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630 Antennas

13.1 An antenna located in a city is a source of radio waves. How much time does it take the
wave to reach a town 12,000 km away from the city?
(a) 36 s
(b) 20 us
(c) 20 ms
(d) 40 ms
(e) None of the above

13.2 In eq. (13.34), which term is the radiation term?

(a) 1/rterm
(b) l/r 2 term
(c) IIr" term
(d) All of the above

13.3 A very small thin wire of length X/100 has a radiation resistance of

(a) = 0 G
(b) 0.08 G
(c) 7.9 G
(d) 790 0

13.4 A quarter-wave monopole antenna operating in air at frequency 1 MHz must have an
overall length of

(a) € » X
(b) 300 m
(c) 150 m
(d) 75 m
(e) ( <sC X

13.5 If a small single-turn loop antenna has a radiation resistance of 0.04 G, how many turns
are needed to produce a radiation resistance of 1 G?
(a) 150
(b) 125
(c) 50
(d) 25
(e) 5

13.6 At a distance of 8 km from a differential antenna, the field strength is 12 /iV/m. The field
strength at a location 20 km from the antenna is

(a) 75/xV/m
(b) 30,xV/m
(c) 4.8/xV/m
(d) 1.92/zV/m

13.7 An antenna has f/max = 10 W/sr, l/ ave = 4.5 W/sr, and i\r = 95%. The input power to
the antenna is
(a) 2.222 W
(b) 12.11 W
(c) 55.55 W
(d) 59.52 W

13.8 A receiving antenna in an airport has a maximum dimension of 3 m and operates at 100
MHz. An aircraft approaching the airport is 1/2 km from the antenna. The aircraft is in
the far field region of the antenna.

(a) True
(b) False

13.9 A receiving antenna is located 100 m away from the transmitting antenna. If the effective
area of the receiving antenna is 500 cm2 and the power density at the receiving location
is 2 mW/m 2 , the total power received is:

(a) lOnW
(b) 100 nW
(c) 1/xW
(d) 10 ^W
(e) 100 ^W

13.10 Let R be the maximum range of a monostatic radar. If a target with radar cross section of
5 m2 exists at R/2, what should be the target cross section at 3R/2 to result in an equal
signal strength at the radar?

(a) 0.0617 m 2
(b) 0.555 m 2
(c) 15 m 2
(d) 45 m2
(e) 405 m2

Answers: 13.Id, 13.2a, 13.3b, 13.4d, 13.5e, 13.6c, 13.7d, 13.8a, 13.9e, 13.10e.
632 • Antennas

13.1 The magnetic vector potential at point P(r, 8, <j>) due to a small antenna located at the
origin is given by

50 e->Br

where r2 = x2 + y2 + z2• Find E(r, 6, <j>, t) and H(r, d, <j>, i) at the far field.

13.2 A Hertzian dipole at the origin in free space has di = 2 0 c m and 7 = 1 0 c o s 2irl07t A,
find \E6s\ at the distant point (100, 0, 0 ) .

13.3 A 2-A source operating at 300 MHz feeds a Hertzian dipole of length 5 mm situated at
the origin. Find Es and H,. at (10, 30°, 90°).

13.4 (a) Instead of a constant current distribution assumed for the short dipole of Section

13.2, assume a triangular current distribution 7, = 7O I 1 — j shown in Figure

13.23. Show that

?rad = 2 0 7TZ I -

which is one-fourth of that in eq. (13.13). Thus Rmd depends on the current distribu-
(b) Calculate the length of the dipole that will result in a radiation resistance of 0.5 0.

13.5 An antenna can be modeled as an electric dipole of length 5 m at 3 MHz. Find the radia-
tion resistance of the antenna assuming a uniform current over its length.

13.6 A half-wave dipole fed by a 50-0 transmission line, calculate the reflection coefficient
and the standing wave ratio.

13.7 A 1-m-long car radio antenna operates in the AM frequency of 1.5 MHz. How much
current is required to transmit 4 W of power?

Figure 13.23 Short dipole antenna with triangular current distri-

bution; for Problem 13.4.

*13.8 (a) Show that the generated far field expressions for a thin dipole of length € carrying si-
nusoidal current Io cos @z are

,-/3rCos^ Yc0St)J ~ cos y

2-wr sin 8

[Hint: Use Figure 13.4 and start with eq. (13.14).]

(b) On a polar coordinate sheet, plot fifi) in part (a) for € = X, 3X/2 and 2X.

*13.9 For Problem 13.4.

(a) Determine E, and H s at the far field

(b) Calculate the directivity of the dipole

*13.10 An antenna located on the surface of a flat earth transmits an average power of 200 kW.
Assuming that all the power is radiated uniformly over the surface of a hemisphere with
the antenna at the center, calculate (a) the time-average Poynting vector at 50 km, and
(b) the maximum electric field at that location.

13.11 A 100-turn loop antenna of radius 20 cm operating at 10 MHz in air is to give a 50 mV/m
field strength at a distance 3 m from the loop. Determine

(a) The current that must be fed to the antenna

(b) The average power radiated by the antenna

13.12 Sketch the normalized E-field and //-field patterns for

(a) A half-wave dipole

(b) A quarter-wave monopole

13.13 Based on the result of Problem 13.8, plot the vertical field patterns of monopole antennas
of lengths € = 3X/2, X, 5X/8. Note that a 5X/8 monopole is often used in practice.

13.14 In free space, an antenna has a far-zone field given by

where /3 = wV/x o e o . Determine the radiated power.

13.15 At the far field, the electric field produced by an antenna is

E s = — e~j/3r cos 6 cos <j> az

Sketch the vertical pattern of the antenna. Your plot should include as many points as
634 Antennas

13.16 For an Hertzian dipole, show that the time-average power density is related to the radia-
tion power according to
1.5 sin20 _

13.17 At the far field, an antenna produces

2 sin 6 cos 4>

ave a r W/m 2 , 0 < 6 < x, 0 < </> < x/2

Calculate the directive gain and the directivity of the antenna.

13.18 From Problem 13.8, show that the normalized field pattern of a full-wave (€ = X)
antenna is given by

cos(x cos 6) + 1
Sketch the field pattern.

13.19 For a thin dipole A/16 long, find: (a) the directive gain, (b) the directivity, (c) the effec-
tive area, (d) the radiation resistance.

13.20 Repeat Problem 13.19 for a circular thin loop antenna A/12 in diameter.

13.21 A half-wave dipole is made of copper and is of diameter 2.6 mm. Determine the effi-
ciency of the dipole if it operates at 15 MHz.
Hint: Obtain R( from R(/Rdc = a/28; see Section 10.6.

13.22 Find C/ave, t/ max , and D if:

(a) Uifi, 4>) = sin2 20, 0 < 0 < x, 0 < 0 < 2TT
(b) Uifi, <t>) = 4 esc 2 20, TT/3 < 0 < x/2, 0 < <j> < x
2 2
(c) U(6, 4>) = 2 sin 0 sin <j>, 0 < d < x, 0 < <t> < x

13.23 For the following radiation intensities, find the directive gain and directivity:

(a) U(6, 4>) = sin 2 0, 0 < 0 < x, 0 < <j> < 2x

(b) U(6, <t>) = 4 sin 2 0 c o s 2 0 , O < 0 < T T , 0 < 0 < TT
2 2
(c) Uifi, <t>) = 10 cos 0 sin 4>/2, 0 < 0 < x, 0 < <f> < x/2

13.24 In free space, an antenna radiates a field


at far field. Determine: (a) the total radiated power, (b) the directive gain at 0 = 60°.

13.25 Derive Es at far field due to the two-element array shown in Figure 13.24. Assume that
the Hertzian dipole elements are fed in phase with uniform current / o cos cot.

Figure 13.24 Two-element array of Problem



13.26 An array comprises two dipoles that are separated by one wavelength. If the dipoles are
fed by currents of the same magnitude and phase,

(a) Find the array factor.

(b) Calculate the angles where the nulls of the pattern occur.
(c) Determine the angles where the maxima of the pattern occur.
(d) Sketch the group pattern in the plane containing the elements.

13.27 An array of two elements that are fed by currents that are 180° out of phase with each
other. Plot the group pattern if the elements are separated by: (a) d = A/4, (b) d = X/2

13.28 Sketch the group pattern in the xz-plane of the two-element array of Figure 13.10 with
(a) d = A, a = -all
(b) d = A/4, a = 3TT/4
(c) d = 3A/4, a = 0

13.29 An antenna array consists of N identical Hertzian dipoles uniformly located along the z-
axis and polarized in the ^-direction. If the spacing between the dipole is A/4, sketch the
group pattern when: (a) N = 2, (b) N = 4.

13.30 Sketch the resultant group patterns for the four-element arrays shown in Figure 13.25.

'12. l[0_ Figure 13.25 For Problem 13.30.

-X/2- -X/2- x/2-


'12. I jit 12 //3ir/2

•X/4- -X/4- -X/4-

636 • Antennas

13.31 For a 10-turn loop antenna of radius 15 cm operating at 100 MHz, calculate the effective
area at $ = 30°, <j> = 90°.

13.32 An antenna receives a power of 2 /xW from a radio station. Calculate its effective area if
the antenna is located in the far zone of the station where E = 50 mV/m.

13.33 (a) Show that the Friis transmission equation can be written as
"r _ AerAet

(b) Two half-wave dipole antennas are operated at 100 MHz and separated by 1 km. If
80 W is transmitted by one, how much power is received by the other?

13.34 The electric field strength impressed on a half-wave dipole is 3 mV/m at 60 MHz. Cal-
culate the maximum power received by the antenna. Take the directivity of the half-wave
dipole as 1.64.

13.35 The power transmitted by a synchronous orbit satellite antenna is 320 W. If the antenna
has a gain of 40 dB at 15 GHz, calculate the power received by another antenna with a
gain of 32 dB at the range of 24,567 km.

13.36 The directive gain of an antenna is 34 dB. If the antenna radiates 7.5 kW at a distance of
40 km, find the time-average power density at that distance.

13.37 Two identical antennas in an anechoic chamber are separated by 12 m and are oriented
for maximum directive gain. At a frequency of 5 GHz, the power received by one is 30
dB down from that transmitted by the other. Calculate the gain of the antennas in dB.

13.38 What is the maximum power that can be received over a distance of 1.5 km in free space
with a 1.5-GHz circuit consisting of a transmitting antenna with a gain of 25 dB and a re-
ceiving antenna with a gain of 30 dB? The transmitted power is 200 W.

13.39 An L-band pulse radar with a common transmitting and receiving antenna having a di-
rective gain of 3500 operates at 1500 MHz and transmits 200 kW. If the object is 120 km
from the radar and its scattering cross section is 8 m2, find
(a) The magnitude of the incident electric field intensity of the object
(b) The magnitude of the scattered electric field intensity at the radar
(c) The amount of power captured by the object
(d) The power absorbed by the antenna from the scattered wave

13.40 A transmitting antenna with a 600 MHz carrier frequency produces 80 W of power. Find
the power received by another antenna at a free space distance of 1 km. Assume both an-
tennas has unity power gain.

13.41 A monostable radar operating at 6 GHz tracks a 0.8 m2 target at a range of 250 m. If the
gain is 40 dB, calculate the minimum transmitted power that will give a return power of

13.42 In the bistatic radar system of Figure 13.26, the ground-based antennas are separated by
4 km and the 2.4 m2 target is at a height of 3 km. The system operates at 5 GHz. For Gdt
of 36 dB and Gdr of 20 dB, determine the minimum necessary radiated power to obtain a
return power of 8 X 10~ 12 W.

Target a Figure 13.26 For Problem 13.42.

3 km

Receiving antenna

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