- From the Greek word “Ta biblia” w/c means Liturgical/Ecclesial Signs
“The books” - God continues to manifest Himself today
- Written by many authors that is inspired by through the Holy Spirit in the Church
God in diff. periods - The Holy Spirit is present in the Church’s
- Word of God preaching the truth of Scripture, in its
- It is infallible (no errors) witness of loving service, and through the
celebration of its Christ- given Sacraments
Bible is like a WINDOW because it informs - Proclamation of the creed
us what happened before
Bible is similar to a MIRROR because it Seven Sacraments:
forms us 1. Baptism
2. Eucharist
REVELATION, in the Jewish tradition, is a chain of 3. Confirmation
faith experiences as a people, in w/c they recognized 4. Reconciliation
the presence and action of God in history 5. Anointing of the sick
6. Marriage
God reveals himself through: 7. Holy orders