Interrupts On Firebird-V Robot: E-Yantra Team Embedded Real-Time Systems Lab Indian Institute of Technology-Bombay
Interrupts On Firebird-V Robot: E-Yantra Team Embedded Real-Time Systems Lab Indian Institute of Technology-Bombay
Interrupts On Firebird-V Robot: E-Yantra Team Embedded Real-Time Systems Lab Indian Institute of Technology-Bombay
Interrupt-Handling on Firebird
E-Yantra Team
Embedded Real-Time Systems Lab
Indian Institute of Technology-Bombay
IIT Bombay
October 19, 2012
What is an Interrupt
What is an Interrupt
What is an Interrupt
What is an Interrupt
What is an Interrupt
What is an Interrupt
Timer Compare
Timer Compare
Serial interrupt
Timer Compare
Serial interrupt
Timer Compare
Serial interrupt
Position encoder
Position encoder
Position encoder
Position encoder
Position encoder
Position encoder
Position encoder
Position encoder
Some Mathematics...
Some Mathematics...
Some Mathematics...
2 Number of Pulse/rotation = 30
Some Mathematics...
2 Number of Pulse/rotation = 30
Some Mathematics...
2 Number of Pulse/rotation = 30
Some Mathematics...
2 Number of Pulse/rotation = 30
Some Mathematics...
2 Number of Pulse/rotation = 30
Some Mathematics...
2 Number of Pulse/rotation = 30
= distance/5.44
SREG = 0x80
EIMSK = 0x30
EICRA = 0x00
EICRB = 0x0A
ISR Format
ISR Format
ISR Format
DDRE = DDRE & 0xEF; //Set the direction of the PORTE 4 pin as input
PORTE = PORTE | 0x10; //Enable internal pull-up for PORTE 4 pin
DDRE = DDRE & 0xEF; //Set the direction of the PORTE 4 pin as input
PORTE = PORTE | 0x10; //Enable internal pull-up for PORTE 4 pin
DDRE = DDRE & 0xEF; //Set the direction of the PORTE 4 pin as input
PORTE = PORTE | 0x10; //Enable internal pull-up for PORTE 4 pin
DDRE = DDRE & 0xDF; //Set the direction of the PORTE 4 pin as input
PORTE = PORTE | 0x20; //Enable internal pull-up for PORTE 4 pin
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