Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration
Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration
Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration
The child demonstrates an understanding The child shall be able to manipulate • Sort and classify objects Week 3
of objects in the environment have objects based on properties or according to one
properties or attributes (e.g., color, size, attributes attribute/property (shape, color,
shapes, and functions) and that objects size, function/use)
can be manipulated based on these
1st properties and attributes PNEKPP-00-1
The child demonstrates an understanding The child shall be able to use arbitrary • Recognize and name the hour Week 6
of concepts of size, length, weight, time, measuring tools/means to determine and minute hands in a clock
and money size, length, weight of things around
him/her, time (including his/her own MKME-00-6
• Tell time by the hour
Measurement (ME)
concepts of size, length, weight, time, use arbitrary measuring tools/means 1. Tell which activities take
and money to determine size, length, weight of a longer or shorter time
things around him/her, time (including (recognize and names
his/her own schedule the things that can be
done in a minute, e.g.,
washing hands, etc., and
recognize and name the
things that can be done
in an hour)
2. Recognize that a clock
and a watch tell time
3. Recognize and name the
hour and minute hands
in a clock
4. Tell time by the hour
5. Tell the time of day
when activities are being
done, e.g., morning,
afternoon, night
6. Tell the number of days
in a week
7. Tell the names of the
days in a week, months
in a year