d20 Cyberpunk v1.2 PDF
d20 Cyberpunk v1.2 PDF
d20 Cyberpunk v1.2 PDF
At 17th level, your mastery of firearms grants Channel Divinity
you extraordinary accuracy. If you make an When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain
attack roll with a firearm which is a monk the following two Channel Divinity options.
weapon for you and miss, you can reroll it. Hunter of the Evil. You can use your
You can use this feature only once on each of Channel Divinity to strike with divine
your turns. accuracy upon a creature. When you make an
attack roll, you can also use your Channel
Divinity to gain a +10 bonus to the roll. You
make this choice after you see the roll, but
Chained Device
By 14th level, you have learned to imprint
vestiges of your consciousness on electronic
devices with significant computing power.
When you cast a concentration spell, you can
use a device whose computing power is equal
to or greater than a tablet computer to
maintain concentration of the spell on your
behalf. The device must be held or worn by
you to maintain this effect. If the device is
destroyed, taken from you, dropped, or turned
off, the concentration ends. Once you use this
feature, you can’t use it again until you finish
a long rest.
4 I prefer a quick response rather than planning my 4 I use polysyllabic words that convey the
actions. impression of great erudition.
5 I never get my hands dirty if someone can do it for 5 I tend to correct people when it comes to mistakes
me. regarding factual information.
6 I secretly plan to destroy the corporation I work 6 I am my own worst critic, these nothing you can
for. say about me I haven't already said to myself.
7 I like to talk using memes or catchy phrases.
Netrunners live in the darkest corners of the 5 Nothing can shake my optimistic attitude.
Matrix. They invade systems, steal 6 I write anything I think is important in code.
information and sell it to those who pay more. 7 I feel uncomfortable in open spaces.
There are also netrunners who work for the
8 When confronted, I respond with shouts and
corporations, helping to protect its secrets and
fighting other netrunners in the net. But not
all of them are looking for money, some
might have other interests as well – they can d6 Ideals
be online punishers, cyberativists or just 1 Generosity. I will use my skills to help anyone who
people looking for fun. needs it. (Good)
Skill Proficiencies: Deception, Investigation 2 Game. If this came out to the public… That
Tool Proficiencies: Hacking tools, one type executive would be done for… That one too… Oh
of gaming set what fun! (Chaotic)
Equipment: A set of common clothes, 3 Cyberterrorism. I use my skills to cause fear and
hacking tools, USB-cable, C-class neural have control over society. (Evil)
interface, falsified shepherd chip, and a 100-
4 People. I’m committed to my allies, not to ideals.
credit fund
3 I only relate to those with the same interests as 4 I don’t pay attention to the risks in a situation.
mine, trust is for the naive. Never tell me the odds.
4 When faced with a choice between money and my 5 The best way to get me to do something is to tell
friends, I usually choose the money. me I can’t do it.
5 When something goes wrong, it’s never my fault. 6 I blow up at the slightest insult.
d6 Ideals
1 Anarchy. Laws are meant to be broken. (Chaotic)
2 Community. We have to take care of each other,
because no one else is going to do it. (Lawful)
3 Hypocrisy. I try and justify my crimes to myself by
giving back to the community, even though I stole
everything from that same community. (Neutral)
4 Greed. Anything that isn't mine soon will be. (Evil)
5 Redemption. There’s a spark of good in everyone.
6 Fear. I want people to tremble at the sound of my
name. (Evil)
d6 Bond
1 I owe my survival to another ganger who taught me
how to live on the streets.
2 I always remember my first crimes.
3 Another gang murdered my comrades, plundered
our hideout, and left me to die. Vengeance will be
4 My name will be feared on the streets.
5 I was cheated out of my fair share of the profits, and
I want to get my due.
6 I have the chance at a new life and this time I am
going to do things right.
d6 Flaw
1 When faced with a choice between money and my
friends, I usually choose the money.
2 If there’s a plan, I’ll forget it. If I don’t forget it, I’ll
ignore it.
3 I turn tail and run when things look bad.
4 I have difficulty trusting strangers. Anyone could
be a spy for the authorities
5 I'm an informant for the cops. They let me
continue my activities, so long as I pass them
information about illegal activity in my
6 When I see something valuable, I can’t think
about anything but how to steal it.
Ballistic damage that you take is reduced by Concealable Vest. Standard issue in many
2. police forces, this vest provides maximum
Undercover Vest. Covering a larger area of protection in a garment that can be worn all
the torso, this vest provides better protection day long under regular clothing. While it may
than the light undercover shirt – but it’s also go unnoticed by a quick glance, it is usually
more easily noticed. It’s best used when the visible to anyone looking closely for it.
armor should remain unseen but the wearer Ballistic damage that you take is reduced by
doesn’t expect to face much scrutiny. 3.
Ballistic damage that you take is reduced by Light-Duty Vest. A lightweight tactical vest
2. designed for extended use by riot police and
forces on alert for potential attack, this armor
Medium Armor sacrifices a degree of protection for a
Medium armor offers more protection than modicum of comfort – at least compared to
light armor, but it also impairs movement other tactical body armors.
more. If you wear medium armor, you add Ballistic damage that you take is reduced by
your Dexterity modifier, to a maximum of +2, 3.
to the base number from your armor type to Tactical Vest. The standard body armor for
determine your Armor Class. police tactical units, this vest provides full-
Special Weapons
Melee Weapons This section describes weapons that have
Melee weapons are used in close combat. special rules or require further explanation.
Some of them are moderately expensive, Baton, Expandable. This weapon can be
reflecting their archaic nature in a modern- collapsed to reduce its size and increase its
day society. concealability. A collapsed baton can’t be
used as a weapon, but you have advantage on
Properties Dexterity (Sleight on Hands) checks to
Melee weapons can have the oversized conceal it. Extending or collapsing the baton
property. is a free action.
Oversized. Small creatures can’t use Baton, Stun. A stun baton has 5 charges.
oversized weapons. Medium creatures have When you hit a creature with a stun baton,
disadvantage on attack rolls with oversized you can expend one charge. The target must
weapons. make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or
be paralyzed until the start of your next turn.
The stun baton must be recharged using one
Tiny Characters battery after expending the last charge.
Tiny characters have the following size
High Frequency Sword. The high frequency Dynamite and hand grenades are examples of
sword is made of a durable metal alloy many these weapons.
times tougher than steel. It features a All explosives must be detonated. Some, such
monofilament edge, the sharpest piece as grenades, include built-in detonators (you
possible for modern technology. Inside the can pull the pin on a grenade as part of the
blade itself, and controlled by a switch on the same action you use to attack). Others require
hilt of the weapon, are microscopic machines timers or other devices to set them off.
that cause the blade to vibrate at incredibly Detonators are covered in the “Gear” section.
high speeds. Though the wielder of the
weapon is shielded from these vibrations by a Explosives and Area Weapons
soft hilt, any character or object struck by the Name Cost Weight
high frequency sword finds that the weapon is
given extra cutting power thanks to its Dynamite (stick) $5L 1 lb.
technological enhancements. When you attack Flamethrower $500M 50 lb.
a creature that doesn’t have resistance to Grenade, EMP $50M 1 lb.
slashing damage, you gain a +2 bonus on the
attack and damage rolls made with this Grenade, flashbang $40R 1 lb.
weapon. Grenade, fragmentation $50M 1 lb.
Katana. The katana is the traditional Japanese Grenade, smoke $25 1 lb.
samurai sword. When the katana is used with
two hands, it is considered a martial weapon. Grenade, tear gas $40R 1 lb.
When it is used with just one hand, it requires Grenade launcher $500M 12 lb.
an exotic weapon proficiency to allow you to Grenade round, acid $40M 1 lb.
add your proficiency bonus to the attack rolls
Grenade round, EMP $50M 1 lb.
you make with a one-handed katana.
Grenade round, fireflush $40M 1 lb.
If the vehicle doesn’t crash, the driver can use 220 MPH or more 20d8
its action on each turn to make a DC 10
Dexterity check to regain control of the Vehicle Combat
vehicle. As a general rule, the driver has disadvantage
on attack rolls while the vehicle is moving,
Crashing and the driver can only use one handed
If a driver lose control of the vehicle, it’s very ranged weapons while driving, such as
probable that a crash occurs. When it pistols.
happens, the vehicle and its occupants take
bludgeoning damage depending on the speed • If the driver or the passengers wants to make
of the vehicle when it crashes, as shown in the an attack using a ranged weapon or a spell,
table below. they must unfasten the seat belt first.
Any occupant using seat belts suffers only Fastening or unfastening a seat belt uses a
half of the damage. As a reaction, the driver bonus action.
or the passengers can try to escape the car • When making a ranged attack, you can
before it crashes by making a DC 15 target the vehicle or the occupants.
Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. On a success, • Vehicles grants half cover to its occupants.
they escape the car without taking damage Alternatively, they can use the vehicle AC
and they are considered knocked prone. instead (whichever is higher).
• Vehicles are immune to all conditions and to
necrotic, poison, psychic and radiant damage.
Item Cost Speed Passengers Cargo Armor Class HP Damage
Land Vehicles
Motorcycle $1.000L 150 MPH 1/2 0 13 + Dex. mod. 22 –
Sedan $3.000L 150 MPH 1/5 300 lb. 13 + Dex. mod. 40 8
Sports car $8.000L 180 MPH 1/2 200 lb. 13 + Dex. mod. 34 8
Van $4.000L 120 MPH 1/9 4.800 lb. 13 + Dex. mod. (max 2) 50 8
Pickup $4.000L 120 MPH 1/4 1.600 lb. 14 + Dex. mod. (max 2) 50 8
SUV $4.000L 120 MPH 1/5 500 lb. 14 + Dex. mod. (max 2) 50 10
Truck $8.000L 100 MPH 1/3 40.000 lb. 15 70 10
APC, wheeled $15.000M 100 MPH 1/14 250 lb. 16 + Dex. mod. (max 2) 70 12
Water Vehicles
Jet ski $1.500L 80 MPH 1/2 60 lb. 13 + Dex. mod. 22 –
Speedboat $10.000L 80 MPH 1/4 2.100 lb. 13 + Dex. mod. 40 8
Air Vehicles
Police APC, hoover $60.000M 120 MPH 1/12 250 lb. 16 + Dex. mod. (max 3) 70 12
Helicopter $25.000L 125 MPH 1/4 250 lb. 13 + Dex. mod. 40 8
Private jet $60.000L 400 MPH 2/10 500 lb. 15 50 10
Jumbo jet $100.000R 500 MPH 2/300 100.000lb * * *
Space Vehicles
Space cargo $200.000.000R 10.000 MPH 4/4 40.000 ton. * * *
Space cruise ship $200.000.000R 10.000 MPH 24/800 1.000 ton. * * *
* These vehicles follow the rules of damaging Huge and Gargantuan objects. See the chapter 8 of the Dungeon
Master’s Guide.
Prerequisite: Intelligence 13 or higher,
proficiency with the Medicine skill
You are able to perform surgical procedures
in order to heal wounds. You gain the
following benefits:
• Increase your Intelligence or Wisdom score
by 1, to a maximum of 20.
• You can use surgery to stabilize a dying
creature. Surgery restores 1d6 hit points for
every character level of the patient (up to the
patient’s maximum hit points) with a
Transfer Charge
Transmutation Cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Components: V
Duration: Instantaneous
You can transfer any number of charges from
one battery to another battery or from one
energy cell to another energy cell. You can
only transfer charges using two objects of the
exact same type (two batteries of the same
size, two identical energy cells, or the like);
Prosthetic Enhancer
This gadget attaches to a prosthetic arm or
leg, making it stronger.
If attached to a prosthetic leg, the prosthetic
enhancer increases the recipient’s base speed
by 10 feet. In addition, any unarmed attack
made with an enhanced prosthetic leg deals an
additional dice of damage.
If attached to a prosthetic arm, the prosthetic
enhancer grants a +1 bonus on Strength- and
Dexterity-based ability checks. In addition,
any unarmed attack made with an enhanced
prosthetic arm deals an additional dice of
An enhanced prosthetic leg or arm costs
additional 2.000.
Sensor Baffling
From simple metal detectors to advanced x-
ray scanners, there’s always a way to detect
cybernetics. The ability to confuse sensors
can be invaluable, especially when smuggling
weapon implants past security.
Any cybernetic attachment with a sensor
baffling gadget increases by 5 the DC of
checks made to detect the device with sensors
or other detection devices. Even so, no
cybernetic attachment s can remain hidden if
the recipient is the target of a thorough
medical examination.
A cybernetic attachment can have sensor
baffling without being unobvious, but this
means the attachment is still clearly
cybernetic when observed visually and the +5
DC applies only to scanners and similar
detection methods.
A sensor baffling cybernetic attachment costs
additional 600 credits and has a restricted
(R) restriction.
Interplanetary Travel
Interplanetary travel becomes possible in a
cyberpunk campaign. Ships fitted with
magnetic ram scoops allow the crew to
manufacture fuel from particles of hydrogen
gas floating loose in space (though at only a
few atoms per cubic inch). Such a ship could
even incorporate a particle accelerator that
converts matter into antimatter — with far
more efficient thrust-to-payload ratios than
solid fuel. With a sufficient supply of food,
water, and oxygen, a ship so equipped could
voluntarily want to take longer jump times (if Hacking Personal Nodes
they are fighting a pursuing AI, for example). Personal nodes can also be invaded just as
The jump time depends on the quality of the private or restricted nodes. Class D and C
connection being used and the physical neural interfaces have DC 15 to invade
distance to the destination node, according to (medium security); class B and A have DC 20
the Jump Time table. to invade (high security); and S class has DC
25 (maximum security).
Node Security It’s not common for normal people to keep
There are four levels of security for private ICE on their personal nodes, but those who
and restricted nodes: low, medium, high and control important information prefer to have
maximum. more protection at their neural interfaces.
Node Security
Level Node Type DC Common Defenses
Low security Private 12 Passwords
Medium security Private 15 White ICE, passwords, technomagic (3rd-level)
High security Restricted 20 Data encryption, Red ICE, passwords, technomagic (5th-level)
Maximum security Restricted 25 Data encryption, Black ICE, passwords, technomagic (5th-level or greater)
Additional Sources
Need ideas for a character or adventure? This
works can help you:
Akira. Katsuhiro Otomo
Appleseed. Shirow Masamune
Black Magic. Shirow Masamune
Neuromancer. William Gibson
Ronin. Frank Miller
Schismatrix. Bruce Sterling
Snow Crash. Neal Stephenson
Silent Möbius. Kia Asamiya
The Ghost in the Shell. Shirow Masamune
Gratuitous Battering. If a creature is knocked prone
or grabbed by the robot, it may use its reaction to
inflict more pain on the subject. The target must
make a Dexterity saving throw (DC 16) or take an
extra 7 (2d6) damage.