Mdxihtr: LLN$ Louf Rhich, ND
Mdxihtr: LLN$ Louf Rhich, ND
Mdxihtr: LLN$ Louf Rhich, ND
Mdxihtr r l00tnorlg
lln$ r1 louf and 15 minutes
1. The branch of scien@ rhich d€rl6 sith principlcs ,nd p.dcties of soil, wat€. and cop
t- The densst part Da tne ahosphere ellicn mntoiD 85% oI rbe atoosple4 6 nas :
(() clry
5. A mineral el€Nent tll'i tun tiond in plarl detaboli.n whciher o. @t its tction i! .peiEc i3
(B) 134%
8. Tbe Punchs a.on Kuttlntd :
(A) M.y to Aqut_S.Pt4nbor
(B) Seplenb€.-OctobertoFebtsrv_Maren
(C) J.!ua!y lo M.y
(D) Jun€-July io OctobeFNoEEber
9. Cheuical ploushi4 neas:
(A) i4ereTiuas! (B) Mitinum Ti[alE
(c) Oncaowr TiU.s. (D) Bli4dTiuas€
1r. ttc p!.cti@ of s@ins drfrftrt ilter@p. olvarvirs height rutin{rLprh t duntiot:
(A) AlL, @ppitg (B) Multi Rtdjld Npping
(C) Mi&dcFppire (D) Ibtd ctoPpjls
(A) F.'od!
AS. (B) Dr'Ms swMin.thtn
(C) D.. V.L clEp!. (D) Dr. R A PNd.
r!. Any cd rhich n podu6d d so@M.rt Eultipliqtid f.tu i. qua]lv eUed a. .
(A) 4d
BE€d.! (B) Fouldltid.ed
(g) R..i!i.Fd ed (D) C.rti6€d ed
ra. S..dtb.i e dp.!L oa s.ridaion u&r fawutbl€ oldition. ju.t an€r liDeri!€ b@no
' ilaD$lo ot s6niltfion when tlPy @ .r@d ud* rd!rculbl. dditiu br . few drv€ is
10. The *ar on the ovul6 nad€ *h€n ihe tutric]€ ai maturity is linos! ag
,0. TLe D@ in shicl the @rvl.ttoD aDpe* ahoE the sil surftit it :
(A) Epi6tr.i5 (B) EPi9otY!
(q ItrTogaal (D) Epige,r
@) EthEl
24. Det€doraiioD ol eenelic lEity @ue due to :
8?. c.nte or diErsity is th€ area wherc culdvaiod platrt sPrcies etrd o! iheii wild relativcs
(c) Enrs
(A) lntrcduction
(c) Doboriicarion
026/9016 . 6
32, Sonaiic \ybridizati.n i6 dchiev€d thrcugh I
G) nwiatior
(C) llmii.rtiob
t?. the bGc rbudftc .len6nt h e..ih! @ud i. .
(A) Pe$lrtion
(C) Pen€rbilitY (D) Hy&.dic @trdudviiY
@) Mica
41, Soil water ltld betw€€n nsxinum water holdinE cotacity ard fi€ld capaciiy:
(A) Availabl€ wrter (B) C.pill.ryNlte.
(C) Gmvitafionalwat r (D) Eysrcsmpio wat6.
(A) l0 (B) 1l
(c) r5 (D) t2
(D) raip.d
. rr3. Bl,ck miL 6u!d in lndia.F :
aO. An jsporbnr t@l in IPM |r*d fot nants€n€Dt &il borre nu*ry di&s' :
(A) htddid.
CoPDer (B) cllbeniltiE
(q PoreiuD ph@phodt4 O) Trid.nolph
A , ol6/t01€
5?: A nDrnl di*.* which i! cl@b d eirh et rilr of C@!u':
(A) t .lrct €) Bd toi
(C) Y.tlding (D) &d €t e rot
(c!) G.n& (D) r..tlo9Fr
() fiiii r @) GI.r
(o BaIM 600 (D) R*Il 106
oatlrorc lo
66. l2dins tumeiic pmducing stlie in lndiq :
(A) layeing
Air iB)
(c) Plbn buddi.g (D) soil wmd c?alting
1l 0t611016
?5. ChaodmlsLsLa rs5 hlbnd
80.'th€ *;ncinctrMeolcindnon'6 :
(A) CituMnutu \B) C ztktnen
(C) C wtabotuta @) C bn4l^
8r. !{ho p.opo*d the pEMble of lndia. @n$ituiion b'fore tne dra{tins onDittet?
(A) BR Anbedlar (B) JataLalbr N€hru
(C) B.N. Rao (D) KM Mudhi
which articl€
82, Th€ eovernnsni abolish€d th€ pr!.hoe of tniouchabililv u!d€' the prcvisios of
oflndian comtituiion :
(A) Article 29 (B) &ticle 13
(c) Atticb r? (D) Artide 20
8$. Th€ P.eodett can prelain D.tiond cEer€ncv onlv on tle wntien advie or:
(A) The Cti€fJusiie of lndid @) TID Sp€alq oftt&t'bha
. {O r$e Uaion Cdtnber (D) Th€ Pnne Minister
025/2016 t2
34. l he joinl segiion of tle Pdrlianett B prcaided over by :
(A) Presidcnr
The (B) Tle spcaker of t-Is'Iha
(C) Princlqini$te. 1D) ChieiJlsric oflDdia
3?. Th€ tuli *ondn direclor of Defcnce Rchearch etrd D.rclopDcnt orsanisation ORDO) :
(A) Bhaitlcharya
Arundhaili (B) J Marlula
(C) TessyTlomlB iD) I!&s Nooyi
(A) v$nd€ranNan
M.T. (B) T ParlE!tr,bhan
(C) Subbdsbchdndran (D) Anand
92. wlro Na* the ronDder of th€ ' S.ndeva l'uis!}a.lri Stbh.r
(A) Karuppdn
Pdndit K.P. (B) v€lulurtv Ardvan
(C) Arratban eoparan (D) Podpadi Jobn J@ph
9t. l. 1933, sno sl3|icd a newsrapcr €Ded 'Velsl&s.n lot tno lab.urrs?
(A) Dr Pllpu (B) SaboddronAwappan
(C) M@rlooth&n,.an (D) A.K Gopalan
04. As lore a. csst di.abniu$ e{i6iod ihep could b€ no sqara". who s,id tnis?
(.\) (elappan
K (B) c. Keev.n
{C) Tr M.dhavln (D) ManrathPadEanabndD
06. Tho Musbal rulor who intrcduceil th€ 'Chain of Justi@' for in. sn@!h snduct of
(A) Hunaru (B) At<bar
(C) Jatrangi. (D) Au.s4akb
06. The ftsr Mahvalee woda! chi.f Justi@ ol Kcrala llig} court :
r0o. lh. D€lhi Sdb! wno et up a & deparioed 60r ihe ndntemne of 3bv€d sr5 :