SLM - Unit 01
SLM - Unit 01
SLM - Unit 01
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Definition and Need of Computer Security
1.3 The OSI Security Architecture
1.4 Security Attacks
1.5 Security Services
1.6 Security Mechanisms
1.7 Network Security Model
1.8 Summary
1.9 Terminal Questions
1.10 Answers
1.1 Introduction
As you know, computers play a very important role in the modern world of
Information Technology (IT) as they have touched almost every aspect of
our lives. We use computers for various applications in different fields. It
would be impossible for us to imagine a single day without encountering a
computer or a device dependent on a computer or information produced by
a computer. At the same time, computing system or a part of it can be the
target of a crime. We know that a computing system refers to a group of
hardware, software, storage media, data, and personnel that an
organization utilizes to carry out their jobs, or tasks. It so possible that
anybody can misuse in innumerable ways the details of customers saved on
paper, or recorded on a storage medium, stored in different forms of
memory like disk drives etc. For example in banking sector, a competitor
bank can use data or details of customers to steal clients or to disrupt
service and disgrace the bank. A dishonest person can transfer money from
one account to another without the knowledge of account holders. This
clearly shows us the need for computer security but it is indeed a very
challenging task. Today IT security managers face many challenges since
they have to take care and maintain a secure environment to protect the
company’s assets and industry reputation with smaller budgets and staff. In
the 1960s the proliferation of computers and communications systems
brought with it a demand from the private sector to have means to protect
information in digital form and to provide security services. Data Encryption
Standard (DES) the most well-known cryptographic mechanism in history
remains as a standard for securing electronic commerce for many financial
institutions in the world. In 1976 the most striking development happened in
the history of cryptography when Diffie and Hellman published New
Directions in Cryptography with concept of public-key cryptography. This
unit explains you the basic concepts of computer security which includes
definition of computer security and need, OSI security architecture, security
attacks and services, security Mechanisms and Network Security Model.
After studying this unit, you should be able to:
define computer security and list its main objectives
explain the need for computer security
explain the OSI security architecture
list and explain types of security attacks
explain the security services as applied to X.800
enlist the security mechanisms defined in X.800.
Apart from these three concepts shown in CIA triad, two additional concepts
are also important. They are:
Authenticity: In computing security, data, transactions, communications
or documents should be genuine. So it is important for authenticity to
validate that both parties involved are the ones they claim to be. Some
information security systems use authentication called "digital
signatures", to make sure that the message data is genuine and is sent
by the one possessing the proper signing key.
Accountability: The security goal that generates the requirement for
actions of an entity to be traced uniquely to that entity. This supports
Self-Assessment Questions
1. ______________________ means confidential information is not
disclosed to unauthorized individuals or not made available to public.
2. Confidentiality, integrity and availability form ____________ triad.
3. TCP/IP stands for _______________________________________.
1. Passive Attacks
Passive attacks involve in eavesdropping (i.e. listening secretly to other’s
private conversation without any consent from them), or monitoring of data
transmissions. Passive attacks do not modify content or data of messages.
The purpose of the opponent (or an enemy or attacker or adversary) is to
obtain information that is being transmitted.
Passive attacks are of two types. They are:
Release of message contents
Traffic analysis.
We can understand the release of message contents easily by referring to
figure 1.2.
The second type of passive attack, traffic analysis is shown in figure 1.3.
In case of traffic analysis attack, the opponent tries to know the pattern of
message and with this pattern he/she may get some clues about the
communication that is taking place. He/she can even determine the location
and identity of communicating hosts and observe the frequency and length
of messages being exchanged. Assume that Bob sends a message using
some code or pattern to Alice (refer to figure 1.3), a third person Darth tries
to observe the pattern and may be able to understand the communication
In passive attacks, the opponent could guess the nature of the
communication that is taking place. It is very difficult for us to detect the
passive attacks. This is because the data will not get altered. So we are not
even aware that a third party has read the messages or observed the traffic
pattern. However we can avoid these attacks capturing the contents of our
messages or other information traffic by using a technique called encryption.
Encryption prevents the success of these attacks.
2. Active Attacks
An active attack is one in which an unauthorized change of the system is
attempted. This involves, for example, the alteration of originally transmitted
or stored data, or the creation of new data streams or false messages. We
cannot prevent these attacks easily.
Masquerade attacks (refer to figure 1.4a) are the attacks that use false or
fake identity in order to acquire or modify information, and in turn achieve an
Activity 1:
What example of a replayed message could lead to a masquerade
Self-Assessment Questions
4. Security attack is an action that compromises the security of
information in an organization. (State True or False)
5. A ___________ attack tries to make use of information from the
system but does not affect system resources.
6. Traffic analysis is a type of _____________ attack.
1) Authentication
The authentication service assures that the communication is authentic. If
the message is single, authentication service assures the recipient that the
message is from the source that it claims to be from. In the case of an on-
going interaction we need to take care of two aspects that are important for
connection of a terminal to a host. First, at the time of connection initiation,
there should be an assurance from the service that the two entities are
authentic and second, the service must assure that no interference is
present in the connection with no rumour for a third party for the purposes of
unauthorized transmission or reception.
Two specific authentication services defined in X.800 are:
i) Peer entity authentication: This service, when provided by the (N)-
layer, provides corroboration to the (N+1)-entity that the peer entity is
the claimed (N+1)-entity. This means service provides for the
corroboration of the identity of a peer entity in an association. When
two entities implement same protocol in different systems, they are
called peers.
ii) Data origin authentication: This service, when provided by the (N)-
layer, provides corroboration to an (N+1)-entity that the source of the
data is the claimed peer (N+1)-entity. In other words, this service
provides for the source corroboration of a data unit. This authentication
process does not provide any protection against the duplication or
modification of data units. This type of service supports applications
like email where no prior interaction takes palce between
communicating entities.
2) Access Control
In network security, access control means the ability to limit and control the
access to host systems and applications via communications links. We can
achieve protection against unauthorized access and use of resources. So it
is required to identify each entity trying to gain access, so that access rights
can be tailored to the individual.
3) Data Confidentiality
Data confidentiality is the protection of transmitted data from passive
attacks. So it is required to identify several levels of protection. The other
aspect of confidentiality is the protection of traffic flow from analysis. This
requires that an attacker not be able to observe the source and destination,
frequency, length, or other characteristics of the traffic on a communications
facility. The different types of confidentiality are:
i) Connection confidentiality: This service provides for the
confidentiality of all user-data on a connection
ii) Connectionless confidentiality: This service is about the
confidentiality of all user data in a single data block.
iii) Selective field confidentiality: This service provides for the
confidentiality of selected fields within the (N)-user-data on an (N)-
connection or in a single data block.
iv) Traffic flow confidentiality: This service protects the information
which might be derived from observation of traffic flows.
4) Data Integrity
Integrity can apply to a stream of messages, a single message, or selected
fields within a message. A connection-oriented integrity service deals with a
stream of messages. It assures that messages are received as sent with no
duplication, insertion, modification, reordering, or replays. This service also
addresses both message stream modification and denial of service. A
connectionless integrity service deals with individual messages. It provides
protection only against message modification.
Now we can make a distinction between service with and without recovery.
Since the integrity service relates to active attacks, the concern is usually
about detection rather than prevention. If any integrity violation is detected,
then the service simply reports this violation. So software or human
intervention is required in this case to recover from the violation. But there
are also mechanisms like automated recovery mechanisms available to
recover from the loss of integrity of data.
5) Nonrepudiation
Nonrepudiation prevents either the sender or the receiver from denying a
transmitted message. Thus, when a message is sent, the receiver can
prove that the alleged sender in fact sent the message. Similarly, when a
message is received, the sender can prove that the alleged receiver in fact
received the message.
Table 1.3 gives the relationship between security services and security
mechanisms. This is based on one in X.800.
Self-Assessment Questions
9. X.800 divides security services into _______________ categories.
10. _____________________ is the protection of transmitted data from
passive attacks.
11. _______________________ prevents either sender or receiver from
denying a transmitted message.
12. A _____________ encipherment mechanism is an encryption algorithm
that allows data to be encrypted and subsequently decrypted.
We know that hackers try to penetrate systems that can be accessed over a
network. A hacker may have no malign intent, but the habit of breaking and
entering a computer system which gives him some sort of satisfaction. The
intruder can be a dissatisfied employee who wishes to do damage or a
criminal who wants to exploit computer assets for financial needs or gain
(e.g., obtaining credit card numbers or performing illegal money transfers).
1.8 Summary
Let us recapitulate the important concepts discussed in this unit:
Computer security can be defined as “The protection afforded to an
automated information system in order to attain the applicable objectives
of preserving the integrity, availability, and confidentiality of information
system resources (includes hardware, software, firmware, information/
data, and telecommunications)”.
1.10 Answers
Self-Assessment Questions
1. Data confidentiality
2. CIA
3. Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
4. True
5. Passive
6. Passive
7. Active attack
8. Message replay
9. Five