Analysis of Recent Performance of SpaceX
Analysis of Recent Performance of SpaceX
Analysis of Recent Performance of SpaceX
SpaceX’s annual revenue before and after the 2017 NASA public-private partnerships can be
summarised in the table below. The launch revenue in the table consist of revenue gained from
SpaceX selling the launch service of rockets to lower earth orbit with payloads to both private and
public customers.
Prior to the recent 2017 PPP, SpaceX revenues reached a high of $1.05 billion during 2014. Since
2017 during the recent PPP, SpaceX’s revenue has continuously increased each year, with 2019
However, the launch revenues of SpaceX are not the only increase in financial performance. One of
SpaceX’s main objectives to create reusable and affordable products can be summarised in the table
below. Values as shown evaluate the direct costs for SpaceX in order to build and launch a rocket for
a customer since. It should be noted that particular details concerning indirect costs for SpaceX could
not be found which could have increased the specificity of the findings.
1.5 ArianeSpace Each year reductions in
costs spent to launch a
initial years prior to the recent PPP costs of building and launching a Falcon 9 decrease less
substantially than in 2017 where the cost to launch dropped from $125 million to $72.2 million.
Purely based upon analysis of revenue and reduction of costs for SpaceX to create affordable rockets,
it is clear that SpaceX has dramatically increased its success ever since 2017, likely due to the public-
private partnership with NASA and the non-quantifiable benefits which will be discussed later in the
The performance of SpaceX can be further analysed by analysing, Arianespace, one of SpaceX’s
competitors which does not partake in partnerships with NASA. Following analysis can be
summarised in the figures below dictating revenue and direct costs to launch.
From the graph whilst Arianespace has operated with greater revenue for prior years, SpaceX has
overtaken them with greater revenue, with 2018 boasting the first year where SpaceX’s revenue is
Similarly, in 2019 the cost for SpaceX to send a Falcon 9 rocket is $60 million. Comparing this with
Arianespace’s Ariane 5 the price is approximately $165 – 220 million depending on the mass of the
The market share of SpaceX can also be evaluated. Positioned in the market of launch services to
lower earth orbit in 2019 SpaceX had risen to 65% market share (Campbell, 2019). In comparison,
prior to 2017 SpaceX had an estimated market share of just over 30% in the world commercial launch
industry (Berger, 2018). The introduction of the PPP in 2017 can be seen to have increased the market