Mdxihtr: LLN$ Louf Rhich, ND

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Mdxihtr r l00tnorlg
lln$ r1 louf and 15 minutes

1. The branch of scien@ rhich d€rl6 sith principlcs ,nd p.dcties of soil, wat€. and cop

2. The aur}or ofthe b@t Forse Hoein8ll$bandry l

(A) Helnont (I])Jctlm Tull

(C) John B€m€ilawes (D) Noddn

t- The densst part Da tne ahosphere ellicn mntoiD 85% oI rbe atoosple4 6 nas :

(A) Trep6pheE (B) stmbahore

(C) Mesospherc (D) Thor66pheE
,t, A pmdmt of ddbposiiion ofDlani.nd ariDot sidws *bich a la y slabl€, anopboue
abd bNn to bleck in olour:

(() clry

5. A mineral el€Nent tll'i tun tiond in plarl detaboli.n whciher o. @t its tction i! .peiEc i3

(A) D&.ti'l nutri€ft (B) Mlcd.utnent

(q Functiodl tlrieni {D) Seondary lu.riant
0. N M€ry tr wei land rice ptudu.lion sy8ien obly ereetls :

(A) 50 60"6 (B) 30-.10%

(c) 60- ?(% (D) 20-S0%

?. Cropping irt€nsitJ ofKerrla :

(B) 134%

(c) 130% lD) r29%

8. Tbe Punchs a.on Kuttlntd :
(A) M.y to Aqut_S.Pt4nbor
(B) Seplenb€.-OctobertoFebtsrv_Maren
(C) J.!ua!y lo M.y
(D) Jun€-July io OctobeFNoEEber
9. Cheuical ploushi4 neas:
(A) i4ereTiuas! (B) Mitinum Ti[alE
(c) Oncaowr TiU.s. (D) Bli4dTiuas€

lO. A sholr dlration @D i6 b€t$@n !m bd! 5e6.on.l crcps b lnowD


(A) C!.n ftp (B) Inr€rctuP

(C) conDldsn NP O) clt h mP

1r. ttc p!.cti@ of s@ins drfrftrt ilter@p. olvarvirs height rutin{rLprh t duntiot:
(A) AlL, @ppitg (B) Multi Rtdjld Npping
(C) Mi&dcFppire (D) Ibtd ctoPpjls

l!. The r4d 'EErsF! d@luiion h.. ben giEtr bv :

(A) F.'od!
AS. (B) Dr'Ms swMin.thtn
(C) D.. V.L clEp!. (D) Dr. R A PNd.
r!. Any cd rhich n podu6d d so@M.rt Eultipliqtid f.tu i. qua]lv eUed a. .
(A) 4d
BE€d.! (B) Fouldltid.ed
(g) R..i!i.Fd ed (D) C.rti6€d ed

ra. S..dtb.i e dp.!L oa s.ridaion u&r fawutbl€ oldition. ju.t an€r liDeri!€ b@no
' ilaD$lo ot s6niltfion when tlPy @ .r@d ud* rd!rculbl. dditiu br . few drv€ is

C4) Prio&y rlom.ncY (B) N.rual doa.rcy

@) Indued dm.ncy
16. ll* .bility of tlE sit to pIodue dq per lnit aFa udA.Dei6€d .vstem natas@ft :

(c) soil i.rtuF

16, A fo.n of asiculturc dned at n€eirng ihe !s€& of tl'e pressni generatio! witnoul
€ndanseriJs tne reeue base ofile fliw
(A) O4atic rsriculi@
(() su.t.inabloadctrrilr€ (D) Modern ag-dliuE

17. Matn.stion ol dule l€ldd to the fonaiion or:

(C) Etrdo.pem (D) seed

18. TE lst pbl* of.Nd derelopdent b :

(A) Fen n.lion (s)
(C) D46i.ttion (D)

10. The *ar on the ovul6 nad€ *h€n ihe tutric]€ ai maturity is linos! ag

(A) R!pI& (B)

(C) Eilud (D)

,0. TLe D@ in shicl the @rvl.ttoD aDpe* ahoE the sil surftit it :
(A) Epi6tr.i5 (B) EPi9otY!
(q ItrTogaal (D) Epige,r

,r. The bieheEictl t6.i eEplov€d t ass$.

(A) Fd@,U.htde t€st
(C) F.Eic ctldlidc te.t

!1. lle dteD,l f'cto! ih.t bficct dd lorsBvity indude. :

(A) Wilil v.locirt

(C) Relttivs hMidity

,t. Tbe grwth reeuhtor ftquircd to se€d g€mi"nti'n is :

@) EthEl
24. Det€doraiioD ol eenelic lEity @ue due to :

iB) Derelopmetrill vditiiong

(C) t$l.iion iD) Both (A) and (a) bu. mr (c)

25, rr h€Erozysoc, but s homagan.ur p.rubtion.

(C) Open pollinntod variety

,e. Multiple efiect: of a dngl€ cene is know. ts :

8?. c.nte or diErsity is th€ area wherc culdvaiod platrt sPrcies etrd o! iheii wild relativcs

(A) Elshaco6yst n iliv€Fity

(B) Low conpetitidn witl untulai€d 8l,ecie8
(C) High6t va.iation
(D) tlishe* rcI3i€d speied

(A) Inh.apecific Nss (B) InteFvdici.l crcs

(c) lnim'gcneic @s (D) Intergenenc(os

,0. Polyplordy i. indued ihrowh :

(c) Enrs

80. i. ihe quiclest nethod ofPlana bFedirc

(A) Hyblidiatior
(C) Mutaiioa (D) Don€sti€tion
tl. Ssic .ctivity in plant bEdnlg i. :

(A) lntrcduction
(c) Doboriicarion

026/9016 . 6
32, Sonaiic \ybridizati.n i6 dchiev€d thrcugh I

(A) cfdlfins (B) PstoPlast f$io!

(C) IDNA t€chnolosY @) Budding

88. '11E rcks foded solidifi€lionoftlolt nn.3Ea:

by tho
(A) sedinent&y ocl. (B) Mtrhl.
(c) lst€ou rcctt (D) M€t3EoryLic mk

a4 Tte @mntlaiion oI ss! i! bish{ in eil .it 6Ep@d io .|n@Dberi. tir'

(A) A{or (B) Nittlget
(C) Carbondidid€ (D) oryse!

- 96. Stoltt law is tne primiple b.nintl

(C) C io! dchane! @tacitr

36. tlB Eobiliation atd rlaldsiiot ot bil 6at!!i& nd . hon@ i! &lutid @ 6u'eDion
by D€oLlinc {at . :

G) nwiatior
(C) llmii.rtiob
t?. the bGc rbudftc .len6nt h e..ih! @ud i. .

(A) M!gndi!6 @) Ircn

!3. h KeEla, rLG boir -il tvp. i.

(A) R..l sil
(O Arhvilr eil
Itg. ft€ do*!*!rd dt.y oftft.! ilto tn. 6il :

(A) Pe$lrtion
(C) Pen€rbilitY (D) Hy&.dic @trdudviiY

!0. rhe din€rd thaN i. bat e.i.tdt to $€Btbgrina :

@) Mica

41, Soil water ltld betw€€n nsxinum water holdinE cotacity ard fi€ld capaciiy:
(A) Availabl€ wrter (B) C.pill.ryNlte.
(C) Gmvitafionalwat r (D) Eysrcsmpio wat6.

!!. The .unbe. ol soil odeE ir Soil Taxonohy I

(A) l0 (B) 1l
(c) r5 (D) t2

43. Soil nobt@ ca! bo deteroisd by:

(A) Temion.ter n€thod (B) Neuttun *dtt€ing hetloil
(c) Clavinetric n€thod

,14. Ac|jre &il foroils &ctd i. :

(A) lib. (B) cunatc

(c) P@nt e.tand (D) Relief

15- ho.i&a i. r&o cfcEd !. .ub &il.

(A) O (B) A
(c) B (D) C

46, Potsntial dE ao t[q i.t r&tDn of doht . dd w.ler i! th. oil i! :

(A) Mitlic pot6nii.l

(c) PEsw poblti.l (D) CEvit tid.l pot bltat

4?. Acid 3urpbrt€ &ib @u! h lGrala i

(D) raip.d
. rr3. Bl,ck miL 6u!d in lndia.F :

(A) s*eU{htink &il. (B) sandy eil.

(C) Lany &il6 (D) Nonc ofiho abovo

aO. An jsporbnr t@l in IPM |r*d fot nants€n€Dt &il borre nu*ry di&s' :

(A) Folid spr.tltg of funscidod i*cticidet

(B) Soil @luisii@ fouded bv dEftbjla *iih bi@,ent!
(C) Foli.. spnyins ol biotic tr!nt!,
{D) SoiI with m.e.Le
60. SysreDic ndgici&@dlatibL{ l fticLd..tu 8pD :

(A) htddid.
CoPDer (B) cllbeniltiE
(q PoreiuD ph@phodt4 O) Trid.nolph

!r. Ttaodi..ion ofv.Iot Eit o@rc of Bhi i:

(A) se.d (B) I*ct
(O so O) PLrcdt
6r, Sy.t Dic whicn i. !o! .r .lt .d€cti{ a3liEt Ooov@L irn3i :
(A) C.'tond!'iD (a) c'!p'r o'otNdide
(C) M.!|qE. b @) Potloir PLoDhorrte

68, A tutsicdlt siup shich b& blct ptoDertv:

(A) t.!irel.. (B) Dittd@bdt'8
(O B.ltdoidlDld @) coppor runlicid€'

' 6a. AtgsL' i. r lyDDtor ol

(A) rurll di.4.*
(C) Eab.d.rdi!64 -
!!. vibid iti*e ol cdnui :

(A) cailEs oddg (B) Y.!odt'r dit4

(C) Stld bl€
50. Ar!€Dut dia.e thich i.6u!€d bt ! EullaD nEglt:
(A) M.hlri
(B) At n bL.dDs
. (O Bad.t€D Et
@) InOo@@ di.blct mil butio! .h€dding

A , ol6/t01€
5?: A nDrnl di*.* which i! cl@b d eirh et rilr of C@!u':
(A) t .lrct €) Bd toi
(C) Y.tlding (D) &d €t e rot

6& Fu{.! bidddel .sEn!.nccrie 4EiEt Pbdt

ot of !.tF. :
<, B.@@iabdpi.tu @) Paudaw.frtedru
lq tahdatuuiU. lD) U.tot ,ri'i[@i&,|@
!9. Chilb v.n q E!i!t nt to b.ct dal tili di*@ :

(A) Amgh! (B) Uir.lA

(c) a'€6. (D) P.Dr@t

alr. P.@d tilt of b6tld n €ued bY :

lA, Raltt nia@to@ud (B) F@a$N.Potu

(O Valti.itti,rr.p (D) At@d,u 4

61, lnFi asdilt€d tith inioFd@ blkll6f @h.t :

(A) St dboF! @) t dilth.t
(O L€iahorp.r @) T.! llo.$dto
a! llod btodblt t bpoElE b! plvtophildt infldio! it doe PLlt :

(A) 3fc- rrc (D) Itc-t6'c

(c) 10.- r6'c . @) AloE 3{t
at. t !t lid biplaEl rg.!t u4d &t@ilol of ilea D..t :
(ltt' th4til''ia8is @t A,tt @-b@
. (q b@iorsbB Ot v.xna&e6.a

a,l" Wbit 6l'.d lttltor i! tir. i! ds L :

(c!) G.n& (D) r..tlo9Fr

a6. A brh yi,ldi4 c-loF of rbh.! toldd lr l<!l.r. :

() fiiii r @) GI.r
(o BaIM 600 (D) R*Il 106

oatlrorc lo
66. l2dins tumeiic pmducing stlie in lndiq :

(A) Onst. (B) Tanil Nadu

(c) Andrrd Prtd€.h (D West Bengar

6?. The Lglteet pdning nethod follotrd in lea I

{A) prunins
c.uar (B) c€nt nng
(c) sldlang (D) ToP Pruhing

68. A hybnd vadett of .@ :

(a) criotlo (B) Fotast€re

(C) (D) None oftt!€*

6r, i. r hybrid pelper va.iety.

(A) PaltiY@r I
(C) XalluvdllY

?0. Select ihe odd ore :

?1. CoBDercitl vespiltiv€ propagltid netbod ir Clohs* :

(A) layeing
Air iB)
(c) Plbn buddi.g (D) soil wmd c?alting

t2, Te! nGquito n . P6t or:

(S) T@

t3. A c@tL tsulator @d fo! yi€ld .dnuletion in lubber :

(A) Dtl€phon (B) s€ladix

(c) Planofir O) Atonik

?4. nlick sleled v.nety of oil p8ID :

1l 0t611016
?5. ChaodmlsLsLa rs5 hlbnd

76. The per Ia pl'nting detuitv tor t,ppi'8 rubber is :

(A) {10 o) 445

(Q) 310 (D) 100

7?. Dconont tife spEn oft|ue cardanon is

7s, Codee speoes pref€dns hisher dltitQde I

(A) cofleoTaz1hoto (B) C omb'd

(q c.abqie (D) c @4"tu8

?9. Thc p,n $'!ich is u*d ;s spice it clov6 i! |

(A) Fruitt E) Seetl6

(c) Mature ltower buds (D) r"res

80.'th€ *;ncinctrMeolcindnon'6 :
(A) CituMnutu \B) C ztktnen
(C) C wtabotuta @) C bn4l^
8r. !{ho p.opo*d the pEMble of lndia. @n$ituiion b'fore tne dra{tins onDittet?
(A) BR Anbedlar (B) JataLalbr N€hru
(C) B.N. Rao (D) KM Mudhi
which articl€
82, Th€ eovernnsni abolish€d th€ pr!.hoe of tniouchabililv u!d€' the prcvisios of
oflndian comtituiion :
(A) Article 29 (B) &ticle 13
(c) Atticb r? (D) Artide 20

8$. Th€ P.eodett can prelain D.tiond cEer€ncv onlv on tle wntien advie or:
(A) The Cti€fJusiie of lndid @) TID Sp€alq oftt&t'bha
. {O r$e Uaion Cdtnber (D) Th€ Pnne Minister

025/2016 t2
34. l he joinl segiion of tle Pdrlianett B prcaided over by :

(A) Presidcnr
The (B) Tle spcaker of t-Is'Iha
(C) Princlqini$te. 1D) ChieiJlsric oflDdia

35. Thudi[kunna 'l'baluk.l i3 llc autobiography of:

!\) Chonganpuzharti.hnapillai (ts) S.KPotbkksd
(C) Kes,vadev (D) lonkunnan VulkeY

36, ln shichyedThakazliSivssankarapillaiwo. lh€ Jnanapil!wa.d?

(,{) 1965 (B) l93o
(c) 1982 (D) 1934

3?. Th€ tuli *ondn direclor of Defcnce Rchearch etrd D.rclopDcnt orsanisation ORDO) :

(A) Bhaitlcharya
Arundhaili (B) J Marlula
(C) TessyTlomlB iD) I!&s Nooyi

88- w}lo *on the world F@d P.ia 2015?

(A) Vlar Sharn. (B) ItV Chaudhari
(C) Ajal Kunar Jyorhi (D) FEial Hleeatr A!€d

89. WLo *ror€ the hmk llalici.lfricnd?

00. VaUalhol PursbkaraD lor the ye6r 2016 wss dwarded i! :

(A) v$nd€ranNan
M.T. (B) T ParlE!tr,bhan
(C) Subbdsbchdndran (D) Anand

91. The New.pdps! Mitavadi wa6 8tlrt€d in the :

{A) 1906 (B) l9o7

(c) 1903 (D) 1912

92. wlro Na* the ronDder of th€ ' S.ndeva l'uis!}a.lri Stbh.r
(A) Karuppdn
Pdndit K.P. (B) v€lulurtv Ardvan
(C) Arratban eoparan (D) Podpadi Jobn J@ph
9t. l. 1933, sno sl3|icd a newsrapcr €Ded 'Velsl&s.n lot tno lab.urrs?
(A) Dr Pllpu (B) SaboddronAwappan
(C) M@rlooth&n,.an (D) A.K Gopalan

04. As lore a. csst di.abniu$ e{i6iod ihep could b€ no sqara". who s,id tnis?
(.\) (elappan
K (B) c. Keev.n
{C) Tr M.dhavln (D) ManrathPadEanabndD

06. Tho Musbal rulor who intrcduceil th€ 'Chain of Justi@' for in. sn@!h snduct of
(A) Hunaru (B) At<bar
(C) Jatrangi. (D) Au.s4akb

06. The ftsr Mahvalee woda! chi.f Justi@ ol Kcrala llig} court :

(A) sujatlManohA. (B) Anra chantli

(C) OD,.a Kuljanru tD) K.Ic U.ha

07. Who si3|ted ho hly callcd 'Aihdrnthan ?

(A) salodsmrA$.ppa. (B) X.P. vend
(q roilayilYoh.nnan (D) C. re6avan
,8. Wlo round€d AtEavidhya SaqghaD ?

@) Vagnabnabr.nda (8) Bnhnudda Sivayosi

(O TbJ4nilArya (D) Chlttlrpi Swlailal
9t. The Notet P.iz fo. Esobi6 sas iNtiiuted in the year i
(A) 1901 (B) 1946
(c) 1963 (D) 1967

r0o. lh. D€lhi Sdb! wno et up a & deparioed 60r ihe ndntemne of 3bv€d sr5 :

(A) Qurb.ud-din-Aih€k (B) Belban

(c) Fid, Sh.hl'blclsq (D) Sildibr r-di


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