The Middle Cambrian Fossil Pikaia and The Evolution of Chordate Swimming
The Middle Cambrian Fossil Pikaia and The Evolution of Chordate Swimming
The Middle Cambrian Fossil Pikaia and The Evolution of Chordate Swimming
Conway Morris and Caron (2012) have recently published an account of virtually all the available information on Pikaia
gracilens, a well-known Cambrian fossil and supposed basal chordate, and propose on this basis some new ideas about
Pikaia’s anatomy and evolutionary significance. Chief among its chordate-like features are the putative myomeres, a
regular series of vertical bands that extends the length of the body. These differ from the myomeres of living chordates
in that boundaries between them (the myosepta) are gently curved, with minimal overlap, whereas amphioxus and
vertebrates have strongly overlapping V- and W-shaped myomeres. The implication, on biomechanical grounds, is that
myomeres in Pikaia exerted much less tension on the myosepta, so the animal would have been incapable of
swimming as rapidly as living chordates operating in the fast-twitch mode used for escape and attack. Pikaia either
lacked the fast-twitch fibers necessary for such speeds, having instead only slow-twitch fibers, or it had an ancestral
fiber type with functional capabilities more like modern slow fibers than fast ones. The first option is supported by the
sequence of development in zebrafish, where both myoseptum formation and fast fiber deployment show a
dependence on slow fibers, which develop first. For Pikaia, the absence of fast fibers has both behavioral and
anatomical implications, which are discussed. Among the latter is the possibility that a notochord may not have been
needed as a primary stiffening device if other structures (for example, the dorsal organ) could perform that role.
Keywords: Pikaia, Basal chordates, Myomere and notochord evolution, Amphioxus, Swimming mechanics, Vertebrate
muscle fibers, Yunnanozoans
© 2012 Lacalli; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Lacalli EvoDevo 2012, 3:12 Page 2 of 6
and of considerable speed when swimming, greater than are significant differences in the way the two systems are
many fish when adjusted for relative body size [15]. In part innervated. From data on larvae [17,26] fast fibers are
this is possible because, lacking eyes, amphioxus need not innervated by neurons distributed along the nerve cord
look where it is going. Instead, and because of its tough cu- via conventional synapses, and mechanosensory input is
ticle, it simply bounces off obstacles in its path. Such beha- routed to this system alone as befits an escape pathway.
viors are due to the action of the fast fibers, and are well The slow system, in contrast, is innervated by a dedicated
described in previous accounts of the behavior of larvae series of neurons in the anterior nerve cord via a less spe-
[16,17] and adults [18]. Clearly, a much greater physical cialized type of synaptic contact. The principle inputs, so
stress is being exerted on the support structures of the body far as this has been determined, is from neurons in the
during fast than slow swimming, which must certainly be a cerebral vesicle, specifically in the amphioxus homolog of
factor in explaining the adaptive advantages of V-shaped the hypothalamus, and from the dorsal ocelli (eyespots).
myotomes. In both the hypothalamic and ocellar pathways, paracrine
The conclusion one can draw from this is, that because release from large terminals predominates over specialized
Pikaia lacks steeply inclined myosepta, its muscle fibers synapses. The former, where it occurs (for example, in
have properties more like slow fibers than fast ones. If it core limbic elements of the vertebrate brain), is generally
could be shown that the slow system evolved first, Pikaia considered an indication of evolutionary antiquity [27].
could quite logically be interpreted as representing a stage The involvement of the ocelli in the slow circuits may also
in chordate evolution before the evolution of fast fibers. be significant, since response to light both during vertical
With some further biomechanical analysis of contraction migration (in larvae) and in burrows (adults) are aspects
strengths, septum thickness, and so on, a good deal could of feeding behavior, and hence sufficiently basic to survival
probably be inferred about the behavioral capabilities and that they probably predate the rise of visual predators. In
mode of life of Pikaia based on the known properties of addition, because the neurotransmitter in these photore-
modern slow fibers. However, the evidence for a sequence ceptors is related to a gonadotropin-releasing hormone
in the evolution of fiber type, of slow before fast or vice [28], there is a possibility that the ancestral function of the
versa, is at best circumstantial. Logically, one might suppose slow system was in some way involved with reproduction
that the less effective locomotory mode would have evolved or mating behavior.
first, with subsequent improvements being a response to While the above is consistent with the slow system
extraordinary new adaptive pressures. Since the Lower to being evolutionarily older, there is an alternative sug-
Middle Cambrian was a period when fast-swimming preda- gested by molecular data on fiber type specification: that
tors with high-resolution eyes were appearing (chiefly the the fast fibers are the default state of myocyte develop-
anomalocarids and their kin [19]), slow modes of swim- ment, while the slow fibers follow a divergent pathway
ming that would have been adequate for basal chordates initiated by early Hedgehog signaling from the noto-
nearer the dawn of the Cambrian would have been increas- chord [29]. This would imply that slow fibers, at least in
ingly less so. Faster modes would have had to evolve. That their modern form, are a late addition to an older pro-
this happened quickly is evident from the vertebrates of the gram of myocyte differentiation. However, even if the
time, for example, Haikouichthys, as mentioned above, mechanism controlling fast fiber differentiation is an an-
which predates Pikaia by 5 million years at least. cient one, it does not mean that the ancestral fibers
Conodonts, though much later, also have this feature matched modern fast fibers in their functional cap-
[20,21], as befits another putative basal vertebrate. abilities. Quite the converse, since on the evidence
Both belong to lineages that survived the Cambrian, of myomere shape in Pikaia, it would seem that the
whereas Pikaia evidently, so far as we know, did not. forces generated by the ancestral fibers were much
The developmental sequence is suggestive here as well. less, probably more like modern slow fibers than fast
In fish (from zebrafish data), the slow fibers develop first, ones. Suppositions concerning the behavior and
and then migrate to the outer surface of the somite mode of life of Pikaia need then to be assessed with
[22,23]. The fast fibers develop later, but depend on cues this in mind.
from the slow fibers for correct deployment [24], while
myoseptum formation is also impaired in the absence of General anatomy and mode of life: some
slow fibers [25]. That slow fibers are so fundamentally im- conjectures
portant to the normal sequence of developmental events If one assumes that Pikaia was incapable of a fast escape
is certainly consistent with an early origin, possibly predat- from visual predators of the Anomalocaris type, a strategy
ing the evolution of the later developing fast fiber system, of avoidance would likely be its preferred solution. Pikaia
but there are other interpretations (see below). Further was probably not, therefore, an animal that spent a lot of
evidence for the relative antiquity of the slow system, time high up in the water column or near the surface dur-
again circumstantial, comes from amphioxus, where there ing daylight hours. One could envisage it feeding
Lacalli EvoDevo 2012, 3:12 Page 5 of 6
inconspicuously near the bottom, perhaps cruising along played this role either alone or in concert with a noto-
and browsing on benthic detritus or microbial mats, direc- chord. The dorsal organ is the relevant axial structure
ted by its paired sensory tentacles. This accords with the here, as it may have been some kind of turgid sac or rod.
conclusions of CMC that, from the mode of preservation, Viewed from the perspective of modern chordates, few
Pikaia was likely epibenthic rather than fully pelagic. Al- zoologists would accept, given its extreme dorsal loca-
ternatively, it may have migrated vertically to spend time tion, that such a structure would be an effective device
feeding at the surface, but only at night. Unfortunately, as for attaching myomeres and antagonizing their contrac-
the apparently tiny mouth is difficult to interpret in the tion. As CMC point out, however, and discuss at some
fossils, there is little direct evidence from the morphology length, a truly basal chordate might well have had a
as to how Pikaia fed. Because the mouth was not large, it provisional and less efficient support system prior to the
seems unlikely that Pikaia took in large volumes of water evolving one dependent on the notochord alone. The
when feeding, however, as a suspension feeder normally dorsal organ could have been adequate for this purpose.
would be expected to do. Myomeres would attach along the sides of the dorsal
The series of paired appendages projecting from the organ and extend ventrally from it, probably attached to
pharyngeal region may be gills, and there are indications a midsagittal sheet (or sheets) of connective tissue.
in some specimens of small pores at their bases. The pres- Waves of contraction passing along the body would have
ence of projecting external gills rather than slits would least amplitude at the level of the dorsal organ, and be-
imply that the oxygen demand of even slow swimming come progressively more pronounced ventrally as dis-
required them. This is perhaps surprising given the flat- tance from the dorsal organ increased. The undulations
tened cross-sectional profile of the body, as it has consid- produced would thus be graded along the dorsoventral
erable surface area for respiration across the skin alone. axis, from shallow dorsally to deeper ventrally. A noto-
This is evidently sufficient for amphioxus, where gas ex- chord could add accessory stiffening at roughly the level
change is predominantly across the general surface of the of the gut, which may explain why it derives embryo-
body [30]. A need to expand the gas exchange surface fur- logically from the same rudiment as the latter. Indeed,
ther in Pikaia could be an indication that it experienced as locomotory capabilities of early chordates improved,
severe anoxia, at least periodically, due to its habitat. there might have been an increasing need for such a stif-
There is a further problem in the putative gills being fening device to damp undulations that would otherwise
located so far from the bulk of the trunk musculature. An impair the movement of the products of digestion along
extensive vascular system would then be needed to dis- the digestive tract. A notochord that evolved initially for
tribute oxygenated blood to the trunk, so vascular traces this purpose would be well placed to later take on a
should be expected in suitably preserved material. CMC more central role in body support as the need arose.
in fact identify one such trace, of what may be a ventral As CMC also point out, having the dorsal organ act in
blood vessel, but this begs the question of why there are this fashion links Pikaia to another group of puzzling fos-
no indications of vessels needed to complete the circuit. sils of Cambrian age, the yunnanozoans. These are consid-
On comparative anatomical grounds, these should lie ered by many to be chordates or close to them [31,32],
above the alimentary canal in a situation comparable to but there are other possibilities [33-35]. Yunnanozoans
the chordate dorsal aorta. have a dorsal sail-like structure that is apparently cuticu-
The notochord and nerve cord, expected as parallel larized and at least partially articulated. Muscle fibers have
axial traces, pose a different problem, because there is been reported in association with this structure [31],
no a priori reason to suppose that they should have the though this interpretation is contentious, but the very fact
same close linkage with the muscles as in modern chor- of articulation implies an ability to flex due to the action
dates. Undulatory swimming is accomplished without a of underlying muscles. Assuming this is a valid interpret-
notochord in diverse taxa, ranging from small (fluke cer- ation, yunnanozoans provide a second example of axial
cariae) to large (segmented annelids, for example, Nereis, support in a putative chordate by a dorsal structure that is
some species of which attain lengths of more than a not a notochord. With a second structure available to
meter). In chordates, the notochord acts as a compres- share the load, the ancestral notochord would have been
sion strut, resisting the force of contraction during freed of at least some of the constraints that determine its
swimming. The need for this would be especially acute size, robustness and location in modern forms. The fossils
during rapid escape swimming, but much less so for an need to be interpreted with this in mind.
animal capable only of slow swimming. This is not to
say that Pikaia would not have had a notochord (though Conclusions
this cannot be ruled out), only that it need not have been The nearly vertical junctions between myomeres in the
the core structure around which the myomeres are orga- putative basal chordate Pikaia gracilens are shown to be
nized. Any number of other axial structures might have indicative of a muscle fiber type more similar to the slow
Lacalli EvoDevo 2012, 3:12 Page 6 of 6
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