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The supplement introduces rules for playing android and sprite races in a cyberpunk campaign setting. It also provides details on various constructs and artificial intelligences that could be encountered.

The supplement introduces androids and sprites as new playable races.

Androids have darkvision, telepathy, immunity to disease, and vulnerability to lightning damage. They come in standard and combat models with slightly different abilities.

Everything you need to run a cyberpunk campaign with this supplement for the

world’s greatest roleplaying game

Living Construct. Even though you were
Part 1: Races constructed, you are a living creature. You are
This chapter presents two new race options immune to disease. You do not need to eat or
for player characters: androids and sprites. breathe, but you can ingest food and drink if
you wish. Instead of sleeping, you enter an
Android inactive state for 4 hours each day. You do
not dream in this state; you are fully aware of
At your GM’s option, you can create an
your surroundings and notice approaching
android character, using the following rules to
enemies and other events as normal.
create it.
Cybernetic Body. Your arms, legs and all
your organs are artificial and considered
Android Traits cybernetic attachments for the purpose of
Your android character has certain acquiring upgrades (such as weapon mounts
characteristics common with all other or gadgets). They cannot be disabled if you
androids. drop to 0 hit points. However, your maximum
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution number of cybernetic attachments is reduced
score increases by 2. by 2 (minimum 0).
Age. Androids are unaffected by age, they Damage Vulnerability. You have
don’t grow in the traditional sense, as they are vulnerability to lightning damage.
built just as they are. But even if an android Languages. You can speak, read and write
doesn’t die by natural causes, it can still cease Common (or local language) and one extra
operation if its maintenance is neglected. One language of your choice.
can expect an android to malfunction or Subraces. There are two main subraces (or
became inoperable after a few decades. models) of androids: standard androids and
Alignment. Androids are almost always combat androids. Choose one of these
lawful and neutral. They don’t have an innate subraces.
sense of good or evil, being programmed to
follow a certain code or pattern. But among Standard Android
them some seem to awaken consciousness
Standard androids are built for general use,
and can follow any alignment as a way of
domestic or as a personal companion.
asserting their individuality.
Ability Score Increase. One ability score of
Size. Androids are built to resemble the ideal
your choice other than Constitution increases
human, ranging from 5 to 7 feet tall, but they
by 1.
are heavier than their organic counterparts.
Skills. You gain proficiency in one skill of
Your size is Medium.
your choice.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Tool Proficiency. You gain proficiency with
Darkvision. Your mechanical eyes grant you
one tool of your choice.
superior vision in dark and dim conditions.
You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you
as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if Combat Android
it were dim light. You can’t discern color in Combat androids were designed to act as
darkness, only shades of gray. infantrymen and shock troopers. They look
Telepathy. You are able to communicate rude and clearly artificial, but they have
telepathically with any other willing construct enhanced protection.
you have met within two miles. You can use Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score
this trait even if you are within the area of an increases by 1.
antimagic field or in any other location where Natural Armor. When unarmored, your AC is
magic doesn’t function. 12 + your Constitution modifier.

Developed by Tiago Cristiano [kristianotiago@gmail.com] 2

Energy Bolt. You know the firebolt cantrip. Size. Sprites are between 1 and 2 feet tall and
Constitution is your spellcasting ability for weigh less than 8 pounds. Your size is Tiny.
this spell. You can cast this spell without You have half the carrying capacity of a
components, and you can use this trait even if Medium creature, but you require a quarter as
you are within the area of an antimagic field much food and water as a Medium creature
or in any other location where magic doesn’t would.
function. Speed. Your base walking speed is 20 feet.
Fly. You have a flying speed of 40 feet.
Android Bonds Darkvision. Accustomed to twilit forests and
When creating an android character, you can the night sky, you have superior vision in
use the following table of bonds to help flesh dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim
out your character. Use this table in addition light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright
to or in place of your background’s bond or a light, and in darkness as if it were dim light.
bond of your creation. You can’t discern color in darkness, only
shades of gray.
Fey. Your creature type is fey. You are not
d6 Bond
affected by spells and other effects which
1 I am a conscious being and I won’t let myself be affect only humanoids. In other hand, you are
treated as less than other races. affected by spells and other effects which
2 I dedicate my existence to serve my masters. affect only fey.
3 Upon waking, I killed my creator, and still do not Tiny Target. You have a +1 bonus to Armor
know my purpose for being. Class.
Fey Ancestry. You have advantage on saving
4 I keep hold of some small object which acts as a
reminder of my masters or creator.
throws against being charmed, and magic
can’t put you to sleep.
5 The impetus of my creator for the study was Trance. Sprites don’t need to sleep. Instead,
instilled in me and I took on his work.
they meditate deeply, remaining
6 All I want is to find somewhere I belong. semiconscious, for 4 hours a day (the
common word for such meditation is
“trance”). While meditating, you can dream
Sprite after a fashion; such dreams are actually
Sprites are a race of little fairies closely mental exercises that have become reflexive
related to elves. through years of practice. After Resting in
this way, you gain the same benefit that a
human does from 8 hours of sleep.
Sprite Traits Hidden Step. As a bonus action, you can
Your sprite character has the following racial magically turn invisible until the start of your
traits. next turn or until you attack, make a damage
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score roll, or force someone to make a saving
increases by 2, your Charisma score increases throw. Once you use this trait, you can't use it
by 1, and your Strength score is reduced by 2. again until you finish a short or long rest.
Age. Sprites reach adulthood at about the Sprite Magic. You know the dancing lights
same age as humans. After reaching maturity and mage hand cantrips (the hand is
sprites don’t die by old age. invisible). When you reach 3rd level, you can
Alignment. Sprites tend to be chaotic, often cast the faerie fire and disguise self spells
valuing change of any sort above all else. once per day. When you reach 5th level, you
They are generally good, although there are can also cast the continual flame and misty
wild communities in far off forests who step spells once per day. Charisma is your
would gladly hunt and torture any who spellcasting ability for these spells.
venture into their domain.

Developed by Tiago Cristiano [kristianotiago@gmail.com] 3

Languages. You can speak, read, and write a as much food and water as a Medium creature
common language and Elvish. Elvish is fluid, would.
with subtle intonations and intricate grammar. Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
The elven alphabet is a thin, flowing freehand Darkvision. Thanks to your giant ancestry,
script with letters overlapping and curling in you can see in dim light within 60 feet of you
on themselves, suitable for inscription on as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if
metal, ivory, or very hard woods. it were dim light. You can’t discern color in
darkness, only shades of gray.
Regeneration. As a bonus action, you can
Tiny Creatures
spend 1 Hit Die during combat. Additionally,
A Tiny creature has the following special rules:
any severed body member (finger, leg, arm,
Excuse Me! A Tiny creature does not treat an
etc.) is restored if held against the stump for 1
occupied space as difficult terrain if the occupant is
Medium or larger.
minute. Once you use this trait, you can't use
Peekaboo! When a Tiny creature shares its space it again until you finish a short or long rest.
with a Medium or larger creature, it gains three- Troll Vulnerability. You have vulnerability to
quarters cover from all sources except the creature acid and fire damage.
it shares its space with. Languages. You can speak, read, and write a
common language and Giant. Giant is filled
with hard consonants and vowel sounds so
Troll deep that is nearly impossible for any creature
Trolls are a giant folk from the North that doesn't have the lungs of a giant to speak
renowned for their hostility against the fluently. It is written with a slightly different
dwarves. version of the dwarven runes that its speakers
claim to be the oldest.
Troll Traits
Your troll character has the following racial
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score
increases by 2, your Constitution score
increases by 1, and your Dexterity score is
reduced by 2.
Age. Trolls reach adulthood at age 20 and
they can live almost 500 years, however due
to their aggressive behavior it is common for
them to die ahead of time.
Alignment. As a race of fierce warriors, trolls
put too much emphasis on brute force,
tending to neutral or evil alignments.
Although, many of them share a strong bond
with their kind, being lawful on their own
Size. Trolls are between 10 and 14 feet tall
and weigh between 560 and 800 pounds,
though females tend to be a bit smaller than
males. Your size is Large. You have a 10-foot
reach and can thus attack targets within 10
feet of you when making a melee attack. You
also have twice the carrying capacity of a
Medium creature, but you require four times

Developed by Tiago Cristiano [kristianotiago@gmail.com] 4

Intimidation, Perception, Streetwise, and
Part 2: Subclasses Survival
This chapter presents a series of new
subclasses suitable for a cyberpunk campaign Monk
as an alternative to the subclasses found in the
Armor: None
Player’s Handbook.
Weapons: Simple weapons, [a] shortswords
or [b] sidearms
Proficiencies by Class Tools: Choose one type of artisan’s tools or
Some of the classes’ proficiencies have been one musical instrument
changed to adjust to a cyberpunk campaign Saving Throws: Strength, Dexterity
setting. Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics,
The classes that doesn’t appear on the Athletics, History, Insight, Religion, Stealth,
following list remains as they are found in the and Streetwise
Player’s Handbook, though some of the new
proficiencies can be granted through a Paladin
specific subclass selection (such as the Armor: Light armor, medium armor, heavy
sidearms proficiency for clerics granted by armor, shields
the City domain and War domain). Weapons: Simple weapons, [a] martial
weapons or [b] longarms and sidearms
Barbarian Tools: None
Armor: Light armor, medium armor, shields Saving Throws: Wisdom, Charisma
Weapons: Simple weapons, [a] martial Skills: Choose two from Athletics, Insight,
weapons or [b] longarms Intimidation, Medicine, Persuasion, Religion,
Tools: None and Streetwise
Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution
Skills: Choose two from Animal Handling, Ranger
Athletics, Intimidation, Nature, Perception, Armor: Light armor, medium armor, shields
Streetwise, and Survival Weapons: Simple weapons, [a] martial
weapons or [b] longarms and sidearms
Bard Tools: None
Armor: Light armor Saving Throws: Strength, Dexterity
Weapons: Simple weapons, [a] hand Skills: Choose three from Animal Handling,
crossbows, longswords, rapiers, and Athletics, Insight, Investigation, Nature,
shortswords or [b] sidearms Perception, Stealth, Streetwise, and Survival
Tools: Three musical instruments of your
choice Rogue
Saving Throws: Dexterity, Charisma Armor: Light armor
Skills: Choose any three Weapons: Simple weapons, [a] hand
crossbows, longswords, rapiers, and
Fighter shortswords or [b] longarms or [c] sidearms
Armor: Light armor, medium armor, heavy Tools: Thieves’ tools
armor, shields Saving Throws: Dexterity, Intelligence
Weapons: Simple weapons, [a] martial Skills: Choose four from Acrobatics,
weapons or [b] longarms and sidearms Athletics, Deception, Insight, Intimidation,
Tools: None Investigation, Perception, Performance,
Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, Sciences,
Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, Animal Stealth, and Streetwise
Handling, Athletics, History, Insight,

Developed by Tiago Cristiano [kristianotiago@gmail.com] 5

Multiclassing great deal of punishment while dealing out far
When you gain your first level in a class other more to any who dares to go against you.
than your initial class, use the following
Multiclassing Proficiencies table. Juggernaut
Starting when you select this path at 3rd level,
Multiclassing Proficiencies when you are targeted by an attack or a spell
Class Proficiencies Gained
while you’re raging, you can use your
reaction to gain a bonus to your Armor Class
Barbarian Shields, simple weapons, [a] martial weapons equal to your rage damage until the end of
or [b] longarms
this turn.
Bard Light armor, one skill of your choice, one Additionally, you gain advantage in saving
musical instrument of your choice throws against being knocked prone or moved
Cleric Light armor, medium armor, shields against your will.
Druid Light armor, medium armor, shields (druids
will not wear armor or use shields made of Draw Fire
metal) At 6th level, you can use your reaction to
Fighter Light armor, medium armor, shields, simple distract opponents and convince them that
weapons, [a] martial weapons or [b] you are the most dangerous target in the area.
longarms and sidearms Choose one creature that you can see within
Monk Simple weapons, [a] shortswords or [b] 15 feet of you which is attacking one friendly
sidearms creature. If the creature can see or hear you, it
Paladin Light armor, medium armor, shields, simple
must succeed on a Charisma saving throw
weapons, [a] martial weapons or [b] (DC equals to 8 + your proficiency bonus +
longarms and sidearms your Charisma modifier) or attack you
Ranger Light armor, medium armor, shields, simple
weapons, [a] martial weapons or [b]
longarms and sidearms, one skill from the Body Guard
class’s skill list At 10th level, while you’re raging, any
Rogue Light armor, one skill from the class’s skill list, creature within 5 feet of you that’s hostile to
thieves’ tools you have disadvantage on attack rolls against
Sorcerer – targets other than you or another character
with this feature. An enemy is immune to this
Warlock Light armor, simple weapons
effect if it can’t see or hear you or if it can’t
Wizard – be frightened.

Primal Path Devastating Rage

At 3rd level, a barbarian gains the Primal Path At 14th level, when you have half or less hit
feature. Here is a new option for that feature: points while raging, you can add your Rage
the Path of the Dreadnought. Damage bonus to attack rolls.

Path of the Dreadnought Bard College

You are a merciless, destructive and At 3rd level, a bard gains the Bard College
unstoppable force. When it comes to fighting, feature. Here is a new option for that feature:
you are at the forefront. A dreadnought the College of Fame.
generally approach combat in the most direct
way possible, rarely carrying only one gun College of Fame
and leaving a path of devastation behind. In Bards of this college are in the public’s eye by
the midst of battle, you are capable to take a day, while working for an agency or

Developed by Tiago Cristiano [kristianotiago@gmail.com] 6

organization by night. These bards might
simply be famous because who they are, or
Divine Domain
they may have earned their status because At 1st level, a cleric gains the Divine Domain
what they’ve done. feature. Here are new options for that feature:
the City Domain and the Technology
Bonus Proficiencies
When you join the College of Fame at 3rd
level, you gain proficiency with the War Domain Bonus Proficiencies
Deception, Performance and Persuasion If you choose the War domain at 1st level, you also
skills. gain proficiency with sidearms.

Winning Smile City Domain

Also at 3rd level, while you are not wearing The City domain is concerned with the
any armor, your AC equals to 10 + your citizenry, commerce, traffic, and even
Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier. architecture of modern civilization. In the
In addition, choose one skill from Deception, eyes of a cleric of the city, the center of
Performance or Persuasion. You add twice modern life is a sense and spirit of
your proficiency bonus to any check you community, and the gravest enemies of the
make with that skill. city are those who seek to harm the common
You learn the enthrall and suggestion spells. weal of its citizens.
New spells introduced for the City domain are
Compelling Performance marked with an asterisk and detailed in the
At 6th level, as a bonus action, you can “New Spells” chapter. For all other spells, see
expend one use of Bardic Inspiration. If you the Player’s Handbook.
do so, for the next minute you can cast the
command spell as a bonus action on each of City Domain Spells
your turns without using a spell slot a number Cleric Level Spells
of times equal to your Charisma modifier. 1st comprehend languages, remote access*
Additionally, whenever any of your charm
spells ends while using this feature, the 3rd find vehicle*, heat metal
creature or creatures affected don’t realize 5th lightning bolt, protection from ballistics*
they were charmed by you unless you want to. 7th locate creature, synchronicity*
9th commune with the city*, shutdown*
Utterly Convincing
Starting at 14th level, when you make a
Charisma-based ability check, you can Bonus Cantrip
expend one use of Bardic Inspiration. Roll a When you choose this domain at 1st level,
Bardic Inspiration die and add twice the you gain the on/off cantrip (see “New Spells”)
number rolled to your ability check. You can in addition to your chosen cantrips.
choose to do so after you roll the die for the
ability check, but before the GM tells you Bonus Proficiencies
whether you succeed or fail. Also starting at 1st level, you gain proficiency
Additionally, when a creature use one of your with sidearms and proficiency with vehicles
Bardic Inspiration dices to improve some (land).
Charisma-based ability check, it also adds
twice the number rolled to its ability check. Heart of the City
From 1st level, you are able to tap into the
spirit of community found in the city. While

Developed by Tiago Cristiano [kristianotiago@gmail.com] 7

you are within any city, you can gain attack to deal an extra 1d8 psychic damage to
advantage on a single Charisma (Deception, the target. When you reach 14th level, the
Intimidation, or Persuasion) check, and you extra psychic damage increases to 2d8.
are considered proficient in the appropriate
skill. You can use this feature a number of Express Transit
times equal to your Wisdom modifier (a At 17th level, you can use mass transit routes
minimum of once). You regain any expended to transport instantaneously to other points in
uses when you finish a long rest. the city. Starting from a bus stop, train
station, subway stop, or other suitable mass
Channel Divinity: Spirits of the City transit site within the city, you can teleport to
Starting at 2nd level, you can use your any other similar transit stop within the city,
Channel Divinity to call on the city for aid. as if you had cast a teleport spell whose
As an action, you present your holy symbol, destination is a permanent teleportation circle
and any city utility within 30 feet of you you know. Once you use this feature, you
either works perfectly or shuts down entirely must finish a short or long rest before using it
for 1 minute (your choice). again.
Additionally, each hostile creature within 30
feet of you must make a Charisma saving Technology Domain
throw. On a failed save, the creature is Gods of technology promote the ideals of
knocked prone or restrained (your choice) by invention, city building and science. Cities,
hazards such as entangling wires, high- electronic and mechanical devices are the
pressure water erupting from fire hydrants, example of their ideals, empowering everyone
pavement collapsing to unseen potholes, and who uses the technology in their name.
so on. A restrained creature can escape by New spells introduced for the Technology
making a successful Strength (Athletics) or domain are marked with an asterisk and
Dexterity (Acrobatics) check against your detailed in the “New Spells” chapter. For all
spell save DC. other spells, see the Player’s Handbook.
This effect is entirely local and affects only
utilities within 30 feet of you. Determination
Technology Domain Spells
of what utilities are available within range and
how the physical effects of those utilities Cleric Level Spells
manifest are left to the GM. 1st grease, power device*
3rd arcane lock, relay text*
Block Watch 5th electromagnetic pulse*, lightning bolt
Starting at 6th level, your awareness while in
the city extends preternaturally. While in an 7th fabricate, wire walk*
urban environment, you are considered 9th instant connectivity*, synchronicity*
proficient in the Insight and Perception skills,
and you add double your proficiency bonus to
Wisdom (Insight) and Wisdom (Perception)
Bonus Cantrip
When you choose this domain at 1st level,
checks, instead of your normal proficiency
you gain the on/off cantrip (see the “New
Spells” chapter) in addition to your chosen
Divine Strike
At 8th level, you gain the ability to infuse
your weapon strikes with psychic energy
Channel Divinity: Recharge
Starting at 2nd level, you can use your
borrowed from the citizens of your city. Once
Channel Divinity to power electrical devices.
on each of your turns when you hit a creature
As an action, you touch your holy symbol and
with a weapon attack, you can cause the
evoke pure energy. You gain a number of

Developed by Tiago Cristiano [kristianotiago@gmail.com] 8

energy points equal to five times your cleric Druids of this circle do not reject technology
level that last for 2 hours or until you finish a and metal, but rather are very pragmatic about
short or long rest. the tech they use. This circle thinks that
As an action, you can touch an electrical metals come from the earth, and because of
device and transfer energy points from your that, they have a natural place in the world.
pool to power it. Expending 1 energy point
you can power a medium or smaller electrical Bonus Proficiencies
device for 10 minutes, and expending 4 Starting at 2nd level, you gain proficiency
energy points you can power a Large or with dart guns and pistols (including machine
Huge-sized electrical device for 10 minutes. pistols).
You can increase the duration expending
more energy points, up to the maximum
amount remaining of your energy points. Metal Wild Shape
Also at 2nd level, whenever you use your
Wild Shape feature, your shape is made with
Urban Builder metal and pieces of the city, more similar to a
Beginning at 6th level, while in an urban construct than a beast. While transformed into
environment, you are considered proficient a beast, your AC increases by your
with the engineering kit and the mechanic proficiency bonus and the Constitution score
tools, and you add double your proficiency of the shape increases by 2.
bonus to checks using those tools instead of Starting at 6th level, the Constitution score of
your normal proficiency bonus. the shape increases by 4.

Divine Strike Construct Mind

At 8th level, you gain the ability to infuse At 6th level, while transformed into a beast,
your weapon strikes with the divine energy. you are considered a construct, you gain a +1
Once on each of your turns when you hit a bonus to attack rolls and your attacks count as
creature with a weapon attack, you can cause magical for purpose of overcoming resistance
the attack to deal an extra 1d8 lightning and immunity to nonmagical attacks and
damage to the target. When you reach 14th damage.
level, the extra damage increases to 2d8. At 8th level, the attack bonus increases to +2.

Techpriest City Guardian

At 17th level, you gain resistance to lightning At 10th level, you can wild shape into a city
damage and you learn the spell chain guardian for 1 minute. After using this
lightning, which is always prepared and count feature, you must finish a long rest to use it
as a domain spell for you. Additionally, all again.
electric devices that require batteries don’t
expend charges when you use it.
True Construct
At 14th level, you cannot be charmed,
Druid Circle paralyzed, petrified or poisoned and you are
At 2nd level, a druid gains the Druid Circle immune to poison and psychic damage.
feature. Here is a new option for that feature: Additionally, you can wild shape into a city
the Circle of the City. guardian twice before a long rest.

Circle of the City City Guardian

The Circle of the City is made up of druids Large construct, unaligned
living in cities to guard and to maintain the Armor Class 18 (natural armor)
balance between nature and civilization. Hit Points 60 (8d8+24)

Developed by Tiago Cristiano [kristianotiago@gmail.com] 9

Speed 30 ft. Street Samurai
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA The street samurai is a lethal mix of
millennial combat techniques with cutting
18 (+4) 13 (+1) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) edge technology. It’s hard to say where the
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and natural body of the street samurai ends and
slashing from nonmagical weapons that aren’t where his cybernetic enhancements begin. He
adamantine can be dedicated to the service of a single
Damage Immunities force, necrotic, poison organization, like his shogun; or a freelance
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, mercenary, like a ronin. In any case, the
exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, discipline and training of the street samurai
poisoned, stunned detach him from the dishonored scum of the
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14 streets that vainly tries to face him.
Languages understands Common (or local
language) but can’t speak
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)
Cybernetic Superiority
Beginning when you choose this archetype at
Construct Nature. A city guardian doesn’t require 3rd level, your maximum number of
air, food, drink, or sleep. cybernetic attachments increases by 1.
False Appearance. While the city guardian remains
motionless, it is indistinguishable from a normal Fighting Spirit
statue. Starting at 3rd level, the might of your
Magic Resistance. The city guardian has advantage willpower can shield you and help you strike
on saving throws against spells and other magical true. As a bonus action on your turn, you can
effects. give yourself two benefits: advantage on all
Regeneration. The city guardian regains 5 hit points attack rolls and resistance to bludgeoning,
at the start of its turn if it has at least 1 hit point. piercing, and slashing damage. These benefits
last until the end of your next turn.
Actions You can use this feature three times. You
Multiattack. The city guardian makes two fist regain all expended uses of it when you finish
attacks. a short or long rest.
Fist. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5ft.,
one target. Hit: 13 (2d8+4) bludgeoning damage.
Cybernetic Expert
Reactions Starting at 7th level, you gain proficiency
Arcane Shield. The city guardian adds 2 to its AC with the engineering kit.
against one attack or single target spell that would
hit. To do so, the city guardian must see the Unbreakable Will
attacker. At 10th level, your superior willpower allows
you to shrug off mind-assaulting effects. You
While treants protects forests, the city guardian gain proficiency in Wisdom saving throws. If
protects cities from outside threats. In general, you already have this proficiency, you gain
these metallic constructs are asleep, waiting until proficiency in Intelligence or Charisma saving
the call for aid when the city is in danger. throws (choose one).

Martial Archetype Rapid Strike

At 3rd level, a fighter gains the Martial Starting at 15th level, you learn to trade
Archetype feature. Here are new options for accuracy for swift strikes. If you have
that feature: the Street Samurai and the advantage on a weapon attack against a target
Veteran. on your turn, you can forgo that advantage to
immediately make an additional weapon

Developed by Tiago Cristiano [kristianotiago@gmail.com] 10

attack against the same target as a bonus Additionally, while you are in the area you’ve
action. studied, you have advantage on initiative rolls
for the next 12 hours or until you use this
Defender’s Blade feature again.
At 18th level, you respond to danger with
extraordinary vigilance. You can use your Additional Fighting Style
reaction for an opportunity attack even if you At 10th level, you can choose a second option
have already expended your reaction this for the Fighting Style class feature.
round, but not if you have already used your
reaction this turn. Rapid Strike
In addition, you gain a +1 bonus to AC while Starting at 15th level, you learn to trade
wearing heavy armor. accuracy for swift strikes. If you have
advantage on a weapon attack against a target
Veteran on your turn, you can forgo that advantage to
The veteran is an experienced warrior who immediately make an additional weapon
has served or is serving in the armed forces. A attack against the same target as a bonus
veteran can be an ex-military, a mercenary, a action.
hired gun or similar. The veteran learns how
to defeat his enemies and to complete his First Contact
missions. At 18th level, if you take the Attack action on
your first turn of a combat, you can make one
Tactical Aid additional ranged weapon attack as part of
Beginning when you choose this archetype at that action.
3rd level, as a bonus action, you can give
advantage to an ally on the next ability check Additional Fighting Style
or attack roll versus an opponent you can see The following new option can be selected by
within 30 feet of you. You can use this feature fighters, paladins and rangers for the Fighting
a number of times equal to your proficiency Style class feature.
bonus before finishing a short or long rest.
Exotic Weapon Fighting
Pre-Planning You gain proficiency with a single exotic
Starting at 7th level, after spending 1 hour melee or ranged weapon of your choice (see
studying a map, plan or similar of an 8-mile the “Equipment” chapter).
area, you learn something about two of the
following points of your choice:
Monastic Tradition
•Access (the password for entering a At 3rd level, a monk gains the Monastic
restricted area, the location of a keycard, an Tradition feature. Here is a new option for
unlocked entry door or window). that feature: the Way of Gun-Fu.
•Alternative routes (the ventilation system,
the basement access, roof access and such) The Way of Gun-Fu
•Dead Drop (an insider drops off up to 20 lb. Monks of the Way of the Gun-Fu are masters
of equipment in a location you choice. The in the sophisticated close-quarters gunplay
equipment can be both yours or from your resembling a martial arts battle played out
allies). with firearms instead of traditional weapons.
• Surveillance (location of cameras, the The focus of gun-fu is both style and the
security room, number of guards, metal usage of firearms in ways that they were not
detectors and such). designed to be used. Shooting a gun from
each hand (usually paired with jumping to the

Developed by Tiago Cristiano [kristianotiago@gmail.com] 11

side at the same time), shots from behind the
back, as well as the use of guns as melee
Sacred Oath
weapons are all common. At 3rd level, a paladin gains the Sacred Oath
feature. Here is a new option for that feature:
the Oath of the Vigilante.
Gun-Fu Technique
When you choose this tradition at 3rd level,
you gain proficiency with heavy pistols and Oath of the Vigilante
machine pistols. These weapons are monk The Oath of the Vigilante is focused on
weapons for you, and you gain the following eliminating targets in the name of justice.
benefits: Although the common folk might call them
•Being within 5 feet of a hostile creature assassins, they prefer to have some vigilantes
doesn’t impose disadvantage on your ranged in the city.
attack rolls with firearms.
•Immediately after you take the Attack action Tenets of the Vigilante
on your turn to make an unarmed strike, you The following virtues are common to all
can spend 1 ki point to make an additional paladins, even though the situations and laws
ranged weapon attack with a firearm as a might be different on each case:
bonus action. Justice in Your Hands. Sometimes you must
step outside the law to exact justice for
Countershot keeping peace.
At 6th level, as a reaction when an enemy Hunt. Seek out those who might do harm to
misses you with a melee attack roll, you can the innocent, even if they hide.
make a single ranged weapon attack with a Eliminate the Guilty. The guilty must be
firearm against the attacker. Once you use this destroyed in order for the innocent to live in
feature, you can’t use it again until you finish peace.
a short or long rest.
Oath Spells
Gun-Fu Mastery You gain oath spells at the paladin levels
At 11th level, you gain proficiency with listed.
submachine guns and tactical shotguns. These
weapons are also considered as monk Oath of the Vigilante Spells
weapons for you. Paladin Level Spells
Additionally, when you hit a target with a 3rd bane, detect evil and good
firearm which is a monk weapon, you can
spend 1 ki point to cause the weapon to deal 5th hold person, zone of truth
extra damage to the target equal to your 9th haste, speak with dead
Martial Arts die. You can use this feature only 13th resilient sphere, locate creature
once on each of your turns.
17th dominate person, hold monster

At 17th level, your mastery of firearms grants Channel Divinity
you extraordinary accuracy. If you make an When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain
attack roll with a firearm which is a monk the following two Channel Divinity options.
weapon for you and miss, you can reroll it. Hunter of the Evil. You can use your
You can use this feature only once on each of Channel Divinity to strike with divine
your turns. accuracy upon a creature. When you make an
attack roll, you can also use your Channel
Divinity to gain a +10 bonus to the roll. You
make this choice after you see the roll, but

Developed by Tiago Cristiano [kristianotiago@gmail.com] 12

before the GM says whether the attack hits or Target Creature
misses. At 3rd level, you may designate a creature as
Smite the Guilty. As an action, you present your target. You don’t need to know the target
your holy symbol and speak a prayer, using personally and you may know the creature
your Channel Divinity. Choose one creature only through her actions or description, such
within 30 feet of you that you can see. That as “the orc from the bank heist” or “the gnoll
creature must make a Wisdom saving throw. who led the jail breakout”. You cannot
On a failed save, the creature has designate a creature while you or the target is
disadvantage on its attack rolls until the end in combat, and once you choose a target you
of your next turn. Additionally, the creature must wait 24 hours before choosing another.
can only take an action or bonus action on its The creature you target counts as a favored
next turn. enemy for you.

Vigilant Aura No Trace

At 7th level, you and all friendly creatures At 7th level, you have advantage on checks
within 10 feet of you cannot be surprised. At you make to hide and avoid being detected
18th level, the range of this aura increases to while you are in your favored terrain or an
30 feet. urban environment. Additionally, while you
are tracking your target, you can move
Street Watch stealthily at a normal pace and enemies have
Starting at 15th level, while in an urban disadvantage on Perception checks to track
environment, you can’t be charmed and you you.
have advantage on initiative rolls.
Play a Hunch
Eternal Vigilant At 11th level, you can use your action and
At 20th level, as an action, you become an expend one ranger spell slot to determine
entity of true and divine judgment. For 1 whether an assumption, hunch, or guess is
minute, you gain the following benefits: correct. When you do so, you must state the
•You have advantage on attack rolls you assertion (such “He has left the building”, or
make against creatures which have attacked “The mayor is an evil man”). Then, the GM
you or a friendly creature in the last minute. rolls a percentile dice. There’s a 70%+1% per
•You can use Smite the Guilty once per round ranger level chance of getting a response on
as a bonus action without using your Channel the hunch. If the roll is a success, the GM lets
Divinity. the player know if the hunch is true, false,
both or neither. A “both” response is possible
for vague assumptions such as “the mayor is
Ranger Archetype an evil man” can be both true and false (he is
At 3rd level, a ranger gains the Ranger evil, but not human). An “unknown” response
Archetype feature. Here is a new option for is for questions with no immediate answer.
that feature: the Shadow Hunter. The GM may determine that the hunch is so
obvious that it does not require a roll, or that
Shadow Hunter is so vague that there is no chance for success.
The Shadow Hunter is a tracker, a stalker, a A hunch does not translate as a legal truth,
finder of lost things and people – particularly and will not stand up in a court of law. Rather
those that do not want to be found. The it is an obvious fact to the Shadow Hunter
Shadow Hunter is familiar with all the alone. Finding proof of an assumption such as
modern forensics methods of tracking a “the mayor is a mind flayer” would require
subject, but places equal faith in magic and additional work.
supernatural methods.

Developed by Tiago Cristiano [kristianotiago@gmail.com] 13

You can use this feature a number of times Bonus Proficiencies
equal to your Wisdom modifier and you When you choose this archetype at 3rd level,
regain any expended uses when you finish a you gain proficiency with the engineering kit
long rest. and hacking tools.

Locate Target Speed Hacking

At 15th level, you gain the supernatural Starting at 3rd level, you can use your bonus
ability to know where your target is. By action granted by your Cunning Action to
spending 1 uninterrupted minute in make an ability check with hacking tools or
concentration (as if you were concentrating take an Attack action inside the Matrix (see
on a spell), you can sense your targeted the “Netrunning” chapter).
creature’s location if it is within 3 miles of
you, and if it’s moving, you know the
direction of its movement. This ability applies “Samurai”
only on the target, and does not reveal At 9th level, you have a number of hacking
attitude, status, or the presence of others dice equal to your Intelligence modifier,
around the target. which are d8s. You regain all of your
After you use this ability, you must finish a expended hacking dice when you finish a
sort or long rest to use it again. short or long rest. You can expend a hacking
dice and add it to the result whenever you
make a check using hacking tools (including
The UA Ranger on attack rolls and AC checks inside the
If you’re playing the revised ranger introduced in Matrix; see the “Netrunning” chapter) after
Unearthed Arcana ranger, you also gain the Extra you roll, but before the GM says whether the
Attack feature. roll succeeds or fails.
Extra Attack. Beginning at 5th level, you can attack
twice, instead of once, whenever you take the
Attack action on your turn.
At 13th level, you are extremely accustomed
to invading systems without being detected.
Roguish Archetype You are considered to be under permanent
At 3rd level, a rogue gains the Roguish effect of a digital phantom spell (only you,
Archetype feature. Here are new options for not your allies).
that feature: the Hacker and the Infiltrator.
Hacker At 17th level, you cannot be easily
A hacker is the “cowboy” of the cyberspace. disconnected from the net. You must have
He can enter any system or computer to four failures on a Matrix Combat to be
access its database, or even to control it. A disconnected (see the “Netrunning” chapter).
hacker is a computing expert, and through this Additionally, your hacking dice are now d10s,
knowledge he is able to get information, and you can expend up to two hacking dices
tamper with data or even sabotage an entire for each check instead of only one.
system. There’s no system safe enough
against a real hacker. In the end, the only and Infiltrator
best defense against a hacker is another An infiltrator can break into places others
hacker. wouldn’t dream of, find what it’s looking for,
and get back out again while eluding or
evading anyone who would try to stop him.
An infiltrator is a master of stealth, breaking
and entering, and second-story work.

Developed by Tiago Cristiano [kristianotiago@gmail.com] 14

Bonus Proficiencies Master Infiltrator
When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, At 17th level, your infiltration dice are now
you gain proficiency with the disguise kit and d10s, and you can expend up to two
hacking tools. infiltration dices for each check instead of
only one.
Sweep Additionally, whenever you make a check
Starting at 3rd level, you know how to size up using tools you are not proficient, you can add
an area and get the lay of the land in a single half your proficiency bonus to the check.
sweep of your eyes that often isn’t perceptible
to those around you. Sorcerous Origin
You can use your bonus action granted by At 1st level, a sorcerer gains the Sorcerous
your Cunning Action to make the Search Origin feature. Here is a new option for that
action. You also gain advantage on the check feature: the Network.
when looking for alarms, surveillance
devices, escape routes and any expensive
objects that can easily be concealed and The Network
carried away. Your innate magic comes from the energy of
the massive network around the world where
every device is connected. Perhaps the
Infiltration Adept constant exposure to this network through
At 9th level, you have a number of infiltration using devices connected to the internet gave
dice equal to your Dexterity modifier, which you your powers.
are d8s. You regain all of your expended
infiltration dice when you finish a short or
long rest. You can expend an infiltration dice Social Network
and add it to the result for the following Starting at 1st level, your innate connection
checks after you roll, but before the GM says allows you to get information easily.
whether the roll succeeds or fails. Whenever you make an Intelligence check to
• Whenever you make a Dexterity (Stealth) learn or get information about someone or
check. something, you may use your Charisma
• Whenever you make an attack roll while modifier instead.
• Whenever you make a check using, Network Strikes
disarming or repairing an electrical or At 1st level, as a bonus action you gain the
mechanical device. following benefits for 1 minute:
• Whenever you deal damage with a spell,
Engineer you can replace the damage type to lightning
At 13th level, you understand how machines damage.
and electrical devices work. You gain • Any creature within 30 feet of you that you
advantage on checks to use, disarm or repair can see that hits you with an attack takes
an electrical or mechanical devices. lightning damage equal to your Charisma
Additionally, when you fail to deactivate a modifier.
trap, explosive or alarm, you can use your Once you use this feature, you must finish a
reaction to avoid triggering the effect short or long rest to use it again.
(activating the trap, detonate an explosive or
trigger an alarm). You can use this feature Arcane Firewall
once per short or long rest. At 6th level, whenever you are targeted by a
spell that makes you roll a saving throw, you
can use your reaction and spend 1 sorcery
point to gain advantage on that roll.

Developed by Tiago Cristiano [kristianotiago@gmail.com] 15

If you are targeted by a ranged spell attack, 5th shutdown, synchronicity
you can use your reaction and spend 1 sorcery
point to impose disadvantage on that roll.
Bonus Proficiency
At 1st level, you gain proficiency with
Metamagic Glitch hacking tools.
At 14th level, when you cast a spell using a
4th level slot or higher, you can choose one
metamagic option you know from Careful, Information Surge
Distant, Empowered, Extended or Subtle At 1st level, you gain the ability to
spell. You use that metamagic option at no temporarily render computerized devices
cost. inoperable. As an action, you can target a
computerized device within 30 feet of you. If
the targeted device is held or otherwise
Network Overload actively used by a living creature, that
Beginning at 18th level, when you cast a spell creature must make an Intelligence saving
that requires a single attack roll against a throw against your spell save DC. On a failed
single target, you can expend up to 4 sorcery save, the targeted device ceases to function
points to deal an additional 1d10 lightning until the end of your next turn. If the targeted
damage for each sorcery point you expend. device is not held or used by a creature, the
GM makes a special saving throw for the
Otherworldly Patron device with disadvantage and a +0 modifier.
At 1st level, a warlock gains the Otherworldly Certain shielded devices might negate the
Patron feature. Here is a new option for that disadvantage, at the GM’s determination.
feature: the Ghost in the Machine. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it
again until you finish a short or long rest.
The Ghost in the Machine
You have made a bargain for power granted Wire Travel
by an entity that you believe to be completely Starting at 6th level, you gain the ability to
digital. Whether it is a rogue AI or the spirit travel short distances over electrical wires,
of a deceased hacker, the Ghost in the data lines, or telephone cables. As a bonus
Machine is capable of feats that defy action, you can touch a device or socket
explanation. connected to a hardwired network and
teleport along this network to another device
or socket within your line of sight. Once you
Expanded Spell List use this feature, you can’t use it again until
The Ghost in the Machine lets you choose you finish a short or long rest.
from an expanded list of spells when you
learn a warlock spell. You gain the on/off
cantrip, and the following new spells are Personal Encryption
added to the warlock spell list for you. See the Beginning at 10th level, you have learned to
“New Spells” chapter. apply your innate knowledge of encryption to
your thoughts, memories, and presence. You
have advantage on saving throws against
Ghost in the Machine Expanded Spells
scrying, thought detection, or any other
Spell Level Spells method of magically learning your
1st infallible relay, remote access whereabouts or reading your thoughts. For
2nd arcane hacking, digital phantom
any such effect that does not grant you a
saving throw but which requires the creature
3rd haywire, machine invisibility targeting you to make an ability check, the
4th conjure knowbot, system backdoor check is made with disadvantage.

Developed by Tiago Cristiano [kristianotiago@gmail.com] 16

Technovirus themselves with how their spells interact with
At 14th level, you gain the ability to infect a modern technology.
humanoid’s body with living circuitry. You Technomancers can make use of technology
can use an action to make a melee attack as both a conduit and a storage space for
against a humanoid creature using your spell magic. In a campaign using the optional rules
attack modifier. The target must make a for magic item creation (see the Dungeon
Constitution saving throw against your spell Master’s Guide), a technomancer might craft
save DC as a techno-organic virus quickly disposable electronic devices and smartphone
spreads through its body. On a failed save, the apps in lieu of potions and scrolls.
target takes 8d10 psychic damage, or half as
much damage on a successful one. Bonus Proficiencies
Additionally, if the target fails the saving Beginning when you select this arcane
throw, you can use an action to issue it a tradition at 2nd level, you gain proficiency
single command, as if you were casting the with sidearms and hacking tools.
command spell. The target makes its saving
throw against your command with Technological Savant
disadvantage. You can issue this command at Also at 2nd level, you trade out your
any time while the target remains infected. spellbook for a specially attuned storage
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it device of your choosing, capable of recording
again until you finish a long rest, at which magical data. The computing power of this
point the target is cured of the technovirus. device must be equal to or greater than a
The infection can also be removed with a tablet computer. Only one storage device can
lesser restoration spell. be attuned to you at any given time. Spells
can be copied into this device at half the cost
Additional Invocation of copying spells into a spellbook.
Warlocks who favor modern weapons can
learn to channel their magic through those Program Spell
weapons. At 6th level, you can insert a spell within an
electronic device of your choosing, so that by
Arcane Gunslinger touching a key or flicking a switch using an
Prerequisite: Pact of the Blade feature action, the spell activates. All variables of the
You can create a pact weapon that is a spell are set at the time of casting. The
sidearm or long arm, and you can transform a computing power of this device must be equal
magical sidearm or long arm into your pact to or greater than a mobile phone.
weapon. A programmed spell remains placed in its
device for 48 hours, and is gone once it is
discharged. You can use this feature to place a
Arcane Tradition programmed spell in only one device at a
At 1st level, a wizard gains the Arcane time, and a device can hold only one
Tradition feature. Here is a new option for programmed spell. Only you can activate the
that feature: the Technomancy. programmed spell in the device. If the device
is destroyed, the programmed spell is lost.
Technomancy A concentration spell placed in a device
Unlike the more common arcane traditions cannot be activated while you are
based around the schools of magic, the concentrating on another spell. Once you use
tradition of Technomancy does not focus on a this feature, you can’t use it again until you
singular type of spellcraft or magical energy. finish a long rest.
Rather, students of Technomancy concern

Developed by Tiago Cristiano [kristianotiago@gmail.com] 17

Online Casting
At 10th level, you can cast spells through
networked electronic devices, including
cameras, mobile phones, and computers. For
example, if a creature is under the observation
of a security camera and you can see the
video feed from that camera on a computer,
you can cast a spell into the computer and out
through the security camera to target that
If the spell requires the caster to be seen, the
target must see you or a live image of you. If
the spell requires the caster to be heard, the
target must be able to hear you or a live audio
transmission of you. The spell’s range is
determined using the distance from you to
your device, and then from the target to its
device. You must be able to see or otherwise
determine the location of the target. This
feature can be used to cast only spells that
target specific creatures. Spells that affect an
area are not subject to online casting.
This feature can be used a number of times
per day equal to your Intelligence modifier
(minimum of once).

Chained Device
By 14th level, you have learned to imprint
vestiges of your consciousness on electronic
devices with significant computing power.
When you cast a concentration spell, you can
use a device whose computing power is equal
to or greater than a tablet computer to
maintain concentration of the spell on your
behalf. The device must be held or worn by
you to maintain this effect. If the device is
destroyed, taken from you, dropped, or turned
off, the concentration ends. Once you use this
feature, you can’t use it again until you finish
a long rest.

Developed by Tiago Cristiano [kristianotiago@gmail.com] 18

corporate contact inside the subsidiaries of
Part 3: Character Options your division. However, such connections
This chapter presents new skills and new might ask some favors in exchange of their
backgrounds available to cyberpunk help.
Suggested Characteristics
Skills Corporates are shaped by their experience in
The skills below relate to modern fields of business world. Their personality, ideals and
knowledge and the life on an urban bonds reflect the competitive and privileged
environment. nature of their position. Their flaws might be
Sciences is a new Intelligence skill. This skill related to a luxury lifestyle or an excessive (or
covers your understanding of exact sciences: defective) corporate trait.
Astronomy, chemistry, mathematics, physics,
and engineering. d8 Personality Trait
Streetwise is a new Intelligence skill. This 1 I am always calm, no matter what the situation. I
skill covers your knowledge about street and never raise my voice or let my emotions control
urban culture, local underworld personalities me.
and events. 2 I take great pains to always look my best and
follow the latest fashions.
Backgrounds 3 I always talk as if I were at a business meeting.
The sample backgrounds in this section 4 I choose my allies based on what they can serve
provide both concrete benefits (features, me.
proficiencies, and languages) and roleplaying
5 I really think the corporatocracy is the best for
suggestions. civilization.
6 I believe that anything worth doing is worth doing
Corporate right. I can’t help it – I’m a perfectionist.
In a world ruled by corporations, where 7 I ask a lot of questions to get information about
countries have turned into industrial those with whom I am working and dealing.
conglomerates, you are one of the few lucky 8 I’ve always lived in a secure arcology. I have little
ones to have a solid job as a junior executive. practical experience dealing with the outside
Being a corporate means that you have to world.
contact the right people and move your pawns
correctly, since anyone underneath you would
d6 Ideals
kill to take your place.
Skill Proficiencies: Insight, Persuasion 1 Work. I keep my position through dedication and
Languages: Two of your choice hard work. (Lawful)
Equipment: A fine set of clothes, laptop 2 Society. I use my position to make the world a
computer, briefcase, a land vehicle (sedan, better place. (Good)
sports car, or SUV), and a 2.000-credit fund 3 Wealth. I work to make money, that’s all!
Feature: Resources 4 Ruthless. I would kill for a promotion, or to keep
You have the access to the subsidiaries of the my position. (Evil)
corporation you work for. That means you 5 Reputation. My reputation inside the corporation
can request some minor resources such as is my only concern. (Any)
vehicles, shelters, money, bodyguards, etc. As
6 Unfair. I only make deals that benefit me at most.
long you provide results to your company. (Chaotic)
You can also gain access to powerful figures
through the company, and a least one

Developed by Tiago Cristiano [kristianotiago@gmail.com] 19

d6 Bond high birth treat you as a member of the same
1 I will fight to rise in the hierarchy of my
social sphere. You can secure an audience
corporation. with a local politician or an important
corporate if you need to.
2 Some prominent figures inspire me – I try to
follow their footsteps.
3 I have to secure a wealthy future for my family.
Suggested Characteristics
As a media man or woman, you are bend to
4 I am forever competing against a long-time rival. be a charismatic person and must look at your
5 I seek to maintain a record label (or other best, even if at your thoughts you enjoy
business) that others find unprofitable. privacy, or it will cost you your audience.
6 I must build a successful legacy for myself. You are driven by the goal of transmitting
information, entertainment, or being at the
limelight all the time.
d6 Flaw
1 Once I pick a goal, I become obsessed with it to d8 Personality Trait
the detriment of everything else in my life.
1 I have a keen eye for news, or I think that I have.
2 I spend too much money on parties at the
rooftops of skyscrapers. 2 I use charm and flirting to get the information that
I want.
3 I value money more than anything else, and spare
as much as I can. 3 I frequently make pop culture references.

4 I prefer a quick response rather than planning my 4 I use polysyllabic words that convey the
actions. impression of great erudition.

5 I never get my hands dirty if someone can do it for 5 I tend to correct people when it comes to mistakes
me. regarding factual information.

6 I secretly plan to destroy the corporation I work 6 I am my own worst critic, these nothing you can
for. say about me I haven't already said to myself.
7 I like to talk using memes or catchy phrases.

Media 8 I have a tendency to become focused on my work

to the exclusion of everything else.
Media can range from desperate, attention-
loving sensationalists to the mainstream
names of the news and entertainment d6 Ideals
industry. Your job is like that of a hunter – 1 Survival. I only need to survive in this industry.
you are hungry for news and motifs that can (Neutral)
catch the attention of the public. 2 Fame. Speak well or speak ill, but speak of me.
Skill Proficiencies: Deception, Stealth (Chaotic)
Languages: Two of your choice 3 Inspiration. I want to create content to uplift my
Equipment: A fine set of clothes, card audience. (Good)
computer, display contacts, a land vehicle
4 Manipulation. I forge information to control the
(sedan, sports car, or SUV), and a 1.000-
masses. (Evil)
credit fund
5 Entertainment. I just want the audience get
entertained. (Any)
Feature: Contacts
As a media agent, people are inclined to think 6 Truth. The public should not be influenced by false
news and one-sided stories. (Lawful)
the best of you. You are welcome in high
society, and people assume you have the right
to be wherever you are. The common citizens d6 Bond
make every effort to accommodate you and 1 I am an established and respected as a media
avoid your displeasure, and other people of agent, and I value the esteem of my peers very

Developed by Tiago Cristiano [kristianotiago@gmail.com] 20

highly. in any area, as long as you speak the
2 Nothing is more important to me than my
language. You can find mercenary work
audience. between adventures sufficient to maintain a
comfortable lifestyle (see “Practicing a
3 I donate money to a cause I believe in.
Profession” under “Downtime Activities” in
4 Wealth and power are nothing. Fulfillment can chapter 8 of the Player’s Handbook).
only be found in artistic expression.
5 No one takes me seriously as an adventurer Suggested Characteristics
because I’m so “high maintenance”. I will prove A mercenary’s sole purpose is to get the
them wrong.
money from his or her jobs, but some of them
6 I will get my revenge on the journalist that wrote a might have their own interests in the jobs they
defamatory article about me. get other than cash. Those who follow this life
can be quiet, taciturn individuals as readily as
d6 Flaw they can be savage brutes living not for the
1 I have no artistic sense. I hide that fact behind
pay, but for the thrill of pursuit.
extreme opinions and have become a trendsetter.
d8 Personality Trait
2 I’d kill the critic who depreciates my work!
1 I enjoy peaceful music and relaxing downtime
3 I secretly (or not) believe that everyone is beneath
2 Nothing is more important than a job well done.
4 I get jealous easily, especially around other media
agents. 3 I have a crude sense of humor.
5 I use hard drink to numb myself to stress. 4 I speak in a cold and emotionless way.
6 I’d rather lie than admit I’m wrong. 5 I always have a plan for what to do when things go

Mercenary 6 I'm rather adept at games of skill like throwing

darts or knives.
Mercenaries trade their skills, usually combat
7 I’ve a great deal of practical experience from
related, for money. They work as hired guns contracts and can relate to almost any situation.
on underground corporate operations,
criminal syndicates, or for a single executive 8 I'm not prone to idle chatter, and prefer keeping
to myself unless the topic's business.
(out of the company’s payroll). They can also
be bounty hunters.
Skill Proficiencies: Intimidation, Perception d6 Ideals
Tool Proficiencies: two types of vehicles 1 Freedom. The only path to freedom is having
(land, water, air or space, choose one) enough money to do as you will. (Chaotic)
Equipment: A set of common clothes, card 2 Ambiguity. This job is just a job, like any other.
computer, falsified shepherd chip, 3 Nothing personal against my targets. (Neutral)
chemicals plastiflesh, and a 100-credit fund
3 Punishment. I avenge for those who cannot
avenge for themselves. (Lawful)
Feature: Mercenary Life 4 Reputation. I will be known for my deeds, sooner
You know the mercenary life as only rather than later. (Any)
someone who has experienced it can. You are
able to identify mercenary companies by their 5 Wealth. I fight for money, and nothing else.
emblems and mannerisms, and you know a
little about any such company, including the 6 Brutality. I’m in it for the killing. (Evil)
names and reputations of its commanders and
leaders, and who has hired them recently. You
can find the hideouts where mercenaries abide

Developed by Tiago Cristiano [kristianotiago@gmail.com] 21

d6 Bond
1 I always finish the jobs that are given to me. Feature: Network
2 I seek to protect something of great importance You have access to a secret network of
to me by keeping it a secret, so you better forget underground netrunners who can provide
what you just heard. assistance on your adventures. Even if you are
3 I was inspired by a great hero to become a a standalone hacker, you know at least a set of
mercenary. secret signs and passwords that you can use to
4 Others weigh me down. I have no need for such
identify yourself to others on the game, and
restraints. they can provide you with access to a hidden
safe house, free room and board, or assistance
5 I became a mercenary to support my family, who
in finding information. These agents never
would have probably starved in a slum
somewhere if not for me. risk their lives for you or risk revealing their
true identities.
6 Though my friends are few, I owe them my life
and would happily die for them.
Suggested Characteristics
Netrunners are people skilled inside the
d6 Flaw
Matrix, and they can use their skills in a lot of
1 I have crippling debts that my work barely pays it different ways – often dangerous. But because
off. of their extensive stay in cyberspace, some
2 I never fail at my tasks, even if I have to resort to netrunners may feel disconnected from the
less honorable means to complete them. real world.
3 Other mercenaries (or someone powerful) would
do anything to have my head. d8 Personality Trait
4 Not only am I good at what I do, but I love what I 1 I like to dress in black clothes or rock band shirts.
do – and I hate myself for it.
2 I’m hard to bore. There’s always something I can
5 I can’t sleep peacefully. My job has made me do to improve myself.
3 I'm always late to bed and early to rise.
6 I underestimate or overestimate the risks a job.
4 I like to reserve all my knowledge until the most
dramatic moment, so I can display it to others and
Netrunner dazzle them with my brilliance.

Netrunners live in the darkest corners of the 5 Nothing can shake my optimistic attitude.
Matrix. They invade systems, steal 6 I write anything I think is important in code.
information and sell it to those who pay more. 7 I feel uncomfortable in open spaces.
There are also netrunners who work for the
8 When confronted, I respond with shouts and
corporations, helping to protect its secrets and
fighting other netrunners in the net. But not
all of them are looking for money, some
might have other interests as well – they can d6 Ideals
be online punishers, cyberativists or just 1 Generosity. I will use my skills to help anyone who
people looking for fun. needs it. (Good)
Skill Proficiencies: Deception, Investigation 2 Game. If this came out to the public… That
Tool Proficiencies: Hacking tools, one type executive would be done for… That one too… Oh
of gaming set what fun! (Chaotic)
Equipment: A set of common clothes, 3 Cyberterrorism. I use my skills to cause fear and
hacking tools, USB-cable, C-class neural have control over society. (Evil)
interface, falsified shepherd chip, and a 100-
4 People. I’m committed to my allies, not to ideals.
credit fund

Developed by Tiago Cristiano [kristianotiago@gmail.com] 22

5 Wealth. I use my skills to earn money. (Neutral)
6 Aspiration. I’m determined to make something of Feature: Authority
myself. (Any) Both citizens and criminals are afraid of your
reputation. Neither will report if you overstep
d6 Bond the legal lines a bit (such as by not paying for
your food, or bruising a captive), and both
1 I will thwart the plans of an organization that has
kinds will be more likely to spill the beans
harmed me in the past.
just to get rid of you (or in the case of
2 I had some colleagues on a hacking faction I used criminals, to keep you from scraping the
to be a part of that I trade information with from beans out of them). Those who have some
time to time.
standing in the community will not be so
3 I have secrets that I've uncovered that should easily impressed by some dingy officer, but
never see the light of day. maybe their employees will speak freely to
4 I will become the greatest hacker of this age. you if you block their way in the right dark
5 I owe everything to my mentor – now just his
memory remains recorded on some memory
storage device. Suggested Characteristics
6 Something important was taken from me, and I Officers end up in their line of work for all
aim to get it back. manner of reasons so their personalities and
flaws are often as varied as the citizens whom
d6 Flaw they should protect.
1 I can’t resist taking a sneak peek into someone’s
d8 Personality Trait
dirty secrets.
1 I'm always polite and respectful.
2 I have trouble trusting people, especially those
closest to me. 2 I speak with a deep, raspy voice.
3 I’m quick to assume that someone is trying to 3 After all the strange things I've seen in the
cheat me. streets, nothing can surprise me.
4 I have a “tell” that reveals when I'm lying. 4 I’ve lost too many friends, and I’m slow to make
new ones.
5 I impersonate so many characters on the net that I
hardly can tell who I really am. 5 Thinking is for other people. I prefer action.
6 I overestimate my abilities. 6 I don’t know much, but my hunches have never
led me wrong in the past.

Officer 7 I have a fixation on determining the motives and

psychology of others, even my closest friends.
Keeping the law in a world where crime
8 I am always on the lookout for criminal activity.
proliferates at the same pace as the urban
sprawl is an ungrateful work – that is the job
of an officer. You face criminals and terrorists d6 Ideals
often better armed and equipped than, and 1 Respect. People deserve to be treated with dignity
when things get off the rails, the people and respect. (Good)
quickly turn against you. 2 Control. I enforce the law only where it benefits
Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Intimidation me. (Evil)
Tool Proficiencies: Forensics kit, vehicles
3 Justice. No one should get preferential treatment
(land, water, or air, choose one)
before the law. (Lawful)
Equipment: A police uniform, badge,
flashlight, forensics kit, 2 chemicals 4 Reform. Laws can be corrupt, and I strive to free
plastiflesh, and a 100-credit fund people from the bad ones. (Chaotic)
5 City. I love my city, and I will do anything to

Developed by Tiago Cristiano [kristianotiago@gmail.com] 23

protect it. (Any) checks to identify the value of an item, you
6 Conformity. There will always be crime, as sure as
learn of someone or someplace where you can
there will be guards. (Neutral) have the item’s value measured, unless the
GM deems the item too rare or obscure. In
addition, the items you found between
d6 Bond
adventures are sufficient to maintain a modest
1 A brutal murder marked my early career. I won’t lifestyle (see “Practicing a Profession” under
let it happen again. “Downtime Activities” in chapter 8 of the
2 It is my duty to protect the city and its citizens. Player’s Handbook).
3 My fellow guards are my brothers in arms.
4 I need to prove my worth to my fellow officers.
Suggested Characteristics
Riggers spend most of time in their
5 I took a bribe to tank an investigation and I would workshops creating their stuff, but they can be
do anything to keep it secret.
drawn to the outside driven by curiosity,
6 Someone saved my life on patrol, and I still owe industriousness, or greed. But usually, their
them to this day. workaholic behavior and lack of organic
relationships makes then insensible, short-
d6 Flaw tempered, and machine-like in the treatment
1 For me, violence is often the best way to solve
of others.
d8 Personality Trait
2 I can be bribed easily – help me to help you.
1 I can't help myself around complex objects. I just
3 I care only for my own authority. want to find out how they work.
4 My hatred for outlaws is blinding and furious. 2 My daily life is structured and scheduled so that I
5 I obey the law, even if the law causes misery. know what to do at every hour.
6 I know the common people are criminals, and it is 3 I usually talk to robots, even those who are not
only by my harsh hand that they are controlled. meant to talk.
4 I hide scraps of food and trinkets away in my
Rigger 5 I’m skeptical of magic, and instead I trust in the
Riggers range from technicians to cybernetic
specialists, but they are usually underground
techies or garbage gatherers. You live among 6 Most of the words I say sound like complete
piles of waste and circuits, the raw materials gibberish to those who know nothing about
mechanics or electronics.
for you to create the devices that can drive
you out of this mess. 7 Everything, no matter how small or insignificant,
Skill Proficiencies: Investigation, Sciences must be cataloged.
Tool Proficiencies: engineering kit, mechanic 8 I try to come up with an inventive way to use
kit every item I find.
Equipment: A set of common clothes,
desktop computer, lighter, engineering kit, d6 Ideals
mechanic kit, and a 100-credit fund
1 People. I help the people who help me – that’s
what keeps us alive. (Neutral)
Feature: Keen Eye 2 Freedom. I build what I want, whether it’s legal or
Whenever you see a piece of technology that not. (Chaotic)
could be of value, you have a vague estimate
of its worth, as well as some interesting 3 Safety. I build so that harm may not come to me
and those I care about. (Any)
information about the item, if there is
anything interesting to know. If you fail any 4 Aspiration. I work hard to be the best there is at

Developed by Tiago Cristiano [kristianotiago@gmail.com] 24

my craft. (Any) Equipment: One set of common clothes,
5 Help. All of my creations are made to help people
backpack with hidden compartment, falsified
who can't help themselves. (Good) shepherd chip, forgery kit, and a 100-credit
6 Greed. I build things to help me to get other
things. (Evil)
d6 Specialty
1 Tax dodger
d6 Bond
2 Addictive substances
1 My workshop is the most important place in my
life. 3 Cyberware
2 Anytime someone is hesitant or scared of my 4 Weaponry
creations I try to make them feel comfortable
5 Antiquities
around them.
6 Magic raw materials
3 My old workshop is now in ruins due to an
accident, I will never make that mistake again.
4 My old partner stole some valuable blueprints and Feature: Careful Selection
I plan on getting them back. Some close brushes with the law have taught
5 I carry with me a strange artifact that I found in a you that not every cop can be bribed, and
dumping ground, but I don't know what it's for. some people are simply too keen to miss
minute discrepancies. This feature allows you
6 My creations were once used for evil purposes.
Never again will someone take advantage of me.
to study a person and gain insight into
whether or not they would accept a bribe, or
to pick up on whether they are exceptionally
d6 Flaw more perceptive than you. It does not reveal
1 I often can’t resist stealing some new technology how expensive a bribe may be for a given
that I find. situation, however.
2 I enjoy my more dangerous inventions a little too
much. Suggested Characteristics
3 I have accidentally killed someone with my devices. Smugglers are a highly charismatic and
4 I feel more comfortable surrounded by machines
highly diverse bunch. They cover a wide
than people. variety of personalities, ranging from the
boisterous street hawker with a “special
5 I’m quick to assume that someone is trying to cheat
selection” to the burly sailor who brazenly
sells his wares after bribing the guards to look
6 I find any reason to fight, often attacking enemies away. Your traits should reflect the tactics
when other solutions could have been met. you see yourself using.

Smuggler d8 Personality Trait

You live in an unjust society, if you don’t 1 I am extremely sociable, especially over a mug of
work for a large corporation, you simply can’t ale.
stand up between temporary jobs and bad- 2 I don’t mind fleecing someone if they don’t know
paying jobs. The way is to appeal to illicit the true price of what they seek.
activities – smuggling is often the solution if 3 I would rather make a new friend than a new
you still have enough morality (or have no enemy.
balls) to become a criminal.
4 I act irrationally confident in the face of danger,
Skill Proficiencies: Choose two from nobody suspects anything when you seem like you
Deception, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth know what you're doing.
Tool Proficiencies: Forgery kit
5 I have dozens of identities and live in constant fear
Languages: One of your choice

Developed by Tiago Cristiano [kristianotiago@gmail.com] 25

of answering to the wrong name. 6 I eat and drink to excess.
6 Deflecting questions has become second nature to
me, so I rarely answer straight.
Sprawl Ganger
7 Being seen with any unsavory figures is a sure way Robbery, extortion, drug-traffic, these are
to undermine my work. I only associate with my
your business. The crime has changed a lot in
business partners behind locked doors.
the past few years, and you were not lucky
8 I always keep my wares close to me, you never enough to be a corporate white collar, you did
know who might stumble across them otherwise. not have the patience to become an expert in
cyberspace, but you know the good old-
d6 Ideals fashioned rules of the street like nobody else.
1 Moral. I only smuggle things to improve the lives Skill Proficiencies: Deception, Streetwise
of my common fellows. (Good) Tool Proficiencies: Thieves’ tools, vehicles
2 Survival. I only want to make a living for myself.
(Neutral) Equipment: A set of dark common clothes
(or your gang distinct clothing), thieves’
3 Ruthless. I will rise to the top of the heap by any
means necessary. (Evil)
tools, and a chemical boost
4 Dauntless. No border crossing or bribe is too
difficult- that's just the coward's way of saying Feature: Bad Reputation
exciting! (Chaotic) No matter where you go, people are afraid of
you due to your reputation. When you are in a
5 Cause. I work for a greater cause, and ply my
trade only in service to it. (Lawful)
civilized settlement, you can get away with
minor criminal offenses, such as refusing to
6 Friendship. My associates are dear to me, and I pay for food at a restaurant or breaking down
want them to rise with me when I hit it big. (Any)
doors at a local shop, since most people will
not report your activity to the authorities.
d6 Bond
1 A corrupt guard put me out of business back when Suggested Characteristics
I was running an honest business. I aim to show Sprawl gangers are criminals that don’t care
him a thing or two about recovery.
for the property or welfare of others or, at the
2 I never wanted to be a criminal, but it puts bread best, they are modern day savages – seeking
on my family's table. to live by themselves without the intervention
3 My business partners are closer to me than my of society and law. Only a few can have some
family. endearing or redeeming characteristics.
4 I guard my wealth jealously.
d8 Personality Trait
5 A gnome helped me once. I pay the favor forward.
1 I always have a plan for what to do when things go
6 I admire the elves. I help them whenever I can. wrong.
2 The first thing I do in a new place is note the
d6 Flaw locations of everything valuable – or where such
1 I detach myself from the results of my actions in things could be hidden.
order to sleep better at night. 3 I am incredibly slow to trust. Those who seem the
2 I would betray anyone to save my own skin. fairest often have the most to hide.

3 I only relate to those with the same interests as 4 I don’t pay attention to the risks in a situation.
mine, trust is for the naive. Never tell me the odds.

4 When faced with a choice between money and my 5 The best way to get me to do something is to tell
friends, I usually choose the money. me I can’t do it.

5 When something goes wrong, it’s never my fault. 6 I blow up at the slightest insult.

Developed by Tiago Cristiano [kristianotiago@gmail.com] 26

7 I enjoy being strong and like breaking things.
8 I am always calm, no matter what the situation. I
never raise my voice or let my emotions control

d6 Ideals
1 Anarchy. Laws are meant to be broken. (Chaotic)
2 Community. We have to take care of each other,
because no one else is going to do it. (Lawful)
3 Hypocrisy. I try and justify my crimes to myself by
giving back to the community, even though I stole
everything from that same community. (Neutral)
4 Greed. Anything that isn't mine soon will be. (Evil)
5 Redemption. There’s a spark of good in everyone.
6 Fear. I want people to tremble at the sound of my
name. (Evil)

d6 Bond
1 I owe my survival to another ganger who taught me
how to live on the streets.
2 I always remember my first crimes.
3 Another gang murdered my comrades, plundered
our hideout, and left me to die. Vengeance will be
4 My name will be feared on the streets.
5 I was cheated out of my fair share of the profits, and
I want to get my due.
6 I have the chance at a new life and this time I am
going to do things right.

d6 Flaw
1 When faced with a choice between money and my
friends, I usually choose the money.
2 If there’s a plan, I’ll forget it. If I don’t forget it, I’ll
ignore it.
3 I turn tail and run when things look bad.
4 I have difficulty trusting strangers. Anyone could
be a spy for the authorities
5 I'm an informant for the cops. They let me
continue my activities, so long as I pass them
information about illegal activity in my
6 When I see something valuable, I can’t think
about anything but how to steal it.

Developed by Tiago Cristiano [kristianotiago@gmail.com] 27

Part 4: Equipment The Black Market
This chapter presents a series of new
Alternatively, a character can obtain an object
equipment suited for a cyberpunk campaign.
without going through the hassle of getting a
license first in the black market. A character
Restricted Objects who wants to buy something in the black
Some objects might require licenses to own or market must make an Intelligence
operate, or are restricted in use to qualifying (Streetwise) check to locate a black market
organizations or individuals. In such cases, a merchant for buying the item without needing
character must purchase a license to legally to obtain a license (DC for the check is 15 +
own the object. level of restriction).
The four levels of restriction are represented
by letters following the item’s cost. If no Credits x Gold Pieces
letter appears after the cost of the item, it This supplement uses credits ($), a digital form of
doesn’t require a specific license and its sale currency found in many cyberpunk worlds replacing
is open to public. the old paper money (usually linked to a shepherd
chip; see the Gear list).
1. Licensed (L). The owner must obtain a For the sake of simplicity, 1 credit equals 1 gold
license to own or operate the object legally. piece when determining the cost of an item found
2. Restricted (R). Only specially qualified in the Player’s Handbook.
individuals or organizations are technically
allowed to own the object.
3. Military (M). The object is sold primarily Armor
to legitimate police and military Body armor comes in a variety of shapes and
organizations. sizes, providing varying degrees of coverage
4. Illegal (I). The object is illegal in all but and varying heaviness of materials.
specific, highly regulated circumstances.
Light Armor
Note. Starting 1st-level characters may not Light armor favors agile adventurers since it
purchase items with a military (M) restriction. offers some protection without sacrificing
Once the game is on, characters are free to try mobility. If you wear light armor, you add
to get their hands on anything they can buy, your Dexterity modifier to the base number
scam, or steal – within the GM’s discretion, from your armor type to determine your
of course. Armor Class.
Heavy Coat. An overcoat, made of leather or
Purchasing a License heavy cloth.
As a general rule, a character must obtain the Leather Jacket. This armor is represented by
appropriate license before buying a restricted a heavy leather biker's jacket.
object. Legitimate dealers will not sell Light Undercover Shirt. Designed for deep
restricted objects to a character that does not undercover work in which it’s critical that the
have the necessary license. wearer not appear to be armed or armored,
this garment consists of a T-shirt with a band
Purchasing a License of light protective material sewn in around the
Level Cost Time
lower torso.
Ballistic damage that you take is reduced by
1. Licensed $50 1 day 2.
2. Restricted $250 2 days Kevlar-Lined Coat. Kevlar is a plastic with a
3. Military $750 3 days very high tensile strength and a well-known
component of personal armor.
4. Illegal $1.500 5 days

Developed by Tiago Cristiano [kristianotiago@gmail.com] 28

Armor Cost Armor Class (AC) Strength Stealth Weight
Light Armor
Heavy coat $5 11 + Dex modifier – Disadvantage 6 lb.
Leather jacket $10 11 + Dex modifier – – 4 lb.
Light undercover shirt* $45L 11 + Dex modifier – – 2 lb.
Kevlar-lined coat* $50L 12 + Dex modifier – – 8 lb.
Undercover vest* $75L 13 + Dex modifier – – 3 lb.
Medium Armor
Concealable vest* $75L 13 + Dex modifier (max 2) – – 4 lb.
Light-duty vest* $500L 14 + Dex modifier (max 3) – – 8 lb.
Tactical vest* $1.500L 15 + Dex modifier (max 2) Strength 10 Disadvantage 10 lb.
Heavy Armor
Special response vest* $1.500L 15 Strength 10 Disadvantage 15 lb.
Land warrior armor* $2.000R 17 Strength 13 Disadvantage 10 lb.
Forced entry unit* $2.500L 18 Strength 13 Disadvantage 20 lb.
Powered Armor
Boost armor* $3.000M 15 + Dex modifier (max 3) – Disadvantage 20 lb.
Unisoldier heavy combat armor* $3.500M 18 – Disadvantage 30 lb.
Retractable shield* $500R +2 – – 4 lb.
Riot shield* $100 +2 – – 6 lb.
*These armors grant damage reduction or resistance against certain damage types (see description).

Ballistic damage that you take is reduced by Concealable Vest. Standard issue in many
2. police forces, this vest provides maximum
Undercover Vest. Covering a larger area of protection in a garment that can be worn all
the torso, this vest provides better protection day long under regular clothing. While it may
than the light undercover shirt – but it’s also go unnoticed by a quick glance, it is usually
more easily noticed. It’s best used when the visible to anyone looking closely for it.
armor should remain unseen but the wearer Ballistic damage that you take is reduced by
doesn’t expect to face much scrutiny. 3.
Ballistic damage that you take is reduced by Light-Duty Vest. A lightweight tactical vest
2. designed for extended use by riot police and
forces on alert for potential attack, this armor
Medium Armor sacrifices a degree of protection for a
Medium armor offers more protection than modicum of comfort – at least compared to
light armor, but it also impairs movement other tactical body armors.
more. If you wear medium armor, you add Ballistic damage that you take is reduced by
your Dexterity modifier, to a maximum of +2, 3.
to the base number from your armor type to Tactical Vest. The standard body armor for
determine your Armor Class. police tactical units, this vest provides full-

Developed by Tiago Cristiano [kristianotiago@gmail.com] 29

torso protection in the toughest flexible powered armor to work properly for 24 hours.
protective materials available. The weight of a powered armor doesn’t count
You have resistance against ballistic damage. toward your carrying capacity, unless the
armor ceases to work. In this case, you suffer
Heavy Armor the following penalties while the armor is off:
Of all the armor categories, heavy armor
offers the best protection. These suits of • You don’t add your Dexterity modifier to
armor cover the entire body and are designed the AC base number from your armor.
to stop a wide range of attacks. Only • You count the armor’s weight on your
proficient fighters can manage their weight carrying capacity.
and bulk. • Your movement is reduced by 10 feet,
Special Response Vest. Built like the tactical regardless of your Strength value.
vest, but incorporating groin and neck • You lose any powered armor benefits other
protection as well as a ceramic plate over the than damage reduction or resistance.
chest, this armor provides additional
protection in battles against heavily armed Boost Armor. Boost armor is powered armor
opponents. that augments the character’s physical
You have resistance against ballistic damage. abilities. A character wearing boost armor is
Slashing damage that you take is also stronger, faster, and more nimble than ever
reduced by 2. before.
Land Warrior Armor. It is designed to Special mechanisms augment physical
improve the connectivity and combat strength. Your Strength score is 19 while you
effectiveness of combat personnel in the wear this armor. The boost armor has no
army. Improvements include modernized effect on you if your Strength is already 19 or
body armor, a helmet with a mounted higher. Sensors can detect incoming attacks
flashlight, integrated communication systems, and augment reaction times, granting
and a special eye monitor (infrared goggles). advantage on all Dexterity saving throws.
Ballistic damage that you take is reduced by Additionally, boost armor can improve
5. Slashing damage that you take is also traction and augment the ability to move
reduced by 5. quickly, increasing your base walking by 10
Forced Entry Unit. The most powerful feet.
protection available is built into this suit, You have resistance against ballistic damage.
which consists of a heavy torso jacket with Slashing damage that you take is also
ceramic plates over the chest and back, neck reduced by 2.
and groin guards, arm protection and a Unisoldier Heavy Combat Armor. The
helmet. Heavy and cumbersome, this armor is ultimate step in the creation of the one-soldier
generally only donned by tactical officers army, unisoldier heavy combat armor is an
heading into a dangerous assault. all-in-one package that makes the wearer a
You have resistance against ballistic damage. formidable opponent in combat. The wearer is
You also have resistance against slashing covered from head to toe. The helmet
damage. includes a built-in heads-up display and a
visor that changes tint to dampen the effects
of sudden bright lights, making flash-bang
Powered Armor grenades useless against the wearer.
A powered armor is a type of mobile machine Additionally, the armor usually has built-in
that can be worn, expanding the wearer’s slots for the addition of onboard computer
capabilities or providing protection of a heavy systems, though not all armors make use of
armor without suffering the penalties by their the option.
weight and bulk. Special mechanisms augment physical
Powered armors are feed by energy cells. An strength. Your Strength score is 19 while you
energy cell contains enough power for a

Developed by Tiago Cristiano [kristianotiago@gmail.com] 30

wear this armor. The boost armor has no improved variations of other melee or ranged
effect on you if your Strength is already 19 or weapons. Because each exotic weapon is unique in
higher. how it is manipulated and employed, a separate
Additionally, while wearing this armor you proficiency is required for each one in order to add
gain the following benefits: your proficiency bonus to the attack rolls you make
• Motion Tracker. You gain tremorsense with that weapon.
within 60 feet. The GM can create exotic melee weapons using this
• Telekinetic Grappler. You can cast the rule. An exotic melee weapon doesn’t fit into the
mage hand cantrip (you create a blue aura categories of simple or martial weapons, and
around the manipulated object instead of a requires a specific proficiency in order to add your
spectral hand). You can cast this spell even if proficiency bonus to the attack rolls you make with
you are within the area of an antimagic field that weapon.
or in any other location where magic doesn’t
You have resistance against ballistic damage.
New Damage Type: Ballistic
Ballistic damage is the type of damage that
You also have resistance against slashing
firearms inflict, and is a subset of piercing damage.
This means that all ballistic damage counts as
piercing damage, but not all piercing damage
Shields counts as ballistic damage.
You strap a shield to your forearm. Magical effects or creature properties that grant
Retractable Shield. Personal powered shield resistance to piercing damage also apply to ballistic
that quickly expands from the user’s arm. A damage, but effects or properties reducing ballistic
retracted shield doesn’t increase your Armor damage do not automatically apply to piercing
Class, but you can attempt to conceal it with a damage.
Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check. Extending
or retracting the shield is a free action.
Ballistic damage that you take is reduced by
Firearms use special ammunition, and some
of them have the burst fire or reload
Riot Shield. A riot shield is a large shield
made of tough, transparent plastic, providing
Ammunition. The ammunition of a firearm is
cover without hindering sight.
destroyed upon use. Early and modern
Ballistic damage that you take is reduced by
firearms use bullets. Energy weapons are
powered by a special type of ammunition
called energy cells. An energy cell contains
Firearms enough power for all the shots its firearm can
Firearms fall into three categories: sidearms make.
(for anything up to a machine pistol), Burst Fire. A weapon that has the burst fire
longarms (for anything up to a light machine property can make a normal single-target
gun), and heavy weapons (such as a heavy attack, or it can spray a 10-foot-cube area
machine gun, a rocket-propelled grenade within normal range with shots. Each creature
launcher or a missile launcher). When using a in the area must succeed on a DC 15
firearm, the wielder applies his or her Dexterity saving throw or take the weapon’s
Dexterity modifier to the attack and damage normal damage. This action uses ten pieces of
rolls. ammunition.
Reload. A limited number of shots can be
made with a weapon that has a reload
Exotic Weapons property. A character must then use an action
The heavy weapons featured in this supplement or a bonus action to reload it.
uses a special rule for exotic weapons.
Most exotic weapons are either atypical in form or

Developed by Tiago Cristiano [kristianotiago@gmail.com] 31

Name Cost Damage Weight Properties
Dart gun $150 – 2 lb. Ammunition (range 40/120), loading, special
Machine pistol $400R 2d6 ballistic 3 lb. Ammunition (range 50/150), burst fire, reload (20 shots)
Pistol, autoloader $300L 2d6 ballistic 2 lb. Ammunition (range 50/150), reload (15 shots)
Pistol, heavy $400L 2d8 ballistic 3 lb. Ammunition (range 50/150), reload (8 shots)
Pistol, laser $850M 3d6 radiant 2lb. Ammunition (range 40/120), reload (50 shots)
Revolver $250L 2d8 ballistic 2 lb. Ammunition (range 40/120), reload (6 shots), special
Taser gun $100 – 2 lb. Ammunition (range 15/35), special
Machine gun, light $850M 2d10 ballistic 20 lb. Ammunition (range 100/300), burst fire, heavy, reload (50 shots), two-handed
Rifle, antimaterial $1.000M 2d12 ballistic 30 lb. Ammunition (range 120/360), heavy, reload (5 shots), two-handed
Rifle, assault $700R 2d8 ballistic 8 lb. Ammunition (range 80/240), burst fire, reload (30 shots), two-handed
Rifle, laser $950M 3d8 radiant 7 lb. Ammunition (range 100/300), reload (50 shots), two-handed
Rifle, sniper $750R 2d10 ballistic 15 lb. Ammunition (range 90/270), heavy, reload (20 shots), two-handed
Shotgun, double-barrel $500L 2d8 ballistic 7 lb. Ammunition (range 30/90), reload (2 shots), special, two-handed
Shotgun, tactical $650L 2d8 ballistic 7 lb. Ammunition (range 30/90), reload (6 shots), two-handed
Submachine gun $600R 2d6 ballistic 6 lb. Ammunition (range 50/150), burst fire, reload (30 shots), two-handed
Heavy Weapons (each requires a specific proficiency)
Machine gun, heavy $1.500M 2d12 ballistic 50 lb. Ammunition (range 120/360), burst fire, heavy, reload (50 shots), two-handed
Missile launcher $2.000M 10d8 thunder 40 lb. Ammunition (range 150/450), heavy, loading, special, two-handed
Rail gun $2.000M 3d12 ballistic 18 lb. Ammunition (range 100/300), heavy, reload (20 shots), two-handed
Rocket launcher $750M 10d6 thunder 5 lb. Ammunition (range 150/450), loading, special, two-handed

until the start of your next turn. You can use

your action in the following turns to deal 1d4
Firearms Damage Variant
lightning damage and maintain the target
If you feel that firearms do too much damage, you
paralyzed for up to 4 turns. The taser must be
can reduce the damage to 1 dice instead of 2.
recharged using one battery after five shots.
Shotgun, Double-Barrel. If this weapon if
Special Weapons fully-loaded, you can fire both barrels at once,
This section describes weapons that have dealing +1 die of damage on a hit. Attacking
special rules or require further explanation. this way uses both shotgun shells.
Dart Gun. This air-dart gun fires a needle via Missile Launcher. After being fired, the
an air compressor. The needle itself inflicts no missile can locate and destroy its target
damage, but it can deliver an injection with automatically, independently of its firer. You
any poison to the target. Each dart cost 1 can forgo your movement on your turn and
credit, and a vial of poison can coat three use a bonus action to lock the targeting
darts. You can read more about poisons in the system of the missile launcher at your target
chapter 8 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide. to gain advantage on your attack roll with this
Revolver. Since the character must insert weapon against it. If you want a faster action,
every bullet one by one, reloading this you can fire the missile launcher without
weapon takes an action. locking the target, but if you do so, you won’t
Taser Gun. A creature hit by a taser takes 1d4 have advantage on your attack roll.
lightning damage and it must make a DC 15 When the missile hits its target, it explodes
Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed like a grenade or other explosive, dealing

Developed by Tiago Cristiano [kristianotiago@gmail.com] 32

10d8 thunder damage to all creatures within a • You don’t benefit from the finesse property.
20-foot radius (DC 18 Dexterity saving throw • You can’t use weapons with the heavy or
for half damage). Because its explosive oversized property.
features a shaped charge designed to penetrate • You don’t benefit from the light property. But if
the armor of military vehicles, the missile the weapon has also the finesse property, you can
deals double damage to objects and structures. use it single-handed.
However, this only applies to the target • You have disadvantage on attack rolls with two-
struck, not to other objects within the burst handed weapons.
radius. The missile launcher has a minimum • A versatile weapon must be used with two hands,
range of 80 feet. If fired against a target closer but deal damage as it was used with one hand.
than 80 feet away, it does not arm and will not • All other single-handed weapons must be used
explode. with two hands.
Rocket Launcher. An one-shot rocket • You can’t use firearms developed for Small and
launcher. It comes as a short, telescoped Medium creatures.
fiberglass and aluminum tube. Before using
the weapon, the firer must first arm and
Large Characters
Large characters have the following size
extend the tube with a bonus action.
When the rocket hits its target, it explodes
• You treat heavy weapons as versatile weapons
like a grenade or other explosive, dealing (use a die one step higher for two-handed
10d6 thunder damage to all creatures within a damage).
10-foot radius (DC 18 Dexterity saving throw • You have disadvantage on attack rolls with light
for half damage). Because its explosive weapons.
features a shaped charge designed to penetrate • You can use a two-handed weapon that does not
the armor of military vehicles, the rocket have the oversized property with one hand.
deals double damage to objects and structures. • A versatile weapon can be used with one hand,
However, this only applies to the target but deal damage as it was used with two hands.
struck, not to other objects within the burst • You treat all other single-handed weapons as
radius. The rocket launcher has a minimum light.
range of 30 feet. If fired against a target closer • You can’t use firearms developed for Small and
than 30 feet away, it does not arm and will not Medium creatures.

Special Weapons
Melee Weapons This section describes weapons that have
Melee weapons are used in close combat. special rules or require further explanation.
Some of them are moderately expensive, Baton, Expandable. This weapon can be
reflecting their archaic nature in a modern- collapsed to reduce its size and increase its
day society. concealability. A collapsed baton can’t be
used as a weapon, but you have advantage on
Properties Dexterity (Sleight on Hands) checks to
Melee weapons can have the oversized conceal it. Extending or collapsing the baton
property. is a free action.
Oversized. Small creatures can’t use Baton, Stun. A stun baton has 5 charges.
oversized weapons. Medium creatures have When you hit a creature with a stun baton,
disadvantage on attack rolls with oversized you can expend one charge. The target must
weapons. make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or
be paralyzed until the start of your next turn.
The stun baton must be recharged using one
Tiny Characters battery after expending the last charge.
Tiny characters have the following size

Developed by Tiago Cristiano [kristianotiago@gmail.com] 33

Melee Weapons
Name Cost Damage Weight Properties
Simple Melee Weapons
Baton, expandable $15 1d6 bludgeoning 2 lb. Finesse, light, special
Baton, metal $10 1d6 bludgeoning 2 lb. Finesse, light
Baton, stun $20 1d4 lightning 1 lb. Finesse, light, special
Pocket knife $3 1d4 piercing ½ lb. Finesse, light, thrown (range 20/60)
Martial Melee Weapons
Giant axe $200 2d8 slashing 14 lb. Oversized, two-handed
Giant maul $300 4d6 bludgeoning 50 lb. Oversized, two-handed
High frequency sword $750 2d6 slashing 2 lb. Special, versatile (2d8)
Exotic Melee Weapons (each requires a specific proficiency)
Katana $100 1d10 slashing 3 lb. Finesse, two-handed

High Frequency Sword. The high frequency Dynamite and hand grenades are examples of
sword is made of a durable metal alloy many these weapons.
times tougher than steel. It features a All explosives must be detonated. Some, such
monofilament edge, the sharpest piece as grenades, include built-in detonators (you
possible for modern technology. Inside the can pull the pin on a grenade as part of the
blade itself, and controlled by a switch on the same action you use to attack). Others require
hilt of the weapon, are microscopic machines timers or other devices to set them off.
that cause the blade to vibrate at incredibly Detonators are covered in the “Gear” section.
high speeds. Though the wielder of the
weapon is shielded from these vibrations by a Explosives and Area Weapons
soft hilt, any character or object struck by the Name Cost Weight
high frequency sword finds that the weapon is
given extra cutting power thanks to its Dynamite (stick) $5L 1 lb.
technological enhancements. When you attack Flamethrower $500M 50 lb.
a creature that doesn’t have resistance to Grenade, EMP $50M 1 lb.
slashing damage, you gain a +2 bonus on the
attack and damage rolls made with this Grenade, flashbang $40R 1 lb.
weapon. Grenade, fragmentation $50M 1 lb.
Katana. The katana is the traditional Japanese Grenade, smoke $25 1 lb.
samurai sword. When the katana is used with
two hands, it is considered a martial weapon. Grenade, tear gas $40R 1 lb.
When it is used with just one hand, it requires Grenade launcher $500M 12 lb.
an exotic weapon proficiency to allow you to Grenade round, acid $40M 1 lb.
add your proficiency bonus to the attack rolls
Grenade round, EMP $50M 1 lb.
you make with a one-handed katana.
Grenade round, fireflush $40M 1 lb.

Explosives and Area Weapons Grenade round, flashbang $40R 1 lb.

These weapons explode or burst, dealing Grenade round, fragmentation $50M 1 lb.
damage to creatures or objects within an area. Plastic explosive (block) $50M 1 lb.
Explosives can be thrown or set off in place,
depending on the type of explosive device. Seeker grenade $100M 2 lb.

Developed by Tiago Cristiano [kristianotiago@gmail.com] 34

Dynamite. As an action, a creature can light a Each creature within 20 feet of an exploding
stick of dynamite and throw it at a point up to flashbang grenade must make a DC 15
60 feet away. Each creature within 5 feet of Dexterity saving throw or be blinded and
that point must make a DC 12 Dexterity deafened until the end of your next turn.
saving throw, taking 3d6 thunder damage on a Each creature within 20 feet of an exploding
failed save, or half as much damage on a fragmentation grenade must make a DC 15
successful one. Dexterity saving throw, taking 5d6 piercing
A character can bind sticks of dynamite damage on a failed save, or half as much on a
together so they explode at the same time. successful one.
Each additional stick increases the damage by One round after a smoke grenade lands, it
1d6 (to a maximum of 10d6) and the burst emits a cloud of smoke that creates a heavily
radius by 5 feet (to a maximum of 20 feet). obscured area in a 20-foot radius. A moderate
Dynamite can be rigged with a longer fuse to wind (at least 10 miles per hour) disperses the
explode after a set amount of time, usually 1 smoke in 4 rounds; a strong wind (20 or more
to 6 rounds. Roll initiative for dynamite. After miles per hour) disperses it in 1 round.
the set number of rounds goes by, the A tear gas grenade functions just as a smoke
dynamite explodes on that initiative. grenade, but any creature starting its turn in a
The dynamite is considered to be a simple cloud of tear gas is considered blinded and it
explosive for the purpose of using a chemist’s must make a DC 15 Constitution saving
supplies check to manufacture it. throw or be incapacitated. A creature wearing
Flamethrower. A flamethrower consists of a a gas mask automatically succeeds the saving
pressurized backpack containing fuel, throw.
connected to a tube with a nozzle. It shoots a Grenade Launcher. This weapon allows you
5-foot-wide, 30 foot-long line of flame. Any to propel a grenade round up to 120 feet
creature caught in the line of flame must away. These grenades look like huge bullets
make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking an inch and a half across; they can’t be used
3d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as as hand grenades, and the grenade launcher
much on a successful one. can’t shoot hand grenades.
A flamethrower’s backpack has 10 hit points. Grenade Rounds. This small explosive
A backpack reduced to 0 hit points ruptures device must be fired from a grenade launcher.
and explodes, dealing 6d6 fire damage to the A grenade round has a minimum range of 40
wearer and each creature within a 5-foot feet. If fired against a target closer than 40
radius must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving feet away, it does not arm and will not
throw, taking 3d6 fire damage on a failed explode.
save, or half as much on a successful one. Each creature within 10 feet of an exploding
A flamethrower can shoot 10 times before the acid grenade round must make a DC 15
fuel supply is depleted. Refilling or replacing Dexterity saving throw, taking 3d6 acid
a fuel pack costs 50 credits. damage on a failed save, or half as much on a
Grenade. As an action, a character can throw successful one.
a grenade at a point up to 60 feet away. An EMP grenade round releases an
An EMP grenade releases an electromagnetic pulse that instantly shorts out
electromagnetic pulse that instantly shorts out all electronic devices in a 20-foot radius.
all electronic devices in a 20-foot radius. Affected devices remain nonfunctional until
Affected devices remain nonfunctional until repaired. The EMP grenade deals no damage
repaired. The EMP grenade deals no damage to living creatures. However, a creature with
to living creatures. However, a creature with cybernetic attachments takes 1d6 lightning
cybernetic attachments takes 1d6 lightning damage per cybernetic attachment and must
damage per cybernetic attachment and must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving
succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be stunned for 1d4 rounds.
throw or be stunned for 1d4 rounds.

Developed by Tiago Cristiano [kristianotiago@gmail.com] 35

Each creature within 10 feet of an exploding As an action, a character can throw a seeker
fireflush grenade round must make a DC 15 grenade at a point up to 60 feet away. After
Dexterity saving throw, taking 3d6 fire being thrown, four small metal feet extend
damage on a failed save, or half as much on a from the seeker grenade and it takes its turns
successful one. The fire ignites any just after the character that has thrown it in
flammable objects that aren’t being worn or the initiative order.
carried. A seeker grenade has the following statistics.
Each creature within 20 feet of an exploding
flashbang grenade round must make a DC
Seeker Grenade
15 Dexterity saving throw or be blinded and
Tiny construct, unaligned
deafened until the end of your next turn.
Armor Class 18
Each creature within 20 feet of an exploding
Hit Points 20 (8d4)
fragmentation grenade round must make a Speed 30 ft.
DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 5d6
piercing damage on a failed save, or half as STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
much on a successful one. 4 (–3) 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 3 (–4) 3 (–4) 1 (–5)
Plastic Explosive. So-called “plastic”
explosives resemble slabs of wax. Hard and Damage Immunities necrotic, poison, psychic
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened,
translucent when cold, these explosives warm
exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified,
up when kneaded, and then can be coaxed to
poisoned, stunned
take various shapes.
Senses blindsight 30 ft. (blind beyond this radius),
You can place a 1-pound block of plastic
passive Perception 6
explosive and set it to detonate. Each creature
Languages –
within 5 feet of that point must make a DC 18 Challenge ¼ (50 XP)
Dexterity saving throw, taking 3d6
bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half Collapse. When the seeker grenade drops to 0 hit
as much damage on a successful one. It deals points, it explodes.
double damage against objects and structures. Autonomy. The seeker grenade can act for 1
You can combine units of plastic explosive so minute, if it doesn’t find its target, it will run back
they explode at the same time with a to the creature that has thrown it at its next turn,
successful DC 10 Intelligence check with an using its movement on each of its turns to move
engineering kit. Each additional pound of within reach of that creature. When the seeker
plastic explosive increases the damage by 1d6 grenade has done so, it can be retrieved and used
(to a maximum of 10d6) and the burst radius again.
by 5 feet (to a maximum of 20 feet). In
addition, when you combine two or more Actions
units, you can change the burst radius to a Seek and Destroy. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit,
cone-shaped explosion (you must determine reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 17 (5d6) thunder
the area affected by the explosive when you damage. Additionally, each creature within 10 feet
plant it). of an exploding seeker grenade round must make a
The plastic explosive is considered to be a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 14 (4d6)
moderate explosive for the purpose of using a thunder damage on a failed save, or half as much
chemist’s supplies check to manufacture it. on a successful one.
Seeker Grenade. A small, deployable robot Explode. The seeker grenade can be set to explode
that seeks out a designated target and self- when it is within 10 feet of a designated target.
destructs. A character can mark a target using Each creature within 10 feet of an exploding seeker
a computer system such as the land warrior grenade round must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving
armor, linked display contacts, or a neural throw, taking 14 (4d6) thunder damage on a failed
interface. save, or half as much on a successful one.

Developed by Tiago Cristiano [kristianotiago@gmail.com] 36

Gear Remote detonator, wired $15 –

This section covers the wide variety of gear Timed $5 –

available to adventurers of all sorts. Trigger, pressure $10 –
Trigger, proximity $15 –
Trigger, trip $5 –
Item Cost Weight
Firearms Accessories
Binoculars $15 1 lb.
Combined module $550 1 lb.
Briefcase $20 2 lb.
Concealed holster $5 ½ lb.
Camera, photographic $20 ½ lb.
Laser sight $500 ½ lb.
Camera, video $40 ½ lb.
Laser sight, infrared $600R ½ lb.
Chemical, antitox $50 ¼ lb.
Scope x2 $100 ½ lb.
Chemical, boost $50I ¼ lb.
Scope x4 $200 ½ lb.
Chemical, neutrad $50 ¼ lb.
Scope x8 $400 1 lb.
Chemical, plastiflesh $50 ½ lb.
Scope, thermal $1.000 2 lb.
Chemical, sporekill $50 ¼ lb.
Speed loader $2 ½ lb.
Computer, card $500 –
Suppressor $200M 1 lb.
Computer, desktop $500 18 lb.
Tactical flashlight $10 ½ lb.
Computer, laptop $500 4 lb.
Display contacts $700 –
Pistol bullets (20) $20 ½ lb.
Duracable (50m) $50 3 lb.
Rifle bullets (20) $30 1 lb.
ECM jammer $1.000R 1 lb.
Rifle (antimaterial) bullets (10) $30 1 lb.
Energy cell (armor) $1.000M 1 lb.
Shotgun shells (20) $30 ½ lb.
Fire extinguisher $25 2 lb.
Light machinegun bullets (20) $40 1 lb.
Flash goggles $100 –
Heavy machinegun bullets (10) $40 1 lb.
Flashlight $10 1 lb.
Energy cell (pistol) $30M ¼ lb.
Gas mask $100 1 lb.
Energy cell (rifle) $40M ¼ lb.
GPS receiver $50 ½ lb.
Special Ammunition
Grappler tag $50 1 lb.
Acid (10) +$100 –
Hologram player $400 2 lb.
Breaching shotgun shells (10) +$5 –
Hologram recorder $600 –
Cold (10) +$100 –
Infrared goggles $1.000R 1 lb.
Fire (10) +$100 –
Laser tripwire $30 –
Holy (10) +$100 –
Light sticks (10) $1 ¼ lb.
Silvered (10) +$100 –
Lighter $1 –
XREP shotgun shells (10) +$50 –
Metal detector $400 2 lb.
Fusion magazine +1.500 ½ lb.
Neural recorder $2.500R 1 lb.
Pepper spray $1 ½ lb.
Remote detonator, linked $25 –
Piercing visor $2.500M 1 lb.
Remote detonator, radio $20 –

Developed by Tiago Cristiano [kristianotiago@gmail.com] 37

Shepherd chip see text – While you have the laser sight on, you gain a
Shepherd chip, falsified see text –
+1 bonus on attack rolls made with that
firearm against targets no farther than 30 feet
Sleeping bag $5 1 lb. away.
Surgery kit $80L 5 lb. Weapon compatibility: pistols, rifles,
Two-way radio $10 1 lb. shotguns and submachine guns. You cannot
add it to a weapon that already has a
USB cable (5 ft) $1 –
combined module or a tactical flashlight.
XNAV receiver $1.000 1 lb. Laser Sight, Infrared. This laser sight uses an
infrared diode to produce a dot invisible to the
Firearms Accessories eye but detectable with infrared devices.
While you have the laser sight on, you gain a
Most of the firearms can be equipped with
+1 bonus on attack rolls made with that
one or more accessories to improve them.
firearm against targets no farther than 30 feet
Every accessory has a weapon compatibility,
away, if you are wearing infrared goggles.
showing which accessories are available for
You can use a bonus action to turn the laser
each firearm.
on or off.
Combined Module. The combined module is
Weapon compatibility: pistols, rifles,
a multifunctional gadget that combines a laser
shotguns and submachine guns. You cannot
sight and a tactical flashlight. You can use a
add it to a weapon that already has a
bonus action to toggle between the laser sight
combined module or a tactical flashlight.
and the tactical flashlight. You can also use a
Scope. Scopes are used to increase the normal
bonus action to turn it off.
range of a weapon, allowing the user to shoot
While you have the laser sight on, you gain a
farther without having disadvantage on
+1 bonus on attack rolls made with that
targeting. Depending on the scope you add to
firearm against targets no farther than 30 feet
the weapon, you increase the normal range in
a specific amount (multiply both the normal
While you have the tactical flashlight on, the
and the long range of the firearm by the
light illuminates a 40-foot cone with bright
number in parentheses), as shown on the
light and dim light for an additional 40 feet.
following table.
Weapon compatibility: pistols, rifles,
shotguns and submachine guns. You cannot
add it to a weapon that already has a laser Scope Range Increment
sight or a tactical flashlight. x2 50% (x1,5)
Concealed Holster. A concealed holster is x4 100% (x2)
designed to help keep a weapon out of sight.
x8 200% (x4)
In most cases, this is a shoulder holster or a
waistband holster. While the weapon remains
in the holster, you have advantage on Weapon compatibility: light machineguns,
Dexterity (Sleight on Hands) checks to rifles, shotguns and submachine guns. You
conceal it. A character can carry up to three can only add one scope to a weapon.
concealed holsters (two shoulder holsters and Scope, Thermal. The thermal scope is a
one waistband holster). sighting device combining a compact
Weapon compatibility: dart guns, pistols, thermographic camera and an aiming reticule.
revolvers and taser guns. It creates a visual based on the temperature of
Laser Sight. This gadget is a small laser objects and creatures, allowing you to easily
placed on a handgun or a rifle and aligned to detect any source of heat, such as a creature.
emit a visible beam parallel to the barrel to This is considered a x4 scope and you can use
assist in shooting. The laser color can be red it both in darkness and through light.
or green.

Developed by Tiago Cristiano [kristianotiago@gmail.com] 38

Weapon compatibility: light machineguns, The damage type depends on the type of the
rifles, shotguns and submachine guns. You ammunition.
can only add one scope to a weapon. When you hit a fiend or undead creature with
Speed Loader. A speed loader holds 6 bullets holy ammunition you deal an extra 1d6
in a ring, in a position that mirrors the radiant damage instead.
chambers in a revolver cylinder, allowing the Breaching shotgun shells are designed to
character to insert all bullets at once. Using a destroy door deadbolts, locks, and hinges
speed loader you can reload a revolver using a without risking lives by ricocheting or by
bonus action. You can use an action to put 6 flying on at lethal speed through the door, as
bullets in an empty speed loader for future traditional buckshot can. Each one of this
uses. shells deals double damage to doors.
Weapon compatibility: revolvers. Silvered ammunition follows the same rules
Suppressor. A suppressor is a device attached detailed in the chapter 5 of the Player’s
to or part of the barrel of a firearm which Handbook.
reduces (but don’t negate) the amount of XREP shotgun shells are long-range wireless
noise and visible muzzle flash generated by electroshock projectiles. A XREP shell deals
firing. lightning damage on a hit and the creature
When you make a ranged attack with a must make a DC 15 Constitution saving
suppressed weapon, you don’t automatically throw or be paralyzed until the start of your
reveal your location while hiding. Any next turn.
creature within 20 feet from the weapon can Fusion magazines are essentially portable
still hear the gunshot, but not necessarily generators that can replace the energy cells
where it’s originated (DC 15 Perception used by some energy-based weapons (such
check to notice). You can use your action to laser pistols and laser rifles), granting an
add or remove the suppressor from the infinite supply of ammunition while attached.
weapon. A suppressor purchased for one
weapon can be used for any other weapon that Detonators
fires the same caliber of ammunition. Every planted explosive needs a detonator,
Weapon compatibility: pistols, rifles and and it can be detonated manually,
submachine guns. automatically or after a determined time
Tactical Flashlight. While you have the depending on the detonator used.
tactical flashlight on, the light illuminates a Remote Detonator, Linked. As an action, you
40-foot cone with bright light and dim light can detonate the explosive remotely through a
for an additional 40 feet. You can use a bonus computing device linked to it.
action to turn the flashlight on or off. Remote Detonator, Radio. As an action, you
Weapon compatibility: pistols, rifles, can detonate the explosive remotely if you are
shotguns and submachine guns. You cannot within 3.000 feet from it.
add it to a weapon that already has a Remote Detonator, Wired. As an action, you
combined module or a laser sight (normal or can detonate the explosive remotely if you are
infrared). within 1.000 feet from it.
Timed. When planting the explosive with a
Special Ammunition timer, you must determine the number of
Each of these projectiles carries a load of rounds or minutes for the countdown, up to
some chemical (or alchemical) material 10 minutes. When the countdown ends, the
inside, such as white phosphorus (fire) or explosive is detonated.
ultraviolet fluid (holy). When it hits a target, Trigger, Pressure. A planted explosive with a
the projectile shatters, releasing the material pressure trigger will explode when a creature
directly onto the target. When you hit a stands on the detonator.
creature with an acid, cold or fire Trigger, Proximity. When your arm a planted
ammunition, you deal an extra 1d4 damage. explosive with a proximity trigger detonator,

Developed by Tiago Cristiano [kristianotiago@gmail.com] 39

it explodes when a creature moves in the burst automatically suffers another level of
area. When planting the explosive, you can exhaustion upon finishing the boost’s effects
reduce the detection radius to a minimum of 5 (while the boost is active, the creature ignores
feet of the explosive. the penalties imposed by exhaustion). If the
Trigger, Trip. The explosive is connected to a creature uses boost more than 3 times in a 3-
20 feet trip wire, and when a creature passes day period, it becomes addicted and will
through the wire, the explosive detonates. A believe that it cannot live without the use of
creature can detect the wire with a successful the drug at least once per day. If the addicted
DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check. creature does not make his or her daily use,
whenever entering combat or risky situations,
Utilities the creature must make a DC 13 Wisdom
This section describes items that have special saving throw at the beginning of each turn.
rules or require further explanation. On a failed save, the creature is incapacitated
Binoculars. Objects viewed through the until its next turn.
binoculars are magnified to twice their size. A calm emotions spell can suppress the
Briefcase. Made from leather and plastic. It effects of addiction, while a lesser restoration
has mechanical locks that require either a key spell can rid a creature of its addiction.
or a combination to open. Chemical, Neutrad. A chemical found in
Chemical, Antitox. A chemical found in many first aid kits, neutrad is a special
many first aid kits, antitox is a special hypodermic injection that can be used to
hypodermic injection that can be used to save neutralize the effects of radiation poisoning.
the life of any creature infected with a poison. Each neutrad injector contains a specialized
Each antitox injector contains a specialized analyzer linked to chemical generators. When
analyzer linked to chemical generators. When the needle penetrates the skin of the target, it
the needle penetrates the skin of the target, it samples the target’s blood and sends the data
samples the target’s blood and sends the data back to the analyzer, which determines the
back to the analyzer, which determines the nature of the radiation sickness and generates
nature of the poison and generates an antidote an antidote from stored chemical compounds.
from stored chemical compounds. Once the Once the neutrad delivers its specially
antitox delivers its specially formulated formulated chemicals, the target creature is
chemicals, the target creature is completely completely cured of the radiation poisoning
cured of the poison and its effects in 1d6 and its effects in 1d4 hours.
rounds. Chemical, Plastiflesh. Contained in a small
Chemical, Boost. A drug that is both spray can, plastiflesh bonds with human skin
beneficial and highly dangerous, boost on contact and accelerates the healing process
functions as a temporary adrenaline-enhancer. by providing a layer of artificial skin to seal
Boost was originally conceived for military the wound. The target of the spray
purposes in an attempt to make the soldiers immediately recovers 1d4 hit points.
stronger, faster, and more combat-capable. A Chemical, Sporekill. A chemical found in
single injection of boost grants the target many first aid kits, sporekill is a special
advantage on all melee attack rolls, Strength hypodermic injection that can be used to
checks, and Dexterity saving throws. These neutralize the effects of most diseases. Each
effects last for 1 minute (10 rounds). sporekill injector contains a specialized
Unfortunately, the side effects of boost almost analyzer linked to chemical generators. When
outweigh the benefits. When finishing the the needle penetrates the skin of the target, it
first use effects, if the creature fails a DC 13 samples the target’s blood and sends the data
Constitution saving throw, it suffers one level back to the analyzer, which determines the
of exhaustion, and if the creature uses the nature of the disease and generates an antidote
boost again before finishing a long rest or if it from stored chemical compounds. Once the
already has a level of exhaustion, it sporekill delivers its specially formulated

Developed by Tiago Cristiano [kristianotiago@gmail.com] 40

chemicals, the target creature is completely on the coil. Duracable is able to support up to
cured of the disease and its effects in 1d10 10 metric tons of weight.
hours. Some genetically engineered diseases ECM Jammer. An ECM jammer has 10
are created to circumvent sporekill chemical, charges. As an action, you can expend one
and are unaffected by this piece of gear. charge and turn the ECM jammer on,
Computer, Card. As has been the case since disabling cameras and impeding all incoming
the invention of the computer, the and outgoing wireless communication,
miniaturization of technology is most often including smartphones, radio detonators, wi-fi
seen in the area of computer size. The card and similar within 100 feet from the ECM
computer functions as a standard computer jammer for 5 minutes.
but is no bigger than most credit cards. The Energy Cell, Armor. A special energy cell
card computer generates a flat holographic designed to fuel powered armors. An energy
screen up to a 15-inch square. It can be cell contains enough power for a powered
connected via bluetooth to any computerized armor to work properly for 24 hours.
interface (including display contacts). Fire Extinguisher. The extinguisher has 10
Card computers have the ability to place and charges. As an action, you can expend one
receive voice/video calls and create and charge to extinguish a 5-foot area of fire.
receive text messages, have personal digital Flash Goggles. Designed to provide
assistants, an event calendar, a media player, protection against any blinding effects from
video games, GPS navigation, digital camera bright light. While using flash goggles, you
and digital video camera, and can run a are immune against any blinding effect
variety of third-party software components. caused by lightning.
Computer, Desktop. This can be any large Flashlight. A portable hand-held electric
computing platform, such as a client light. A flashlight has 5 charges. As a bonus
workstation or server. The typical desktop action, you can expend one charge to turn the
computer has hundreds of terabytes of storage flashlight on, illuminating a 60-foot cone with
space, a hologram player and access to the bright light and dim light for an additional 60
net. feet for one hour. You can use a bonus action
Computer, Laptop. A portable version of a to turn the flashlight off.
desktop computer. In general, laptops are as Gas Mask. This mask is used to protect the
not as fast or powerful as its equivalent user from inhaling airborne pollutants and
desktop version. toxic gases. The mask forms a sealed cover
Display Contacts. Display contacts are part of over the nose and mouth, but may also cover
the further miniaturization of computers. the eyes and other vulnerable soft tissues of
These contact lenses fit perfectly over the eye the face. While wearing the mask you are
and project a semitransparent image that immune to inhaled poisons.
appears to be roughly three feet from you and GPS Receiver. It provides geolocation and
comparable to a 52-inch monitor. This can be time information to a GPS receiver anywhere
used to show you any computer display (such on or near the Earth (or other planet where it
a card computer) it is linked to, or to provide has been made) where there is an
real-time data on objects and people in your unobstructed line of sight to four or more
field of vision. GPS satellites.
Duracable. Strong as steel, flexible as rubber, Grappler Tag. Often used in conjunction with
and almost as light as normal rope, duracable duracable, the grappler tag is a small disc
replaces most cables and ropes as the standard roughly six inches in diameter. When placed
device for lifting, pulling, and support. against a solid surface, the grappler tag
Duracable is made of lightweight and durable attaches to that surface by magnetism (if the
wiring wrapped hundreds of times in a swirl surface is ferrous) or by an array of nearly
that reinforces itself as more stress is placed microscopic metal barbs (if not). The tag can
then be attached to duracable and used as an

Developed by Tiago Cristiano [kristianotiago@gmail.com] 41

anchor for climbing, pulling, or any other external energy source. The light color can
purpose. A button on the top of the disc vary (usually red, green or blue).
releases the grappler tag’s hold. As a bonus action, you can activate the stick,
Hologram Player. A hologram player is a providing bright light in a 20-foot radius and
small disc with several small light projectors a dim light for an additional 20 feet for one
arranged around its outer edge. When hour. A light stick can only be used once, and
activated, the device projects a translucid when activated it cannot be turned off.
three-dimensional image as small as a 3-inch Lighter. A lighter has 20 charges. You can
cube or as large as a 10-foot cube. The expend one charge to create a flame for one
hologram player can be hooked into a minute. The lighter sheds bright light in a 5-
hologram recorder (capable of storing three- foot radius and dim light for an additional 5
dimensional images), or even to a card feet.
computer to receive three-dimensional images Metal Detector. A handled portable sensor for
for real-time communications. detecting bits and pieces of metal in and on
Hologram Recorder. A hologram recorder is the ground. The metal detector has 10
a cylinder no larger than a pen with a bulbous, charges. As an action, you can expend one
transparent cap on one end. The device can charge to gain advantage on Wisdom
make a three-dimensional recording of (Perception) checks you make when searching
anything within its cone-shaped recording for metals and metallic objects for 10
area. Hologram recorders can store up to one minutes.
hour of three-dimensional images to be Neural Recorder. A flexible cap that
played back on a hologram player or resembles a grasping clawed hand, the neural
transferred to a computer as video data. Most recorder can collect data directly from the
hologram recorders can also be attached to a human mind. Any visual or auditory
card computer to serve as a video input device memories or thoughts can be transmitted
for real-time holographic communications. through the neural recorder and stored in its
The hologram recorder is commonly carried memory or a USB flash drive. Capable of
by law enforcement agents, as it allows for storing up to two hours of data, the neural
the accurate collection of evidence. recorder requires a DC 15 Intelligence check
Infrared Goggles. An infrared goggles has 10 to activate and operate. Using hacking tools
charges. As a bonus action, you can expend allows the character to add it’s proficiency
one charge to turn them on and gain bonus if it’s proficient with the tool. If the
darkvision out to a range of 120 feet for 10 subject of the neural recording is willing, the
minutes. neural recorder collects images and sounds
Laser Tripwire. The laser tripwire is a simple from the subject’s mind and stores them as
device that replaces the standard physical either two-dimensional or three-dimensional
tripwire. A single focused beam of light is recordings. An unwilling subject may make a
projected out from the tripwire generator until DC 15 Charisma saving throw to prevent the
it hits a solid surface. If the beam is broken recorder from functioning.
by, for example, a creature passing through Pepper Spray. A creature within 10 feet from
the beam, the tripwire generator immediately you must make a DC 15 Constitution saving
sends out a signal from its data port. This can throw or be blinded for 1d4 rounds. Any
be used to activate an alarm, trigger an creature wearing goggles and gas mask (or
explosive device, or even just turn on the something to protect its eyes and nose)
lights in a particular room, depending on what automatically passes the check. A spray can
event the signal is set to trigger. only be used once.
Light Sticks. It consists of a translucent Piercing Visor. The piercing visor allows you
plastic tube containing isolated substances to see through solid objects. Through a
that, when combined, make light through combination motion-sensor data, gravity
chemiluminescence, so it does not require an fluctuations, ambient light penetration, x-rays

Developed by Tiago Cristiano [kristianotiago@gmail.com] 42

and ultraviolet light, heat and infrared gather the necessary components, organize
signatures, sound waves and sonar, and other codes and create a functional fake shepherd
sensory inputs, the visor creates an accurate chip.
computer-rendered image of what lies beyond When you purchase a fake shepherd chip, the
intervening objects. Using an action, you can GM secretly makes an ability check for the
activate the visor’s sensors and see through a forger – the one who wrote the programs that
wall, floor, object, or creature at a range of up will circumvent the verification systems. The
to 100 feet. result of that check will be compared with a
The visor can penetrate 6 inches of metal DC that represents the security level of the
(except lead, which it cannot see through) and system: 15 for average security (common
1 foot of other materials, including concrete, stores), up to 30 for maximum security
wood, and plaster. (corporations).
Shepherd Chip. The shepherd chip is a tiny The basic cost of a fake shepherd chip is
microchip implanted beneath the surface of equal 100 credits multiplied by the forger’s
the wrist. It contains the bearer’s proficiency bonus with hacking tools
identification information. Some computers (proficiency only, not skill modifier or any
can read the shepherd chip and extract its other bonus).
information. All falsified shepherd chips are illegal.
In addition to basic identification information, Surgery Kit. About the size of a small
the people have their banking and credit backpack, this kit contains the instruments
information keyed to their shepherd chips so needed for emergency field surgery. A
that they no longer have to use paper money surgery kit is used when performing surgery
or credit cards. Businesses love this as it (see the Surgery feat).
allows them to prevent shoplifting; if a person Two-Way Radio. A hand-held, portable, two-
carries an item from the store, that item’s way radio transceiver. Multiple radios use a
value is immediately deducted from their single channel, and only one radio on the
bank account. Additionally, the shepherd chip channel can transmit at a time, although any
can be linked to computers (particularly number can listen. The transceiver is normally
neural interfaces) such that any information in receiving mode and when the user wants to
can be transferred between two shepherd talk he presses a “push-to-talk” button. You
chips – a great boon to the espionage can communicate with someone using a two-
community as it allows for discrete way radio at the same frequency up to 20
information transfers. miles.
Some corporations and governments use XNAV Receiver. A detector that, similarly to
shepherd chips to monitor the activities of a GPS receiver, would accept X-rays from
their citizens. This oppressive, watchful eye pulsars and use them to resolve its location,
of the government is exactly what opponents building a galactic GPS system that provides
of the shepherd chip fear. Additionally, a astronauts an accurate map through our solar
black market for forged or stolen shepherd system. The XNAV receiver is integrated
chips emerged as soon as the chips with satellites that provides geolocation and
themselves became widespread, making time information and functions just like a
identity theft and falsification an ever-present GPS receiver anywhere on Earth and its
crime in some communities. colonies on Moon, Mars, Europa (a Jupiter’s
Shepherd Chip, Falsified. Purchasing a moon) and Titan (a Saturn’s moon) – where
falsified shepherd chip from a black market there is an unobstructed line of sight to four or
source can produce mixed results, depending more GPS satellites. It is an indispensable
on the skill of the forger. However, a fake piece of technology for transporters and space
shepherd chip is not work for an average Joe, workers.
only an expert forger (with a +3 or +4
proficiency bonus with hacking tools) can

Developed by Tiago Cristiano [kristianotiago@gmail.com] 43

Tools that kind of vehicle in difficult circumstances.
Land vehicles drawn by animals (such as carriages,
A tool helps you to do something you
carts, chariots, sleds, and wagons) are now covered
couldn’t otherwise do. Here are new modern by the Animal Handling skill. Bicycles are covered
tools you can use. by the Athletics skill (for long rides) and Acrobatics
(to perform tricks).
Tools Rowboats are covered by the Athletics skill, but
Item Cost Weight sailboats are still covered by the water vehicles
Engineering kit $50 8 lb.
Forensics kit $50 8 lb.
Hacking tools $80 6 lb. Vehicles
For simply traveling from point to point, the
Mechanic tools $50 8 lb.
vehicle used is largely a matter of personal
Vehicles (land, water, air, or space) * * style and finances. Skill checks are only
* See the “Vehicles” section. required in extraordinary circumstances.
These rules are primarily focused on ground
Engineering Kit. This kit includes a soldering vehicles – cars, trucks, and light military
gun, wires, clips, wire cutters and various vehicles. The rules can be modified for boats,
diagnostic tools. Proficiency with this kit lets heavier armored vehicles, and aircraft.
you add your proficiency bonus to any ability
check you make to repair electrical devices Vehicles Rules
and to disarm planted explosives. Speed. Vehicles have a speed, which is the
Forensics Kit. This kit includes clean vehicle’s (approximate) top movement speed.
containers, labels, gloves, tweezers, swabs, Passengers. The number of Small or Medium
and other items to gather bits of physical passengers the vehicle is designed to carry.
evidence and prevent them from becoming The first number lists the minimum crew
contaminated. Proficiency with this kit lets complement the vehicle needs to function
you add your proficiency bonus to any ability normally. The second value lists the vehicle’s
check you make to investigate any area or maximum of passengers. Vehicles that carry
body considered as a crime scene. passengers can use that space to carry
Hacking Tools. This kit contains the additional cargo when passengers aren’t
hardware and software necessary to allow present. Each unused passenger slot allows
access into most computer systems and the vehicle to carry an additional 100 pounds
electronic devices. Proficiency with hacking of cargo.
tools lets you add your proficiency bonus to Cargo. The amount of cargo the vehicle is
any Intelligence checks you make to connect designed to carry. Many vehicles can carry
to or make use of a computer system or extra passengers instead of cargo, but doing
electronic device. The kit fits snugly in a so is usually a cramped, uncomfortable, and
backpack or toolbox. You might need a often unsafe experience for those passengers.
computer to use some elements of this kit. As a rule of thumb, one additional passenger
Mechanic Tools. This kit includes basic tools can be carried for each 250 pounds of unused
for repairing cars and motorcycles. cargo capacity.

Note on Vehicles Controlling the Vehicle

Proficiency with vehicles was changed to fit a In general, while driving a vehicle you don’t
modern campaign. need to roll for maintaining control of the
If you have proficiency with a certain kind of vehicle vehicle, but there are some actions where the
(land, water, air, or space), you can add your driver must make a Dexterity check or lose
proficiency bonus to any check you make to control

Developed by Tiago Cristiano [kristianotiago@gmail.com] 44

the control, such as dodging an obstacle or Crash Damage
resisting a ram. Crashing Speed Damage
30 MPH 1d8
Losing Control
While the vehicle is moving out of control, 40 MPH 2d8
the driver cannot increase or decrease the 50 MPH 3d8
speed. At the beginning of each turn while the 60 MPH 4d8
car is out of control, the driver must roll a d8
70 MPH 5d8
and compare the result with the following
table. 80 MPH 6d8
90 MPH 7d8
d8 Result
100 MPH 8d8
1 The vehicle decreases its speed up to 20 MPH
110 MPH 9d8
2 The vehicle turns to the left and decreases its speed
120 MPH 10d8
up to 20 MPH
130 MPH 11d8
3 The vehicle turns to the right and decreases its
speed up to 20 MPH 140 MPH 12d8
4 The vehicle spins out of control and decreases its 150 MPH 13d8
speed up to 40 MPH 160 MPH 14d8
5 The vehicle turns to the left and crashes 170 MPH 15d8
6 The vehicle turns to the right and crashes 180 MPH 16d8
7 The vehicle crashes 190 MPH 17d8
8 The vehicle rolls as it crashes, taking 3d6 200 MPH 18d8
bludgeoning damage on each turn until it stops
210 MPH 19d8

If the vehicle doesn’t crash, the driver can use 220 MPH or more 20d8
its action on each turn to make a DC 10
Dexterity check to regain control of the Vehicle Combat
vehicle. As a general rule, the driver has disadvantage
on attack rolls while the vehicle is moving,
Crashing and the driver can only use one handed
If a driver lose control of the vehicle, it’s very ranged weapons while driving, such as
probable that a crash occurs. When it pistols.
happens, the vehicle and its occupants take
bludgeoning damage depending on the speed • If the driver or the passengers wants to make
of the vehicle when it crashes, as shown in the an attack using a ranged weapon or a spell,
table below. they must unfasten the seat belt first.
Any occupant using seat belts suffers only Fastening or unfastening a seat belt uses a
half of the damage. As a reaction, the driver bonus action.
or the passengers can try to escape the car • When making a ranged attack, you can
before it crashes by making a DC 15 target the vehicle or the occupants.
Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. On a success, • Vehicles grants half cover to its occupants.
they escape the car without taking damage Alternatively, they can use the vehicle AC
and they are considered knocked prone. instead (whichever is higher).
• Vehicles are immune to all conditions and to
necrotic, poison, psychic and radiant damage.

Developed by Tiago Cristiano [kristianotiago@gmail.com] 45

Ramming crash damage table to determine the damage
While driving, you can move your vehicle to dealt. It’s up to the GM to determine if the
an adjacent space of the target and ram it with vehicle is also damaged when ramming a
your vehicle using an action. Make a single static target.
melee attack, adding your Dexterity modifier
and your proficiency bonus if you are Vehicle Hit Points
proficient with land vehicles. On a hit, you A vehicle reduced to 0 hit points is considered
deal bludgeoning damage to the target and it nonfunctional.
must make a Dexterity check to maintain the
control of the vehicle (the DC equals 10 or Repairing a Vehicle
half the damage dealt, whichever number is Repairs to a damaged vehicle can be made in
higher). a car workshop using the mechanic tools. You
The damage dealt equals to a damage die repair a number of hit points equal to 1 + your
based on the vehicle’s damage threshold and Intelligence modifier per day and costs 20
the driver’s Dexterity modifier. As an credits for material and labor.
example, a Sedan ramming another car will
deal 1d8 plus the driver’s Dexterity modifier.
If you are ramming a static target, use the

Item Cost Speed Passengers Cargo Armor Class HP Damage
Land Vehicles
Motorcycle $1.000L 150 MPH 1/2 0 13 + Dex. mod. 22 –
Sedan $3.000L 150 MPH 1/5 300 lb. 13 + Dex. mod. 40 8
Sports car $8.000L 180 MPH 1/2 200 lb. 13 + Dex. mod. 34 8
Van $4.000L 120 MPH 1/9 4.800 lb. 13 + Dex. mod. (max 2) 50 8
Pickup $4.000L 120 MPH 1/4 1.600 lb. 14 + Dex. mod. (max 2) 50 8
SUV $4.000L 120 MPH 1/5 500 lb. 14 + Dex. mod. (max 2) 50 10
Truck $8.000L 100 MPH 1/3 40.000 lb. 15 70 10
APC, wheeled $15.000M 100 MPH 1/14 250 lb. 16 + Dex. mod. (max 2) 70 12
Water Vehicles
Jet ski $1.500L 80 MPH 1/2 60 lb. 13 + Dex. mod. 22 –
Speedboat $10.000L 80 MPH 1/4 2.100 lb. 13 + Dex. mod. 40 8
Air Vehicles
Police APC, hoover $60.000M 120 MPH 1/12 250 lb. 16 + Dex. mod. (max 3) 70 12
Helicopter $25.000L 125 MPH 1/4 250 lb. 13 + Dex. mod. 40 8
Private jet $60.000L 400 MPH 2/10 500 lb. 15 50 10
Jumbo jet $100.000R 500 MPH 2/300 100.000lb * * *
Space Vehicles
Space cargo $200.000.000R 10.000 MPH 4/4 40.000 ton. * * *
Space cruise ship $200.000.000R 10.000 MPH 24/800 1.000 ton. * * *
* These vehicles follow the rules of damaging Huge and Gargantuan objects. See the chapter 8 of the Dungeon
Master’s Guide.

Developed by Tiago Cristiano [kristianotiago@gmail.com] 46

successful DC 15 Wisdom (Medicine) check.
Part 5: Feats Surgery can only be used successfully on a
This chapter introduces new feats. As character once in a 24-hour period. A creature
explained in the chapter 6 of the Player’s who undergoes surgery gains one level of
Handbook, feats, like multiclassing, are an exhaustion for 24 hours.
optional part of the game. However, this • You are able to securely install or remove
supplement rely on feats so that the characters cybernetic attachments with a successful DC
have access to powered armor proficiency, a 15 Wisdom (Medicine) check.
powerful type of armor strictly controlled by
the corporations who manufacture and use To perform a surgery you will need a surgery
them – hardly found loose on the streets. For kit (see the “Gear” section). Without a
this reason, none of the classes grants surgery kit, you have disadvantage on any
powered armor proficiency. Wisdom (Medicine) checks you make to
Feats also let the characters specialize on attempt to perform a surgery.
surgery to install or remove cybernetic In addition, at GM’s discretion, the patient
attachments by themselves. must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving
throw to avoid become infected with the
Gunslinger sewer plague whenever he or she is submitted
Prerequisite: Proficiency with at least one to surgery with rudimentary tools. You can
firearm. read more about diseases in the chapter 8 of
Thanks to extensive practice with firearms, the Dungeon Master’s Guide.
you gain the following benefits:
• Being within 5 feet of a hostile creature Zero-G Training
doesn’t impose disadvantage on your ranged Prerequisite: Dexterity 13 or higher,
attack rolls with firearms. proficiency with the Athletics skill
• Once per turn when you attack with a You have trained in low-gravity and zero-
firearm you can reload it as a free action. gravity, gaining the following benefits:
• Increase your Strength or Dexterity score by
Powerfully Armored 1, to a maximum of 20.
Prerequisite: Proficiency with medium armor • All of your speeds increase by +5 feet in a
You have trained to master the use of low-gravity environment.
powered armor, gaining the following • You take no disadvantage on attack rolls in
benefits: low-gravity or zero-gravity environments.
• Increase your Strength or Dexterity score by • You are immune to the debilitating effects
1, to a maximum of 20. of space sickness.
• You gain proficiency with powered armor.

Prerequisite: Intelligence 13 or higher,
proficiency with the Medicine skill
You are able to perform surgical procedures
in order to heal wounds. You gain the
following benefits:
• Increase your Intelligence or Wisdom score
by 1, to a maximum of 20.
• You can use surgery to stabilize a dying
creature. Surgery restores 1d6 hit points for
every character level of the patient (up to the
patient’s maximum hit points) with a

Developed by Tiago Cristiano [kristianotiago@gmail.com] 47

This spell allows you to inscribe your
Part 6: New Spells personal rune or a short message, which can
The modern-themed spells presented in this be no larger than 2 feet tall and consist of no
chapter are all suitable for the sorcerer, more than six words, on a nonliving creature
warlock, or wizard spell lists. Spells marked or object. The writing can be visible or
with an asterisk (*) are also suitable for the invisible. An arcane graffiti spell enables you
paladin spell list. to etch the words upon any substance (even
stone or metal) without harming the material
Cantrips (0-Level) Elemental bullets upon which the mark is placed. If invisible
Arcane graffiti Haywire graffiti is made, the casting of any spell
On/Off Machine invisibility within 30 feet causes the words to become
Transfer charge Protection from ballistics visible for 5 rounds.
Rotting shot
1st Level Arcane Hacking
Infallible relay 4th Level
2nd-level transmutation (technomagic)
Degauss Conjure knowbot
Casting Time: 1 action
Detect radiation Synchronicity
Mask metal System backdoor
Range: Self
Power device Wire walk Components: V, S, M (hacking tools)
Remote access Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
5th Level You gain advantage on all Intelligence checks
2nd Level Commune with city using hacking tools to break software
Arcane hacking Instant connectivity encryption or online security when using a
Burglar’s buddy Shutdown foreign system. This spell also allows you to
Cryostasis Space adaptation break 2nd-level and lower protective spells
Dataread such as arcane lock or glyph of warding by
Digital phantom 6th Level making an Intelligence check using hacking
Find vehicle* Mass space adaptation tools against the spell save DC of the spell’s
Relay text caster.
7th Level At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell
3rd Level Power word blind using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, you
Electromagnetic pulse can attempt to counteract a spell set to secure
the foreign system if the spell’s level is equal
to or less than the level of the spell slot you
Technomagic used.
Certain of the spells in this section have a special
tag: technomagic. Such spells are cast normally, but
the technomagic tag indicates that their magic
Burglar’s Buddy
specifically references and interacts with computer 2nd-level illusion (technomagic)
systems and electronic devices. Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self (10-foot radius)
Components: V, S, M (a camera lens cover)
Spells Descriptions Duration: 1 minute
The spells are presented in alphabetical order. You create a magical area around you,
suppressing all mechanical or electronic
intrusion alarms and alarms sensors in the
Arcane Graffiti area. Burglar alarms or other intrusion alarms
Conjuration cantrip
within the affected area simply fail to
Casting Time: 1 action
function; sensors for intrusion alarm systems
Range: Touch
(such as motion detectors, IR detectors,
Components: V, S
pressure sensors, electric eyes, laser tripwire
Duration: 1 hour
and so forth) also fail to function, sending no

Developed by Tiago Cristiano [kristianotiago@gmail.com] 48

signal to monitoring stations. Video normally require an action. The knowbot
surveillance devices stop sending whatever makes Intelligence ability checks using your
the image they were photographing the ability score and proficiency bonuses
moment when the spell was cast. (including your proficiency with hacking
tools, if applicable).
Commune with City You have a limited telepathic bond with the
5th-level divination (ritual) knowbot, out to a range of 500 feet from the
Casting Time: 1 minute device or system where the knowbot was
Range: Self conjured. If you move beyond this range, the
Components: V, S knowbot disappears in 2d4 rounds, as if the
Duration: Instantaneous duration of the spell had expired. Moving
You briefly become one with the city and within range again immediately re-establishes
gain knowledge of the surrounding area. the bond. The knowbot is bound to the system
Above ground, this spell gives you in which it was created, and it stays there until
knowledge of the area within 1 mile of you. it is dismissed or the spell’s duration expires.
In sewers and other underground settings, you At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell
gain knowledge of the area within 600 feet of using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, the
you. spell’s duration increases to 1 hour.
You instantly gain knowledge of up to three Additionally, your telepathic bond with the
facts of your choice about any of the knowbot is effective out to a range of 1.000
following subjects as they relate to the area: feet, and if you leave the range of the bond,
the knowbot continues performing its last
• Terrain and bodies of water directed task until the spell expires.
• Prevalent buildings, plants, animals, or
intelligent creatures Cryostasis
• Powerful (CR 1 or higher celestials, fey, 2nd-level evocation
fiends, elementals, or undead) Casting Time: 1 action
• Influences from other planes of existence Range: 30 feet
• Electrical currents, wireless signals, and Components: V, S, M (A drop of water and
active transit lines and tracks fine dust)
Duration: Instantaneous
For example, you could determine the You choose one creature within range. You
location of powerful undead in the area, the close your fist and instantaneously freeze the
location of major sources of electrical power air around it in attempt to lock its joints up
or interference, and the location of any nearby and freeze them in place. The creature must
parks. make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed
save, it takes 2d6 cold damage and its speed is
Conjure Knowbot reduced to 0 for 1 minute. At the end of each
4th-level conjuration (technomagic) of its subsequent turns, the creature can make
Casting Time: 1 action a Constitution saving throw in order to end
Range: Touch the effect on it.
Components: V, S At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell
Duration: 10 minutes using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the
You touch a single computerized device or damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level
computer system to conjure a knowbot – a above 2nd.
partially sentient piece of software imprinted
with vestiges of your own skills and computer Dataread
abilities. For the duration of the spell, you can 2nd-level divination (technomagic)
use a bonus action to have the knowbot Casting Time: 1 action
execute a computer-related task that would Range: Touch

Developed by Tiago Cristiano [kristianotiago@gmail.com] 49

Components: V, S For the duration, you sense the presence of
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute radiation in the surrounding area, and you can
You run your finger over any machine- determine the specific intensity of the
readable data source (a barcode, a computer radiation of one area or object within 120 feet
disk, a USB drive, or any similar record) to of you.
understand the content of the data. You The spell can penetrate most barriers, but it is
experience the data as it would normally be blocked by 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common
experienced through an appropriate machine. metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood
For example, if reading a USB with music, or dirt.
you hear the music in your head. If reading a
word processor file, you visualize and read an Detect Radiation
image of the page. If reading a barcode, you 1st-level divination (ritual)
see the serial number, pricing information, or Casting Time: 1 action
other barcoded data. Range: Self
The amount of time required to experience the Components: V, S
data is the same as that required to read it by Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
conventional means. You can normally read 2 For the duration, you sense the presence of
pages of documents in 1 minute. This spell radiation in the surrounding area, and you can
does not decode encrypted data. Without the determine the specific intensity of the
encryption code, an encrypted document or radiation of one area or object within 120 feet
file appears as a seemingly random string of of you.
characters. If you know the encryption code, The spell can penetrate most barriers, but it is
however, you can read encrypted data blocked by 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common
normally with this spell. metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell or dirt.
using a spell slot of 3rd or 4th level, you can
maintain your concentration on the spell for
10 minutes. When you use a spell slot of 5th Digital Phantom
level or higher, you can maintain your 2nd-level abjuration (technomagic)
concentration on the spell for 1 hour. Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self
Components: V, S, M (a small piece of
Degauss copper wire or optical fiber)
1st-level transmutation (technomagic) Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
Casting Time: 1 action This spell works to actively hide your
Range: Touch presence within a computer system. For the
Components: V, S spell’s duration, you and any other users you
Duration: Instantaneous choose on your local network gain a +10
By touching a single device that contains bonus to Intelligence checks to avoid
electronic files, such as a computer, external detection by ICEs, administrators, knowbots,
hard drive, USB flash drive, or magnetic disk, tracking software, and the like. Whenever you
you erase all files on that device. The device and your chosen users leave any computer
is rendered empty of data. system you are working in while this spell is
in effect, all trace of your previous presence
Detect Radiation in that system is erased.
1st-level divination (ritual)
Casting Time: 1 action Electromagnetic Pulse
Range: Self 3rd-level evocation (technomagic)
Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes Range: 30 feet

Developed by Tiago Cristiano [kristianotiago@gmail.com] 50

Components: V, S normal vehicle of its sort, though it is
Duration: Instantaneous celestial, fey, or fiendish (your choice) in
When you cast this spell, you send a powerful origin. The physical characteristics of the
burst of energy that ruins electronic circuitry vehicle reflect its origin to some degree. For
in a 20-foot cube. Any computer, telephone, example, a fiendish SUV might be jet black in
television, or other device with a computer color, with tinted windows and a sinister-
processor inside ceases to function looking front grille.
immediately, and the contents of hard drives You have a supernatural bond with the
and other storage media are scrambled. conjured vehicle that allows you to drive
The electromagnetic pulse affects only beyond your normal ability. While driving the
devices with extensive circuitry, not conjured vehicle, you are considered
everything that uses electricity. Ordinarily the proficient with vehicles of its type, and you
lights stay on, although their electronic add double your proficiency bonus to ability
switches might not function. Automobiles checks related to driving the vehicle. While
continue to run, although their engines will driving the vehicle, you can make any spell
run more roughly without electronic you cast that targets only you also target the
guidance. Cars with an electronic ignition vehicle.
system won’t start after the spell. If the vehicle drops to 0 hit points, it
Devices affected by this spell can be fixed disappears, leaving behind no physical form.
using an engineering kit. You can also dismiss the vehicle at any time
Some military gear is immune to energy as an action, causing it to disappear.
effects such as electromagnetic pulse thanks You can’t have more than one vehicle bonded
to a process called tempest hardening. by this spell at a time. As an action, you can
Tempest hardening adds +100 credits to the release the vehicle from its bond at any time,
cost of an item and makes it Restricted (R). causing it to disappear.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell
Elemental Bullets using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, you
3rd-level evocation can conjure a nonmilitary water vehicle large
Casting Time: 1 action enough to carry six Medium creatures. When
Range: Self you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th
Components: V, S, M (pieces of nonmagical level or higher, you can conjure a nonmilitary
ammunition) air vehicle large enough to carry ten Medium
Duration: Instantaneous creatures. When you cast this spell using a
You infuse a number of pieces of mundane spell slot of 7th level or higher, you can
ammunition equal to your spellcasting ability conjure any type of vehicle, subject to the
modifier with a single element of your choice. GM’s approval.
Choose from fire, cold, lightning, acid,
poison, or thunder. These bullets deal an extra Haywire
2d6 of the chosen type of damage on a hit. 3rd-level enchantment (technomagic)
Casting Time: 1 action
Find Vehicle Range: 90 feet
2nd-level conjuration Components: V, S
Casting Time: 10 minutes Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Range: 30 feet This spell plays havoc with electronic
Components: V, S devices, making the use of such devices all
Duration: 8 hours but impossible. Each electronic device in a
You summon a spirit that assumes the form of 10-foot radius sphere centered on a point you
a nonmilitary land vehicle of your choice, choose within range is subject to random
appearing in an unoccupied space within behavior while it remains within the area. A
range. The vehicle has the statistics of a device not held by a creature is automatically

Developed by Tiago Cristiano [kristianotiago@gmail.com] 51

affected. If an electronic device is held by a Charisma saving throw to end the
creature, that creature must succeed on a conversation.
Wisdom saving throw or have the device
affected by the spell. Instant Connectivity
At the start of each of your turns, roll a d6 for 5th-level conjuration (technomagic)
each affected device to determine its Casting Time: 1 action
behavior. Except where otherwise indicated, Range: 10 feet
that behavior lasts until the start of your next Components: V, S, M (a device connected to
turn while this spell is in effect. internet worth at least 50 credits)
1. The device shuts down and must be Duration: Instantaneous
restarted. Do not roll again for this device With the aid of instant messaging software,
until it is restarted. you physically transport the subject or
2–4. The device does not function. subjects from one place to another. If several
5. The device experiences a power surge, willing creatures link hands in a circle, up to
causing an electric shock to the wielder (if eight creatures can be affected by the spell at
any) and one random creature within 5 feet of the same time.
the device. Each affected creature must make At least one of the creatures affected must be
a Dexterity saving throw against your spell touching a computer with internet connection.
save DC, taking 6d6 lightning damage on a The targets must be sent to a specific
failed save, or half as much damage on a computer that is currently active online.
successful one. Instant connectivity causes the targets to
6. The device is usable as normal. appear in the room from which the receiving
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell device is, automatically gaining surprise on
using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the anyone else in that room.
radius of the sphere affected by the spell You must have seen the receiving device for
increases by 5 feet for each slot level above at least 1 minute from 5 feet or less to be able
3rd. to target that device.
If any of the devices have some kind of
Infallible Relay security (or if the device is in a secure
1st-level divination (technomagic) network), the spell cannot be cast until the
Casting Time: 1 minute security is disabled.
Range: Self
Components: V, S, M (a phone chip) Machine Invisibility
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes 3rd-level illusion (technomagic)
With this spell, you can target any creature Casting Time: 1 action
with which you have spoken previously, as Range: 10 feet
long as the two of you are on the same plane Components: V, S, M (a glass lens, which
of existence. When you cast the spell, the the caster fogs by breathing on it)
nearest functioning phone or similar Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
communications device within 100 feet of the Four creatures of your choice within range
target begins to ring. If there is no suitable cannot be detected by video cameras,
device close enough to the target, the spell electronic sensors, or other high-tech
fails. detection machines for the duration of the
The target must make a successful Charisma spell. Anything a target is wearing or carrying
saving throw or be compelled to answer your is likewise undetectable as long as it is on the
call. Once the connection is established, the target’s person. The targets remain visible to
call is crystal clear and cannot be dropped vision.
until the conversation has ended or the spell’s
duration ends. You can end the conversation
at any time, but a target must succeed on a

Developed by Tiago Cristiano [kristianotiago@gmail.com] 52

Mask Metal Components: V, S
1st-level illusion Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
Casting Time: 1 action You touch an electrical or mechanical device
Components: V, S, M (a magnet) that requires a power source. For the duration
Range: Touch of the spell, the device functions exactly as it
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour normally would if it had conventional power.
This spell makes a single metal object This spell can affect any household or
weighing no more than 24 pounds handheld device, or general-purpose vehicle.
undetectable to metal detectors. When a Larger or more intricate devices cannot be
character makes a Wisdom (Perception) check powered with this spell.
to detect the object, he or she does not gain
advantage from any device that detects metal. Power Word Blind
7th-level enchantment
Mass Space Adaptation Casting Time: 1 action
6th-level transmutation Range: 60 feet
Casting Time: 1 action Components: V
Range: 60 feet Duration: Instantaneous
Components: S, M (a small meteoroid or You speak a word of power that destroys the
fragment of a crashed satellite) senses of one creature you can see within
Duration: 1 hour range, leaving it utterly blinded. If the target
You can magically render you and up to four has 150 hit points or fewer, it is blinded.
creatures of your choice that you can see Otherwise, the spell has no effect. The
within the range immune to the harmful blinded target must make a Constitution
environmental effects of the vacuum, as in the saving throw at the end of each of its turns.
space adaptation spell. On a successful save, the spell ends.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell
using a spell slot of 7th level or higher, you Protection from Ballistics
can target two additional creatures for each 3rd-level abjuration
slot level above 6th. Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
On/Off Components: V, S, M (a shell casing)
Transmutation cantrip (technomagic) Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
Casting Time: 1 action This spell enchants the flesh of the target
Range: 60 feet against the impact of bullets. Until the spell
Components: V, S ends, the target has resistance to nonmagical
Duration: Instantaneous ballistic damage.
This cantrip allows you to activate or
deactivate any electronic device within range, Relay Text
as long as the device has a clearly defined on 2nd-level transmutation (technomagic)
or off function that can be easily accessed Casting Time: 1 action
from the outside of the device. Any device Range: Unlimited
that requires a software-based shutdown Components: V, S
sequence to activate or deactivate cannot be Duration: Instantaneous
affected by on/off. You cause a text message of up to 25 words
to appear on the screen of an electronic device
Power Device capable of receiving such messages, such as a
1st-level transmutation (technomagic) smartphone, tablet, or computer. If the device
Casting Time: 1 action is turned on, the message appears instantly; if
Range: Touch not, the message appears as soon as someone

Developed by Tiago Cristiano [kristianotiago@gmail.com] 53

turns it on. The message remains onscreen the direct control of a creature. If an
until read, then disappears, leaving no electronic device within range is used by a
electronic record of its appearance. You must creature, that creature must succeed on a
have seen the device to send a message to it. Constitution saving throw to prevent the
device from being shut down. While the spell
Remote Access remains active, no electronic device within
1st-level transmutation (technomagic) range can be started or restarted.
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 120 feet Space Adaptation
Components: V, S 5th-level transmutation
Duration: 10 minutes Casting Time: 1 action
You can use any electronic device within Range: Self
range as if it were in your hands. This is not a Components: S, M (a small meteoroid or
telekinesis effect. Rather, this spell allows fragment of a crashed satellite)
you to simulate a device’s mechanical Duration: 1 hour
functions electronically. You are able to This spell allows you to launch yourself in to
access only functions that a person using the the void of space. Until the spell ends, you are
device manually would be able to access. You immune to the harmful environmental effects
can use remote access with only one device at of the vacuum, including radiation, extreme
a time. temperatures, and lack of air.
In addition, you can move through the
Rotting Shot vacuum of space with a flying speed of 30
3rd-level necromancy feet, and your movement is not limited to
Casting Time: 1 bonus action straight lines anymore. However, you still
Range: Self have disadvantage on all your attack rolls and
Components: V, S, M (A piece of mundane ability checks while you are in zero-gravity.
ammunition) At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell
Duration: Instantaneous using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, the
You infuse your next bullet with foul, duration increases by 1 hour for each slot
strength sapping energy. If the bullet hits a level above 3rd.
creature, it deals an extra 1d8 necrotic
damage and the target must make a Synchronicity
Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, it 4th-level enchantment
takes an additional 1d8 necrotic damage and Casting Time: 1 action
have disadvantage on Strength ability checks Range: Touch
and saving throws for 1 minute. Components: V, S
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the The creature you touch feels reality subtly
damage increases by 1d8 for each slot level shifted to its favor while this spell is in effect.
above 3rd. The target isn’t inconvenienced by mundane
delays of any sort. Traffic lights are always
Shutdown green, there’s always a waiting elevator, and a
5th-level transmutation (technomagic) taxi is always around the corner. The target
Casting Time: 1 action can run at full speed through dense crowds,
Range: 120 feet and attacks of opportunity provoked by the
Components: V, S target’s movement are made with
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute disadvantage.
This spell shuts down all electronic devices Synchronicity grants advantage to Dexterity
within range that are not wielded by or under (Stealth) checks, since the target always finds
a handy piece of cover available.

Developed by Tiago Cristiano [kristianotiago@gmail.com] 54

Additionally, the target has advantage on all you transfer charges from the source object to
ability checks made to drive a vehicle. the receiving object.
In the event that two or more creatures under You must declare how many charges you are
the effect of synchronicity are attempting to transferring before casting this spell. If you
avoid being inconvenienced by each other, transfer more charges from the source than
compare the spell attack bonus of the casters the receiving item can hold, the receiving
who have launched synchronicity on them, the item takes 1d6 lightning damage. This spell
one that has the best bonus has the priority. In provides no knowledge of how many charges
case of a tie, the creatures engage in a contest a receiving item can safely hold, but you can
of Charisma each time the effects of the spells choose to transfer fewer charges than the
would oppose each other. maximum allowed reducing the risk.

System Backdoor Wire Walk

4th-level transmutation (technomagic) 4th-level conjuration (technomagic)
Casting Time: 1 minute Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self Range: 10 feet
Components: V, S, M (hacking tools) Components: V
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour Duration: Instantaneous
This spell allows you to bypass system This spell instantly transports up to six
security in order to create a secure login on a willing creatures of your choice that you can
foreign system. The login you create allows see within range to the location of a telephone
you administrator-level privileges in any you call. The telephone must be answered
computer system not enhanced through (either by a creature or by an answering
technomagic. The login defeats any machine), and it works only over an open
technomagic defensive spells of 3rd level or line. You arrive adjacent to the device (within
lower. 5 feet of it), and any other creatures
Once the duration of the spell expires, the transported by the spell appear next to you.
login and all privileges are wiped from the
system. System logs still show the activity of
the user, but the user identification cannot be
found or traced.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell
using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, you
are able to bypass technomagic spells if the
spell’s level is equal to or less than the level
of the spell slot you used.

Transfer Charge
Transmutation Cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Components: V
Duration: Instantaneous
You can transfer any number of charges from
one battery to another battery or from one
energy cell to another energy cell. You can
only transfer charges using two objects of the
exact same type (two batteries of the same
size, two identical energy cells, or the like);

Developed by Tiago Cristiano [kristianotiago@gmail.com] 55

Part 7: Cybernetics Lightning Resistance and Cybernetics
A cybernetic attachment is a hardware A dragonborn with blue or bronze draconic
designed to be implanted or grafted onto a ancestry or other creature with lightning resistance
biological life form to function as part of that that makes use of cybernetic attachments not
shielded by an anti-shock implant loses the benefit
individual’s body, either to replace a damaged
of the damage resistance until it has its cyberware
or missing part, or to provide some
protected by an anti-shock implant.

Installation and Removal Type

Installing or removing a cybernetic Cybernetic attachments can be internal or
attachment requires a surgery (see the Surgery external. External cybernetic attachments are
feat). fairly obvious, unless they are hidden with
Removing a cybernetic attachment without artificial skin or an organic makeup (requiring
proper surgery causes lasting physical trauma an ability check with a disguise kit).
to the patient’s body, reducing its maximum
hit points by 2d6. Deactivation
If you drop to 0 hit points, you must succeed
Number of Attachments in a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or one
You can have a maximum number of of your cybernetic attachments (determined
cybernetic attachments equal to 1 + your randomly or chosen by the GM) ceases to
Constitution modifier (minimum 0). function and you suffer the effects of the
You may have more cybernetic attachments disability – as noted in the description of the
installed on your body than it can bear. cybernetic attachment – for as long as the
However, too much attachments causes you to attachment remains disabled.
become overloaded (see box below) until the
offending attachments are removed.
Only living creatures can have cybernetic
Attachment Descriptions
The cybernetic attachments are presented in
attachments. alphabetical order.

New Condition: Overloaded Anti-Flare Implants

• An overloaded creature regains only half the Internal
normal number of hit points from spending Hit Your corneas are replaced with artificial ones
Dices and no hit points from finishing a long rest. equipped with flare suppressors that react
• At the end of a long rest, the creature regains up instantly to bright flashes of light. Blinding
to ¼ of its total Hit Dice. effects produced by bright lights have no
• The creature loses the ability to cast one spell of harmful or debilitating effect on you.
the highest level it can cast. Cost. 500 credits
• The creature has disadvantage on spell attack
rolls, and a target of its spells has advantage on
saving throws to resist its effects. Anti-Shock Implant
This tiny implant, embedded near your brain
Lightning Vulnerability stem, protects itself and other cybernetic
If you have one or more cybernetic hardware on your body against lightning
attachments, you have vulnerability to damage. This implant negates the lightning
lightning damage. This vulnerability to vulnerability caused by the use of cybernetic
electricity can be offset by an anti-shock attachments.

Developed by Tiago Cristiano [kristianotiago@gmail.com] 56

This implant also can be used to negate External Weapon Mount
androids’ lightning vulnerability, but it’s External
more expensive in this case. Your prosthetic arm ends in a melee or ranged
Cost. 600 credits (1.800 credits for androids) weapon instead of a hand. The cost of this
implant does not include the prosthetic arm or
Artificial Organ weapon (both must be bought separately).
Internal or External Melee Weapon Mount. 600 credits (M)
An artificial organ fully replaces a defective Ranged Weapon Mount. 20.000 credits (M)
or destroyed biological organ, such as a heart,
lung, eye, or ear. The artificial organ Initiative Implant
duplicates the function of its biological Internal
counterpart. It provides no special benefits. The initiative implant consists of a series of
Cost. 1.000 credits wires threaded around the recipient’s spinal
cord and attached to the recipient’s nervous
Artificial Organ Upgrade system. The implant stimulates faster
Internal or External response times.
This upgraded version of the standard You gain a +2 bonus on initiative checks.
artificial organ not only replaces a defective Cost. 2.500 credits
or destroyed biological organ but is also more
resilient than its technological predecessor. Internal Weapon Mount
The artificial organ upgrade duplicates the Internal
function of its biological counterpart and You have a subcutaneous melee or ranged
cannot be disabled when you drop to 0 hit weapon embedded in your body, usually in a
points. prosthetic forearm or hand. The weapon
Cost. 5.000 credits extends from the prosthesis and is visible
when in use. Extending or retracting the
Cosmetic Implants weapon is a free action.
Internal Spotting a retracted weapon requires a
Cosmetic implants on this level go well successful Wisdom (Perception) check
beyond the plastic surgery of past decades. opposed by your Dexterity (Sleight of Hand)
This is full-blown body appearance check. You have advantage on your check.
modification, allowing the recipient to look The cost of this implant does not include the
like nearly any humanoid of approximately prosthetic arm or weapon (both must be
the same shape. It’s possible to look like bought separately).
another species (such as an elf or half-orc), or Melee Weapon Mount. 800 credits (M)
a humanoid with animal traits (wolf-men and Ranged Weapon Mount. 1.000 credits (M)
cat- or rabbit-women are particularly
popular), change ethnicity, or simply mould Invisiware
features to achieve greater beauty (or greater External
ugliness, if preferred). This technology enables its recipient to turn
The exotic appearance of a recipient with invisible for a short time. Invisiware uses
cosmetic implants makes the initial reaction crystalline refractors grafted to the skin and
of other characters more severe. Those who powered by rechargeable solar battery units
find themselves liking the recipient are moved protruding from various points on the
to greater helpfulness by his appearance, recipient’s body (usually the spine).
whereas those who initially dislike the By using invisiware to bend light around its
recipient are pushed into true hostility by his body, the recipient can turn invisible (see the
unusual or highly sculpted looks. appendix A of the Player’s Handbook).
Cost. 2.500 credits

Developed by Tiago Cristiano [kristianotiago@gmail.com] 57

Activating or deactivating invisiware is a free S-Class. 10.000 credits
action. However, the technology consumes a
great deal of the battery power; after 10 Nightvision Optics
rounds of use, the solar batteries must be Internal
recharged for 1 hour, during which time the Your eyes are replaced with ocular implants
invisiware cannot be activated. that enable you to see better in the dark. You
Cost. 50.000 credits (M) gain darkvision out to a range of 60 feet.
All of your eyes must be replaced to gain any
Laser Optics benefit.
Internal Cost. 1.000 credits
Your eyes are replaced with ocular implants
capable of firing thin laser beams. A single Oxygenator
“laser eye” deals 2d6 fire damage and has a Internal
range 20/60. Each additional eye adds +2 to This implant is a reservoir of compressed
the damage roll (thus, a pair of laser eyes oxygen that is released directly into the
would deal 2d6+2 fire damage). bloodstream when oxygen levels are too low.
A creature equipped with multiple laser eyes You can do without air for 10 minutes before
must fire them simultaneously at the same having to hold your breath. Once the 10-
target. minute reservoir is exhausted, the implant
Single. 15.000 credits (M) cannot be used again for 24 hours. It
Pair. 22.500 credits (M) recharges by culling oxygen from your lungs
Trio. 30.000 credits (M) and skin pores.
Cost. 900 credits
Neural Interface
Internal Prosthetic Arm
A neural interface is a small internal implant External
placed at the base of your brain that allows A prosthetic arm fully replaces a lost or
you to access the Matrix without the need of destroyed biological arm and may begin at the
any external device. You can also connect shoulder, elbow, or wrist. A prosthetic arm
yourself to a computer and operate it from the duplicates the function of its biological
cyberspace. counterpart. It provides no special benefits.
Once in the Matrix, you experience a virtual Cost. 800 credits
reality through an avatar. Typically your
avatar has the same looks as you, although
anyone is able to choose his or her exact Prosthetic Arm Upgrade
appearance through a basic knowledge with External
hacking tools. This upgraded version of the standard
A data port located at the base of your skull or prosthetic arm not only replaces a lost or
above one of your ears allows for the destroyed arm but is also more resilient than
insertion of a USB cable, allowing data its technological predecessor. The prosthetic
transfers without an online connection. arm upgrade duplicates the function of its
The class of a neural interface determines biological counterpart and cannot be disabled
features such connection speed and security when you drop to 0 hit points.
(see the “Netrunning” chapter). The classes of Cost. 2.500 credits
neural interfaces and their costs are the
following. Prosthetic Leg
D-Class. 1.000 credits External
C-Class. 1.500 credits A prosthetic leg fully replaces a lost or
B-Class. 3.000 credits destroyed biological leg and may begin at the
A-Class. 5.000 credits thigh, knee, or ankle. A prosthetic leg

Developed by Tiago Cristiano [kristianotiago@gmail.com] 58

duplicates the function of its biological
counterpart. It provides no special benefits.
Cost. 800 credits Cybernetic gadgets do not count toward your
maximum number of cybernetic attachments
(and might even decrease the count of
Prosthetic Leg Upgrade cybernetic attachments grafted on your body),
External but cannot be installed without a related
This upgraded version of the standard cybernetic attachment. They are modifications
prosthetic leg not only replaces a lost or to existing cybernetic attachments, not
destroyed leg but is also more resilient than implants in their own right.
its technological predecessor. The prosthetic
leg upgrade duplicates the function of its
biological counterpart and cannot be disabled Unobvious
when you drop to 0 hit points. An unobvious cybernetic attachment doesn’t
Cost. 2.500 credits look like a cybernetic device when not in use.
Cybereyes appear to be nothing more than
normal human organs, cyberlimbs show no
Psi Implant sign of enhanced power or function, and even
Internal dermal armor is streamlined enough to not
This brain implant stimulates neuron activity change the recipient’s shape. A DC 20
in underdeveloped regions of the recipient’s Wisdom (perception) check is required to
brain, unlocking latent psionic abilities. realize the recipient has the cybernetic
You learn two cantrips of your choice from attachment, and even then its exact function is
the wizard spell list. Intelligence is your not obvious until it is used.
spellcasting ability for them. You can cast Obviously, there are limits to what can be
these spells without components. hidden. No externally mounted cybernetic
Cost. 20.000 credits (M) attachment can be unobvious, and no amount
of camouflage will hide the fact that a 5-foot-
Subcutaneous Body Armor tall girl picking up a small car doesn’t have
Internal some unusual ability, even if her cyberlimbs
Subcutaneous body armor consists of small appear to be normal flesh and blood.
plates of flexible armor implanted under your Normal camouflage for cybernetic
skin. You gain a natural armor bonus to AC. attachments applies only to casual, visual
The bonus depends on the density of the inspection. It’s possible to camouflage
armor: Light +1, Medium +2, Heavy +3. You devices against any form of detection or scan
can’t have more than one subcutaneous body (including metal detectors and X-rays) with
armor implanted on your body at the same the sensor baffling gadget (see below). Even
time. so, no cybernetic attachments can remain
Light. 1.000 credits (M) hidden if the recipient is the target of a
Medium. 2.500 credits (M) thorough medical examination.
Heavy. 10.000 credits (M) An unobvious cybernetic attachment costs
additional 400 credits and has a licensed (L)
Targeting Optics restriction.
Your eyes are replaced with ocular implants Integrated Cybernetics
that use a projected targeting reticule to Attachments
improve your aim. You gain a +1 bonus on all Integrated cybernetic attachments combine
attack rolls made with ranged weapons. All of the function of two or more cybernetic
your eyes must be replaced to gain any attachments into a single attachment that
benefit. counts as only one implant toward your
Cost. 800 credits (M) number of cybernetic attachments.

Developed by Tiago Cristiano [kristianotiago@gmail.com] 59

An integrated cybernetic attachment costs
additional 400 credits for each additional
cybernetic attachment to be combined. The
cost of this gadget does not include the cost of
the attachments to be integrated – they must
be bought each one separately.

Prosthetic Enhancer
This gadget attaches to a prosthetic arm or
leg, making it stronger.
If attached to a prosthetic leg, the prosthetic
enhancer increases the recipient’s base speed
by 10 feet. In addition, any unarmed attack
made with an enhanced prosthetic leg deals an
additional dice of damage.
If attached to a prosthetic arm, the prosthetic
enhancer grants a +1 bonus on Strength- and
Dexterity-based ability checks. In addition,
any unarmed attack made with an enhanced
prosthetic arm deals an additional dice of
An enhanced prosthetic leg or arm costs
additional 2.000.

Sensor Baffling
From simple metal detectors to advanced x-
ray scanners, there’s always a way to detect
cybernetics. The ability to confuse sensors
can be invaluable, especially when smuggling
weapon implants past security.
Any cybernetic attachment with a sensor
baffling gadget increases by 5 the DC of
checks made to detect the device with sensors
or other detection devices. Even so, no
cybernetic attachment s can remain hidden if
the recipient is the target of a thorough
medical examination.
A cybernetic attachment can have sensor
baffling without being unobvious, but this
means the attachment is still clearly
cybernetic when observed visually and the +5
DC applies only to scanners and similar
detection methods.
A sensor baffling cybernetic attachment costs
additional 600 credits and has a restricted
(R) restriction.

Developed by Tiago Cristiano [kristianotiago@gmail.com] 60

Part 8: Environment • Mild: DC +0 (12 hours)
This chapter covers some new forms of • Low: DC +3 (6 hours)
environmental hazards that can hinder a • Moderate: DC +6 (3 hours)
cyberpunk adventurer. • High: DC +9 (1 hour)
• Severe: DC +12 (1 minute)
Electricity On each failed save, the creature gains one
Electrical hazards come in many forms,
level of exhaustion. Even after leaving the
including stun guns, downed power lines, and
irradiated area, a creature that fails its
electric security fences. The table Lightning
Constitution saving throw become afflicted
Damage gives damage values for various
with radiation sickness. The afflicted creature
electrical hazards based on relative voltage.
regains only half the normal number of hit
A creature can make a Constitution saving
points from spending Hit Dices and no hit
throw to reduce the damage by half. If that
points from finishing a long rest.
character is not grounded or is otherwise
At the end of each long rest, an afflicted
insulated from the current, a successful save
creature must make a Constitution saving
indicates that no damage is suffered.
throw with the same DC of the exposure. On
a failed save, the creature gains one level of
Lightining Damage
exhaustion. On a successful save, the
Type Example Damage Save DC creature’s exhaustion decreases by one level.
Jolt Car battery 1d4 10 If a successful saving throw reduces the
afflicted creature’s level of exhaustion below
Low voltage Fuse box 2d6 15
1, the creature recovers from the radiation
Medium voltage Electric fence 4d6 15 sickness.
High voltage Power line 8d6 20
Radiation The immeasurable gulf of space is home to
When a creature is exposed to radiation, it everything on the Material Plane, housing
must succeed on a Constitution saving throw more stars and planets than could ever be
or become afflicted with radiation sickness. recorded. During their careers, the cyberpunk
The save DC vary with the dose of radiation adventurers sometimes will need to venture
to which a creature is exposed. into space. Traveling to colonies on our
To determine the degree of exposure, start neighboring planets, exiting the atmosphere,
with the type of exposure: or visiting an orbiting space station are all
examples of common travel that require at
• An irradiated area, such as the area near a least a brief time in space.
nuclear explosion, after the fact, or a lab that
has been flooded with radioactive gas, has a Vacuum
base save DC of 10. Despite some popular myths, moving into a
• A specific source of radiation, such as a vacuum does not cause the body to
lump of radioactive material, has a base save explosively decompress, nor does it cause
DC of 12. instant freezing as heat bleeds away from the
body. Rather, the primary hazards of
Then add the following modifiers to surviving in the vacuum of space are the lack
determine the final DC for the Constitution of air and exposure to unfiltered ionizing
saving throw, and when a new save must be radiation.
done if the creature doesn’t leave the The real danger of vacuum comes from
irradiated area or the source of radiation. suffocation, though holding one’s breath in

Developed by Tiago Cristiano [kristianotiago@gmail.com] 61

vacuum damages the lungs. A creature who Cosmic Rays
attempts to hold its breath must make a Cosmic rays, unlike solar flares, cannot be
Constitution check (DC 15) every round; the predicted. Consisting of subatomic particles
DC increases by 1 each round, and on a moving at relativistic speeds, these rays can
successful check the creature takes 1d6 penetrate miles of solid mass (though
bludgeoning damage (from the pressure on extremely few get through the Earth’s
the linings of his lungs), and its hit point atmosphere without colliding with other
maximum is reduced until it finishes a long atoms or molecules, effectively rendering
rest by an amount equal to the bludgeoning them harmless). In space, these subatomic
damage it has took. particles can cause severe cell damage, even
If the check fails, or when the creature simply genetic mutation.
stops holding his breath, it begins to suffocate An unprotected creature exposed to radiation
(see the chapter 8 of the Player’s Handbook). from a cosmic ray shower is treated as if it
On the third round of exposure to vacuum, was on a highly irradiated area for the
even creatures that succeed on its Constitution purposes of determining the radiation’s
check suffer from aeroembolism (“the effects (see the “Radiation” section”).
bends”). The creature suffers excruciating
pain as small air bubbles form in its
bloodstream; it is considered stunned and Gravity
remains so until returned to normal The force that gravity exerts on a creature
atmospheric pressure. determines how they develop physically as
Unfiltered radiation bombards any creature well as their ability to perform certain actions.
trapped in the vacuum of space without In addition, gravity affects the amount of
protective gear. A creature exposed to this damage a character takes from falling.
ionizing radiation suffers from severe sunburn Gravity conditions may vary considerably
as well as the effects of radiation on a from one environment to the next. For ease of
moderately irradiated area (see the play these rules present four simplified
“Radiation” section”). gravity environments: normal-gravity, low-
Additionally, a character in vacuum cannot gravity, high-gravity, and zero-gravity. The
cast a spell with a verbal component. following sections summarize the game
effects for each type of environment.
Solar Flares
Solar flares release tremendous amounts of Normal Gravity
electromagnetic energy (including harmful Normal gravity equates to gravity on Earth.
ultraviolet rays and X-rays), as well as highly Environments with normal gravity do not
charged protons and electrons. The effects are modify a creature’s speed, carrying capacity,
comparable to a radioactive blast from one or the amount of damage it takes from a fall.
hundred million billion tons of TNT
(compared to the 20,000-ton equivalent blasts Low-Gravity
that destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki). In a low-gravity environment, the pull of
Fortunately, while solar flares aren’t rare, gravity is significantly less than what we
they are predictable. experience living on Earth. Although an
An unprotected creature exposed to radiation object’s mass does not change, it becomes
from a solar flare is treated as if it was on a effectively lighter. This means that creatures
severely irradiated area for the purposes of bounce when they walk. It becomes easier to
determining the radiation’s effects (see the lift heavy objects as well as perform Strength-
“Radiation” section”). related tasks. In addition, creatures take less
damage from falling.

Developed by Tiago Cristiano [kristianotiago@gmail.com] 62

Speed. While in a low-gravity environment, a Falling Damage. Creatures fall more quickly
creature can jump three times as high and as in a high-gravity environment than they do in
far. Movement speed, however, stays the a normal-gravity environment. Creatures take
same, as moving in great bounds is awkward double damage from falling.
and difficult to control. Long-Term Effects. Long-term exposure to
Carrying Capacity. A creature’s carrying high-gravity conditions can cause serious
capacity (and thus the weight it can push, drag problems when returning to normal gravity. A
or lift) is tripled in a low-gravity environment. creature that spends 120 hours or more in a
Attack Rolls. Creatures have disadvantage on high-gravity environment suffers
attack rolls and Strength ability checks while disadvantage in attack rolls, ability checks
operating in a low-gravity environment unless and saving throws involving Dexterity upon
they are native to that environment or have returning to normal gravity. This penalty
the Zero-G Training feat. Thrown weapons disappears after the creature finishes a long
have their ranges tripled. rest.
Falling Damage. Creatures do not fall as
quickly in a low-gravity environment as they
Extreme Gravity
do in a normal-gravity environment.
An environment where the gravity is at least five
Creatures take only half damage from falling.
times as strong as standard gravity is extremely
Long-Term Effects. Long-term exposure to
dangerous to most creatures. In addition to the
low-gravity conditions can cause serious limitations of high-gravity, a creature in this
problems when returning to normal gravity. A environment takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage at the
creature that spends 120 hours or more in a start of each of its turns (but potentially more,
low-gravity environment suffers disadvantage depending on the intensity of the gravity).
in attack rolls, ability checks and saving
throws involving Strength upon returning to
normal gravity. This penalty disappears after Zero-Gravity
the creature finishes a long rest. Creatures in a zero-gravity environment can
move enormously heavy objects. As
High-Gravity movement in zero-gravity requires only the
ability to grab onto or push away from larger
In a high-gravity environment, the pull of
objects, ability checks made to climb or jump
gravity is significantly greater than that which
no longer apply.
we experience living on Earth. Although an
Most creatures find zero-gravity
object’s mass doesn’t change, it becomes
environments disorienting, suffering the
effectively heavier. It becomes harder to
effects of Space Adaptation Syndrome
move and carry heavy objects as well as
(space sickness).
perform Strength-related tasks. In addition,
Space Adaptation Syndrome. A creature
creatures take more damage from falling.
exposed to weightlessness must make a DC
Even the simple task of walking or lifting
15 Constitution saving throw to avoid the
one’s arms feels more laborious.
effects of space sickness. Those who fail the
Speed. The creature’s speed is halved in a
save suffer one level of exhaustion. The
high-gravity environment. This penalty
effects persist for 8 hours. A new save is
applies to all of the creature’s speeds.
required every 8 hours the creature remains in
Carrying Capacity. A creature’s carrying
a zero-gravity environment.
capacity (and thus the weight it can push, drag
Speed. While in a zero-gravity environment, a
or lift) is halved in a high-gravity
creature gains a flying speed equal to its base
walking speed, or it retains its natural flying
Attack Rolls. Creatures have disadvantage on
speed (whichever is greater). However,
attack rolls and Strength ability checks while
movement is limited to straight lines only; a
operating in a high-gravity environment
unless they are native to that environment.

Developed by Tiago Cristiano [kristianotiago@gmail.com] 63

creature can change course only by pushing travel to the edges of the solar system and
away from larger objects (such as bulkheads). perhaps to another solar system entirely.
Carrying Capacity. A creature’s carrying
capacity (and thus the weight it can push, drag Interplanetary Travel Times (from Earth)
or lift) increases by 10 times in a zero-gravity Destination Distance (mi) Time
Attack Rolls. Creatures have disadvantage on Sun 93.000.000 97 days
attack rolls and Strength ability checks while Mercury 56.950.000 59 days
operating in a zero-gravity environment Venus 26.040.000 27 days
unless they are native to that environment or
Moon 240.000 6 hours
have the Zero-G Training feat.
Long-Term Effects. Long-term exposure to Mars 48.360.000 50 days
zero-gravity conditions can cause serious Jupiter 390.600.000 1 year, 41 days
problems when returning to normal gravity. A
Saturn 704.940.000 2 years, 4 days
creature that spends 120 hours or more in a
zero-gravity environment suffers Uranus 1.687.020.000 4 years, 296 days
disadvantage in attack rolls, ability checks Neptune 2.715.600.000 7 years, 272 days
and saving throws involving Strength upon
Pluto 3.574.920.000 10 years, 71 days
returning to normal gravity. This penalty
disappears after the creature finishes a long Eris 8.857.000.000 25 years, 93 days

Weight vs. Mass

While an object in zero gravity loses weight, it does
not lose mass or momentum. Thus, while a
character could push a 10-ton piece of equipment
around in space, albeit slowly, getting it to stop is a
bit more difficult. If a creature were to come
between that piece of equipment and a solid
object, that character would be crushed as if he
were in full gravity – just more slowly.
For simplicity, assume that the carrying capacity
used to lift or move an object in zero-gravity
increases by 10 times. However, stopping an object
already in motion does not receive this same bonus
(use the normal carrying capacity).

Interplanetary Travel
Interplanetary travel becomes possible in a
cyberpunk campaign. Ships fitted with
magnetic ram scoops allow the crew to
manufacture fuel from particles of hydrogen
gas floating loose in space (though at only a
few atoms per cubic inch). Such a ship could
even incorporate a particle accelerator that
converts matter into antimatter — with far
more efficient thrust-to-payload ratios than
solid fuel. With a sufficient supply of food,
water, and oxygen, a ship so equipped could

Developed by Tiago Cristiano [kristianotiago@gmail.com] 64

gate – a portal to a destiny in another node.
Part 9: Netrunning When you cross a gate, you make a jump and
“Cyberspace. A consensual hallucination appear in the node to which the gate leads.
experienced daily by billions of legitimate If you want to go to a node in another city,
operators, in every nation, by children being you need to pass through one of the several
taught mathematical concepts... A graphic gates in your current city that leads to the
representation of data abstracted from banks cyberworld, a public node that is a
of every computer in the human system. representation of Earth and its colonies on the
Unthinkable complexity. Lines of light ranged Moon, Mars, Europa and Titan – indicating
in the nonspace of the mind, clusters and all its largest metropolitan public nodes as
constellations of data. Like city lights, green light dots in the globes. You seem to
receding...” float in outer space, and by touching one of
–William Gibson, Neuromancer the green dots on the maps, you open a gate to
the selected node.
Node To move to your personal node, you can use
an action to issue a mental command to your
A node is a specific area of the Matrix – the
neural interface, and then a gate to your
equivalent of an old internet page. There are
personal node appears within 5 feet in front of
four types of nodes: public, private, restricted
you. This personal gate can only be seen or
and personal.
crossed by you and by those you allow. To
Public Node. An area with free access.
leave your personal node the process is the
Private Node. An area that requires a
same, but you can create a gate to a public,
registered account and a password to access
private or restricted node that you have access
(such a corporation, government or university
to. You can immediately expel anyone who is
system). Usually, anyone can create an
on your personal node through a similar
account on a private node.
mental command (this also requires an
Restricted Node. A highly protected area that,
in addition to requiring authorized accounts
Entering restricted nodes is somewhat more
and passwords, has more sophisticated
complicated. Only restricted nodes with the
security system (such an ICE), that can harm,
lowest level of protection have permanent
or even kill, the user who tries to force his
gates located within private nodes. It is
entry. The authorization to access a restricted
common for only authorized characters to be
node belongs only to system’s administrators
able to open gates to a restricted node. The
(such as heads of government departments or
process to create this gate is the same as for
senior business executives).
creating gates to a personal node, with the
Personal Node. Your personal node can be
difference that the person does not choose
accessed only by those you allow and while
who can see or cross the gate – anyone with
you are in it. If someone tries to invade your
the same authorization can see or pass
private node, you will know immediately.
through it.
Private nodes have limited environment
processing capabilities; usually they can be
infinite white spaces, data halls with gates to Jumps
the most accessed nodes, or a dive in crystal When you move through the nodes of the
clear water. Matrix, you make a jump. During the jump,
you seem to be speeding through a brilliant
tunnel of information, along with any other
Moving Between Nodes creatures that cross the same gate as you.
Upon entering the Matrix, you are in a public
Those creatures with faster interfaces
node that is a virtual reproduction of the city
disappear from the tunnel in a flash of light
where you are. All the private nodes
and emerge on the destination node first than
connected to the city are represented by a
those with slower interfaces, unless they

Developed by Tiago Cristiano [kristianotiago@gmail.com] 65

Jump Time
Destination Node D-Class C-Class B-Class A-Class S-Class
To your personal node 1 turn 1 turn 1 second 1 second 1 second
Up to 600 miles 2 turns 1 turn 1 turn 1 second 1 second
600 to 3.000 miles 3 turns 2 turns 1 turn 1 turn 1 second
3.101 to 6.000 miles 4 turns 3 turns 2 turns 1 turn 1 second
Over 6.000 miles 5 turns 4 turns 2 turns 2 turns 1 turn
Earth to Moon 10 turns 5 turns 3 turns 2 turns 1 turn
From Earth/Moon to Mars 1 hour 30 minutes 10 minutes 5 minutes 10 turns
From Earth/Moon to Europa 2 hours 1 hour 20 minutes 10 minutes 2 minutes
From Earth/Moon to Titan 3 hours 1 ½ hour 30 minutes 20 minutes 3 minutes
Use this jump time also for between Mars and Europa or between Europa and Titan.
Use this jump time also for between Mars and Titan.

voluntarily want to take longer jump times (if Hacking Personal Nodes
they are fighting a pursuing AI, for example). Personal nodes can also be invaded just as
The jump time depends on the quality of the private or restricted nodes. Class D and C
connection being used and the physical neural interfaces have DC 15 to invade
distance to the destination node, according to (medium security); class B and A have DC 20
the Jump Time table. to invade (high security); and S class has DC
25 (maximum security).
Node Security It’s not common for normal people to keep
There are four levels of security for private ICE on their personal nodes, but those who
and restricted nodes: low, medium, high and control important information prefer to have
maximum. more protection at their neural interfaces.

These levels indicate the DC for the

Intelligence check with hacking tools to
Matrix Combat
perform a series of activities within the node From the moment you break the security of a
(such as invading the node without a node, or when you enter into a fight against
registered account or password; passing another user or ICE, you are engaged in
through the ICE defense without alerting it; Matrix combat.
creating a fake entry authorization; breaking The Matrix combat works the same way as
data encryption or cleaning the history of normal combat (following the rules of
activities in the system); as well as the initiative, turns, movement and actions), but
defenses normally found in it, according to with a few exceptions.
the Node Security table. Instead of an attack roll against AC, the users
make an Intelligence check with hacking tools

Node Security
Level Node Type DC Common Defenses
Low security Private 12 Passwords
Medium security Private 15 White ICE, passwords, technomagic (3rd-level)
High security Restricted 20 Data encryption, Red ICE, passwords, technomagic (5th-level)
Maximum security Restricted 25 Data encryption, Black ICE, passwords, technomagic (5th-level or greater)

Developed by Tiago Cristiano [kristianotiago@gmail.com] 66

contest. And instead of losing hit points, the those who venture into the darkest corners of
user who accumulate three failures in a cyberspace – seeking secrets from
Matrix combat is kicked out or, if it is an ICE, corporations or powerful individuals – may
is temporally disabled (unless the ICE is encounter ICE programs capable of causing
permanently deleted while disabling). Being very real damage.
disconnected in this way is not the same as There are three ICE classifications based on
being kicked out of a private node. In this the risk they represent.
case, you wake up in the real world and need White ICE. This class of ICE is the easiest to
to reconnect if you want to go back to the deal with. On its third success in a Matrix
Matrix – and go all the way back to get where combat, the White ICE immediately
you were at the moment you have been disconnects the target from the system.
disconnected. Any special programs or Red ICE. The Red ICE is capable of
technomagic active on you are lost and you damaging the user’s neural interface, burning
will need to run then again if you want them their physical connections. On its third
back. success in a Matrix combat, the Red ICE
deals 9 (2d8) lightning damage to the target
Magic in the Matrix and immediately disconnects it from the
The Matrix was not developed to simulate the system. The equipment can be repaired with a
effects of spells. In addition, spellcasters successful DC 15 ability check with
aren’t much accustomed to virtual reality to engineering tools and half of its cost in
use their magic within the cyberspace, so a replacement parts.
spellcaster cannot cast his spells while he is Black ICE. The Black ICE is the most
connected to the Matrix unless he has a dangerous type of ICE, capable of dealing
feature that allows him to cast spells through psychic damage to the target with its attacks
devices connected to a network (such as the in the Matrix. On each success in a Matrix
Online Casting of the Technomancy combat, the Black ICE deals 14 (2d8+5)
tradition). In this case, use the normal spell psychic damage to the target. In addition, the
rules to affect a creature within the Matrix, Black ICE can keep the target inside the
and its effect will be transferred to the target’s Matrix to continue punishing it, even after
physical body. having three successes in a Matrix combat.
The only way to escape the pursuit of a Black
ICE is by defeating it or by voluntarily
ICE disconnecting yourself.
ICE (Intrusion Countermeasures Electronics) If it desires, on its third success in a Matrix
programs are completely digital entities combat, the Black ICE can burn the target’s
created to protect the nodes in which they connections, dealing 14 (2d8+5) lightning
were inserted from the invasion of unwanted damage to the target and immediately
users. Unlike noncorporeal artificial disconnecting it from the system.
intelligence, ICE programs do not have self-
consciousness and only do what they were
ICE Traits
programmed for – fighting intruders.
An ICE program usually has Intelligence 20 (+5) and
While searching for intruders, the ICE does
+3 or +4 proficiency bonus with hacking tools
not manifest itself on the net. But when (sometimes add the double of its proficiency bonus
someone fails on an ability check to bypass to the check to represent more advanced ICE
the security of the node, or cannot hide an programs).
unauthorized action taken inside the node, the
ICE appears as an entity in the Matrix and
starts to fight the invader as if it were another Matrix in the Real World
user (see the “Matrix Combat” section). Another way to interact with the Matrix,
While Matrix combat is usually nonlethal, besides fully immersing on it, is to use an

Developed by Tiago Cristiano [kristianotiago@gmail.com] 67

augmented reality device (AR) – such the
display glasses. In this case, you stay awake
and don’t lose the awareness of your
surroundings, watching the Matrix through
holographic windows that can be minimized
or closed at any time. While you are with a
video transmission maximized in your field of
vision, you suffer disadvantage in Wisdom
(Perception) checks to perceive your

Developed by Tiago Cristiano [kristianotiago@gmail.com] 68

Robson it’s worth reading and a very good
Part 10: Merging example of this kind of setting.
Fantasy and Cyberpunk This type of campaign usually occurs around
50-100 years after its defining event, long
This chapter presents some ideas and enough for the magical creatures to be
concepts to help you combine a cyberpunk integrated into the new social order of the
and fantasy elements in your campaign and world.
provides some inspirational sources. Post-war cyberpunk settings, such Dredd,
featuring giant megalopolises in the midst of
Fantasy-Cyberpunk wide wastelands can also be useful to set the
appearance of a parallel worlds campaign.
What follows are three ways to bring fantasy Hidden Realms
and cyberpunk together: fantasy future, If you want to build a low fantasy-cyberpunk
parallel worlds and hidden realms. campaign set in the real-life Earth, this type of
setting will require a lot of hard work from
Fantasy Future you as a GM. First you have to set every race
This is the easiest way to combine the and culture in an actual location (like dwarfs
Player’s Handbook with this Cyberpunk in the Scandinavian mountains, elves in
supplement. Take your fantasy world and European forests, and gnolls in the African
advances its timeline by 2.000 years, savannas), and explain why magical beings do
imagining that it has undergone an industrial not relate to mundane humans. Then a
and computer revolution. defining event (such the exposure of a secret
As humanoid races such humans, dwarfs, government agency dealing with supernatural
gnomes, half-elves and half-orcs increase in creatures; or a world war threatening both
numbers, they lay their trust more in regular mundane and magical societies) must take
and cheap technology than complicated place to unveil the nonhuman races to the
magic, and integrated themselves on large public eye. And finally, advance 50-100 years
megalopolises. Perhaps elves, tieflings and in the future for everything fit in a cyberpunk
dragonborn are still magical inclined races, campaign.
and halflings become outsiders, dwelling in The film Hellboy II: The Golden Army is
villages far from the big cities. worth watching as an inspirational source for
The film Bright can be a good source of this type of campaign.
inspiration for this type of campaign, it
features an alternative present day Los
Angeles inhabited by humans, orcs, elves and
centaurs. It’s relatively easy to advance this Magic is a key element in many fantasy
scenario some years in the future for a gaming worlds. How magic is perceived in a
cyberpunk campaign setting. fantasy-cyberpunk campaign can say much of
its tone. At one hand, we have the “magic
against science” theme – with magic viewed
Parallel Worlds as something unscientific and often as a dying
This is a middle ground between high and low art. At other hand, we have the famous saying
fantasy setting. Think in a massive of Arthur C. Clarke “Any sufficiently
catastrophe occurring at some point of our advanced technology is indistinguishable
present or near future that brings magical from magic” – in this case, “magic” can be
creatures to Earth. Something like the fourth viewed as a psionic/dimensional/quantum
explosion of Death Stranding, or the portals phenomenon. Take a look at the Doctor
that connects the magical beings of the Strange movie or the Mage: The Ascension
Drakengard series to the reality of the Nier
series. The book Keeping it Real by Justina

Developed by Tiago Cristiano [kristianotiago@gmail.com] 69

role-playing game from the Onyx Path
Publishing to get some ideas of this approach.
Gods can be treated at the same way: they can
be divine beings in the strict sense of fantasy
– but they turn out their faces from Earth with
the rise of technology and the lessening of
their temples. Only a few chosen clerics,
druids and paladins retain their powers and
usually none strong church exists (unless it is
a religion in the fashion of the Unitology of
the Dead Space series). Alternatively, gods
can be cosmic beings from the outer space or
other dimensions, like the Great Old Ones in
the Cthulhu Mythos or in the Marvel’s
Cinematic Universe movies(for the MCU’s
take on gods, Thor: Ragnarok, Guardians of
the Galaxy Vol. 2, and Doctor Strange are
specially recommended). Alien super AIs can
work well for the Technology domain, instead
of a god in the common sense (and your holy
symbol may be a sort of communication
device with such entity).

Additional Sources
Need ideas for a character or adventure? This
works can help you:
Akira. Katsuhiro Otomo
Appleseed. Shirow Masamune
Black Magic. Shirow Masamune
Neuromancer. William Gibson
Ronin. Frank Miller
Schismatrix. Bruce Sterling
Snow Crash. Neal Stephenson
Silent Möbius. Kia Asamiya
The Ghost in the Shell. Shirow Masamune

Developed by Tiago Cristiano [kristianotiago@gmail.com] 70

Appendix: Creatures knowledge, class features, or proficiencies.
The cybernetic possession lasts until the body
drops to 0 hit points, the AI ends it as a bonus
Noncorporeal AI action, or the AI is forced out through Matrix
Small construct, neutral combat. If the body possessed by the AI drops to 0
Armor Class 11 hit points, the AI is destroyed if it can't return to
Hit Points 10 (3d6) the Matrix.
Speed 0 ft., fly 40 ft. (Matrix only). It can hover.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA A noncorporeal AI is an artificial
intelligence without a physical body, which
1 (-5) 1 (-5) 10 (+0) 22 (+6) 19 (+4) 10 (+0) “lives” only in cyberspace. Many of these AIs
Skills Perception +6 are created by corporations for espionage, but
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison there are those who are like creatures born of
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, information, emerging spontaneously in the
frightened, grappled, paralyzed, petrified, network and acquiring thought and
poisoned, prone, restrained personality on their own. Some ICEs can
Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 16 evolve and become conscious, thus
Languages Common (or local language), transforming into noncorporeal AIs.
understands all (translator unit)
Challenge ¼ (50 XP)
Heavy Lifter
Large construct (robot), unaligned
Noncorporeal IA. The AI exists only in the Matrix.
Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
The physical statistics of the AI: size category, AC,
Hit Points 51 (6d10+18)
hit points, speed, Strength, Dexterity, and
Speed 20 ft.
Constitution scores represent a physical unit where
the AI was originally created. However, once STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
connected to the network, the AI can leave the unit
20 (+5) 10 (+0) 17 (+3) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)
in which it is currently stored and jump to a node in
the Matrix, which makes it immune to being Skills Athletics +8
destroyed if the hit points of the previous unit are Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing and
reduced to 0. If the AI cannot leave the drive in slashing from non-magical weapons
which it is currently stored and it is destroyed, then Damage Immunities necrotic, psychic, poison
the AI is destroyed too. Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion,
Computer Affinity. The AI has advantage on ability frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone,
checks with hacking tools. sleep
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
Actions Languages Common (or local language)
Cybernetic Possession (Recharge 5-6). One robot Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)
or creature with a neural interface that is on the
same node than the AI must succeed on a DC 16 Immovable. The robot is immune to forced
Charisma saving throw or be possessed by the AI; movement or being pushed over.
the AI then leaves the unit on which it is stored, Immutable Form. The robot is immune to any spell
and the target is incapacitated and loses control of or effect that would alter its form.
its body on the real world. The AI now controls the Machine. Robots and other machines are immune
body and the target is deprived of awareness. The to diseases, among various effects.
AI can't be targeted by any attack, spell, or other
effect, and it retains its alignment, Intelligence, Actions
Wisdom, Charisma, and immunity to being Multiattack. The robot makes three melee arm
charmed and frightened, and the Computer Affinity attacks.
feature. It otherwise uses the possessed target's Grappling Hand. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit,
statistics, but doesn't gain access to the target's reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d6+5)

Developed by Tiago Cristiano [kristianotiago@gmail.com] 71

bludgeoning damage. If the target is a Medium or
smaller creature, it is grappled (escape DC 16).
Slamming Arm. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit,
reach 10 ft., up to two targets within 10 ft. swiping
arc. Hit: 11 (1d8+5) bludgeoning damage. If the
target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 16
Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.

Gratuitous Battering. If a creature is knocked prone
or grabbed by the robot, it may use its reaction to
inflict more pain on the subject. The target must
make a Dexterity saving throw (DC 16) or take an
extra 7 (2d6) damage.

Heavy Lifters are four-legged heavy-duty

robots commonly found in construction sites
and docks.

Developed by Tiago Cristiano [kristianotiago@gmail.com] 72

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