Addie Model
Addie Model
Addie Model
1. A is for Analysis
In the beginning, there was research. It all starts with it, after all, doesn’t it?
Did you believe our Creator (no matter who He / She / It / N/A is) just glued together some body
parts to create the first of our kind? Did man go to the Moon blindfolded? The answer to both
questions is “no,” people *insert another whip sound effect here*
So, the first thing you want to do is analyze the current training ground, and see your trainees’
knowledge gaps, their past training, what’s worked, what has not, etc. This is actually among the
most essential phases of the training process.
You may even ask yourself about the purpose of your training. So, except for the current situation,
you need to look into your goals and expectations from your program, as well as the media and
methodologies you’re going to use.
Sounds intimidating? Don’t worry! We have an excellent tip for you. A method the journalistic
community has generously given us.
When reporters want to write a story, they ask themselves six questions which they must address as
soon as the article starts (lead). This is the “5 W’s and an H” rule.
How are you going to achieve this? (The methodology and the requirements)
If you have a clear answer to each one of these questions as well as a general analysis of the current
situation, then you have completed both your plan and the very first step. Let’s move on!
2. D is for Design
You know what the first step in the ADDIE training process is. Now it’s time to turn theory (Analysis)
into action (Design).
The very first thing you want to do is to decide what format you are going to use. Is it going to be a
simulation, a simple quiz with minimal interaction, a video-based course? The ADDIE model is great
for creating courses but you are the one who needs to determine what type of course it’s going to
Second, the methodology and the strategy of your training delivery. In what order are you going to
feature each section of your training? Are you going to brief your trainees first (preliminary training)
to motivate them? How much time are they going to need to complete your course? These may
sound like simple questions, but they need answers before you can start creating your prototype.
After that, you have to make sure your course is ready to be taken. Don’t unleash it into the wild just
yet. Test it with members of your team to see whether you need to make any small (or even
significant) adjustments, and conclude the final product overview.
The step of Development is nothing more than putting all the ideas and the core creative designs
you’ve thoughtfully planned into action. All the decisions you’ve taken during the Design stage are
now going to work as guides for the Development phase.
Polish the details by adding graphs, colors, graphics, multimedia, etc. Some people might feel like
they’re shifting the deckchairs on the Titanic (I see you, you technical junkies!) but the level of
learner engagement will increase. Dramatically.
The Development phase will need a lot of testing. Create your course and start testing it so you can
check there are no grammatical, syntax, or spelling errors and, if using an online learning platform,
that there are no bugs in modules, navigation, etc.
One last thing you might want to check is your content. Is it too long? Maybe too short to include all
the information in a comprehensible way perspicuously? What about the flow and the pacing? Does
it grab your trainees’ attention?
In the Design phase, you determine how your whole lesson unfolds.
During Development, you put everything into action and test it.
An efficient LMS (Learning Management System) software will help you both share your course with
the public and monitor how it performs. Do you need to see how many users have signed up for
your courses? Those who’ve passed or failed? Great! An LMS sounds like a perfect solution for you.
If you need an LMS with great reporting capabilities, we might have what you need!
TalentLMS is an award-winning system equipped with all the up-to-date monitoring tools.
But just a heads-up. A serious one. When you are choosing an LMS, you need to make sure the
reporting tools are really on-point so you can monitor your learners’ performance and progress. And
monitoring is essential in ADDIE because this is what the final step is all about:
The moment you’ve all been waiting for. The time to answer the “what is the final step in the ADDIE
training process” question, guys!
Don’t believe, even for a second, that when we’re talking about evaluation, we’re talking about you
evaluating learners. You are being assessed, too! This is the power of ADDIE. That you can actually
monitor results, improve yourself, and become a better instructional designer. If you feel
something’s not right, you can just revise it.
A quick fix to see how good or bad your course performed is to ask your very own learners.
Put a survey at the end of your course and ask them about their experience, what they have learned
so far, what suggestions they might have, and more. Identify any gaps you need to fill and address
them right away, either in this specific course or in future ones.
We know that presenting the benefits for a model that’s universally accepted feels like trying to
convince you that Michael Jackson was a great performer. Or that Mariah Carey’s voice has left the
building. They’re all too obvious!
But, in case you’re brand new to instructional design, here’s a brief list of the advantages of the
ADDIE instructional design model:
First, with ADDIE you never get lost. The structure is so on-point that instructors know what action
they need to take before you move to another one.
Trainers can assess objectives and results to figure out what part of the course needs further
In an industry full of technicality, ADDIE puts design where it belongs (aka. into the core creation
process) to engage more and more learners.
It’s the Father of all instructional design models, so it combines all of them together.
Now, regarding the disadvantage(s), some instructional designers are not really fascinated with the
idea of this linear approach and the waterfall model ADDIE promotes.
To fully use the ADDIE model, you must be familiar with your course’s objectives on the dot. Truth
be told, ADDIE kind of assumes you know all your goals and requirements before you start
developing or even experimenting with your content. The reason? You can just move from one stage
to another, but you can only go forward in a circular motion. As a result, it’s only when you reach the
stage of Evaluation that you are free to jump back to one of the previous steps to revise it.
So, in the Analysis stage, you need to analyze yourself and see if you know what you want your
learners and yourself to get from the overall procedure.
As one of the longest-lasting models (it first appeared in 1975), it has managed to evolve into a key
player when it comes to instructional design. Something that no other model has managed to
achieve so far.
So, it’s your time to shine in the comments section below — we all have to start somewhere, right?
Let us know if you have used ADDIE yet and what your experience has been like. Our community
Improved employee performance – the employee who receives the necessary training is
more able to perform in their job. The training will give the employee a greater
understanding of their responsibilities within their role, and in turn build their confidence.
This confidence will enhance their overall performance and this can only benefit the
company. Employees who are competent and on top of changing industry standards help
your company hold a position as a leader and strong competitor within the industry.
Improved employee satisfaction and morale – the investment in training that a company
makes shows employees that they are valued. The training creates a supportive workplace.
Employees may gain access to training they wouldn’t have otherwise known about or
sought out themselves. Employees who feel appreciated and challenged through training
opportunities may feel more satisfaction toward their jobs.
Addressing weaknesses – Most employees will have some weaknesses in their workplace
skills. A training program allows you to strengthen those skills that each employee needs to
improve. A development program brings all employees to a higher level so they all have
similar skills and knowledge. This helps reduce any weak links within the company who rely
heavily on others to complete basic work tasks. Providing the necessary training creates an
overall knowledgeable staff with employees who can take over for one another as needed,
work on teams or work independently without constant help and supervision from others.
Consistency – A robust training and development program ensures that employees have a
consistent experience and background knowledge. The consistency is particularly relevant
for the company’s basic policies and procedures. All employees need to be aware of the
expectations and procedures within the company. Increased efficiencies in processes results
in financial gain for the company.
Increased innovation in new strategies and products – Ongoing training and upskilling of
the workforce can encourage creativity. New ideas can be formed as a direct result of
training and development.
Reduced employee turnover – staff are more likely to feel valued if they are invested in and
therefore, less likely to change employers. Training and development is seen as an
additional company benefit. Recruitment costs therefore go down due to staff retention.
Enhances company reputation and profile – Having a strong and successful training
strategy helps to develop your employer brand and make your company a prime
consideration for graduates and mid-career changes. Training also makes a company more
attractive to potential new recruits who seek to improve their skills and the opportunities
associated with those new skills.
Training can be of any kind relevant to the work or responsibilities of the individual, and can
be delivered by any appropriate method.
The importance of training your employees – both new and experienced – really cannot be
KSA model :
Each KSA element is an important part of learning and development. Training (regardless of
the subject) should result in improved knowledge, improved skills and an improved attitude
toward the subject matter and training process. Utilizing these elements as the framework
of objective development will result in tangible, measurable outcomes.
This first learning objective is broken out into three sub-divisions: declarative knowledge,
which consists of information that is placed into one’s memory; procedural knowledge,
which consists of information added to current knowledge and intended for immediate use;
and strategic knowledge, which has to do with one’s understanding of how, when and why
information is used.
Your training program should always aim to increase the knowledge base of the training
audience. Training that fails in this objective is often considered by the training audience to
be a waste of time, for obvious reasons.
I have participated in many training programs that have told me what to do but have left me
wondering how to do it. Students must not only be provided with what to do, but should
also be trained and practiced in how to do it. Skills cannot be developed without practice.
Attitudes are affected by feelings towards the subject matter and the overall learning
process. Most people who have led a training class or seminar experienced the effects of a
participant’s negative attitude toward the training. This is often the result of a bad
experience related to a prior training or the subject matter. It should be the goal of every
training program to improve attitudes and behaviors toward both the training process and
the subject matter. This must be considered and addressed in the development phase.
Failure to do this will result it low retention levels and a failed training program.
The old saying, “fail to plan, plan to fail,” holds very true when establishing objectives, as
programs that lack tangible and planned learning objectives often fail. Ensure learning
objectives are your primary focus as you plan and develop a safety training program.
Without a solid foundation of learning objectives, your training program has no more than a
chance at success; with learning objectives, you’re on your way to successful program
Time Availability
Most small businesses can’t afford for employees to be away from the jobs for too long.
Scheduling training classes or arranging for coverage while employees take time off to
complete mandatory courses can be challenging, particularly when all employees don’t
work in the same location. Advances in technology make it possible to conduct distance
learning options, using web-based conferencing software, so that one session can be
scheduled for all employees, regardless of the office they work in. As employees try to
balance their work and their personal lives, most employees express reluctance to spend
extra, unpaid hours completing training.
Training Quality
As technology advances, people use games and multimedia entertainment on a regular
basis in their personal lives. Younger workers particularly expect high-quality options at
work, as well, and no longer tolerate poorly constructed training materials. To motivate
employees, training professionals need to provide engaging course materials. They include
contests, simulations and collaboration to encourage the most knowledge transfer and
business impact as a result of training.
Budget Constraints
Developing effective training requires time and effort. To develop training, these projects
require funding like any other project. Skilled personnel, including instructional designers
and multimedia developers, typically contribute to these types of efforts. However,
specialized resources cost money. Small business owners should consider building
relationships with other small businesses and scheduling training courses together to get
the best deals. Additionally, employees can take advantage of free resources, such as those
offered by the Small Business Administration’s Training Network or free online, courses
available from institutions, such as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Saylor or
other websites.
8. OPENNESS • Spontaneous expression of feelings and thoughts and sharing of these
without defensiveness 22-11-2016 8
9. CONFRONTATION • Facing rather than shying from the problems 22-11-2016 9
10. TRUST • Referred to maintaining the confidentiality and mutual understanding • Reflect
in a sense of assurance of help when need arise 22-11-2016 10
11. AUTHENTICITY • Congruence between what one feels, says and does • It reduces
dissonances between members of the organizations 22-11-2016 11
12. PRO ACTIVITY Taking initiative and pre- planning • Feeling • Thinking • Action 22-11-
2016 12
13. AUTONOMY • Releasing power that the employee already posses • Individuals enjoy
freedom of action 22-11-2016 13
14. COLLABORATION • Working together for mutual benefits • It develop team spirit 22-11-
2016 14
15. EXPERIMENTATION • Promoting creative and innovation in the organization 22-11-2016