtaining original design plans and inspection and main-
rehabilitation project. tenance records from the railroad companies should be
4.2.2 Historic structures-Buildings-Buildings desig- investigated.
nated as historic structures are required to be preserved,
and their rehabilitation may fall under federal, state, or 4.3-Materials information
city preservation statutes or acts (HUD 1982). Often, The following information on the materials used in a
rigid rules must be observed, and these should be care- particular structure may be available, especially for more
fully studied. recently constructed structures, and should be sought:
When working on historic structures, it is important to a) Concrete mixture components, proportions, and test
relate the structural system used in the project to the results
design practices existing at the time of construction. For- b) Mill test reports on cement and reinforcing and
tunately, on many older structural designs, there is a sub- prestressing steel
stantial amount of available information. Reinforced con- c) Material specifications and drawings, including
crete designs often were developed in a competitive com- those prepared by material suppliers and used to place

their products in the original construction fatigue, etc.

h) Information on operation, occupancy, instances of
4.4-Construction information overloading, and load limits
Various construction documents from the original i) Records from government or local building depart-
construction may have been retained and may be helpful ments or departments of licenses and inspection. Inspec-
in documenting the construction methods, materials, and tion reports and reports of violations are often useful
problems encountered. If available, this information will j) Photographs
prove to be valuable in the rehabilitation process. k) Local newspapers and trade publications
The following records should be sought:
a) Correspondence between members of the construc- 4.6-Communication
tion team, design team, and owner or developer All documentation obtained should be kept in separ-
b) Results of tests on fresh and hardened concrete ately organized files. These files should identify the origin
c) Quality control data and field inspection reports of the documents and data obtained.
d) Diaries or journals kept by the construction team Copies of all documents should be made available to
e) Job progress photographs the owner for his information. These documents may also
f) As-built drawings be made available to the contractor selected for the
g) Survey notes and records rehabilitation project.
h) Reports filed by building inspectors
i) Drawings and specifications kept on the job, in-
cluding modifications and change orders CHAPTER 5-FIELD OBSERVATIONS
j) Material test reports for all structural materials used AND CONDlTION SURVEY
k) Information concerning the foundation and soil-
bearing capacity, including soil-bearing reports prepared 5.1-Introduction
prior to construction; allowable soil-bearing pressures Once the available design, construction, and materials
used in the design; and soil and foundation work, includ- information, and service history of the structure have
ing backfill and compaction conducted during construc- been collected and reviewed, the next step is to perform
tion. Pile driving records and pile cap modification field observations to verify the previously obtained infor-
drawings may be helpful. The soils and foundation re- mation, and to survey and assess the condition of the
cords may be useful when foundation loadings are to be as-built construction.
increased during the rehabilitation or whenever foun- The field observations can be divided into the fol-
dation settlements have been noted. Also, local geo- lowing four major efforts:
technical engineers may be aware of soil information for a) Preparation and planning
recently built and adjacent structures b) Verification of as-built construction
Other possible sources of information regarding re- c) Condition assessment of the structure
cently constructed structures may be the construction d) Summary report
superintendent and the owner’s representative. More Each of these efforts may be modified depending on
information can often be obtained through a personal the type, size, complexity, age, intended future use, and
interview. Local newspaper and trade publications may the overall nature of a particular project.
have provided coverage of the original construction.
5.2-Preparation and planning
4.5-Service history The scope of the field observation effort is, in part,
Documents which relate to the service history of a dictated by the availability of funds and time, but it must
structure should be reviewed to learn as much as possible be sufficient to include relevant information consistent
about any distress, damage, deterioration, and subsequent with project goals. Before a detailed field observation is
repairs which may have occurred. The types of informa- undertaken, the conclusions of the preliminary investiga-
tion that may be available include: tion should be reviewed thoroughly. Additionally, the
a) Records of current and former owners, or users of available documentation should be reviewed to determine
the structure, their legal representatives, and their the type and extent of information that is to be obtained
insurers or verified during field inspection. Recording procedures
b) Maintenance, repair, and remodeling records and appropriate forms should be developed to document
c) Reports maintained by owners of adjacent struc- properly information obtained in the field.
tures When original documents are not available, special
d) Weather records steps should be taken to compensate for the missing in-
e) Interviews with operation and maintenance person- formation. Nondestructive testing (ACI 228.1R) and phy-
nel sical measurements should be used to supplement visual
f) Logs of seismic activity, geologic activity, etc. observations.
g) Insurance reports and records of damage to the A reconnaissance should be made to establish general
structure by fire, wind, snow, overloads, earthquake, site conditions and to decide if special access equipment

or permits are required, if any finishes have to be The inspection should note any changes that can affect
removed, if services of subcontractors are required to the total load-carrying capacity of the structure.
provide the appropriate means of access, or if specialized Dead loads--Differences between design and
inspection services such as rigging, underwater inspection, actual dead loads may arise from variations in the dimen-
etc., are required. In addition, photographs or a video- sions, and the density and moisture content of the con-
recording of critical areas should be taken during the struction materials. Change in architectural finishes, addi-
field observations to assist in planning of equipment, tion of partition walls, changes in facade construction, or
access, and inspection methodology. addition of nonstructural elements can also affect the
actual dead loads.
5.3-Field verification of as-built construction Imposed Loads-Since the imposed loads
5.3.1 Geometry and structural materials--Spans and depend on the use of the structure, a full description of
cross sections of the structural members should be current and proposed usage should be obtained from the
measured, particularly at critical locations, because owner. The imposed loads should be verified during the
as-built conditions may vary considerably from those field observations. Code requirements for wind and
shown on available drawings. Variations may be due to seismic loads may now be more stringent than when the
later design modifications or field changes. In particular, structure was originally constructed. Roth static and
unrecorded alterations may be critical because they may dynamic effects of the imposed loads should be con-
be the cause of reduced strength of the structure. It is sidered.
essential that location and size of openings in structures Warehouse loading and storage-In a
and holes through members be measured and recorded. warehouse, attention should be given to the current and
Nondestructive testing methods such as a magnetic proposed methods and patterns of storage. Mechanical
detection instrument, radiography, ultrasonic pulse stacking may induce dynamic effects and thus increase
velocity, or other methods may be used to estimate either loading. It is necessary to confirm whether the materials
number, size, length, or spacing of reinforcing steel in stored are of similar characteristics to those assumed in
concrete. If the reinforcing details are available, the the original design. Overloading is a common problem in
nondestructive testing methods can be used to verily the warehouses.
information at a few random locations (ACI 228.lR, Car- Loads from equipment and machinery-Static
ino and Malhotra 1991). If they are not available, non- and dynamic loadings induced by mechanical equipment
destructive testing methods may have to be used exten- to the structure should be field-verified. Attention should
sively to establish reinforcing steel sixes and locations at be given to the loads applied during the installation,
critical sections. An adequate number of tests at other relocation, or replacement of equipment. The size, loca-
locations should also be made to establish a reliable tion, and direction of application of point loads from
estimate (ASTM E 122). The results of nondestructive lifting equipment may be of significance. Dynamic effects
testing methods should always be verified by removal of of mobile equipment, e.g., forklift trucks, should be
concrete cover at some locations. investigated. Observations should be made of impact
Nondestructive testing can be used to identify areas of responses from presses, hammers, compressors, and simi-
reinforcing corrosion, delamination, or cracking. Nondes- lar equipment, producing cyclic loads that may induce
tructive testing can also be used to estimate the concrete dynamic effects. The fatigue properties of the supporting
strength and overall concrete quality. Results of nondes- members should be investigated. Loads from pipes,
tructive tests are most useful when supplemented by a valves, and other services should be examined to confirm
limited number of destructive test procedures. that the loads used in the design are adequate.
Exploratory removal of portions of a structure may be Snow and ice loadings-Consideration should
required when it is not possible to fully evaluate visible be given to the buildup of snow and ice, particularly in
evidence of a seriously deteriorated or distressed condi- roof valleys and snow drift accumulation against vertical
tion. Removal may also be required when there is a lack surfaces.
of information about a portion of a structure. Since
removal and replacement of portions of a structure may 5.4-Condition assessment
require services of a subcontractor, this work should be ACI 201.1R should be followed in assessing the condi-
planned well in advance with the owner’s approval. Fur- tion of the concrete. The condition of a structure should
thermore, since most rehabilitation projects require be considered without prejudging the cause and type of
extensive removal during construction, it may be more defects. There is a danger that defects outside of pre-
efficient and more convenient to plan inspection of vious experience of the investigator will be missed, and
hidden areas or conditions during early phases of the that significant effort may go into trying to find a type of
construction. defect that is not present. Therefore, it is necessary to
5.3.2 Loadings and environment-The existing loads, describe the conditions adequately so they can be eval-
loading combinations, soil pressures, and environmental uated objectively. Photographs and videotapes can be val-
conditions acting on a structure may be different from uable in this regard.
those assumed and provided for at the time of design. A visual inspection should be carried out to document

the extent and severity of any distress or deterioration The condition assessment using the preceding classifi-
which could affect the load-carrying capacity or service cations should be supplemented by sketches, photo-
life of the structure. Previously repaired or modified graphs, videotapes, measurements, and brief descriptions.
portions of the structure should also be included in the It is important to note the extent and severity of deter-
inspection. The inspection records should be supplemen- iorated areas with respect to the entire structure being
ted with sketches, photographs, and videotapes, as appro- assessed. For example, if extensive spalling of a concrete
priate. Cracks, spalls, corrosion of reinforcing steel, etc., beam is observed, it is important to note what percentage
should be identified as follows (ACI 201.1R and Con- of the beam is spalled and what is the condition of the
crete Society 1982): beam that is not spalled.
a) Cracks should be measured and recorded for width, 5.4.2 Visible deviations and deformations-Unintended
depth, length, location, and type (i.e., structural or visible deviations of members from the vertical or hori-
nonstructural). Structural cracks should be further iden- zontal should be measured and recorded. Appraisal of
tified, as flexure, shear, or direct tension, if known. Crack relative movement is often guided by comparisons with
patterns should be plotted. Results of crack monitoring neighboring or adjacent structures or members. Devia-
or recommendations for such monitoring should be con- tions from the vertical or horizontal in excess of about
sidered L/250 are likely to be noticed where L represents the
b) Spalling, scaling, honeycombing, efflorescence, and span length. For horizontal members, a slope exceeding
other surface defects should be measured and recorded L/50 (¼ in./ft) would be visible, as would a deflec-
c) Corrosion of reinforcing bars, including the extent tion-to-length ratio of more than about L/240.
and amount of lost cross section, should be measured 5.4.3 Foundation settlement-The field investigation
and recorded should include an assessment of any foundation settle-
d) Loose, corroded, or otherwise defective connectors ments. The movements, tilts, and separations of struc-
for precast concrete elements, or ties to architectural tural elements and cracks that result from differential
elements or cladding should be noted settlements should be measured and recorded. Before
e) Deformations, whether permanent or transient commencing the field investigation of foundation settle-
under loads, out-of-plumb columns, and other misalign- ment, the existing foundation design drawings should be
ments, should also be measured and recorded. Continu- reviewed for type of foundations, types of soils, design
ous monitoring should be considered, as appropriate water table, surrounding terrain, site drainage, and
f) Signs of foundation settlement or heave, and related adjacent structures.
distress, should be noted The field investigation should note any changes in the
g) Water leakage, ponding areas, areas of poor drain- water table, any signs of erosion and scour, and the addi-
age, or other indications of water problems should be tion of structures in the vicinity. If signs of differential
noted settlement are present, it may be necessary to carry out
h) Evidence of aggressive chemical deterioration such a more detailed gee-technical investigation to assess fully
as sulfate attack and acid attack should be noted the impact of the observed conditions.
In general, the visual inspection should include the
measurement and assessment of three basic conditions: 5.5-Unsafe or potentially hazardous conditions
visible damage, visible deviations and deformations, and When unsafe or potentially hazardous conditions are
foundation settlement. discovered, the owner must be immediately notified of
5.4.1 Visible damage-It is generally difficult to quanti- the potential consequences of these conditions. Tempor-
fy the visible damage since it depends on subjective cri- ary evacuation, temporary shoring measures, or any other
teria and the experience of the inspectors. Moreover, emergency safety measures, if required, should be rec-
damage which is acceptable in one region or one type of ommended to the owner. If public safety is involved, a
structure may not be acceptable in another circumstance. follow-up of the conditions discovered should continue
Therefore, before commencing the field observations, with the owner until satisfactory safety measures are
some guidelines should be established in assessing the implemented.
observations so that a consistent representation and
understanding of the significance of the damage is pos-
sible. A six-point assessment classification is recom- CHAPTER 6-SAMPLING AND
mended as follows: MATERIAL TESTING
a) Unsafe
b) Potentially hazardous 6.1-Introduction
c) Severe This chapter contains information on practices and
d) Moderate procedures for assessing the condition and properties of
e) Minor structural materials in an existing structure. These prac-
f) Good condition tices and methods include visual examination, nondes-
Any of the components of the structure can then be tructive evaluation (NDE) tests, and destructive tests
evaluated using this rating system. which include field and laboratory procedures.

6.2-Determination of testing requirements element, the following three coincidental characteristics

The requirements for testing will depend on the are required: adequate strength, adequate cross-sectional
findings during the preliminary investigation, the study of area of both concrete and reinforcing steel, and adequate
available documents, and the requirements of the pro- bond of concrete to steel. If the combination of these
posed rehabilitation. three characteristics is not adequate, the concrete is
There is no need for testing where the available infor- unacceptable.
mation is sufficient to complete the evaluation with con- For concrete to function as an effective cover for rein-
fidence. A structure may clearly be in sound condition forcing or prestressing steel and to provide durability, it
and without defects, and the dimensions measured during must a) be relatively dense, b) be nonporous, c) have low
the investigation may allow analysis to confirm suitability capillarity, d) have low permeability, and e) contain ag-
for its intended future use. gregates and cement that are nonreactive with each other
Requirements for testing will arise in situations where and with the environment. Although some of these pro-
there is inadequate information about the materials pre- perties are related to compressive strength, the desired
sent in a structure or where deterioration or deleterious properties are usually achieved by controlling the amount
materials are suspected. and type of cement, degree of air entrainment, slump,
Where testing is required, it is necessary to make an water-cementitious materials ratio, type of aggregate and
assessment of what specific information is needed. The types of admixtures, and by controlled procedures for
purpose of each test and the information that it can pro- mixing, placing, and curing.
vide must be understood so that the appropriate tests are The preceding concepts indicate that concrete proper-
carried out. Test methods range widely in cost, reliability, ties and physical conditions tabulated in Tables 6.1(a)
and complexity. Some tests require little or no distur- and 6.1(b) may be considered in evaluating the accepta-
bance, while others are destructive and require that a bility of existing concrete and its future performance
portion of the structure be removed from service while (ASCE 11). These tables should be used as a guide by
they are conducted. In some circumstances, the cost of the engineer performing the investigation based on past
testing may be so high that remedial action may be the experience and judgment.
more economic solution. Appropriate experience is nec- 6.3.2 Evaluation procedures for steel reinforcement--The
essary so that the required tests are performed properly function of the embedded steel reinforcement in a con-
and interpreted correctly. crete structure is to carry tensile and compressive forces.
The selection of the proper test methods (ACI Not only must the properties and physical conditions of
228.1R), and the number of tests and their locations will the steel be determined to evaluate this load-carrying
depend on: ability, but the means of transmitting and distributing the
a) Variation in material properties within the structure stresses to the concrete structure must also be deter-
b) Critical locations mined. These requirements indicate that the properties
c) Probable error in a test result or physical conditions tabulated in Table 6.2 (ASCE 11)
d) Extent of the structure over which a property is may be considered in evaluating the acceptability of the
measured, e.g., ultrasonic-pulse-velocity measurements embedded steel reinforcement.
indicate the average quality through the entire depth of
a member, whereas a core test measures only the condi- 6.4-Nondestructive evaluation methods
tion of the material in the core The available nondestructive evaluation methods that
may be used in the field or in the laboratory to assess the
6.3-Testing and evaluation properties and physical conditions of structural materials
Evaluation of existing concrete should include deter- are summarized in Table 6.3(a) through (e) (ASCE ll),
minations of strength and quality (NRMCA 1979, ACI in which each test is briefly explained along with its re-
228.1R, and Shroff 1986 and 1988). Proper assessment quirements, advantages, and limitations (Carino and San-
and subsequent evaluation should provide some under- salone 1990, Clifton et al. 1982, Clifton 1985, Malhotra
standing of the structural ability to sustain the loads and 1976, and Carino and Malhotra 1991).
environmental conditions to which the structure is being
or will be subjected (Mather 1985). 6.5-Sampling techniques
6.3.1 Evaluation procedures for concrete-The function 6.5.1 Concrete-Samples of concrete in an existing
of concrete material in a structure is twofold. First, the structure may be used to determine strength as well as
concrete functions as one component of the composite physical and chemical properties, as discussed earlier. It
structural material that constitutes the load-carrying is essential that the samples be obtained, handled, iden-
element. Second, the concrete provides an overall protec- tified (labeled), and stored in a proper fashion to prevent
tion against fire and environmental forces. Specifically, damage or contamination (Stowe and Thornton 1984).
the concrete cover provides protection against corrosion Guidance on developing an appropriate sampling pro-
of the embedded steel reinforcement, insulates it against gram is provided by ASTM C 823. Samples are usually
the effects of fire, and thereby provides durability. taken to obtain statistical information about the proper-
For concrete to function as a load-carrying structural ties of concrete in the structure or to characterize some

Table 6.1(a)-Evaluation of properties of concrete











Table 6.1(b)-Evaluation of physical conditions of concrete




CRACKING .a .a 0 0.0 .a.


DELAMINATION 0 .a*. 0 0 .a*





HONEYCOMB •~.. 0 0 0





0 l . . l

Table 6.2-Evaluation of properties of reinforcing steel



Table 63-Description of nondestructive (event as noted) evaluation methods for concrete

Method Applications Principle of operation User expertise Advantages Limitations

Acoustic emission Continuous monitoring During crack growth or Extensive knowledge Monitors structural re- Expensive test to
(Clifton et al., 1982; of structure during ser- plastic deformation, the required to plan test sponse to applied load; run; can be used
vice life to detect impen, rapid release of strain and to interpret results. capable of locating only when structure
ding failure; monitoring energy produces acoustic source of possible fail- is loaded and when
performance of structure (sound) waves that can be ure; equipment is por- flaws are growing;
during proof testing. detected by sensors in table and easy to oper- interpretation of
contact with or attached ate, good for load tests. results required an
to the surface of a test expert; currently
object. largely confined to
laboratory; limited
track record, further
work required.

Acoustic impact Used to detect debonds, Surface of object is struck Low level of expertise Portable equipment; easy Geometry and mass
(Clifton et al., 1982) delaminations. voids, and with an implement. The required to use audi- to perform with auditory of test object in-
hairline cracks. frequency and damping tory system but the system; electronic device fluence results; poor
characteristics of resulting electronic system requires more equip- discrimination for
sound, giving an indica- requires training. ment. auditory system; ref-
tion of the presence of erence standards re-
defects; equipment may quired for electronic
vary from simple hammer testing.
or drag chain to sophisti-
cated trailer-mounted
electronic equipment.

Core testing (ASTM Direct determination of Drilled cylindrical core is Special care not to Most widely accepted Coring damages
C 42) concrete strength; con- removed from structure; damage cores must be method to determine re- structures and
crete evaluation of con- tests may be performed taken in obtaining liably the strength and repairs may be
dition type and quality on core to determine drilled cores; moderate quality of in-place required. Destruc-
of aggregate, cement, compressive and tensile level of expertise concrete. Good for ex- tive test.
and other components. strength, torsional pro- required to test and aminations of cracks,
perties, static modulus of evaluate results. embedded reinforcing
elasticity, etc. bars, and for sample for
chemical tests.

Cover meters/Pach- Measure cover, size, and Presence of steel in Moderate; easy to op- Portable equipment, Difficult to interpret
ometers (Malhotra location of reinforce- concrete or masonry af- erate; training needed good results if concrete results if concrete is
1976) ment and metal embed- fects the magnetic field of to interpret results. is lightly reinforced. heavily reinforced or
ments in concrete or a probe. The closer the Good for locating rein- if wire mesh is pre-
masonry. probe is to steel, the forcing or prestressing rent. Not reliable for
greater the effect. tendons and wires to cover of 4 in.; and
avoid damage in coring. form ties often mis-
taken for anchors.

Electrical potential Indicating condition of Electrical potential of Moderate level of ex- Portable equipment, Information on rate
measurements steel reinforcing bars in concrete indicates prob- perience required, user field measurements of corrosion is not
(Mathey and Clifton concrete masonry. Indi- ability of corrosion. must be able to recog- readily made; appears to provided; access to
1988) cating the corrosion ac- nize problems. give reliable information reinforcing bars
tivity in concrete pave- required.

Electrical resistance Determination of mois- Determination of mois- High level of expertise Equipment is auto- Equipment is expen-
measurements ture content of concrete. ture content of concrete is required to interpret mated and easy to use. sive and requires
(Mathey and Clifton based on the principle results; equipment is high-frequency spe-
1988) that the conductivity of easy to use. cialized applications;
concrete changes with dielectric properties
changes in moisture con- also depend on salt
lent. content and temper-
ature of specimen,
which poses prob-
lems in interpre-
tation of results. Not
too reliable.

Table 6.3 cont.-Description of nondestructive evaluation methods for concrete

Method Applications Principle of operation User expertise Advantages

Fiber optics (Mathey To view portions of a iber optic probe consis- Equipment is easy to Gives clear high-reso Equipment expen-
and Clifton 1988) structure that are in- ing of flexible optical handle and operate. lution images of remote sive; many bore
accessible to the eye. ibers. lens, and illumin- objects. Camera attach- boles are required to
ting system is inserted ment for photos is avail- give adequate access.
nto a crack or drilled able. Flexible hose en- Mortar in masonry
ole in concrete; eyepiece ables multidirectional walls binders view.
s used to view interior to viewing.
ook for flaws such as
racks, voids, or aggregate
ebonds, commonly used
o look into areas where
ores have been removed
r bore boles have been
rilled. Examination of
avity walls and other
masonry boles.

Infrared thermo- Detection of internal laws detected by using High level of expertise Has potential for be- Requires special skill
graphy (Mathey and flaws, crack growth, de- elective infrared fre- required to interpret coming a relatively inex- and equipment. Ef-
Clifton 1988) lamination, and internal quencies to detect various results. pensive and accurate fective where tem-
voids. assive heat patterns method for detecting perature differential
hich can be identified as concrete defects; can between surfaces is
elonging to certain de- over large areas quickly high.
eds. Through cracks in
oncrete and masonry ma:
be detected on cold days.

Load testing (ACI Determine performance Test load is applied to High level of expertise -
Provides highly reliable Expensive and time-
4371) of a structure under a structure in a manner that required to formulate prediction of structure’s consuming; testing
simulation of actual will simulate the load pat- and conduct the test ability to perform satis- may cause limited or
loading conditions, using tern under design condi- program and to evalu- factorily under expected even permanent
overload factors. tions. ate the results. Protec- loading conditions. damage to the struc-
ion shoring is required ture or some of its
‘or safety. elements.

Nuclear moisture Estimation of moisture Moisture content in con- Must be operated by Portable moisture esti- Equipment sophisti-
meter (ASTM content of hardened crete determined based on rained and licensed mates can be made of cated and expensive;
D 3017) concrete. the principle that mater- personnel. in-place concrete. NRC License re-
ials (such as water) de- quired to operate;
cease the speed of fast moisture gradients in
neutrons in accordance specimen may give
with the amount of hydro- erroneous results.
gen produced in test Measures all nitro-
specimen. gen in concrete as
well as nitrogen in

Petrographic analysis Used to determine a var - Used in conjunction with High level of skill and Provides detailed and Qualified exper-
(ASTM C 856) iety of properties of con- other tests. chemical and raining required to reliable information of ienced petrographer
crete or mortar sample Physical analysis of con- perform and analyze concrete ingredients. required; relatively
removed from structure; C rete samples is per- test results. paste, aggregates, curing, expensive and time-
some of these include 1) formed by qualified petro possible damage, and consuming.
denseness of cement. 2) grapher. freezing
homogeneity of concrete
3) location of cracks, 4)
air content, 5) propor-
tions of aggregate, cc-
ment, and air voids, and
6) curing.

Pullout testing Estimation of compres- easure the force re- Low level of expertise Directly measures in- Pullout devices must
(ASTM C 900) sive and tensile strengths uired to pull out the required, can be used place strength of con- be inserted during
of existing concrete. teel rod with enlarged by field personnel. crete; appears to give construction; cone of
lead cast in concrete; good prediction of con- concrete may be
ullout forces produce crete strength. pulled out, necessi-
ensile and shear stresses tating minor repairs.
n concrete.

Table 6.3 cont.-Description of nondestructive evaluation methods for concrete

Method I Applications Principle of operation User expertise Advantages
Pull-off testing Estimation of the com- Circular steel probe is HighIy skilled operator Simple sad inexpensive. Standard test proce-
(Long and Murray pressive strength of bonded to concrete. Ten- is not required. dure not yet avail-
1984) existing concrete. sile force is applied using able. Limited track
portable mechanical sys- record. Concrete
tem until concrete fails. must be repaired at
Compressive strength can test locations.
be estimated using cali-
bration charts.

Radar (Mathey and Detection of substratum Uses transmitted electro- High level of expertise Expedient methods can Equipment is expen-
Clifton 1988) voids, delaminations. and magnetic impulse signals required to operate locate reinforcing bars sive; reliability of
embedments. Measure- for void detection. equipment sad inter- and voids regardless of void detention great-
meat of thickness of pret results. depths. May be used ly reduced if rein-
concrete pavements. when only one surface is forcement present;
available. procedure still under

Gamma radiography Estimation location, size, Based on principle that Use of gamma-pro Internal defects can be Equipment is ex-
(Malhotra 1976) sad condition of rein- the rate of absorption of ducing isotopes is detected; applicable to pensive; gamma-ray
forcing bars; voice in gamma rays is affected by closely controlled by variety of materials; per- source is health and
concrete; density. density sad thickness of NRC, equipment must manent record on film, safety hazard; re-
test specimen; gamma ray be operated by licensed gamma-ray equipment quires access to both
are emitted from source. inspectors. easily portable. sides of specimen.
penetrate the specimen,
exit on opposite side, end
are recorded on file.

Rebound hammer Springdriven mass strikes Simple to operate; can Equipment is light- Results effected by
(ASTM C 805) crete from different surface of concrete sad be readily operated by weight simple to oper- condition of concrete
areas of specimen; esti- rebound distance is given field personnel. ate, and inexpensive, surface; does not
mates of concrete in R-values; surface hard- large amount of data can give precise predic-
strength based on cali- ness is measured and be quickly obtained, tion of strength; esti-
bration curves with strength estimated from good for determining mates of strength
limited accuracy. calibration curves pro- uniformity of concrete should be used with
vided by hammer manu- and stress potentially low great care; frequent
lecturer. strength. calibration of
equipment required.

Ultrasonic pulse Gives estimates of uni- Operates on principle that Varying level of ex- Equipment relatively in- Good coupling be-
(ASTM C 597) formity, quality. com- stress wave propagation pertise required to expensive and easy to tween transducer and
pressive strength. (when velocity is affected by Interpret results. operate; accurate mea- concrete is critical;
previously correlated) of quality of concrete; pulse Operator requires a surement of uniformity interpretation of re-
concrete; internal dis- waves are induced in fair degree of training. sad quality. By corre- sults can be difficult
continuities can be materials sad the time of lating compressive density, amount of
located sad their size arrival measured at the strength of cores and aggregate, moisture
estimated; most widely receiving surface with a wave velocity, in-situ variations. and pre-
used stress wave method receiver. strength can be esti- sence of metal rein-
for field use. mated. forcemeat may affect
results; calibration
standards required.

Visual examination (a) Evaluation of the Visual examination with Experience required to Generally low costs; Trained evaluation
(ACI 2O1.1R and surface condition of or without optical aids, letermine what to look rapid evaluation of required, primary
ASTM C 823) concrete (finish, rough- measurement tools, pho for, what measurement concrete conditions. evaluation confined
ness, scratches cracks, tographic records, or oth- to take, interpretation to surface of
color). (b) Determining er low-cost tools, differ- of conditions, and what structure.
deficiencies in joints. (c) ential movement deter- follow-up testing to
Determining deforma- mined over long periods specify.
tions and differential with surveying methods
movements of structure. and other instrumenta-

Table 6.3 cont.-Description of nondestructive evaluation methods for concrete

Method Applications Principle of operation User expertise Advantages Limitations

Penetration resis- Estimates of compressive Probes are gun-driven Simple to operate, can Equipment is simple, May not yield accur-
tance (ASTM C 803) strength. uniformity. and into concrete; depth of be readily operated in durable. and requires ate estimates of con-
quality of concrete may penetration converted to the field with little little maintenance, useful crete strengths; inter-
he used for estimating estimates of concrete training. Safety require in assessing the quality pretation of results
strength prior to form strength by using cal- operator certificate. and relative strength of depends on correla-
removal. ibration curves. concrete; does relatively tion curves. Difficulty
little damage to speci- in removing the
men. probes, which are
often broken and
damaging to cover

Ultrasonic pulse- Gives estimates of com- Operates on principle that High level of expertise Can operate where only Is still in develop
echo (Thornton and pressive strength, unifor- original direction, ampli- required to interpret oat surface is accessible. mental stage. Needs
Alexander 1987) mity, and quality of coo- tude, sad frequency con- results. Operator Can operate in dry (in development of mea-
crete. Can locate rein- teat of stress waves intro should have consider- theory - never saw pub- surement criteria.
forcing bar. defects, duced into concrete are able training to use licized material). Allows Not presently a stan-
voids delamination, sad modified by the presence equipment and know- one to “see” inside dard test method.
determine thickness. of interfaces such as ledge of electronics, concrete. Digital signal pro
cracks, objects, sad sec- and should have consi- cessing can improve
tions which have different derable training in the interpretation but
acoustic impedance. area of condition sur- data must be re-
vey of concrete struc- turned to laboratory
lures. for processing at

Resonant frequency Is used in the laboratory A resonant frequency con- High level of expertise Allows one to “see in- Operates in sonic
testing (Carino and tO determine various dition is set up between required to interpret side” concrete structures, range and does not
Sansalone 1990) fundamental modes of two reflecting interfaces. results. Operator can can penetrate to depths have resolution of
vibration for calculating Energy can be introduced be easily trained for of a number of feet; a ultrasonics. Still in
moduli; used in field to by hammer impact oscilla- laboratory measure- newly developed trans- developing stage.
detect voids, delamin- tor-amplifier-electromag- meats as specimens ducer receiver can im-
ations. netic driver system. have simple geometry. prove results over an

unusual or extreme conditions in specific portions of the difference is exceeded

structure. In the first case, sample locations should be Since the variability of test results is usually not known
randomly distributed throughout the structure. The num- in advance, an estimate should be made and adjusted as
ber and size of samples depend on the laboratory tests test results become available. Cost should also be con-
and the degree of confidence desired in the average val- sidered in the selection of sample sizes. In some cases,
ues obtained from the tests. increasing the sample size may result in only a minimal
The sampling plan depends on whether the concrete decrease in the risk that the error is exceeded. The cost
is generally believed to be uniform, or if there are likely of additional sampling and testing would not be justified
to be two or more regions different in composition, con- under these situations.
dition, or quality. The results of the preliminary inves- It should be recognized that concrete is not an iso-
tigation and the review of other sources of information tropic material and properties will vary depending on the
should be considered before a detailed sampling plan is direction that samples are taken. Particular attention
prepared. Where a property is believed to be uniform, should be given to vertical concrete members, such as
sampling locations should be distributed randomly columns, walls, and deep beams, because concrete pro-
throughout the area of interest, and all data treated as perties will vary with elevation due to differences in
one group. Otherwise, the study area should be subdi- placing and compaction procedures, segregation, or
vided into regions believed to be relatively uniform, with bleeding.
each region sampled and analyzed separately. Core sampling-The procedures for properly
For tests intended to measure the average value of a removing concrete samples by core drilling are given in
concrete property, such as strength, elastic modulus, or ASTM C 42. The number, size, and location of core sam-
air content, the number of samples should be determined ples should be carefully selected to permit all necessary
in accordance with ASTM E 122. The required number laboratory tests. If possible, use virgin samples for all
of samples generally depends on: tests so that there will be no influence from prior tests.
a) Maximum difference (or error) that one is willing Where cores are taken to determine a strength property,
to accept between the sample average and the true aver- at least three cores should be removed at each location
age in the structure. The strength value should be taken as
b) Variability of the test results the average of the three cores. A single core should not
c) Risk that one is willing to accept that the allowable be used to evaluate or diagnose a particular problem.

For determining compressive strength or static or of the existing construction materials. Only general
dynamic modulus of elasticity, the diameter of the core guidelines are presented in this chapter.
should not be less than three times the nominal maxi- Structural evaluations should be performed to deter-
mum size of aggregate. mine the load-carrying capacity of all critical elements of Sampling of concrete with sawed beams- the structure, and the structure as a whole. The ability of
Where appropriate, sampling by sawing beams in accor- the structure to support all present and anticipated loads
dance with ASTM C 42 may be used as an alternative to according to current code requirements or standards
drilled core sampling. However, research has shown that should be considered. Where these code requirements
significant reductions in strength may be encountered are not met with the structure in its current condition,
when using sawed beam samples. This should be taken appropriate strengthening methods and techniques
into consideration in the final analysis of the results. should be determined. Random sampling of broken concrete-Sam- Ihe need to meet architectural requirements should
pling of broken concrete generally should not be used also be evaluated. Both changes in architectural layout
where a strength property of concrete is in question. This and modifications to the facades of the structure should
method is most frequently used when evaluating chemical be evaluated. Final schemes should be selected by the
or physical properties of deteriorated concrete members. owner from various design alternatives. The cost of var-
6.5.2 Steel reinforcement-Samples of steel reinforce- ious alternatives should be estimated and the implications
ment from existing members may be retrieved to deter- evaluated.
mine the strength, physical or chemical properties, or
both. The removed reinforcing bars should be replaced 7.2-Dimensions and geometry
if required by design. The characteristics, selection, and The actual dimensions of the structure and archi-
preparation of samples are discussed in ASTM A 370. tectural layout should be evaluated for use, access, and
Some of the important considerations are: needed space. The field-measured cross sections of the
a) Specimens should be removed at locations of mini- critical structural components should be reviewed. Dis-
mum stress in the reinforcement. Not more than one crepancies between the field-measured dimensions and
specimen should be removed from the same cross section those indicated on available drawings should be evalu-
of a structural member ated.
b) Locations of specimens in continuous concrete con-
struction should be separated by at least the development 7.3-Materials evaluation
length of the reinforcement to avoid excessive weakening Field and laboratory test results should be studied so
of the member that components of the structure that require repair can
c) For structural elements having a span of less than be identified. The structural components which require
25 ft (7.5 m) or a loaded area of less than 625 ft2 (60 total replacement should be identified and new materials
m2), at least one specimen should be taken from the selected. All existing materials should be evaluated for
main longitudinal reinforcement (not stirrups or ties) strength, quality, and satisfactory performance in terms
d) For longer spans or larger areas, more specimens of life expectancy, future loads, and intended usage.
should be taken from locations well distributed through Where rehabilitation is required, the appropriate
the portion being investigated, to determine whether the materials should be studied and recommendations made.
same strength of steel was used throughout the structure The materials should be selected based on the environ-
e) Information from Grade Marks and Mill Marks ment, type of use, life expectations, and compatibility
should be collected when possible and used as appropri- with existing materials. After evaluation of the existing
ate in guiding sample collection conditions, it may be determined that protection from
further deterioration is required. Methods such as
coating, shielding, or specialized systems (e.g., cathodic
CHAPTER 7-EVALUATION protection) should be considered.

7.4-Structural evaluation
Evaluation is a process of determining the adequacy Using the information obtained from the field survey,
of a structure or component for its intended use by anal- dimension and geometry evaluation, and material evalu-
yzing systematically the information and data assembled ations, the load-carrying capacity of the structure or
from reviews of existing documentation, field inspection, portion of the structure undergoing evaluation should be
condition survey, and material testing. This investigative determined. The choice of the evaluation method is de-
process of evaluation cannot be generally standardized pendent on such factors as the nature of the structure
into a series of well-defined steps because the number and the amount of information known about its existing
and type of steps vary depending on the specific purpose condition. The typical choices are 1) evaluation by
of the investigation, the type and physical condition of analysis, 2) evaluation by analysis and full-scale load
the structure, the completeness of the available design testing, or 3) evaluation by analysis and structural
and construction documents, and the strength and quality modeling (ACI 437R).

Evaluation by analysis, the most common method, is itation is subject to many factors; however, the cost for
recommended when sufficient information is available certain types of structural repair or strengthening work
about the physical characteristics, material properties, can often be reasonably estimated based on previous ex-
structural configuration, and loadings to which the perience. Such an estimate can form the basis for an ini-
structure has been and will be subjected. tial decision regarding the appropriate alternative to be
Evaluation by analysis and full-scale load testing or selected and the overall economic feasibility of the pro-
structural modeling or both is recommended when the ject.
complexity of the design concept and lack of experience A more detailed cost of rehabilitation should be docu-
with the structural system make evaluation solely by anal- mented, taking into account the location of the project
ytical methods unreliable, or when the nature of existing and the existing and available labor and skilled con-
distress introduces significant uncertainties into the mag- tractors. These costs should be computed for the approx-
nitude of the parameters necessary to perform an analy- imate time of the actual construction schedule. It must
tical evaluation, or when the geometry and the material be recognized that unanticipated conditions requiring
characteristics of the structural elements being evaluated extra cost are common in many rehabilitation projects
cannot be readily determined. and adequate contingencies should be provided.
Critical structural components including members and In the event the estimated costs exceed the available
connections should be identified for evaluation based on budget, another cycle of possible reductions should be
the document review, dimension and geometry check, studied. The final rehabilitation program then can be
and material evaluation. modified and approved by the owner, who should be ad-
The capacities of the critical structural components vised that actual costs can be determined only after
should be determined preferably by the strength design preparation of detailed contract documents (drawings
method. Sophisticated methods such as finite element and specifications) and after obtaining firm bids from
analyses may be used. All existing and expected dead contractors.
loads and live loads, equipment and piping loads, and If the cost of upgrading is determined to be prohi-
code-mandated wind and earthquake requirements must bitive, possible alternate uses of the structure should be
be considered. studied, or a recommendation made for continuing its
Where applicable, the nonstructural components present use or for phasing out its use.
should also be evaluated to insure that they are capable
of resisting the prescribed loads and deformations. Ihe
effect of nonstructural components on the overall per- CHAPTER 8 FINAL REPORT
formance of the structure should also be considered.
7.5 Evaluation of rehabilitation alternatives The results of the entire investigation should be sum-
Even if the existing structure appears to meet all the marized in a final report. This report generally includes
strength requirements, cosmetic or other types of repairs a brief description of the following basic areas addressed
may stiIl be required to restore the structure to an ap- during the evaluation process:
propriate condition. Alternate repair methods, as well as a) Purpose and scope of investigation
the possibility of using the “do nothing approach,” should b) Existing construction and documentation
be evaluated based on comparative cost estimates, sched- c) Field observations and condition survey
ules, and relative levels of interference with the oper- d) Sampling and material testing
ations. e) Evaluation
When the existing structure (or components) does not f) Findings and recommendations
meet the strength requirements, alternate methods of
strengthening should be evaluated, comparative cost esti- 8.2-Purpose and scope of investigation
mates should be prepared for the various alternates, and This section of the report should describe the purpose
a recommendation for the selected method or methods and scope of the investigation as agreed with the owner,
should be made for the owner’s approval. including any modifications made during the course of
Where the structure to be restored is occupied, the the evaluation.
effect of repair or strengthening procedures on the nor-
mal operations of the structure must be considered. This 8.3-Existing construction and documentation
includes effects such as noise, dust, and physical inter- A brief summary of information on the existing struc-
ruption of operations. The possibility of work during off- ture including location, size, history, architectural and
hours, (nights and weekends) should be evaluated be- structural details, etc., should be included in this section.
cause it often proves to be desirable and cost effective. The results of the documentation review should be sum-
marized and supplemented by photographs, copies of
7.6-Cost evaluation drawings, and any other pertinent information as appli-
A cost evaluation should be conducted for all feasible cable. A list of all the documents collected and their
repair or rehabilitation alternatives. The cost of rehabil- sources should be included.

8.4-Field observations and condition survey while not necessarily controlling the final recommenda-
The results of the inspection and condition survey for tions, can have a major influence on them. Cost esti-
all portions of the structure, including its envelope and mates should address the owner’s requirements and con-
foundations, should be included. The report should brief- sider the effects of interruptions of normal operations.
ly describe methods and equipment used, results of as- Additionally, it is helpful to study possible phasing (or
built verification efforts, including all deviations, major staging) of the project and to identify the influence that
deficiencies that require remedial work, and all portions deferring of a particular phase would have on future re-
of the structure that are to be altered for change of use habilitation costs. Inflation rates and interest rates should
or appearance. The report should also include photo- both be taken into account when evaluating the impact
graphs, sketches, drawings, and other pertinent informa- of a deferment on a rehabilitation program. Finally, the
tion prepared during the inspection and field survey life expectancy of various systems and alternate repair
operations. schemes, and the life expectancy of the entire structure,
should be considered. The total cost estimate should also
8.5-Sampling and material testing include cost of the required engineering services, testing
The locations, methods, and results of the nondestruc- services, and contingencies.
tive and destructive testing performed during the detailed 8.7.3 Scheduling--Project schedule may be determined
investigation should be summarized. The results may be by the urgency of the rehabilitation needs, the availability
supplemented with photographs and copies of laboratory of funds, the effects on ongoing operations, and the opti-
test reports as appropriate. The results should indicate mal construction conditions. If rehabilitation work is re-
adequacy in terms of physical condition, strength, and quired outdoors, work may be delayed until the weather
future performance of all structural and architectural is suitable, or temporary protection measures may have
materials tested. to be considered. The schedule must consider the lead
time for engineering and for preparation of construction
8.6-Evaluation documents. Sufficient time should be allowed for contrac-
The report should summarize the results of the tor selection and mobilization. Where unknown condi-
strength evaluation of the structure. All assumptions tions exist, sufficient time should be allowed for possible
made and methods used in the evaluation process should modifications and additional engineering services if newly
be clearly documented. A brief description of each repair discovered deficiencies are found during rehabilitation.
alternate (Corps of Engineers 1986) or strengthening Adequate delivery time for special materials, new or
method studied, along with sketches showing typical replacement equipment, or prefabricated components
details, cost estimates, and the impact of the repair should be considered.
method, should be included. 8.7.4 Constraints and feasibility determination-Rehabil-
itation often involves the constraints associated with
8.7-Findings and recommendations working around existing operations. Special considera-
The findings from each preceding task discussed tions are warranted for construction operations that pro-
should be summarized in this section of the report. The duce dust, noise, odor, vibrations, or involve hazardous
findings should include a discussion of the condition of materials. Site access and materials handling problems
the structure and the feasibility of the rehabilitation. The should also be considered. Special project planning meet-
recommendations must address the following topics: ac- ings are often helpful in determining the most appropri-
tion plan, cost estimates, scheduling, and determining ate way of handling these constraints. It is of critical
constraints and feasibility. importance to insure that any constraints mandated by
8.7.1 Action plan-The recommendation should clearly the owner be considered and incorporated into the re-
point out an appropriate course of action, such as 1) habilitation plan.
accept the structure as-is, 2) strengthen the structure to
correct deficiencies identified, 3) change the use of the
structure, or 4) phase the structure out of service. The CHAPTER 9-RECOMMENDED REFERENCES
course of action that will best satisfy the owner’s objec-
tives should be considered and an appropriate and cost- 9.1-Recommended references
effective solution for the rehabilitation should be The documents of the various standards-producing or-
developed. Effective plans should address what action ganizations referred to in this document are listed with
should be taken and how it should best be accomplished. their serial designations.
Where budget constraints are severe, it may be necessary
to assign priorities to repairs and to stage the program American Concrete Institute
accordingly over several years. Feasible alternatives to 116R Cement and Concrete Technology
the recommended plan of action should be identified in- 201.1R Guide for Making a Condition Survey of Con-
cluding estimated costs and payback periods. crete in Service
8.7.2 Cost estimates--Project costs often influence 228.1R In-Place Methods for Determination of Strength
every aspect of a recommended rehabilitation plan and, of Concrete

437R Strength Evaluation of Existing Concrete ASTM 1916 Race St.

Buildings Philadelphia, PA 19103
B-14 History of Concrete
SP-85 Rehabilitation, Renovation, and Preservation of American Society of Civil Engineers
Concrete and Masonry Structures 345 East 47th St.
New York, NY 10017
A 370 Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical U.S. Army Engineer Waterway Experiment Station
Testing of Steel Products Vicksburg, MS 391809.
A751 Methods, Practices, and Definitions for Chemical
Analysis of Steel Products 9.22-Cited references
A 775 Specification for Epoxy-Coated Reinforcing Steel Buchanan, T., 1983. “Photographing Historic Buildings
Bars (London: Royal Commission on Historical Monuments),
C 42 Methods of Obtaining and Testing Drilled Cores (Available from Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, 49 High
and Sawed Beams of Concrete Holborn, London WCIV 614B).
C 457 Practice for Microscopical Determination of Air- Carino, N.J., and Malhotra, V.M., 1991. “Handbook of
Void Content and Parameters of the Air-Void Nondestructive Testing of Concrete,” CRC.
System in Hardened Concrete Carino, N.J., and Sansalone, M., 1990. “Impact-Echo:
C 597 Test Method for Pulse Velocity Through Con- A New Method for Inspecting Construction Materials,”
crete Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation for Manufacturing
C 666 Test Method for Resistance of Concrete to and Construction, Henrique L.M. DOS Reis, ed., Hemis-
Rapid Freezing and Thawing phere Publishing Corporation, New York.
C 803 Test Method for Penetration Resistance of Clifton, J.R., 1985. “Nondestructive Evaluation in
Hardened Concrete Rehabilitation and Preservation of Concrete and Mason-
C 805 Test Method for Rebound Number of Hardened ry Materials,” Rehabilitation, Renovation, and Preservation
Concrete of Concrete and Masonry Structures, SP-85, American
C 823 Practice for Examination and Sampling of Hard- Concrete Institute, Detroit, pp. 19-29.
ened Concrete in Constructions Clifton, J.R.; Carino, N.J.; and Howdyshell, P., 1982,
C 856 Practice for Petrographic Examination of Hard- “In-Place Nondestructive Evaluation Methods for Quality
ened Concrete Assurance of Building Materials,” U.S. Army Corps of
C 900 Test Method for Pullout Strength of Hardened Engineers Construction Research Laboratory Technical
Concrete Report M-305.
C 1084 Test Method for Portland-Cement Content of Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute, “Evaluation of
Hardened Hydraulic-Cement Concrete Reinforcing Steel Systems in Old Reinforced Concrete
D 3017 Test Method for Moisture Content of Soil and Structures,” DA-24.
Soil Aggregate in Place by Nuclear Methods Concrete Society, 1982, “Non-Structural Cracks in
(Shallow Depths) Concrete,” Technical Report No. 22, England.
E 122 Practice for Choice of Sample Size to Estimate Corps of Engineers, 1986, “Evaluation and Repair of
the Average Quality of a Lot or Process Concrete Structures,” Engineer Manual, EM 1110-2-2002.
G 12 Method for Nondestructive Measurement of HUD, 1982, “Rehabilitation Guideline--Structural
Film Thickness of Pipeline Coatings on Steel Assessment,” U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
G 14 Test Method for Impact Resistance of Pipeline Development, Washington, D.C.
Coatings (Falling Weight Test) Long, A.E., and Murray, A., 1984, “Pull-Off Partially
G 20 Test Method for Chemical Resistance of Pipeline Destructive Test for Concrete,” In Situ/Nondestructive
Coatings Testing of Concrete, SP-82, American Concrete Institute,
Detroit, pp. 327-350.
Other standards Malhotra, V.M., ed., 1976, Testing Hardened Concrete:
ASCE 11-90 Guideline for Structural Condition Assess- Nondestructive Methods, Monograph No. 9, American
ment of Existing Buildings Concrete Institute, Detroit, 204 pp.
CRD C 48 Method of Test for Water Permeability of Mather, K., 1985, “Preservation Technology: Evalua-
Concrete, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ting Concrete in Structures,” Concrete International:
Standard Design & Construction, V. 7, No. 10, Oct., pp. 33-41.
Mathey, R.G., and Clifton, J.R., 1988. “Review of
The preceding references are available from: Nondestructive Evaluation Methods Applicable to Con-
struction Materials and Structures,” NBS Technical Note
American Concrete Institute 1247, U.S. Department of Commerce.
P.O. Box 19150 McKee, H-I., 1970, “Recording Historic Buildings,"
Detroit, MI 48219.0150 Historic American Buildings Survey, Washington, D.C.

NRMCA, 1979, “In-Place Concrete Strength Evalua- Stowe, R.L., and Thornton, H.T., 1984, “Engineering
tion-A Recommended Practice,” Committee on Re- Condition Survey of Concrete in Service,” Technical
search Engineering and Standards, Publication No. Report REMR-CS-1, U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Ex-
133-79, National Ready Mixed Concrete Association, periment Station, Vicksburg, MS.
Silver Spring, MD. Thornton, H.T., Jr., and Alexander, A.M., 1987,
Shroff, 1986, “Old Concrete Arches,” Concrete Inter- “Development of Nondestructive Testing Systems for In-
national Design & Construction, V. 8, No.5, May, pp. Situ Evaluation of Concrete Structures,” Technical Report
52-57. REMR-CS-10, U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experi-
Shroff, 1988, “Evaluating a 50 Year Old Concrete ment Station, Vicksburg, MS.
Bridge,” Concrete International: Design & Construction, V.
10, No. 5, May, pp. 56-62. This report was submitted to letter ballot of Committee 364.

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